Accumulation Register Aggregate Wizard

Aggregate wizard is designed to configure aggregates for the accumulation register.

When the wizard form is opened, it contains table box Aggregates.

The leftmost column contains the aggregate state icon ("Aggregate" or "Always use aggregate") or error indicator (exclamation point icon).

Use column shows how the aggregate is used: Always or Auto. If Always is set, the aggregate should be marked as In Use when RebuildUse() method is called.

Periodicity column shows periodicity of the aggregate.

The table box also contains columns corresponding to the register dimensions. Each column displays usage of a dimension in the aggregate.

You can use the toolbar buttons to add, copy, or delete one or all aggregates.

When you edit an aggregate, it is checked for uniqueness of values of periodicity and dimension set. Only unique aggregates may be saved. If the aggregate being edited fails uniqueness check (when OK is pressed), this aggregate and its duplicate are marked with ! in the first column, and attempt to save returns message about duplicating aggregates. You must then specify different values.

List of optimal aggregates may be loaded from XML file using Load aggregates button. You must download them before that (see documentation for more details).

After loading, table box Optimal aggregates appears in the wizard form, and current aggregates are compared with the optimal ones. As a result of comparison, differing aggregates are marked appropriately. Optimal aggregates recommended for use are marked here, as well as current aggregates that may be deleted.

You should move recommended aggregates to the table of current aggregates. Move them using < and << buttons. << moves all optimal aggregates. Moving does not delete the current aggregates.

Delete marked current aggregates if necessary.

When moving is complete and wizard closed, perform database restructuring.

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