1C:Enterprise 8
Version 8.2.19
Version 8.2.18
Version 8.2.17
Version 8.2.16
Version 8.2.15
Version 8.2.14
Version 8.2.13
Version 8.2.12
Version 8.2.11
Version 8.2.10
Version 8.2.9
Version 8.2.19 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.
- Support of Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 (32 bit) web browser is implemented.
The Clear input button that is generated by the web browser for text boxes containing at least one non-space character functions exactly like the standard text box Clear button.
- When a register record set is being written without replacement to an independent information register, the DataExchange.Load property can be set to True.
- 1C:Enterprise servers do not shut down on attempts to process nonexistent items of universal value collections. These attempts are written to the technological log as excp events.
- 1C:Enterprise supports Microsoft Windows Server 2012 operating system.
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- In the web client, the error message about a connection loss is modified.
In the web client, an action can be resumed if during its execution the connection was lost and the action could not modify data on the server. In this case, the user is prompted to retry the request.
- In Google Chrome web browser version 30, the check whether the pop-up blocker is enabled is more reliable.
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- Optimized performance while starting a large number of clients with short intervals between starts.
- In order to enhance scalability and performance of 1C:Enterprise server cluster, the internal platform mechanisms are improved.
- Individual indexes by separators are created for independent information registers that do not have dimensions.
- In object tables, an additional index is implemented for separators with the Independently and simultaneously separation mode. The index includes the separator value and the primary table key. The index eliminates DBMS lock escalations in some table processing scenarios.
- In the web client, performance of the following spreadsheet document operations is improved: opening spreadsheet documents, row scrolling, and page scrolling.
- In the thick and thin clients, improved performance for opening managed forms that contain graphical schema fields with a large number of elements (more than 1000).
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- When items of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, and chart of calculation types are read from XML files using the ReadXML() method, the PredefinedDataName item of the read data is not processed. You can load exchange files generated in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.3 and later versions.
- Ordinary forms containing picture fields that were created in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 in Version 8.2.16 compatibility mode now can be opened.
- When thin clients connect to an infobase using HTTPS, the web server certificate is verified, provided that the root certificate for the web server certificate is included in the cacert.pem file on the client computer from which the connection is attempted.
- Improved 1C:Enterprise server reliability.
- Improved view of dotted lines when printing PDF spreadsheet documents from a web client that is running in Mozilla Firefox web browser version 20 or later.
To have the dotted lines printed correctly in spreadsheet documents in Mozilla Firefox, and also to ensure the correct size of all printed elements, it is recommended that you set the PrintAccuracy property of the spreadsheet document to Accurate. In this case web client will save the spreadsheet document as a file. In other cases, it will open the document in a preview window.
- 1С Enterprise server clusters are now more robust against network connection losses. If a TCP connection between a working process and 1C:Enterprise cluster manager is lost, the working process is not shut down immediately, it attempts to reestablish the connection first. Working processes are only shut down if the attempt to reestablish the connection is unsuccessful or if the connection is lost due to a cluster manager shutdown.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.19.
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Version 8.2.18 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.
- For the <ws> tag of the default.vrd publishing file, the pointEnableCommon attribute is implemented. It specifies whether web services whose description does not include the enable attribute of the <point> tag will be published (this attribute defines whether a given web service will be published).
- Native clients for Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and Microsoft SQL Server 2012 are now supported.
- IBM DB2 version 10.1 database management system support.
- Subject and Issuer properties of the CryptoCertificate object can contain items with the following names (in addition to existing ones):
- SN – the string field corresponds to the value of the surname certificate field.
- GN - the string field corresponds to the value of the given name certificate field.
- T – the string field corresponds to the value of the title certificate field.
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- The 1C:Enterpise server cluster numbering service is optimized. This prevents server performance degradation over time.
- Optimized performance of thin and thick clients connected to a network-located file infobase during simultaneous access by multiple users. Improved performance of various infobase operations, including opening and editing object forms, viewing list forms, writing objects, posting documents, and so on.
- Improved 1C:Enterprise server scalability under heavy load from a large number of users.
- Increased performance of StrLineCount() and StrGetLine() functions when they are executed in thin client, thick client and on the server.
- Optimized receiving mail using the InternetMail object.
- Optimized performance of the ValueIsFilled() function when the function parameter is an expression that consists of getting a property of any nesting level for any variable (either using "dot" or using the [] operator).
- In the document journal table, added indexing by the Ref field. This provides performance optimization for dynamic lists of document journals and for the search by string in document journals.
- Optimized generation of Microsoft SQL Server DBMS queries:
- Reduced number of dublicate query plans.
- Reduced number of query compilations.
- Reduced query plan cache size.
- Faster response of certain queries.
- Improved query plan generation in certain cases.
- Optimized performance of dynamic lists and dynamic database sampling in descending order, and these operations are further optimized for Microsoft SQL Server environment.
The restructuring operation is optimized for Microsoft SQL Server environment as well.
- In the client/server mode with enabled managed locks, modified the process of generating new references to infobase objects. References are always generated sequentially for all 1C:Enterprise server connections to the DBMS server. This provides reduced fragmentation of tables and indexes in the database, as well as optimization of insertion and read operations on database table records.
- Optimized performance of load balancing in a server cluster.
- Optimized retrieving of applied objects from the database in the following cases: calling the GetObject() method for an applied object that does not have a tabular section, and getting properties from a reference using "." (dot).
- Optimized performance of 1C:Enterprise server while executing queries to objects with data access restrictions.
- Optimized performance of Microsoft SQL Server operations that use the IN (...) construction with a single list value.
- Optimized performance while starting client applications, background jobs, and scheduled jobs.
- Optimized system performance under heavy load due to frequent background job execution and web service calls.
- Reduced time for opening managed forms.
The optimization has the maximum effect in the following scenario: a thin client is connected to a network-located file infobase with simultaneous access by multiple users.
- Improved performance of certain types of queries in the file infobase. For example:
- Queries of type SELECT TOP 1 ...
- Comparison of two lists using the IN operator: ... (Object, Invoice) IN (&ListOfObjectsAndBatches) ...
- Optimized performance of client applications connected to a network-located file infobase. It is recommended that you compress the infobase table after bulk data changes.
- In the web client, optimized performance of opening and scrolling of spreadsheet documents that contain a large number of columns.
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- In a web client that is running in Google Chrome, calling the GetFile() method does not open an additional browser window.
- If the extension for cryptoprotection is enabled in a web client that is running in Microsoft Internet Explorer, the dialog box where the user is prompted to confirm accessing the private key or the file system on their computer is opened on top of all other windows.
- When an exception occurs in a server method of a managed form, the client application displays the form that has exactly the same appearance as the form on the server side had at the moment of exception. This prevents situations when changes in the form appearance that were performed on the server before the exception occurred are not transferred to the client side of the application.
- In the web client that runs in Google Chrome version 26, the File upload dialog box is modified. To upload a file, drag it to the File upload dialog box and click OK.
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- The distribution kit for Windows includes the HASP driver version 6.51.29439.1. The name of the file that installs or removes the driver is haspdinst.exe. The new version number is included in the names of the Start menu shortcuts.
- On Linux, in the PathToCryptoModule parameter (the second parameter of the CryptoManager object constructor), you can specify paths to multiple libraries that simultaneusly implement an interface similar to Microsoft Crypto API. The paths are separated by ":" (colon). This provides support for all versions of the CryptoPro provider for Linux.
To ensure compatibility with both old and new CryptoPro versions, it is recommended that you specify the PathToCryptoModule parameter of the CryptoManager object constructor as follows: /opt/cprocsp/lib/amd64/libcapilite.so:/opt/cprocsp/lib/amd64/libcapi10.so:/opt/cprocsp/lib/amd64/libcapi20.so
- You can use HTTP query headers, process return codes, get and set the query body as a string or binary data. The HTTPRequest, HTTPResponse objects are implemented.
For the HTTPConnection object, the following changes are implemented:
- The Put(), Post(), Get(), and Delete() methods return values of HTTPResponse type.
- For Put(), Post(), Get(), and Delete() methods, the syntax for processing HTTP requests generated by 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.
- The OpenID pass-through authentication protocol implementation is revised. The implementation corresponds to the Direct Identity version 2.0 mode of the OpenID protocol.
Modified format of the OpenID provider address in the default.vrd file (the url attribute of the rely item): httрs://<address of the OpenID provider infobase>/e1cib/oid2op. The default authentication lifetime is 24 hours. Maximum duration of authentication is 168 hours.
Modified the protocol for interaction between the relying party and the OpenID provider.
In the authentication dialog box, you can disable storing authentication data.
For web client, implemented a dialog box for entering the user name and password on the OpenID provider side.
- The add-in technology now supports Mozilla Firefox browser version 19.0. You can use add-in adapters for Mozilla Firefox 19.0 in the later versions of the web browser without recompiling the adapters. It is recommended that you specify only the minimum version of the web browser in the add-in manifest file.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.18.
- To create an index by the Ref field in a document journal table, you can do one of the following:
- Make changes that lead to restructuring of one or several selected document journals.
- Restructure the tables during the verification and repair of the infobase.
- For infobases that use the OpenID authentication, you have to change the publishing settings in the default.vrd file.
- For the file infobase, it is recommended that you perform the compression of infobase tables after transition from any of previous versions.
- If the current configuration is updated to a new version that has version 8.2.16 or later compatibility mode set and the update is performed using 1C:Enteprise version 8.2.15 or earlier, this can lead to mismatches between metadata description and database structure. Starting the configuration in the 1C:Enterprise mode also becomes unavailable, an error occurs during the startup and the system is shut down. Mismatches occur if any of the following configuration objects are used in the applied solution: scheduled job, constant, exchange plan, accumulation register, or accounting register.
To fix the issue, run the infobase verification and repair. The check for mismatches between metadata description and database structure is performed every time, regardless of the states of the check boxes in the Verifications and modes list. If the "verification and repair" operation is started in the verification only mode and mismatches are detected, a message describing the problem and the solution recommendations is displayed.
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- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 DBMS is now supported.
- Mozilla Firefox 15 web browser is now supported (Windows, Linux).
- You can use the Native Client to access Microsoft SQL Server. If both servers are located at the same computer, you can use the SHARED MEMORY protocol in the Native Client (available since Microsoft SQL Server 2005).
- The following functionalities are added to 1C:Enterprise script: switching between form opening modes (in separate windows or in tabs); showing or hiding the Sections, Navigation, and Action panels; and managing client connection speed.
The following properties are implemented for the ClientSettings object: ClientConnectionSpeed, ApplicationFormsOpenningMode, ShowSectionPanel, and ShowNavigationAndActionsPanels.
The SectionPanelRepresentation property is implemented for the CommandInterfaceSettings object.
- The web client and web services can be published at Microsoft Internet Information Services 8.0 web server. You can have them published both from Designer or by using the webinst utility.
- You can get the number of milliseconds that passed since January, 1, year 0001, 0:00:00 UTC using the CurrentUniversalDateInMilliseconds() function.
- The privileged session mode is implemented. In this mode the access rights and data access restrictions are not verified. The privileged mode can be enabled only on session start and only for a user that has administrative rights. To enable the privileged session mode, use the UsePrivilegedMode option of the client application command line (also works for the web client) or prmod=1 option in the connection string.
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- User names and passwords that are passed to WSProxy, WSDefinitions, and HTTPConnection objects can contain special URL characters, except colon (:).
- The thin client can authenticate at a web server accepting HTTP Basic authentication user names and passwords in UTF-8 encoding.
- In the training version, the maximum number of items is increased for business processes, tasks, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, charts of calculation types, charts of accounts, exchange plans, information register record sets, accounting register record sets, accumulation register record sets, and calculation register record sets.
The current limitations are:
- maximum number of records in account tables: changed from 500 to 2000;
- maximum number of records in main object tables: changed from 200 to 2000;
- maximum number of records in object tabular sections: no changes (1000 records);
- maximum number of records in record sets: changed from 1000 to 2000.
- The software license activation dialog box is now more intuitive and user-friendly.
The option to activate a software license for a specific user is removed; activation is always performed for all users on the computer.
- The algorithm for printing spreadsheet documents from the web client was modified. The number of copies specified in the Copies field is added to the PDF or HTML document prepared for sending to printer. The Collate and PerPage properties are also taken into account.
- Improved view of dotted lines when printing PDF spreadsheet documents from a web client that is running in Google Chrome web browser.
To have the dotted lines printed correctly in spreadsheet documents in Google Chrome, and also to ensure the correct size of all printed elements, it is recommended that you set the PrintAccuracy property of the spreadsheet document to Accurate.
- Status codes for 1C:Enterprise errors returned to a client by the web server comply with generally accepted standards. Trapping errors with 4XX codes is not recommended because this hinders regular application functioning. Errors 500, 502, and 503 are used as intended and can be trapped.
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- For non-predefined catalog items, the GetPredefinedItemName() catalog manager method returns the following:
- for 1C:Enterprise of versions up to 8.2.13 (including 8.2.13), an empty string;
- for 1C:Enterprise of versions 8.2.14–8.2.16 (including 8.2.16), the UNDEFINED value;
- for 1C:Enterprise of version 8.2.17 and later, an empty string.
- If a client application connected to a 1C:Enterprise server via a web server receives an exception in plain text or HTML format (instead of internal 1C:Enterprise exception format), the client application still will display the server response. The thin client supports the text/plain format. the web client supports text/plain and text/html formats.
- Web browser setup process is changed for all supported versions of Mozilla Firefox. To have access to full platform functionality in this browser, you have to install 1C:Enterprise Extension. You will be prompted to install the extension on the first start of the web client on your computer. Alternatively, you can use the main menu command Tools - Web browser setup to open the dialog for installing and updating 1C:Enterprise Extension.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors, and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to version 8.2.17.
- The issue with license compatibility for basic configurations versions is resolved.
The thin and thick clients of 1C:Enterprise version or later recognize digital signatures that were generated by any platform version.
Digital signatures generated by 1C:Enterprise version earlier than are not recognized by the following clients:
- Thin clients of 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.14, 8.2.15, and 8.2.16
- Thick and thin clients of 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.13 or earlier
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Version 8.2.16 includes known bug fixes and some functionality modifications.
- The possibility to set the timeout for operations of interaction with the network resource is implemented for the objects: HTTPConnection, WSProxy, WSDefinitions, InternetMailProfile and when calling the CreateWSProxy() method.
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- When the error occurs during installation of add in, file system extension or cryptographic tools extension, while using the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser, a link to a page with description of ActiveX security settings is displayed (along with the error text) in the error window.
- The main menu command Help – Peculiarities of web browser setup, in the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, opens the help page containg links to the following help pages:
- Setup of web browser for obtaining files
- Setup of web browser for working with extensions and add-ins
- Description of full web browser setup.
- On the first call of the GetFile() global context method by the specified address of the infobase, when the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser is used, a notification is displayed. It contains a hyperlink to the help page with description of settings, required for obtaining files.
- On the first open of the main application window by the specified address of the infobase, and also every time the additional application window is opened, the web browser pop-up blocker operating is checked. If the pop-up blocker is active then the web client stops executing code and the following actions are performed:
- For the Mozilla Firefox web browser the settings dialog is displayed, using which the required settings can be .
- The instruction on settings is opened for other web browsers.
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- The reverse proxy is now supported. When setting up the proxi-server specify the necessity to generated the X-Forwarded-* headers in the http-query.
- Сonfigurations with unknown compatibility mode are not supported. Compatibility modes with later 1C:Enterprise versions are considered unknown. For example, if you set the compatibility mode to Do not use in version 8.3.1, it is considered unknown when the configuration is opened in version 8.2.16. Furthermore, if you set the compatibility mode to Version 8.2.16, it is displayed as Do not use when the configuration is opened in version 8.2.16.
If you attempt to run or load the configuration with unknown compatibility mode, an error message is displayed, informing you about the required 1C:Enterprise version. If new compatibility mode is not set in a specific 1C:Enterprise version, the effect of the Do not use mode is the same as it was in the previous version.
You cannot load 1cv8.dt files generated in version 8.3.1 or later with an earlier versions of 1C:Enterprise. The only exception is when the Compatibility mode property is set to Version 8.2.16 in version 8.3.1.
- During the sofware license binding check title and version of Linux operating system are not used.
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- In the thin and web clients, you have the option to log out using the new command File - Log off <User name> (or using the /authoff command line option). After logging out, the authentication parameters are not stored anywhere, and on the next authentication the user is prompted to provide the user name and password.
The user name is stored between sessions to simplify the authentication process when the authentication is denied by the OpenID provider (for example, the lifetime of the authentication flag is elapsed).
The OpenID authentication algorithm is improved, HTTPS interaction is implemented.
The OpenIDAuthentication user property is implemented.
- Search for software licenses in the following directories is implemented:
- on Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\licenses (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\licenses - for Windows Vista and later).
- on Linux: /var/1C/licenses.
1C:Enterprise searches for licenses in this directory after it checks all of the license directories listed in the documentation.
On Windows, if a software license is not found in the licenses directory and the directory %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\1C\1Cv8 (%LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv8 for Windows Vista or later) exists, the search is performed in the directory %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\1C\1Cv8\Conf (%LOCALAPPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\Conf for Windows Vista or later).
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.16.
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Version 8.2.15 includes known bug fixes and some functionality modifications.
- PostgreSQL 9.0.3 DBMS is now supported.
- The Count() method is implemented for the StandardAttributeDescriptions object.
- The <system> event is implemented in the technological log. The event manages registration of "1C:Enterprise" system events, intended to analyze by experts of "1C Company".
- The default technological log is implemented. This log registers events occurring in critical situations (from "1C:Enterprise" functioning point of view). List of events written in the log is not documented. Another possibility is implemented to set location of the log and number of hours; upon the time out the information will be removed from the log by default.
- The possibility to create subscriptions for events of manager modules is implemented.
- The manager object is implemented for the FilterCriterion object. The FormGetProcessing event implemented in the manager module of the filter criterion.
- The About 1C:Enterprise dialog now includes the information on how the license was obtained: by client application or server.
- Cluster administration console displays information on license for the following objects:
- Session (in the list and in the session properties)
- Working process (in the list and in the working process properties).
- The License property is implemented for the ISessionInfo object. The property contains information on client license used by the session.
- The License property is implemented for the IWorkingProcessInfo object. The property contains information on client license used by the working process.
- The ILicenseInfo object is implemented. The object contains parameters of the client license obtained.
- The possibility to save spreadsheet documents to file of PDF format is implemented.
- The PrintAccuracy property is implemented for spreadsheet documents. It manages the spreadsheet print mode in Google Chrome.
- The IPv6 protocol is now supported.
- The Select() method is implemented for the StandardSettingsStorageManager object.
- Implemented the pass-through user authentication, which uses an OpenID-bases protocol version 2.0 (by Direct Identity model). The possibility to use an infobase as the OpenID-provider is implemented. This OpenID provider performs authentication in checkid_immediate mode. The dialog of application being launched is used for entering the user name and password. The openid element is implemented for the default.vrd file. The OIDA command line parameter is implemented for the thick- and web clients.
- When merging configurations (including vendor configuration update) it is possible to set order rules for objects existing only in the loaded configurations and marked for merging (transition) to the main configuration.
- Implemented generation of quieries to DBMS using ODBC escape sequences for external data sources with "Other" type and for the following functions and expressions of query language: SUBSTRING, YEAR, QUARTER, MONTH, DAYOFYEAR, DAY, WEEK, WEEKDAY, HOUR, MINUTE, SECOND, DATEDIFF, ISNULL, CAST, ESCAPE, JOIN, LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN.
- Implemented support of file mode infobase for OS Linux 64-bit.
- ReturnCode parameter is implemented for RunApp() and RunSystem() global context methods. This parameter is used for obtaining return code of launched application, if it is possible.
- Implemented the possibility in the configuration check mechanism to search for invalid links to predefined values for charts of accounts (if extra dimensions are specified for the chart of accounts) and for charts of calculation types. This check is performed if the Find unresolved references checkbox is set in the Configuration check dialog.
- Implemented the possibility to write the excp events to the technological log if the error requesting of the HTTP-resource is returned.
- When writing excp events of the technological log the value of descr property may contain identifiers and descriptions of all exceptions nested in each other.
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- When the standard function Totals Management form is opened, it only displays registers for which all required separators (taking the conditional separation into account) are used in the current session (when the form is opened). Previously the form did not open at all if at least one separator was used for at least one register.
- The list of available fields of the form (in the Change form dialog) is not cached for the session anymore, and is generated every time when the dialog is opened.
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- For a managed form fields displaying a complex type attribute, performance of opening the quick choice list is improved for cases when reference types with different quick choice settings are included in content of complex type.
- The impact of the debugging mode on the operation speed in "1C:Enterprise" mode is reduced for thick client, thin client, server and external connection.
- Database operation is optimized for the cases when two or more separators are used or separator of String type is used.
- Optimized writing of accumulation and accounting register records in the IBM DB2. The optimization is effective when operating with IBM DB2 9.7 FP5 (build 27892). It is recommended to update DBMS to the specified version. When using IBM DB2 of earlier versions negative impact on system performance is possible.
- Client application launch is optimized.
- Optimized operations using the IN (…) expression with many parameters in the list when operating with PostgreSQL.
- Optimized opening of a form in the web client when using large number of elements in the form conditional appearance.
- Optimized opening of report form containing large number of elements of conditional appearance in the web client.
- Optimized opening of a managed form displaying one or several dynamic lists, containing large number of conditional appearance elements.
- Operation with the Oracle Database is optimized for certain operations.
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- The message file specified by the Out command line option is opened in mode allowing shared reading. When Designer is launched in the batch mode writing to this file is performed immediately, and is not buffered.
- When operating with SMTP-server using InternetMail object, it does not disconnect from SMTP-server when the error 501 occurs.
- If RunModeOrdinaryApplication command line option is specified in the command line of launcher or in the additional startup options (in the infobase options), the thick client is started with indication of this command line option if the connection to the infobase is performed not through a web server. If RunModeManagedApplication command line option is specified in the command line of launcher, then the client application starts, which is selected based on the infobase settings, specified in the list of infobases. If any of these command line options (RunModeOrdinaryApplication or RunModeManagedApplication) is specified, then the mechanism of automatic selection of client application is disabled except for the case when user has explicitly specified the AppAutoCheckMode option in the command line.
- Implemented the directory to store copies of basic versions licenses (%APPDATA%\1C\licenses). If any basic licenses located in 1C:Enterprise license directories version 8.0 or version 8.1 are found upon launching of a basic version of an application, they are copied to this directory. The search for basic version licenses is performed in the following order: the directory of licenses of version 8.2, directory of copies of previous versions of licenses, directory of licenses of version 8.1, licenses of version 8.0.
- When an infobase is being restructured, the check of the uniqueness of the code/number (for documents, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, business processes and tasks) is performed only if the code/number length is greater than 0 and uniqueness check is enabled.
- The Input by string right check in managed forms is implemented for text boxes, located in the form, in the table, and cell of a spreadsheet document (if it has Contains value property set).
- The boundary values for the display period are directly set in the virtual table parameters if the managed form displays a dynamic list which main table is a virtual table with BeginOfPeriod and StartOfPeriod parameters.
- In Designer: available fields in the dynamic list settings dialog are displayed as fields' names, not as their presentations.
- If in the given infobase the first register record is written for the accumulation register or accounting register for the present set of separators, and the given register settings table is empty, then the register is locked entirely (for the current set of separators). In addition, for the turnover accumulation register the table of settings of aggregates will be locked entirely if the table of aggregate settings is empty for the given register and current set of separators.
- If a license is not found upon client application start, then in the displayed dialog the Details button is available to view the log of the license search.
- In the About 1C:Enterprise dialog the history of licenses which were used with the given infobase is displayed only for users with the Administration right.
- If a client application is connected through a web server, licenses obtained for this client application are not listed in the cluster administration console and are not saved in the list of licensed used for the infobase.
- During the license binding check only two first digits of Windows OS version number are used.
- During the license binding check only absence of previously installed devices is taken into account, not installation of new ones. The face of increasing RAM does not lead to re-obtaining the license. Re-obtaining the license is needed if the volume of RAM has become less than when license was obtaines. Due to the changed rules of check of the list of devices:
- If a license was obtained by version 8.2.14 or earlier, then the binding is checked for full match with the of list of devices.
- If license is obtained by version 8.2.15 or older, then the binding is checked only by list of devices, installed at the moment the binding is done.
- In order to check license binding obtained by version 8.2.14 or earlier only by list of devices installed at the moment the binding created, you need to update the license using the version 8.2.15.
- In tabs operation mode, opening a form from a modal window is always performed in a separate window. In this case the Window parameter of OpenForm() and GetForm() methods is ignored.
- Implemented support for time zones unknown to "1C:Enterprise". It is not recommended to store such time zones in the database or pass them to the third-party systems. If the TimeZone() method at server returns a time zone which is not supported by 1C:Enterprise, then it is recommended to use the time zone which is supported by.
- When a configuration is loaded from a file, an update file etc., the exchange plan (with enabled Distributed infobase property) registers only changes in the current configuration (modified, removed and added objects), not in the full configuration.
- When establishing an encrypted connection between a client application and a cluster, as well as between the debugger and the item being debugged, the algorithm of check whether server IP-address belongs to the current host (local computer) is modified. The IP-address belongs to the current host if the list of IP-addresses of the current host overlaps the list of addresses provided by DNS.
- The XDTO-serialization of the Picture object is modified. Picture can be successfully restored if there is a picture with the same name in the target configuration.
- NotifyChanged() method call leads to clearing of caches relating to the changed objects at client application side.
- In the header and footer cells of managed form tables only those lines are displayed which completely fit the cell height.
- Implemented the possibility to call SetString() method of HTMLReader object without specifying the Encoding method parameter.
- The 'index by dimensions' is of cluster type for new independent and non-periodic information registers. When creating first scheduled job the 'index by job' identified is cluster also. To create necessary indices in the existing infobase one of the following actions can be performed:
- Execute database restructuring.
- Load infobase from a .dt file.
- Moved from the OpenSSL version 0.9.8a to OpenSSL version 1.0.1.
- If InputFileName parameter is specified for GetEventLogFilterValues() and UnloadEventLog() methods, they open log file in the mode which allows shared writing. This offers the opportunity to read event log of other 1C:Enterprise operating entity.
- For locking-type DBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2) changing infobase users in transaction no longer conflicts with authentication process, except for the case:
- User data were modified.
- The transaction that the midification was done is not complete.
- The user tries to perform authentication.
- The latest versions of web-browsers – Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari and Google Chrome – are supported without specifying a specific version supported. The Microsoft Internet Explorer is supported as before – with explicit indication of supported version of thebrowser.
- Recommendations for implementation of external components, compatible with "1C:Enterprise" earlier than version 8.2 are removed from the external component creation technology description.
- The call of RepresentDataChange() or NotifyChanged() methods, or writing an object in a form it updates presentations of references in managed form tables associated with a form attributes of FormDataCollection, FormDataTree, FormDataStructureAndCollection types and in the form fields of Label type. In addition, calling the NotifyChanged() method updates presentations of references in a form fields of Text box type. Also, at writing an object in a form it updates presentations of references in the form tables, associated with dynamic lists.
- The dialog of type selection in the client application contains only types for which the current user has the View right.
- Table box cell (in ordinary forms) and table cell (in managed forms) displays up to 20000 characters. This restriction affects working with text from the Script and generation of the tooltip text.
- Implemented the possibility to print spreadsheet documents in a web client using documents in PDF format. Implemented Print method setting in the web client options dialog.
- If data composition system parameter expression contains other parameters all of these parameters have no values specified, the following is used as a value of this calculated parameter:
- If the parameter is selected on the Parameters tab of the Settings tab of the Data Composition Schema wizard, the value specified in the data composition settings is used.
- If the parameter is not selected on the Parameters tab of the Settings tab of the Data Composition Schema wizard, the default value of this parameter specified in the data composition schema is used.
- If the number of managed locks in a single space exceeds 20000 in a single transaction, the lock escalation occurs and the space is locked entirely.
When using independent separators, lock escalation is performed for a single set of separators values:
- The entire space is locked only within separator values.
- The escalation does not affect sessions with other separator values.
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- If one of the command line parameters defining application operation mode (RunModeOrdinaryApplication or RunModeManagedApplication) is used in the client application launch, this parameter is passed through to the client application being started from a parent client application using RunSystem() and Exit() global context methods (with indication that restart is required).
- RefreshInterface() method call does not trigger the OnOpen event handler of the managed form for opened forms.
- The format of navigation links is modified. Quotes (") are removed from link texts, and parameter values (after = symbol) are encoded in correspondence with the chapter 2.2. URL Character Encoding Issues of RFC 1738 (using % symbol and two hexadecimal symbols) for dimension values of information registers and table keys of external data sources. If the information register dimension is of complex type and type name is specified in dimension value, then type name is also encoded. Navigation links created by version 8.2.15 do not work in previous versions.
- In the external components technology implemented support of Mozilla Firefox browser version 6.0. External components adapters for Mozilla Firefox version 6.0 will work with newer versions of the browser without recompilation. For the manifest file of external components working in Mozilla Firefox it is recommended to specify only minimal required number of version of the browser.
- New version of linguistic sorting is implemented for Oracle Database DBMS (lx327c6.nlt file). The new version is based on UNICODE 6.0 standard, also Russian Е and Ё letters are discerned. Instalation of the new version is not required. "1C:Enterprise" can operate either old or new version of linguistic sorting. If an infobase is loaded from .dt file then indices will be automatically created in the new sorting version (if it is installed in the system).
- If the AutoMarkIncomplete is set to True for a text box then for a web client the MarkIncomplete property of this field is updated in correspondence with the value displayed by this field, on each modification of this value.
- If authentication separation is used in an applied solution and the corresponding separators are not used in the current session then using FindByName() method of InfoBaseUsersManager object throws exception.
- The type.xml configuration file used in Linux OS for calculation of the font metrics is located in conf/grcmncfg subdirectory of 1C:Enterprise binary files directory. The $HOME environment variable is no longer used when searching for this configuration file.
- When operating with the configuration repository the "1C:Enterprise" used by the repository server should be the same as the one used by the Designer.
- If the document property Add register records on posting is set to Record selected value, then after document is written from the regular form the modification flag of register record sets, included into Register records collection of the written document, is cleared.
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- Conversion of configuration repository, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from version 8.2.14 to version 8.2.15. Specific case is described below.
- If data separation is used in an infobase then the Designer should be run once. At that, there should be no client connection established (including those with opening the authentication dialog), before starting to work with this infobase. When the conversion is complete, the infobase can be accessed using the version 8.2.14.
- After installation of version 8.2.15 on Linux OS, config_server utility should be launched to create type.xml file in the conf/grcmncfg subdirectory of the binary files' directory.
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Version 8.2.14 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.
- The mechanism of common attributes implemented. It allows adding attributes to different metadata objects without modificating them.
- The mechanism of separating data implemented. It allows storing data, splitting into separate data areas in one infobase. Operation with the data areas is independent.
- Implemented the possibility to obtain data from external data sources. The ODBC interface is used. In order to access data from the external data sources you can uses object model, query language and data composition system. Manage external data sources standard function implemented. ExternalDataSource metadata object implemented.
- Extended list of logical integrity issues, which can be detected and recovered by the configuration check.
- RunApp() global context method operates at server.
- The AllFunctionsMode access right implemented.
- Implemented the possibility to merge managed forms, at that merge rules can be specifiedfor different form parts. Managed form comparison report implemented.
- Context tooltip in the module editor opens after entering the <> operator.
- Implemented the possibility to authenticate web client session using the POST-query to the e1cib/start address. Parameters transferred in the query body take precedence of query string parameters. Use of HTTPS protocol is recommended for sending the query.
- Context tooltip implemented for parameters of some methods, if the parameters are specified by string literals. Automatic tooltip on typing quotation marks parameter implemented in Designer settings.
- Multiline text editing implemented in managed form editor for the Title property of the form command, attribute, attribute column and group (of Column group type) and Footer of form table field.
- Extended module check mode implemented. This mode provides checking for calls to object methods and properties "using dot" for some types, and validation of some parameters (String type) for some methods.
- Mask property implemented for cells and pictures of spreadsheet documents.
- Report form extension handlers implemented: BeforeLoadDataFromSettingsAtServer(), BeforeLoadVariantAtServer() and BeforeLoadUserSettingsAtServer().
- SavedInSettingsDataModified property implemented for managed forms. If this property is set to True and the form has been forced to save the form data automatically, then data is saved in the settings during the form close.
- Implemented the possibility to edit the access restrictions templates, defined for all roles, in one window.
- Dump and load of common pictures using Designer commands Configuration – Dump configuration files and Load configuration files implemented. Picture parameters implemented for DumpConfigFiles and LoadConfigFiles options of the batch mode of Designer startup.
- Dump and load of access rights using Designer commands Configuration – Dump configuration files and Load configuration files implemented. Right parameter implemented for DumpConfigFiles and LoadConfigFiles options of the batch mode of Designer startup.
- Using separate table space in the Oracle Database, when ORA-01450 error is raised during infobase restructure or loading infobase (from .dt file) is now supported. Table space (V81C_INDEX_BIG) is not created automatically and must be created by a database administrator.
- Possibility to specify named parameters in data access restriction templates implemented. Use # character in front of the parameter name when referring to the parameter in template body. Possibility to use predefined templates #CurrentTableName and #CurrentAccessRightName in texts of data access restriction is implemented. Possibility to use StrContains function and + operator for preprocessor expressions (in data access restriction texts) implemented.
- IMAP protocol support implemented.
- Possibility to display managed form tabs to the left and to the right from the Pages form item implemented.
- Implemented support of GoTo operator in the web client.
- Pictures added to the picture library: Picture, Char.
- Possibility to specify a functional option for common form is implemented. If the common form is disabled by functional option, its standard command (of the form) is not displayed in the interface.
- The webinst utility now can update publication, delete publication and specify OS authentication for executing the publication.
- DBMS query plan can be written in the technological log. You must add the <plansql> element and planSQLText property for events of SQL operator execution for different DBMSs in the configuration file.
- International domain names are supported for the HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects according to the RFC-3490.
- Open by value standard command implemented for the Task object.
- VerifyAccessRight() global context function implemented. If current user does not have the verified right, then the function raises exception and writes the Access.AccessDenied event in the event log.
- BackColor property implemented for managed form field extension. Property can be used only if a field is placed in the form table.
- The possibility to filter configuration objects, not included in any subsystem, is implemented. <Not in any subsystem> option is implemented in the subsystems tree of the filter dialog.
- Implemented the possibility to include functional options and functional options' parameters in the subsystems content.
- Possibility to create common forms for report, report settings and report variant is implemented. The common forms can be specified as properties values, indicating the corresponding forms. Configuration properties DefaultReportForm, DefaultReportVariantForm and DefaultReportSettingsForm implemented. Forms, specified in these properties, are used if corresponding forms are not set for the report.
- An array can be passed as a parameter for the OpenValue() function. The array values are displayed in form as a table.
- Including in the configuration is not recommended distribution settings rule implemented. Objects with such rule are not offered for merging with a target configuration. In this way configuration objects for demonstration purposes can be filtered.
- Distribution options tab is implemented in the More window.
- OnChange event handler is called for the managed form table, linked with dynamic list, in the following cases:
- After writing an object to a form.
- After direct deletion.
- After checking or clearing the deletion mark.
- After posting and clearing posting.
- After moving to a group.
- After reading or writing changes of an exchange plan contents.
- OnChange event handler is called for the managed form table, linked with register record set after executing the Switch Activity command.
- SaveUserData access right implemented. This right allows saving user data and settings (history, favorites, form settings, command interface setting, report settings, etc.).
- Implemented the possibility to save a spreadsheet document to an OpenDocument Format (*.ods) spreadsheet file.
- Implemented the possibility to use Undefined as a value of a collection item for session parameters with fixed collection type (FixedArray, FixedMap or FixedStructure).
- The Syntax Assistant now includes information on which methods cache results when called at client.
- A user message can now be linked to a specific form. In this case implemented the TargetID property for the UserMessage object. Implemented methods SetObjectAndFormConformity() and GetObjectAndFormConformity() allowing to set and get association of object, form and attribute on this form using script.
- FormGetProcessing event is implemented in the manager module of several objects. The event is called at server on receiving standard managed forms for some objects. You can redefine opened form using this event. If the form being opened is specified explicitly, the event is not called.
- New possibilities of compare and merge mechanism implemented:
- The comparison report for desktop contents.
- The comparison report for command interface.
- Merge of and merge report for applied objects' characteristics.
- Merge of and merge report for functional options' content.
- Merge of and merge report for roles, data access restrictions and data access restriction templates.
- Merge of the of event subscription contents.
- A query, containing IN operator with multiple operands and with sorting in a subquery, can be executed if there are no calls to the external query fields from the subquery.
- Implemented properties Top, Bottom, Left and Right for the objects ChartPlotArea, ChartTitleArea, ChartLegendArea, GanttChartPlotArea, DendrogramPlotArea and DendrogramTitleArea. The properties are used for specifying a position of the corresponding area border relatively to the chart area.
- Chart display is enhanced:
- Display of horizontal labels is enhanced. The ChartLabelsOrientation property implemented for theChartPlotArea object and ChartType.LabelsOrientation parameter for the ChartAppearance object of the data composition template.
- For the Chart objects implemented LabelFont, TransparentLabel, LabelBackColor, LabelBorder and LabelBorderColor properties.
- For the ChartLabelLocation system enumeration implemented EdgeInside and EdgeAuto values.
- Managed form editor enhanced:
- When attribute or command is deleted it is offered to delete linked elements.
- The Events submenu implemented in the context menu of form elements, allowing to create a new handler and to go to the existing one.
- In the form element context menu, linked to a command, implemented the possibility to go to the procedure, executing the command action.
- In the form preview window implemented selection of elements. At the same time automatic selection of element, corresponding to the element in the preview window, in the list of form elements is performed.
- Dragging elements in form preview windows is implemented.
- In form preview window implemented context menu for elements, similar to context menu in the list of form elements.
- Implemented the possibility to go between linked objects in the form editor using the Go to command.
- TDEADLOCK and TTIMEOUT events implemented in the technologic log. Events are used for analysis of interlocks and timeouts on locks.
- The properties Regions (list of names of lock spaces), Locks (locks applied) and WaitConnections (list of numbers of connections, which a collision occurs with) are implemented in the technologic log of the TLOCK event.
- Selecting a user from the drop-down list is available when specifying a user, on behalf of whom "1C:Enterprise" will be launched from Designer.
- Support rules can be specified hierarchically when a configuration is compared and merged with vendor configuration.
- The following features implemented for the GetFiles() method:
- The FilesLocation parameter can contain the choose file dialog in the save mode, which will be called for each received file, except for those, which are specified by the full path.
- The value of the Name property of the corresponding TransferedFileDescription object will be used as initial name of a file transferred.
- If choosing a file to be received is canceled then the Name property of the corresponding TransferedFileDescription object will be set to empty string value.
- The method returns True if at least one file is saved at a local file name.
- The procedure of receiving files is actually executed after finishing with the dialogs of selecting file names for all received files.
- Questions, asked by the cryptography extension, are generated using system interface localization language.
- Obligatory parameters of a data composition scheme can be specified in the data composition system.
- Implemented the DataCompositionGroupProcessing object and GroupProcessing function of the data composition system expression language. The function and the object allow creating custom aggregate functions receiving values of other aggregate functions as arguments.
- The Array function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function result is an array, elements of which are parameter value for each detail record. If the data composition system expression contains the Array() function, then it makes the expression aggregate. It is allowed to specify the Distinct keyword before the function parameter; in this case the returned array will not contain the same values. As a parameter the function can use an expression returning a value table. In this case the result of Array() function will be an array, containing values of the first column of the passed value table.
- The ValueTable() function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function result is a value table, in which the number of columns is equal to the number of the function parameters, and data in columns are obtained from detail records. If the data composition system expression contains the ValueTable() function, then it makes the expression aggregate. It is allowed to specify the Distinct keyword before function parameter; in this case the obtained value table will not contain rows with the same values.
- The EvalExpression() function implemented in the data composition system expression language, calculating expressions in the context of some grouping. You can specify from which record to start and which record to end with the array of records for calculation (you can specify the first, last, next, previous records, also current and value of record filter by sort field), define sorting and processing for the same values, specify groupings not only by grouping names but also by names of grouping fields.
- The DimensionAttribute property implemented for the DataCompositionDataSetFieldRole object. The property indicates that the data set is an attribute of a dimension field.
- For the Presentation() and String() functions of the data composition system expression language the possibility is implemented to pass an array or a value table as parameter. The result is a generated string containing representation of all items of the parameter-object, separated by ; character.
- Implemented the possibility to pass the result of Array() function as a parameter for aggregate functions of the data composition system expression language (excepting Array() and ValueTable() functions).
- Implemented the possibility to use an array and a value table in the standard processing of report details, created in the data composition system.
- The GroupBy function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function intended for deletion of duplicate values from an array.
- The GetPart function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function is intended for obtaining a value table containing only specified columns from a source table.
- The Order function, intended for sorting the array elements, implemented in the data composition system expression language.
- The JoinStrings function, intended for joining strings into one, implemented in the data composition system expression language.
- The PercentInHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains a percent of resource value in the current hierarchical group.
- The RowOrSeriesPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains the ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total by row or series (in percents).
- The ColumnOrPointPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains the ration of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total by column or point (in percents).
- The RowOrSeriesGroupPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total in current group by row or series (in percents).
- The ColumnOrPointGroupPercent subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total in current group by column or point (in percents).
- The PercentInRowOrSeriesHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total at the current hierarchy level of current group by row or series (in percents).
- The PercentInColumnOrPointHierarchy subordinated field implemented for each data composition system numeric resource-field. This field contains ratio of the resource value in the current cell to the value of resource total at the current hierarchy level of current group by column or point (in percents).
- The possibility to fix rows and columns in a generated report automatically implemented. FixLeft and FixTop properties implemented for the DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance object.
- The EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() function implemented in data composition system expression language. The function returns an array, each element of which contains a result of calculating expression for group by specified field.
- The EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() function implemented in the data composition system expression language. The function returns a value table, each row of which contains a result of calculating expression for group by the specified field.
- Implemented the possibility to use HIERARCHY keyword after a field name in the Groups property of the DataCompositionSchemaTotalField object. Adding this keyword indicates, that the expression will be used for hierarchical records of group by field, specified before the word, and for all nested groups, for which the value of the given resource is not specified.
- Implemented the possibility to manage order of placement for resource fields in report: either after all group fields, or in order as they are placed in the report.
- Implemented the possibility to display additional information in report (Group use variant data composition system parameter). All fields available in the given group can be used as additional information.
- One can go to link in the formatted document, displayed in form in read only mode. The link is opened in new browser window.
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- Mobile browser Safari for Apple iPad is now supported. iOS operating systems of versions 3.2, 4.2 and older are supported. Version 4.2 or newer is recommended. The list of usage features of Apple iPad web-browser on the is published in the documentation.
- Safari 5.0 (Mac OS X 10.5 or newer and Windows) web browser support is implemented.
- Web browser Mozilla Firefox 4 support has been implemented.
- The modal window that may appear when switching web clients' windows in Google Chrome is not displayed starting from browser version 8.0.
- The composition and appearance of context menus of setting the main window panels setting is modified.
- Appearance of check boxes, unavailable for editing (the third state), is modified in tables and forms.
- Implemented the display of the help information on the data composition system expression language.
- At first launch of the web client in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 the warning is displayed that it is recommended to use Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 or newer, or another browser.
- The Search in found flag implemented for the search in table dialog. You can use this flag if search was already performed in the table. Cancelling search cancels all search terms at once.
- The View submenu implemented in the main menu. It contains commands for setting visibility of panels (sections panel, navigation panel, actions panel), setting content of panels and desktop and hiding all the panels. The Ctrl+Shift+` key press can be used to hide all the panels. The Tools – Interface setup menu item is removed.
- A context menu is implemented in the web client for the HTML-field, displaying content, received by internal navigation link.
- For Mozilla Firefox browser, the sequence of actions to install the file operation extension, cryptography extension and external components is modified. During the installation the user is prompted to check for the necessary permissions in the browser settings (the browser settings dialog will open).
- Appearance of the forms displaying values of type Color and Font when using the OpenValue() method is modified in the web client.
- The Details… button in the error message is displayed only if the debugging mode is enabled. The About 1C:Enterprise window now contains a Information for technical support hyperlink providing access to the error log. In case of critical error and platform termination, with debugging mode disabled, the Information for technical support hyperlink is displayed in the error message window.
- User can change the composition of report express user settings either in the Settings dialog (Editing in report form column) or using the Modify set of settings command in the report settings window.
- Operating mode setting dialog for Mozilla Firefox 4 opens at the first start of any infobase in this browser at the computer. If settings are set to the required values, then the dialog is closed automatically and the web client continues loading.
- Implemented changes intended to support performance of the web client in Mozilla Firefox browser.
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- Display of command bar icons, menu and sections panel in web client optimized.
- Count of server calls in the web client functionality was reduced.
- Optimized the execution the following query: ValueType(Field1) = ValueType(Field2), if Field1 and Field2 contain values of reference type.
- When operating with Oracle DBMS performance of operations of writing register records and writing objects with tabular sections is improved.
- The writing of register records of accumulation and accounting registers in Oracle Database DBMS is optimized.
- The selections, executed by chunks (used in Choose() methods and at restructuring) optimized for all supported databases.
- Transaction log parameters for an IBM DB2 database being created, are changed.
- Optimized a number of 1C:Enterprise server mechanisms to improve performance and scalability for large number of users.
- File operation (including temporary files) is optimized for the following mechanisms: full-text search, help, InternetMail object.
- Web server extension module performance and scalability improved.
- File base operation improved.
- Work with MS SQL Server optimized for some operations.
- Server cluster operating with session data has been optimized.
- GetInfoBaseConnections() and GetInfoBaseSessions() functions performance improved for large number of registered users.
- The operation of retrieving changes from the configuration repository is optimized.
- Update of the spreadsheet document after interactive edit and also after program modification of separate cells of the spreadsheet in web client optimized.
- Performance of the managed locks mechanism is improved.
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- Modified the operation of storing constants and accumulation register settings when the compatibility mode is disabled. A separate database is used for each object. If the compatibility mode is enabled (set to Version 8.2.13 or Version 8.1), then reverse conversion is performed in order to provide launch of applied solution using version 8.2.13.
- The presentation of the Data parameter output data composition system parameter is renamed to Display parameters. The format of the parameter output in the report title is changed.
- The behavior of the report detailing is modified. A double-click on a report cell opens a value contained in the report cell. Use right click or the corresponding key button to open the details menu. The behaviour described is only actual if the comaptibility mode is disabled. The MainAction property is implemented for the DataCompositionDetailsAreaParameter and DataCompositionDetailsProcessingAction objects. The AdditionalDetailProcessing event implemented for a spreadsheet document field extension. The UseMainAction and FormElement parameters are implemented for the ChooseAction() method of the DataCompositionDetailsProcess object.
- The value, that is returned on a form close with the Close() method, is destroyed immediately after the form is closed, if there are not any references to this value from other objects.
- Properties indicating the main and additional record form are cleared for the information register if the record mode property is set to Subordinate to recorder.
- The icon for the Insert picture command is modified in the toolbar of the formatted document field.
- If a publication at a web-server is performed for the first time, and publication with the specified name already exists, the warning is displayed.
- The server is notified about a form close and locks releas, that are bound to the form, on call of server procedures from the client, opening forms and system inactivity for more than 20 seconds not only for low speed connections, but also on normal connection speed. The server receives information about all closed forms not only those for which the data were locked.
- Search is cancelled, if it was performed, on activation of a user message, indicating a form table (linked with FormDataCollection, FormDataTree and FormDataStructureAndCollection form data). After the search cancelation the message is placed at the required table cell. A filter specified by the Script with the RowFilter property is not cancelled.
- Icons of '1C:Enterprise'-related files are taken out to a separate library, registration of which is done during the first installation of the system, and it is un-registered when last version of the system is removed from the computer.
- If the ProcessingTime parameter is not specified or is set to 0 when the ProcessJobs() global context method is called, then the Processing jobs dialog is not displayed.
- The compare and merge mechanism is revised:
- Only modified objects information is output into Input by string property comparison report.
- Only modified objects information is output into exchange plans (including different autoregistration settings) comparison report.
- Only modified objects information is output into subsystems comparison report.
- Subsystems are displayed in the 'filter by subsystems' mode.
- Including the subsystem help in the help contents completely depends on the state of the Include in Help Contents subsystem property and does not depend on this property of objects, included into subsystem. If 8.2.13 compatibility mode is disabled, then the system changes the state of Include in Help Contents check box automatically for subsystems so that to save the help contents tree similar to the version 8.2.13. The behavior is not altered in 8.2.13 or 8.1 compatibility mode (the subsystem help was displayed in the help contents if any of the objects included in subsystem content had the Include in Help Contents property set, and the subsystem itself had this property disabled).
- When the web client (from the Designer or using the webinst utility) and web-services are publicated the possibility to publish to '%SystemDrive%\Inetpub\wwwroot' directory for the Microsoft IIS web server (version 7.х) is excluded.
- If the Designer is launched with the ConfigurationRepositoryReport options without parameters, then the storage history report is generated with grouping by versions. If the Compatibility mode property of the configuration being edited differs from the database configuration, then the value of Compatibility mode database configuration property is used at generating the report from the command line. In the 8.1 and 8.2.13 compatibility mode the platform behavior is not changed, that is the report is generated with grouping by objects.
- When calling managed form items (context menu or automatic form command bar) as named elements of the Items collection, you can use CommandBar, ContextMenu and Form prefixes in any script language variant, whatever language variant was used upon the form creation.
- More than one resource can be displayed in a chart created in the data composition system. The behavior is not changed in 8.1 and 8.2.13 compatibility mode (i.e. only one resource can be displayed in a chart).
- When creating object of the Font type basing on the font description and if a non-empty string is specified as the font name, the value of the Type property of the received object will be set to the FontType.WindowsFont value, if the configuration has the compatibility mode disabled; otherwise, the property is set to FontType.Absolute.
- The order of properties of the properties palette is changed in some categories.
- When dumping the configuration files, template files of graphical schema and geographical schema types are unloaded with extension (.grs and .geo accordingly). These templates can be loaded either from files with extensions specified, or without them.
- The compiled source code is directly executed at web-client side. Translation of the source code into theJavaScript is not used any longer.
- For the dynamic list with a custom query set, the check is performed for key values identifying a displayed row. If there are duplicate key values found – a warning is displayed and data cannot be displayed.
- The SystemLanguage parameter is implemented for the conf.cfg configuration file. The parameter specifies the default platform interface language. Use of *.res files is kept for compatibility (in case if the SystemLanguage is absent in the configuration file).
- For the UserMessage object the TargetID property is set on calling the SetData() object method.
- If the compatibility mode is disabled the AccessRight() and AccessParameters() functions do not perform recording of the Access.AccessDenied event of the event log if the right being checked is absent.
- Enhanced chart display:
- 32 different colors can be used for chart series (the ColorPalette property of the Chart object). In the compatibility mode the data composition system uses 8 colors to generate a chart.
- The VerticalLabels property of the ChartPlotArea object and the ChartType.VerticalLabels parameter of theChartAppearance object in the data composition templates are considered outdated and kept for compatibility.
- Labels displayed do not overlap.
- Default support rules now allow detailed adjustment for objects with different distribution rules when: a) enabling the possibility to modify vendor configuration; b) configuration is set to vendor support, and c) configuration is being updated and modification is enabled. You can specify the support rules in details for: a) new vendor objects by distribution rules; b) unchanged, or becoming unchanged objects, by distribution rules, and c) modified objects, by distribution rules. In the Support Options dialog, the default values disallow editing objects for which the Object is editable rule is set. In the Change Support mode the Set for subordinate objects dialog check box is unchecked by default.
- The Check Syntax menu item (Designer menu Text) renamed to Check module. The Check Syntax in Modules menu item (Designer menu Configuration) renamed to Check modules.
- SearchOnInput property implemented for a form tables. The property manages the call for the search dialog on text input, if the table is an active element of the form. If the compatibility mode is disabled, then if the table is linked to form data of FormDataCollection or FormDataStructureAndCollection type, the search on input is not performed.
- When dumping the configuration files, the HTML-document templates files are unloaded for each language, for which the template is defined in the configuration. Language code is included in the filenames. On load, an attempt to load a corresponding file for each language is performed (according to the language code included in filename). If the corresponding file not found, the attempt to load file is performed without taking into account the language code in the filename.
- The color of the lines displaying fixing of rows and columns in the spreadsheet document, is changed.
- The managed locks mechanism implementation is revised.
- Txt property for the TLOCK technological log event is recorded only in 8.2.13 compatibility mode.
- The presentation of a deleted user is modified in records and in the filter dialog of the event log. The old presentation: User name <deleted>, the current presentation: User name <not found>.
- In Russian interface the presentation of Администрирование access right is changed to Администрирование.
- The Post Document standard function is available to all users, not only those with administrative rights.
- The Delete Marked Objects standard function is available to users with the Exclusive mode right set, not to users with administrative rights.
- Calling the RefreshInterface() method leads to clearing of the cache memories: reference presentation, object data, quick choice data, choice forms, and restrictions by type.
- The query wizard uses the same icon for the Constants table fields as for the object attributes.
- If the data composition system settings the display of totals is disabled for the row/column group, then totals for rows/columns of this grouping are not displayed in the column/row of totals by row/column.
- In the text box, associated with attribute of Number type with 0.0 precision, implemented the possibility to display leading zeroes after the decimal point using the format string. Behavior is not changed in the compatibility mode (in described case leading zeroes are not displayed).
- Hyperlink, inserted to the formatted document, remains unchanged. In previous versions if the hyperlink was not absolute, then full path to the infobase was added to hyperlink.
- Increased accurasy of conversion the floating-point number (double type) to the Number type of "1C:Enterprise" system.
- For the form control, displaying a document journal column, and for the report field the following properties are used automatically (specified for the corresponding attributes): Format, Mark negative. For the form element, displaying a document journal column, the Password mode and Tooltip are applied also.
- When a new role is created the following rights are set by default: SavingUserData, ThickClient, WebClient and Output.
- The cancellation of the transition to winter time is taken into account for Russia (starting from 2011). This behavior impacts the work of the following script methods: CurrentSessionDate(), ToLocalTime(), ToUniversalTime(), StandardTimeOffset(), DaylightTimeOffset(). Also this modification affects the behavior of standard platform features which operate the session date. You need to update the operating system in order to make the CurrentUniversalDate() method work properly.
- Information about time zones for Russia is brought into accord with new rules of time calculation.
- In accordance with the laws adopted in The Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, daylight saving time for these countries was revoked in the version After the repeal of the above mentioned law in Ukraine, daylight saving time was restored in the version
- The procedure defining the time zone, set in the system for Windows OS, is modified. At first, the attempt is performed to define the time zone by presentation returned by OS. If the found zone does not meet the parameters, the search is performed for the first appropriate zone.
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- The distribution kits for Linux are published at the http://users.v8.1c.ru using the TAR.GZ format instead of RAR.
- The Compatibility mode configuration property can be set to Version 8.2.13 value.
- A new interface operation mode implemented: opening forms in main window and using tabs to switch between opened windows. To manage the operating mode use command line parameters (/itdi – to work in tabs and /isdi – to work in separate windows) and parameter Form open mode in the client application settings dialog. When transiting to operating with tabs mode, it is recommended to analyze the application code of commands belonging to the Navigation panel group. If two commands must open one and the same form in two different tabs, it is required to specify the unique key or key form parameter when the form is obtained.
- UseHwLicense command line parameter name is renamed to UseHwLicenses. The UseHwLicense parameter is left for compatibility. USEHWLICENSE installation parameter is renamed to USEHWLICENSES. The USEHWLICENSE parameter is left for compatibility.
- StrikeOut property is renamed to Strikeout for the Font object.
- DataCompositionSystemSettingsVariants property is renamed to DataCompositionSettingsVariants. The possibility to use DataCompositionSystemSettingsVariants is left for compatibility.
- DataCompositionSystemSettingsVariant property is renamed to DataCompositionSettingsVariant. The possibility to use DataCompositionSystemSettingsVariant is left for compatibility.
- OnLoadDataFromSettingsAtServer() event of form report extension is executed after loading settings. In the forms created in previous versions, the OnLoadDataFromSettingsAtServer event handler selected in form properties is switched to BeforeLoadDataFromSettingsAtServer handler.
- Implemented the possibility to group by data composition system resource-fields. The behavior is not changed in the 8.1 and 8.2.13 version compatibility modes (data composition system resource fields can not be used for grouping).
- System behavior is changed on calling the RefreshInterface() method and at modifying functional options' parameters. All additional forms are closed (with calling the corresponding form handlers) and then the list of elements of the main form is updated or the command that called on the opening of the additional form, is executed.
- A query is executed to automatically define document time in the privileged mode (at writing of the document form and at calling of the SetTime() method).
- If the compatibility mode is set to Do not use, then exception is thrown on attempt to go to invalid navigation link. The exception can be processed using the Try - Exception operator.
- GetFullTextMode() method renamed to GetFullTextSearchMode(), SetFullTextMode() method renamed to SetFullTextSearchMode(), FullTextMode() method renamed to FullTextSearchMode(). Previous method names are left for compatibility.
- The settings composer's form items DataParameters, Filter, Selection, Order, ConditionalAppearance, OutputParameters, UserFields, implemented for link with columns, are renamed to ItemDataParameters, ItemFilter, ItemSelection, ItemOrder, ItemConditionalAppearance, ItemOutputParameters, ItemUserFields correspondingly. Old names are available in compatibility with version 8.2.13 and version 8.1 modes.
- If the compatibility mode is disabled then the Period parameter is obligatory for the Get() method of the periodical information register. In the 8.2.13 and 8.1 compatibility mode the behavior is not changed (the method can be used without the specifying parameter, but the result is undefined).
- Microsoft Internet Explorer browser external component adapter registration is performed "for computer". External components installation directory is changed for the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\1СEWebExt (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\1СEWebExt for Windows Vista and older) directory is used for installation. Administrator can install external components, if user doesn’t have the rights to perform installation.
- If the choice content model is found during XSD-schema export then all elements specified within this model are defined as not obligatory.
- Interpreting the different variants for inheritance of object types is performed more correctly when XDTO factory is created.
- When a row is duplicated in a managed form table linked with a value table, a value tree, a tabular section or a filter, the OnChange event handler is called after the new row is filled in.
- When sizes of a managed form elements are defined automatically, the size of the font specified in the form elements properties is taken into account. Change of the font size performed through form and dynamic list conditional appearance, does not affect the size of the form element. A call to a server is performed if the font is changed programmatically. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility mode (the font size is not taken into account when defining the element size).
- A string consisting of 12 spaces is a text presentation of DataVersion standard attribute value for a new object. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 and 8.1 compatibility modes (the presentation is equal to empty string for a new object).
- You can manage text update in the text box when a value is passed from an attribute to a managed form element. Use the EditTextUpdate property of the text box and UpdateEditText() method of the text box extension. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility (the property is ignored; update is executed always, except for the case when the value of the same type is set in the AutoCompleteText handler as a type of a value in the text box.
- Exception occurs when SetValue() and UseFromDataSource() methods of the DataLockItem object are used simultaneously. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility mode (the value set by UseFromDataSource() method is considered priority).
- Exception occurs if the type of the Value to be locked parameter does not correspond to the type of the lock space field when calling the SetValue() method of the DataLockItem object. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility mode.
- When a lock is set on the spaces AccumulationRegister.<Name> and AccountingRegister.<Name>, in some cases the period of lock is corrected automatically. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility mode.
- When a managed lock is set on the AccumulationRegister.<Name> space if value of the extra dimension is set by a reference to a characteritic, then this characteristic must bу one of the extra dimensions for this account in the Chart of accounts. If the corresponding extra dimension is not specified for an account, then an error occurs. The behavior is not changed in the 8.2.13 compatibility mode.
- NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods use session localization code by default (which can be set using the /VL command line parameter). The behavior is not changed in the compatibility mode.
- When checking rights for attributes and tabular sections of reports/data processors, if the role has not Independent rights for subordinate object check box set, and if the View right is not set for the report/data processor, then it is considered that the Edit right is not set for the attribute (tabular section). The behavior is not changed in the compatibility mode.
- Writing data not supporting serialization to the data value storage is not supported. The behavior is not changed in the compatibility mode.
- FillCheck() method renamed to CheckFill(). The old name is left for compatibility.
- In the managed form text box the text is aligned by the top edge, if multi line mode is set for the text box, otherwise – by center (vertically).
- English presentation for the object key for the sections panel is changed from Common/PartitionPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings to Common/SectionsPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings. Settings, saved in previous versions of system and English variant of script, will be lost.
- Modified keys of objects, intended for desktop command interface storage. For the desktop navigation panel the Desktop/NavigationPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings key is implemented instead of Subsystem.desktop/NavigationPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings. For the desktop actions panel the Desktop/ActionsPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings key is implemented instead of Subsystem.desktop/ActionsPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings. In version 8.2.13 compatibility mode old object keys are used.
- Sequence of event handlers calls is modified for calls, associated with closing forms, when "1C:Enterprise" in managed application mode is terminated. The sequence of calling handlers is as follows:
- BeforeExit;
- BeforeClose of all forms, except forms, located on the desktop;
- BeforeClose of forms, located on the desktop workspace;
- OnClose of all forms, except forms, located on the desktop;
- OnClose of forms, located on the desktop workspace;
- OnExit.
- We have switched from use of ICU 4.0 to use of ICU 4.6. Thereby date and number formatting is changed for several languages and formats.
- Word sorting for russian language using И and Й letters is changed.
- Name of RegistrationPeriod standard attribute is changed in metadata. RegistrationPeriod is used instead of Period. In compatibility mode the name is not changed.
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 web browser support is implemented. It is recommended to verify the correctness of generating the HTML templates of the applied solution when transferring to use this browser. In particular, it is recommended to change specifying font size from px to pt.
- In the external components technology added libraries for building extensions for the Mozilla Firefox browser with xulrunner-2.0 and xulrunner-5.0 packages.
- Mozilla Firefox 4 and 5 browser support is implemented in the external components technology. The clientVersion attribute in manifest file is no longer ignored and is used for selecting the necessary installation kit. You should build separate installation kit for each version of browser in order to provide external components operability with this browser.
- The RefreshValuesReuse() method is renamed to RefreshReusableValues(). The following names are left for compatibility matters: RefreshReusingValues() for executing at thick client and at server; the RefreshValuesReuse() is left for executing at thin client.
- More complete validation for the structure of leading calculation types is implemented. At the same time the increase of number of access rights error messages is possible for the chart of calculation types, if there are data access restrictions for reading.
- If the Grouping fields placement paramater of the data composition system is set to SeparatelyAndInTotalsOnly value, then the grouping template cells are merged only for columns of the corresponding grouping when grouping template is generated. The behavior is not changed in the version 8.1 and 8.2.13 compatibility mode (the grouping template cells are merged within all columns of parent grouping).
- The mechanism of configuration change records for operating in the distributed infobase is changed. The configuration is fully marked as changed in the following cases: loading configuration from a file, connecting configuration to the configuration repository, updating configuration using the support mechanism with disabled possibility of changes.
- If there are roles, that were not edited after creating (they do not have any rights for any object) during the conversion of infobase from version 8.2.13 and earlier, then the SaveUserData and AllFunctionsMode rights are not set automatically for these roles.
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- Attention!
The infobase file format has been changed. It should be converted for use with new version of "1C:Enteprise". After conversion is started, the infobase can not be used with previous versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform versions. The reverse transition (for using the infobase with previous versions of "1C:Enterprise") can be performed by executing infobase dump (in version 8.2.14) and load infobase (in previous version).
File-Based Infobase
Please, create a backup copy of an infobase prior to conversion! If any software or hardware failures occur in the conversion process, the data contained in the infobase may be lost. Conversion is performed on first call of infobase, executed by Designer of version 8.2.14 before the authentication. In order to perform conversion you should answer in the affirmative for questions, asked by the system on Designer start.
Configuration Storage File
Please, create a backup copy of an infobase storage prior to conversion! If any software or hardware failures occur in the conversion process, the data contained in the storage may be lost. Infobase storage is conversed on first call to storage data by any user.
- Conversion of configurations, infobases in client-server mode, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the version 8.2.13 to the version 8.2.14.
- In the configuration property Compatibility mode is set to Do not use, the infobase cannot be used by versions 8.2.13 and earlier. If you need to use the infobase with these versions, you should set the property to Version 8.2.13. At the same time new functions and changes, supported in disabled compatibility mode, will not work.
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Version 8.2.13 includes known bug fixes and some functionality modifications.
- DBMS Oracle Database (Linux) support has been implemented.
- In the obtain software licenses dialog it is allowed to obtain licenses on electronic media, even if automatic license obtaining is possible.
- The following pictures have been added to the picture library: ExpandAll, CollapseAll.
- In the access rights editor the Independent rights of subordinated objects flag has been implemented. If the flag is not set then rights for parental object are considered when determining rights for the configuration object. Flag affects the following items: standard attributes, standard tabular sections, attributes of standard tabular sections, attributes, tabular sections, attributes of tabular section, commands.
- Implemented the PrivilegedGetMode property for the FunctionalOption object. The property manages the possibility to get a functional option value in the privileged mode.
- Implemented the possibility to manage distribution of client licenses by "1C:Enterprise server". For this purpose implemented the following:
- Allow license distribution by "1C:Enterprise" server property of the infobase in the cluster console.
- LicenseDistributionAllowed property for the IInfoBaseInfo object.
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- Reduced time of establishing connection with IBM DB2 DBMS server when running large number of users.
- Accelerated the launch of 1C:Enterprise client application when using dynamic configuration update.
- In thin client optimized the display of the HTML-document template by the HTML-document field.
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- Implemented storing the 1CEStart.cfg configuration file for all users of computer (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\1CEStart directory or %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\1CEStart for Windows Vista and higher). The installation program writes InstalledLocation and InstallComponents parameters to the configuration file for all users. Settings, performed in the start dialog, are written to local configuration file (of specific user).
- When editing in the Designer the LinkByType and ChoiceParemetersLink properties of configuration objects and managed form text box links to deleted attributes and fields are not displayed. Previously such links were displayed by string Error value. When creating a form on server in 1C:Enterprise mode links to unavailable or deleted attributes or text boxes are deleted.
- In the Designer setting common module properties Client (ordinary application), Client (managed application), External connection simultaneously with Server call is disabled.
- The StandardProcessing parameter of the DragStart event has been renamed to Perform. Renaming was performed for the events of the following objects: form field extension for a calendar field, form field extension for a picture field, form field extension for a spreadsheet document field, form decoration extension for a picture, form table, table field, calendar field, picture field, spreadsheet document field.
- Transaction, initiated by the system when reading objects, is opened only if at the beginning of reading the transaction is not opened yet.
- Implemented using Usr and Pwd parameters of connection string, specified in default.vrd file, for authentication when creating a session. If the user name and password are both specified simultaneously in the run string of the client application and in the connection string of the default.vrd file, then connection string parameters are ignored and the run string parameters are used.
- If a field, containing characteristic value, is disabled (or becomes unavailable) by functional options, then all characteristic fields, which values are stored in this field, become unavailable.
- Report, running in the background, is terminated when report form is closed even if in the BeforeClose event handler of the report form the StandardProcessing parameter was set to False. Background job, executing the report, is terminated after executing the OnClose event handler of the report form.
- If the Decrease indent operation is performed in the text editor for the selected text block, then the required number of spaces or tabs is removed from each line. Other modifications of the text are not performed.
- In the calendar implemented display of abbreviated day names for Vietnamese and polish interface languages.
- It is forbidden to enter characters that are invalid in terms of XML 1.0 in the text boxes of the web client. When you try to enter such characters interactively they are ignored, when pasting from the clipboard - the invalid characters are ignored and won’t get into the inserted text. If a character is placed by script, the web browsers Google Chrome and Safari replace invalid character by the character "?", and the text box becomes unavailable for editing.
- Changed display of links in the navigation panel of the auxiliary window. The command is displayed in bold if it is located in the Important group.
- User message defining a specific row in the tabular section will be positioned in the same row after changing the order of rows in the tabular section. If the row, to which a message is connected, has been deleted, the message will appear attached to the form element that displays tabular section.
- Modified cursors that display the presence or absence of details in the spreadsheet document cell in Google Chrome and Safari browsers.
- The client and server licenses are not verified when the infobase is created. The license verification starts only when the Designer launches or in the "1C:Enterprise" mode.
- Implemented the possibility to obtain the program license if the server license is not found during launch of the thick or thin client (in the client server mode).
- The ProcessJobs() method is available at thin and web clients. The information about ProcessJobs() method availability at server is removed from the Syntax Assistant.
- When the help tree is generated by subsystems in Version 8.1 compatibility mode the View right for the subsystem is not taken into account.
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- For the working server, which is not central, and in which there is a not empty list of central server administrators, there must exist the administrator in the list of server administrators, with OS authentication of user, in the name of whom the cluster central server’s ragent is launched or must be the administrator with name and password, matching the name and password of one of the cluster central server administrators.
- When transforming object to form data, for all values of types FormDataStructure, FormDataStructureAndCollection, FormDataTree data is cleared in those columns, for which there isn’t any corresponding columns in the object data.
- When choosing a value for extra dimension in the cell of a table form, linked with a set of accounting register records, the choice parameter for the Owner field is specified automatically only when type of extra dimension is of catalog type, specified as the value for the Additional characteristic values field of the chart of characteristic types used as types for extra dimensions in the chart of accounts. The corresponding type of extra dimension is a value for the choice parameter.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the version 8.2.12 to the version 8.2.13.
- If the startup program 1CEStart.exe is used for launch from network location, then you should replace it for the similar program of the version 8.2.13.
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Version 8.2.12 includes known bug fixes and some functionality modifications.
- Implemented the repair of the infobase when internal storage structure is damaged due to an error of dynamic update. Request for repair is displayed on start of the Designer if such damage is found. Modification is implemented in version
- DBMS Oracle Database (Windows) support has been implemented.
- Turkish interface language is supported (language code – tr).
- The following values added to the list of valid time zones: America/Argentina/Salta, America/Matamoros, America/Ojinaga, America/Santa_Isabel, America/Santarem, Antarctica/Macquarie, Asia/Kathmandu, Asia/Novokuznetsk.
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- The modal window with warning opens in some cases when switching web client’s windows when using the web client in the Google Chrome web browser.
- The Lock execution of scheduled jobs check box is implemented in the managed form of the infobase initial image creation.
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- The size of the window, formed by InputValue() function, is stored separately for each of the following types: date, number, string, multi-line string. The size of text box in case of multiline input is equal to 5 lines for the first function call.
- The sequence of attributes has been changed in the list of attributes of managed form wizard for the document journal.
- The calculator window and the calendar windows always open in windows, which size is not less than minimal window size for the browser when web client is operating using the Safari web-browser.
- If configuration is being edited for the Managed application run mode, then user interfaces are excluded from the list of objects, in which the search is performed, in the global search dialog (the Text types tab).
- In the Desktop command interface editor commands are shown as elements of tree of available commands, subordinated to metadata objects, even if object has only one command.
- The sequence of form types has been changed in the SettingsStorage object form wizard.
- If access to fields, required for obtaining the reference object representation, is forbidden by data access restrictions or access to object is restricted at the access rights level, then obtaining presentation of such an object does not affect the process of current transaction.
- Dynamic list, placed in the ordinary form, activates the fill checking (if version 8.1 compatibility mode is disabled and the editing mode is set In list) upon completion of editing for the following objects: catalog, document, chart of characteristic types, exchange plan, chart of accounts, chart of calculation types, business process, task of the business process, information register.
- The data composition system field is considered unavailable, if all fields used in the expression for this field, are associated with disabled functional options. In such a case all fields, included into the field expression in the query, are taken into account, and also expressions from unions, if they are found.
- Installation program registers the cluster consol "for computer". Registration, performed using the RegMSC.cmd command file, is executed "for user".
- Installation program registers the COM-connector "for computer". There is a possibility to perform registration "for user" using the command line: regsvr32 /n /i:user comcntr.dll.
- If the webinst.exe utility has not enough access rights when executing the publication, then request on privileges escalation is executed.
- Attachment of add ins, created using the COM technology, using methods LoadAddIn(), AttachAddIn() and registration of add in objects are executed "for user". If the registration "for user" is failed, then "for computer" registration attempt is executed.
- Installation program (and launch of client application using /RegServer option) executes registration of the "V82.Application" object "for computer". If the privileges to perform this operation are not enough, the user is prompted to register "for user". If the registration "for user" is failed, then "for computer" registration attempt is executed.
- The ragent.exe and crserver.exe applications control the necessary privileges for operations of registration, cancellation of registration, service start and service stop. If the required rights are absent, then the request for privilege escalation is executed.
- If there are columns with the same name when generating table, located in the Data field of the event log record, then these columns are merged into one. At the same time the count of rows in this table is increased in such a way so that in the resulting column there are all unique values from the columns with the same name. Values, specified in other columns, are duplicated in the generated rows.
- Decrypt() method call of the CryptoManager object throws an exception only after unsuccessful attempts to decrypt are finished using all available certificates, and not after the first error.
- Parameters (TComp, LogUI, WSN, WSA, WA, NoProxy, Proxy, Out, DebuggerUrl, Debug, DisplayPerformance, SimulateServerCallDelay (except web-client)) are transferred from the current application launching command line to the application launching command line (for thin and thick clients), used in RunSystem() and Exit() methods and when the Restart button is pressed in the error dialog. Parameters, which can be specified both in the command line and interactively, are transferred to a new command line only in case they were specified exactly by the command line parameters.
- Implemented the possibility to install add-ins, extenstion for working with files and cryptography extension by users with rights to install ActiveX and working in the Internet Explorer web browser on Windows Vista Business OS (and higher) with the ActiveX Installer Service enabled.
- If installation of the driver protection key is chosen in the installation program and the installation is running under Windows Vista or above, then the user will be prompted to increase the privileges (UAC) before performing the installation.
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- If the table, in which no fields are used, is specified in the query, then all data access restrictions are applied to this table. Restrictions are applied "by OR", this means, that all records are available, if they are available by at least one condition. If there aren’t any conditions specified for some fields, then the request is executed for all records in the table. If table of higher level is specified, then restrictions, designated for the nested tables’ columns, are not applied. If table is nested, then restrictions are applied both to nested tables and tables of higher level.
- The Interval parameter of the OnIntervalEditEnd event of the form field extension for a Gantt chart contains temporary object, containing interval boundaries modified by user. If the CancelEdit parameter is set to False, then passed interval will be set to the form data and the OnChange handler will be called. Otherwise, the date range will not be changed in the form data and the OnChange handler will not be called.
- The same commands as in the context menu of a form element, chosen as a source of commands are automatically added to the group with the specified source of commands, added to context menu of the form element, in the "1C:Enterprise" mode. Previously filling was performed similarly to the command toolbar.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the version 8.2.11 to the version 8.2.12.
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Version 8.2.11 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.
- DBMS Oracle Database (Linux) support has been implemented.
- The option of controlling the search of hardware dongle (UseHwLicense parameter) has been implemented. Now you can indicate this dongle in the startup command line, in infobase properties, in 1CEStart.cfg and 1CESCmn.cfg files, in the startup command line of 1C:Enterprise setup program and in the setup window of the startup program. Disabling the search of hardware dongle allows to speed up the startup of basic versions of 1C:Enterprise and client applications, provided that reception of client licenses is implemented through 1C:Enterprise server or web-server extention.
- The option of indicating the startup parameters /L and /VL in the infobase parameters (in the list of infobases) has been implemented. Parameters will be used only during startup with interactive launcher.
- The possibility of debugging script and measuring the performance has been implemented in the web client. In the client-server mode debugging is enabled only if 1C:Enterprise server debugging is enabled. The automatic search for debugging items on remote computers is not supported when the web-client is being debugged for the file mode infobase. The possibility to enable debugging interactively is not supported in the web client. The possibility to debug external reports and data processors is not supported.
- The condition text is displayed as a tooltip in the Designer, when hovering a cursor over the picture of conditional breakpoint.
- During execution of lengthy operation (over 20 minutes) regular notification of 1C:Enterprise server on session availability has been implemented on the thin client. As a result, server does not delete the session even if the operation on the client takes more than 20 minutes.
- For predefined data representation the Designer uses the Name property of the data.
- Turkish language support has been implemented in the NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() functions.
- The following pictures have been added to the picture library: ListViewMode, ListViewModeList, ListViewModeHierarchicalList, ListViewModeTree, CustomizeForm, CustomizeList.
- During the change of field view or decoration view, the values of form element properties that are the same in the old and in the new element type are saved in the form editor.
- Tab option with the use of For each …From …Do operator has been implemented for all system enumerations.
- The option for obtaining the system enumeration value by its name has been implemented for the PredefinedValue() method.
- GetPredefinedValueFullName() method has been implemented to get full name of predefined value by its value.
- Whitespace value has been implemented for XMLNodeType system enumeration. The node of such type contains only the space, tabs and line break characters.
- UseIgnorableWhiteSpace property has been implemented for the XMLReaderSettings object. The value of this property determines the availability of nodes of XMLNodeType.Whitespace type when reading XML. During the configuration development it is recommended to set the UseIgnorableWhitespace property of XMLReaderSettings object in the True value in cases when there are values consisting only of space characters in the content portion of the data transferred in XML format.
- The SpaceCharacters parameter has been implemented for the MoveToContent() method of XMLReader object.
- If the configuration is edited for the Managed Application run mode, then the pictures not used in the managed application will be unavailable for interactive selection from the library of pictures.
- The SourceLine filling of properties has been implemented in the web client for cases of error occurrence. StringNumber and ModuleName of ErrorInfo object. The detailed error description string (in the web client) includes the text of the initial string of the module.
- The name of the element form of the chart of characteristic types has been changed in the form wizard for the chart of characteristic types. The name Characteristic type form has been changed to The form of the element of the chart of characteristic types.
- Order of forms in the wizard of the new report form is changed. The order of forms is set in compliance with the order of the properties, describing the main forms of the report: a report form, the settings form, the form of variants.
- If the configuration property Default run mode is set to the Ordinary application value, and the Use ordinary forms in the managed application property is set in the True value, and if there is an ordinary form of the object, then commands for creation, editing and input on the basis of elements, irrespective of the current configuration run mode, will be available in the dynamic list of the managed form in the thick client.
- The ClientID property has been implemented for the SystemInfo object.
- Display of the message window and automatic switch to the linked form element when clicking on such a message in the list of messages has been implemented, provided the message is linked to the fields of document register recordsets.
- Checking of the uniqueness of the key fields of tabular section records has been implemented when executing testing and correction of file mode infobases. Uniqueness of the key fields of tabular section records is ensured by DBMS in the client-server mode.
- When executing search for object references, the search for exchange plans has been implemented in the Content property, in cases when In properties is selected in the reference search settings dialog. Search for references in interfaces (In interfaces checkbox) is available only in the case when the configuration editing is performed for the Managed application and ordinary application run mode.
- Contrast ratio of the active window button in the designer windows panel and the 1C:Enterprise in the ordinary application mode has been increased.
- Implemented the possibility to set (and get) the specified text at the beginning of the window title using methods SetShortApplicationCaption()/GetShortApplicationCaption(). Short title simplifies the definition of belonging of the window to one or another infobase.
- The option to indicate a spreadsheet document as the source of commands has been implemented. In this case the following commands become available: Print, Print with current settings, Page Setup, Preview, Find, Find Next, Find Previous, Copy, Save, Save As, Select All, Dock Table, Show Groups, Collapse All Groups, Open All Groups.
- The global context method Eval() has been implemented in the web client.
- Representation property has been implemented for the Submenu type form group. It makes sense to change the property only for the submenu located directly in the command panel.
- XDTO-package editor functionalities have been expanded: copying/insert functions have been implemented, the sequence order of elements has been changed, the control over element name correctness has been implemented, etc. The dialog of package element type selection has been modified.
- The option for background execution of reports created with the use of the system of data composition in managed form has been implemented for the client server version. The Mode parameter allowing to execute reports in the background mode has been implemented for the ComposeResult() report form extension method. StatePresentation property, allowing to manage the report status display in the spreadsheet document, has been implemented to extend the spreadsheet document field. AutoShowState property for managing the automatic mode of the report status display has been implemented to extend the report form.
- The mechanism of background jobs startup has been changed. Now background jobs are started up right after the execution of the Execute() method of the background jobs manager, and not after a while, as it used to be the case.
- The RequestUserPermission() global context method has been implemented. In web client, the method allows to get from user the permission to execute several operations with files, which later will be executed without additional questions.
- Storage of some settings (All Functions command display flag, debugging permission at startup setting flag, web client low connection speed mode flag, link obtaining dialog external link flag, add-ins settings, lists of search lines in the Help menu, color comparison settings of text and spreadsheet documents) has been transferred to the settings storage (available through the SystemSettingsStorage global context property.
- Parameters Order and Top has been implemented for the virtual table of the RecordsWithExtDimensions accounting register. These parameters allow to perform the selection of the required number of first entries into the virtual table, duly arranged with the means of the virtual table.
- The option for description of the storage of characteristics of metadata objects in a configuration has been implemented. This option is used by the system of data composition in reports and in dynamic lists. After setting the description, the data composition system automatically determines the additional characteristics of metadata object and provides the types of the object characteristics in the available fields list of the object, without the need to use the CHARACTERISTICS query language structure in each report. If the data composition schema query contains the description of characteristics for a certain type, then the characteristics of this type are used for the query fields, and the characteristics described in the metadata are not used. If characteristics for a certain type are not indicated in the query, then the characteristics described in the metadata are used for this type. Automatic filtration in the course of the characteristic selection according to the object type, for which the characteristic is edited, has been implemented for editing characteristics.
- Output parameters and choice parameter links are supported in the data composition system for the fields, which are characteristic values.
- The option of arbitrary setting of the set of buttons has been implemented for the DoQueryBox() global context method. The option of indicating the button which will reflect the timeout period countdown has also been implemented.
- The Add columns context menu command has been implemented for the form element Table in the managed form editor. The command is intended to simplify filling table with columns and to make setting table columns’ parameters easier. Command executes similarly to the automatic filling in the table when linking the form table with the form attribute of the corresponding type.
- The option of displaying the title of the group of columns in the form table has been implemented. The properties ShowInHeader, ShowTitle, HeaderHorizontalAlign, HeaderPicture, TitleBackColor, HeaderDataPath, HeaderFormat have been implemented for the form group extension for a group of columns.
- For the Event log standard function of the managed aaplication (in the list form and item form) implemented the display of the Data field for events Access, Access denied, Authentication, AuthenticationError, Adding user, Modifying user, Deleting user.
- The RightPresentation() global context method has been added. Method returns user access right presentation in user language.
- Server debug item corresponds with user work session when debugging the client-server mode and file mode, operating using a web server. If the user session moves to another working process during debugging, then the debugging will stop.
- Color appearance of some interface elements has been changed, contrast ratio has been increased. Changes do not apply to the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The option of changing the CID property of the InternetMailAttachment object has been implemented. It is required to fill in this property, if pictures, located in letter attachments, must be displayed in the text of HTML-text messages. The MIMEType property of the InternetMailAttachment has been added.
- For conditional appearance of individual cells in a table form implemented the possibility to manage visibility, accessibility, display and Read Only mode.
- For conditional appearance of individual cells of the dynamic list implemented the possibility to manage visibility, accessibility and displaying.
- For the InternetMailMessage object when operating in Linux OS implemented the possibility to insert images in the message body in HTML format and setting information about message encoding.
- The FormattedDocument object has been implemented. It is intended to store a text documents, containing formatting elements (highlighting, fonts, pictures, hyperlinks). The managed form field extension has been implemented for editing formatted document.
- The mechanism of cryptography based on asymmetric encryption (public and private keys) has been implemented. For web client the work with cryptography extension has been implemented. The mechanism of cryptography does not contain the actual implementation of algorithms for cryptography. It provides a set of objects that allow to interact with external cryptography modules of third parties.
- Implemented protection against unauthorized use using software licenses. Protection using HASP dongles or software licenses is determined by the distribution kit of the protected product.
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- Web browser Mozilla Firefox 3.6 (Windows, Linux) support has been implemented.
- Web browser Google Chrome 4.0 and 4.1(Windows) support has been implemented. List of functionality limitations when operating in the web-browser is published in the documentation.
- Web browser Safari 4.0.5 (Mac OS X 10.5 and higher) support has been implemented. List of functionality limitations when operating in the web-browser is published in the documentation.
- Support of working with several monitors for the thin client, for the thick client and for the web client in the managed application mode has been implemented. Web client operation depends on the web browser window behavior when working with several monitors.
- The option of saving the spreadsheet document in the Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 (*.xlsx) and Microsoft Word 2007 (*.docx)) files has been implemented.
- The Find Substring option for the columns reflecting reference types has been implemented in the managed form tables.
- Single search history for all the tables in managed forms has been implemented.
- Saving (for the session duration) of the current row and of the list of open nodes for the All Functions window has been implemented in the thin and in the thick client.
- Context menu containing commands on the operation with clipboard and on the text highlighting, for the text fields of About 1C:Enterprise dialog and the dialog of extended error description called by the Details button from the error window, has been implemented in the web client.
- Three dots addition to the right of the text not fitting into the space allocated for the form elements titles, decorations of Label type and fields of Label field type has been implemented in the web client.
- Commands Search, Search Next, Search Previous for HTML document field have been implemented in the web client. If the HTML document field displays the external resource, then the search is implemented by the standard capacities of the web browser (the document content received to the address different from the address from which the web client was launched).
- Interactive search and replace command in multiple line text boxes and in the form text document field has been implemented in the web client.
- Interactive printing of HTML document field content has been implemented in the web client. The Print item is available in the main menu. The Print button is available in the area of system commands of the auxiliary window. Printing is not possible if the HTML document field displays an external resource (the document content has been received to the address different from the one from which the web client was launched).
- Interactive saving of the HTML document field content has been implemented. Save and Save as… items are available in the main menu. The Print button is available in the area of system commands of the auxiliary window. Saving commands are available only if there is an HTML document field on the form.
- Remove All button, removing all forms from the desktop, has been implemented in the desktop customization form.
- In the web client, when attempting to close the window blocked by another window, a standard browser warning is issued, including the following text: This window can be closed only after all other windows opened from this window are closed! Select Cancel to reject the closure of this window!.
- If the sections panel is displayed in the Text mode, then the names of sections are aligned by the upper boundary of the sections panel.
- Messages about full-text search errors, occurring in the case of too many search words, in cases of the use of system #4 structure type (fuzzy search) or a* (substitute characters), have been clarified.
- The Edit menu, consisting of the following commands: Find, Find Next, Find Previous, Cut, Copy, Insert, Select All, has been implemented in the main menu of the web client. These commands are also available in the area of system commands.
- The Use operation system authentication parameter in the Configure web browser dialog has been implemented in the web browser Mozilla Firefox. The flag allows or forbids to use the authentication of operating system (it manages the network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris web browser parameter). The flag is disabled by default.
- Addition of three dots to the text not fitting into the allocated place in the navigation panel, in the action panel, in the application auxiliary window title, in the user’s operations history element has been implemented in the web client.
- Merging of 1C:Enterprise windows into one group, irrespective of the launched client (1Cv8.exe and 1Cv8c.exe), has been implemented in the Windows 7 operating system. Windows of the startup interactive program (1CV8s.exe) form their own group.
- In cases when incorrect text line is entered into the text box, the option of returning to the value that was in the text box before the beginning of the text entry has been implemented.
- The Show Title property for the table column group in the form user settings has been implemented.
- In the managed application the value choice form, containing list of available and selected values, has been implemented for the User and Computer filter parameters of the Event log standard function.
- In the list of windows, opened using Main menu – Windows – All windows… command, the application title (for the main application window) and form title (for auxiliary application window) are displayed. The 1C:Enterprise string and application title (for auxiliary windows) are not included into application title.
- In the web client implemented hotkeys to expand (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Num+) and collapse (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Num-) all groups of commands in the navigation panel.
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- The work with clipboard when copying and inserting metadata objects has been optimized for the sessions in the Designer.
- Operation of internal mechanisms of the platform with reference types values has been optimized.
- Operation under the load of the platform internal mechanisms when working on multiprocessor systems in multi-user mode has been optimized.
- Opening of the All Functions window has been optimized.
- In cases of the use of Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser with the set extension for working with files, transfer of large files from the client to the server has been optimized for the web client. MSXML component of versions 6.0 or 4.0 is used in such file transfers. Warning is issued if this component is not available on the computer.
- Switching of sections has been optimized in the web client.
- Opening of the forms setup window has been optimized in the web client.
- Client-server interaction for the thin and for the thick clients (in the managed application mode), when opening the notification window and the status window, has been optimized.
- The performance of data query execution with the use of a restricted access to the data, after changing the session parameters not used in the access restrictions, has been increased.
- Operation of the RecordsWithExtDimensions accounting register virtual table has been optimized.
- Completion of the form table cell editing has been optimized in the web client.
- Mechanism of operating with the infobase user list in case of large number of users has been optimized.
- The time rate of executing query to a virtual table of CalculationRegister.<MainRegister>.Base<BaseRegister> when base register supports the action period has been increased. In 8.1 version compatibilty mode the time rate of execution has not been changed.
- The memory consumption in the mechanisms of comparing and merging configurations, including provider configuration update, has been optimized.
- The use of memory when using a web client, especially in the Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, has been optimized.
- The operating of the various system mechanisms, using temporary files, has been optimized.
- Execution of some operations when working with the Postgres DBMS has been speeded up.
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- The same name: 1C:Enterprise 8.2 Server (x86-64) Agent is used when registering the service of the 1C:Enterprise x86-64 server (with the help of the setup program and ragent.exe) in Windows OS. The 1C:Enterprise 8 Server (x86-64) Agent name, used earlier during registration with the help of the setup program, is not used any longer. After the installation of the new version of 1С:Enterprise х86-64 it is possible to register the new server service without deleting the old one. If such a situation occurs it is necessary to cancel the registration of the old server service manually with the help of the Windows OS sc.exe utility. If there is a set server of 1C:Enterprise with the settings different from the default settings, it is necessary to execute a repeat registration of the server service with the required parameters, using the ragent.exe utility from the new version. A detailed description of the ragent.exe utility parameters is provided in the chapter 3 of the "Client server mode. Administrator manual" book.
- When transiting from the version 8.2.10 to the version 8.2.11 list of infobase users is converted when this list is modified at first time. When transiting from the version 8.2.11 to the version 8.2.10 old user list (list at conversion time) is used.
- The mechanism of the program installation in Windows OS has been changed. VBScript use has been excluded.
- The libraries for building extensions for the Mozilla Firefox browser with new version of xulrunner-1.9.2 are added to the external add-ins technology.
- The mechanism of the year autofill when entering dates, if the year is not set explicitly, has been changed. Setting of the next year when entering the dates of the beginning of the year (January-February) at the end of the year (November-December) has been excluded. Setting of the next year when entering the dates of the beginning of the year (January-February) at the end of the year (November-December) has been excluded.
- New enumerations are created with the Use standard commands property disabled. In cases of creating the default list form for enumeration, the Use standard commands property is enabled automatically.
- Automatic installation of the new version with the startup program (1CEStart.exe) will be executed in the following cases:
- The user executing the startup is a part of the group of local administrators;
- The user executing the startup is not a part of the local administrators, but the installation of programs (the key of the AlwaysInstallElevated register) is allowed in the user and the computer group policies.
- Authentication of the OS in the thin client on the web server on behalf of the current user is not executed in cases of the explicit indication of the user name, irrespective of the provision of password.
- The extension installation directory for working with the files for the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer has been changed. %APPDATA%\1C\1СEWebExt\FileSystemExtIE directory is used for the installation. Extension registration is executed for the current user of the operating system.
- The behavior and the layout of the window, displayed during the installation of an add-in and of the extension for working with files in the web client, have been changed.
- During reading the data the mechanisms of the platform, saving the data in XML format (the data composition system, interactive commands of data exchange), execute the installation of the UseIgnorableWhitespace property in the XMLReaderSettings in the True value.
- The Standard settings report form extension command has been renamed into Set standard settings. The New window report form extension command has been renamed into Open new window. The sequence order of commands, provided by the report form extension, has been changed in the command panel.
- If, during the new object recording (exchange plan, catalog, document, chart of accounts, chart of characteristics types, chart of calculation type, business process, task) a message to the user has been formed in the transaction, then references to the recorded object will be cleaned in the messages to the user.
- During execution of conditional appearance the current data of the form table, to which the processed element is related, and not of the form the first by the elements sequence, will be used. For instance, if the form contains several tables, related to the attribute of the ValueTable form type, then the conditional appearance will operate with the current data of the processed form table.
- The Language of full-text search queries in the data section has been implemented in the built-in Help. The section is located in the 1C: Enterprise – User work branch. The Format of search expressions for the search in the Help menu section has been changed to Language of full-text search queries in the Help menu. The section is located in the 1C: Enterprise – Getting help – Search by random description text branch.
- Installation in the default values of the sizes and positions of windows, as well as of the position of separators, will take place before the beginning of work with the web client of 1C:Enterprise, version 8.2.11. Current user settings will not be used.
- The DataVersion attribute of data reference types will not be displayed in the list of available fields of the data composition schema in the 1C:Enterprise mode. This field can be used for setting the data composition schema with the use of the script. This field is also displayed in the list of available fields in the data composition schema wizard.
- The Change form command is displayed in the form command panel always before the Help command.
- The Refresh() method has been implemented for the form field extension for a field of Picture type. Repeat reception of the picture will be executed if the field is linked to the String type form attribute.
- For russian interface language the presentation of type Неопределено has been changed to Не определено.
- The managed form control bar availability for bypassing using Tab/Shift+Tab key does not depend on the value of AutoFill property.
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- The technology for creation of add-ins has been changed, it is recommended to modify the add-ins (created using COM technology), as well as the extensions for the web browser Microsoft Internet Explorer, in such a way as to execute the registration of an add-in or of an extension not for the computer, but for the specific user. During the installation the add-in should not generate messages about successful installation. It is executed by the web client. The add-ins not generating messages are not compatible with the 1C:Enterprise of the version earlier than 8.2.11.
- It is prohibited to assign the values of the type of FormDataStructure, FormDataCollection, FormDataCollectionItem, FormDataTree, FormDataTreeItem, FormDataTreeItemCollection, FormDataStructureAndCollection to the attributes of the following form type: FormDataStructure, FormDataCollectionItem, FormDataTreeItem. Exception is generated in the case of an attempt to execute such assignment.
- The value of Use always property for the subordinate attributes (constants) is set by default as False value for the attribute of ConstantsSet type form.
- The Object parameter type of the Contains() and Find() methods of the FunctionalOptionContent object has been changed for the Metadata object type. The option of specifying the values of former types has been left for compatibility.
- Repeat selection of the current command of the application main window navigation panel does not lead to the command execution.
- It is necessary to have administrative permissions to use the following methods: SetEventLogJournalEventUsing() and GetEventLogJournalEventUsing().
- The use of command line parameters, transferred in the AdditionalParametersOfCommandLine, in the Exit() and the Terminate() global context methods, has been implemented in the web client. All the values of the command line parameters, which can be passed during the web client startup to the address line, can be used in this parameter.
- Setting of parameters of functional options for the main window form (with the use of the SetFormFunctionalOptionParameters() method) affects the content of the auxiliary window navigation panel.
- The SkipOnInput property has been implemented for the Decoration form element. Automatic determination of the need skip the element has been implemented during the setting of the SkipOnInput property value in the Auto value, for the following form elements: Field, Button, Table and Decoration. For example, this property will have the No value for the Button form elements, provided this button is the default button, and Yes if it is not the case.
- All the fields of data sets of the data composition system (regardless of the field value type) are available for selection. The fields of UUID type are additionally available for selection, grouping and ordering.
- The use of editing parameters set in the field containing the characteristic value, including the choice parameter links (set in metadata), the quick choice, etc., is implemented in the data composition system when working with characteristics (input in the form of fields corresponding to the types of characteristics).
- Setting of the current user language as the template language has been implemented for getting the template on the server and in the external connection mode. The behavior has not changed in the mode of compatibility with the 8.1 version (the configuration language is set by default).
- Filling of the Data path for a new user field in the data composition system is executed according to the script option set up in the configuration. The data path looks as UserFields.Field<N> in the English option of the script, and it looks as ПользовательскиеПоля.Поле<N> in the Russian option, where <N> is the unique field number. The behavior has not changed in the mode of compatibility with the 8.1 version (the data path has always been generated in the English language).
- When opening the ordinary form of information register record, the Period property value is set as equal to the current date, provided this property is not filled. In 8.1 version compatibility mode such filling is executed only if the form of record is opened from the list form. In other cases this property is not filled.
- The English language value SpaceCharacters has been changed for the XDTOFacetType system enumeration. Whitespace is used instead of WhiteSpace.
- The description of the IBM DB2 DBMS system operation has been included. Query connection is not allowed if two tables are being connected with the condition, including the comparison of the tabular section fields.
- Checking of the existence of the OS indicated user is not executed when setting the OSUser property value for the InfobaseUser object and when editing the user in the Designer.
- The ChoiceProcessing handler invocation (as well as processing of the handler parameters’ values after the completion of its execution) has been implemented for the text box for the following cases:
- Selection of value from the choice list opened in the process of the text input;
- Selection of value from the choice list opened upon the completion of the text input;
- Selection of the single value upon the completion of the work with the input field.
- The column fixation mechanism in the managed form table has been changed. Instead of defining the number of columns, which will be fixed to the left and to the right, specific columns (or groups of columns) that will need to be fixed are indicated. FixedInTable property has been implemented for the indication of the need of fixation (for the form field located in the table and for the group of Group of columns type). Thus, the number of fixed columns will depend on the columns fixation settings, on the values of functional options, on the user rights and on the current user settings. FixedLeft and FixedRight properties are not recommended for use and have been left for compatibility purposes.
- ErrorDescription() global context method operation has been changed. Now the result of the method operation contains the error text including the information on the module line and on all the nested errors. It is not recommended to use the method to generate messages to the user.
- The option of setting the Dynamic data reading has been implemented for the dynamic list of the managed form with the RecordsWithExtDimensions main table. It is recommended to set up this property for the dynamic lists created in the previous versions.
- Keywords for the query language extension for the CHARACTERISTICS data composition system have been renamed: LIST has been renamed to CHARACTERISTICSTYPES, IDENTIFIER has been renamed to KEYFIELD, NAME has been renamed to NAMEFIELD, VALUETYPE has been renamed to VALUETYPEFIELD, VALUES has been renamed to CHARACTERISTICVALUES, OBJECT has been renamed to OBJECTFIELD, CHARACTERISTIC has been renamed to TYPEFIELD, VALUE has been renamed to VALUEFIELD. The old names have been left for compatibility purposes.
- The event log saving format has been changed. The extension .elf has been changed to .lgf for files, containing common event log information. For the part of the event log file the extension .log changed to .lgp.
- If there is no schedule data for a specific record of base calculation register and this record fully gets in the base period, then result of this record is taken into account. In 8.1 version compatibility mode this record result is ignored.
- Using values of TempTablesManager type as return values of module functions with return values reuse with During session scope is prohibited. If such value is used, the exception will occure.
- When deleting objects using method DeleteObjects(), any exception occurred during the deletion, leads tо the termination of deleting process and return of control to the built-in language. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the behavior has not changed (some exceptions were handled on one’s own and notice of the calling code was not performed).
- When performing drag and drop to the managed form table, connected with form attribute of FormDataCollection, FormDataTree, FormDataStructureAndCollection type, the following is transferred as value for the Value property of DragParameters parameters for DragCheck and Drag events:
- Row id, if dragging is performed within a single table,
- Collection item, if dragging is performed between different tables.
- Disabling the ChangeRowOrder property does not prevent dragging from another table.
- If more than one element is being dragged into the table with ChangeRowOrder property set to True or drag is performed from outside of this table, then the standard event handler DragCheck does not cancel the drag.
- Modified the automatic generating of managed form item names. Changed names of managed form items of the report created by the form wizard.
- If in the query the totals are obtained by balance fields, the data in query is obtained by union and at the same time the balance fields are obtained in one part and zero values are obtained in the second part, then the query must clearly indicate obtaining of fields – the periods, for which the data is obtained from virtual table.
- The documents register records wizard includes in the generated code the call to delete existing register records of the record sets, the new register records are generated for, in case when the configuration’s main run mode is Ordinary application and the document’s Register record deletion property is set to Delete automatically on clearing posting or Do not delete automatically. It is recommended to modify configurations accordingly.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.2.11.
- When transiting from the version 8.2.10 to the version 8.2.11 list of infobase users is converted in the following cases:
- when this list is modified at first time, transition form the version 8.2.10 to version 8.2.11 is performed at the first time for the given infobase;
- if transition is performed not at the first time, but the list of users has been modified in the version 8.2.10 later than in the version 8.2.11 (except file-mode infobase, where conversion is performed only at the first transition).
After the conversion of the list of users two lists of users are maintained in the information base: in the "old" (list format to version 8.2.10, inclusively) and the "new" (list format starting with version 8.2.11) format. Previous content of list of users in "new" format is deleted. When transiting from version 8.2.11 to version 8.2.10 the list of users in "old" format as of the conversion time will be used. When you change the list of users to the "new" format, there is no change in the list of users in the "old" format, except the following cases:
- If the list of users in the "old" format is empty, when creating or editing a user with administrative rights in the "new" format, the user will be added to the list of users of "old" format.
- If the list of "old" format is only one user, when creating or editing a user with administrative rights in the "new" format, the user will replace the user from the list of "old" format.
- After the installation of the new version of 1С:Enterprise х86-64 it is possible to register the new server service without deleting the old one. If such a situation occurs it is necessary to cancel the registration of the old server service manually with the help of the Windows OS sc.exe utility. If there is a set server of 1C: Enterprise with the settings different from the default settings, it is necessary to execute a repeat registration of the server service with the required parameters, using the ragent.exe utility from the new version. A detailed description of the ragent.exe utility parameters is provided in the chapter 3 of the "Client server mode. Administrator manual" book.
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Version 8.2.10 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.
- In the event log implemented the Access denied event, which is written when access is denied for a user when checking the access rights and data access limitations. In 8.1 version compatibility mode, this event is written to the event log not in all cases. When operating with Oracle Database this event is logged regardless the compatibility mode. If it operates with IBM DB2 database earlier than v9.5, this event is not logged regardless the compatibility mode.
- In the event log implemented the Access event, which is written when information from the database is read. This event is not logged in 8.1 version compatibility mode, only if it's not operating with Oracle Database, in which case the event is always logged. If it operates with IBM DB2 database earlier than v9.5, this event is not logged regardless the compatibility mode.
- Implemented the possibility to manage writing the event log events using the SetEventLogJournalEventUsing() and GetEventLogJournalEventUsing() method. Additional setting is specified for particular metadata objects for the Access and Access denied events.
- Information about current operating system user is written in the Data field for the Authentication and Authentication error event log events.
- Information about current user properties is included in the Data field for the New user, Update user and Delete user event log events. The Data field of these events are displayed only for users with administrative rights.
- Extended possibilities to specify a filter in the UnloadEventLog() method. Implemented the possibility to specify several filters. Implemented the support of filter in the Data and Metadata fields for new and modified events in the event log.
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- Changing of time zones in the Russian Federation regions is now supported. The new rules take effect on March 28, 2010 at 02:00 (local time). The changes affected the following time zones: Europe/Samara, Asia/Novokuznetsk, Asia/Kamchatka, Asia/Anadyr. Modification implemented since version
- Implemented the check on using the / character when typing a name for a group in the list of infobases. Error message is displayed when typing this character.
- Input based on commands are available on the managed form in the Read-only mode.
- The Unavailable action message is displayed when trying to interactively perform parameterized global command, located in the form navigation panel with the Modifies data property set, if the command is located on the form of the object, which is a command parameter and if the described form is in the Read-only mode or if the Edit right is lacking for this object.
- Implemented to specify the availability flag for the form command, connected with current table row, depending on the Read-only mode of the table.
- When restoring list of the dynamic list filters the dublicated filter elements are not allowed.
- If in the data access restrictions for data of turnover accumulation register dimensions are used, which are not included in totals, then stored register totals are not used when calling the turnover virtual table and the query is executed by the record table.
- The status bar is displayed over all application windows (of 1C:Enterprise client), but not over all operating system windows, in the thick and thin client.
- Removed the GetUserMessages() of the ComConnector object. You should use the global context GetUserMessages() method instead.
- A warning about impossibility to operate with storage of previous version is displayed during conversion of the configuration storage from version 8.1.
- The No button is active after conversion is started when conversing file variant of the infobase from version 8.1 when warning about impossibility to operate with infobase of previous version is displayed.
- Implemented deactivating of displaing of incompletionmark when text is edited without modifying the MarkIncomplete property. Display refreshes after text editing is complete.
- The New user, Update user and Delete user event log events are written both on interactive, and programmatic modification of infobase users.
- The Authentication event log event is written only when authentication is successful.
- The User and UserName fields are written for the Authentication event log event.
- If unavailable field is used in the appearance of the conditional appearance item, then using this item is disabled when the method Refresh() of the data composition settings compiler is called.
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- Current user name is written in the UserName field when unloading the event log to XML. Full user name is written in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- When the event log is written as .XML in 8.1 version compatibility mode the names of UserID, EventName and MetadataName elements do not change.
- Data about authentication parameters are written in the Data field, not in the Comment field, for the Authentication and Authentication error event log events.
- Unloading from collection Data and Metadata fields (structures and arrays) is not performed when unloading the event log to XML or to a value table in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- HTML-handling features return tags in uppercase in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- When modifying the functional option values new values are available in current session right after modification both in thick client and external connection, regardless to where the modification was made. In other session the modified functional options values become available on server right after modification, and not later than 20 minutes after modifictation in thick client and external connections.
- User without administrative rights can not modify a value of CannotChangePassword property of the InfoBaseUser object. The behaviour is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode (this modification is possible).
- When using field from nested queries in + or - query language operations, when only NULL value is obtained, the error of query language is displayed. The abnormal terination executed in previous versions, starting from 8.1.12.
- The OnClose handler is called when trying to close modal form on timeout expiration (in managed and ordinary form). The behaviour is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode (the handler is not called).
- Data composition template data set names are generated on language, corresponding with configuration script variant.
- If the balance fields are obtained in the nested query, then in the external query these fields are considered balance, and totals are calculated by these fields like balance fields. The behaviour is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode (balance fields, obtained from the nested query are not considered balance fields and totals are calculated by them like ordinary fields).
- Exception is generated, if the EndOfPeriod parameter has value less then BeginOfPeriod parameter when executing query, where data is received from the RecordsWithExtDimensions, DrCrTurnovers and BalanceAndTurnovers virtual tables of the accounting register, and also BalanceAndTurnovers virtual table of the accumulation register.
- In the managed form text box specifying the MarkIncomplete property to False is cancelled on text editing start and when performing interactive selection from the choice form, calculator, calendar and dropdown list. At the same time when specifying value in data, connected with the texbox, the MarkIncomplete property value is set automatically depending on value being specified, if the AutoMarkIncomplete property is set.
- Modified names of automatically generated managed form elements (commands, command groups, etc.). Automatically generated form element names are generated on language, corresponding to script variant, not on the platform interface language.
- If a business process has the Task creating privileged mode property enabled, then the privileged mode is used on business process start for all operations with tasks and to complete the business process, and when closing task for all operation with other tasks and for all operations with the business process itself.
- Reading objects and writing records is performed in transaction. The shared lock is set for record sets when reading in managed mode. Conrol for coordinated reading the object tabular sections and record set records is provided.
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- Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and reports is not needed when migrating from 8.2.9 to 8.2.10.
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Version 8.2.9 is the final version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform.
- Managed application feature implemented: new model of functionality distribution between client and server, new forms mechanism, new command interface mechanism, functional options mechanism, new user settings saving mechanism, thin client, web client.
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- Oracle Database management system support.
- Default parameters for IBM DB2 database creation modified. The new values used for the parameters will reduce the number of readings from disk and will improve database operations performance.
- User session concept introduced. Session is used for unified identification of the active infobase user, regardless of the client application type. The notion of connection no longer describes the active infobase user.
- Resilience for software and hardware failures of 1C:Enterprise servers cluster.
- Implemented the possibility to identify reserved working processes along with enabled and disabled working processes.
- Ability to restart server working process upon reaching a designated virtual address space size.
- Dynamic load balancing for cluster working processes.
- Ability to define additional cluster manager(s) within a cluster and to distribute server services operation between such managers.
- Session data service can run on multiple cluster managers.
- When exclusive access to file-based infobase is attempted, connection pool is cleared for the web server connected to this infobase.
- PID (running operating system process identifier) acquisition in cluster console and in access object model.
- <mem> element added to configuration file of the technological log file. If <mem> element is available, 1C:Enterprise server processes calculate allocated and taken memory units and total volume of allocated and taken memory units.
- Memory leaks tracking <leaks> element of the technological log file) for the following objects: AccountingRegisterManager, ChartOfAccountsManager, ExchangePlanManager, SettingsStorageManager, AccumulationRegisterManager, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesManager, DocumentManager, EnumManager, InformationRegisterManager, DataProcessorManager, CatalogsManager, ReportManager, BusinessProcessManager, TaskManager, ChartOfCalculationTypesManager, CalculationRegisterManager, ManagedForm, FixedStructure, FixedMap, FormDataStructure, FormDataCollection, FormDataStructureAndCollection, FormDataCollectionItem, FormDataTree, FormDataTreeItemCollection, FormDataTreeItem.
- Implemented new method to display context in technological log if managed application is operating.
- Linux operating system based 1C:Enterprise server requires additional libraries to be installed in the following cases:
- for managed application running;
- when Chart, GraphicalSchema, SpreadsheetDocument objects are used on the server;
- when GetPicture() method is used in the Chart, GanttChart, Dendrogram, PivotChart objects;
- when exporting a spreadsheet document to XLS on the server side.
- 1C:Enterprise server startup/stop script for Linux operating system enhanced. Startup parameters setup added, server stop procedure improved, current server status output commands added.
- VALUETYPE feature added to query language.
- Type literals can be defined in query language.
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- Application object manager modules.
- Access rights definition for metadata objects attributes.
- Application functionality can now operate with the time corresponding to the specified time zone that does not depend on server location. New global context methods SetInfoBaseTimeZone(), GetInfoBaseTimeZone(), SetSessionTimeZone(), SessionTimeZone(), CurrentUniversalDate(), ToLocalTime(), ToUniversalTime(), TimeZone(), GetAvailableTimeZones(), TimeZonePresentation(), DaylightTimeOffset(), StandardTimeOffset().
- Aggregate mechanism intended to increase speed of operations with large data volumes of turnover accumulation registers in order to get analytical reports in various cross sections.
- For language objects (managers, objects) with GetForm() method assigned, call parameters analysis has been introduced, and GetForm() function of the global context can be requested if required.
- Empty record key for an information register notion introduced. Record key for an information register designer has been developed. IsEmpty() method for record key of an information register. EmptyKey() method for information register manager.
- New register records writing method for documents posting. When documents are posted, sets of records to be recorded are clearly stated. For the RegisterRecordsDeletion property of a document’s metadata a new AutoDeleteOnUnpost variant is introduced. This is the default variant. The Write property has been added for records of the registers. RegisterRecordsWritingOnPost property for document metadata introduced. When this property is assigned the WriteSelected value (default value), it allows recording of only the sets that have the Write property assigned. This method is intended to use optimized recording of changed records sets without deleting movements when posting is initiated. The Write() method is implemented for the RegisterRecords document collection. LockForUpdate property implemented for the records set of the accumulation register and the accounting register.
- The Size() method implemented for BinaryData object.
- Acceptable code (number) length property for metadata objects that possess numbers or codes. The property is only available when the code (number) is of string type. This property will have the Fixed value assigned during conversion from previous versions. When a new object is created, it will have the Variable value.
- Attributes fill check that provides for a regular description in the configuration of how to check correctness of the user-entered data. The fill check is not performed in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Standard objects filling mechanics enhanced. New properties implemented for objects attributes in metadata that influence the standard filling procedure: Filling Value – this value will be assigned to an attribute by the standard filling processing procedure, Fill from filling value determines if filling from the transferred filling data is possible. It is now possible to request filling in the forms when new objects are created and to transfer filter values to filter values fill handler if filling is called from a list. StandardProcessing parameter implemented for the objects in the filling event handling procedure. Filling event handler implemented for records set of an information register. Fill() method for records set of an information register and record manager of an information register.
- PrivilegedPostingMode and PrivilegedUnpostingMode properties implemented for Document metadata object. TaskCreatingPrivilegedMode property implemented for BusinessProcess metadata object.
- During various system checks when objects are created (for catalogs during parent check, code owner and uniqueness, for documents, business processes, and tasks during number uniqueness check, for exchange plans disabled during code uniqueness check, for exchange plans and charts of characteristic types during parent and code uniqueness check), data is accessed in privileged mode which makes it possible not to disable access rights restrictions at the records level for respective fields if configuration will only operate this data in managed mode or in the server-executed code.
- StoredPasswordValue property implemented for the InfoBaseUser object that is intended to get and set hash value of the password.
- DataVersion property implemented for catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, business processes, and tasks. This property is not available in the 8.1 version compatibility mode. In the 8.1 version compatibility mode the access rights to DataVersion field are checked based on the access rights for the Reference field.
- A designer to create a reference based on a unique identifier is implemented for the objects of the following types: CatalogRef, DocumentRef, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesRef, ChartOfAccountsRef, ChartOfCalculationTypesRef, ExchangePlanRef, BusinessProcessRef, TaskRef.
- Data analysis mechanism can now operate both on the server and in an external connection.
- HTMLDocumentShell object can now be used on the server.
- GeographicalSchema object can now be used on the server, in an external connection and in the web-client.
- GraphicalSchema object can now be used on the server and in an external connection.
- Implemented the possibility to obtain graphical schema using the GetCommonTemplate() method of global context and GetTemplate() method of the metadata object at server and in the external connection.
- Spreadsheet document pagination management on the server side, including on the Linux-based server.
- XDTO serialization for FixedArray object.
- XDTO serialization for TextDocument object.
- XDTO serialization for SpreadsheetDocument object.
- Search for graphical schema item name in the Find() method of the GraphicalSchemaItems object.
- Delayed updating of session parameter value, for example, when data or user settings are changed. This is provided for by the Clear() method of the SessionParameters object.
- CurrentStartPosition parameter for the NextPart() and PreviousPart() methods of the FullTextSearchList object.
- Download of the log file to a values table and a parameter intended to limit the number of downloaded log records in the UnloadEventLog() method.
- A new GetEventLogFilterValues() method that provides available filter values that can be used in log file downloading.
- GetModificationUniversalTime() and SetModificationUniversalTime() methods for the File object.
- Search Subfolders parameter has been implemented for the FindFiles() global context methods and FTPConnection object.
- FixedArray object can be used to transfer the virtual accounting registers parameters Balances, Turnovers, BalancedAndTurnovers, DrCrTurnovers, and the accounting register manager methods Balances, Turnovers, BalancesAndTurnovers, DrCrTurnovers that can be assigned extra dimension types as parameters.
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- AvailableValues property for the ValueList object that makes it possible to only use a certain set of values as the available values for the list items.
- List items can now be identified with numerical identifiers.
- Implemented parameter for standard attribute name designation and standard attribute name designation of standard tabular section for AccessRight() method.
- CurrentLocaleCode() global context method intended to retrieve localization code for the current session. /VL command line parameter can be used to enable this parameter. GetAvailableLocaleCodes() method has been added to the global context. LocaleCodePresentation() method has been added to the global context.
- Software enabling and disabling of privileged mode. SetPrivilegedMode() and PrivilegedMode() methods have been added to the global context.
- Safe mode for code execution that can be software enabled and disabled. EnableSafeMode() and SafeMode() methods have been added to the global context.
- PredefinedValue() global context method added in order to retrieve a reference to a predefined value.
- SetBinaryData() method for FastInfosetReader and FastInfosetWriter objects.
- When subscribing to COM-object events as well as events of the ExternalObject object that have the same name while the number of their parameters varies, the number of handler parameters is taken into account and a handler with the respective number of parameters is selected for the event.
- LockDataForEdit() and UnlockDataForEdit() methods have been added to the global context.
- ServerCall property implemented for common modules. The property is available only for modules with Server flag.
- New external components technology makes it possible to develop such components using both C++ API and COM technology. The components developed using the new technology can be uploaded both in client applications and on the 1C:Enterprise server. At the same time the previous external components are fully supported.
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- MarkIncomplete parameter for the following objects: DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance, DataCompositionAppearanceTemplateAppearance, DataCompositionAppearance.
- It is now possible to use the fields nested data sets in the data composition system (in the data set query text – an object in the {SELECT} and {WHERE} sentences, in the data composition schema wizard, in the data composition system query wizard, in the data composition template, in the data composition settings).
- New comparison types In List, Not in List, In List Group, Not In List Group added to data composition system settings to be used for fields with a predefined list of available values and for the custom combo fields. Ability to fill the list of values for a parameter that has a list of available values.
- It is now possible to set filters for the Type fields in the data composition system.
- SetParameterValue() method that sets a value for data composition parameter and enables the Use property.
- Ability to get data set fields appearances from query fields synonyms in the data composition system. If no synonym has been specified for the field, field data path is used instead.
- OnComposeResult() event handler added to the ReportObject object.
- ChoiceFoldersAndItems property for data composition system parameter editing parameters.
- Optional RefreshMethod parameter for the Refresh() method in the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object. This optional parameter is intended to manage restoration of settings serviceability.
- FixedSettings property and LoadFixedSettings() method have been added to the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object.
- ValueListAllowed and ValueType properties have been added for the DataCompositionAvailableParameter object.
- ValueType property has been added to the DataCompositionAvailableField and DataCompositionFilterAvailableField objects.
- In the data composition system settings dialog a special icon in the settings structure will demonstrate that grouping is disabled (deleted by user). When editing the set of custom settings is finished, the developer will be notified in the event that the grouping has been created by user and is at the same time disabled.
- If a user selects Filter by a certain field for the report details and a filter element using this field already exists without a specified appearance and located outside of the conditions group, no new filter element will be created in the new settings and the existing one will be used instead.
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- It is now possible to enable 1C:Enterprise 8.1 compatibility mode in the configuration properties. The compatibility mode is automatically enabled upon conversion of a configuration created in 1C:Enterprise versions 8.1 or 8.0. Features that depend on compatibility mode are listed in the Changes that Require Configuration Changes or Influence System Behavior.
- When client-server database configuration update requires database restructuring, it is now possible to attempt to force disconnection of all sessions and to update the database configuration repeatedly.
- In all the dialogs the Windows Authentication texts are replaced with Operating System Authentication while mentions of the Windows Users are replaced with Operating System Users.
- The context menu of the configuration tree root received new commands intended to open various configuration editors.
- New Query Wizard with Result Processing that generates a code to build and execute a query as well as a result iteration and building a spreadsheet document or a chart.
- New Session Locale Code parameter included in the Designer settings dialog (1C:Enterprise Startup tab).
- Style Elements branch is moved from the Styles branch to the Common branch root. The Value property is added to style elements.
- Boolean type values are now displayed in the debugger as True/False depending on the values of the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant property.
- The sequence order and type grouping changed in the type selection dialog.
- The order of default forms in metadata editing dialogs and new forms dialogs has been changed.
- The 1C:Enterprise startup parameters page has been divided into two panes – Main and Additional. Module Texts tab renamed to Modules.
- Metadata object name is now displayed in the properties palette title for metadata objects.
- The Syntax Assistant now helps better distinguish between different kinds of information based on the availability and use modes. Implemented the possibility to filter display information by availability of objects, methods, properties.
- When a new metadata object is created that has no dedicated editing window, both the properties palette and the More window are opened (provided that the More window is applicable for this object).
- The set of properties displayed in the Important Only mode has been changed.
- The size of type selection list for the Type properties of the metadata objects attributes has been increased to 20 lines.
- When a metadata object is assigned to subsystems, it is now possible to include the object into this or that subsystem regardless of mutual subordination of the subsystems. An object can now be assigned simultaneously both to a parent subsystem and to its subordinate subsystem.
- The View right has been added for Subsystem configuration object. If a user does not have rights to view the subsystem, then the help information on configuration objects is also unavailable for viewing.
- It is now possible to lock an individual subsystem in a repository and to customize the distribution rules for subsystems in the configuration distribution settings dialog.
- Various changes in the metadata editing dialogs, including the changes that reflect the new set of properties of metadata objects.
- When help is edited in the Designer, it is now possible to use references to system help topics. When help is edited in the Designer, when the reference to system help topic is selected:
- For Managed application configuration edit mode only topics concerned to managed application are displayed and the Web client column is displayed only;
- For Managed application and ordinary application configuration edit mode all topics are displayed and Managed application, Ordinary application and Web client columns are displayed.
- The set of text templates has been changed. Templates have been modified and expanded with changes and new features of the platform.
- When file infobase is being published on a web-server and anonymous authentication is used, the anonymous user access rights are checked for the database directory. If there are not enough rights, then warning about impossibility of working with this infobase is displayed. It is recommended to grant according rights or select the Use operating system authenticaton on web server check box.
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- List of supported Linux distribution kits is modified.
- Unified start program implemented for versions 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2.
- Implemented setup program for thin client for operating in client-server variant.
- Group policies and logon-scripts can now be used to install 1C:Enterprise.
- It is now possible to designate the used 1C:Enterprise version for every infobase from a list of infobases.
- Web services publishing mechanism changed. The new features can also be accessed using the webinst command line utility (available for Windows and Linux operating systems). Publication name should contain latin symbols only. Also, for Apache web-server, name of publication catalog should contain latin symbols only. Publishing using .1cws files is not supported any more. The wsinst utility removed from the delivery kit.
- It is now possible to create pictures for charts and schemas in BMP or PNG formats for Linux server.
- Alpha-channel PNG pictures are now supported in form elements. System pictures used in 1C:Enterprise mode have been converted to PNG format.
- Submenu Internet Information added to the Help menu.
- No default database server type is selected when a client-server database is created.
- OpenHelp() method behavior has been changed. The parameter can now hold a reference to a help topic.
- The PlatformType property for SystemInfo object.
- Internal XML handling implementation has been changed.
- New HTMLDocument type has been added.
- A spreadsheet document can be saved as HTML and Excel97 both on the 1C:Enterprise server and in an external connection.
- The Format() and Convert() methods of the Picture object can be used on the server and in external connection mode.
- It is now possible to execute CheckPut(), CheckAttachment(), and PageCount() methods for a spreadsheet document both on the server and in an external connection.
- New PageSize, PageWidth, PageHeight properties have been introduced for a spreadsheet document.
- It is now possible to get the messages displayed to a user on the server, in an external connection, from Web services, and from background jobs. GetUserMessages() global context method will retrieve the messages that have not been displayed to a user yet. The GetUserMessages() method implemented for COM-connection object. GetUserMessages() method for the BackgroundJob object will make it possible to retrieve the messages generated during the background job from outside of the background job.
- StandardPeriodEditDialog 1C:Enterprise script object that makes it possible to edit the standard period interactively.
- New pictures added to the pictures library: ReportSettings, Form, SettingsStorage, ActiveUsers, EventLog, UserEventLog, ShowData, Properties, NewWindow, CancelSearch, GetNavigationLink, GoToNavigationLink, AddToFavorites, DataCompositionNewNestedSchema.
- Automatic scrolling mode using the middle mouse button added to a text document, spreadsheet document, graphical schema, table field.
- When user actions are logged (initiated by /logui command line parameter), new marks are added to show the beginning, the end, and the duration of an action.
- New Encoding parameter added to the OpenFile() method of the XMLReader object. The input file encoding should be clearly designated if the file is 4-byte encoded (UTF-32) or uses the IBM-encoding family, i.e. for all title-enabled encodings.
- When full-text search results are displayed as HTML, the occurred words are now highlighted in different colors.
- Month value has been added to the StandardPeriodVariant system enumeration.
- Ctrl + W will now select the current word in the text editor and in an entry field.
- The selected line is now located in the center instead of on top of drop-down lists.
- ColumnSizeChangeMode property added for a spreadsheet document cell that makes it possible to change a column size using the mouse by pointing it to the right column border. A similar property has been implemented for a data composition template area cell.
- The infobase adding and editing dialog now has the settings that designate the infobase user authentication use mode.
- Reuse mode introduced for retrieved values of the shared modules functions. This mode is intended to optimize multiple data acquisitions within a session or a server request.
- In the event log implemented events of logon attempts and failed logon attempts. These events are displayed only for users with administrative rights.
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- Client licenses can now be obtained using a server or a web server add-on module. In this case a separate license is required for every session.
- The key for the last successful connection can be stored. The next search for a license will begin from this key, which accelerates the client application launch.
- Modified the procedure for searching the license for of the 64-bit Com connection operating. Client licenses can be used along with server licenses.
- In the 1C:Enterprise mode the About 1C:Enterprise dialog now has a Configuration text field that can display the configuration information, the URL to access configuration provider information and configuration copyright information.
- In the dialog opened by Save as command it is now possible to choose a file type for saving. The selected file type will be used in the future for the file when the Save command is used to save it.
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- Optimized database operation. In the 8.1 version compatibility mode and when working with IBM DB2 database management system 9.5 or older, the previous implementation of database operations is used that is similar to version 8.1.
- Configuration first run has been optimized.
- File-based database operations are optimized for grouping-enabled queries execution and for execution of queries that get a large number of entries. Memory and query execution speed optimized. Execution of queries that contain Turnovers virtual tables of the accumulation and accounting registers has been optimized as well.
- Internal platform functions related to memory and resources usage have been optimized.
- Temporary files handling has been optimized.
- Internal platform functions related to session data have been optimized. The volume of traffic between a client and a server during client-server operation has been reduced.
- In order to improve scalability and performance of 1C:Enterprise server, the configuration metadata are fully loaded by the server when connecting to the infobase.
- For catalogs that lack a code and a name, the Owner+Reference and the Owner+Parent+[Group]+Reference indices can be created.
- Optimized reading and writing of XML- and XDTO-files.
- Dumping and restoring of an infobase have been optimized. Infobase dump file size reduced.
- Processor usage reduced for entering and editing text in an entry field.
- Data composition processor operating speed, when generating reports containing large amount of data, has been increased.
- Optimized database configuration update when configuration includes an exchange plan with distributed infobase.
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- Application interface appearance has been changed. New display of controls, new colors and pictures used. The interface remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Modified display of several form elements. Table field header area increased. Left and right indents in table field cells increased. Size of panel tab size increased and space between tabs also increased. Interface is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Windows 98, Windows Me operating systems are no longer supported.
- 1C:Enterprise installation wizard has been changed.
- It is now possible to install and work with multiple 1C:Enterprise versions.
- Administrative installation eliminated, the admupd.cfg file is not installed to the platform installation folder, the /AU command line option is not supported.
- The list of infobases is contained in ibases.v8i file located at %APPDATA%\1C\1CEstart.
- By default, configuration files are located in the C:\Program Files\1Cv82\conf folder. The folder intended to store server cluster settings has been renamed from server to srvinfo. The servers cluster settings files (when a server is installed as a service) are located in the C:\Program Files\1Cv82\srvinfo folder.
- New location of the templates folder. It is now possible to designate multiple templates folders. The v8cscadr.lst file is no longer used.
- Modified names of Linux distribution packages: 1C_Enterprise-*.rpm files renamed to 1C_Enterprise82-*.rpm, 1c-enterprise-*.deb files renamed to 1c-enterprise82-*.deb.
- To operate with servers of previous versions you need to register utility of appropriate version using RegMSC.cmd file (by default the utility of the newest version is registered). The shortcut for the server cluster administration utility has been renamed to 1C Enterprise servers.
- Maximum size for unlimited length data decreased to 1Gb in IBM DB2 database management system and data logging introduced. When an infobase is converted from the previous versions or when an infobase is loaded from file, maximum length of unlimited length data is reduced. Infobase file conversion or loading will be aborted if such an infobase contains the unlimited length data with its actual size larger than 1Gb.
- In 1C:Enterprise server debugging mode (launched using /debug parameter) configuration objects are loaded when required, unlike regular server operation mode, when all configuration objects are loaded. Thus configuration startup is accelerated.
- In attributes, which are not stored in the infobase, it is allowed to use all available types, excepting Characteristic.<Chart of characteristic types name>, to create composite type of attribute.
- New approach to operations with text templates files. A separate templates file is used for every 1C:Enterprise script variant. It is not recommended to store custom templates files in the 1C:Enterprise installation folder. Standard templates can not be modified.
- Totals split attribute is now enabled by default for new accumulation and accounting registers. When database configuration is updated, totals split attribute is enabled for such registers as well. When a new infobase is created in a configuration that has totals split enabled for the registers, this attribute will also be enabled for the respective registers in this new infobase. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Subsystem metadata object storage manner changed in the configuration. After conversion from the previous versions for the infobases connected to the repository, the subsystems will be displayed as new objects. It is required to lock the metadata root object and locate the subsystems to the repository.
- Picture editor now supports alpha-channel. When editing of pictures created in the previous versions is finished, such pictures will be converted to PNG. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- In picture editor Set transparent background and Remove transparency buttons are available only for BMP, JPEG and TIFF formats.
- When spreadsheet documents are compared, the rows added in the end of a spreadsheet document and the cells added in the end of a row, are considered to be added.
- Reference types now have a new appearance. An appearance of a reference type now only contains the metadata object appearance.
- The accounting register fields and the Extra Dimensions type fields now have a new appearance in the tabular section of an account form.
- It is forbidden to enter the characters that are not allowed by XML 1.0 to the entry fields and text editor. When such a character is added interactively, the entry of the character is ignored while when a text is pasted from the clipboard, the invalid characters are dismissed and will not be contained in the pasted text.
- The behaviour of the XSLT mechanism when transforming HTML tags has been modified. The XSLT mechanism optimizes HTML according to http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt standard, described in Chapter 16.2 HTML Output Method.
- When using tools for working with HTML it is not allowed to use the <TABLE> element as child of the <P> element. In such a way the <P><TABLE></TABLE></P> construction is transformed to the <P></P><TABLE></TABLE> after processing. This behaviour corresponds with the HTMLstandard (http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/text.html).
- Text appearances have been changed for some commands of the data composition system.
- Specifying the nonexistent fields of the DataCompositionDataParameters object in the data path in regular form calls the exception.
- A changed text for the message that is displayed when an object is edited that has been changed by another user. The new message text: The data has been modified or deleted by another user.
- A changed representations for error messages concerned with standard attributes. Messages have the following appearance: "FieldName" field value сause of error, for example, if catalog code is not unique, then the "Code" field value is not unique message is displayed.
- Changed representation for information register record when error message is generated.
- Error message that is displayed when an operation in event handler is cancelled, has been changed. The text that used to read Operation not performed has been replaced with Failed to post: "Sale of goods"!.
- New format of an error message displayed in the event of database object lock error. Database object lock appearance changed in the cluster console.
- The following item names were changed in the event log written as .XML: User (instead of UserID), Event (instead of EventName) and Metadata (instead of MetadataName).
- New properties have been added to the technological log file events: SessionID – session number assigned to the current stream, AppID – client application identifier of the session assigned to the current stream. The value for the Usr property is now filled from the assigned session instead of from the connection.
- Improved column width calculation in the data composition result output to a spreadsheet document.
- When an external report or data processor is saved, the pictures selected from the pictures library are not converted to absolute pictures. This conversion is still carried out in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Modified output format of InputByString metadata object property used for configuration report. Now fields’ names are displayed in the report, not representations.
- The values of the Number and Date types are displayed in compliance with regional settings of the current session if Use regional settings of the current session property is selected in the Infobase Regional Settings dialog.
- Values of Boolean type is displayed in compliance with platform interface language if specific values are not set in the Infobase Regional Settings dialog.
- Values of Boolean type are displayed by Yes/ No words instead of True/ False (corresponding with platform interface language being used). Representation is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Add-in object type and string representation are generated in accordance with what is specified in parameter of New() script operator, which is used for creating an object instance. Behaviour is not changed in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The spreadsheet document properties Output and PageOrientation can only have the values of corresponding types. When an improper value type is assigned, an exception will be generated. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- If a nonconventional border or border color is selected for a form element (in any client and in any form view) or if a nonconventional button background color is selected for the Button, Text box, and Track bar elements, the form element will be displayed same as it was displayed in version 8.1. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the form elements are displayed the same.
- When Tab or Shift+Tab buttons are pressed in a form table that does not contain lines or has the Row selection mode selected, it will activate either the next form element or the previous one respectively. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- For commands to operate with hierarchy (in table, spreadsheet and text documents) implemented the following keyboard shortcuts: explode node ‑ Shift + Alt + Gray+, collapse node ‑ Shift + Alt + Gray-, exlode all nodes ‑ Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Gray+, collapse all nodes ‑ Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Gray-. Only these keyboard shortcuts are used in web client. In other clients previously shortcuts can be used.
- The titles of active columns of form tables are not highlighted. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- GetModificationTime() and SetModificationTime() methods of the File object now feature a new behavior. The time when a file was modified is either retrieved or set taking into account the time shift rules that existed at the time of modification instead of at the time of retrieving or setting such time. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- A query that contains the keyword DISTINCT and a clause ORDER BY with an expression, which is absent from selection list, is treated as invalid. An error message will be displayed. The error message will not be displayed if version 8.1 compatibility mode is enabled.
- If union data set is used in the data composition schema and some field is only available in one subsidiary data set, when filter is applied to this field, the composition result will only contain the records from this data set. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- If a user is not allowed to interactively view the metadata object, the composition system will treat all the object table fields as invalid. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- A new display of full names of modules in the technological log file, log file, etc. The previous display of full names of modules is used in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The identifier assigned to a reference of a new object created by copying, will remain the same in the object procedure OnCopy() (to be used in the future during recording). The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The Contains condition of the data composition system treats the _, %, and [ characters as regular characters instead of special ones. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- CAST query language operation will retrieve a variable-length string (without padding spaces) when it is converted to the STRING type. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The Fixed Length String metadata attribute can not have a length over 100 characters. This limitation is not applicable to the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- In the VALUE expression of the query language when route points values are referenced, the Points term is replaced by RoutePoint. It is still possible to use the Points term for compatibility reasons.
- The Field property of the DataCompositionAvailableField object contains the data path written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The Parameter property of the DataCompositionAvailableParameter and the DataCompositionParameterValue objects contains the parameter written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- When data composition settings are filled by the system (in interactive editing, details processing, etc.), all the DataCompositionField properties are filled with a data path written using the script specified in the 1C:Enterprise Script Variant configuration property. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- In the color selection dialog web colors are sorted by shades. In the 8.1 version compatibility mode, the colors are sorted by their English-language names.
- In form wizard and template wizard the name will not be changed when a synonym is changed same as the synonym will not be changed when the name is changed, if the synonym does not match the one created automatically. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- Only when the Edit right is assigned, the following rights can be assigned as well: InteractiveInsert, InteractiveDelete, InteractiveSetDeletionMark, InteractiveClearDeletionMark, InteractiveDeleteMarked, InteractivePosting, InteractivePostingRegular, InteractiveUndoPosting, InteractiveChangePosted, InteractiveStart, InteractiveActivate, InteractiveExecute. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The ApplicationModule configuration property has been renamed to OrdinaryApplicationModule. The previous version preserved for the compatibility purposes. When configuration files are dumped, ordinary application module is dumped to a Configuration.OrdinaryApplicationModule.txt file while in 8.1 version compatibility mode it is dumped to a Configuration.ApplicationModule.txt file. When configuration files are loaded, both variants will be accepted.
- The Client property has been renamed to Client (ordinary application). Those shared modules that have the Client (ordinary application) property checked, will be loaded in the thick client in the ordinary application mode.
- The database that stores the 1C:Enterprise infobase now has a modified structure of tables. Some values have been changed in the Purpose column of the values table that is the result of the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method.
- In JOIN operations on request tables applied to object tables, ON section is not allowed to access tablular sections if used object tables are object of data access restrictions. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the behavior has not changed.
- The Type property of the DataCompositionAvailableField, DataCompositionFilterAvailableField, and DataCompositionAvailableParameter objects is not recommended for use as it has only been preserved for compatibility reasons. Instead the ValueType property should be used.
- GroupBackColor, GroupTextColor, HeaderBackColor, HeaderTextColor properties of a spreadsheet document have been removed. These properties are supported in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- When an empty string is written into an XML-file using the WriteAttribute() or WriteText() methods (these methods can be requested between the WriteStartAttribute() and WriteEndAttribute()) of the WriteXML object, the output stream will contain the following expression: <AttributeName>="". The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode: when an empty string is written as an attribute value, nothing will be written in the output stream.
- The Client command line parameter option has been renamed to ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication, while the ClientServer command line parameter option has been renamed to ThickClientOrdinaryApplication, and the ExternalConnectionServer – to ExternalConnection. Use of Client, ClientServer, and ExternalConnectionServer is available in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- If Date attribute (containing Date and Time) is edited in a field that is format string designated to display only part of the attribute (date or time), editing of one part of the attribute (date or time) will not result in modification of another part.
- All the 1C:Enterprise 8 components are fully Unicode-applications.
- It is now impossible to choose a character set in the font selection dialog. Unicode-fonts should be used.
- We have switched from use of ICU 3.4 to use of ICU 4.0. ICU 4.0 is based on CLDR (Common Locale Data Repository) standard version 1.6. For more information, please visit http://www.unicode.org/cldr/. Due to updates of CLDR standard and the updated ICU version, for a number of languages and countries numbers and dates formats as well as strings sorting have been changed.
- JIS_X0201 encoding is not supported any more.
- Web services publishing using .1cws files is not supported. The wsinst utility removed from the delivery kit.
- Web-service connection pool setting is performed using default.vrd file. Wsconnectionpool.xml file is not used anymore. Connection pool is enabled by default after publication.
- New session starts and SessionParametersSettings() handler is called on each Web-service call.
- The Type virtual field has been implemented for document journals tables. This field contains the document type.
- If a report query uses a limitation of parameters referencing standard period dates and if some part of the date will contain an empty date, the value for this date will be treated as unassigned. If a user does not enter the end date for a custom period, it will be considered not to be designated.
- When cells of a spreadsheet document are copied to the clipboard, the data will be stored in the clipboard in Excel97 format. This makes it possible to paste cells containing Cyrillic characters to ОpenOffice. Also a copied spreadsheet document fragment in Excel97 will preserve the columns shift for every row of a spreadsheet document.
- When a spreadsheet document is saved in XLS format the following conversions are performed: fonts from WindowsFonts system set are substituted by Arial font, cells are merged using new algorithm (if a spreadsheet document cell is represented by several cells in Excel and along with this a spreadsheet document is limited on the left and on the right by border or color, then Excell cells are merged). In 8.1 version compatibility mode the behaviour is not changed.
- All the system text strings generated on the 1C:Enterprise server are displayed in compliance with the interface language of the current session.
- In 1C:Enterprise mode help can be opened from a form without selecting a topic. If no help topic has been defined for a particular form, help topic is opened for the metadata object this form belongs to while if no such topic exists, the General Information about Forms section is opened. The topic selection is preserved in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- For the Fill Checking property a default setting has been implemented as the Display Error value for the following standard attributes: Name of an exchange plan; Owner and Name of a catalog; Date of a document; Name of a chart of characteristics; Code, Name of a chart of accounts; ExtDimensionType of a chart of accounts for extra dimensions types; Name of a chart of calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for leading calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for base calculation types; CalculationType of a chart of calculation types for displacing calculation types; Period of an information register; Period of an accumulation register; Period of an accounting register; RegistrationPeriod, CalculationType, BegOfActionPeriod, EndOfActionPeriod of a calculation register; Date of a business process; Name of a job. When these objects are entered and the respective attributes have not been filled, an error will be generated. The check is not performed in the 1C:Enterprise 8.1 compatibility mode.
- The help does not have the automatically added fields and texts at the top and in the bottom (1C Company and 1C:Enterprise, configuration and developer information).
- In web server add-on modules operations the algorithm of designating the temporary file folder has been changed. When a query is received and a reply is sent, the default temporary files folder is the temporary files folder of the user who executes the query. When a query to a file-based infobase is processed (it is processed directly by a web server add-on module), the default temporary file folder is 1Cv8Temp subfolder of the file-based infobase folder. The <vrs:point> element of the default.vrd file has received an optional attribute temp that can be used to specify a temporary files folder for operation of web servers add-on modules.
- The Content property has been implemented for the Subsystem object. This property contains a list of all the objects belonging to the subsystem. Upon conversion from previous versions, this property is filled based on the subsystems that the configuration objects belong to. In 8.1 version compatibility mode the Subsystem property is available via the 1C:Enterprise script for the metadata objects that could belong to subsystems. Also Content configuration property is available in the 8.1 version compatibility mode. This property is filled with the references to the objects that belonged to the root element of the subsystems tree. When 8.1 version compatibility mode is disabled, the Content configuration property will be cleared and will not be available any more in the configuration properties dialog.
- Drop-down menu and context menu can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel if a menu can not be fully displayed. No moving up and down of the drop-down and context menus is now possible using mouse wheel.
- The possibility to specify using several working processes in server cluster, Multiple Processes checkbox has been removed from the 1C:Enterprise server cluster console properties dialog. 1C:Enterprise server cluster supports running several working processes always. The value of the MultiProcess property in the COMConnector object of the Servers Cluster object is ignored (the property is preserved for compatibility reasons), the SetClusterMultiProcess() method of the Server Agent Connection object does not result in any actions and has also been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The Use property implemented for the IWorkingProcessInfo object. Property indicates the mode of using the working process (do not use/ use/ use as backup). The Enable property of this object is left for.
- For the IServerAgentConnection object implemented the SetWorkingProcessUsage() method, using which you can set new value for the Use property of the IWorkingProcessInfo object. StartWorkingProcess() and StopWorkingProcessInfo() methods are left for compatibility.
- For the IServerAgentConnection object implemented the SetClusterRecyclingExpirationTime() method, that sets time of forced termination of the working process. The SetClusterRecycling() method is left for compatibility.
- Implemented global context methods SetSessionsLock() and GetSessionsLock() and also the SessionsLock object to control locking new infobase sessions. The global context methods GetConnectionsLock() and SetConnectionsLock() and the ConnectionsLock object the have been preserved for compatibility reasons. In the infobase properties, that are shown in the 1C:Enterprise server cluster console text Connection lock is set is changed to Session lock is set.
- The SessionsDenied property implemented for the IInfoBaseInfo object. This property specifies if the creating new sessions is possible. The ConnectDenied property has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The HTMLDocumentShell object now has a new set of methods.
- Some element names have been changed in the servers cluster console. When the list of working processes is displayed, the computer name is now accompanied by a sequence number of the working process on this computer.
- When executing the Lock() method, lock values are now checked in managed lock elements for all the fields for compliance with the lock field type. The behavior remains unchanged in the 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- During spreadsheet document pagination on Linux-based server the size of resulting pages can differ from the size of those pages that are actually printed out. This is due to peculiarities of font information presentation by this operating system. In this case you should change the margins for the paper.
- Date autofilling changed for year end (November-December): when dates are entered for the beginning of the year (January-February), the next year will be inserted. Date autofilling changed for the beginning of the year (January-February): when dates are entered for the end of the year (November-December), the previous year will be inserted unless the year is clearly designated.
- The authentication dialog features a changed interface as well as displays the infobase name from the infobases list.
- Presentation of 1CV8 application changed (in the ApplicationPresentation() method, system forms). Thick client is used instead of 1C:Enterprise.
- Presentation of web servers applications changed (in the ApplicationPresentation method, system forms). Web prefix has replaced WEB.
- Changes in color, font, and line selection dialogs in 1C:Enterprise mode.
- When users list and active users list are accessed, by default the cursor is placed in the beginning of the list. Sort by user names is enabled by default for active users list as well.
- Stricter operation implemented for DOM-XML name spaces. If name spaces are used, possible consequences of behavior changes should be analyzed.
- Modified window mode for horizontal tile mode of Syntax assistant: command bar buttons are used instead of tabs Contents, Index and Search.
- English-language version of the DefaultConstantsForm property name changed. DefaultConstantsForm is now used instead of DefaultConstantForm. It is still possible to use DefaultConstantForm for compatibility reasons.
- English-language version of the DataCompositionSchema report property name changed. DataCompositionSchema is now used instead of CompositionDataSchema. It is still possible to use CompositionDataSchema for compatibility reasons.
- For the Form object the WindowOptionsName form property has been renamed to WindowOptionsKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- For the SpreadsheetDocument object the WindowOptionsName property has been renamed to WindowOptionsKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- For the SpreadsheetDocument object the PrintParametersName property has been renamed to PrintParametersKey. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The print parameters saved with a name designated in the PrintParametersKey property of a spreadsheet document, will be preserved after the Page Setup dialog is opened, preview window is opened and printing is executed (both interactively and software-initiated). Print parameters are saved to an infobase. Print parameters of individual spreadsheet documents (objects) are changed independently (even if the key of print parameters is the same). The properties are filled from the print parameters saved using a key when the key was assigned. In 8.1 version compatibility mode such print parameters are not separated and are changed simultaneously.
- The Put() and Join() methods of a spreadsheet document will result in an error if the first parameter in such methods contains a spreadsheet document area. The behavior remains unchanged in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The LocaleCode() global context method has been renamed to InfoBaseLocaleCode(). The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- For spreadsheet document, geographical schema, graphical schema, and graphical schema field objects the Print() methods will accept the values of the PrintDialogUseMode type as a parameter. Use of Boolean type parameter has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The WindowsUsers() method has been renamed to OSUsers(). Use of WindowsUsers() is still possible for compatibility reasons.
- The English-language name of the OpenFile() method for FastInfosetReader and FastInfosetWriter has been changed from Open() to OpenFile(). The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The name for the Transparency property has been changed to Transparent for the following objects: GeographicalSchemaPlotArea, GeographicalSchemaLegendArea, GeographicalSchemaTitleArea. The previous version has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- For the InfobaseConnection object we have implemented the SessionNumber property and renamed SessionStart property to ConnectionStarted. The previous name has been preserved for compatibility reasons.
- The following pictures are only available to be selected interactively in 8.1 version compatibility mode: DocumentObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ScheduledJobs, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, ChartOfAccountsObject, InformationRegisterRecord. The following pictures have been renamed: SelectFromList to SelectValue, AddListItem to CreateListItem, NewFolder to AddFolder, EditListItem to Edit, MarkItemToDeleteFromList to MarkForDeletion, DeleteListItemDirectly to DeleteDirectly, DeleteListItem to Delete. The pictures with new names are available to be selected interactively while the pictures with older names are only available to be selected interactively in 8.1 version compatibility mode.
- The Data Parameters tab renamed to Parameters in the automatically generated report settings forms and data composition schema wizard.
- The report settings command text has been changed from New nested schema to New nested report.
- In the format string editor the texts logical and logical value have been replaced with Boolean.
- For client-server version the text Infobase has been replaced with Infobase Name in the About 1C:Enterprise dialog.
- HTML-handling features returns tags in the lowercase, independently from which case was used in source HTML-text.
- To activate the search field in the Designer and thick client command bar use the Ctrl+Shift+D key combination. The Ctrl+D key combination is used to call the Add to favourites command of the managed application.
- It is not recommended to include more than one type in type of the chart of characteristics types used for storage extra dimensions of the chart of accounts, except when all types are references to database objects. This can lead to significant performance degradation.
Table of contents
- It is possible to upgrade to version 8.2.9 from versions 8.1.5 and older as well as version 8.0.18.
- The 1C:Enterprise 8.2.9 platform version can be installed on a computer without uninstalling the previous platform versions already installed.
- Attention!
Infobase, configuration, external data processors, and external reports formats have been changed. In order to work with a new 1C:Enterprise version, it is required to convert the infobase (configuration, external data processors, and external reports). Once conversion of a particular infobase (configuration, external data processor, and external report) begins, this infobase will not be available for operation with the previous versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 versions.
- Please, create a backup copy of an infobase (configuration, external data processor, external report) prior to conversion!
- If any software or hardware failures occur in the conversion process, the data contained in the infobase may be lost.
- Infobase conversion can only be performed by a user possessing administrative rights.
- Please, follow the procedure below to convert an infobase:
Table of contents
- Attention!
The infobase file format has been changed. It should be converted for future use.
- Please, create a backup copy of an infobase prior to conversion.
- If any software or hardware failures occur in the conversion process, the data contained in the infobase may be lost. After conversion, an infobase can not be used with previous versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform versions.
Table of contents
- Create an infobase backup copy.
- Launch the Designer of the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 platform version.
- If the configuration being edited does not match the database configuration, update the latter.
If the database configuration is not updated, forced rollback to database configuration will be executed. In order to prevent possible conversion errors, it is recommended to perform infobase verification and repair.
- Terminate the Designer of the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 version.
- Launch the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 platform version Designer.
- If an infobase is not available in the list of infobases, add an existing infobase.
- Open the infobase in the Designer mode.
- Agree when prompted to convert the infobase. The program will continue running after displaying a successful conversion message.
Table of contents
- Create an infobase backup copy.
- Launch the Designer of the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 platform version.
- If the configuration being edited does not match the database configuration, update the latter.
If the database configuration is not updated, forced rollback to database configuration will be executed. In order to prevent possible conversion errors, it is recommended to perform infobase verification and repair.
- Terminate the Designer of the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 version.
- Launch the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 version Designer.
- If an infobase is not available in the list of infobases, add a new infobase. In the infobase adding dialog, perform the actions to create a new empty client-server infobase. Specify all the database parameters in compliance with the parameters of the infobase being converted. Clear the Create database if none present checkbox before creating an infobase.
- Agree when prompted to convert the infobase. The program will continue running after displaying a successful conversion message.
Table of contents
- Attention!
Configuration repository format has been changed.
- Please, create a backup copy of a configuration repository prior to conversion.
- If any software or hardware failures occur in the conversion process, the data contained in the infobase may be lost. After conversion, an infobase can not be used with previous versions of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform versions.
- Create an infobase backup copy.
- Perform the following actions using the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 platform version for all the infobases connected to the repository:
- Move all the locked objects to the configuration repository and release them.
- Obtain the last status from the configuration repository.
- Save the configuration and update the database configuration.
- Create a backup copy of the repository (1cv8ddb.1CD file in the repository directory). It is recommended to delete cache directory from the repository directory.
- Lock all the objects in the repository in the infobase connected to the repository using login credentials of a user possessing administrative rights.
- In this 1C:Enterprise 8.2 version convert all the infobases as described in the Infobase That Is Not Connected to Configuration Repository section for file-based or client-server infobases. When connecting to the configuration repository, agree to convert the configuration repository. The program will continue running following the successful conversion.
- Move all the locked configuration objects to the repository.
- Attention!
At that all the Subsystem metadata objects will be added to the repository.
- Attention!
When obtaining configurations of the previous versions from the repository (those created prior to upgrade to version 8.2.9), such configurations will be converted. When repository objects are attempted to be updated, the resulting objects are not converted.
Table of contents
- Launch the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 version Designer.
- Open the configuration file (File – Open, select the *.cf file type and browse to the file you need).
- Agree when prompted to convert.
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- Infobase dump files (.dt), created using 1C:Enterprise 8.1, can be loaded by 1C:Enterprise 8.2.
- To load the infobase from a file:
- Launch the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 version Designer.
- Load the dump file (click Administration - Restore infobase, select reguired dump file).
- Answer Yes to all Designer's questions before restart.
- After Designer is restarted answer Yes to answer the question about necessity of conversion.
Table of contents
- Launch the 1C:Enterprise 8.2 version Designer.
- Open an external data processor (external report).
- Agree when prompted to convert.
- You can perform batch conversion of 1C:Enterprise version 8.x files, using the /ConvertFiles command line option.
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- Application solution (configuration) users may need to update a configuration version when they upgrade to a new 1C:Enterprise 8 platform version. We recommend that you obtain information regarding the configuration version update from the vendor (developer) of the solution.
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- The configuration distribution files (cf) require execution of the same steps as those described in the Configuration Dumped to a File section. The update files (cfu) created in the previous 1C:Enterprise 8 versions cannot be used to update the configurations converted for the 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.
Table of contents