
Syntax variant: By name




<Name> (required)

Type: String.
Name of created attribute.

Description of method variant:

Exception call reasons:
  • Attribute name contains characters invalid for XML standard.

Syntax variant: By local name and namespace URI


CreateAttribute(<NamespaceURI>, <QualifiedName>)


<NamespaceURI> (required)

Type: String.
Namespace URI.

<QualifiedName> (required)

Type: String.
Qualified name of an attribute.

Description of method variant:

Values table of attribute properties:
DOMDocument.NodeName - by the value of <QualifiedName> parameter;
DOMDocument.NamespaceURI - by the value of <NamespaceURI> parameter;
DOMDocument.Prefix - prefix from <QualifiedName> parameter or an empty string, if no prefix; DOMDocument.LocalName - local name from <QualifiedName> parameter;
TagName - by the value of <QualifiedName> parameter;
DOMDocument.NodeValue - empty string.
Exception call reasons:
  • Qualified name contains characters invalid for XML standard of this document;
  • Qualified name contains prefix invalid for this namespace URI value.

Returned value:

Type: DOMAttribute.
The node name (nodeName) is set to name. The local name (localName), prexif (prefix) and namespace URI (namespaceURI) are not set.
The attribute value is not set up either.


Creares new DOM node XML attribute.


Server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (server).


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