Find and delete marked objects

To open this dialog box select the Operations - Delete Marked Objects menu item.

The upper part of the dialog box will contain a list of objects found in the infobase that are marked for deletion. You can open any of the objects by using the Open button.

Use the checkboxes provided to select objects for which you want to verify deletion is authorized.

To check for existing references to the objects marked for deletion, click the Check button.

The program will check for users using the given infobase and set exclusive mode. A message will appear if the infobase is in use.

The program will generate a list of references to the selected objects, and open a modal dialog box in which you can view reference list and perform deletion.

If you close the modal dialog box, then a list of references will display in the lower list for every selected object marked for deletion. You can open any of the references with the Open button.

The infobase can change while you are viewing the reference list. To refresh the reference list you need to exit the directory and reopen it, and then click the Search button.

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