

Read and write.


Type: String.
A format string is a string value that contains the formatting parameters. The formatting parameters are separated with a ";" character. If this parameter is specified, it means that the formatting is not standard. If it is not a specified standard, the standard formatting is used. It generally means that the value is converted into a string. However, an empty string is returned for default values (0).
To set each parameter you have to type in the name of the parameter, the "=" symbol and the value of the parameter. You can specify the parameter value in quotes or double quotes. It is necessary when the value of the parameter contains symbols used in the syntax of the format string. You can specify arbitrary symbols within the parameter value. These symbols will be displayed "as is" when the resulting string is formed.
Names and values of the format string parameters:
ND - Total number of displayed decimal places. The initial number is rounded according to the rules for this Round15as20. If this parameter is specified, use the NFD parameter to display the fractional part, as otherwise the fractional part will not be displayed.
NFD - Number of decimal places in the fractional part. The initial number is rounded according to the rules for this Round15as20.
NS - Bit shift: positive - division, negative - multiplication. It means that the initial number will be multiplied or deleted by 10*C, where "C" is the absolute value of the parameter.
NDS - Separator of whole and fractional parts.
NGS - Separator of groups of digits in the whole part.
NZ - A string that represents zero value of a number. If it is not specified, it is represented as an empty string, but if "NZ=" is entered, then it is represented as as "0".
NLZ - Flag to display leading zeros. This parameter does not have a value. If this parameter is present, it means that any leading zeros are displayed.
NG - The order of grouping decimal digits of a number. The value of this parameter consists of comma-separated values indicating the quantity of grouped decimal digits from right to left. Only the two first numbers are meaningful. The first number shows the initial grouping. i.e. any grouping that will be used for the least significant digits of the number integral part. If the second number is not specified in NG, only the least significant digits will be grouped. If the second number is 0, the value specified for the initial grouping will be applied to all the digits in the integral part of the number. If the second number is not 0, this value will be used for grouping all of the digits other than than the least significant ones already grouped.
NN - negative numbers representation.
    • 0 - string "(1,1)";
    • 1 - string "(-1,1)";
    • 2 - string "(-1.1)";
    • 3 - string "1,1-";
    • 4 - string "1,1 -".


Thin client, web-client, server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (client), Mobile application (server).


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