
Use this tab to specify the configuration compare and merge modes.

If you want to use an external tool for comparison and merging, in the External tool list, select the tool. Clicking Add or Edit opens the external tool settings dialog box.

In the Modules group, specify the module comparison settings:

  • Compare modules without parsing their structure. Use the standard module comparison window (Default method) or select an external tool (ensure that paths and options for comparing two files are specified for this tool).
  • Compare and merge two configurations. Use the standard configuration merge window (Default method) or select an external tool (ensure that paths and options for merging two files are specified for this tool).
  • Supported configuration update group:
    • Compare with "Get from..." mode and "Merge prioritizing..." rules. Use the standard module merge window (Default method) or select an external tool (ensure that paths and options for three-way merging are specified for this tool).
    • Compare with "Merge with external tool" rules. You can turn off this mode (Do not use) or select an external tool (ensure that paths and options for three-way merging are specified for this tool).
      • Set as default. If the check box is selected, during the update of a supported configuration the Merge with external tool mode is set for all modules.

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