

Connect(<Path>, <Name>, <SafeMode>)


<Path> (required)

Type: String.
Path to the external report.

<Name> (optional)

Type: String.
Name of the external report with which it will be registered in the system.
You cannot use identical names during a session. If the name is not specified, the name containing in the report itself is used.

<SafeMode> (optional)

Type: Boolean; String.
Indicates whether the external report is connected in safe mode. If the parameter is not specified, it is connected in safe mode.
If a string is specified, the external data processor will be executed in safe mode managed by the security profile with this name. The security profile should have SafeModeProfile=True.
Default value: True.

Returned value:

Type: String.


Connects the external report using the specified path. Only the path to configuration or database data can be used.
Returns the name of the connected external report.


Server, thick client, external connection.


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