1C:Enterprise 8

Version 8.3.7

Version 8.3.6

Version 8.3.5

Version 8.3.4

Version 8.3.3

Version 8.3.2

Version 8.3.1

List of functionalities.

All functionalities, 1C:Enterprise script, 1C:Enterprise software system, Access rights, Access to mobile device features, Accounting registers, Accumulation registers, Add-ins, Administration, Administration tools, Advanced error handling, Application appearance, Applied objects, Attribute fill checks, Automated testing, Autorun, Background and scheduled jobs, Backups, Calculation registers, Calendars, Charts, Charts of accounts, Charts of calculation types, Charts of characteristic types, Client application, Client application installation, Client/server interaction, Command interface, Common attributes / Data separation, Common objects, Configuration comparison reports, Configuration extensions, Configuration installation, Configuration properties, Configuration repositories, Cross-platform architecture, Cryptography, Cryptography support, Data access restrictions, Data composition system, Data display, Data exchange, Database configuration updates, Database operations, DBMS operations, Defined types, Designer, Developer tools, Development methodology, Development tools, Document journals, Dumping/loading configurations to files, Dynamic lists, Dynamic update, Error handling, Event log, Export to Microsoft Excel, External data sources, File mode, File operations, Formatted documents, Full-text search, Functional options, Geographical schemas, Infobase users, Infobase verification and repair, Information registers, Interface, Internet-enabled functionality, JSON support, Linux, Localization, Location tools, Lock manager, Managed forms, Managed locks, Mobile application, Mobile application builder, Mobile application development, Multimedia support, Multimedia tools, National settings, Navigation links, OData interface, OData operations, OpenID authentication, Ordinary forms, Pictures, Platform algorithms, Predefined data, Print tools, Printing, Printing documents, Queries, Server cluster, Server clusters, Software licensing, Special tools, Spreadsheet documents, Standard functions, System enumerations, System requirements, Technological log, Telephony, Temporary storages, Text operations, Thick client, Thin client access over the Internet, Third-party software, Web client, Web client and web service publishing tools, Web links, Web services, Web services and HTTP services, Window management, xBase support, XML and XDTO support, ZIP archive operations.

Version 8.3.7

Version 8.3.7 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.6 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4 and 8.3.5. In version 8.3.7 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.6 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.7 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.6 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.7. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
File operations.
The ZipFileWriter and ZipFileReader objects are revised to improve stability during intense simultaneous work of a large number of users and to eliminate the issue with national characters in file names.

ZIP archive support is implemented using the zipArchive library.

The ZIPCompressionMethod.BZIP2 system enumeration value is implemented.

The ZipFileWriter and ZipFileReader objects had an issue related to intense simultaneous work of a large number of users, and an issue related to national characters in file names.

The Info-ZIP library was used for ZIP archive support. The BZIP2 compression method was not supported.

Improved support of ZIP archives (including the support of national characters in file names). You can use the prevalent archive file format on Linux.

Development tools.
Configuration support settings management is available in Designer batch mode. The /ManageCfgSupport command-line option is implemented for Designer batch mode.This feature was not provided.

Configuration support settings management was only available in the interactive mode.

Simplified automated building and testing of applied solutions.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Web services and HTTP services.
You can use OS authentication for Internet operations and web services. When a WS-reference is created in Designer, the OS authentication option cannot be disabled.

When the list of infobases is retrieved using a web service, OS authentication is used, unless the URL contains authentication data.

OS authentication is not supported on Linux.

For the InternetProxy object, the option to enable or disable OS authentication for each protocol is implemented. This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The UseOSAuthentication parameter is implemented for constructors of the following objects: HTTPConnection, WSDefinitions, and WSProxy.

The UseOSAuthentication property is implemented for the following objects: HTTPConnection and WSProxy.

For the WSReferenceManager.CreateWSProxy() method, the UseOSAuthentication option is implemented.

For the InternetProxy.Set() method, the UseOSAuthentication option is implemented.

For the InternetProxy object, the UseOSAuthentication() method is implemented.

OS authentication was not implemented for Internet operations and web services.

OS authentication was never used for retrieving a list of infobases using a web service.

For the InternetProxy object, basic authentication was used, provided that the user name and password were set.

Extended capabilities for web service operations, Internet operations, and retrieving the list of infobases in corporate environments.
Web services and HTTP services.
You can use a web service whose address is different from the address specified in a WSDL file imported to the applied solution (a WS-reference object).

For the WSProxy object constructor, the Location parameter is implemented.

For the WSReferenceManager.CreateWSProxy() method, the Location parameter is implemented.

This feature was not provided.

A web service could be used only if it was located at the address specified in a WSDL file imported to the applied solution (a WS reference configuration object).

New usage options for Web services in scenarios where a web service has a fixed interface but can be located at different addresses in the Internet. For example, you can use a web service of some broadly used applied solution.
JSON support.
XML and XDTO support.
XDTO objects can be serialized to JSON.This feature was not provided.

Only streaming API and object model were supported for JSON.

Simplified usage of JSON format for exchange between various 1C:Enterprise-based systems.
JSON support.
When data is written in JSON format, slash marks (/) can be escaped.

For the JSONWriterSettings constructor, the EscapeSlash parameter is implemented. For the JSONWriterSettings object, the EscapeSlash property is implemented.

The EscapeSlash property is used by the JSONWriter.WriteValue() method.

The option to enable or disable escape of slash marks in JSON operations was not available.Better compatibility with external systems that use exchange in JSON format.
The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods support the Azerbaijani language. The language code is az. The format of the NumerationItemOptions parameter of the NumberInWords() method for this language is described in the Syntax Assistant.The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods did not support the Azerbaijani language.Simplified implementation of data presentation for Azerbaijani-speaking users.
The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods support the Turkish language. The language code is tr. The format of the NumerationItemOptions parameter of the NumberInWords() method for this language is described in the Syntax Assistant.The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods did not support the Turkish language.Simplified implementation of data presentation for Turkish-speaking users.
The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods support the Hungarian language. The language code is hu. The format of the NumerationItemOptions parameter of the NumberInWords() method for this language is described in the Syntax Assistant.The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods did not support the Hungarian language.Simplified implementation of data presentation for Hungarian-speaking users.
Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is exported to XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) format, Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010) format, or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, the following print settings are exported to the resulting file:
  • Margin sizes
  • Header sizes
  • Page orientation
  • Page size
  • Scale
  • Black-and-white option
  • Print area
  • Columns and rows that are repeated on each page
  • Header text

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When a spreadsheet document was exported to XLS (Microsoft Excel 97-2003) format, Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010) format, or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, its print settings were not exported.More accurate export of spreadsheet documents to popular spreadsheet document formats.
Configuration extensions.
In configuration extensions, you can create WS references, XDTO packages, web services, and HTTP services.

You can publish Internet services belonging to configuration extensions to web servers.

In the default.vrd file, the publishExtensionsByDefault attribute is implemented for ws and

httpServices elements.

This feature was not provided.New functionality introduced for configuration extensions.
OData interface.
You can use independent information registers that do not have dimensions in the standard OData interface. The SurrogateKey property is implemented.This feature was not provided.The 1C:Enterprise object implementation better complies with the OData standard.
Background and scheduled jobs.
You can quickly determine whether the current session is a background job session.

The GetCurrentInfoBaseSession() global context method is implemented. The InfoBaseSession.GetBackgroundJob() method is implemented.

This feature was not provided.

The only way to determine the session type was getting all infobase sessions and iterating through them.

Optimized procedure for determining whether the current session is a background job session. This is handy in such scenarios as dividing initialization scripts for client applications and background jobs.
DBMS operations.
Dumping an infobase to a .dt file is interrupted if any issues related to the internal infobase structure are encountered.Dumping an infobase to a .dt file did not include a verification of the internal infobase structure.Reduced chance of obtaining a .dt file that cannot be loaded.
Common objects.
The option to read and write data in a scenario where synchronous calls are not allowed is implemented for the following objects: TextDocument, SpreadsheetDocument, FormattedDocument, GraphicalSchema, and RepresentableDocumentBatch (write operation only).

The BeginWriting() method is implemented for the following objects: TextDocument, SpreadsheetDocument, FormattedDocument, and GraphicalSchema.

The BeginReading() method is implemented for the following objects: TextDocument and GraphicalSchema.

The RepresentableDocumentBatch.BeginWritingFileForPrinting method is implemented.

These features were not provided.The missing functionality is implemented for compatibility with the recent Google Chrome changes.
Cryptography support.
For the Issuer and Subject properties of the CryptoCertificate object the option to get access to all certificate fields that describe issuer and subject is implemented.

For the Issuer and Subject properties of the CryptoCertificate object the Street field is implemented.

Each of the Issuer and Subject structure fields of the CryptoCertificate object is accessible by:

  • Mnemonic key (for example, CN)
  • UUID key (for example, OID2_5_4_3 for the CN field).
The Issuer and Subject properties of the CryptoCertificate object did not provide access to all certificate fields.All certificate fields can be accessed, even those that are present due to regulator requirements.
DBMS operations.
When the platform attempts to build an index by more than 3 string fields in Oracle DBMS, it automatically creates V81C_INDEX_BIG tablespace.When the platform attempted to build an index by more than 3 string fields in Oracle DBMS, if V81C_INDEX_BIG tablespace was missing, an error was generated. Creating the tablespace manually eliminated the error.The need to create the tablespace manualy is eliminated.
Configuration extensions.
Predefined data.
The option to adopt predefined data items is implemented for configuration extensions. This makes the following operations available: check extensions for availability of predefined data items, check whether extension exchange plan content and object registration rules include predefined data items, and use extension predefined items in the query builder.This feature was not provided.Expanded configuration extension functionality.
Development tools.
The option to dump configurations to hierarchical file structures, as well as restore them from such file structures, is implemented.

Name length for new configuration objects is limited by 80 characters. Existing configuration objects can have names longer than 80 characters until you attempt to edit their names.

1C:Enterprise script modules are dumped to .bsl files.

In the dump configuration files dialog box you can select the dump format: flat or hierarchical.

The Format parameter is implemented for /DumpConfigToFiles Designer batch mode command-line option. The new parameter describes the dump format.

By default configurations are dumped to hierarchical file structures.

Configurations were always dumped to flat file structures.

No length restrictions were applied to configuration object names.

1C:Enterprise script modules were dumped to .txt files.

Chance of configuration dump procedure being terminated due to length of the output file path and name exceeding the file system limits is significantly reduced (file names are derived from configuration object names).
Development tools.
A configuration can be partially restored from files. The following operations are available: adding, modifying, deleting, and renaming configuration objects and modifying some properties of configuration objects (such as their modules or help topics).

You can simultaneously load a configuration from files and update database configuration.

For the /LoadConfigFromFiles Designer batch mode command-line option, the following parameters are implemented: -files (files to load) and -listfile (file containing a list of files to load).

In the technological log, the CONFLOADFROMFILES event is implemented.

This feature was not provided.

Only restoring the entire configuration from files was available.

Better performance of configuration updates in scenarios where a configuration is stored in an external system.
Development tools.
New debug option is available: debugging over HTTP. Developers can select this option in Designer.

The dialog box with automatic debug item attachment settings is refactored.

Debug server (dbgs) is implemented, it can be started from the command line, and also as an operating system service. The new debug protocol is not supported on Linux servers in the scenario where 1C:Enterprise starts automatically during operating system startup.

The following command-line options are implemented for the server agent (ragent): /debug, /debugServerAddr, /debugServerPort, and /debugServerPwd.

For the client application the following command-line option is implemented: /debug.

In default.vrd file, for the <debug> element, the protocol attribute is implemented.

In comcntrcfg.xml file, for the <config> element, the protocol attribute is implemented.

A single debug option was available.You can debug applied solutions when HTTP is the only available connection protocol. This expands Debugger functionality.
The option to localize only a part of 1C:Enterprise platform interface required for a specific applied solution is implemented. Localization tools that support this option are available upon request from 1C Company at MAIL:int@1c.com. This option has the following limitations:
  • Pictures cannot be localized.
  • The option to build a platform distribution kit is not provided.
Only the full localization option was available. Localizations were always delivered as part of the platform distribution kit.The option to localize the platform interface for specific applied solutions or specific delpoyments is implemented. This option is in demand by users whose native languages are not included in the list of platform localization languages.
Development tools.
Designer help includes the list of executable files of predefined external tools used for comparing and merging modules. It is recommended that you specify these names in the settings for comparing and merging modules with external tools.Designer help did not include executable file names of predefined external tools used for comparing and merging modules.Improved Designer help.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
Versioning is implemented for the format of dumping configurations to files. 1C:Enterprise 8.3.6 has dump format version 1.0, and 1C:Enteprise version 8.3.7 has dump format version 2.0.

If the dump files do not include a version number, they are treated as version 1.0-compliant.

Files are always dumped in the format that matches the 1C:Enterprise platform version.

A configuration can be restored from files only if the version of the files is earlier than or equal to the version supported by the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Versioning was not available for the format of dumping configurations to files.Some issues related to the incompatibility of dump files generated by different 1C:Enterprise versions are eliminated.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
The method of dumping the Parameter property of the Button managed form item to files is changed. If the Parameter value references a configuration object, the full name of that configuration object is dumped to files.The Parameter property of the Button managed form item was dumped as a UUID of the configuration object type if the Parameter property referenced a configuration object.Eliminated the configuration dump format inconsistency.
Administration tools.
Applied solution license validity check is implemented at 1C:Enterprise platform level. The check is performed for applied solutions running in file mode, and it is also performed on the server for 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Server MINI. The license validity check is not performed for applied solutions that use the base version of 1C:Enterprise. The check involves an Internet connection to the Update Validation Center.

The result of the check is displayed in the About 1C:Enterprise dialog box.

The Designer interface includes new commands related to this functionality. The following global context methods are implemented: GetConfigurationID, GetLicensingClientName, GetLicensingClientAdditionalParameter, SetLicensingClientParameters, AttachLicensingClientParametersRequestHandler, and DetachLicensingClientParametersRequestHandler.

For the conf.cfg configuration file, the LicConfigDebugTimeouts parameter is implemented. The parameter is used to reduce the check interval.

The implementations of this functionality are subject to future announcement.

This feature was not provided.The option to perform a license validity check after updating an applied solution is implemented.
DBMS operations.
Support of Oracle Database version (Linux) is implemented.This Oracle Database version was not supported.Extended list of supported Oracle Database versions.

Table of contents

New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
In the Taxi interface, when an item is deleted from the Favorites list, a modal confirmation dialog box is no longer displayed. After the deletion, a link for restoring the deleted item is displayed in the Favorites panel.In the Taxi interface, when an item was deleted from the Favorites list, a modal confirmation dialog box was displayed.The Favorites pane functionality is fully supported in web browsers that do not support modal dialog boxes.
In the Taxi interface, you can pin forms in the main window work area (so that a form is always available). You can also combine two forms in order to have them always displayed together when any of the two forms is opened.

In the system menu, context menu of the opened windows panel, and form title context menu, the corresponding commands are implemented.

This feature was not provided.Improved platform usability. For example, users have the option to compare two instances of a single report featuring different periods.
Data display.
Web service authentication error messages no longer contain HTML text returned by the web server, at no cost to message information value.Web service authentication error messages contained HTML text returned by the web server. All information that was not user-friendly is removed from web service authentication error messages
Replacement of style elements with actual fonts and colors is improved in some scenarios.In some scenarios, replacement of style elements with actual fonts and colors was performed incorrectly.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application.
The client application help includes the description of the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+H, which opens the history panel.Description of this shortcut was not available in the client application help.Client application help is up-tp-date.
Web client.
In Google Chrome web browser, access to clipboard using context menu commands is implemented (in addition to the previously available keyboard shortcuts).

This options requires installing a browser extension. The web client propmts the user to install the extension first time they attempt to access the clipboard using context menu commands. If the extension is not installed, the clipboard can be only accessed using keyboard shortcuts.

In Google Chrome web browser, the clipboard could only be accessed using keyboard shortcuts.

Clipboard access using context menu commands was not supported.

Improved web client usability in Google Chrome.
Web client.
New version of the browser extension for Mozilla Firefox is available. The extension only supports asynchronous operations. The synchronous methods are no longer supported.Another version of browser extension for Mozilla Firefox was available. It supported synchronous operations.Support of Mozilla Firefox versions 40 and later, which do not support synchronous operations (just like Google Chrome versions 45 and later), is implemented.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Development tools.
The performance of the following Designer operations is improved:
  • Opening a subsystem editor window
  • Including an object into a subsystem
  • Setting a filter by subsystem in the configuration tree window
The performance of some Designer operations was insufficient.Streamlined execution of some Designer operations.
Geographical schemas.
The following geographical schema operations are optimized:
  • Loading and rendering geographical schemas
  • Selecting an object in a geographical schema field
The performance of some geographical schema operations was insufficient.Improved usability of geographical schemas.
Full-text search.
Improved performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index.Insufficient performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index.Improved performance of full-text search and of building the full-text search index. The improvement is noticeable if the infobase contains indexed objects with a large number of words.
Full-text search.
Dynamic lists.
In dynamic lists, the performance of the search initiated from the search string is improved in the following scenario: the full-text search is enabled for the dynamic list main table and filters with Equal to comparison type are applied to the main table fields. In dynamic lists, the performance of the search initiated from the search string was insufficient.In dynamic lists, improved performance of the search initiated from the search string.
When a query that accesses only tabular section data is executed, the retrieved table is not joined to the parent object table.When a query that accessed only tabular section data was executed, the retrieved table was automatically joined to the parent object table.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations.
Improved performance of reading objects of the following types from DBMS: DocumentObject, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, and ChartOfAccountsObject. Reading any of these objects is followed by implicit transaction creation only if the object has tabular sections and "dirty read" outside of transactions is allowed in the DBMS.Reading objects of the following types from the DBMS was followed by implicit transaction creation if the object had tabular sections: DocumentObject, CatalogObject, BusinessProcessObject, TaskObject, ChartOfCalculationTypesObject, ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject, ExchangePlanObject, and ChartOfAccountsObject.The following values are reduced:
  • Number of data lock waits in the file DBMS.
  • Time required for loading an infobase object from a DBMS in the client/server mode.
  • Number of waits due to internal 1C:Enterprise server locks during bulk reading of infobase objects from a DBMS.
  • DBMS load (due to a significant decrease of the number of transactions).
Managed forms.
Improved performance of managed form conditional appearance. Faster opening of managed forms with a large number of conditional appearance items.Insufficient performance of managed form conditional appearance.Improved performance of opening managed forms, especially for file mode infobases and on low-performance computers.
Predefined data.
Improved performance of retrieving predefined data using the PredefinedValue() method.Insufficient performance of retrieving predefined data using the PredefinedValue() method. Improved performance of processing predefined data.
Development tools.
The configuration database update time is reduced for configurations that include a large number of roles, provided that the update does not require database restructuring.The configuration database update required significant time for configurations that included a large number of roles, provided that the update did not require database restructuring.Reduced database configuration update time.
Managed forms.
1C:Enterprise script.
The performance of opening managed forms is improved in the thin client and web client.The performance of opening managed forms in the thin client and web client was insufficient.Improved platform performance.
Platform algorithms.
Internal caching algorithms of 1C:Enterprise are optimized. This improves the performance of many 1C:Enterprise features, including the following:
  • Form opening
  • Queries
  • Functional options
  • Predefined data
  • Reusable return values
  • Data access using "." (dot)
System performance was suboptimal.Improved platform performance, especially for infobases running in the file mode and on computers with limited RAM (less than 4 GB).
Data access restrictions.
Query execution is optimized for users that do not have full rights in configurations that use access restrictions and have a large number of roles. The query execution time is not significantly affected by the number of roles assigned to a user.Query execution time was insufficient for users that did not have full rights in configurations that used access restrictions. The query execution time was significantly affected by the number of roles assigned to a user.Improved performance of configurations with a large number of roles (including form opening performance).
Dynamic lists.
Full-text search.
When a dynamic list is searched from a search box by fields that do not belong to the main dynamic list table, full-text search by source objects of the fields is performed first. Fields of objects where nothing is found by the full-text search are excluded from further search.When a dynamic list was searched from a search box, additional conditions were applied to all fields displayed in the table linked to the dynamic list.Improved performance of search in dynamic lists in some usage scenarios.
In the query language, expressions that include both comparison operators and CASE operators that return only constant values are optimized. The optimization simplifies expressions or their parts.In the query language, optimization was not available for expressions that included both comparison operators and CASE operators that returned only constant values.Improved query performance in some scenarios.
Full-text search.
The performance of the input by string feature is improved. The full-text search index data structure is modified. Full-text search index is created in the new format. To convert the index to the new format, clear the index, ensure that the Compatibility mode configuration property is set to Do not use, and then generate the index.

The <INPUTBYSTRING> technological log event is implemented, it is used for monitoring events related to input by string.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The performance of the input by string feature was insufficient. Full-text search index had a different format.Improved performance of the input by string feature, which, in turn, improves the usability of all platform objects that use this feature.
Automated testing.
In the web client running in the testing client mode, the performance of test scenario commands is improved.In the web client running in the testing client mode, the performance of test scenario commands was insufficient.Improved performance of automated testing in the web client.
Data exchange.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Improved performance of initial infobase image creation in scenarios where the exchange plan used to create the initial image includes a register that is included in independent separator content (provided that separator is not used in the current session).The performance of initial infobase image creation in scenarios where the exchange plan used to create the initial image included a register that was included in independent separator content (provided that separator was not used in the current session) was insufficient.Improved performance of initial image creation in some scenarios.
Common objects.
The algorithms of the following methods are optimized: QuerySchemaAvailableTables.Find(), QuerySchemaSources.Add(), and QuerySchemaTableParameters.Count().The performance of QuerySchemaAvailableTables.Find(), QuerySchemaSources.Add(), and QuerySchemaTableParameters.Count() methods was insufficient.Improved performance of query schema operations in 1C:Enterprise script.
Development tools.
Operations in the configuration command interface editor form are optimized for scenarios with a large number of roles. The performance of moving table rows is improved.The performance of operations in the configuration command interface editor form was insufficient in scenarios with a large number of roles.Improved usability for application developers that edit the command interface of configurations with a large number of roles.

Table of contents

Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Managed forms.
The Create menu (in a document journal form) does not contain document types disabled by functional options.

The Show in list menu (in a document form) does not contain list forms disabled by functional options.

The Create menu (in a document journal form) contained document types disabled by functional options.

The Show in list menu (in a document form) contained list forms disabled by functional options.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Server clusters.
In client/server mode, dynamic updates do not require restarting Designer.

When a scheduled job is started or completed in an infobase, this does not affect the performance of other infobases in the cluster.

Improved system reliability in the following scenarios:

  • Database configuration update
  • Background jobs
  • Dynamic update
In client/server mode, dynamic updates required restarting Designer.

When a scheduled job was started or completed in an infobase, this affected the performance of other infobases in the cluster.

The system reliability was insufficient in several scenarios.

Increased stability and reliability of server clusters.
Predefined data.
During infobase verification and repair operations, the platform checks whether the main table of an object (catalog, chart of characteristic types, chart of calculation types, or chart of accounts) contains no more than 1 record for each predefined item in each area. If a duplicate item is found, a predefined item mark is removed from it and a deletion mark is set instead.This feature was not provided.Improved infobase verification and repair operation.
External data sources.
Table fields and cube table dimension fields of external data sources can have NULL values only if the NULL allowed check box is selected in the object settings. For external data source cube table fields NULL values are always allowed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

All external data source table fields could have NULL values.Improved performance of sorting dynamic lists by fields whose ability to store NULL values is specified correctly.
Data composition system.
In a data composition schema, if a query with a nested query is used in a data set, selected fields of the nested query are available for filtering, provided that these fields are not used in aggregate functions of the parent query.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

In a data composition schema, if a query with a nested query was used in a data set, selected fields of the nested query were not available for filtering (except virtual table parameters).In a data composition schema, the generation of a resulting query is optimized for scenarios that utilize nested queries with filters by nested query fields.
Infobase verification and repair.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Infobase verification and repair can detect and repair the following issue: objects linked to some tabular section rows are absent from the infobase. The search and restoration are performed taking into account all independent separators that include the missing objects.This feature was not provided. Improved infobase verification and repair procedure.
Dynamic lists.
In dynamic lists, search by reference fields with custom presentations is performed by fields that form the presentation. Such fields are obtained with the help of the PresentationFieldsGetProcessing() handler.In dynamic lists, search by reference type fields with custom presentation was performed only by fields used in default presentation.Improved search by reference fields with custom presentations in dynamic lists.
Managed forms.
Command interface.
In the thin client, in the Taxi interface or in the Forms in tabs mode, when a command is executed from the navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter is assigned a BOOLEAN value (TRUE if the command is executed through the Open new item context menu command, otherwise FALSE).

In the thin client, in the Taxi interface or in the Forms in tabs mode, when a command is executed from a form navigation panel, the uniqueness of the form being opened is not set.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode and in the Forms in separate windows mode.

In the thin client, in the Taxi interface or in the Forms in tabs mode, when a command was executed from the navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter was set to the main window identifier. In the web client, in the Taxi interface or in the Forms in tabs mode, when a command was executed from the navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter was assigned a BOOLEAN value.

In the thin and web clients, in the Taxi interface or in the Forms in tabs mode, when a command was executed from a form navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter was set to the main window identifier.

In the Forms in separate windows mode, when a command was executed from the navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter was set to the main window identifier.

In the Forms in separate windows mode, when a command was executed from a form navigation panel, the Uniqueness command handler parameter was set to the main window identifier.

Unified platform behavior in various client applications and usage scenarios.
Server clusters.
For the ragent, rmngr, and rphost commands, which start server cluster processes, the pingPeriod and pingTimeout command-line options are implemented.

In default.vrd file, for the pool item, the serverPingPeriod and serverPingTimeout attributes are implemented.

In the web server publishing dialog box, the Check period and Check timeout properties are implemented.

In the technological log, for the CONN event, the list of logged events related to the detection of connection losses between processes in a single cluster is extended.

A less-efficient algorithm was used for detection of connection losses in a cluster.Improved server cluster stability, faster and more efficient detection of connection losses in a cluster.
Full-text search.
Dynamic lists.
Server clusters.
When a form that contains a dynamic list is closed, the server cluster is notified about that in order to cancel the background job that performs search in the list (if it was initiated earlier).When a form that contained a dynamic list was closed, the server cluster was not notified about that. If a background job that performed search in the list was running at the moment of closing, it was not interrupted once the form was closed. Instead, it continued running till the completion.Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Reduced server cluster load in some scenarios.
Development tools.
In Designer, the П shortcut is removed from the Move up and Move down commands in the Russian interface (it was assigned to both commands previously). Other keyboard shortcuts for these commands are still in effect, as well as the actions associated with these commands.In Designer, the П keyboard shortcut was assigned to both Move up and Move down commands in the Russian interface.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
Presentations of filter items displayed in reports is changed.

If a report includes a filter item from the user settings and the user settings item presentation is specified for this filter item, the presentation is used for displaying the filter in the resulting report.

This change does not affect reports that include filter items that do not belong to user settings. It also does not affect filter items that do not have user settings item presentations specified.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

If a report included a filter item whose presentation was specified, only this presentation was displayed in the report. Otherwise the filter item was displayed in the following format: <Left value> <Comparison type> <Right value>.Filter list presentations in reports are easier to read.
Spreadsheet documents.
The spreadsheet document behavior is modified in scenarios where a rectangular area of cells is inserted or deleted (interactively or using 1C:Enterprise script). If an area being moved overlaps an area of merged cells and the merged area is not fully included into the area being moved, the merging is removed and the cells previously included in the merged area inherit the formatting of the merged area.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When a rectangular area of cells was inserted or deleted, merged cells that partially overlapped the area being moved were not modified.Eliminated unexpected spreadsheet document behavior.
DBMS operations.
In Oracle Database DBMS an index created for a temporary table that includes more than three dimensions of String type, each of them containing at least 60 characters, might be truncated (with the last fields discarded) if the index key length does not fit the block size.In Oracle Database DBMS an index created for a temporary table that included more than three dimensions of String type resulted in unexpected system shutdown due to DBMS error.Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Improved system reliability.
Administration tools.
The following requirement is described in the documentation: when an application is updated over HTTP or HTTPS, all .mst, .msi, and .cab files in the distribution kit .zip archive must have a digital signature. The signature is verified on the computer where the application is installed. Thew documentation did not include the file digital signature requirement.Documentation issue corrected.
Development tools.
Setting a correspondence between Debugger and a debug item no longer requires the exact match of infobase connection strings in Debugger and in the debug item.

The option to edit a variable value during debugging is implemented.

The option to view all local variables of a method being debugged in a dedicated window is implemented.

The state of folders (expanded or collapsed) in the immediate window and in the local varibles window is preserved when switching to the next debug step.

If you use the Break command (Shift+F5) to close an application being debugged, the modal exit confirmation dialog box is never displayed.

Setting a correspondence between Debugger and a debug item required the exact match of infobase connection strings in Debugger and in the debug item.

The option to edit a variable value during debugging was not provided.

The option to view all local variables of a method being debugged in a dedicated window was not provided.

The state of folders (expanded or collapsed) in the immediate window and in the local varibles window was not preserved when switching to the next debug step.

Using the Break command (Shift+F5) to close an application being debugged sometimes opened the modal exit confirmation dialog box.

Expanded debug functionality.
Data composition system.
The overall columns of a data composition system table display the titles of grouped resource fields if grouping templates are specified for the table columns.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The overall columns in the data composition system table header did not display the titles of grouped resource fields if grouping templates were specified for the table columns.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
Development tools.
The Language code property of the Language configuration object cannot contain the following characters: #, *, |, \, :, ", <, >, ?, /.The Language code property of the Language configuration object could not contain the # character.Chance of configuration dump procedure being terminated due to incorrect generation of the file name (which is based on the language code) is reduced.
Command interface.
In the thin client, in the Forms in separate windows mode, if a navigation command handler includes the GotoURL() global context method with a navigation point reference parameter, after the command execution the current navigation point is set to this command.

In the thin client, in the Forms in separate windows mode, if a navigation command handler included the GotoURL() global context method with a navigation point reference parameter, after the command execution the current navigation point was set to the point passed in the parameter.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
In the thin client, the Window property of managed form object is read-only.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

In the thin client, the Window property of managed form object was available for both reading and writing. In the web client, the Window property of managed form object was read-only.Unified system behavior in different client applications.
Information registers.
For periodic information registers with resources or attributes indexed, the structure of the index of the slice first/last table is changed. If the information register periodicity is set to By recorder position, register dimensions are added to the index. If the periodicity has any other value, the index is not unique.

When the Compatibility mode configuration property is set to None, the platform performs the restructuring of the slice tables.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

For periodic information registers with periodicity set to By recorder position, register dimensions were not included in the index of slice first/last tables. For periodic information registers with other periodicity values, the index of slice tables was unique. An nonunique index issue is eliminated.
Predefined data.
The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update includes a check for duplicate predefined item names. No duplicate predefined item names are allowed for any configuration object. If duplicate predefined items are found, this is reported to the message window but does not prevent the configuration update.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The configuration check that was always performed before database configuration update included a check for duplicate predefined item names, however, duplicate names did not prevent the database configuration from updating.Improved reliability of configuration updates for configurations that include predefined data.

Table of contents

Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Internet-enabled functionality.
The NSSSecureConnection object and NSS certificates cannot be accessed from 1C:Enterprise script.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

1C:Enterprise system supported NSS certificates.Future platform versions will not support NSS certificates.
Common objects.
In the thin client, the ValueStorage.Get() method raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

In the thin client, the ValueStorage.Get() method did not raise an exception and returned the Undefined value instead. Running this method in the web client raised an exception.Uniform system behavior across multiple client applications.
Managed forms.
The choice history generation rules for managed form text boxes are modified. In particular, the frequency of history item usage is taken into account. The history consists of up to 7 items, which include both frequently used and last used values. The history generation rules are described in detail in the documentation.

The system storage of managed form text box choice history stores a value of the ChoiceHistorySettings type.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The choice history generation rules for managed form text boxes were different. The history stored 5 last values.

The system storage of managed form text box choice history stored a value of the Array type.

Improved usability of managed form text box choice history.
Managed forms.
New algorithm for automatic arrangement of managed form items is implemented. As a result, item positioning is improved, new item placement options are added, changing some item properties on the client does not require a server call (this includes toggling item visibility, expanding or collapsing groups, and showing or hiding form item addition extension for view status), rules for automatic generation of form separators are modified, and more. Detailed description of this feature is provided in the documentation.

In the managed form editor, quick preview of a form with specific screen resolution and specific screen orientation is available.

For the ChildFormItemsGroup system enumeration, the HorizontalIfPossible value is implemented. The AutoMaxWidth, MaxWidth, AutoMaxHeight, and MaxHeight properties are implemented for the following objects: managed form field extension for a label field, text box, picture field, spreadsheet document field, text document field, formatted document field, calendar field, progress bar field, track bar field, chart field, Gantt chart field, dendrogram field, geographical schema field, HTML document field, graphical schema field, period field, planner field, and for managed form items of table, decoration, and button types.

For managed form items of form, group, and page types the following properties are implemented: HorizontalSpacing, VerticalSpacing, ItemsAndTitlesAlign, ChildItemsHorizontalAlign, and ChildItemsVerticalAlign.

For managed form fields of field, table, decoration, group, button, and addition types, the HorizontalAlignInGroup and VerticalAlignInGroup properties are implemented. For managed form item addition extensions for search string, search control, and view status, the AutoMaxWidth and MaxWidth properties are implemented. For managed form groups, the ThroughAlign property is implemented. For the VerticalFormScroll system enumeration, the UseWithoutStretch value is implemented. For managed form group extension for a usual group, the United property is implemented. For managed form group extension for a page, the VerticalScrollOnReduceSize property is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The HorizontalStretch and VerticalStretch properties are implemented for the following objects: managed form extensions for graphical schema field and HTML document field, and managed form buttons. For managed form item addition extension for search control, the HorizontalStretch property is implemented.

A different algorithm was used for arranging managed form items.In managed forms, automatic item arrangement is revised. New arrangement options are available. Several known managed form issues are eliminated.
Web services and HTTP services.
If a configuration includes HTTP services, saving a configuration with compatibility mode lower than Version 8.3.5 is not allowed.Saving configurations was performed without checking the correspondence between configuration compatibility mode and the availability of HTTP services in the configuration.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property value is taken into account by the following methods:
  • Read() method of theTextDocument object
  • Write() method of theTextDocument, SpreadsheetDocument, FormattedDocument, and GraphicalSchema objects
  • WriteFileForPrinting() method of the RepresentableDocumentBatch object
The Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was ignored by the listed methods.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Server cluster.
The following background job names are used for specifying requirements of functionality purposes:
  • Scheduled job: BackgroundJob.ScheduledJob.<Metadata object name>.
  • Input by string: BackgroundJob.InputByString.<Full metadata object name>.
  • Report: BackgroundJob.GenerateReport.<Full report metadata object name>.
  • External report: BackgroundJob.GenerateReport.<Full report metadata object name>.
  • Search in list: BackgroundJob.DynamicListSearch.<Full form name>.<Name of form table linked to the list>.
  • Background restructuring: SystemBackgroundJob.DBConfigUpdate.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The following background job names were used for specifying requirements of functionality purposes:

  • Background job: BackgroundJob.CommonModule.<Module name>.<Method name>.
  • Input by string: BackgroundJob.SystemBackgroundJob.
  • Report: BackgroundJob.Report.
  • External report: BackgroundJob.Report.
  • Search in list: BackgroundJob.SystemBackgroundJob.
  • Background restructuring: SystemBackgroundJob.
Background job names comply with the internal platform requirements, Background job names are more precise.
The ValueType() query language function returns UNDEFINED when UNDEFINED is passed as the function parameter.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The ValueType() query language function returned NULL when UNDEFINED was passed as the function parameter.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Server cluster.
You can restrict access to cryptography features using security profiles.

For ISecurityProfile object, the CryptographyAllowed property is implemented (programmed administration of server clusters using COM objects).

For ISecurityProfile object, the getCryptographyAllowed() and setCryptographyAllowed() methods are implemented (Java server administration interface).

For the server cluster command-line utility (rac) the crypto parameter for the profile command is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The option to restrict access to cryptography features using security profiles was not provided.Extended security profile capabilities.
Access rights.
The access rights check for document journal graph attributes performed using the AccessRight() method with User/Role parameter specified takes into account the availability of all objects included in the journal graph content.

The AccessRight() result is cached by the platform, which is similar to caching reusable return values.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The access rights check for document journal graph attributes performed using the AccessRight() method with User/Role parameter specified did not take into account the availability of all objects included in the journal graph content.

The AccessRight() result was not cached by the platform.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Improved performance of access rights check for applied solutions with a large number of roles, and for file mode infobases on low-performance computers. This improves the performance of form opening in the listed scenarios.

The option to specify the first day of the week is implemented. It can be accessed in Designer (on the Administration menu, click Regional infobase settings). When you create an infobase using platform version 8.3.7 or later without compatibility mode set, the first day of the week value is set to Auto. It is defined based on the Language (Country) property in regional infobase settings.

The choice of the first day of the week affects the following features:

  • 1C:Enterprise script methods: BegOfWeek(), EndOfWeek(), WeekOfYear()
  • Query language functions: BeginOfPeriod(), EndOfPeriod(), Week()
  • Data composition system functions: BeginOfPeriod(), EndOfPeriod(), Week(), and functions of nested fields of Date type: BegOfWeek, EndOfWeek, WeekOfYear
  • Scheduled job schedules
  • Balance virtual tables and balance and turnover virtual tables of accumulation registers
  • Balance virtual tables and balance and turnover virtual tables of accounting registers

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The first day of the week was always Monday.Better usability in countries where the first day of the week in not Monday.
Spreadsheet documents.
In managed forms you can edit multilingual spreadsheet documents, provided that these documents are templates. The list of languages is obtained directly from a template.

In managed forms spreadsheet documents are edited and displayed using the language specified in the LanguageCode spreadsheet document property. Strings in other languages are preserved.

The SpreadsheetDocument.Template property is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

In managed forms spreadsheet documents were always edited using the current language.

When the platform displayed a spreadsheet document:

  • The thin client did not use the LanguageCode property.
  • The web client used the LanguageCode property.

When spreadsheet document text was edited using 1C:Enterprise script, strings in the current language were written and strings in other

You can edit multilingual spreadsheet documents in 1C:Enterprise mode.
Applied objects.
When the Presentation field of the TasksByPerformer virtual table is generated, the fact that the presentation of the corresponding Task object can be redefined is taken into account.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When the Presentation field of the TasksByPerformer virtual table was generated, the fact that the presentation of the corresponding Task object could be redefined was not taken into account. The default presentation was always used instead.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
The query object model is improved.

The Find() method is implemented for the following objects: QuerySchemaIndexExpressions, QuerySchemaExpressions, QuerySchemaOrderExpressions, QuerySchemaAvailableFields, QuerySchemaAvailableTableParameters, QuerySchemaTableParameters, QuerySchemaFields, QuerySchemaColumns, QuerySchemaTableForUpdate, and QuerySchemaAvailableTables. The FindByName() and FindByAlias() methods are implemented for the following objects: QuerySchemaQuerySourceJoins and QuerySchemaSources. The FindByExpression() method is implemented for the following objects: QuerySchemaTotalCalculationFields and QuerySchemaTotalExpressions. The QuerySchemaTotalCalculationFields.FindByColumnName() method is implemented. The QuerySchemaTotalExpressions.FindByField() method is implemented. The QuerySchemaSources.GetRootSources() method is implemented.

New Add() method variant is implemented for the following objects: QuerySchemaOrderExpressions, QuerySchemaQuerySourceJoins, QuerySchemaTablesForUpdate, and QuerySchemaTotalExpressions.

For the QuerySchemaFields.Add() method the optional Column parameter is implemented.

The SourceAlias parameter of QuerySchemaQuerySourceJoins.Add() method can have values of the following types: String and QuerySchemaSource.

The QuerySchemaTotalExpressions.Add() method parameter can have values of the following types: String, QuerySchemaColumn, and QuerySchemaExpression.

The behavior of QuerySchemaTotalCalculationFields.Add() method is modified for scenarios when its parameter has a value of String type.

The QuerySchemaNestedTable.Fields property has QuerySchemaFields type. Passing a text containing a batch query or a table drop query to the QuerySchemaSelectQuery.SetQueryText() method raises an exception. The "For a nested table" variant of the QuerySchemaExpressions.Add() method is declared obsolete. This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

These features were not provided.

The QuerySchemaNestedTable.Fields property had QuerySchemaExpressions type.

If a text containing a batch query was passed to the QuerySchemaSelectQuery.SetQueryText() method, the first query in the batch was used. If a text containing a table drop query was passed to the QuerySchemaSelectQuery.SetQueryText() method, an empty query was created.

The "For a nested table" variant of the QuerySchemaExpressions.Add() method was available.

Improved usability of query object model.
Data composition system.
In the data composition system, the data set link type is replaced with inner link if a filter containing only fields from the data set being linked is applied. Conditions that do not include inner links are added to the RecordsFilter property of groupings that contain at least one data set with fields used in these conditions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

In the data composition system, the data set link type was always set to inner link when a filter included a linked data set field.Eliminated unexpected system behavior when fields from multiple data sets were used in a filter.
Navigation links.
The GotoURL method parameter value is not decoded prior to passing it to the operating system (the original link is passed).

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

The GotoURL method parameter value might be decoded prior to passing it to the operating system:
  • In 8.3.4 or earlier compatibility mode it was not decoded (the original link was passed).
  • In 8.3.5 and 8.3.6 compatibility modes it was decoded.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Configuration extensions.
Writing an extension to an infobase is available in the following cases: the session that performs the writing is not running in the safe mode, or the session security profile allows this operation.

When attaching an extension, the platform does not check whether the extension fits the session security profile restrictions.

Writing an extension to an infobase was only available if the session was running in the safe mode,

When attaching an extension, the platform checked whether the extension fit the session security profile restrictions.

Security profiles process extensions in the same way as they process external reports and data processors.

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
Spreadsheet document property that describes the language for displaying and editing the document. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • TemplateLanguageCode.
  • LanguageCode.
Presentations of automatically generated graphical schema field command groups. The command groups are displayed in the form customization dialog box in 1C:Enterprise mode.
  • Size and alignment group (contains the Align left command)
  • Size and alignment group (contains the Align top command)
  • Group group (contains the Auto space: horizontal command)
  • Group group (contains the Bring to front command)
  • Group group (contains the Send to back command)
  • Horizontal alignment
  • Vertical alignment
  • Distribute
  • Bring forward
  • Send backward

Table of contents

Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Development tools.
The option to debug configurations on the mobile platform is implemented. The debugging can only be performed over HTTP (you can select this option in Designer).This feature was not provided.Streamlined development of applied solutions for the mobile platform.
Print tools.
The Print mobile application extension, which is used for printing from mobile applications, is implemented.

The mobile application builder supports building mobile applications that require this extension.

This feature was not provided.Reduced list of required permissions for mobile applications that do not require printing.
Spreadsheet documents.
The brightness of frozen spreadsheet document areas is reduced by 2.5%.The brightness of frozen spreadsheet document areas was reduced by 10%.Better look and feel of spreadsheet documents with frozen areas.
1C:Enterprise script.
The following string processing functions previously available for the personal computer platform are now implemented for the mobile platform: StrTemplate(), StrCompare(), StrStartWith(), StrEndsWith(), StrFind(), SrtSplit(), and StrConcat().

The SearchDirection system enumeration is implemented.

This feature was not provided.Unified string processing for the personal computer platform and the mobile platform.
Managed forms.
The Representation property of a managed form button located in a form title command bar affects the button view. When the platform defines the button view, it ignores the properties of the command linked to the button.The Representation property of a managed form button located in a form title command bar did not affect the button view. When the platform defined the button view, it ignored the properties of the command linked to the button.You can manage the view of buttons located in form title command bars using the button properties.
Special tools.
For the TelephonyTools.NumberDialingSupported() method the DirectCall parameter is implemented. The parameter streamlines the check for number dialing support.The TelephonyTools.NumberDialingSupported() method did not support any check options.Унифицирована возможность проверки работы со специальными возможностями на мобильной платформе.
System requirements.
Support of Windows Phone 8.1 operating system (ARM and x86 architectures) and touch devices that run Windows 8.1 (ARM and x86) is implemented.

The mobile platform for Windows Phone supports all mobile platform features available on other operating systems, excluding:

  • Conversion of geographical coordinates to addresses and back, and ShowOnMap() global context method
  • Barcode scanning
  • Phone call log
  • Printing
  • Receiving text messages
  • Notifications
  • Contacts
  • Calendars

The mobile platform specifics are described in the documentation.

The mobile platform distribution file mobile.zip is complemented with new data.

This feature was not provided.Extended support of operating systems for mobile and touch devices.
Mobile application builder.
Mobile application builder for Windows Phone operating system is implemented. It supports Windows Phone 8.1 or later.

New builder parameters are added:

  • The option to build applications for Windows operating system
  • Support of graphic assets required for Windows operating system

Publishing of built applications to Windows Store is not supported.

When loading mobile platform data from the mobile.zip file to mobile platform builder, you have the option to load only mobile operating systems that are present in the archive.

The option to specify different application IDs for different mobile operating systems is supported.

The option to export developer certificates from the mobile application builder database is implemented.

Mobile application builder did not support Windows operating system.

Attempts to load the mobile platform from the mobile.zip file to mobile application builder were only successful if the file contained platform versions for both Android and iOS.

A single mobile application ID was assigned for Android and iOS builds.

Exporting developer cerificates from the mobile application builder database was not supported.

Mobile application builder supports Windows operating system, and features other improvements.
Command interface.
Managed forms.
On the mobile platform, the Show in list command, which was perviously available only on the personal computer platofrm, is implemented.

The ManagedForm.ExecuteNavigation() method and the NavigationProcessing managed form event are implemented.

This feature was not provided.The interfaces of the mobile and personal computer platforms are unified.
Web services and HTTP services.
On the mobile platform, the option to use a web service whose address does not match the address specified in a WSDL file imported to the applied solution (WS-reference configuration object) is implemented.This feature was not provided.Web servfice operations on the mobile and personal computer platforms are unified.
Managed forms.
On the mobile platform, the option to use a selection list to provide a value for a managed form input field that displays date and time is implemented.On the mobile platform, drop-down lists were not available.On the mobile platform, the option to use drop-down lists in the input fields that display date and time is now available.
Managed forms.
The option to switch between the input fields using the Enter button of the virtual keyboard (i.e. without closing the keyboard) is implemented. The option to switch between the input fields using Tab/Shift+Tab keys of a physical keyboard connected via Bluetooth is also implemented.The option to switch between the input fields without closing the virtual keyboard was not available. To switch between the fields, a mobile application user had to close the keyboard, then switch to another field, and then open the keyboard.Improved mobile application usability is scenarios where multiple input fields are available in a single form.

Table of contents

Library updates

Table of contents

Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.7

Table of contents

Version 8.3.6

Version 8.3.6 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

To obtain a link to an entry of the V8Update file, double-click any of the entry lines. This opens a pop-up window with the link available for copying to the clipboard. This feature is only available if JavaScript is enabled.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.5 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3 and 8.3.4. In version 8.3.6 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.5 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.6 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.5 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.6. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Development tools.
In Designer, in module text, bookmarks can be preserved between different work and module editing sessions.

To access the full list of bookmarks, on the Edit menu, click Bookmarks.

This feature was not provided.Improved Designer usability,
Development tools.
When renaming a configuration object, you have the option to update the object name usage instances in the entire configuration.

When deleting a configuration object, you have the option to search for the object name usage instances in the entire configuration.

When modifying or deleting a managed form item, attribute, or parameter, the check for usage instances of its name in the form module is performed. When renaming an item, attribute, or parameter, you have the option to update its name usage instances in the form module.

The Find references to object operation now includes the search in module texts.

You can specify whether you want to use these options in the Designer options window.

These features were not provided.Reduced chance of making errors when renaming or deleting configuration objects. Improved usability for developers.
Managed forms.
Planner (a visual tool for managing schedule data) is implemented. A new "planner field" type is implemented for managed form fields. The Planner object is implemented.

In the TimeScalePosition system enumeration, the following values are implemented: Left and Right (when applied to a Gantt chart, both are treated as Top).

This feature was not provided.Improved user experience for scheduling (appointments, calendars, and so on).
Configuration repositories.
In Designer batch mode, you can bind an infobase that is not yet bound to the configuration repository (command-line option /ConfigurationRepositoryBindCfg).This feature was not provided.

Infobases could be bound to repositories only interactively.

You can automate more configuration repository operations.
Command interface.
Managed forms.
For managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, tasks, and information register records, the Show in list command is implemented.

For managed forms, the ExecuteNavigation() method and NavigationProcessing event handler are implemented.

This feature was not provided.Improved system usability for automatic object selection in a list being opened.
System enumerations.
Client application.
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values are implemented: PictureOnTopAndText and PictureOnLeftAndText.

In the client application, in the sections panel editor, the following section view features are available:

  • In Version 8.2 interface compatibility mode:
    • Picture
    • Text
    • PictureAndText
  • In Taxi interface compatibility mode:
    • Picture
    • Text
    • PictureAndText
    • PictureOnTopAndText
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values were available: Picture, Text, PictureAndText.

Extended section view capabilities for the sections panel in the Taxi interface.

Managed forms.
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands is implemented.

The only commands available in the web client are print and preview.

In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands are renamed to the following:

  • Выровнять по левому краю
  • Выровнять по правому краю
  • Выровнять по верхнему краю
  • Выровнять по нижнему краю
  • Переместить вперед
  • Выровнять по центру
  • Выровнять по середине
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands was not provided.

In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands had different names:

  • Выровнять влево
  • Выровнять вправо
  • Выровнять вверх
  • Выровнять вниз
  • Переместить вверх
  • Выровнять по центру горизонтально
  • Выровнять по центру вертикально
Increased graphical schema usability.
Administration tools.
An object integrity check utility is implemented. It checks the state of file system objects and database objects used by 1C:Enterprise and monitors their changes.

The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the utility are available for Windows and Linux operating systems.

This feature was not provided.

File change monitoring was only available using third-party tools. Monitoring of database object changes was not available.

The option to perform system integrity checks to provide protection against unauthorized modifications is implemented.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the Get() method of the InternetMail object, the MarkAsRead parameter is implemented. This parameter only makes sense when the platfrom uses IMAP for email operations.

If the platform uses POP3, an attempt to use this parameter when it is set to False generates an exception.

The platform behavior in 8.3.5 compatibility mode is not changed (for the part where the parameter is set to False).

If the platform used IMAP for email operations, the execution of the Get() method of the InternetMail object gave different results depending on the value of the ArrayOfMessageHeadersOrIdentifies parameter.
  • If the parameter was not specified, the flag indicating whether a message was read was not set for messages retrieved from the mail server.
  • If the parameter was specified, the flag was set.
Eliminated inconsistency in the platform behavior during email operations that use IMAP.
Technological log.
For the SCALL and CALL technological log events, new IName and MName fields are implemented. They store additional internal system call data. 1C Company experts might use that data while handling support requests.This feature was not provided.The technological log provides additional data that can be helpful for solving complex issues.
Dynamic lists.
The option to get data from a dynamic list (adjusted for column visibility settings and search options applied) is implemented.

The following methods are implemented for the managed form table extension for dynamic lists:

  • GetPerformingDataCompositionScheme()
  • GetPerformingDataCompositionSettings()
This feature was not provided.The option to get dynamic list data that is visible to a user for future processing is available.
Data composition system.
The following subordinate fields are implemented for data composition system fields that have Data among their types: BegOfDay, BegOfWeek, BegOfTenDays, BegOfMonth, BegOfQuarter, BegOfHalfYear, BegOfYear, EndOfDay, EndOfWeek, EndOfTenDays, EndOfMonth, EndOfQuarter, EndOfHalfYear, EndOfYear, Day, WeekDay, WeekDayName, DayOfYear, WeekOfYear, Month, MonthName, Quarter, Year, BegOfMinute, BegOfHour, EndOfMinute, EndOfHour, Minute, and Hour.This feature was not provided. One could use user-defined expression fields to retrieve this data.Simplified end-user operations with fields that include date and time.
1C:Enterprise script.
The following string processing functions are implemented:
  • StrTemplate() - replaces variables (such as %1) in a template string by actual values.
  • StrCompare() - performs lexicographic comparison of strings, case-insensitive.
  • StrstartWith() - checks whether a string begins with a substring.
  • StrEndsWith() - checks whether a string ends with a substring.
  • StrFind() - searches for a substring in both directions, anywhere in the line.
  • SrtSplit() - splits a string into substrings based on the specified delimiter.
  • StrConcat() - merges strings included in the array of substrings.

The SearchDirection system enumeration is implemented.

The Find() function is declared obsolete, it is supported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

Developers had the option to implement the functionality introduced in the new functions using 1C:Enterprise script.

Simplified implementation of some standard string processing algorithms.
Web client.
Storing accumulated web client statistics is implemented. This feature is intended for 1C Company experts. To enable it, run the web client with the SYSTEMWEBCLIENTSTAT command-line option.This feature was not provided.The set of tools intended for platform performance quality control is expanded with a new tool.
Spreadsheet documents.
Importing data from XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument) formats to spreadsheet documents is implemented. This operation can be performed both interactively and from 1C:Enterprise script.

The SpreadsheetDocumentValueReadingMode system enumeration is implemented. For the Read() method of the SpreadsheetDocument object, the ValueReadingMode parameter is implemented.

Support of pasting areas copied to the clipboard from Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc documents is implemented.

This feature was not provided.Simplified data import from spreadsheet documents of the following formats: XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument).
Data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
For the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object. the GetAvailableSettingsSource() method is implemented.This feature was not provided.Simplified access to the available settings source of a data composer from another data composer. For example, you can use this feature when you open a new data composition settings editor form that uses the same source as the previous form.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Web services and HTTP services.
You can process JSON data using both stream and object approaches.

The following objects can be serialized to or deserialized from JSON: primitive types, Array, FixedArray, Structure, FixedStructure, Map, and FixedMap.

The JSONReader and JSONWriter objects are implemented. The WriteJSON(), ReadJSON(), WriteJSONDate(), and ReadJSONDate() global context methods are implemented.

This feature was not provided.

One could implement processing JSON data using 1C:Enterprise script tools.

Simplified interaction with applications (including web applications) that use JSON data format.

You can store various data types in JSON format, which provides an alternative to other formats, such as XML.

Web services and HTTP services.
Web services and HTTP services.

For the standard OData interface, getting responses in JSON format is implemented.

This feature was not provided. For the standard OData interface, responses were only available in Atom format. The OData format is supported in more detail.

Using JSON format minimizes the volume of data transferred between the client and the server.

You can use logical expressions in descriptions of selection fields and in query result filter expressions (in the WHERE clause).This feature was not provided.

If a logical expression was required for describing a selection field, you had to use a selection clause.

Logical expressions in the WHERE clause could be connected only by AND, OR, and NOT logical operators, and they could not be composite.

Simplified writing and understanding of complex queries.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
The automatic server cluster status monitoring feature is implemented. This includes monitoring of several cluster parameters and termination of processes that might cause any issues. The central cluster server agent performs the monitoring. The monitoring results are recorded to the technological log.

For the cluster, the Server errors threshold and Terminate corrupted processes properties are implemented.

For the IServerAgentConnection object, the SetClusterRecyclingErrorsCountTheshold() and SetClusterRecyclingKillProblemProcesses() methods are implemented.

For the rac utility, the --errors-count-threshold and --kill-problem-processes command-line options are implemented.

For the technological log, the ATTN event is implemented.

Automatic server cluster status monitoring was not provided.Increased server cluster reliability by timely detection and termination of processes that might cause issues.
Automated testing.
The automated testing supports the Taxi interface. New automated testing features are added:
  • For the TestedClientApplicationWindow, the StartPage property is implemented.
  • Navigation between windows is implemented. For the TestedClientApplicationWindow object, the GotoStartPage(), GotoNextWindow(), GotoPreviousWindow(), and CloseUserMessagesPanel() methods are implemented.
  • New options for testing managed form fields:
  • Create an item. For the TestedFormField object, the Create() method is implemented.
  • Cancel editing field data. For the TestedFormField object, the CancelEdit() method is implemented.
  • Open a drop-down list, wait for drop-down list generation, and select a list item. For the TestedFormField object, the OpenDropList(), CloseDropList(), ExecuteChoiceFromDropList(), WaitForDropListGeneration(), and DropListIsOpen() methods are implemented.

The automated testing did not support the Taxi interface.The automated testing can be used with the Taxi interface.
Data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
Items of report user settings and dynamic list user settings can be linked to managed form tables.

For the DataCompositionUserSettings object, the Filter, Order, Selection, ConditionalAppearance, and Structure columns are implemented.

The report user settings form and the dynamic list user settings form are modified: instead of text boxes with the option to open editors (filter, order, and so on), tabs with tables are implemented to provide uniformity with the data composition schema editor in Designer.

The Settings command of the report form is displayed in the main form command bar.

Items of user report settings and dynamic list settings could be linked only to managed form text boxes.

The report and dynamic list user settings forms had a different layout.

The Settings command of the report form was available in the More menu.

Improved standard report and dynamic list user settings form.
Managed forms.
For the Enum metadata object, the ChoiceHistoryOnInput property is implemented. This property defines whether the choice history of a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved.

For enumerations whose values can be selected in a form, the input history is displayed and saved automatically.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

The choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type was neither displayed nor saved.

You can specify whether the choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved.

Data composition system.
For the DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object a constructor is implemented.The DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object did not have a constructor.You can fill detailed data using 1C:Enterprise script.
Web services and HTTP services.
For the HTTPConnection object, you can call any HTTP methods (passing the method name as a string). In order to simplify the usage of PATCH and HEAD HTTP methods, the Patch() and Head() methods are implemented for the HTTPConnection object.These features were not provided.

The HTTPConnection object could only be used to call the GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods.

Easier access to the full range of HTTP methods from applied solutions.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
External session management functionality is extended. Methods that are called when a session is hibernated or restored from hibernation are implemented. You can specify a timeout for the external session management web service response.

For the external session management web service, the onHibernateSession() and onWakeupSession() methods are implemented.

For external session management web service connection string, the optional parameters are implemented: tout sets an external session management web service response timeout, and wsver specifies the external session management web service interface version. The new features are only available if the wsver parameter is set to 2.

These features were not provided.The web service behavior is uniform with the licensing subsystem behavior.
XML and XDTO support.
FastInfoSet operations are refactored.FastInfoSet operations had a different implementation.Improved stability of FastInfoSet operations.
Full-text search.
The full-text search index integrity check is implemented. For the full text search manager, the CheckIndex() method is implemented.

The full-text search index update operations are recorded to the tecnological log. In the tecnological log, the FTEXTCheck and FTEXTUpd events are implemented. In the technological log the ftextupd item is implemented.

These features were not provided.Improved stability of full-text search. An invalid full-text search index can be rebuilt.
For the QuerySchemaTempTableDescription object, the TableName property is implemented. You can specify a temporary table name in the query builder.

For the QuerySchemaSources object, the Alias parameter of the Add() method is implemented.

These features were not provided.Improved functionality of the query software model.
Development tools.
Common attributes / Data separation.
More options for modification of applied solutions (including cloud systems) without disabling their support. You can create configuration extensions and use them to implement applied solution modifications (which do not affect the data structure), so that the applied solution support is not disabled, and all modifications take place in a dedicated object (extension), which is easily connected to and disconnected from the applied solution.

You can use extensions to modify forms, create reports and data processors, and create new subsystems. You can apply a configuration extension both in 1C:Enterprise mode and in Designer. You can specify a custom extension set for each separated infobase area.

This feature was not provided. Applied solution developers could create external reports and data processors and modify the applied solution configuration, which resulted in disabling support and did not allow making modifications in different areas of a separated infobase.The new feature is intended for making small configuration modifications at the deployment stage (including modifications of separated infobases and cloud systems) more easily and with less dependence on vendor configuration modifications.
Data display.
New pictures are added to the picture library: GoForward, GoBack, GoToBegin, GoToEnd, Today, ShowInList.The listed pictures were not available in the picture library.More content for the picture library.
Database configuration updates.
The documentation describes Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates.The new Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates were not listed in the documentation.Fixed documentation error.
System requirements.
Web client.
Support of Microsoft Windows 10 operating system is implemented.

Support of Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server is implemented.

Support of Microsoft Edge web browser is implemented, with the following limitations:

  • Add-ins are not supported
  • File system extension is not available
  • Cryptography extension is not available
Microsoft Windows 10 operating system was not supported.

Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server was not supported.

Microsoft Edge web browser was not supported.

Extended list of supported operating systems and web browsers.
DBMS operations.
Support of PostgreSQL version 9.4 is implemented.This PostgreSQL version was not supported.Extended list of supported PostgreSQL versions.

Table of contents

New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Command interface.
In the Taxi interface, in the functions menu, you can search for commands by their presentations. The search is performed in all sections (not only in the commands of the current section).

Commands for specifying navigation and action panel settings are moved to the submenu to the right of the search field.

In the Taxi interface, pressing F10 opens the functions menu.

The option to search for a command by a part of its presentation was not provided.

Commands for specifying navigation and action panel settings were displayed as links in the right part of the functions menu.

In the Taxi interface, pressing F10 opened the main menu.

Improved usability of the function menu.
Managed forms.
If all of the managed form command bar buttons have their OnlyInAllActions parameters set to False and some of these buttons do not fit the command bar width, the More button is added to the command bar, with a submenu that contains all of the command bar commands.If all of the managed form command bar buttons had their OnlyInAllActions parameters set to False and some of these buttons did not fit the command bar width, there was no way to access the commands that did not fit.If the command bar has small size, all of its commands are still available.
Client application.
You can fully replace the splash screen that is displayed during the startup of the thin, thick, and web clients.

To replace a splash screen in your applied solution, submit a request to 1C Company

This feature was not provided.In particular cases, you can use a splash screen that is fully customized by the company that uses the applied solution, provided that the splash screen is approved by 1C Company.
Web client.
Web browser pop-up windows are no longer displayed during the printing of spreadsheet documents.When spreadsheet documents were being printed, web browser pop-up windows were displayed.Simplified printing of spreadsheet documents for end users.

In the Taxi or Forms in tabs interface mode, if the applied solution does not use modal calls, it does not require additional web browser setup.

Managed forms.
In managed forms, if the Create command is available for a text box, it is present in the context menu of the text box.The Create command was never present in text box context menus.Improved usability of text boxes.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Full-text search.
The full-text search algorithm is optimized for scenarios where a search string is used multiple times (for example, getting the next batch of search results).

The full-text search algorithm is optimized for scenarios where a user does not have access rights for some objects returned by the search.

The full-text search performance was insufficient.Improved full-text search performance for infobases containing a large number of items, and also in scenarios where a user does not have access rights for some objects returned by the search.
Full-text search.
Optimized memory usage for fuzzy search (the search that uses the # operator). The search for similar words is optimized.Fuzzy search might cause a memory overflow which, in turn, caused the system shutdown.

The search for similar words might take a long time.

Increased stability of the fuzzy search in scenarios where the full text search index has a large size.
Web client.
The web client performance is improved in the following scenarios:
  • Loading web client,. including scenarios with slow connection
  • Opening forms
  • General performance improvements in a variety of scenarios

The web client now uses Google Closure Compiler.

The web client performance was insufficient.Improved web client performance.
1C:Enterprise script.
The loading time of 1C:Enterprise script modules is slightly reduced.The loading of 1C:Enterprise script modules was not fast enough.Slightly reduced startup time for applied solutions that include a large number of 1C:Enterprise script modules.
Client application.
The startup time of the client application (before the authentication dialog appears) is slightly reduced.The client application startup was not fast enough.Slightly reduced startup time of the client application.
Configuration repositories.
The performance of the following operations is improved:
  • Creating a repository
  • First connection to a repository
  • Storing objects in a repository
  • Updating objects from a repository
  • Updating configuration from a repository

The performance of compatibility mode change operations is improved.

The 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 compatibility mode is implemented for configuration repositories.

The configuration repository performance is improved in scenarios where the configuration repository compatibility mode is set to Do no use.

The performance of configuration repository operations was insufficient.Improved configuration repository performance.
Managed forms.
The strong data compression algorithm for large data volumes (more than 64 KB) transferred between the client and the server (or a web server extension) is optimized. This slightly reduces the time required to open managed forms in the thin client connected to a web server (both in the file and client/server modes), and also in the scenario with a direct connection in the client/server mode.The strong data compression algorithm was less efficient.Slightly reduced time of opening managed forms in the thin client connected to a web server (both in the file and client/server modes), and also in the scenario with a direct connection in the client/server mode.
Web services and HTTP services.
Faster processing of requests that call the standard OData interface.Performance of requests that called the standard OData interface was insufficient.The performance of operations with the standard OData interface is improved.
Managed forms.
Improved performance of opening managed forms in the following scenarios:
  • A form has a large number of items.
  • A form has a large number of attributes.
  • The list of attributes and form items is significantly changed using 1C:Enterprise script.
  • A large number of users are working with managed forms.
The performance of opening managed forms in the listed scenarios was lower.Improved usability of managed forms.
Managed forms.
Managed form conditional appearance is optimized.The performance of managed form conditional appearance was lower.Improved usability of managed forms with conditional appearance.
Development tools.
Performance of base configuration updates (update configuration from file, load configuration from file, and get specific configuration version from configuration repository) is improved.Performance of base configuration updates was insufficient.Better usability for developers.
DBMS operations.
Administration tools.
For the file mode, the option to restructure the infobase so that all data required to open the infobase is at the beginning of the 1Cv8.1CD file is implemented. This improves the performance of infobase opening.

This type of restructuring is performed during the compressing of infobase tables (which is available from a Designer dialog box and as a command-line option), or during infobase verification with the chdfl utility with the Correct errors check box selected.

It is recommended that you always perform this optimization after you make any configuration changes (and the associated infobase restructuring) that result in database structure changes.

Internal information required for opening an infobase was evenly distibuted within the 1Cv8.1CD infobase file.Improved performance of opening file infobases, especially in scenarios where the infobase is located on a network resource.
DBMS operations.
In client/server mode with PostgreSQL DMBS, the query that is executed when deleting records from tables of extra dimensions of accounting registers is optimized.In client/server mode with PostgreSQL DMBS, the performance of the query that was executed when deleting records from tables of extra dimensions of accounting registers was insufficient.Improved performance of deleting accounting register records.

Table of contents

Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application.
When a client application is restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform checks the user rights for running the client application. If the user attempts to start the application in the ordinary mode and does not have the right to run the thick client, they are not allowed to access the infobase. In other scenarios the client application that suits the selected start mode best is selected.When a client application was restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform did not check the user rights for running the client application.The client application selection algorithm is improved.
Managed forms.
If editing text in a form field extension for a text box is not allowed (the TextEdit property is set to False), the drop-down list of that box does not display the text "Enter the search string".The drop-down list always displayed the text "Enter the search string".The recommendation to perform an action that is not allowed is no longer displayed.
Development tools.
During the merging of configurations you can modify the results of module merging. You can use external software (not incorporated in Designer) for comparing and merging module texts.

You can specify the external software in the Designer options dialog box.

Ready-to-use settings are available for the following external software:

  • For Windows: Araxis Merge, KDiff3, TortoiseMerge, Perforce P4Merge, and DiffMerge
  • For Linux: KDiff3 and Perforce P4Merge

You can specify settings for external software that is not on the list.

The results of module merging could not be modified while merging configurations.

Only built-in Designer features were available for comparing and merging module texts.

Developers can use any tool that they find convenient for comparing and merging module texts. They can make changes during the merging of configurations (with the help of external software).
Development tools.
Improved setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms. You can specify the comparison and merging rules for a form and for its module directly in the comparison and merging dialog box.The comparison and merging rules for managed forms were specified in another dialog box. Also, the rules for the form itself and for its module were separated.Simplified setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms and their modules.
Development tools.
The following features are implemented in the managed form editor:
  • If the Title property of a managed form is not empty, its value is displayed in the window title in the preview area.
  • Clicking a title if the preview area selects the entire form. Right-clicking the title opens the form context menu.
The window title bar in the preview area of the form editor did not have any functionality.Improved usability of the form preview area in the managed form editor.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Automatic selection of text encoding in email messages containing national characters is implemented. The automatic selection is only performed when the text contains national characters but their encoding is not specified, which does not comply with the standard. This applies to the following email message parts:
  • Message headers
  • Message body
  • Message header parameter values, such as attachment file name.
Email message text was displayed in incorrect encoding when no encoding was specified.Email messages that do not comply with the standard are processed correctly.
Background and scheduled jobs.
The duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases is reduced. Now the duration of the first access is approximately the same as the duration of subsequent accesses.The long duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases might cause the user interface to stop responding until loading the backgound job scheduler was complete.Reduced duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases.

Faster start of client applications in the file mode (when the background job manager is accessed during the startup).

Background and scheduled jobs.
In file infobases, if a client application that performs background jobs is closed, the background jobs are terminated after a 30-second timeout. When a job is terminated, a_$Job$_.Terminate event is recorded to the event log.In file infobases, if the platform could not complete background jobs correctly, it displayed a message prompting the user to choose between waiting and terminating the jobs.Eliminated unexpected (and not user-friendly) system behavior.
Error handling.
When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that are no longer available are accessed, the platform generates an exception.When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that were no longer available were accessed, the platform was shut down unexpectedly.Improved system stability.
Development tools.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following information is added to the Syntax Assistant:
  • SSL is supported for POP3 and SMTP.
  • Secure connection does not support checking server and client certificates.
  • Descriptions of the InternetMail object methods that require IMAP connection now reflect that fact.
  • The list of fields filled in the GetHeaders() method of the InternetMail object is provided.
The Syntax Assistant did not contain this information.Improved Syntax Assistant quality.
Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments are converted to Excel table comments.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When a spreadsheet document was exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments were converted to Excel pictures.Better conversion of spreadsheet document items to Microsoft Excel format.
Background and scheduled jobs.
When a client application is started with a file infobase, there is a 1-minute delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs.When a client application was started with a file infobase, there was no delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs.Faster startup of client applications in file mode.
Defined types.
During the update of a supported configuration you have the option to merge the following properties with priorities: the Type property of the DefinedType configuration property and the Type property of the ChartOfCharacteristicTypes object.This feature was not provided.Improved algorithm for comparing and merging defined types, which simplifies usage of those types in library development tasks.
Managed forms.
Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled are identical to presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled matches the order of items returned by the full-text search algorithm.

The algorithm that generates presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature is modified.

Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled were different from presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled was not defined.

The algorithm that generated presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature was different.

Improved usability of the input by string feature. Unified generation of presentations for search results.
Configuration repositories.
The configuration repository window now displays names of computers where objects are locked.The configuration repository window displayed the name of the computer that the current user used for their first connection to the repository.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the InternetMailMessage object, the PostingDateOffset property is implemented.This feature was not provided.You can define the true date of sending an email message.
Dynamic lists.
When a form is opened, the Period property of managed form table extension for dynamic lists and the Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list are loaded simultaneously with dynamic list user settings.

It is recommended that you get the Period property in the OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer managed form event handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period property of managed form table extension was obtained from the user settings before the execution of the OnCreateAtServer managed form event handler.

The Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list was obtained from the client settings during the form opening.

The Period and Representation properties are stored in a similar way to other dynamic list settings, which simplifies operations with these properties using 1C:Enterprise script.

Spreadsheet documents.
When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties are set to Auto are displayed, the cells are not merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document.When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties set to Auto were displayed, the cells were merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document.The spreadsheet document view in the web client is now closer to the spreadsheet document view in the thin client.
DBMS operations.
In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contains a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function adds a GROUP BY section with a constant, provided that such section is not yet present in the query.In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contained a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function resulted in the ORA-937 run-time error.Improved stability of Oracle Database operations.
Managed forms.
The prevention of unexpected working process or client application shutdown due to managed form operation issues (loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data) is implemented. When an issue is detected, only the affected session is closed, and the working process that processes the session is not shut down. By default, the issue details are recorded to the technological log.A loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data could result in a shutdown of the client application or a working process that processed the affected session.

Improved 1C:Enterprise server stability during managed form operations.

DBMS operations.
The chance of deadlocks in queries that include comparisons with UNDEFINED is reduced.The chance of deadlocks in queries that included comparisons with UNDEFINED was higher.Increased system stability. Reduced chance of deadlocks that do not have obvious reasons.
Client application.
Managed forms.
Data display.
For client applications that run on Windows operating systems, Windows scaling is supported. If a custom DPI value is set, interface items are scaled correctly, except pictures that might look a bit blurry.Client applications that run on Windows operating systems had scaling issues.Eliminated unexpected system behavior in scenarios where a user sets a custom DPI value for their display.
Configuration repositories.
When a user cancels binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changes location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository is required is no longer displayed.

To unbind a configuration from a repository, you can use the corresponding Designer command.

When a user canceled binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changed location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository was required was always displayed.Improved usability of configuration repositories in some scenarios.
Command interface.
The visibility settings for commands in subordinate subsystems are no longer lost when command interface settings of a subsystem that contains subordinate subsystems are copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object.When command interface settings of a subsystem that contained subordinate subsystems were copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object, the visibility settings of commands in subordinate subsystems were lost.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
In the web client, the option to select pictures in spreadsheet documents is implemented, and when they are selected, the respective event is called.

Improved representation of pictures in spreadsheet documents when viewed in the web client:

  • Cells overlapped by a picture are not merged.
  • Text and pictures in spreadsheet document cells can overlap each other.
  • Eliminated issues that appeared when picture borders were close to cell borders.

Selecting pictures in spreadsheet documents was not supported. Spreadsheet documents had some picture-related issues.

Improved quality of displaying spreadsheet documents with pictures in the web client.
Development tools.
Mobile application.
The picture editor dialog box in Designer supports editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest.

Template pictures are used in applied solution development for the mobile platform.

Editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest were not supported.Template picture support is implemented.
DBMS operations.
The DBMS request that the platform generates based on the VALUETYPE function of the query language is simplified.The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated.Eliminated issueds that occured when DBMS could not process a complex request.
Development tools.
During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform does not perform refactoring operations that are normally performed when configuration objects are renamed or deleted.During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform performed refactoring operations that were normally performed when configuration objects were renamed or deleted.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Operations whose results were ignored are not performed.

1C:Enterprise script.
If an object is passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script and its set of properties is changed during the method execution but the property names are not changed, the object property calls are executed correctly. In particular, when a method being executed adds a property, calls of other properties are executed correctly. If any property names are modified, object property calls might not be executed correctly.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If an object was passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script, the method called object properties by their numbers, which were defined at the moment the method was called. If a property number was changed during the method execution (for example, a new property was added), this was not taken into account and the property call was performed using the old number.Improved system reliability and reduced chance of errors when a set of properties is changed during method execution.
Managed forms.
In the thin client, formatted strings that are defined during the generation of a drop-down list are displayed accordingly to their formatting if the text box is linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute has the Undefined value.In the thick client, formatted strings that were defined during the generation of drop-down lists were displayed without formatting if the text box was linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute had the Undefined value.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Managed forms.
In the web client, drop-down lists have the same color scheme as in other client applications.In the web client, drop-down lists had a color scheme different from the color scheme used in other client applications.In the web client, drop-down list appearance is uniform with other client applications.
Web client.
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items is almost identical to their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items was different from their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
Uniform client application appearance.
Command interface.
When a user command group is deleted, standard commands that belong to the group are automatically moved to the default standard group specified for those commands.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When a user command group was deleted, standard commands that belonged to the group were no longer available in the command interface.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Event log.
The UnloadEventLog() method truncates the event time passed to it to an integer number of seconds.

When a filter by time is applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() method), an event is included in the result even if the millisecond part of the actual event time exceeds the millisecond part of the time specified in the filter.

The UnloadEventLog() method provided the event time with millisecond accuracy. When a filter by time was applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() methods), an event was included in the result only if the exact condition was met (including the millisecond part).Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

The behavior of the .lgd log is uniform with that of the .lgf log (regarding the event time presentation and filter functionality).

Print tools.
Spreadsheet documents.
The algorithm that calculates spreadsheet document column width for printing is modified. The printed document column width more closely matches the on-screen column width. The chance is noticeable in spreadsheet documents with background pictures.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For spreadsheet documents, the printed document column width did not exactly match the on-screen column width.

Improved print layout of spreadsheet documents.

Table of contents

Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Internet-enabled functionality.
Future 1C:Enterprise versions will not support NSS certificates and related objects, regardless of the compatibility mode.

The NSSSecureConnection object will be unavailable for use in 1C:Enterprise script and in thin client HTTPS connection settings.

1C:Enterprise system supports NSS certificates.Future platform versions will not support NSS certificates.
Automated testing.
For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returns False if the object is linked to form group, which is inactive page located in a page group where tabs are not displayed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returned True if the object was linked to a form group, which was an inactive page located in a page group where tabs were not displayed.The automated testing feature emulates the system functioning and provides form item status data more accurately.
Managed forms.
For managed form attributes of spreadsheet document, graphical schema, and text document types, calling the Show() method raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The system behavior depended on the attribute location on a form and the client application type:
  • The attribute is linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • Spreadsheet document: the current form is activated.
      • Graphical scheme: a new form with a copy of the scheme is opened.
      • Text document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document) the current form is activated.
    • The attribute is not linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document), a form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • Spreadsheet document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
      • Graphical scheme: the current form is activated.
      • Text document: the current form is activated.
Unified behavior of various objects in different client applications.
Managed forms.
In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms become unavailable when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons become unavailable.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms stayed available even when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons were unavailable.The system behaves as expected.

Unified system behavior in different client applications.

Managed forms.
When an item is created in the drop-down list of a text box, you can verify whether the created item matches the choice parameters used for opening the new item form. If the item does not match the choice parameters, a diagnostic message is displayed and the created item is not placed in the text box.

The verification is implemented for managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, and tasks.

The following features are implemented:

  • ChoiceParameters standard property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceParameters property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceAvailable property of the managed form extension
  • ValueChoice event of the managed form extension

The ChoiceParameters and ChoiceAvailable properties of the managed form extension are not available in version 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

A new item that did not match the choice parameters specified for a text box could be created and selected in the text box.Reduced chance of creating items (from a text box choice list) that do not match the choice parameters specified for the text box.
Managed locks.
The Period field whose value is specified in a periodic information register record set filter is included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on record set data.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period field was not included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on periodic information register record set data.Improved user experience for periodic information register operations. Reduced chance of deadlocks.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Information registers.
When an information register data set is recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that include the information register are replaced by the separator values set in the current session.

If a separator value is not identical to the default value of that separator type or is not equal to the separator value set in the current session, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When an information register data set was recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that included the information register were always replaced by the separator values set in the current sessionEliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
When the InternetMail object is used for interaction with a Microsoft Exchange server, if the filter criterion string value (the Filter parameter of the GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object) only includes US-ASCII characters, the platform notifies the Exchange server about this in addition to passing the string to the server. Otherwise the platform passes a UTF-8-encoded string.

If the filter criterion string value passed to the Exchange server contains not only US-ASCII characters (for example, it includes Cyrillic characters), an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object always returned an empty array when a string value of the Filter parameter was used in interactions with Microsoft Exchange.Improved compatibility with Microsoft Exchange during operations with the InternetMail object. You can search in the filter criterion string if all its characters belong to the US-ASCII encoding.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The libetpan library is used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The UW IMAP toolkit library was used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3.Improved performance and stability of email management features.
Internet-enabled functionality.
During the creation of an InternetProxy object on Linux operating systems, if the DefaultProxy constructor parameter value is True and the platform cannot find the file inetcfg.xml, the constructor uses the values of the following operating system environment variables: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, ftps_proxy, and all_proxy.

The methods of the HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects do not attempt to determine the proxy server settings. Instead, they use the settings stored in the Proxy property of the respective object.

For the Set() method of the InternetProxy object, the User and Password parameters are implemented. For the InternetProxy object, the User and Password methods are implemented. The User and Password properties of the InternetProxy object are declared obsolete, they are suported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Environment variables were never used for creation of InternetProxy objects on Linux operating systems. If the proxy server parameters were not specified during the creation of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects, methods of these objects attempted to retrieve the proxy server settings from environment varaibles.Eliminated the difference in platform behavior on Windows and Linux operating systems. Eliminated unintuitive platform behavior where methods of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects attempted to determine the proxy server settings.
Client application.
Idle handlers are not called while a client application is locked using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Locking a client application using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command did not affect the execution of idle handlers.Increased system security.
xBase support.
If an error occurs during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, an exception is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.If an error occurred during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, dialog boxes were generated.Eliminated scenarios that looked as if the platform stopped responding (for example, errors generated by .dbf file operations at 1C:Enterprise server side).
Managed forms.
For the TypeLink object constructor, you can specify the first parameter (DataPath) as an empty string.The TypeLink object constructor did not accept an empty string as the DataPath parameter value.You can clear the TypeLink property of a managed form field by replacing its value with a new object of that type that does not have the data path specified.
External data sources.
For the ExternalDataSourceTableObject, the GetChangeableFields() and SetChangeableFields() methods are implemented. These methods are intended both for restricting the list of writable external data table fields and for expanding that list with fields have the read-only flag set in the configuration (the ReadOnly property set to True). The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods are declared obsolete, they are supported for compatibility purposes.The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods only provided the option to reduce the number of fields that were recorded to external data source tables. The option to record data to fields that are marked as read-only in Designer was not provided.The platform supports custom algorithms for external data source management. For example, data that is normally not recorded to external data source table fields can now be recorded using a custom algorithm.
Administration tools.
When a list of infobases is updated or when a client application distribution kit is downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities are obtained from the Windows certificate store.When a list of infobases was updated or when a client application distribution kit was downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities were only obtained from the cacert.pem file.Improved usability of self-signed certificates in the enterprise environment.
Server clusters.
You can specify the user on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) is started, and it can be different from the user on whose behalf the cluster agent (ragent) is started.

You can specify users on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) and working processes (rphost) is started for each cluster on a given computer.

You can specify a custom cluster register directory for each cluster manager (rmngr) on a given computer.

The following parameters and parameter groups are implemented for the swpuser.ini file:

  • the rmngr_user and rmngr_pass parameters
  • the registry parameter
  • the <PortName:> parameter group, which can contain all of the swpuser.ini file parameters.
Only the user on whose behalf the working process (rphost) was started could be changed.You can increase server cluster security in scenarios like this: service users use their own applied solutions, external data processors, and add-ins whose access to the server cluster computer infrastructure should be restricted.
Data access restrictions.
Access restriction template parameters that are specified in comments are not replaced by actual values when the template is applied.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Access restriction template parameters that were specified in comments were not replaced by actual values when the template was applied.Increased stability of the access restriction system in some scenarios.
Data composition system.
The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection is implemented.

Columns with duplicate names are never created during the export.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection was not available.

The check for duplicate column names was never performed during the export, so columns with duplicate names might be created.

Extended data composition system functionality.
Data composition system.
When additional data is displayed for hierarchical records, hierarchical record data is used.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When additional data was displayed for hierarchical records, the detailed record data was used.Reports display expected data: if a report contains a table with hierarchical groupings in its rows, the data obtained from the hierarchical records is displayed in the columns of additional data for hierarchical grouping rows, not from the detailed records, as it was implemented earlier.
Data composition system.
The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which is enabled, is applied to fields of predefined grouping templates and fields of data composition system reports.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which was enabled, was not applied to fields of predefined grouping templates or fields of data composition system reports.Predefined grouping templates can be used together with the Text parameter of data composition conditional appearance.
Data composition system.
The appearance of cells that store parent grouping fields is based on the field expressions obtained for the current grouping.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The appearance of cells that stored parent grouping fields was based on the field expressions obtained for the parent grouping.The cell appearance is formed as expected.
Dynamic lists.
If the platform cannot generate the list of available dynamic list settings, an exception is generated and the form is not generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If the platform could not generate the list of available dynamic list settings, no exceptions were generated and the managed form continued functioning as if the dynamic list data source did not have any fields available. All of the form items related to dynamic list data disappeared from the managed form.Improved error diagnostics during dynamic list operations.
Data composition system.
The data composition template composer uses detailed data set fields for hierarchical grouping records. You can use the EvalExpression() function for getting hierarchical record values within aggregate functions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The data composition template composer used hierarchical data set fields for hierarchical records (provided that the fields were available in the set).You can use all detailed record fields in aggregate functions calculated for hierarchical records.
1C:Enterprise script.
The FindMarkedForDeletion() method only processes data available to the current user.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods are modified to describe their actual behavior.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The FindMarkedForDeletion() method did not check data access rights. If access was denied, a run-time error was generated.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods did not describe their actual behavior.

The generation of run-time errors during the search for objects marked for deletion is eliminated in scenarios where the user does not have access rights for all objects involved in the search.

The description of the system behavior is now correct.

Managed forms.
In the thin client, in the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter is set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification set in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property are not called.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter was set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification specified in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property had the following behavior:
  • they were called in the thin client;
  • they were not called in the web client.
Uniform system behavior across multiple client applications.
Automated testing.
New automated testing features:
  • Operations with performance indicators. For the TestedApplication object, the GetAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() and ClearAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() methods are implemented.
  • Support of the following managed form items: progress bar fields and track bar fields. The Tumbler radio button field type is now supported.
  • Extended managed form table operations:
    • Deletion mark management. For the TestedFormTable object, the SwitchRowDeleteMark() method is implemented.
    • Setting row selection and getting selected rows. For the TestedFormTable object, the SelectAllRows() and GetSelectedRows() methods are implemented. For the GotoRow(), GotoFirstRow(), GotoLastRow(), GotoPreviousRow(), and GotoNextRow() methods, the Select parameter is implemented.
    • Ordering table data. For the TestedFormTable object, the SetOrder() method is implemented.
  • Expanding and collapsing managed form groups. For the TestedFormGroup object, the Collapse(), Expand(), and GetCurrentPage() methods are implemented.

The GetCurrentAreaText() method of the TestedFormField is declared obsolete. It is recommended that you use the GetAreaText() method of the TestedFormField object.

In the event of unexpected shutdown of a client application the user actions are automatically recorded to the user action log (provided that the user action log recording is enabled). A dump is also recorded to the dump directory.

The data processor that converts the log of user actions to a 1C:Enterprise script scenario is updated


Operations with performance indicators were not supported, as well as managed form table and managed form group operations.

Progress bar fields, track bar fields, and the Tumbler radio button field type were not supported.

In the event of an unexpected shutdown of a client application, the user actions were not recorded to the user action log and the accumulated action log was lost.

New automated testing features. Reduced number of manual operations during the testing.
Data display.
In sessions that do not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() method generate results that exactly match the results provided by these methods in managed application client sessions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In sessions that did not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() methods generated results that exactly matched the results provided by these methods in ordinary application client sessions.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
When a configuration is saved, a check for style elements whose names match the values of the corresponding system value sets is performed:
  • For style elements of Color type: the StyleColors system value set
  • For style elements of Font type: the StyleFonts system value set
  • For style elements of Border type: the StyleBorders system value set

If such elements are found, an error is displayed and the configuration is not saved.

When a configuration was saved, a check for style elements whose names matched the values of the corresponding system value sets was not performed.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Eliminated situations where two values with the same name were present in a single system value set whose values were connected to style elements.

Internet-enabled functionality.
In the parsing of Internet mail messages, the message validity check is implemented. The check is available both for messages received from the server and during the generation of outgoing messages using the SetSourceData() method of the InternetMailMessage object. For the InternetMailMessage object, the ParseStatus property is implemented.

In the technological log, the <MAILPARSEERR> event is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Detection of invalid mail messages resulted in an unexpected shutdown.Improved system reliability during email operations in scenarios where email messages being processed contain errors.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the SetBodyFromString() method of the HTTPRequest and HTTPServiceResponse objects, the UseBOM parameter is implemented. It manages the availability of BOM in the specified text.

In version 8.3.5 compatibility mode, the BOM mark is added by default.

This feature was not provided.Simplified interaction with systems that do not expect BOM in HTTP queries.
Ordinary forms.
The Name property of ordinary form items is read-only.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated.Eliminated issues that occurred when a DBMS could not process a complex request.
OData operations.
The list of functions supported by OData standard interface is revised. The description of mod function is removed from the documentation.The documentation stated that the mod function was supported by standard Odata interface.

The documentation describes the actual platform behavior.

File operations.
Client application.
Both in thin and thick clients, when a file is obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application is performed (by the file extension). If an associated application is found, a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file is displayed. If an associated application is not found, getting the file is canceled.

In the web client, the behavior is not changed, so it is now uniform with the behavior of thin and thick client applications.

In both thin and thick clients, when a file was obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application was performed (by the file extension). If an associated application was found, the file was opened using this application. If an associated application was not found, getting the file was canceled.

The web client displayed a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file.

Eliminated the difference in the web client, thin client, and thick client behavior.
File operations.
Web client.
The File object constructor with a file name parameter is available regardless of the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property value. Configuration verification and refactoring no longer treat the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. Execution of this constructor no longer causes an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter no longer requires installing the file system extension.

The descriptions of File constructor without parameters and File.BeginInitialization() methods are removed from the documentation. The File.BeginInitialization() method is supported for compatibility purposes.

The File object constructor with a file name parameter was available when the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Use or Use with warnings. Configuration verification and refactoring treated the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. If the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Do not use, execution of this constructor caused an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter required installing the file system extension.

Operations with the File object that do not require access to the file system (such as getting a file extension) no longer require installing the file system extension.
Internet-enabled functionality.
IDs of email messages received using IMAP do not depend on whether you specify the mailbox by name or use the default one.

Once you disable the compatibility mode, the option to map messages to each other using the InternetMailMessage.MessageID property becomes available.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

IDs of email messages received using IMAP did not depend on whether you specified the mailbox by name or used the default one.You can unambiguously identify each email message, regardless of the selected mailbox. This simplifies the algorithm for distinguishing between received and new messages.

Web client.
System requirements.
The list of supported web browsers includes Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. The platform uses 32-bit versions of add-ins and extensions with this browser.The list of supported web browsers did not include Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. Extended list of supported web browsers.
Data composition system.
When columns of a data composition system report template are output to a value tree or a value table, invalid characters are removed from column names.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 repository compatibility mode.

When columns of a data composition system report template were output to a value tree or a value table, the column names matched the field names.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
In the add-in development technology, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome support (for all Windows, Linux, and MacOS X architectures) is now uniform. The xulrunner utility is no longer required for building add-ins and is removed from the distribution kit.

It is recommended that you build new installer packages (.msi and .sh) for Mozilla Firefox and create a new archive with version 40.* specified in the manifest. For support of earlier platform versions, also add legacy (.xpi) packages to the archive with version 31.0 specified in the manifest.

The add-in development technology documentation and examples are updated accordingly.

Add-ins created for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome were different. The xulrunner utility was used to build Mozilla Firefox add-ins.Support of add-ins for browsers that no longer support legacy add-in creation functions is implemented.
Predefined data.
The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update includes a check for uniqueness of predefined item names. No duplicate predefined item names are allowed for any configuration object. If duplicate predefined items are found, this is reported to the message window but does not prevent the configuration update.The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update did not include a check for uniqueness of predefined item names.Improved reliability of configuration updates for configurations that include predefined data.

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
The name of the URLProcessing event handler parameter is changed for form decoration, form field extension for a label, and managed form objects.
  • URL
  • FormattedStringURL
Parameter of the AutoCompleteText and TextEditEnd event handlers of the form text box extension.
  • Parameters.
  • DataGetParameters.
The method that obtains the most accurate location provider is renamed. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • GetMostAcurateProvider().
  • GetMostAccurateProvider().

English name of CryptoCertificate.BeginUnloading() method.

The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.

  • BeginUnload().
  • BeginUnloading().
English name of BeginCheckingExistence() method.

The former name is supported for compatibility purposes

  • BeginCheckingExist().
  • BeginCheckingExistence().

Table of contents

Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application.
Faster startup of mobile applications.Insufficient startup speed of mobile applications.Improved usability of mobile applications.
Development tools.
Data display.
The set of data stored in picture archives that include variants is modified. The manifest file manifest.xml, which is included in the archive, stores descriptions of picture variants. Custom names for pictures designed for specific display resolutions are allowed. Template pictures (pictures that have transparent background, which is displayed using the current text color) are supported. It is recommended that you store template pictures in PNG format.Picture variants were described by their file names. A manifest file was not included.

Template pictures were not supported.

You can use more of mobile application system appearance design features.
Full-text search.
In the mobile platform, you can use full-text search. The full-text search index is updated automatically upon data modification.

The search is not morphological. Additional dictionaries and text extraction are not supported. The index is updated when the mobile platform is not performing any server calls or background jobs.

The mobile platform did not support full-text search.You can use full-text search in the mobile platform.
System requirements.
The Google Play store now considers mobile applications optimized not only for phones but also for tablet PCs.

The change takes effect when you rebuild the mobile application using the new mobile platform and then republish the application to Google Play.

The Google Play store considered mobile applications optimized for phones only.Tablet PC users can see mobile applications in the default Google Play list. Searching by title is not necessary.
During the creation of data composition fields, if they include calendar or contact data, you can specify just a field name, without specifying its data type.

Creation of data composition fields with data types specified is supported forn compatibility purposes.

During the creation of data composition fields, if they included calendar or contact data, specifying the full field name with its data type was required.The system behaves as described in the documentation.

Simplified interaction with calendars and contacts in some scenarios.

Window management.
The option to handle the change of mobile device display parameters is now available.

The OnChangeDisplaySettings event handler is implemented. The event occurs when the client application display parameters are changed.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object store the actual values (which depend on the screen orientation).

This feature was not provided.

The platform could not detect the changes of display parameters.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object stored constant (canonical) values.

You can handle the display size changes caused by mobile device orientation changes or by connecting the mobile device to external displays. You can create applications with better usability.
Multimedia support.
Photo shoot and video recording quality control implemented (for Android only).

Camera control for photo shoots and video recording is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the PhotoSupported() and VideoRecordingSupported() methods, the CameraType parameter is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the MakePhoto() method, the CameraType, Resolutions, Quality, and Monochrome parameters are implemented. For the MakeVideoRecording() method of the MultimediaTools object, the CameraType and Quality parameters are implemented. For the MultimediaTools object, the GetSupportedCameraResolutions() method is implemented.

These features were not provided.Extended capabilities for mobile device cameras.
On the mobile platform, you can print spreadsheet documents. Printers that use PCL3 and ZPL protocols are supported. WiFi and Bluetooth are used for connecting to printers (only for Android).This feature was not provided.You can print spreadsheet documents from mobile applications.
Configuration properties.

The documentation now contains the description of the mobile platform compatibility mode:

  • It cannot be managed from Designer.
  • It is not changed when an infobase is migrated to a new platform version.
  • It is set during the infobase creation as its mobile platform version.
  • It is changed to the new mobile platform version when an infobase is migrated to a new mobile platform version.

The documentation also describes the correspondence of PC platform versions and mobile platform versions.

The mobile platform compatibility mode was not described in the documentation.

The documentation is updated with the latest information.
Managed forms.
Development tools.
Asynchronous dialog box operations are available to mobile platform developers.

Selecting Mobile device in the Use purposes configuration property does not change the Modality usage mode configuration property.

Only synchronous dialog box operations were available to mobile platform developers.

When the Mobile device value was selected in the Use purposes configuration property, a request to confirm the change of the Modality usage mode configuration property value was displayed (only if the change was required).

Applied solution development for the mobile platform is simplified. Developers no longer need to support two sets of dialog box operations, one for the mobile platform and the other one for the PC platform.
1C:Enterprise script.
In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties is defined by the value of the Script variant configuration property.In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties was English only if the default configuration language was English. Otherwise it was Russian.The mobile platform behavior is uniform with the PC-based platform behavior.
Development tools.
Push notification and local notification support is implemented. This feature relies on Apple push notification service and Google Cloud Messaging. The option to display the number of notifications that are not yet processed is implemented: mobile application icon badges (for iOS) or status bar notifications (for Android). Devices running Android 4.1 or later display the notifications diferently from devices with earlier Android version. A dedicated service provided by 1C Company is implemented to simplify the development of notifications for applied solutions that run on the PC platform. Notification senders can choose between using this service, Apple push notification service, and Google Cloud Messaging.

For the mobile platform, the DeliverableNotifications global context property, the DeliverableNotificationManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For the PC platform, the DeliverableNotificationSend global context property, the

DeliverableNotificationSendManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For mobile applications, the Push notifications and Local notifications permissions are implemented.

The mobile application builder supports building mobile applications that use notifications.

This feature was not provided.You can use standard user notifications in mobile applications. Notifications can be generated either by a mobile application on the mobile device (local notifications) or by an applied solution running on a PC (push notifications).
Dynamic lists.
Improved performance of dynamic list opening. The process of loading list data now has a visual presentation.The process of loading dynamic list data had no visual presentation and took more time.Optimized dynamic list operations.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following mobile platform features support secure connection (HTTPS):
  • HTTP operations
  • POP3 and SMTP email operations

Support of IMAP email operations (including secure connection) is implemented.

Support of client certificates and certification authority center certificates stored in files is implemented.

In the mobile platform the FileClientCertificate, FileCertificationAuthorityCertificates, and OpenSSLSecureConnection objects are implemented, together with the corresponding properties of the HTTPConnection, InternetMailProfile, and InternetMail objects.

The mobile platform did not support the following features:
  • Secure connection for HTTP, POP3, and SMTP operations
  • IMAP email operations

Client certificate operations and authority center certificate operations.

The mobile platform supports secure operations with email and with other resources.

Error handling.
In the mobile platform for developers, you can obtain error details (the Details button in the error dialog box) and information for technical support (in the About 1C:Enterprise window).Error details and information for technical support were not available in the mobile platform.Improved issue diagnostics in the mobile platform for developers.
New interface for the mobile platform client application, with a large number of improvements. The most significant changes are:
  • The interface style is derived from the Taxi interface, but optimized for mobile devices to maximum extent.
  • The interface appearance is revamped. This change affects the form design, primary colors, and the look of form items. The interface now matches the modern mobile interface standards.
  • The main application menu is revised.
  • The main section command interface is revised.
  • Navigation options are revised.
  • A form and main section command interface can be both present on the start page.
  • Form command bar placement and generation rules are modified.
  • The option to display a form navigation panel is implemented.
  • The text input field is optimized for touch screen devices.
  • The form title is no longer duplicated in the form body.
  • Users have the option to create a list item when selecting a value from a drop-down list.
  • Form item context menus are supported.
  • Fields that require filling are not highlighted.
  • New display options for page groups are implemented.
  • Search in dynamic lists is implemented. It is based on full-text search.
  • A dynamic list can be sorted by tapping a column header.
  • Table operations are significantly revised, including scrolling, table item selection, and row rearrangement.
  • In managed form tables the multiple selection option is implemented.
  • The option to update a list by pulling the list down or up when the first or last row is on the screen ("pull to refresh") is implemented.
  • The approach to handling the current row of a managed form table is changed.
  • A managed form table is automatically scaled to fit displayed data by height, unless it displays dynamic list data.
  • Spreadsheet documents can be scaled using gestures.
  • User message appearance is revised.
  • Subsystems are supported (and available in the interface).
  • The radio button field and the track bar field are implemented.
  • For a managed form table the RefreshRequestProcessing event is implemented. For the FormPagesRepresentation system enumeration the Swipe value is implemented. For a managed form table the RefreshRequest property is implemented.
  • The Move up/Move down standard table commands are removed.
  • For a managed form command the Use current row and Associated table properties are implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script). For a managed form button the Representation in context menu property is implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script).
  • Many other features are implemented. The full list of changes is quite long, therefore it is recommended that you read the chapter about mobile application development in 1C:Enterprise Developer Guide.
The mobile application interface was similar to managed application interface version 8.2. The mobile application interface meets the modern requirements to mobile interfaces. Improved mobile application usability. New interface uses the same color scheme and style as the Taxi interface, at the same time it is optimized for mobile devices.
Managed forms.
For devices that run Android operation system, predictive text input in multiline text boxes is implemented (with optional automatic correction of the entered text). This feature is available when it is enabled in the virtual keyboard settings.This feature was not provided.Improved usability for text input.
Mobile application builder.
In mobile application builder, you can publish an application to Apple App Store and Google Play directly from the builder.

The mobile application builder help describes how to connect to Google Play Market.

This feature was not provided.

Mobile applications required manual publishing.

Publishing mobile applications to Apple App Store and Google Play is simplified.
Dynamic lists.
The option to specify dynamic list settings using 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The DynamicList.SettingsComposer property is now available on the mobile platform.

The following objects are implemented: DataCompositionSettingsComposer, DataCompositionUserSettings, and DataCompositionSettings, as well as their constructors and methods. Their methods are not available on the mobile platform.

The DataCompositionUserSettingsItemCollection object is implemented.

This feature was not provided.Работа с настройками динамического списка на мобильной платформе приближена к возможностям платформы для персонального компьютера.
Dynamic lists.
When the selection mode is on, dynamic list rows that represent parent groups have left arrows displayed.When the selection mode was on, dynamic list rows that represented parent groups did not have left arrows displayed.Improved navigation of hierarhical dynamic lists in the selection mode.

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Library updates

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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.6

Table of contents

Version 8.3.5

Version 8.3.5 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.4 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, and 8.3.3. In version 8.3.5 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.4 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.5 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.4 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.5. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Development tools.
In Designer, new icons for external data source tables and cubes are implemented.Pictures for external data source tables and cubes were different.Icons for external data source tables and cubes are uniform with other platform pictures.
Development tools.
In Designer, you can filter objects by parts of names, synonyms, comments, or presentations. The filter is available in the following windows:
  • Configuration window
  • Configuration object selection dialog box
  • Type editing dialog box
  • Object properties window

For the Subsystem configuration object, a quick filter is implemented in the configuration window. The filter is available from the Subsystem objects context menu command of the object.

In the configuration window, you can set a quick filter for configuration repository objects locked by the current user.

This feature was not provided.

Only filtering by objects included in subsystems was available.

Improved usability for developers.
1C:Enterprise script provides tools for managing start page (desktop) form contents and positions.

The StartPageForms object is implemented. For the StartPageSettings object, the GetForms() and SetForms() methods and the default constructor are implemented.

The global context method RefreshInterface() rebuilds the start page (desktop) based on the settings from the system settings storage.

The StartPageSettings object stored the differences between the start page (desktop) settings of the client application and the settings specified in Designer.

1C:Enterprise script did not provide tools for managing form contents and positions.

You can manage contents and positions of the client application start page (desktop) forms using 1C:Enterprise script.
Administration tools.
For the Purpose column of value table returned by the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method, new purposes are specified. The full list of database table purposes is available in the description of the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method in the Syntax Assistant.The list of table purposes did not fully describe the current database schema.The purposes of database scheme tables are described more clearly.
Data exchange.
For exchange plans, the ThisNode standard attribute is implemented. It specifies whether the exchange plane node describes the current infobase.

For the ExchangePlanObject object, the DataExchange property is implemented. Only the Load property can be used in this property. The DataExchange property is used for disabling the uniqueness check of the ThisNode item when exchange plan items are edited or deleted.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The ThisNode standard attribute was not available in exchange plans. Replacing the exchange plan node that described the current infobase was impossible.

The ExchangePlanObject object did not have the DataExchange property.

You can define ThisNode items in a distributed infobase in a session that does not use separators.

You can replace the data item that describes the current infobase in the exchange plan.

Managed forms.
For managed form text boxes, the EditTextChange event is implemented. This event occurs when one of the following actions modifies the text box content:
  • Typing in the text box
  • Copying text from the clipboard
  • Running Undo or Redo command
  • Canceling input by pressing ESC

The event occurs before the AutoComplete event.

There was no event that occurred when text box content was modified. Actions triggered by this modification could be performed in the AutoComplete event handler (with limitations).In managed forms, complete implementation of the following scenario is available: text being typed in a text box is used as a filter parameter in the linked dynamic list.
Development tools.
New features in the module editor:
  • Find all usage instances of an export variable, procedure, or function in the entire configuration.
  • Convert a selected code fragment to a separate procedure or function.
  • Rename a local variable, procedure, or function.
  • Insert a comment block that describes the function or procedure purpose, parameters, and return value before the function or procedure declaration.
  • Convert modal calls to nonmodal calls (in a limited set of cases).
  • Convert procedures or functions to types that can be used in sequences of asynchronous calls.
  • Convert a selected code fragment to a separate procedure or function suitable for using in sequences of asynchronous calls.
  • Find all usage instances of modal methods in the specified module.
  • Convert all modal methods that are found to their asynchronous analogs.
  • Create notification processing events for methods that lock the interface.

Commands that perform these functions are located in the Refactor submenu of the module text editor context menu and in the Configuration section of the Designer main menu.

These features were not provided.Improved efficiency of routine operations performed by developers.
Managed forms.
In text boxes that display values of StandardBeginningDate type, in the date input mode, the AutoComplete (on value input) and TextEditEnd (on generating a value based on the input string) event handlers are implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In text boxes that display values of StandardBeginningDate type, in the date input mode, the AutoComplete (on value input) and TextEditEnd (on generating a value based on the input string) event handlers were not implemented.The behavior of text boxes linked to values of StandardBeginningDate type in the date input mode is identical to behavior of text boxes linked to values of Date type.
Client application.
The option to follow a navigation link during client application startup is implemented, with the navigation link passed as a parameter. This feature is implemented for the 1C:Enterprise launcher, thin and thick clients, the GotoURL() method, the standard full-text search form, and the new Go to link command in the startup window. Only external navigation links (which contain infobase connection settings) are supported. When following a link, the platform attempts to use running client application instances connected to the infobase specified in the navigation link. In 8.3.4 version compatibility mode, the GotoURL() method is not modified.

The /url startup option is implemented for the launcher, thin client, and thick client.

This feature was not provided.

Users could only follow external links when they accessed the infobase using the web client.

Simplified access to infobase data if a link to this data is provided by third-party tools, such as email.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the InternetMailMessage object, the GetSourceData(), SetSourceData(), and GetSourceText() methods are implemented. These methods are intended for getting original email messages without changing the encoding and processing source texts of messages whose encoding was changed.This feature was not provided.You can save email messages to files and load them from files, provided that they comply with RFC 822 URL9, and you can also perform custom processing of email message source texts.
Data display.
Animated charts are implemented. The Animation property is implemented for the Chart object. The ChartsViewSettings object is implemented. The chart display settings are stored in the system settings storage.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.More chart display options are available.
Web services and HTTP services.
Data exchange.
Database operations.
Web client and web service publishing tools.
1C:Enterprise infobase data can be retrieved and modified using the OData protocol (read more) v3 (read more). The following data presentation is supported: atom-xml.

Enabling this feature does not require modification of applied solution, it is performed using a web server publication.

The enableStandardOData attribute is implemented for <point> tag in the default.vrd file.

In 8.3.4 version compatibility mode, all configuration objects that support OData protocol are available through this interface. If the compatibility mode is disabled, the access to objects is managed using the SetStandardODataInterfaceContent() method.

Universal access to 1C:Enterprise infobase data was only available on Windows operating systems and was based on COM/OLE features. It was not available on Linux. The option to access data using web services implemented in applied solutions was also available.Extended integration features for 1C:Enterprise data, including data access from external Linux systems, which does not require modification of applied solutions .
Configuration repositories.
Optimized selective comparison of forms, access rights, and command interface fragments in scenarios where the configuration repository is located on a network drive or on a repository server.

Local data cache is implemented for configuration repositories. You can manage the size and location of local and global repository caches using the configuration repository administration settings dialog box or cfgrepo.conf configuration files. These files are located in the cfgrepo subdirectory of the infobase service files directory (for the local cache) or in the configuration repository directory (for the global cache).

The following features are implemented for batch Designer startup mode:

  • Clearing the global configuration repository cache (the /ConfigurationRepositoryClearGlobalCache command-line option)
  • Clearing the local configuration repository cache (the /ConfigurationRepositoryClearLocalCache command-line option)
The selective comparison of forms, access rights, and command interface fragments lacked efficiency if the configuration repository was located on a network drive or on a repository server.

Editing the size and location of the global configuration repository cache was not available. The local cache for configuration repository data was not available.

Selective comparison and some other configuration repository features are optimized.

You can manage the size and location of configuration repository data cache.

Dynamic lists.
Extended search capabilities in tables that display dynamic lists. A standalone search string box that provides full-text search is implemented. Search by current cell value is available. The search history is implemented. The current search state is clearly visible. The search result includes items that have search words located both in a single column and in different columns. In each column, search by a single value is available (the Find in search results option is not supported).

For automatically created forms that contain tables linked to dynamic lists, the set of items related to search in dynamic lists is modified (together with their appearance). The search dialog box layout is modified.

The new FormItemAddition managed form item stores additional properties of form items.

Extensions of form items intended for displaying a search string, a view status, and a search control are implemented.

For the FormTable managed form item, the predefined items SearchString, ViewStatus, and SearchControl, and also properties SearchStringLocation, ViewStatusLocation, and SearchControlLocation are implemented.

The search history is stored in the system settings storage with the following key: Common/TableSearchHistory/<Form name>.<Table name>.

The SearchControl picture is added to the picture library.

Search in tables was performed using the search dialog box. The option to search a column by multiple values (the Find in search results check box) was available. The search dialog box had a different layout. There was no simple way to determine whether the search is applied to a table (except for checking the availability of the Cancel search button if it was present on the command bar).The search in managed form tables is improved, it is clearly visible whether the search is applied to a table.
Web services and HTTP services.
Developers can create HTTP services in applied solutions. Developers can access HTTP request body, headers, and line.

Publishing HTTP services is similar to publishing web services.

To access HTTP services, use URLs of the following format: http://<host name>/<base name>/hs/<resourсe identifier>. You can create HTTP services in the Common/HTTP services branch of the configuration tree.

The following objects are implemented: HTTPServices, HTTPService, HTTPServiceRequest, and HTTPServiceResponse.

This feature was not provided.

Only access to web services implemented in the applied solution was available.

You can create services that have the following advantages over web services:
  • Simpler implementation.
  • Less amounts of data transferred.
  • Less computing power is required to parse a response.

A different usage model (RESTful services).

Client application.
Database operations.
The Hibernated session state is implemented, which is intended for preserving sessions after unexpected connection losses. Sessions that require licenses release the occupied licenses once they are hibernated. If a connection is assigned to a hibernated session, the session loses its Hibernated state. During the recovery from hibernation, sessions that require licenses attempt to obtain licenses. If a license cannot be obtained, the session is terminated. The option to set a timeout for automatic shutdown of hibernated sessions is implemented. If a connection to the client is closed by the 1C:Enterprise server, the session is hibernated(instead of being terminated).

For the ISessionInfo object, the following properties are implemented: Hibernate, PassiveSessionHibernateTime, and HibernateSessionTerminateTime. New global context methods are implemented: SetPassiveSessionHibernateTime(), GetPassiveSessionHibernateTime(), SetHibernateSessionTerminateTime(), and GetHibernateSessionTerminateTime().

The hibernation timeout and the timeout for closing hibernated sessions can be set in Designer, in the infobase parameters dialog box.

This feature was not provided.

If a client application was inactive for 20 minutes, the session was closed.

In the client/server mode, in some scenarios the client application continues functioning even when the client computer stays in hibernation mode for a long time.
Data composition system.
In the data composition system, new options are implemented for comparison of string data: BeginsWith, NotBeginsWith, Like, and NotLike.This feature was not provided.Extended features for filtering by string expressions in reports created using the data composition system and in dynamic lists.
Applied objects.
For catalog, chart of characteristic types, chart of accounts, chart of calculation types configuration objects, the GetPredefinedNames() method is implemented.This feature was not provided.You can get the flag indicating that a configuration object has predefined items, as well as the full list of predefined item names. Using this list, you can check whether data items are set for all predefined items.
External data sources.
You can write data to external data source tables.

This feature is intended for integration with other applications, external sources should not be used as applied solution data storages.

This feature was not provided.

External data source table data was read-only.

New options for integration with information systems and databases.
A query wizard for managed mode is implemented. For the QueryWizard object, the Show() method is implemented.

The following pictures are added to the picture library:

Rename, Attribute, Dimension, Resource, NestedTable, QueryWizardShowChangesTables, QueryWizardCreateNestedQuery, QueryWizardCreateTempTableDescription, QueryWizardReplaceTable, QueryWizardTableParameters, QueryWizardCreateTempTableDropQuery

QueryWizardTempTableDescription, QueryWizardGroupTempTables, QueryWizardTempTable, QueryWizardNestedQuery, and CustomExpression.

This feature was not provided.New features for using queries in managed applications.
An object model intended for modification of query texts is implemented. The QuerySchema object is implemented.This feature was not provided.

You can modify queries from 1C:Enterprise script without analyzing the query text.

Spreadsheet documents.
You can insert pictures in spreadsheet document cells. You can specify text position relative to the picture in a cell (or an area of cells) of a spreadsheet document. A picture is linked to a cell where it is inserted.

For the SpreadsheetDocumentRange object, the following properties are implemented: Picture, PictureSize, PictureHorizontalAlign, PictureVerticalAlign, TextPositionRelativeToPicture, and PictureParameter.

Pictures could only be inserted in spreadsheet documents as images that were not linked to any specific cell (or an area of cells).Improved usability of pictures in spreadsheet documents.
System requirements.
Alt Linux SPT 6.0 distribution kit is supported.This distribution kit was not supported.New Linux distribution kit is supported.
Data composition system.
For the DataCompositionFilter object, the default constructor is implemented.This feature was not provided.In a mobile application, you can set a filter for a list of contacts.
Event log.
The _$Data$_.TotalsMaxPeriodUpdate event with presentation Data.Modify maximum calculated totals period is implemented. The event is registered when the SetMaxTotalsPeriod() or SetMinAndMaxTotalsPeriods() method is called.

The _$Data$_.TotalsPeriodUpdate event is used for compatibility purposes.

The _$Data$_.TotalsPeriodUpdate event was registered when the maximum totals period was set.The event log displays actions that set the totals period more consistently.
Client application.
1C:Enterprise searches for the ImageMagick library by name libMagickWand-6.Q16.1C:Enterprise did not search the ImageMagick library by name libMagickWand-6.Q16.During the startup, 1C:Enterprise is not shut down if the ImageMagick library was renamed and then reinstalled.
DBMS operations.
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 DBMS is now supported.Microsoft SQL Server 2014 DBMS was not supported.New Microsoft SQL Server version is now supported.
Developer tools.
For the Technological log configuration file editor (read more) and User action log conversion (read more), data processors, which are distributed via 1c-dn.com, the English interface is implemented. Both data processors are rewritten using the English variant of 1C:Enterprise script.The Technological log configuration file editor and User action log convertor data processors had Russian interface only.

Both data processors were written using the Russian variant of 1C:Enterprise script.

Simplified usage and modification of the Technological log configuration file editor and User action log convertor data processors for non-Russian-speaking developers.
Development tools.
In the "dump configuration to files" feature, the approach to dumping standard attribute data is modified. Only attributes whose properties differ from the default values (for the given attribute) are dumped. Changing properties of a single standard attribute results in dumping all of the standard attributes of the configuration object. The same behavior is implemented for loading: if an XML file contains a description of a standard attribute, it is loaded to the configuration even if the description of the standard attribute contains only default values.

An external data processor intended for deleting descriptions of standard attributes with default values from XML dump files is implemented.

The data processor can be used only with files dumped by 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.5. You have to use it once before loading the dumped files back to the configuration.

While dumping configuration files, standard attribute data was always dumped, even if all of the standard attribute properties had default values.Reduced configuration file size. Reduced number of "different" objects found when comparing configurations after dumping and subsequent loading.
Predefined data.
Applied objects.
Common attributes / Data separation.
You can edit the flag that shows whether predefined data is initialized in a data area or in the entire infobase. The GetPredefinedDataInitialization() and SetPredefinedDataInitialization() methods are added for catalog managers, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, and charts of calculation types.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

Editing the flag that shows whether predefined data is initialized in a data area or in the entire infobase was not available.Extended capabilities for processing predefined data. You can inform the system at any time that predefined data in a data area or in the entire infobase is initialized (or not initialized). In a distributed infobase, when you remove infobase subordination to the master node, you can specify that all of the predefined data items are created in the infobase whose subordination is being removed.
System requirements.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (x86-64) is now supported.Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 (x86-64) was not supported.New version of the Microsoft operating system is now supported.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
You can use an external utility for generating dumps when the platform stops responding.

In the logcfg.xml file, the externaldump attribute of the dump element is implemented.

The dumper.exe utility, which is now included in the platform delivery kit, is implemented.

Dumps were generated by the process that stopped responding.Eliminated the issue where the system stopped responding while generating a dump for a process that stopped responding.
Data exchange.
The instructions for unbinding an infobase from the root node and restoring a configuration in a distributed infobase node, which take into account the specifics of predefined data usage, are available in the platform documentation.This information was not available in the documentation.The documentation contains recommendations for using distributed infobases that include predefined data.
Client application.
Managed forms.
In thin and thick client applications, the system behavior based on the Modality usage mode configuration property value is modified. For thin and thick client applications, the EnableCheckModal startup parameter is implemented.

If EnableCheckModal is not used, modal methods are executed without any warnings or exceptions.

If EnableCheckModal is used, executing a modal method generates a warning or an exception (depending on the Modality usage mode configuration property value).

When an applied solution is started from Designer, the EnableCheckModal parameter is automatically added to the applied solution command line (this behavior cannot be disabled).

The web client behavior is not modified: the command-line parameter is not used. The web client always generates a warning or an exception (depending on the Modality usage mode configuration property value) when modal methods are executed.

The modal method behavior was based on the Modality usage mode configuration property value only. Depending on this property value, modal methods were executed with warnings or exceptions. This behavior could not be changed using command-line parameters.You can use external data processors that include modal methods in applied solutions where modality is disabled.
System requirements.
Support of Microsoft Windows 8.x operating system is implemented.Microsoft Windows 8.x operating system was not supported.Extended list of supported operating systems.

Table of contents

New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application installation.
While the client application is being updated via the Internet, a dialog box displaying the progress of downloading the distribution kit from the server is being displayed. You have the option to cancel the download.

While the client application was being updated, the progress of downloading the distribution kit was not displayed.

Improved process of updating the client application using Internet services: the progress is displayed and the download can be canceled.
Client application.
The Help window is opened like any other form:
  • In the Forms in separate windows mode, it is opened in a separate window.
  • In the Forms in tabs mode, it is opened in a tab.
  • In the Taxi mode, it is opened in the main window working area.
  • If help is opened from a form that locks the entire interface, it is opened on top of all windows and locks the entire interface.
  • If help is opened from a modal form, it is opened in a modal form.

The help command bar is modified.

The search is started either when the focus leaves the search text box or when the user clicks Find.

Help was always opened in a new window, regardless of the main application window interface settings.

The help command bar had different content.

The search started while the search expression was still being typed (during a pause in the typing).

The behavior of the Help window is unified with other forms.
Configuration installation.
New splash screen in the configuration installation wizard.The configuration installation wizard used a different splash screen.The configuration installation wizard and the platform installation wizard have uniform looks.
Client application.
If OpenID authentication is available in an infobase, once you run the thin client and select the infobase, the authentication dialog box will display the name of the last authenticated user.The user name box in the OpenID authentication dialog box was always empty.The user name box behavior is uniform for all authentication methods.

Predefined data.
When a catalog, chart of characteristic types, or chart of accounts folder is marked for deletion, unmarked for deletion, or deleted, the platform checks whether the user has enough rights to access subordinate predefined objects.When a catalog, chart of characteristic types, or chart of accounts folder was marked for deletion, unmarked for deletion, or deleted, the platform did not check whether the user had enough rights to access subordinate predefined objects.The platform does not allow deletion of a catalog, chart of characteristic types, or chart of accounts folder if the folder contains a predefined item and the user does not have the right to delete that item interactively.
Web client.
When the web client is started in Google Chrome web browser on MacOS X operating system, the message that the web browser is not supported is not displayed.When the web client was started in Google Chrome web browser on MacOS X operating system, the message that the web browser was not supported was displayed.Improved usability of applied solution startup in the web client that is started in Google Chrome web browser on MacOS X operating system (the message is removed). Support of this web browser is subject to further discussion.

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FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Common attributes / Data separation.
File mode.
In separated infobases that run in the file mode, query execution is optimized.

In separated infobases that ran in the file mode, query execution lacked efficiency.

Improved performance of separated infobases that run in the file mode.
Managed forms.
In some scenarios, forms are opened faster.Opening forms was not optimized.Improved system performance in some scenarios.
Database operations.
Improved performance of establishing a connection to an infobase that is running in the file mode and located on a network resource.The performance of establishing a connection to an infobase that was running in the file mode and located on a network resource was insufficient.For the second and following users, improved performance of establishing a connection to an infobase running in the file mode and located on a network resource.
1C:Enterprise script.
Improved performance of the following operations: execution of 1C:Enterprise script methods and getting configuration object properties.The performance of the following operations was insufficient: execution of 1C:Enterprise script methods and getting configuration object properties.Improved performance of the following operations: execution of 1C:Enterprise script methods and getting configuration object properties.
Accounting registers.
Improved performance of writing to accounting registers for record sets that contains no more than 10 records.When a record set with no more than 10 records was written to an accounting register, the writing performance was insufficient.Optimized accounting register operations.
DBMS operations.
Accounting registers.
Common attributes / Data separation.
In the client/server mode with IBM DB2 or Oracle Database DBMS, improved performance of writing to accounting registers that are included in the contents of common attributes used as separators.In the client/server mode with IBM DB2 or Oracle Database DBMS, the performance of writing to accounting registers included in the contents of common attributes that were used as separators was insufficient.Optimized accounting register operations in the client/server mode with IBM DB2 or Oracle Database DBMS.

Table of contents

Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Defined types.

The list of types that can be included in defined types is significantly extended.

You can use defined types in the following objects: common commands, calculation registers, event subscriptions, external data sources, and common attributes that are used as separators.

The algorithm of the configuration check for correct usage of defined types is modified: a defined type is considered valid (in each usage instance) if all types that form the defined type are valid when the check is performed.

The configuration check algorithm is not modified in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The list of types that could be included in defined types was significantly shorter.

The configuration check was performed as follows: check whether the defined type only includes allowed types, and check whether the defined type is not included in the following objects: common commands, calculation registers, event subscriptions, external data sources, and common attributes that are used as separators.

New defined type usage options in applied solution development. Particularly, integration of applied solutions with third-party subsystems is now simpler.
Development tools.
The order of standard attributes in the standard attributes window and in the role settings is modified.

The form wizard allows adding predefined data name fields to forms.

The list of standard attributes in the standard attributes window and in the role settings was not ordered.

The form wizard did not allow adding predefined data name fields to forms.

Display of standard attributes is uniform with other system features.
Client application.
For text documents, the Save as command now saves the document encoding, provided that one of the following encodings is used: ANSI, OEM, UTF-8, or UTF-16. Otherwise, the UTF-8 encoding is set.

Closing the Save as dialog box by clicking Cancel does not modify the encoding of the open document.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

For text documents, the Save as command set the UTF-8 encoding for the document being saved, regardless of the encoding that was used when the document was opened.

Closing the Save as dialog box by clicking Cancel set UTF-8 encoding for the open document.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
Dynamic lists.
In the Customize form dialog box, the DataVersion field cannot be added to a form.In the Customize form dialog box, the DataVersion field could be added to a form.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Background and scheduled jobs.
At the start of a background job, the SessionParametersSetting event handler is run after the execution of service actions (recording to the event log, setting connection parameters for external data sources, and so on).At the start of a background job, the SessionParametersSetting event handler was run prior to the execution of service actions (recording to the event log, setting connection parameters for external data sources, and so on).Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Information registers.
Accumulation registers.
Accounting registers.
Calculation registers.
The configuration check and database configuration update include the check whether registers affecting a sequence are included in the same separator content as the documents included in the sequence.

If a register affecting a sequence is included in separator content and a document included in a sequence is not included in the content of this separator, the separator is ignored when sequence boundaries are updated in 1C:Enterprise mode.

The check for correspondence between separators included in a document sequence and registers affecting this sequence was not performed.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Temporary storages.
The volume of data transferred between the client and the server cannot exceed 4 GB (in the serialized form) in the following cases:
  • Setting a session parameter
  • Single call of the PutToTempStorage() method
  • Single call of the PutFile() or PutFiles() method

An attempt to transfer more than 4GB leads to an unrecoverable error.

During an attempt to transfer more than 4GB of data (in serialized form) to the server, the client application stopped responding.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The cURL library is updated to version 7.32. It supports new options, such as downloading files with Cyrillic names from FTP servers.The cURL library version 7.18.2 was used.Resolved some issues of the previous library version.
XML and XDTO support.
If an error related to an attempt to write an invalid character to an XML object occurs at the server side, an unrecoverable error is not generated at the client side, and the user is not prompted to restart the client application.

The error can be handled using the Try...Except syntax.

If an error related to an attempt to write an invalid character to an XML object occurred at the server side, the unrecoverable error was generated at the client side, and the user was prompted to restart the client application.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
XML and XDTO support.
If the FindDisallowedXMLCharacters() method finds an incomplete surrogate Unicode pair, it returns the position of the first character of the incomplete pair.If the FindDisallowedXMLCharacters() method found an incomplete surrogate Unicode pair, it returned the position of the character that followed the first character of the incomplete pair.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.

In a text box that is in the "choice from the list" mode and displays an empty reference, clicking the Cancel button is ignored.

In the text box that was in the "choice from the list" mode and displayed an empty reference, clicking the Cancel button displayed a dialog box with Undefined text.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Navigation links.
When a navigation link is followed, white spaces (spaces, line feeds, and so on) in the beginning and in the end of the navigation link are ignored. This feature is implemented in the following scenarios:
  • The GotoURL() script method
  • Following a navigation link from the Go to link dialog box (including the scenario when the link is pasted from the clipboard)
  • Adding a link to Favorites from the Go to link dialog box
When navigation links were followed, white spaces (spaces, line feeds, and so on) in the beginning and in the end of the navigation links were ignored. Users had to delete these characters manually.Improved management of navigation links.
XML and XDTO support.
Web services.
When string values are read using the XMLReader object or obtained using a web service, line feed characters keep their original format (they are not converted).

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

When string values were read using the XMLReader object or obtained using a web service, the following replacements were made:
  • Combinations of line feed characters 0x0D+0x0A (CR+LF) and 0x0D (CR) were replaced with 0x0A (LF).
  • Combination of characters 0x0A+0x0D (LF+CR) was replaced with 0x0A+0x0A (LF+LF).

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
XML and XDTO support.
Settings of text boxes located in spreadsheet documents can now be serialized to XDTO. A spreadsheet document deserialized from XDTO is equivalent to its source.

During XDTO serialization of spreadsheet documents and the following deserialization, text box settings were lost.

Settings of text boxes located in spreadsheet documents are saved after dumping/loading configuration to/from XML files.
Development tools.
  • In the Evaluate expression dialog box and in the Immediate window, expressions are not calculated twice in the following cases:
  • Opening a value that has properties
  • Viewing a property as a collection of values in a separate window
  • Viewing property values in a separate window intended for viewing a collection
  • Viewing a string value in a separate window
In the Evaluate expression dialog box and in the Immediate window, expressions were calculated twice in the following cases:
  • Opening a value that has properties
  • Viewing a property as a collection of values in a separate window
  • Viewing property values in a separate window intended for viewing a collection
  • Viewing a string value in a separate window
Eliminated the issue that introduced inaccuracies to the calculated expression result because the expression could only be calculated once (at the current debugging step).
Configuration repositories.

You can perform selective comparison of form modules without building a form comparison report. The Form (module) command is added to the following context menus: Perform selective comparison with the repository object, Perform selective comparison with the configuration object, and Perform selective comparison of object versions.

During selective comparison of forms, two comparisons were performed: the comparison of form modules and the comparison of forms. Two reports were displayed as a result of comparison.

Improved usability of selective comparison. Comparison of form modules is now a separate command.

Data composition system.
In data composition system, the automatically generated title of a field linked to data retrieved using "." (dot) from a Ref field of a tabular section contains the field presentation only. In particular, a field related to the TabularSection.Ref.Number attribute will have the Number title.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In data composition system, the automatically generated title of a field linked to data retrieved using "." (dot) from a Ref field of a tabular section contained the Ref word and a presentation of the data attribute retrieved using "." (dot).Improved appearance of reports.
Managed forms.
Pessimistic lock of data described by the main form attribute is performed for the following actions in text boxes:
  • Clicking the drop-down list button
  • Attempting to create an item from the drop-down list
  • Attempting to open a choice list
  • Starting text input

If the lock cannot be set, the action is not performed.

Pessimistic data lock was set for the following actions in text boxes:
  • Attempting to open a choice list
  • Starting text input
Pessimistic data lock is set for all actions that change text box contents.
XML and XDTO support.
Development tools.
In the "dump configuration to files" feature, XML file format is changed for the following configuration parts: managed forms, dynamic list settings, graphical schema items, geographical schemas, functional option content, and field lists. Tag names now match the names used in 1C:Enterprise script, the XML element name spelling is unified. The dump format is more compact and clear. The properties filled with default values are not dumped.

Dynamic list settings are dumped to a single element, which has the data composition schema settings format.

Managed forms dumped using the previous platform versions cannot be loaded by the latest platform version.

In the "dump configuration to files" feature, XML files that stored managed forms, dynamic list settings, graphical schemas, geographical schemas, functional option content, and field lists had a different format.XML files that store configuration data are more compact and better structured.
Charts of accounts.
Accounting registers.
Data exchange.
While a chart of accounts item is being written with DataExchange.Load property set to True, new extra dimension types are checked for uniqueness. The unique ones are added to the table of extra dimension values, and the nonunique values are not added, which eliminates possible errors.If a chart of accounts item was being written with DataExchange.Load property set to True, the check for uniqueness of extra dimensions was not performed. This could cause errors while items were being added to the table of extra dimension values.The order of loading chart of accounts data and data of linked accounting registers does not matter.
Development tools.
In the property palette, the Sort alphabetically command sorts properties by presentation (if displaying property names is disabled) or by name (if displaying property names is enabled). If a property does not have a name, the sorting is always performed by text presentation.In the property palette, the Sort alphabetically command sorted properties by presentation.The sorting command behavior depends on object property presentations.
Data composition system.
In the data composition system, the conditional appearance with Fields header usage area is applied to an area of a vertical template that contains names of displayed fields.

The conditional appearance with Group usage area is applied to an aria of vertical template that contains values of displayed fields.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In the data composition syste, the conditional appearance with Group usage area was applied to all areas of a vertical template.Improved usability of data composition system conditional appearance.
Thick client.
If more than two parameters are passed to the Insert() method of the TableBoxColumns object, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

Up to five parameters could be passed to the Insert() method of the TableBoxColumns object, while only two parameters were used. No errors were generated.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Event log.
The event log format is modified. The log is now stored in an SQLite database. The log file has .lgd extension.

The log location is not changed. The SQLite log format is the default format for new infobases. The performance of accessing event log data is improved.

Existing event logs can be converted to a new format. Conversion back to the legacy format is not supported.

The CopyEventLog() and ClearEventLog() methods are implemented.

The event log stores time in UTC format. The standard event log viewer supports new log file format (.lgd).

In the standard event log viewer form the command for viewing a log stored in a file is renamed to More - View from file.

The event log had text format.

In the standard event log viewer form the command for viewing a log stored in a file had the following name: More - Load from file.

Improved performance when accessing event log data. Improved event log reliability.

Better name for the command for viewing a log stored in a file.

Event log.
Deletion of a large number of event log records (more than 10 million) takes much less time.

You can terminate the reducing of event log size by pressing Ctrl+Break in Designer or by closing the session using administrative tools (as a result, a part of records is deleted, and the rest are not deleted).

The performance of event log record deletion was insufficient.

Reducing the event log size could not be terminated.

Reducing the size of a large event log takes reasonable time.

This operation can be terminated if needed.

Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is saved to a PDF file, a single document copy is saved. The Copies spreadsheet document property is ignored.

To include multiple copies into the PDF file, use the WriteFileForPrinting() method of the RepresentableDocumentBatch object.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

When a spreadsheet document was saved to a PDF file, the file contained the number of document copies specified in the Copies property.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application.
Development tools.
In Designer and thick client, customization of the search result selection background is available.In Designer and thick client, the search result background color could not be customized.Users can specify search result selection background color that fits their text editor settings.
Data exchange.
Common attributes / Data separation.
In a session that does not use any separators, while session changes are being registered, the Update right is not required for tables of objects being registered.

For sessions that use separators, the following features are implemented:

  • Changes can be registered for an empty record set that is subordinate to a recorder. If any of the separators required for the record set are not used in a session, the separator values are obtained from the corresponding recorder fields.
  • If the full set of separator values cannot be obtained using a recorder available in the memory, an error is generated and the change registration is stopped.
In a session that did not use any separators, while session changes were being registered, the Update right was required for tables of objects being registered.

For sessions that used separators, registering changes for empty record sets that were subordinate to recorders was not available.

In separated mode, changes are registered correctly.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Database operations.
New options for FindMarkedForDeletion(), FindByRef(), and DeleteObjects() methods:
  • You can specify data areas that will be searched for references or where objects will be deleted.
  • You can include configuration objects to (or exclude configuration objects from) search or deletion.

For value tables that are returned by the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods, a new column is implemented. It contains separator values that define the data area where the found object or the object that prevents deletion of another object is located.

The DeleteObjects() method returns a value of Number type, which stores the number of deleted objects.

The search for references, search for objects marked for deletion, and deletion of marked objects were performed only in data available in the current session with the current separator values. Including individual configuration objects to (or excluding configuration objects from) search or deletion was not available.

The value tables that were returned by the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods did not contain columns with separator values.

The DeleteObjects() method was a procedure.

You can customize the deletion of marked objects, especially in separated infobases. You can design more detailed messages about deletion results (total objects deleted, total objects not deleted, and so on).
Defined types.
In Designer, properties palette contents for objects that have defined type are generated based on the actual type that describes the defined type.The properties palette contents for objects that had defined types were always displayed as if all of the objects had complex type, regardless of their actual types.Property customization for objects that have defined types is now similar to property customization for objects whose types are specified explicitly.
Software licensing.
In the license activation dialog box, each PIN code is entered in a single text box, which includes an input mask (in all license acquisition scenarios).

During license activation by phone, each Licensing Center response line is entered in a single text box, which contains an input mask).

Pressing Tab switches between these text boxes.

The license registration page contains the descriptions of activation options for 5-, 10-, and 20-user licenses.

Extended error diagnostics during license activation is implemented.

In the license activation dialog box, each PIN code was entered in 5 text boxes (in all license acquisition scenarios).

During license activation by phone, the license activation dialog box had 5 text boxes for entering each Licensing Center response line.

Pressing Tab switched between the text boxes and response lines.

Help for various license activation methods was not available directly in the dialog box.

Some license activation error messages had complicated descriptions that might not be clear to users.

The software license activation dialog box is improved. PINs can be pasted from the clipboard.

Improved usability of entering the response from the Licensing Center during license activation by phone.

The error messages are clearer to users.

Common attributes / Data separation.
In version 8.2.16 or earlier compatibility mode, configuration checks and database configuration updates include the check whether each document journal is included in contents of at least one common attribute, and if it does, the appropriate diagnostics is performed.

The configuration is not updated in this case.

In version 8.2.16 or earlier compatibility mode, the configuration check did not detect configuration errors if document journals were included in contents of common attributes, and therefore such errors did not prevent the configuration update.The system cannot become inconsistent due to the fact that in version 8.2.16 or earlier document journals could not be included in common attribute contents.
Data composition system.
The GroupPlacement parameter of the data composition system does not affect the displaying of totals.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

Grouping totals were not displayed if the GroupPlacement data composition system parameter was set to End or None for the selected grouping.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
For cells that have single-line height, tooltips that do not fit a single text line are displayed as multiple text lines.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

For cells that had single-line height, tooltips were displayed as single text lines. If tooltip text did not fit a single line, it ended with "...."Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents.
In the thin client, when a spreadsheet document is obtained from the server, empty rows located in document cells are preserved.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In the thin client, when a spreadsheet document was obtained from the server, empty rows located in document cells were lost.Eliminated data loss during the transfer of spreadsheet documents from the server to the client.
Managed forms.
In a managed form table cell that has a drop-down list available and the Directly editing mode set, pressing Down Arrow or Up Arrow keys moves the selection to another cell and does not open the drop-down list. The drop-down list is only opened when a new row is added.

To open the drop-down list, press Ctrl+Down Arrow.

In a managed form table cell (with the Directly editing mode set), pressing Down Arrow or Up Arrow keys might open a drop-down list. This eliminated the option to add a new row by pressing Down Arrow.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
When a data composition template is generated, expressions for calculating details that contain fields unavailable due to functional options are removed from predefined templates.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

When a data composition template was generated, details expressions were copied from the predefined templates without any modifications.During report generation, errors do not occur when templates include fields unavailable due to functional options.
Client application.
In managed mode, if any connection issues or server-side issues occur, the client application allows to repeat a request, interrupt the operation, or shut down the application.If any connection issues or server-side issues occurred, users were not allowed to repeat their requests. In most cases the client application was simply shut down.The client application is more robust against connection issues or 1C:Enterprise server issues.
Mobile application.
If the interface compatibility mode is set to Taxi and then the Use purposes configuration property is set to Personal computer and Mobile device, the Interface compatibility mode property is automatically set to Taxi. Version 8.2 allowed.

If changing the Use purposes property requires modification of Modality usage mode and Interface compatibility mode configuration property values, the user is prompted to confirm the change.

Selecting the Mobile device value in the Use purposes configuration property made the following changes in configuration properties without any warnings:
  • The Interface compatibility mode property was set to Version 8.2.
  • The Modality usage mode property was set to Use.
Designer behaves as expected.
Software licensing.
Users that do not have administrative rights can activate software licenses. In this scenario the license is activated for the current user.Only users with administrative rights could activate licenses.

A user without administrative rights that does not have write access to the directory where license files for all computer users are located still can activate a software license.

Predefined data.
Data exchange.
Common attributes / Data separation.
When predefined data is changed, changes are only registered for items that are actually modified, added, or deleted.

When the compatibility mode is changed from Version 8.3.2 (or earlier) to Version 8.3.3 (or later), all predefined item changes are registered.

When the compatibility mode is changed from Version 8.3.3 (or later) to Version 8.3.2 (or earlier), registration of all predefined items is removed.

When changes are registered for predefined items:

  • If the configuration object where predefined items are changed and the exchange plan where the changes are registered do not have common separators, the changes are registered for all nodes of the exchange plan.
  • If the configuration object where the predefined items are changed and the exchange plan where the changes are registered have common separators, the changes are only registered for those exchange plan nodes where separator values match the separator values of predefined items.
When predefined data belonging to a specific object was changed, all predefined items of this object were registered as if they were changed.

Predefined item changes were registered for all exchange plan nodes available from the session where the predefined items were changed.

When object predefined data is changed, object change registration tables do not significantly increase in size.
Managed forms.
Web client.
In the web client, if a managed form table cell contains multiple text lines, only lines that fit the cell height are shown. If the text does not fully fit, ellipsis (…) is added to the end of the last line. In Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 web browser, the ellipsis is not displayed.

In the thin client, text in managed form table cells better fits the cell height.

In the web client, if a managed form table cell contained multiple text lines, the lines might be cut in the manner that made them unreadable (only the upper character halves were displayed and the lower ones were cut).

The ellipsis was not added to the end of the last line.

In the thin client, sometimes text in managed form table cells did not fit the cell height well, a redundant empty line was added to the bottom of the cell.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
While loading user settings for reports and dynamic lists (including automatic loading during form opening), the following items are removed:
  • Items that include references to fields disabled by functional options
  • Items that include references to fields unavailable due to access rights restrictions
  • Items linked to data composition schema fields that no longer exist

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

While loading user settings for reports and dynamic lists (including automatic loading during form opening), the following items were removed:
  • Items that included to fields disabled by functional options
  • Items that included references to fields unavailable due to access rights restrictions
Improved system stability.
Database operations.
You can load the infobase dump file (*.dt) that was generated with the following conditions:
  • The dump was created in the file mode .
  • 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.4 was used for dumping.
  • Filled aggregates of turnover accumulation registers were available in the infobase.

In some scenarios, the aggregates of turnover accumulation registers are cleared after the loading.

Loading the infobase dump file (*.dt) was not available if the file was generated with the following conditions:
  • The dump was created in the file mode .
  • 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.4 was used for dumping.
  • Filled aggregates of turnover accumulation registers were available in the infobase.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data display.
Text fragments found during a search by substring are displayed in a uniform way (bold font and green text) in the following cases:
  • In managed form text box drop-down lists
  • In favorites
  • In history
  • In dynamic lists
  • In the full-text search form
The substrings that were found had different looks.Uniformed look for different features.
XML and XDTO support.
For charts of accounts and charts of calculation types, the Predefined field of predefined tabular sections is available for writing. In charts of accounts and charts of calculation types, the predefined records of predefined tabular sections can include only predefined items. During a serialization of a chart of accounts item or a chart of calculation types item to XML(XDTO), the Predefined item, which matches the Predefined property, is written. During the deserialization, the Predefined item value is written to the Predefined property only if the compatibility mode is disabled.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

For charts of accounts and charts of calculation types, the Predefined field of predefined tabular sections was read-only.

During the serialization of a chart of account item or a chart of calculation types item to XML(XDTO), the Predefined item was not generated.

During data exchange between configurations, the flags of predefined data are no longer lost in the chart of accounts and chart of calculation types items.
Managed forms.
Getting a choice form in a slow connection scenario is implemented identically to getting forms in other scenarios.Getting a choice form in a slow connection scenario was implemented differently from getting forms in other scenarios, it included caching the form.Increased relaibility for getting choice forms in a slow connection scenario.
Applied objects.
During the restructuring of hierarchical predefined data, if an item parent is not found during the update, the item is moved to the top level.

During the creation or restructuring of predefined data, if references to subordinate items are missing from predefined tabular sections, rows with missing references are deleted. Upon deletion, the platform generates a diagnostics message or an event log record, and the tabular section row numbering is updated accordingly.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

Invalid references to parent items or subordinate items in predefined data might cause errors during infobase retructuring.Increased system stability in the scenario where predefined data items contain invalid references to parent or subordinate items.
Command interface.
In the Taxi interface the scaling of pictures in the sections panel of the web client is now identical to that of the thin client. The picture height is calculated as follows:
  • If any of the pictures have height more than 48 pixels, they are scaled to the height of 48 pixels.
  • If all of the pictures have height less that 48 pixels, the section panel height is calculated based on the maximum picture height, while smaller pictures are centered at their respective positions.
In the Taxi interface of the web client 48x48 pixel squares were reserved for section panel pictures. The size of larger pictures was reduced proportionally and smaller pictures were centered within those squares. The section panel height was never reduced.The Taxi interface behavior in the web client is unified with that of the thin client.
Spreadsheet documents.
XML and XDTO support.
When a spreadsheet document is XDTO-deserialized, the order of items in the source XML file is not important.When a spreadsheet document is XDTO-deserialized, the order of items in the source XML file was important.Spreadsheet documents serialized to XDTO using 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.4 and earlier can be read without errors.
Third-party software.
The OpenSSL library is updated to version 1.0.0r.OpenSSL version 1.0.0m was used.Eliminated OpenSSL security issues.
Web client.
The web client is optimized for Google Chrome 37 web browser. The managed form issues where text did not fit the desired area are eliminated.The web client had issues related to displaying text in Google Chrome 37 web browser.

Improved Google Chrome 37 web browser support.

DBMS operations.
Improved reliability of PostgreSQL DBMS operations in certain scenarios.Insufficient reliability of PostgreSQL DBMS operations in certain scenarios.Improved reliability of PostgreSQL DBMS operations.
For Russia, a single one-hour time zone shift is applied in line with Federal Law #248-FZ. This change affects all 1C:Enterprise system components, except for the web client. The web client uses time zone data provided by operating systems and web browsers.

The platform did not reflect the changes introduced by Federal Law #248-FZ.The time offset changes introduced by the new law are implemented.
A section describing add-in limitations is added to the Add-in development technology document (read more).The Add-in development technology document did not describe add-in limitations.Improved add-in technology description.

Table of contents

Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Dynamic lists.
Dynamic lists cannot be ordered by extra dimension fields of accounting registers. An attempt to order a dynamic list by these fields (for example, by clicking the column header) does not result in a server call.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

An attempt to order a dynamic list by extra dimension fields of accounting registers generated an error message and initiated a server call, which did not retrieve any data.Dynamic lists do not allow ordering that does not make sense, therefore the system behaves as expected (from the user’s point of view).
Applied objects.
An attempt to set a value to ThisObject or AdditionalProperties attribute of a CatalogObject, ExchangePlanObject, or ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject raises an exception.

An attempt to set a value to the DataExchange attribute of a CatalogObject or ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

An attempt to set a value to ThisObject or AdditionalProperties attribute of a CatalogObject, ExchangePlanObject, or ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject did not raise an exception, and the value was not set.

An attempt to set a value to the DataExchange attribute of a CatalogObject or ChartOfCharacteristicTypesObject did not raise an exception, and the value was not set.

Unified processing of the specified properties: an attempt to set a value for a read-only attribute raises an exception.

Client application.
Server clusters.
If the client and server application versions do not match, the search for client application distribution kit is performed in the following order:
  • Search in the 1C:Enterprise installation directory (the InstalledLocation property in 1cestart.cfg and 1cescmn.cfg files)
  • Search in the directories specified as locations for distribution files of new versions (the DistributiveLocation property in 1cestart.cfg and 1cescmn.cfg files, and the CommonCfgLocation property in the 1cestart.cfg file)
  • Search by the URL that is returned in the server exception about the mismatch of client and server application versions (the PublishDistributiveLocation parameter in the conf.cfg file and the pubdst attribute of the ws tag in the default.vrd file)
  • Search using Internet services for getting the client application distribution kit
If the client and server application versions did not match, the search for client application distribution kit was performed in the following order:
  • Search in the 1C:Enterprise installation directory (the InstalledLocation property in 1cestart.cfg and 1cescmn.cfg files)
  • Search in the directories specified as locations for distribution files of new versions (the DistributiveLocation property in 1cestart.cfg and 1cescmn.cfg files, and the CommonCfgLocation property in the 1cestart.cfg file)
  • Search by the URL, that is returned in the server exception about the mismatch of client and server application versions (the PublishDistributiveLocation parameter in the conf.cfg file and the pubdst attribute of the ws tag in the default.vrd file)
  • Search using Internet services for getting the client application distribution kit
Search for updates behaves as expected: search in the local network precedes search using Internet services.
Common attributes / Data separation.
The SetPredefinedDataUpdate() and SetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() methods can only be executed in sessions that do not have any separators (in addition to the fact that they require the Administration right).

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The SetPredefinedDataUpdate() and SetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() methods could be executed in any session, provided that the user had the Administration right.

Users cannot change the infobase predefined data update mode if they do not have the required rights.
Navigation links.
Client application.

The ReferencesArray parameter of the GetURLsPresentations() function is mandatory. The return value of this function is always an array. For input array items whose presentations cannot be obtained, the matching output array items contain UNDEFINED.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The ReferencesArray parameter of the GetURLsPresentations() function was not mandatory. In cases when a parameter value presentation could not be obtained by its value, uniform system behavior across all client applications was not guaranteed.The GetURLsPresentations() function is uniform across all client applications.
Web client.
In the web client, performing the Execute() operator ends in exception.In the web client, calling the Execute() operator was ignored and no diagnostic messages were displayed.Implemented applied solution error diagnostics (for calling the Execute() operator in the web client).
Spreadsheet documents.
In the SpreadsheetDocumentRange object, the TopBorder, RightBorder, BottomBorder, and LeftBorder properties contain the UNDEFINED value if the corresponding border is not the same for all cells.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In the SpreadsheetDocumentRange object, values of the TopBorder, RightBorder, BottomBorder, and LeftBorder properties were retrieved from the properties of a random cell within the specified rangeEliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
In data composition system batch queries, when a temporary table is created, if the table fields are not used by the next queries of the batch and the table is not included in required joins, the query that creates the table is removed from the batch.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode

In data composition system batch queries, temporary tables were deleted from the batch if the table fields were not used by the next queries of the batch and the table was not used in other queries of the batch that also created temporary tables.Improved management of temporary tables in the data composition system.
Data exchange.
Information registers.
Changes in information registers that have dimensions of UUID type that are included in the main filter are recorded correctly.

In tables that store the register change records, fields describing dimensions of UUID type have UUID type.

Changes in information registers that had dimensions of UUID type were recorded incorrectly.

In tables that stored the register change records, fields describing dimensions of UUID type had BinaryData type.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior. In exchange plans containing information registers with dimensions of UUID type that are included in the main filter, registering all dimensions is required.
1C:Enterprise script.
Common objects.
In the thin client, the following types are not available: ValueTableRow, ValueTableColumnCollection, ValueTableColumn, CollectionIndexes, CollectionIndex, ValueTreeRowCollection, ValueTreeRow, ValueTreeColumnCollection, and ValueTreeColumn.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In the thin client, the following types were available: ValueTableRow, ValueTableColumnCollection, ValueTableColumn, CollectionIndexes, CollectionIndex, ValueTreeRowCollection, ValueTreeRow, ValueTreeColumnCollection, and ValueTreeColumn.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
In managed form text boxes, the TextEditEnd event handler is not called when the spin buttons are clicked.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed form text boxes, the TextEditEnd event handler was called when spin buttons were clicked.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Applied objects.
Managed forms.
When an object is created from a dynamic list filtered by an attribute of Date type, object attributes of that type are filled from the filling data.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

When an object was created from a dynamic list filtered by an attribute of Date type, object attributes of that type were not filled from the filling data.

For such attributes, the standard FillingValues parameter of the new item form contained values of the StandardBeginningDate type passed from the dynamic list filters.

Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
In managed form text boxes, if editing a string with an input mask results in a string that matches an empty input mask, an empty string is recorded to the form attribute displayed in the text box. If the string has fixed length, the string consists of spaces.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed form text boxes, if editing a string with an input mask resulted in a string that matched an empty input mask, a string that contained spaces and fixed input mask characters was recorded to the form attribute displayed in the text box.When a text box is cleared, an empty string is recorded to the linked attribute regardless of the input mask availability. In text boxes linked to attributes of Text type with the input mask set, the automatic "incomplete" mark is displayed correctly.
Managed forms.
In managed form text boxes, the procedure of generating a drop-down list during input by string is modified. The procedure is described in the documentation.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed form text boxes, the following procedure was used for generating a choice list during input by string:
  • Search by beginning of the string is performed and the first 10 results are added to the list.
  • If the list contains less than 10 items, search by substring is performed and its results are added to the list until it contains 10 items.
  • If the list still contains less than 10 items, results of search by other fields available for search during input by string are added to the list.
In managed form text boxes, eliminated issues in the procedure of drop-down list generation when search is performed both by beginning of string and by substring.
Managed forms.
Getting the list of desktop forms is implemented. For the Forms in tabs and Taxi interface modes, the ClientApplicationWindows collection contains a separate item that describes the start page (desktop). The Content property of this item contains the list of forms available on the start page (desktop).

For the Forms in separate windows interface mode, the ClientApplicationWindows collection contains ClientApplicationWindow objects that describe forms located on the desktop.

For the ClientApplicationWindow object, the StartPage and Content properties are implemented.

The GetContent() method of the ClientApplicationWindow is supported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

For the Forms in tabs and Taxi interface modes, the ClientApplicationWindows collection did not contain objects describing the start page (desktop).

For the Forms in separate windows interface mode, the ClientApplicationWindows collection did not contain objects describing forms opened on the desktop.

Developers can access forms located on the start page (desktop) using 1C:Enterprise script.
Automated testing.
For subordinate objects of the TestedApplication object, the TestedClientApplicationWindow object is implemented. The object describes the start page (desktop).

Forms (objects of TestedForm type) included in the start page (desktop) content are subordinate to the TestedClientApplicationWindow object that describes the start page (desktop).

For the TestedClientApplicationWindow object, the StartPage property is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The TestedClientApplicationWindow object that described the start page (desktop) was not included in the subordinate objects of the TestedApplication object.

Forms included in the start page (desktop) were subordinate to the TestedClientApplicationWindow object that had its IsMain property set to True.

You can access forms located on the start page (desktop) from 1C:Enterprise script using automated testing tools.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Data exchange.
An exception that does not cause application termination occurs when predefined data is registered for an unseparated configuration object in a separated exchange plan from a session that uses all separators.An exception that caused application termination occurred when predefined data was registered for an unseparated configuration object in a separated exchange plan from a session that used all separators.Eliminated issues that resulted in application termination.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Data exchange.
If a configuration object does not use all separators where it is included, calling the InitializePredefinedData() method does not initialize predefined data items for this object.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

If a configuration object did not use all separators where it was included, calling the InitializePredefinedData() method caused an error.The InitializePredefinedData() method can be used in any session, not only when all separators are used.
DBMS operations.
Data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
For the LIKE query language operation, search in dynamic lists, and filter in the data composition system, the search template length is limited. The limit depends on the DBMS type. If the template length exceeds the limit, an error is generated, which does not lead to 1C:Enterprise shutdown.For the LIKE query language operation, search in dynamic lists, and filter in the data composition system, if the search template exceeded 1024 characters, this could cause a DBMS error and 1C:Enterprise shutdown.1C:Enterprise is not shut down when a search template is too long.
Applied objects.
The value of the IsFolder field is correctly passed to the PresentationGetProcessing handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The value of the IsFolder field passed to the PresentationGetProcessing handler was inverted.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
The managed form visibility setting is stored in the system setting storage with a purpose use key. The object key is generated as follows: <Full form name>/<Purpose use key>/FormSettings.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The managed form visibility setting was stored in the system setting storage without a purpose use key. The object key was generated as follows: <Full form name>/FormSettings.You can use a single form for different use purposes, with custom display settings for each use purpose.
Data composition system.
Data composition system expressions are calculated in the safe mode.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The safe mode was not used when data composition system expressions were calculated.

Improved security of executing reports that might use insecure methods from common modules.
Managed forms.
In managed form tables, you can start dragging from an available table cell only.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed form tables, dragging from any table cell was allowed. When an attempt to drag an unavailable cell was made, the currently selected cell was dragged instead.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
The Text parameter of conditional appearance that is specified for the Fields header usage area is applied to grouping field headers.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

The Text parameter of conditional apperance was never applied to grouping field headers.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system.
The data composition template generator always generates the VerticalLevel property for nested reports. The parent report level is added to the value of this property.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

Parent report groupings were not taken into account when nested reports were displayed.

Parent report groupings affect nested reports: nested reports are displayed at the same grouping level as the parent report.
Managed forms.
For managed form fields, the PeriodField field type is implemented. It is intended for simplifying selection of periods of several full months.

For managed form field extensions for calendar fields, the Border property is implemented. It specifies border parameters for the calendar field.

The dialog box that was used in the following scenarios is modified:

  • Period selection for dynamic lists
  • Standard period selection for text boxes that display values of StandardPeriod type
  • The StandardPeriodEditDialog object dialog box

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

For managed form fields, the PeriodField field type was not available.

For managed form field extensions for calendar fields, the Border property was not available.

A different dialog box was used in the following scenarios:

  • Period selection for dynamic lists
  • Standard period selection for text boxes that display values of StandardPeriod type
  • The StandardPeriodEditDialog object dialog box

If the period variant was not custom, a drop-down list containing available options was opened in the input field.

The period selection dialog box is improved.
Managed forms.
In managed form tables, if a row is added because editing the previous row is finished or by pressing the Down Arrow, and then the row is neither edited from 1C:Enterprise script nor edited interactively, the new row is automatically deleted once the selection is moved away from it.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed form tables, if a row was added because editing the previous row was finished or by pressing the Down Arrow, and then the row was not edited interactively, the new row was automatically deleted once the selection was moved away from it.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Managed forms.
While a text box choice history is being filled, the check for deleted items is performed. A value presentation is removed from the list if its data was deleted in the current session or its data was deleted in another session but the presentation of deleted data was obtained in this session. If a value is deleted after the choice history is generated, when a user attempts to select this value, a warning is displayed, the value is not selected, and the item is removed from the history list.

The feature is implemented for thin and web clients.

Deleted values were displayed in text box choice history as Object not found items.References to objects that are no longer available for selection are removed from the choice history.
Managed forms.
In managed forms, the length of the PurposeUseKey property value is limited to 128 characters. An attempt to set a value longer than 128 characters or open a form with this property value longer than 128 characters ends with a exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In managed forms, the length of the PurposeUseKey property value was not limited.

Simplified diagnostics of issues related to PurposeUseKey value being too long.
Data access restrictions.
For each configuration object that is included in separator content and has tabular sections, a data access restriction check is performed (after writing) if the access restriction conditions include attributes from the object tabular section.

As a result, a message about insufficient access rights might be displayed in situations where it was not displayed earlier.

For configuration objects that were included in separator content and had tabular sections, data access restriction checks were not performed (after writing) if the access restriction conditions included attributes from the object tabular sections.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Predefined data.
Charts of accounts.
Charts of calculation types.
The following rules now apply during infobase restructuring:
  • A row of a predefined tabular section of a chart of accounts or a chart of calculation types, which is added in 1C:Enterprise mode and refers to a predefined item, is marked predefined if a predefined row that refers to the same item is added in Designer mode.
  • When a predefined row is deleted from a predefined tabular section of a chart of accounts or a chart of calculation types, the actual row is not deleted. Instead, it loses the "predefined" flag.

In addition to that, the order of tabular section rows might be changed to ensure that all of the predefined items are at the top.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In a chart of accounts, adding a predefined extra dimension type in Designer mode was impossible if the extra dimension type was added in 1C:Enterprise mode earlier. When an attempt to delete a predefined row from a predefined tabular section of a chart of accounts was made, the actual row was deleted.

Charts of calculation types had the following behavior:

  • In 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.12 or earlier, the behavior was the same as in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.5.
  • In 1C:Enterprise versions 8.2.13–8.3.4, if a base, leading, or displacing calculation type that was added earlier in 1C:Enterprise mode was then added in Designer mode, a duplicate calculation type entry was generated. When a predefined row was deleted from a predefined tabular section of a chart of calculation types, the actual row was deleted.
Editing predefined tabular sections no longer might cause data losses.

Editing the list of extra dimension types of a predefined account in Designer might result in a message that the account's maximum number of extra dimension types is exceeded.

Accounting registers.
Accumulation registers.
Information registers.
Calculation registers.
In a value table obtained by the Unload() method of an accounting register, accumulation register, calculationregister, or information register record set, the value of the LineNumber column is equal to the line number in the record set.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.4 compatibility mode.

In the value table obtained by the Unload() method of an accounting register, accumulation register, calculation register, or information register record set, the value of the LineNumber column was equal to the index of the record set index.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The TLS protocol is recommended for secure connections as it is more secure. The SSL protocol version 3.0 is disabled by default.

If the web server used for thin client connections can use SSL version 3.0 for connecting to a web server, you can use the thin client command-line option /HttpsAllowSSLv3.

SSL version 3.0 is not used (by default) with the HTTPConnection, FTPConnection, InternetMail, WSProxy, WSReference, and WSDefinition objects, when connecting to the configuration repository, and in Debugger. If you need to use SSL version 3.0 in these scenarios, use the AllowSSLv3 option in the conf.cfg file. For the conf.cfg configuration file, the AllowSSLv3 option is implemented.

For the InternetMail object in version 8.3.5 and earlier compatibility mode and in earlier 1C:Enterprise versions:

  • On Windows, you can enable the SSL protocol version 3.0 by editing the system register.
  • On Linux, the availability of SSL protocol version 3.0 is defined by the OpenSSL library version.
The SSL protocol version 3.0 was used for secure connections.Improved security of connections established by client applications that work over the Internet.
Web client.
The file system extension and the cryptography extension are modified (for all supported Windows web browsers). The reason is that the NPAPI technology is no longer supported in Google Chrome browser.

New extension versions perform all file and cryptography operations asynchronously (using notifications).

To be able to use 1C:Enterprise extensions and browser extensions, you are required to install a dedicated web browser extension. The web client prompts you to install that extension once you attempt to enable a browser extension.

On the client side, add-ins, the file system extension, and the cryptography extension run asynchronously. Synchronous add-in, file system extension, and cryptography extension operations are supported on the client side for compatibility purposes. Refactoring applied solutions, including those that have add-ins, is required to support synchronous operations:

  • change method calls to calls of BeginCalling<MethodName>() asynchronous methods,
  • change reading property values to calls of BeginGetting<PropertyName>() asynchronous method,
  • change setting property values to calls of BeginSetting<PropertyName>() asynchronous method.

Refactoring add-ins is not required. The platform automatically adds prefixes and asynchronous behavior support to add-in methods. The SynchronousExtensionAndAddInCallUseMode configuration property is implemented. If the property is set to Do not use, NPAPI-based extensions are not loaded in the web client and, as a result, synchronous methods cannot be executed. In other cases, an attempt to load an NPAPI-based extension is performed. If an extension is successfully loaded, both synchronous and asynchronous methods can be executed. For more information, see the documentation.

Previous extension versions can be uninstalled in a regular way.

Improved add-in development technology (read more).

The following global context methods are implemented: BeginAttachingCryptoExtension(), BeginAttachingFileSystemExtension(), BeginAttachingAddIn(), BeginCopyingFile(), BeginMovingFile(), BeginDeletingFiles(), BeginFindingFiles(), BeginCreatingDirectory(), BeginGettingTempFilesDir(), BeginGettingDocumentsDir(), BeginGettingUserDataWorkDir(), BeginGettingFiles(), BeginPuttingFiles(), BeginRequestingUserPermission(), and BeginRunningApplication().

For the CryptoManager object, a constructor without parameters is implemented, and also the following methods: BeginInitialization(), BeginEncrypting(), BeginSigning(), BeginGettingCryptoModuleInformation(), BeginGettingCertificatesFromSignature(), BeginGettingCertificateStore(), BeginVerifyingSignature(), BeginCheckingCertificate(), and BeginDecrypting().

For the CryptoCertificate object, a constructor without parameters is implemented, and also the following methods: BeginInitialization() and BeginUnload.

For the CryptoTools object, the BeginGettingCryptoModuleInformation() method is implemented.

For the CryptoCertificateStore object, the BeginAdding(), BeginFindingByThumbprint(), BeginFindingBySerialNumber(), BeginFindingBySubject(), BeginGettingAll(), and BeginDeleting() methods are implemented.

For the FileDialog object, the Show() method is implemented.

For the File object, a constructor without parameters is implemented, and also the following methods: BeginInitialization(), BeginGettingModificationTime(), BeginGettingHidden(), BeginGettingReadOnly(), BeginGettingSize(), BeginGettingModificationUniversalTime(), BeginCheckingExist(), BeginSettingModificationTime(), BeginSettingHidden(), BeginSettingReadOnly(), BeginSettingModificationUniversalTime(), BeginCheckingIsDirectory(), and BeginCheckingIsFile().

You can use the refactoring feature to convert synchronous extension and add-in methods to their asynchronous counterparts. New refactoring settings are available.

The file system extension and the cryptography extension were implemented using the NPAPI technology. The extension methods were executed synchronously. In Google Chrome web browser synchronous execution of methods from add-in APIs was possible.

The platform supports asynchronous add-in, cryptography extension, and file system extension operations in the web client, which ensures Google Chrome support.

Important! Support of synchronous operations in Google Chrome is disabled by default since version 42 (April 2015) and discontinued since version 45 (September 2015). Therefore, synchronous 1C:Enterprise script methods will stop working in Google Chrome even if you use a platform version that supports them.

Web client.
The add-in technology (read more) no longer supports add-in development for Safari web browser for Windows.The add-in technology supported add-in development for Safari web browser for Windows.The outdated web browser is no longer supported. The Apple company stopped updating Safari web browser for Windows.
The add-in development technology supports Mozilla Firefox web browser versions 31.0 and later. It is recommended that you build a new installer package for Mozilla Firefox using the new adapter. It is also recommended that you remove installer packages for Mozilla Firefox versions 30.0 and earlier from the add-in archive.

The add-in development technology does not support Mozilla Firefox web browser versions 30.0 or earlier.

Adapters for Mozilla Firefox versions 30.0 or earlier are removed.

The add-in development technology did not support Mozilla Firefox web browser versions 31.0 or later.

The add-in development technology supported Mozilla Firefox web browser versions 30.0 and earlier.

The add-in development technology supports the latest versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser (31.0 or later).

The add-in development technology does not support older versions of Mozilla Firefox web browser (30.0 or later).

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
The names of AddressData object properties are changed. For compatibility purposes, the previous names are supported.
  • Street
  • House
  • PrimaryAddressString
  • AdditionalAddressString
In the event log, presentations of the following events are modified: _$Data$_.TotalsMinPeriodUpdate and _$Data$_.TotalsPeriodUpdate.
  • _$Data$_.TotalsMinPeriodUpdate
  • Data. Modify totals period
  • Data. Modify minimum calculated totals period
  • Data. Modify maximum calculated totals period

Table of contents

Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Dynamic lists.
Custom queries, including queries that generate dynamic lists, are now available in the mobile platform.This feature was not provided in the mobile platform.In mobile applications, you can use dynamic lists generated based on custom queries, and use queries to the infobase for implementing various features, such as checking balance while posting documents
Managed forms.
Faster form opening and faster execution of context server calls.Insufficient performance of form opening and execution of context server calls.Improved user experience by improving the performance of form operations.
Applied objects.
Predefined items are created at the first call of the corresponding table. Calling the SetPredefinedDataUpdate() method before the first call modifies the flag that shows whether predefined data is created.Predefined items were only created when mobile application configuration was updated. After calling the SetPredefinedDataUpdate() method, predefined data was only modified during the next mobile application configuration update.Mobile platform behavior is uniform with that of PC platform version 8.3.3.
Background and scheduled jobs.
Background jobs are now available in the mobile platform.This feature was not provided in the mobile platform.Background jobs are available in mobile applications.
Access rights.
Functional options.
In the mobile platform, the following features are available:
  • Functional options and functional option parameters.
  • Roles (limited support). Role management of item visibility and availability for forms and for the command interface.
  • A role setting for form visibility on the start page. After functional options and roles are applied, the first form from the list of available forms is displayed.
  • Infobase users (limited support).

Limitations of the implemented features are described in the documentation.

These features were not provided in the mobile platform.Extended features for applied solution interface management.
Database operations.
The EraseInfoBaseData() global context method is implemented.This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can delete all infobase data.
Development tools.
In Designer, support of Android Debug Bridge (adb) is added. Now you can start a mobile application from Designer on a mobile device emulator or on a physical device connected to a computer.This feature was not provided.Easier development and debugging of mobile applications for Android OS.
Internet-enabled functionality.
New features:
  • Send and receive emails using the built-in mail client of a mobile device. The MailTools object is implemented.
  • Send and receive SMS and MMS messages. The SMSMessage object is implemented.
  • Dial phone numbers. The TelephonyTools object is implemented.
  • Access the call history filterred by call type(incoming, outgoing, or missed).The CallLog object is implemented.

The limitations of the telephony tools on supported operating systems are listed in documentation.

Sending SMS messages and making calls was available with some limitations using parameters of the RunApp() and GotoURL() methods.

Access to the call history and sent email messages from the built-in email client was not available.

Easy access to mobile device functionality: SMS and MMS, call history, and making calls.
System requirements.
The configuration property RequiredMobileApplicationPermissions, specifies permissions that mobile application will require on Android:
  • Multimedia
  • Geolocation
  • Reading and writing contacts
  • Reading and writing calendar events
  • Access to telephony

The Mobile application builder uses the specified permissions.

This feature was not provided.You can specify permissions required for your mobile applications more clearly.
Multimedia tools.
Scanning barcodes using the mobile device camera is supported.

For the MultimediaTools object, the following methods are implemented: BarcodeScannerScanning(), ShowBarcodeScanning(), and CloseBarcodeScanning().

This feature was not provided.New mobile platform feature.
Development tools.
In Designer, you can edit pictures with variants. You can convert images to images with variants and back.You could only load pictures with variants without editing them.Creating images for mobile applications became easier.
Access to mobile device features.
Access to mobile device contact lists, both local and linked to specific accounts, is implemented. The following objects are implemented: ContactManager, ContactData, AccountContactData, LocalContactKey, ContactAccount, ContactDataItem, and ContactDataItemInstantMessaging.This feature was not provided.You can access mobile device contacts.
Access to mobile device features.
Access to mobile device calendars linked to specific accounts is implemented. The following objects are implemented: CalendarManager, CalendarAccount, LocalCalendarKey, LocalCalendarEventKey, CalendarEventData, AccountCalendarEventData, CalendarData, and AccountCalendarData.This feature was not provided.You can access mobile device calendars.
Location tools.
For the AddressData object, the AddressString property is implemented. It stores an address fragment starting from the street.This feature was not provided.The AddressData object functionality is extended. It can be used not only for geolocation purposes, but also for storing various types of contact information.
Development tools.
The mobile platform distribution kit mobile.zip now includes the version.txt file. The file contains the version number of the mobile platform delivered in the archive.This feature was not provided.Simplified identification of the mobile platform version, including scenarios that use Mobile application builder.
Mobile application builder.
The mobile application builder, which is included in the mobile platform, is improved:
  • The temporary user directory is no longer used for building. An explicitly defined directory is used instead, the path to this directory must contain ASCII characters only.
  • The build date of each mobile application is recorded (and displayed).
  • You can save graphic assets and mobile configurations to the hard disk.
  • When the mobile platform version 8.3.5 is loaded, the version number is obtained automatically from the version.txt file, which is included in the mobile platform distribution kit (mobile.zip).
  • Android SDK version 17 or later is required for building mobile applications for Android.
  • For files that contain graphic assets, the check whether the file contains a full set is implemented (the check is also performed when the file is loaded).
  • Files that contain graphic assets support icons for devices with high density screens (size 144 x 144 pixels, file name Android\icon-144x144.png).
  • Other improvements are implemented.
The mobile application builder had the following features:
  • The temporary user directory was used for building mobile applications. The mobile application could not be built for Android if the name of the user on whose behalf the build was performed contained non-ASCII characters.
  • Mobile application build dates were not recorded.
  • Saving graphic assets and mobile configurations to the hard disk was not available.
  • Android SDK version 17 was required for building mobile applications for Android, other versions were not supported.
  • The mobile platform did not support icons for Android devices with high density screens.
The usability of the mobile application builder is improved.
Client application.
The text displayed on the mobile platform splash screen is translated to all localization languages.The text displayed on the mobile platform splash screen was always displayed in Russian.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
The option to run external applications on mobile devices and get the results of their execution is implemented. This feature is only available on operating systems of Android family.

The MobileDeviceApplicationLaunch and MobileDeviceApplicationLaunchExtrasData objects are implemented.

This feature was not provided.Simplified applied solution integration with mobile applications, including the option to get mobile application execution result.

This feature is only available on operating systems of Android family.

Development tools.
During the building of an Xcode project, the "executable" attribute is set for the 1cem file included in the project.During the building of an Xcode project, the attributes of the 1cem file included in the project were not changed.Eliminated the problem that occurred when a project file was rebuilt on an operating system of Windows family: the "executable" attribute of the 1cem file was cleared.
Data display.
Mobile application builder.
In the mobile platform, graphical assets for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices are implemented:
  • splash screens: 750x1334, 2208x1242, and 1242x2208
  • icons: 87x87 and 180x180

In the mobile application builder, support of graphical assets for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices is implemented.

The mobile platform and mobile application builder did not support graphical assets required for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus devices.New Apple mobile devices are supported.

Table of contents

Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.5

Table of contents

Version 8.3.4

Version 8.3.4 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.3 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, and 8.3.2. In version 8.3.4 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.3 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.4 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.3 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.4. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Common objects.
In the RepresentableDocumentBatchItems object, the optional parameter DocumentAddress is implemented for the Add() and Insert() methods. This parameter stores the address of the temporary storage for the document being saved.This feature was not provided.Improved usability of generating document batches for saving and printing.
Spreadsheet documents.
You can save spreadsheet documents in HTML 5 format. Сharts and grafic primitives are saved in SVG format; free text rotation is supported.This feature was not provided.You can save spreadsheet documents in HTML 5 format.
Background and scheduled jobs.
When specifying a value for the Parameters property of the BackgroundJobs object or for the Parameters property of the Execute() method of the ScheduledJob object, you can omit any number of last parameters, provided that their default values are defined in the method that implements the background or scheduled job.During the start of a background or scheduled job, if any number of last parameters with default values specified were not specified explicitly, an exception was raised.You can modify methods implementing background or scheduled jobs by adding new parameters to the end of the parameter list, provided that their default values are defined. In this case modification of previously created code fragments that describe creation of background or scheduled jobs is not required.
Development tools.
In Designer, the following module editor features are available:
  • Selecting all entries of the identifier marked by cursor location
  • Selecting all entries of an identifier marked by a double-click
  • Selecting pairs of opening and closing 1C:Enterprise script clauses (including brackets): Procedure ... EndProcedure, If ... EndIf, and so on

Selecting identifiers is disabled by default. To use this feature, enable it in Designer options dialog box. Selecting the search expression is available in Designer, thick client, and thin client.

This features were not provided.The 1C:Enterprise script editor is improved.
External data sources.
External data sources support all features of the MySQL query language.

In the ExternalDataSourceConnectionParameters object, the MySQL value is implemented for the DBMS property.

In the technological log, the DBMySQL property is implemented for the DBMS property of the EDS event..

External data sources did not support all features of the MySQL query language.Dynamic lists, temporary tables, and other platform features are now supported for MySQL external data sources.
Management of client application interface content from 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The objects ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettings, ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettingsGroup, and ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettingsItem are implemented. Calling the RefreshInterface() global context method rebuilds interface panels according to the settings from the system storage.

For the ClientApplicationInterfaceSettings object, a constructor and methods GetContent() and SetContent() are implemented.

The ClientApplicationInterfaceContentSettings object stored the differences between the client application settings and the settings specified in Designer.

Interface management from 1C:Enterprise script was not supported.

1C:Enterprise script-based management of application interface panel visibility and positions.
Automated testing.
For the TestedFormField object, the WaitForDropListGeneration() method is implemented.This feature was not provided.The option to wait while a dynamic list is being generated is now available. You can use it when the generation takes significant time.
A new display option intended for improving the view of item-heavy forms without introducing any significant form changes is available in the Taxi interface. The Scale property is implemented for managed forms. The property is only available if the Interface compatibility mode configuration property is set to Version 8.2. For the ClientSettings object, the ClientApplicationFormScaleVariant property is implemented.

This property modifes the scale of all forms in the applied solution for a specific user.

This feature was not provided. There was no simple way to make a form compact.For applications designed for Version 8.2 interface and not yet migrated to Taxi, a new option that regulates the scale of managed form items is implemented.

You can modify both a scale of a single form (which is not yet redesigned for Taxi interface mode) and the scale of the entire application (you might need this if the applied solution runs on a computer with a low-resolution or small-sized display).

The scale of a single form is specified in Designer, while the scale for the entire application is specified in the settings for a specific user.

Managed forms.
Passing additional parameters to an object creation form that is opened from a managed form text box is implemented (in addition to passing filters and standard parameters). Choice forms are used for storing additional parameters and passing them to item creation forms. Additional parameters are specified in choice parameters and choice parameter links using parameter naming forms (the parameter names must have the Additional. prefix). When item creation is initiated from a text box, these parameters are passed directly to the item creation form. When item creation is initiated from a drop-down list in a text box, they are first passed to the list form and then, when item creation is actually initiated, they are passed to the item creation form.

The standard parameter AdditionalParameters of Structure type is implemented for managed form extensions of objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, tasks, and dynamic lists.

For dynamic list table extensions, the AdditionalCreateParameters property of FixedStructure type is implemented.

Filter values could be passed from text fields to item creation forms as filling values. Additional parameters could not be passed.You can pass additional parameters (that are not filter options) to an item creation form that is opened from a text box.
Managed forms.
You can enable or disable history for text fields linked to data of the following types: catalog, document, business process, task, chart of characteristic types, chart of calculation types, chart of accounts, or exchange plan.

The ChoiceHistoryOnInput property of configuration objects, configuration object attributes, and form items defines whether the history is enabled.

This feature was not provided.For text fields whose business logic does not require keeping the history of values, you can disable the history.
Managed forms.
You can use the DropListWidth property to specify minimum width of drop-down lists for managed form text fields. The actual list width is the minimum value of the following: the property value and the stabdard width (40 characters).Drop-down lists in text fields had fixed width (40 characters).You can increase the width of drop-down lists that contain long items.
Configuration repositories.
In Designer batch mode, the following features are available:
  • Creating a configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryCreate command-line option)
  • Creating a configuration repository user(/ConfigurationRepositoryAddUser command-line option)
  • Copying users from another configuration repository (/ConfigurationRepositoryCopyUsers command-line option)
This feature was not provided. Configuration repository administrators only could create new configuration repositories and users interactively.You can automate administrative operations on configuration repositories, including automatic creation of repositories for project parts that are being developed independently.
Dynamic lists.
Document journals.
In document journals, you can use "Create" commands parametrized by the type of document being created. In a dynamic list that has a document journal table specified as its main table, a document creation button that opens a submenu with the list of documents available for the current user can be generated automatically.

For dynamic list form table extensions, a standard CreateByParameter command is implemented.

For the Button form item, the Parameter property is implemented. It is available only if the button is linked to the CreateByParameter command.

For the BeforeAddRow event handler of form tables, the Parameter parameter is implemented. It is used for passing document type values during document creation.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

In a dynamic list that has a document journal specified as a main table, a single Create command that did not open submenus was available. Running this command opened a dialog box for selecting document type. The type of document being created was not passed to the BeforeAddRow event handler of the form table linked to the dynamic list.In document journals that contain a small number of document types, you can simplify the type selection during document creation. Easy and fast generation of individual buttons for creating documents of specific types on the form command bar.
Server clusters.
Licenses with a limited number of simultaneous sessions are implemented for the 1C:Enterprise server. The limitations apply to the following sessions:
  • Designer (except for sessions intended for infobase creation)
  • Thin client
  • Web client
  • Thick client
  • External connection

Licenses can be activated for both 32-bit and 64-bit server versions. The server cluster that uses this license type can only contain a single working server.

This feature was not provided.

1C:Enterprise server did not have limitations for the number of simultaneously connected users.

Extended list of supported licenses for 1C:Enterprise server. New delivery option focused on using the server in small businesses or subsidiaries.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The thin client supports the TLS protocol since 1C:Enterprise version

For the thin client, the /HttpsForceSSLv3 command-line option is implemented. It forces the system not to use the TLS protocol (if the connection is established using a web server), even if the web server supports this protocol.

1C:Enterprise versions (and earlier) and 8.2.19 did not support the TLS protocol.You can use the TLS protocol when needed.
National settings.
The following Mongolian locales are supported:
  • mn - Mongolian
  • mn_Cyrl - Mongolian (Cyrillic)
  • mn_MN - Mongolian (Mongolian)
  • mn_Mong - Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)
  • mn_Mong_CN - Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC)
Mongolian locales were not supported.When 1C:Enterprise is started on a computer with Mongolian national settings, it is not shut down unexpectedly.

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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Web client.
In Mozilla Firefox web browser, wordings in the web browser extension installation dialog box are clarified. The user is explicitly offered to install the extension.The web browser extension installation dialog box offered the user to enable the extension.For the web browser extension, the installation process is clearly differentiated from enabling the installed extension.
Advanced error handling.

Improved dump generation algorithm in the event of unexpected shutdown. The dump is generated even if a new exception occurs while the first exception is being processed.

If a new exception occurred while an exception was being processed, the dump was not generated.The frequency of cases where the cause of an unexpected shutdown cannot be found by analyzing dumps is reduced.
Client application.
In the web client, the following managed system forms are revised:
  • Select font dialog box
  • Search and replace dialog box in spreadsheet documents
  • Performance indicator dialog box

In all managed system forms, the Help button is located in the command bar, instead of the More (All actions) menu.

Managed system forms had different layouts.Managed system forms are improved.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Client application.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 web browser is now supported.Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 web browser was not supported.The new version of Microsoft web browser is now supported.

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FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Configuration change checks are optimized.

The execution time is reduced for the following configuration check operations:

  • Executing the ConfigurationChanged() method
  • Starting a 1C:Enterprise client

Reading changes using the ReadChanges() method of an exchange plan manager.

The performance of configuration change checks lacked efficiency.Improved performance of configuration change checks.
Web client.
Improved web client performance with the Taxi interface when a large number of forms are open.The web client performance with the Taxi interface when a large number of forms were open lacked efficiency.Improved web client performance in the Taxi interface mode.
Server clusters.
Applied objects.
In the client/server mode, the impact of the numbering service on transaction start and end times is reduced, even when the numbering service is not used within the transaction.

In the client/server mode, the performance of the numbering service with a large number of prefixes is improved.

In the client/server mode, the numbering service had negative impact on transaction start and end times, even when the numbering service was not used within the transaction.

In the client/server mode, the performance of the numbering service with a large number of prefixes lacked efficiency.

Improved performance in the client/server mode when the numbering service is actively used with a large number of prefixes, e.g. in infobases with a large number of areas.
Managed forms.
Editing a large number of text lines in text boxes with the MultiLine property set to Yes was sped up for both thick and thin clientsThe performance of text boxes that contained a large number of text lines was insufficient.Reduced response time while editing large multiline texts in text boxes.
Configuration repositories.
For configuration repositories that do not use the compatibility mode, performance is improved for the following action types:
  • Open a configuration bound to the repository
  • Connect to the repository
  • Store objects to the repository
  • Update a configuration from the repository, retrieve objects, and cancel object locks
  • Store objects to the repository while multiple users are working simultaneously
The specified operations lacked efficiency.Improved performance of configuration repository operations.
Web client.
In Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 web browser, rounded borders of controls are not displayed in order to increase performance.In Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 browser, rounded borders of controls were displayed.Improved performance in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 web browser.
Performance of Linux clients is impoved for some scenarios.In some scenarious, Linux clients lacked efficiency.Improved performance of Linux clients.

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Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Applied objects.
Before restructuring an infobase, the platform checks whether user-created object attributes or tabular sections with reserved names are present in exchange plans. The list of reserved names in English includes: Ref, Code, Description, DeletionMark, ThisObject, DataVersion, AdditionalProperties, SentNo, and ReceivedNo. The list or reserved names in Russian includes: Ссылка, Код, Наименование, ПометкаУдаления, ЭтотОбъект, ВерсияДанных, ДополнительныеСвойства, НомерОтправленного, and НомерПринятого. If any exchange plan contains attributes or tabular sections with names listed above, the infobase cannot be restructured.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Before restructuring an infobase, the platform did not check whether object attributes and tabular sections with reserved names were present in the exchange plans.The system behaves as expected during infobase restructuring.
Applied objects.
In the FillCheckProcessing() handler, if the Cancel parameter is set to True, event subscription execution is interrupted for the following objects: catalogs, documents, register record sets (including recalculations), document sequences, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

In the FillCheckProcessing() handler, if the Cancel parameter was set to True, event subscription execution was never interrupted.The system behaves as expected.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Managed locks.

In sessions that do not use separators, when data is being written or deleted, managed locks are set not only by reference and explicitly specified fields, but also by common attributes that serve as separators and include the object being written or deleted.

The common attributes that are not separators can be used in the DataLockFields configuration object property.

The DataLockFields list of attributes cannot contain common attributes that serve as separators in the Independently and simultaneously mode. You can specify such attributes as names for lock spaces of DataLock objects. If the separator value used in the DataLock object differs from the separator value used in the session, an exception is raised.

These changes are implemented for the following object types:

  • Catalogs
  • Documents
  • Charts of characteristic types
  • Charts of accounts
  • Charts of calculation types
  • Exchange plans
  • Business processes
  • Tasks
  • Constants
In sessions that did not use separators, when data was being written or deleted, managed locks were set only by reference and explicitly specified fields.

The common attributes that were not separators could not be used in the DataLockFields configuration object property. Such common attributes could not be used as names for lock spaces of DataLock objects.

The number of lock collisions is reduced. In sessions that do not use separators, you can modify data in any data areas within a lock space provided that the data does not belong to the area where the lock has been set. For example, a lock is set to the Products catalog in the O1 area. You can modify data in any areas where the separator value is not equal to O1.
Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is saved to a PDF file, charts (Chart, GanttChart, and Dendrogram objects) are saved in the vector format.When a spreadsheet document was saved to a PDF file, charts were saved as bitmap images.The resulting PDF file size is reduced. Charts are resized when the file display area is changed in the PDF file viewer program.
Configuration repositories.
The history of comments entered by users when they store objects to the configuration repository is implemented. The history stores last 20 comments. Users can enter comments (which are saved to the history) when they lock repository objects. Users can select comments from the history when they store objects to the repository.Comments that users entered when they stored objects to configuration repositories were not saved to a history.

In the configuration repository, improved usability of repeated object storing operations related to a single task, such as step-by-step implementation of a single feature.

Access rights.
You can specify multiple roles to be used for defining access rights when the user list is empty.

The DefaultRoles configuration property is implemented. The DefaultRole property is supported for compatibility purposes. If the compatibility mode is disabled, accessing the DefaultRole property raises an exception.

In 8.3.3 version compatibility mode, you can only specify a single role in the DefaultRoles property.

Only a single role could be specified as the default one.

Simplified development of applied solutions that can be run with or without user list.

Applied objects.
For configuration objects that can contain predefined data, you can set the PredefinedDataName property to a value of a custom type, which consists of the # character and the text presentation of a unique identifier.The value of the PredefinedDataName property could be set only in the load mode (when the DataExchange.Load property was set to True).You can load predefined data from files that have custom format.
Automated testing.
For user action log entries that are generated as a result of user interaction with managed form fields, buttons, groups, tables, and decorations, the name attribute is implemented. It stores the name of the form item accessed by user.

The user action log conversion data processor includes the option that defines how the search for form items is performed: by presentation or by name.

Form item presentations were recorded to the user action log.

The user action log conversion data processor only supported search for form items by item presentation.

The automated testing is more reliable. Search for form items by name is available, which eliminates the dependence of automated tests on localization language, item presentation typos, item presentation uniqueness, and so on.
Spreadsheet documents.
Spreadsheet documents are printed with the scale specified in their print options.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

On some printers, spreadsheet documents were printed at 200% scale.If a spreadsheet document is printed using a scale different from 100%, the system behaves as expected.
Dynamic lists.
In dynamic list filters, you can specify tabular section fields of objects that are used in the query that generates the dynamic list.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Tabular section fields of objects could not be used in dynamic list filters.The list of dynamic list features is extended.
Dynamic lists.
During the retrieval of dynamic list data, dynamic list settings that are disabled by functional options are deleted.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Settings disabled by functional options were not removed from dynamic list settings.Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
The colors of the sections panel and current section command panel in the Taxi interface are changed.

When the current section command panel orientation is vertical, its title is not displayed. The presentation of current section command panel is changed to current section function panel.

The colors of the sections panel and current section command panel in the Taxi interface were different.

If the current section command panel orientation was vertical, its title was displayed.

Better usability inTaxi interface mode.
Development tools.
Configuration repositories.
You can quickly view the selective change history of configuration objects. This option is available if you use a repository, and also from the compare and merge configurations window.

Selective history is implemented for the following objects: modules, templates, pictures, WS-references, schedules, register aggregates, objects included in exchange plans, styles, main section working areas, flowcharts, forms, help pages, predefined items, command interface fragments, and role rights. To view the selective history, right-click anywhere in any of the repository dialog boxes or in the configuration comparison window, and then click View selective history.

In the Filter repository versions dialog box, filter by properties of selected configuration objects is added. Viewing selective history is only available for object versions added to the configuration repository using 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.9 or later.

This feature was not provided. Only the full object change history was available.Improved usability of configuration repository. Viewing the history of items that are parts of configuration objects is simplified.
Web client and web service publishing tools.
In Designer, in the dialog box for publishing the web client and web services:
  • You can manage execution of background jobs in file mode (the allowexecutescheduledjobs attribute of the ws tag).
  • You can specify whether web services are published by default (the pointEnableCommon attribute of the ws tag).
Managing execution of background jobs in file mode and specifying whether web services are published by default were only available when publishing was performed using the webinst utility (based on a template). The publishing dialog did not provide access to managing these features.You can specify all of the options available in the default.vrd file during interactive publishing.
Spreadsheet documents.
You can use the ViewScalingMode property of spreadsheet document form extension to specify how the spreadsheet document will be displayed: as in platform version 8.2 or enlarged.This feature was not provided. Reports with large fonts looked too large in the Taxi interface mode.You can scale displayed spreadsheet documents that have custom (large) fonts.
Dynamic lists.
In dynamic lists, presentation fields cannot be used in filters, groupings, or ordering. Searching by presentation fields is not available.In dynamic lists, presentation fields could be used in filters, groupings, or ordering. Search by presentation fields was available.Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
External data sources.
Data composition system.
In external data sources, you can use functions specified in them. A function can return a value, or a table, or nothing. You can specify types of external data source tables: table or expression (this is required to describe functions that return tables). To call an external data source function, use one of the following query language expressions:
  • ExternalDataSource.< Source name>.Table.<Table function name>(<Parameter 1>,...,< Parameter N>)
  • ExternalDataSource.<Source name>.<Function name>< Parameter 1>,...,< Parameter N>

You can call functions using the object model. This can be performed with either external data source managers or external data source table managers.

In the picture library, the ExternalDataSourceFunction is implemented.

External data sources did not support functions.

The external data source functionality is extended.

Data composition system.
If an aggregate function is used in the RecordsFilter parameter of the EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() or EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() functions, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

Using aggregate functions in the RecordsFilter parameter of the EvalExpressionWithGroupArray() and EvalExpressionWithGroupValueTable() functions did not generate an error.Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
Web client.
In Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 web browser, in managed form text boxes, the Clear input system button is removed.In Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 web browser, in the managed form text box, the Clear input system button had the same functionality as the Clear button, which was added by the platform.Eliminated web client appearance differences between Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 and other web browsers.
Configuration repositories.
The Update configuration from repository command is executed without displaying a dialog box if new objects are found in the repository.

New objects are automatically created in the target configuration.

The Update configuration from repository command opened a dialog box if new objects were found in the repository. If a configuration was updated using Designer batch mode and new objects were found in the repository, the update was not performed.Applied solution configurations can be updated automatically (for example, using the a batch file). You can include the update in various scheculed tasks, such as automated testing. The configuration update no longer requires interactive actions, which can pause the batch file execution.
The splash screens for Designer and all types of client applications are modified: borders are used instead of shadows.The splash screens had shadows.Eliminated splash screen drawing issues in a number of scenarios.
Common objects.
Checks that determine whether defined type contents are valid are performed for each defined type call in the following scenarios:
  • during configuration verification
  • before saving a configuration.

The check is only performed when the Compatibility mode configuration property is set to Version 8.3.3 or None. If the compatibility mode is set to version earlier than version 8.3.3, defined type contents are only checked for the presence of external data source functions.

The checks whether defined type contents were valid were only performed when the dialog box for specifying configuration object attribute type was generated. When a configuration was saved, the checks whether defined type contents were still valid were not performed for each defined type call.Eliminated several potential issues that could occur during the development of applied solutions with defined types.
Managed forms.
In 8.2.16 version compatibility mode, if a text box does not have the selection list mode enabled, its drop-down lists do not contain the selection list specified in the text box properties.In version 8.3.3, drop-down lists in text boxes always contained the choice lists specified for these text boxes.Redesign is not required for applied solutions that run in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.
Standard functions.
Common attributes / Data separation.

The standard Delete marked objects data processor attempts to set the exclusive mode for object deletion if the configuration compatibility mode is set to Version 8.3.3 or later (including the None value of the Compatibility mode property).

If the configuration has Version 8.3.2 or earlier compatibility mode, the exclusive mode is only set for sessions that do not use separators or in configurations that are not separated.

The standard Delete marked objects data processor attempted to set the exclusive mode for object deletion only if deletion was performed either in a session that did not use separators or in a configuration that was not separated. The compatibility mode did not affect the criteria for setting exclusive mode.

You can delete marked objects in sessions that use separators.
Applied objects.
An automatically assigned object number is reused if the transaction where the object was written is cancelled, regardless of the value of the Objects Autonumbering Mode configuration property.If the Objects Autonumbering Mode configuration property was set to Do not Release Automatically, an object number was not reused when the transaction where the object was written was canceled.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
XML and XDTO support.
When data is deserialized from XML- or XDTO-serialized files, the Predefined items are ignored for tabular sections of charts of accounts and charts of calculation types. If such items are found, no errors occur and data is deserialized successfully.During the attempt to deserialize items of a chart of accounts or a chart of calculation types, having the Predefined item in a tabular section resulted in an exception and the deserialization could not be performed.You can load data serialized in later versions of 1C:Enterprise (version 8.3.5 and later).
Third-party software.
The OpenSSL library is updated to version 1.0.0m.OpenSSL version 1.0.0l was used.Eliminated OpenSSL security issues.

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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Information registers.

For information registers with Enable totals for retieving slice first or Enable totals for retrieving slice last property enabled, the Active and LineNumber fields are removed from the list of fields of information register slice first/last virtual tables.

If Enable totals for retieving slice first or Enable totals for retrieving slice last property is disabled, the Active and LineNumber fields are included in the slice first/last virtual tables.

The Active and LineNumber fields were included in the list of fields of information register slice first/last virtual tables.The system behaves as expected. In managed forms, the form items linked to the Active and LineNumber fields are removed automatically.
Managed locks.
Managed transaction locks (the DataLockFields property) cannot be set by attributes of objects of the following types: string of unlimited length, value storage, characteristic value type, and complex types that include these types.

The check is performed during the configuration check, and an error message is displayed if any field does not comply with the limitations.

It was recommended that you did not use attributes of the following types in managed locks: string of unlimited length, value storage, characteristic value type, and composite types that included these types.

During the configuration check, the check for managed locks by attributes of these types was not performed.

The configuration performance is optimized.

Improved quality control during configuration development.

Access rights.
The IsInRole() function raises an exception in the following cases:
  • A value that is not a string and not a Role configuration object is passed as a parameter.
  • A name of a role that does not exist is passed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The IsInRole() function did not check the parameter value and returned True even when the passed role was missing from the configuration.The system behaves as expected.
Data composition system.

When data composition is performed from 1C:Enterprise script, the platform checks whether the privileged mode is enabled while getting the list of available fields.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

When data composition was performed from 1C:Enterprise script, the platform did not check whether privileged mode was enabled.If privileged mode is enabled, data composition can include fields that users cannot access.
Web services.
The values of the WSParameterDirection system enumeration are corrected:
  • The InOut item represents the InOut value.
  • The Out item represents the Out value.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The values of the WSParameterDirection system enumeration represented the following:
  • The InOut item represented the Out value.
  • The Out item represented the InOut value.

Unexpected system behavior is eliminated.
Data exchange.

A flag that specifies whether predefined data should be updated for the entire infobase is now available. It can be set both in 1C:Enterprise script and in the command line. In the 1C:Enterprise mode, the predefined data update procedure checks the flag that is set for the entire infobase (in addition to checking the flags set for individual configuration objects, checking the flags set for infobase data, and checking the infobase type: master/not distributed infobase or subordinate infobase).

The global context methods SetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() and GetInfoBasePredefinedDataUpdate() are implemented.

The command-line option /SetPredefinedDataUpdate is implemented for Designer batch mode.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

The check whether predefined data should be updated was based on infobase data and metadata flags and on the infobase type.You have the option to set predefined data update flags easily for infobases that are disconnected from distributed systems for maintenance. Also, the following scenario is now supported: exchange in a nondistributed infobase between two similar applications where predefined data is set in one of the applications and should be replicated to the other one during the exchange.
Applied objects.
In the thick and thin clients, the WriteParameters parameter is implemented for the AfterWrite handler of managed form extension handlers for constants, information register records, and register record sets.

In version 8.3.3 or earlier compatibility mode, the parameter always has the Undefined value.

The description of the WriteParameters parameter is added to the AfterWrite Syntax Assistant entry.

The AfterWrite handler of managed form extension handlers for constants, information register records, and register record sets lacked the WriteParameters parameter.

The description of the WriteParameters parameter was missing from the AfterWrite Syntax Assistant entry.

Unexpected system behavior is corrected.
Dynamic lists.
Functional options.
The main managed form attribute of Object(CatalogObject, DocumentObject, and so on) type is disabled if a functional option disables the corresponding configuration object. The main managed form attribute of DynamicList type is disabled if a functional option disables a configuration object that is used a main table for the dynamic list.

In both cases, only functional options without parameters are taken into account.

In 1C:Enterprise version 8.2, the main form attribute of Object type was not disabled even if any functional option disabled the corresponding configuration object.

In 1C:Enterprise version 8.3, the main form attribute of Object type was disabled if a functional option disabled the corresponding configuration object. All functional options were taken into account.

In the previous 1C:Enterpise versions, the main form attribute of DynamicList type was disabled if a functional option disabled the configuration object that was used as a main table of the dynamic list. All functional options were taken into account.

The system behaves as expected. In particular, the following issue is eliminated:
  • Editing a form changes a functional option parameter (directly or indirectly).
  • The new parameter value causes the functional option to disable the configuration object that is the main form attribute.
  • The disabled configuration object clears the entire object form.
Managed forms.
If the interface compatibility mode is set to Version 8.2, text boxes have the following specifics:
  • When a text box is activated, a drop-down list is not opened.
  • For the DropListButton property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as False.
  • For the ChoiceButtonRepresentation property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as ShowInInputField.
  • For the ChoiceButton property of the managed form field extension for a text box, the Auto value is interpreted as in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.2.
  • Clicking the Down Arrow button opens a choice form, not a drop-down list.
In Version 8.2 interface compatibily mode,the text box behavior was identical to the text box behavior in Taxi interface compatibility mode.For users who migrated to 1C:Enterprise version 8.3 while keeping Version 8.2 interface compatibility mode, the system behavior is similar to previous versions.
System requirements.
Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system is no longer supported.Microsoft Windows 2000 operating system was supported.An outdated operating system is no longer supported.
Client application.
Client computers that run operating systems of Windows family require Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser version 7.0. On computers with Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 or earlier, users of thick and thin clients of version 8.3.4 or later might experience various issues.Client computers that run operating systems of Windows family required Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser version 6.0 or later.The out-of-date web browser is no longer supported. The platform features that use Microsoft Internet Explorer now require Microsoft Internet Explorer version specified in the platform system requirements.

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Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
A property of managed form extension for text fields. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • ListSelWidth
  • DropListWidth
The English name for the Choose() method of the QueryResult and QueryResultSelection objects is changed. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • Choose()
  • Select()
The button linked to the Cancel command in the managed report form extension, report settings form, and report variant form.

The former name is used in version 8.3.3 compatibility mode.

  • FormCancel
  • FormCancelEdit

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Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
System requirements.
Mobile platform now supports x86 Intel CPU-based devices that run Android OS. The mobile platform for x86 architecture is provided in a separate file.

The mobile platform distribution kit contains the following files:

  • 1cem-arm.apk, the developer's mobile platform for ARM architecture
  • cem-x86.apk, the developer's mobile platform for x86 architecture
  • prjandroid-arm.zip, the mobile platform for building mobile applications (for ARM architecture)
  • prjandroid-x86.zip, the mobile platform for building mobile applications (for x86 architecture)
The mobile platform did not support x86 Intel CPU-based architecture.More devices are now supported.
Development tools.
Mobile application builder is a new applied solution intended for building mobile applications. It has the following features:
  • Storing mobile configurations
  • Storing mobile platforms (starting from version 8.3.4)
  • Storing graphic assets
  • Building mobile applications
  • Storing the built mobile applications

Mobile application builder can build mobile applications for Android x86 operating systems.

It can also perform full building of mobile applications for iOS using a Mac computer with Xcode installed.

The configuration is delivered together with the mobile platform distribution kit. The data processor used for building mobile applications is removed from the mobile platform distribution kit.

Building can be performed using any Android SDK version.

A data processor was used for building mobile applications. It was included into the mobile platform distribution kit.Simplified building of mobile applications. Building mobile applications for iOS no longer requires additional steps.
System requirements.
Android version 2.2 is no longer supported.Android version 2.2 was supported.Support of the obsolete operating system version has ended.

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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.4

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Version 8.3.3

Version 8.3.3 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.2 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1. In version 8.3.3 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.2 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.3 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.2 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.3. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Managed forms.
You can specify settings for vertical scaling of form elements, namely the minimum element height, at the development stage in Designer using the new VerticalScroll property.

If a form has a vertical scroll bar and the command bar is located above or below all form elements and occupies the entire form width, the area being scrolled does not include the command bar.

Managed form elements could be reduced to the default minimum height by reducing the form height. If a managed form had a vertical scroll bar, the area being scrolled included all form elements.Elements of managed forms with vertical scroll bars cannot be compressed below the minimum height guaranteeing comfortable work. The command bar with important form commands, such as Write and close, is always available because it is not included in the area being scrolled.
Managed forms.
Web client.
In the web client, if the VerticalScroll property of the managed form is set to UseIfNecessary, reducing the vertical form size never leads to reducing the vertical size of the form elements to the point where they can no longer be used.In the web client, reducing the vertical form size could lead to reducing the vertical size of the form elements to the point where they could no longer be used.Eliminated situations when reducing the vertical form size led to reducing the vertical size of the form elements to the point where they could no longer be used.
Development tools.
In the built-in script editor, you can group an arbitrary number of lines in the same way as they are grouped in some syntax units (conditions or cycles).

#Region and #EndRegion preprocessor instructions are implemented. These instructions are ignored during script execution. A template for creating a script fragment with line grouping is added to the set of standard templates.

This feature was not provided. Only a few script syntax units allowed line grouping.Improved usability for working with source text. You can group parts of source text in a logical way and hide text that is not used at the moment.
External data sources.
Support of the following OLAP sources is added to the external data sources mechanism:
  • Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
  • IBM InfoSphere Warehouse
  • Oracle Essbase

Requests to OLAP sources and errors that occur during the request execution are recorded to the EDS event of the technological log.

The following pictures are added to the picture library: ExternalDataSourceCube, ExternalDataSourceCubeDimensionTableObject.

External data sources provided access to relational tables only.Both relational data and OLAP sources can be used when creating reports based on data from external systems (external data sources).
You can get the resolution and DPI of monitors connected to a computer in the client application (thin client, thick client, web client) and at the server. For the external connection, the GetClientDisplayInformations() method returns UNDEFINED.

The information on characteristic of client computer monitors is passed through at the session start and when the RefreshInterface() method is called.

You could get the information on monitors connected to a computer only on the mobile platform.You can determine the number of monitors connected to the computer where the application is being executed, as well as their characteristics.
Data composition system.
For conditional appearance elements, you can specify areas where the given conditional appearance element will be used.

This feature is not used in dynamic lists.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The conditional appearance was applied both to data area and area header, without further customizationExtended formatting capabilities for complex reports.
Web client and web service publishing tools.
Infobases, web services, and mobile applications can be published from Designer that is running on Linux. Publishing can only be performed to Apache web servers and only if Designer is running under root account.Publishing of infobases and web services on Linux was possible only using the webinst utility. Publishing mobile applications was not available on Linux.Eliminated some Designer limitations on Linux.
You can create distribution kits in the Linux version of Designer. The platform distribution files now include an installation program that installs templates and updates for applied solutions that run on Linux. The installation program supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux versions. The installation program shares the list of Linux operating systems with the client application.Creation of distribution kits was not available on Linux.You can install templates and update applied solutions on Linux operating systems.
The Autorun application is capable of running on Linux. The application supports both 32-bit and 64-bit Linux versions. The application shares the list of Linux operating systems with the client applications. The following properties are added to the Element section of the autorun.lst configuration file: CommandWindows, CommandLinux, and RunAsRoot. The properties specify how a given item is executed in various operating systems.The Autorun application was not available for Linux systems. The autorun.lst configuration file did not include CommandWindows, CommandLinux, and RunAsRoot properties.You can create applied solution distribution kits that include the Autorun application and are delivered on removable media that can be used to install the solution on both Windows and Linux operating systems.
Applied objects.
Managed forms.
Objects of reference types can be created while data is being entered in a form. A new property of configuration objects and form elements is implemented for this feature. The form element property manages the visibility of the command that creates a choice list element. The feature is implemented for catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, business processes, tasks, and exchange plans. The command for creating a choice list element is not available in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode.This feature was not provided. Users had the option to open the choice form and create an object there, and then select the created object.Improved usability in cases when object creation is required while data is being entered.
Managed forms.
Development tools.
In the managed form editor, the list of elements available for adding to the form now includes a usual group without a title.In the managed form editor, in order to create a usual group without a title, a developer had to add a usual group and then change the properties that define whether the title is displayed.Improved usability of editing managed forms when groups are used for defining element positions on the form.
Managed forms.
Development tools.
During the generation of event handlers for client form elements and commands, you can specify which procedures will be generated:
  • A client handler only
  • A client handler and a server procedure (to be executed outside of a context) that is called from the handler
  • A client handler and a context server procedure that is called from the handler

A context server procedure cannot be generated for those client handlers where calling context server procedures is not recommended.

When a client handler was generated, this only included the generation of the handler itself. The associated procedures were not generated.Simplified development of forms where actions that are called at client are executed at server. Developers no longer have to create the server method manually and then add the method call to the client handler body.
Configuration repositories.
The data storage format of the configuration repository is modified. Repository objects are stored in the file system. The 1cv8ddb.1CD file stores information on changed objects. The compatibility mode is implemented for the configuration repository. The new storage format is available only if the compatibility mode is disabled. Optimization of configuration repository data is introduced. The optimization procedure is available both from the repository administration window and by using the ConfigurationRepositoryOptimizeData command-line option when Designer is started in batch mode. The format of configuration repository files is not intended for reading or writing by any tools other than 1C:Enterprise.All configuration repository data was stored in the 1cv8ddb.1CD file. Optimization of the configuration repository was not available.Significantly increased number of changes (versions) that can be stored in the configuration repository.
Development tools.
Client application.
The infobase selection dialog box and the two authentication dialog boxes (for access to infobases and configuration repositories) that are displayed during the start of a client application or Designer can be disabled.

To disable them, use the DisableStartupDialogs command-line option for the 1cv8.exe/1cv8 file.

If the command-line that starts a client application or Designer contains errors that led to displaying these dialog boxes in earlier platform versions, the dialog boxes are not displayed; diagnostic messages are generated instead. These messages are recorded to the file that stores service messages (the Out command-line option).

During the start of client application or Designer in the batch mode, provided that infobase parameters or authentication parameters contained any errors, modal dialog boxes that prompted users to enter the correct parameters were displayed. This paused the execution of the entire batch.When Designer is started in batch mode - especially if Designer is started from another application or service - it is now possible to avoid the hard-to-detect situations when Designer attempts to create a selection dialog box for parameters that cannot be specified interactively, and therefore stops responding.
The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods support French language. The language code is as follows: fr, fr_CA. Values of the NumerationItemOptions parameter of the NumberInWords() method are specified similar to English, Finnish, and Kazakh languages.The NumberInWords() and PeriodPresentation() global context methods did not support French language.Improved presentation of information for French-speaking users.
Managed forms.
Full-text search.
For the FullTextSearchList object, you can disable the search by presentations of configuration objects. Use the MetadataUse property of this object to enable or disable this feature.The search by presentations of configuration objects could not be disabled.You can search by data only, without seaching by presentations of configuration objects at the same time.
1C:Enterprise script.
For the Array, Structure, and Map collections implemented constructors that create these objects based on the corresponding fixed collections (FixedArray, FixedStructure, and FixedMap). Recursive conversion is performed for arrays—a fixed array item that is a fixed array itself is recorded to a regular array.Fixed collections could be converted to their regular analogs only by using program loops.Simplified editing of values stored in fixed collections.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Exclusive access can be set for a data area. Exclusive access is not compatible with any data locks set by other sessions in this area. Exclusive access to a data area must be explicitly set or removed using the SetExclusiveMode() method. When a background job is started from a session that set exclusive access to a data area, the background job obtains exclusive access and the parent session loses exclusive access until the parent session is completed. At this time, changing data from the parent session is not available. Exclusive access is returned to the parent session after the background job completion. When a session switches to a different area, this does not affect the list of areas where the session has exclusive access.

Exclusive access to an area prohibits the following actions:

  • Creation of new sessions with the same set of separators.
  • Access to the area-contained data from enveloping areas.
  • Setting exclusive access in enveloping areas.

Setting shared managed locks for an area is ignored if exclusive access is set for this area.

Exclusive access to a data area could not be set. Instead, you only could set an exclusive managed transaction lock to all area-contained data.You can perform consistent changes of the data area even if they cannot be included into a transaction.
Common objects.
The DataHashing object can calculate the SHA1 and SHA256 hash functions.The DataHashing objects could calculate only the MD5 and CRC32 hash functions.The list of supported hash functions is extended.
Applied objects.
You can create defined types. A defined type consists of one or several allowed types, and it has a unique name. Defined data types can be used as types of configuration object attributes. Defined types cannot be included in complex types and cannot be used as data types for charts of characteristic types. If you want to run the applied solution on a previous platform version, you have to remove all defined types from the configuration.This feature was not provided.You can create a type that can be used for defining types of specific attributes. For example, in a universal multipurpose configuration fragment, you can describe attributes that refer to data that will be defined when the fragment is included into a specific configuration.
Mobile application.
You can choose a ZIP archive containing multiple pictures of different sizes, instead of a single picture, for the application. This option is targeted for mobile applications that can be used in devices with different screen resolutions. The following mobile device screen types are supported:
  • devices with screen resolution below 140 DPI
  • devices with screen resolution from 140 to 180 DPI and Apple devices with standard screens
  • devices with screen resolution from 180 to 270 DPI
  • devices with screen resolution over 270 DPI and Apple devices with Retina screens

Each picture corresponds to specific screen settings of the target device. It is recommended that you use the PNG format for the archived pictures and you create the archive without compression. For the Picture object, the ChoiceSet property is implemented.

This feature was not provided. On the mobile platform, the developer had to specify multiple picture versions for various screen resolutions using 1C:Enterprise script.Simplified process of creating applications intended for running on both PC and mobile devices. The developer only has to provide pictures for different display resolutions, and they do not have to write the script for resizing the pictures before displaying them in the 1C:Enterprise mode.
Accumulation registers.
Accounting registers.
In accumulation and accounting registers, the interval for storing totals by periods can be limited. You can specify both the lower and the upper boundary of the interval. Totals within this interval can be recalculated automatically when totals outside of the interval are changed. Totals by periods are not stored outside of the interval. They are calculated by register record tables when needed. For accumulation register managers and accounting register managers, the following methods are implemented: SetMinTotalsPeriod(), GetMinTotalsPeriod(), and SetMinAndMaxTotalsPeriods(). The totals storage limits are taken into account when the chart of accounts is changed, when register records are generated, when totals are recalculated, and when balance is obtained by balance accumulation and accounting registers. When totals are enabled, periods are only recalculated if they contain actual changes. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.Totals were stored by all periods later than the period of calculated totals for the register. When register records were changed for a prior period, all totals were recalculated for periods later than the modified date. When using totals was turned on, all register totals were also recalculated.This change reduces database size and optimizes performance of administrative operations. This decreases the system load for databases that store data for long periods (several years), and where changes in prior periods are performed on regular basis but regular data retrieval (using totals) is performed within a limited time interval from the current date.
The add-in creation functionality includes the option to display interactive messages to users and the option to store values between sessions in a local web browser cache.

The add-in development technology documentation (http://1c-dn.com/library/add_in_creation_technology/) is updated by enhancing examples and adding new versions of web browser adapters.

The add-in creation functionality did not include the option to display interactive messages to users or the option to store values between sessions in a local web browser cache.When a web browser add-in attempts to access local resources, warnings can be displayed. They are similar to warnings available in the built-in platform features.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
Printing documents.
Documents intended for printing can be combined into batches. To print the entire batch, you only have to start printing once. You can specify printing options for batches. Batches can be nested. A batch can be written to a single PDF file, which simplifies printing in the web client. The RepresentableDocumentBatch object is implemented.Batch printing was not available in the web client. To print a set of documents, the user had to click the Print button for each single document.Improved usability of printing muptiple documents (with different printing options) in the web client. To print a batch of documents, the user has to start printing once (regardless of the number or documents in the batch), and the printing options (including page orientation and the number of copies) will be set for each individual document.
Server clusters.
In the client/server mode, security profiles are implemented for the purpose of managing applied solution access to the following external resources on 1C:Enterprise server: file system, COM objects, add-ins, operating system applications, Internet resources, privileged mode, external reports and data processors, and global context methods Execute() and Eval(). A security profile can be assigned to each infobase; a security profile can also be assigned to the source code that is executed in the safe mode.

For the purposes of software cluster administration:

  • ISecurityProfile object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileVirtualDirectory object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileCOMClass object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileAddIn object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileExternalModule object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileApplication object is implemented.
  • ISecurityProfileInternetResource object is implemented.
  • For the IServerAgentConnection object, the following methods are implemented: GetSecurityProfiles(), RegSecurityProfile(), UregSecurityProfile(), CreateSecurityProfile(), GetSecurityProfileVirtualDirectories(), RegSecurityProfileVirtualDirectory(), UnregSecurityProfileVirtualDirectory(), CreateSecurityProfileVirtualDirectory(), GetSecurityProfileCOMClasses(), RegSecurityProfileCOMClass(), UnregSecurityProfileCOMClass(), CreateSecurityProfileCOMClass(), GetSecurityProfileAddIns(), RegSecurityProfileAddIn(), UnregSecurityProfileAddIn(),CreateSecurityProfileAddIn(), GetSecurityProfileUnSafeExternalModules(), RegSecurityProfileUnSafeExternalModule(), UnregSecurityProfileUnSafeExternalModule(), CreateSecurityProfileUnSafeExternalModule(), GetSecurityProfileApplications(), RegSecurityProfileApplication(), UnregSecurityProfileApplication(), CreateSecurityProfileApplication(), GetSecurityProfileInternetResources(), RegSecurityProfileInternetResource(), UnregSecurityProfileInternetResource(), and CreateSecurityProfileInternetResource().
  • For the IInfoBase object, the following properties are implemented: SecurityProfileName and SafeModeSecurityProfileName.
  • The type of the SafeMode parameter (used in the Create() and Connect() methods of external report and data processor managers and in the SetSafeMode() global context method) was changed from BOOLEAN to STRING. The type of value returned by the SafeMode() global context method was changed from BOOLEAN to STRING. When this parameter (or returned value) has STRING type, it stores the security profile name.

Similar changes are implemented in:

  • Cluster administration utility (rac) – the profile mode is implemented, and the update command of the infobase mode is modified.
  • Java API for server administration.
This feature was not provided.You can limit access of applied solutions to the resources of the system in which they run by using administrative tools (without modification of the applied solution source code). The functionality of the source code that is executed in the safe mode (for example, code developed by user) can be extended while preserving the required security level.

For example, you can use security profiles to organize individual temporary storage directories for each data area, or describe the list of Internet resources available for use in a specific infobase.

Automated testing.
The following objects are implemented:

TestedCommandInterfaceButton, TestedCommandInterfaceGroup, and TestedWindowCommandInterface. For tested objects, the GetObject() method is implemented. Its set of parameters is similar to that of the FindObject() and FindObjects() methods. If the object is not found, the GetObject() method raises an exception. Methods for testing user messages are implemented. The list of properties and methods for managing tested objects is extended. You can get the form name, the current window, the command interface, and so on. You can get the information on the last error that occurred in the tested client application. For the TestedApplication object, the methods GetActiveWindow() and GetCurrentErrorInfo() are implemented. For the TestedClientApplicationWindow object, the methods GetCommandInterface(), GetUserMessageTexts(), and ChooseUserMessage() are implemented. For the TestedForm object, the FormName property and the methods FindDefaultButton(), CurrentModified(), and GetCommandBar() are implemented, while the Close() method is moved to the TestedClientApplicationWindow object. For the TestedFormField object, the methods CurrentModeIsEdit() and GetEditText() are implemented, and the methods BeginEditCurrentArea() and EndEditCurrentArea() are modified. For the TestedFormTable object, the method CurrentModeIsEdit() is implemented, and the methods ChangeRow(), EndEditRow(), GotoPreviousRow(), GotoNextRow(), Expand(), and Collapse() are modified. For objects that describe tested form elements, the methods GetToolTipText(), CurrentVisible(), CurrentEnable(), CurrentReadOnly(), GetContextMenu(), and GetCommandBar() are implemented.

The application window command interface could not be tested automatically. Operations on user messages were not available during the automated testing.You can test the application window command interface automatically. In test scenarios, simplified the processing of errors that occur when attempts to get non-existent objects are made.
Dynamic lists.
Dynamic list settings can be saved automatically. For managing this feature, the Auto save user settings property is implemented for dynamic lists. For storing settings, the dynamic list settings storage is implemented. For managed form tables linked to dynamic lists, the following functionality is implemented: commands for saving and restoring settings, and events for implementing custom responces to saving, restoring, or editing dynamic list settings. The view mode of the dynamic list (list, tree, or hierarchical list) is stored together with form element settings.

You can edit user settings of a dynamic list in a separate group of the form that displays the dynamic list. For that purpose, the User settings group property is implemented. Dynamic list settings can be edited in a separate common form, which is specified using the Default dynamic list settings form configuration property.

For the DynamicList object, the SettingsComposer property is implemented, which is similar to the corresponding property of report objects.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

For dynamic lists, only the following settings were saved automatically: filters (that were restored with disabled usage flag) and conditional appearance. To save and restore other settings, developers had to create custom algorithms in 1C:Enterprise script.Improved usability of dynamic lists for end users. Simplified development of dynamic lists with quick access to filters for developers. Development of custom algorigthms for saving or restoring dynamic list settings is not required.
Managed forms.
A new permission allowing end users to expand or collapse a managed form group (only vertically) was added. If the permission is granted, a user can collapse the group (hide all of the items that are included in the group). For managed form groups, the following properties are implemented: Behavior, ControlRepresentation, ShowLeftMargin, and CollapsedRepresentationTitle.

Only usual groups with displayed titles can be collapsed.

This feature was not provided. The only available method to hide unused items was to change their visibility.

Hiding form items that are rarely used is available. This decreases the amount of data that is displayed to an end user. To view the hidden data, an end user can expand the group.

Development tools.
On an attempt to modify a configuration object that cannot be modified, a message informing that the action cannot be performed is displayed in the message window.On an attempt to modify a configuration object that cannot be modified, a message informing that the action cannot be performed was displayed in a modal window.

Developers no longer have to close modal dialog boxes many times when they attempt to perform mass modification of objects that cannot be modified (for example, objects stored in a configuration repository that are not locked).

A new client application interface type "Taxi" is implemented.

The Taxi interface includes a large number of changes, with the following highlights:

  • A whole new view: enlarged fonts, increased spacing between elements in forms, modified color scheme and form element layout, enlarged form elements.
  • Improved application navigation: focus on a single-window functionality, single purpose panels (such as history or favorites), switching back and forward between previously opened windows, and so on.
  • Extended main application window settings: developers can define the content and location of panels for the applied solution, at the same time users can arrange these panels as they like.
  • A system form for the full-text search.
  • The form navigation panel is located in the upper part of the form.
  • The message window is located in the lower part of the form and is only visible when there are messages to display.
  • The performance meter is displayed in a separate application window panel, not in a separate window.
  • In the History panel, records are grouped by days with their opening time displayed. You can search for history items and add them to Favorites.
  • In the Favorites panel, you can search for items, rename them, and "pin" important ones at the top of the list.

Use the iTaxi command-line option of the client application for the forced start of this interface mode (provided that using Taxi is allowed in the applied solution). You can also switch between interface modes using the client application settings window. The following configuration properties are implemented:

  • InterfaceCompatibilityMode - specifies which interface modes are available in the applied solution.
  • ClientApplicationInterface - stores the list of panels used by default in the client application, as well as their positions.
  • DefaultSearchForm - specifies the search form that is used for the full-text search in application data. If the form is not specified, the system full-text search form is used.

A brand new look for the calendar. For the managed form calendar field, the following properties related to the new features are implemented: HeightInMonths, WidthInMonths, and ShowMonthsPanel. These properties are only used in the Taxi interface. For the ClientApplicationInterfaceVariant object, the ClientApplicationInterfaceVariant property is implemented (it is used for getting the interface mode), and the global context method ClientApplicationInterfaceCurrentVariant(). The ClientApplicationBaseFontCurrentVariant() global context method is implemented. It gets the size of the base font in the client application. For the UserWorkFavoritesItem object, the Important and Presentation properties are implemented. In the Taxi interface, the Desktop is renamed to Start page (the related commands are renamed accordingly). The Dashboard section of the section pane is used for accessing the command interface. In the Taxi interface:

  • The All actions menu is renamed to More.
  • The default presentations of standard commands in forms are changed, as well as command presentations in the command panel and in the More menu.
  • The presentations of form item groups are changed.

The link to the start page (desktop) of the applied solution has the following format: e1cib/navigationpoint/startpage. Start page (desktop) settings are stored with the settings key StartPage/WindowSettings (for Taxi interface, StartPage/Taxi/WindowSettings). In the managed form editor, switching between interface 8.2 and Taxi modes in the preview window is implemented.

The interface implemented in platform version 8.2 was used in managed applications.Improved applied solution navigation, improved usability, development according to modern interface design trends.
The NormalTextFont style font used as a basis for size calculation for other style fonts except the TextFont is implemented. The actual choice of font depends on the interface mode of the applied solution (Taxi or interface 8.2).This feature was not provided.Using the new font (and the fonts based on it) allows storing fort size proportions for managed form elements in both interface modes.
The MainSectionPicture configuration property is implemented. In this property, you can specify a picture that will be used for the main section (desktop) in the section panel.The desktop had a fixed picture that could not be changed.You can create a uniform graphic design for your applied solution, and you can create a desktop look that will be friendly to the primary audience of the solution.
Development tools.
A context tooltip can be displayed for the

parameters of the function or procedure that is being edited in the module text editor. If the method has several syntax variants, you can select the required variant. Automatic parsing of procedure and function comments for displaying them in context tooltips is implemented. Procedure and function comments can be sorted for displaying in the context tooltip. The comment format is described in the documentation and complies with the applied solution development standards. Procedure and function templates that comply with this format are included into the distribution kit. The option that shows or hides the context tooltips is implemented in Designer. In the source code editor, you can open the context tooltip by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Spacebar.

In Designer, context tooltip for procedure and function parameters was not available. The context tooltip was only available for names of applied solution procedures and functions. Comments to procedures and functions were not used for getting information on their parameters.Improved usability of writing source codes. The Syntax Assistant is not required for a quick reference on the order and types of procedure or function parameters.
Administration tools.
The documentation describes DBMS setup and maintenance features that can be used for 1C:Enterprise administration.The documentation did not describe the administration tools that could be used without violating the license agreements.You can use DBMS features that do not affect the structure of data used by 1C:Enterprise (the changes that are made do not affect the restructuring and are saved after the restructuring).
Managed forms.
For fields of check box and radio button types, the tumbler look is implemented (several adjacent buttons where the active value has a different color). For managed form fields of these types, the properties CheckBoxType and RadioButtonsType are implemented.This feature was not provided.New presentation features. Improved usability for touch interfaces.
Database configuration updates.
Server clusters.
Infobase restructuring is required when a chart of characteristic types is modified or when a chart of accounts where a chart of characteristic types is used as an extra dimension,is modified.

The following changes are implemented in the background restructuring procedure:

  • You cannot create, edit, or delete exchange plan items if the exchange plan requires the restructuring. The restructuring is performed during the processing phase.
  • You cannot create, edit, or delete chart of characteristic types items if the chart is specified as an extra dimension for a chart of accounts and this chart of accounts requires restructuring. In this case the restructuring of the chart of characteristic types is performed during the processing phase.
  • The SetPredefinedDataUpdate() method cannot be called during the background restructuring.
Charts of characteristic types were restructured when they were modified.

All charts of characteristic types and exchange plans were restructured when the changes were applied (during the background restructuring).

In the background database configuration update, the specifics of changing some data structures are taken into account. This prevents mismatching of object data.
System requirements.
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (x86-64) is now supported.Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (x86-64) was not supported.New version of the Microsoft operating system is now supported.
Data display.
If the Interface compatibility mode configuration property is set to Taxi or Taxi.Version 8.2 enabled, the Help picture from the picture library corresponds to the Taxi interface.The appearance of the Help picture in the picture library did not depend on the configuration property values.The appearance of the Help button depends on the interface mode.

Table of contents

New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Printing documents.
Changed behavior of print status forms in managed applications in thin and thick clients:
  • In the Forms in tabs form opening mode, print status forms are opened in separate windows.
  • The form is opened in a modal window so that users cannot interact with the interface during printing.
  • The form cannot be closed by clicking the "X" button.

The form cannot be resized.

The print status form had different behavior.Improved usability of printing documents.
The Primary Selection clipboard is now supported (data is copied to this clipboard when a text fragment is selected, without the need to press any keys). Copying to the Primary Selection clipboard is supported for the following form elements:
  • Text box
  • Text document field
  • Formatted document field
  • Spreadsheet document field

Insertion from the Primary Selection clipboard (available by pressing the middle mouse button) is supported in text boxes.

This feature was not provided.Improved usability of client application for users with Linux experience.
Managed forms.
Functional options.
If a text box is linked to an attribute of complex type where all types except one are disabled by access rights or functional options, when user attempts to select a value in the text box, the choice value form is opened.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

If a text box was linked to an attribute of complex type, when a user attempted to select a value in the text box, the type selection dialog box, was displayed even if the list of types contained a single value.

Users do not have to select from a single value in the type selection dialog box.

Automated testing.
On closing an application, if the log of user actions is being recorded at the moment, a request for saving the log is sent.On closing the application, unsaved data from the log of user actions was lost.Reduced chance of losing unsaved data from the log of user actions when the application window that initiated recording to the log of user actions is closed.
Web client.
During the startup of the web client, the check for a pop-up window blocker is only performed if the separate window interface is used and modal windows are enabled. The check for a pop-up window blocker is performed after the user authentication.

The check for a pop-up window blocker was always performed during the web client startup.Users are not prompted to specify the pop-up blocker settings when it is not required.
On interface mode change, the user is prompted to restart the client application.Changing interface mode did not prompt to restart the client application.The procedure of changing the interface mode became more user-friendly: the system now informs the user what they have to do to have the changes take effect.
Standard functions.
The following changes are implemented in the standard functions:
  • Event log:
    • The set of commands in the form command bar is changed, as well as the command presentations.
    • The procedures for enabling and disabling the filter are revised.
    • You can view log entry data by clicking the link in the corresponding log column.
    • You can filter records by date and time.
  • Find references to object:
    • You can search for references to a reference that is found (from the context menu).
  • Manage full-text search:
    • The form is revised.
    • Enabling or disabling full-text search is performed without opening additional forms.
  • Post documents:
    • The form is revised.
  • Active users:
    • You can open the event log filtered by user by clicking a hyperlink in the User column.
Standard function dialog boxes were less user-friendly.

Improved usability of standard functions.

Web client.
The documentation includes recommendations for choosing a web browser for low-performance computers.The documentation did not include recommendations for choosing a web browser.Recommendations for choosing a web browser are available.
Web client.
In Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, notification windows do not fade out of view when they are closed automatically.In Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser, notification windows faded out of view when they were closed automatically.Improved performance of notification windows in Microsoft Internet Explorer web browser.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
DBMS operations.
Accumulation registers.
Optimized performance of accumulation register virtual tables when obtaining totals with a filter that does not include all dimensions.Insufficient performance of accumulation register virtual tables when obtaining totals with a filter that did not include all dimensions.Performance of accumulation register virtual tables is increased.
Server clusters.
Creation of new sessions is optimized.Creating of new sessions was performed inefficiently.Optimized performance when establishing connections to the 1C:Enterprise server in the following cases:
  • Simultaneous connections from a large number of client applications.
  • Connection of a new client application to a cluster that already runs a large number of sessions.
Information registers.
Improved performance of independent, non-periodic information registers that have more than 1 dimension. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.Insufficient register performance.Increased speed of writing to a register, especially when a large number of users are working.
Applied objects.
Optimized selections from catalogs and charts of characteristic types for certain scenarios. In certain scenarios performance of selections from catalogs and charts of characteristic types was inefficient.Increased performance of selections from catalogs and charts of characteristic types in certain scenarios.
Dynamic lists.
Improved dynamic list performance in client/server mode when a large number of users are working.In certain scenarios dynamic list performance was insufficient.Improved dynamic list performance in certain scenarios.
Server clusters.
Optimized processing of session data for some scenarios.In some scenarios processing of session data was inefficient.

Improved performance and scalability of 1C:Enterprise servers.

Accumulation registers.
Optimized execution of queries to turnovers registers with a large number of dimensions that include aggregates (for some scenarios). This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.In some cases execution of queries to turnovers registers with a large number of dimensions that included aggregates was inefficient.You can use aggregate functions in more scenarios than before.
DBMS operations.
In order to optimize some queries to IBM DB2 DMBS, the recommendation to run the db2set DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF=5000 command and then restart the DBMS is included into the documentation. Methods of detecting situations when the optimization is required are also described in the documentation.Some queries to IBM DB2 DBMS were performed inefficiently.Optimized performance during the execution of some types of IBM DB2 DBMS queries.
Information registers.
For periodic information registers that are subordinate to recorders, the Active field is listed in the following indexes:
  • By period
  • By dimensions
  • By dimension

The Active field is the last one in these indexes. After changing the compatibility mode, full infobase restructuring must be performed for rebuilding indexes. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The Active field was not included in the list of indexes of periodic information registers subordinate to recorders.Improved performance when retrieving the first and the last slices.
Server clusters.
1C:Enterprise server is optimized to reduce memory usage and fragmentation.In some scenarios, 1C:Enterprise server used memory inefficiently. This led to memory fragmentation and increased memory consumption.Reduced memory consumption of 1C:Enterprise server, and lower memory fragmentation. This allows to reduce the number of planned 1C:Enterprise server restarts and improves the system stability.
DBMS operations.
Indexes of attributes with additional ordering include deletion marks and all fields that are indexed with additional ordering. This data is added to the end of the index.Indexes of attributes with additional ordering did not include deletion marks and all fields that were indexed with additional ordering.

Improved performance of dynamic lists filtered by multiple attributes (including the deletion mark).

Managed forms.
Optimized performance of displaying managed forms after server calls (both explicit and implicit ones) that change the form appearance.Forms were not displayed fast enough when their appearance was changed from 1C:Enterprise script.Optimized performance of displaying forms, for example, when the displayed title of a form element is modified.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Once the version 8.3.2 compatibility mode is disabled, optimization is performed on the structure that stores data on the table separators connected to objects included in the separator contents. When the version 8.3.2 compatibility mode is enabled, the reverse restructuring of the database tables is performed.The structure that stored separator data was not optimal.Improved performance due to the changes in the structure that stores separator data.
Server clusters.
In server cluster, the algorithm for balancing the working process load is optimized. The following parameters are used in addition to parameters used in the previous versions to define the available server performance: size of CPU queue, current processor load, and number of CPU cores. Values used for defining the available server performance are recorded to the TXT property of the CLSTR event in the technological log. To obtain performance parameters, the user on whose behalf the 1C:Enterprise server is running must be included in the Performance Log Users group.In the server cluster, the algorithm for balancing the working process load took less number of parameters into account.Improved reactivity of the load balancing algorithm. The algorithm defines overloaded CPUs and stops sending new tasks to them.
Managed forms.
Optimized performance of opening managed forms with multiline text boxes that contain a large number of line breaks.Performance of opening forms with multiline text boxes containing a large number of line breaks was not high enough.Forms with multiline text boxes that contain a large number of line breaks are opened faster.

Table of contents

Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Software licensing.
Licenses for basic configurations are available on Linux.Basic version licenses for Linux were unavailable.You can run basic 1C:Enterprise configuration versions on Linux.
Applied objects.
Infobase object autonumbering logic is revised. The check for number or code uniqueness (including automatically generated codes and numbers) is always performed while the object is being written.

The message informing the user that a number or code is not unique now specifies the value of the non-unique number or code.

Numbers or codes that are no longer used are never re-assigned automatically, even when the desired prefix is not specified explicitly. In the event when the desired prefix is not specified explicitly, the platform forms a number or code as follows: it selects the greatest of the prefixes that match the specified pattern and then adds the next subsequent number (prefixes are compared according to their alphabetical order, for example, B is greater than A).

The uniqueness check was not performed for automatically generated numbers or codes while the object was being written.

The message informing the user that a number or code was not unique did not include the value of the non-unique number or code.

Numbers or codes that were no longer used might be re-assigned automatically in the event when the desired prefix was not specified explicitly–the platform might assign a code that was used before when its prefix matched the specified pattern and the prefix was not the greatest one among those matching the pattern (prefixes are compared according to their alphabetical order, for example, B is greater than A).

Increased stability and reliability of infobase object autonumbering. Messages informing the user that a number or code is not unique now contain more information. The autonumbering is more logical: numbers or codes are always issued in the ascending order.
Applied objects.
If a text value presentation cannot be calculated during debugging, the string Error getting value presentation is returned as a text presentation.If a text value presentation could not be calculated, Designer might stop responding.Improved system stability during debugging.
Managed forms.
Visibility of the command for switching to the calculation register (in a recorder form) is set to True by default.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Visibility of the command for switching to the calculation register (in a recorder form) was set to False by default.Default visibility of commands for switching to registers is the same for all registers.
Managed forms.
When attributes of Number type that have minimum or maximum values set are cleared interactively, the attribute values after clearing cannot exceed the specified limits. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.When attributes of Number type were cleared interactively, their minimum and maximum values were ignored.Users cannot enter data that does not meet the conditions specified by the developer.
Applied objects.
When a spreadsheet document is saved to a .docx file, image border styles are preserved. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.When a spreadsheet document was saved to a .docx file, images always had borders.More accurate export of spreadsheet document styles to .docx format.
Applied objects.
When a spreadsheet document is saved to a .docx file the following spreadsheet document print options are preserved:
  • paper size
  • page orientation
  • scale
  • pagination
  • margins
  • headers and footers
  • repeating rows
  • displaying headers and footers on the first page

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Print options were not preserved when a spreadsheet document was saved to a .docx file.Improved usability of spreadsheet documents saved in .docx format.
Data composition system.
When a user field is added to data composition system settings and the source of available settings is not specified, the file name is generated using the language of the current script variant.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When a user field was added to data composition system settings and the source of available settings was not specified, the file name was generated in English.The data composition system behavior is uniform with behavior of similar platform features.
File operations.
The look and behavior of the file selection dialog box (including the FileDialog object) in Windows Vista and later Windows versions complies with the standards of these operating systems. In Windows XP and earlier and in the web client the look of the dialog box is not changed.In Windows Vista and later, an outdated file selection dialog box was used.The look of the file selection dialog box corresponds to the operating system being used.
File operations.
If both Directory and FullFileName are specified for a FileDialog object, the dialog box is opened in the specified directory and with the specified file name.If both Directory and FullFileName were specified for a FileDialog object, the dialog box ignored the specified directory and used the directory that was obtained from the full file name.Improved usability of the file choice dialog.
Automated testing.
Wildcard support implemented for the InputText() method of the TestedFormField object.The automated testing mechanism did not support wildcards in text input fields.Extended functionality of the automated testing system.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of metadata object commands follow this convention: Catalog.CatalogName.Command.CommandName.

Configurations dumped using earlier platform versions cannot be loaded.

When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of metadata object commands followed this convention: Catalog.CatalogName.CommandName.Command names are uniform; you can figure out the command purpose from its name.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of metadata object commands follow this convention: Catalog.CatalogName.Command.CommandName.

Configurations dumped using earlier platform versions cannot be loaded.

When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of metadata object commands followed this convention: Catalog.CatalogName.CommandName.Command names are uniform; you can figure out the command purpose from its name.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of standard commands of managed forms follow this convention: Form.StandardCommand.CommandName. Configurations dumped using earlier platform versions cannot be loaded.When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of standard commands followed this convention: FormStdCommand.CommandName.Command names are uniform; you can figure out the command purpose from its name.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of managed form commands follow this convention: Form.Command.FormCommandName. Configurations dumped earlier will not be loaded.When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of managed form commands followed this convention: FormCommand.FormCommandName.Command names are uniform; you can figure out the command purpose from its name.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, names of standard commands of managed form elements follow this convention: Form.Item.ElementName.StandardCommand.StandardCommandName. Configurations dumped earlier will not be loaded.When dumping a configuration to XML files, the standard commands of managed form elements followed this convention: Form<ElementType>.ElementName.StandardCommandName.Command names are uniform; you can figure out the command purpose from its name.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
When a configuration is dumped to files:
  • References to missing configuration objects are dumped as text presentations of identifiers of missing configuration objects.
  • Properties of the ManagedForm element of a managed form that make sense only in the 1C:Enterprise mode are not dumped.
  • For attributes and elements of managed forms, the internal identifiers required for saving their settings are dumped.

For elements of business process flowcharts, element identifiers are dumped.

When a configuration was dumped to files:

  • References to missing configuration objects were ignored.
  • Properties of the ManagedForm element of a managed form that made sense only in the 1C:Enterprise mode were dumped.
  • For attributes and elements of managed forms, the internal identifiers required for saving their settings were not dumped.
  • For elements of business process flowcharts, element identifiers were not dumped.
In dumping/loading of configurations, the following improvements are implemented:
  • User settings are preserved when a configuration is dumped and then loaded.
  • The accuracy of configuration comparison (after a configuration is dumped and then loaded) is increased.
Managed forms.
When Esc is pressed in a text box (except multiline text boxes), the following actions are performed:
  • If the initial text box content was modified in any way, the text box reverts to the initial content.
  • If the initial content was not modified, the text box does not process pressing the Esc key and passes the processing to the form.
Pressing Esc was always processed by the form. The text box did not perform any actions if Esc was pressed while the text was being edited.You can cancel editing a value in a text box.
Managed locks.
The maximum number of managed locks is 100 000 (exceeding this limit locks the entire lock space).The maximum number of managed locks was 20 000 (exceeding this limit locked the entire lock space).Improved user experience when using transactions with a large number of locks (more than 20 000) in a single lock space.
Information registers.
Data exchange.
When a set of information register records is passed to the SelectChanges() method as a filter value, the system behavior depends on the compatibility mode:
  • In version 8.2.16 or earlier compatibility mode, the selection includes data that does not match the filter criteria defined by the record set;
  • In version 8.3.1 or later compatibility mode (or if the compatibility mode is not used), the selection only contains data that exactly matches the filter criteria.
When a set of information register records was passed to the SelectChanges() method as a filter value, the system behavior did not depend on the compatibility mode.
  • In version 8.2.16 or earlier, the selection included data that did not match the filter criteria defined by the record set
  • In version 8.3.1 or later, the selection only contained data that exactly matched the filter criteria.
Improved compatibility with previous platform versions.
Dynamic lists.
In the data composition system and query wizard, syntax units enclosed in braces {} do not lead to errors in dynamic lists.In the data composition system and query wizard, syntax units enclosed in braces led to errors in dynamic lists in some cases.Better stability of dynamic list.
The value of the CryptoModuleName parameter in the CryptoManager object wizard is case insensitive.The value of the CryptoModuleName parameter in the CryptoManager object wizard was case sensitive.The system behavior complies with common standards.
Managed forms.
Ordinary forms.
In managed and ordinary forms, if the second parameter (FormElement) of the ChooseFromMenu() method is a managed form table, a managed form, a table box, or an ordinary form, the menu that is opened using this method is displayed in the following location:
  • For a table box or a managed form table, the menu is displayed in the upper left corner of the current cell, or in the upper left corner of the managed form table if the current cell cannot be determined.
  • For a form, the menu is displayed in the upper left corner.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

If the second parameter (FormElement) of the ChooseFromMenu() method was a managed form table, a managed form, a table box, or an ordinary form, the menu was displayed in the following location:

  • For a table box or a managed form table, the menu was displayed in the lower left corner of the element passed as the parameter value.
  • For a form, the menu was displayed in the lower left corner of the current form element. If the current form element could not be determined, the menu was displayed in the lower left corner of the form. In the web client, the menu was displayed in the center of the screen.
Uniform behavior when the system opens similar menus (e.g. context menu in a managed form table) or the applied solution opens such menus (using the ChooseFromMenu() method).
Managed forms.
Ordinary forms.
In managed and ordinary forms, if the second parameter (FormElement) of the ChooseFromList() method is a managed form table, a managed form, a table box, or an ordinary form, the list that is opened using this method is displayed in the following location:
  • For a table box or a managed form table, the list is displayed in the upper left corner of the current cell, or in the upper left corner of the managed form table, if the current cell cannot be determined.
  • For a form, the list is displayed in the upper left corner.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

If the second parameter (FormElement) of the ChooseFromList() method was a managed form table, a managed form, a table box, or an ordinary form, the list was opened in the following way:
  • For a table box or a managed form table, the list was displayed in the lower left corner of the element passed as the parameter value.
  • For a form, the list was displayed in the lower left corner of the current form element. If the current form element could not be determined, the list was displayed in the lower left corner of the form.
  • In the web client, the list was displayed according to form settings because a system form was used to display it.
Uniform behavior when executing similar actions (the ChooseFromMenu() and ChooseFromList() methods).
Development tools.
You can search and replace in the ChoiceParameters property of configuration objects. The search and replace algorithm is modified for the ChoiceList and ChoiceParameterLinks configuration objects. The search and replace are performed:
  • For the ChoiceParameters property: in the Name and the Value columns (including fixed array elements). The search is performed on values of String type.
  • For the ChoiceList property: in the Presentation column and in the Value column if the value has the String type.
  • For the ChoiceParameterLinks property: in the Name column.
  • Every time the search string is found, the search/replace procedure is paused and a message prompting to resume the procedure is displayed.

Search in the LinkByType property of configuration objects is no longer supported.

Search and replace in the ChoiceParameterLinks property of configuration objects was performed only in the Name column. Search and replace in the ChoiceList property of configuration objects was performed only in the Presentation column. Search and replace was not performed in the ChoiceParameters property of configuration objects. Search could be performed in the LinkByType property of configuration objects.The search and replace operations in configuration object properties are now uniform to similar operations in texts.
Development tools.
The presentation of the ChoiceParameters property of configuration objects in the object properties editing window is changed. If a value of any property element is a fixed array, presentations of array values are used. The presentation of the ChoiceList property of configuration objects in the object properties window is changed. A presentation now consists of both list item values and their presentations (if the presentations are specified).If an element of a ChoiceParameters property was a fixed array, its presentation was a FixedArray string. For the ChoiceList property of configuration objects, the presentation in the object properties window was generated from the list item values only.Improved usability of ChoiceParameters and ChoiceList properties in Designer.
Managed forms.
Improved look and behavior of drop-down lists in text box fields that can be edited and contain data of reference type, enumerations, or system enumerations:
  • If a field contains data of reference type or an enumeration, the field includes the choice button, and the characters typed in the field do not match any choice list values, the Click show all to select item message is displayed in the list.
  • If the drop-down list is displayed and a value is selected in it, pressing Tab, Shift+Tab, or Enter selects the current value from the list. Clicking another form element does not select the current value; the list is closed instead (same effect as pressing Esc). The selection is not moved to the form element that was clicked.
  • If the drop-down list is not displayed and the characters typed in the field uniquely identify a choice list value, pressing Tab, Shift+Tab, or Enter selects this value. Clicking another form element also selects this value.

If the drop-down list is not displayed and the characters typed in the field match multiple choice list values, pressing Tab, Shift+Tab, or Enter opens the drop-down list. Clicking another form element also opens the drop-down list.

The drop-down list had a different look and behavior. Improved usability of text box fields that contain data of reference type, enumerations, or system enumerations.
Accumulation registers.
You can enable the aggregates mode for any turnovers accumulation register, regardless of the actual presence of aggregates in metadata. In the client/server mode you can create new optimal aggregates (and remove outdated ones) when aggregates are being rebuilt in 1C:Enterprise mode. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.Developers had to add aggregates in Designer to keep the list of optimal aggregates up to date.Simplified support of optimal aggregate list: you only have to rebuild aggregates on regular basis.
Managed forms.
In text boxes containing data of reference type, only the color of the text presentation of the value is changed on element activation.In text boxes containing data of reference type, the color of the entire field changed on element activation.Better text box usability. A tooltip can be displayed in a text box linked to data of reference type if the text box is first in the tab order of the form.
Development tools.
Configuration repositories.
You can perform quick comparison of selected configuration objects. This option is available if you use a repository, and also from the compare and merge configurations window. Selective comparison is implemented for the following objects: modules, templates, pictures, WS-references, schedules, register aggregates, exchange plan content objects, styles, desktop workspaces, maps, forms, online help pages, predefined items, command interface fragments, and role rights. To run the selective comparison command, right-click anywhere in any of the repository dialog boxes or in the compare configurations window, and then click Perform selective comparison with the configuration object. Selective comparison of configuration objects is only available for object versions added to the configuration repository using 1C:Enterprise version 8.2.9 or later.This feature was not provided. When comparison was initiated for a specific object, full comparison of two configurations was performed. The focus in the comparison window was set to that object.Improved usability of configuration repository. Optimized comparison procedure when it is performed for a single configuration object.
DBMS operations.
Integration between a cluster created using the standard PostgreSQL version (without any 1C patches installed) and PostgreSQL with patch version 9.2.1-2.1C or later is now available.

All of the required settings are specified automatically by the installation program of the patched PostgreSQL version unless a cluster created by the standard PostgreSQL version is found on the computer.

Integration between a cluster created using the standard PostgreSQL version (without any 1C patches installed) and PostgreSQL with patch version 9.2.1-2.1C or later was not available.1C:Enterprise supports clusters created by the following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS:
  • PostgreSQL 8.1.5-X.1C - 9.1.2-1.1C
  • PostgreSQL 9.2.1-2.1C
  • Standard version of PostgreSQL provided that the cluster locale is identical to the infobase locale.

You can upgrade or downgrade 1C:Enteprise without upgrading or downgrading the associated PostgreSQL instance; this does not require any manual configuration.

Note that once you migrate to a new PostgreSQL version, you cannot use 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.2 or earlier. This only applies to new infobases that were created using PostgreSQL 9.2.1-2.1C. Do not create infobases using PostgreSQL 9.2.1-2.1C if you are planning to access them from earlier platform versions.

Managed forms.
If the ChoiceDataGetProcessing event handler of the enumeration manager returns an empty list and the formal parameter StandardProcessing returned by this handler is set to False, the returned list is used for filling the choice list. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.If the ChoiceDataGetProcessing event handler of the enumeration manager returned an empty list and the formal parameter StandardProcessing returned by this handler was set to False, the client application filled the choice list by all enumeration values.The system behaves as expected when a developer decides to disable selection of enumeration values.
Standard functions.
In the default event log form, filter presentation is localized.In the default event log form, filter presentation was always displayed with Russian names of event log columns.The filter presentation is uniform with other platform features.
Configuration repositories.
Optimized the reference integrity check algorithm for configuration repository operations (storing and retrieving) on objects that are deleted from the repository and objects that reference to deleted ones. In some cases, it is not necessary to lock objects that contain references to objects being deleted during the deletion. The reference integrity check algorithm used when deleting objects from the repository is uniform with the reference integrity check algorithm used when deleting objects from a configuration that is not bound to a repository. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.The reference integrity check algorithm for configuration repository operations was not optimized. The reference integrity check algorithm used when deleting objects from a repository was different from the reference integrity check algorithm used when deleting objects from a configuration that was not bound to a repository.Eliminated problems that occurred when deleting objects from configurations because of the reference integrity check differences. Storing deleted objects to the configuration repository is optimized.
Managed forms.
In the managed mode of the thick client, if the In list editing mode is selected for a configuration object, calling the OpenValue() method or clicking the Open button in the text input area opens the regular list form, provided that the following conditions are met:
  • The In list editing mode is selected.
  • A regular list form exists and it is selected as a default or additional one.
  • Using regular forms in the managed application is allowed in this applied solution.
  • The list or object managed form that is used as a default or additional one is missing.

In all other cases, this opens the object form.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

In the managed mode of the thick client, if the In list editing mode was selected, calling the OpenValue() method or clicking the Open button in the text input area opened the managed list form.To display configuration objects that have the In list editing mode set, or for editing their elements, the system opens the regular list form. This behavior is more consistent than before.
Development tools.
The following changes are implemented in the configuration comparison feature:
  • The parent node of predefined data elements is excluded from the comparison.
  • Missing help data is considered identical to empty help data.
  • Additional properties of the ManagedForm managed form element that make sense only in the 1C:Enterprise mode are excluded from the comparison.
When configurations were compared:
  • The node to which predefined data items were subordinate was included into the comparison.
  • Missing help data was considered different from empty help data.
  • Additional properties of the ManagedForm managed form element that make sense only in the 1C:Enterprise mode were included into the comparison.
The configuration comparison is perfomed as expected.
Managed forms.
When a choice list is generated for form fields linked to data of EnumRef type, it is based on the choice parameters and choice parameter links of the form element.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

When a choice list was generated for form fields linked to data of EnumRef type, the choice parameters and choice parameter links were not taken into account.The choice list generation for enumerations is uniform with other similar system features.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the InternetMailProfile object, the SMTPAuthentication property (which is obsolete) is set to SMTPAuthenticationMode.Default.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

For the InternetMailProfile object, the obsolete property SMTPAuthentication was set to SMTPAuthenticationMode.None.The default settings of the authentication method is the safest among those supported by the mail server.
Internet-enabled functionality.
If the SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly property of the InternetMailProfile object is set to TRUE, authentication attempts are performed independently of other settings.

User authentication on the SMTP server is not performed in the following scenarios:

  • The SMTPUser property of the InternetMailProfile object is an empty string.
  • The SMTPAuthentication property of the InternetMailProfile object is set to SMTPAuthenticationMode.None.
  • The POP3BeforeSMTP property of the InternetMailProfile object is set to TRUE.

User authentication on the SMTP server was not performed if the name of the SMTP server user was not specified (the SMTPUser property of the InternetMailProfile object).User authentication on the SMTP server can be performed using a POP3 server if the SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly property is not set. The value of the SMTPUser property of InternetMailProfile object does not affect this behavior. At the same time, the authentication is not performed if the mail server does not support the secure authentication methods.

When connecting to a mail server, you can exclude insecure authentication methods from the list of available ones.

Software licensing.
If a license acquisition dialog box appears at the start of the client application, the first page of the dialog box specifies which kind of license (server or client) the application requires. A hyperlink to 1C:Licensing center contact information is displayed on the license registration pages and on the page that appears when license activation is not successful. A dialog box that displays 1C:Licensing center contact information is added. When a user types a PIN code or a response from a licensing center operator in the license aсquisition dialog box, once they have completed a text field, the cursor moves to the next field automatically.

If a license acquisition dialog box appeared at the start of the client application, the first page of the dialog box did not specify which kind of license (server or client) was not found. The license registration pages and the page that appeared when license activation was not successful only contained information how to find 1C:Licensing center contacts in the printed documentation. When a user typed a PIN code or a response from a licensing center operator in the license aсquisition dialog box, the cursor did not move to the next field automatically.Improved usability of license acquisition dialog box.
Spreadsheet documents.
Web client.
The web client now supports text orientation in spreadsheet document cells.The web client did not support text orientation in spreadsheet document cells.Extended formatting capabilities for spreadsheet documents in the web client.
Server clusters.
When a cluster service is reassigned from one cluster manager to another, the service status is replicated to the new cluster manager and the service is shut down on the former cluster manager, which releases the resources used by the service. The status is replicated for the following services: object locks, numbering, and background restructuring. In the technological log, the <SRVC> event is implemented. It describes the following operations with cluster services: starting, stopping, and various alerts. Descriptions of operations being executed are generated in the Descr property. Each cluster manager stores its session data in a dedicated directory. You can choose how a working process is selected when a new connection is created: by available performance or by available memory. If the selection is performed by available memory, either the working process that currently maintains connections to the infobase is used, or the working process that is running on the server and has the maximum amount of available memory. In the cluster properties, the Load balancing mode property is implemented. For the IClusterInfo object, the LoadBalancingMode property is implemented. For starting a background job, the working process that maintains the session that initiated the background job is selected with the highest priority (this rule is ignored if the selection is performed by available memory). You can specify a priority for each assignment rule. If several identical assignment rules are found during assignment rule selection and all other conditions are equal, the rule with the highest priority is used. Assignment rules now have the Priority property. For the IAssignmentRule object, the Priority property is implemented. In the cluster mode of the server cluster administration utility (rac), the load-balancing-mode parameter is implemented for the create and update commands. Similar changes are implemented in the Java server administration API. When determining available working process performance, the CPU load of the working server and the number of threads in the execution queue are taken into account, in addition to other factors.In some cases, used resources were not released after the reassignment of services. The status was not replicated for the following services: object locks, numbering, and background restructuring. In the technological log, there were no events that described operations with cluster services. Data belonging to all sessions was stored in a single directory, which could lead to access collisions. When a background job was created, the working process for handling the job was always selected by available performance. If several identical assignment rules were found during assignment rule selection, the rule that was applied could not always be determined unambiguously. When available working process performance was determined, the CPU load and the number of threads in the execution queue were not taken into account.Increased fault tolerance of clusters. Improved quality and manageability of load balancing between cluster servers. A new setting ensures efficient memory usage when a cluster maintains a large number of infobases with a small number of sessions from each infobase.
Managed forms.
For unavailable groups, colors of the title and border (line) are changed.For unavailable groups, the title and border (line) had different colors.The look of unavailable groups is uniform with the look of other unavailable elements.
Applied objects.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Access rights.
Data exchange.
Mobile application.
Predefined data is available for configuration objects included in separator contents in the Independent and Shared mode. Predefined items can be linked to any data elements of matching type. The linking is optional. If data elements are not linked, the predefined data is considered empty. For configuration objects that can contain predefined data, the PredefinedDataName property is implemented. Support of predefined data items that refer to deleted predefined items is implemented. Identical references to predefined items are never generated, even for objects included in separator contents in the Independent mode, and even for items that belong to different areas. The GetPredefinedItemName() method is declared deprecated is only supported for compatibility purposes. Predefined data is registered in exchange plans like any other data. You can manage creation and update of predefined data in the infobase using the new configuration object property PredefinedDataUpdate and the new methods GetUpdatingPredefinedData() and SetPredefinedDataUpdate(). The global context method InitializePredefinedData() is implemented. Using this method, you can create data objects for predefined items that are not linked to any data (in the current data area). Access rights and restrictions are specified simultaneously for the Predefined and PredefinedDataName fields. These features are also implemented for the mobile platform. The new access rights InteractiveDeletePredefinedData, InteractiveSetDeletionMarkPredefinedData, InteractiveClearDeletionMarkPredefinedData, and InteractiveDeleteMarkedPredefinedData are implemented. They specify whether editing of predefined data is allowed.

Restrictions for editing predefined data in charts of accounts and charts of calculation types are eliminated. Predefined data can be marked for deletion, and it can be completely deleted. A chart of accounts must be included into the contents of all separators that contain all extra dimensions used in the chart. The infobase restructuring process is modified. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Predefined data was not available for configuration objects included in separator contents in the Independent and Shared mode. Predefined data could not be linked to any existing data object. Each predefined item had identical references in all data areas. During data exchange in a distributed infobase, predefined data was replicated only together with applied solution configuration changes. Creation and update of predefined data were not available.You can use predefined data in all separation modes. Predefined data management is more flexible than before.
In the help topics, links to external resources are opened in the default web browser of the operating system.In the help topics, links to external resources were opened in the built-in web browser of 1C:Enterprise.Improved usability of viewing the resources that are opened by clicking links in the help topics.
For new users, the interface mode is set to Forms in tabs, provided that the platform version compatibility mode is not used and the interface compatibility mode is set to Version82 or Version82TaxiAllowed.For new users, the interface mode was set to Forms in separate windows.The Forms in tabs interface is the default option for new users. This interface mode provides better usability.
For a text box in a managed form table, the drop-down list is always opened at the start of editing.For a text box in a managed form table, the drop-down list was opened at the start of editing only if the editing was started using the mouse.Quick access to the drop-down list is implemented for text boxes located in managed form tables.
Common attributes / Data separation.
1C:Enterprise script.
After deleting data from a data area (or deleting an infobase) by using the EraseInfoBaseData() method (or the /EraseData command-line option), the data area state matches the state that the data area had when it was accessed for the first time. In particular:
  • Tables of enumerations are not modified.
  • If the version 8.3.2 or later compatibility mode is set, predefined data values revert to the values specified in Designer or to the default values. If the compatibility mode is disabled, predefined data items will be created on the first attempt to access them.
  • In the exchange plans, the values of ThisNode element attributes revert to the default values.
  • Values of nonseparated constants revert to the default values, while values of separated constants are deleted.
After deleting data from a data area (or deleting an infobase) by using the EraseInfoBaseData() method (or the /EraseData command-line option), the data area state did not match the state that the data area had when it was first accessed:
  • Tables of enumerations were removed.
  • For nonseparated objects, the predefined data values were saved.
  • In the exchange plans, the values of ThisNode element attributes were saved.
  • Constant values were preserved.
After deleting data from a data area (or deleting an infobase) by using the EraseInfoBaseData() method (or the /EraseData command-line option), the state of the data area now reflects its initial state much better than it did in the previous platform versions.
Application appearance.
New splash screens are implemented for Designer, client application, Autorun program, and the installation program. The splash screen size (and the size of the applied solution splash screen template) is 600 x 255 pixels.Splash screens that were used for various parts of the system had different looks. The size of the applied solution splash screen template was 305 x 110 pixels.The new splash screens better fit the new user unterface.
Managed forms.
When a value is entered or selected in a text box, it is converted to the text box value type, and then the value presentation is displayed in the text box. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.When a value was entered or selected in a text box, the resulting text displayed in the box might not match the entered or selected value.The system behaves as expected. Eliminated incorrect system behavior.
Client application.
The message that is displayed before updating a client application using an insecure connection is clarified. The message was not clear enough.The message describes the situation more clearly.

Table of contents

Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
Only access rights that have nondefault values are included in dump files. The default values are defined by the Set rights for new objects and Set rights for attributes and tabular sections by default properties. Values of these properties are default values for access rights to metadata objects and access rights to attributes and tabular sections respectively.All access rights were included in dump files, including those having default values.Improved performance of dumping configurations to files. Reduced size of dump files.
Dumping/loading configurations to files.
Applied objects.
When dumping a configuration to XML files, English descriptions of document journal selection types follow this convention: DocumentJournalSelection.DocumentJournalName.When dumping a configuration to XML files, English descriptions of document journal selection types followed this convention: DocumentJournalsManager.DocumentJournalName.Type names are uniform.
File operations.
When one or multiple files are obtained from the infobase using the GetFile() or GetFiles() method, the View right is checked for the attributes that store the file data. If the GetFiles() method is used and access to at least one the requested files is denied, the entire operation is canceled. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

When one or multiple files are obtained from the infobase using the GetFile() or GetFiles() method, the View right was not checked for the attributes that stored the file data.

The behavior of the GetFile() and GetFiles() methods is uniform with other system features.
Development tools.
Before database configuration update, the check whether the Ref attribute is present is performed for tabular sections of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks. If this attribute exists, restructuring cannot be performed. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.Before database configuration update, the check whether the Ref attribute is present was not performed for tabular sections of catalogs, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, charts of calculation types, exchange plans, business processes, and tasks.Eliminated this type of errors in applied solutions.
Server clusters.
In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the name and cluster-port options of the server update command are removed. In the Java-based administration server interface, the setName() and setClusterMainPort() methods are removed from the IWorkingServerInfo interface. In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the security-level option of the infobase update command is removed. In the Java-based administration server interface, the setSecurityLevel() method is removed from the IInfoBaseInfo interface.In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the name and cluster-port options were available for the server update command. The values specified in these options were never used and no error messages were displayed when the command was run with these options.

In the Java-based administration server interface, the IWorkingServerInfo interface included the setName() and setClusterMainPort() methods. These methods did not perform any actions and there were no error messages when these methods were called.

In the server cluster administration utility (rac), the security-level option was available for the infobase update command. The value specified in this option was never used and no error messages were displayed when the command was run with this option.

In the Java-based administration server interface, the IInfoBaseInfo interface included the setSecurityLevel() method. This method did not perform any actions and there were no error messages when this method was called.

Options of the administration utility (rac) and the set of Java-based administration server interface methods match the set of actions that the system can actually perform. Working server parameters can be specified during the registration of the working server in the cluster. The infobase security level can be specified while adding the infobase to the cluster.
Administration tools.
Server clusters.
The server cluster administration utility (rac) from the previous platform versions (8.3.1 and 8.3.2) cannot be connected to the administration server (ras) of the current platform version. The server cluster administration utility (rac) from the current platform version cannot be connected to the administration server (ras) of the previous platform versions (8.3.1 and 8.3.2).The server cluster administration utility (rac) could be connected to the administration server (ras) of any platform version.The server cluster administration utility (rac) and the administration server (ras) that have incompatible versions cannot interact with each other.
File operations.
You can get a file mask that describes all files for the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs. The following methods are implemented: GetAllFilesMask(), GetClientAllFilesMask(), and GetServerAllFilesMask().This feature was not provided.You can write a source code that processes files and does not depend on the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs.
File operations.
You can get a file path separator for the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs. The following methods are implemented: GetPathSeparator(), GetClientPathSeparator(), and GetServerPathSeparator().This feature was not provided.You can write a source code that processes files and does not depend on the operating system where 1C:Enterprise runs.
ZIP archive operations.
The behavior of the ZipFileWriter object is modified. If the user under whose account the system is running does not have rights for viewing the list of files in a source directory:
  • If a file name does not contain wildcard characters (? or *), the file is added to the archive.
  • If a file name contains the wildcard characters (? or *), an exception is generated.

The behavior of the ZipFileReader object is modified. If the user under whose account the system is running does not have rights for viewing the list of files in the directory containing the archive file, the archive is opened in the read-only mode. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

During the creation of an archive using the ZipFileWriter object, if the user under whose account the system was running did not have rights for viewing the list of files in the source directory, the files were not added to the archive and the resulting archive did not contain expected data. The archive could not be opened using the ZipFileReader object if the user under whose account the system was running did not have rights for viewing the contents of the directory containing the archive file.The behavior of ZipFileWriter and ZipFileReader objects became more logical. Decreased chance of creating archive files with incorrect data.
Configuration repositories.
The compatibility mode with 1C:Enterprise versions 8.3.2 and earlier is implemented for the configuration repository. If the compatibility mode is disabled:
  • New configuration repository database structure is used.
  • The optimized method for interaction with configuration repository server is used.

If the compatibility mode is disabled, only 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 or later can be used to access the repository. The command line option ConfigurationRepositoryClearCache is implemented in Designer. It is intended for clearing the local configuration cache. The option to stop the execution of repository operations by pressing Ctrl+Break is implemented (this does not depend on repository compatibility mode).

A different configuration repository database structure was used. Some repository operations were performed inefficiently. The Designer command line option ConfigurationRepositoryClearCache was not available. Pressing Ctrl+Break did not stop the execution of repository operations.Improved performance when accessing a configuration repository server.
Applied objects.
The Filter property of the parameter structure that is passed to the formal parameter of the GetChoiceData() method or the ChoiceDataGetProcessing handler can contain elements with values of ValueList and Array types. The system applies the In list comparison type to such values (it is the same comparison type that is used with FixedArray values).The Filter property of the parameter structure that is passed to the formal parameter of the GetChoiceData() method or the ChoiceDataGetProcessing handler could not contain elements with values of ValueList and Array types.Extended filtering options when retrieving selection data. Removed unnecessary data conversions.
Background and scheduled jobs.
Background and scheduled jobs can now run in the file mode without using the ProcessJobs() global context method. The ProcessJobs() method does not perform any actions. Background and scheduled jobs are executed in one of the client applications connected to the infobase. The behavior of background and scheduled jobs has some specifics (see the full list in the documentation):
  • All scheduled jobs are executed in a dedicated client application (by default, it is the first session started).
  • A background job started by a session is executed by the client application that started it.
  • Within a client application, a single background job is performed at a time (this includes scheduled jobs).

For specifying the client application that will execute scheduled jobs, the AllowExecuteScheduledJobs command-line option is implemented for the client application. The Background jobs check box, which is located in the Autoattach dialog box in Designer, affects the attachment to background jobs both at server and at client.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The only way to run background and scheduled jobs in the file mode involved using the ProcessJobs() global context method.

The Background jobs check box, which is located in the Autoattach dialog box in Designer, only affected attachment to background jobs at server.

Reduced developer efforts during implementation of background and scheduled job execution in the file mode.
Applied objects.
Common attributes / Data separation.
In order to successfully read or write separated constants using the Constants method of the global context, values of all shared separators that split the constant must be specified. Otherwise an exception is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.Reading or writing separated constants using the Constants method of the global context was performed successfully even when values of all combined separators that split the constant were not specified.The feature is uniform with other similar platform features.
The config_system configuration utility for Linux is removed from the distribution kit. The search for MS Core Fonts required by the platform is performed automatically in the following directories:
  • /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttfcorefonts
  • /usr/share/fonts/msttfcorefonts
  • $HOME/.fonts

The system automatically searches for required dynamic libraries when functions from these libraries are used. If the required font or dynamic library is not found, an error message is displayed. The operating system setup instructions for Linux are provided in the documentation.

The config_system configuration utility for Linux was included in the distribution kit. If required fonts or dynamic libraries were missing, this was not detected directly and could lead to various errors or unexpected behavior. The operating system setup instructions for running 1C:Enterprise on Linux were not provided in the documentation.Simplified operating system for running 1C:Enterprise on Linux. Improved issue diagnostics.
Access rights.
Accumulation registers.
Accounting registers.
Access rights for autogenerated period fields (YearPeriod, HalfYearPeriod, QuarterPeriod, MonthPeriod, TenDaysPeriod, DayPeriod, HourPeriod, and SecondPeriod) in virtual tables of accumulation and accounting registers are obtained from the corresponding access rights of the standard Period attribute.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Access rights for autogenerated period fields in virtual tables of accumulation and accounting registers depended on the state of the Set rights for attributes and tabular sections by default check box. If the property was set to True, the user was granted the right.Access right management is more consistent.
Development methodology.
The documentation includes a section with recommendations for developing cross-platform applied solutions.The documentation did not include recommendations for developing cross-platform applied solutions.Recommendations for creating the cross-platform applied solutions at minimal costs are available.
Managed locks.
Managed transaction locks can be set by object attributes. For specifying attributes whose values are taken into account when setting transaction locks, the DataLockFields property is implemented for the following configuration objects:
  • Catalogs
  • Documents
  • Charts of characteristic types
  • Charts of calculation types
  • Business processes
  • Tasks
  • Charts of accounts
  • Exchange plans

While objects are being written or deleted, they will be temporarily locked by all attributes specified in the DataLockFields property and the Ref field. For objects being written, attribute values available at the beginning of the writing process are used. For objects being deleted, current attribute values are used.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Managed locks for the following objects could be set only by the standard attribute Ref: catalog, document, chart of characteristic types, charts of calculation types, business process, task, chart of accounts, and exchange plan.Extended managed lock functionality. When you need to perform a coordinated action on a set of objects filtered by a specific attribute and at the same time prohibit the creation of new objects that match the filter, you have the option to set a lock by the attribute, rather than lock the entire set of objects of the given type.
Managed locks.
Using the DataLock object outside of a transaction or in the automatic data lock control mode raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

Using the DataLock object outside of a transaction or in the automatic data lock control mode did not raise an exception and did not lead to any locks.Situations when the system seemed to work properly but actually did not perform any actions are eliminated.
Client application installation.
Administration tools.
You can specify whether the latest 1C:Enterprise updates are installed automatically. This is configured using the following new parameters:
  • The AppAutoInstallLastVersion command-line option of the non-interactive startup utility.
  • The AppAutoInstallLastVersion parameter in the 1CEStart.cfg and 1CESCmng.cfg configuration files.

When the client application version does not match the 1C:Enterprise server version, or when a specific 1C:Enterprise version is required to access an infobase, the new version is always installed unless the required version is already present at the client computer. The Install new application versions automatically check box is added to the infobase startup settings dialog box.

The non-interactive startup utility installed the latest 1C:Enterprise version, except the following scenarios:
  • In the startup utility configuration dialog box, a specific 1C:Enterprise version is selected for all infobases.
  • A specific version of the client application or interactive startup utility is started.
In the non-interactive startup utility, you have the option to disable the search and installation of the latest 1C:Enterprise version in the event when the required version is already installed at the client computer, but later versions are available and not yet installed. You still have the option to install any 1C:Enterprise version that you need.
Development tools.
During the database configuration update, the check for matches between the names of common pictures and the names of pictures from the picture library is performed. If matches are found, the message informing that the names are not unique is displayed and the database configuration is not updated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.During the configuration update, the check for matches between the names of common pictures and the names of pictures from the picture library was not performed.The following scenario is no longer possible: when a common picture name matches a picture name from the picture library, in 1C:Enterprise mode the picture from the library is displayed instead of the common picture.
Managed forms.
The Close() method called on an additional form closes this form. If this form is active, the default form is made active, otherwise no additional actions are performed. The IsOpen() method called on an additional form that is open returns True. If the user switched to another additional or default form after opening the additional form, the IsOpen() method still returns True.If the Close() method was called on an additional form, an error was generated and the form was not closed. The IsOpen() method called on an additional form that was open returned False.The system behaves as expected.
XML and XDTO support.
During the generation of the configuration data model, for all properties of the configuration data model that have more than one type in their type descriptions, the Can be empty property (the nillable attribute of the XSD schema) is set to True, otherwise the property value is not set.

If you specify the Any ref type for an attribute (such as a resource or dimension) in Designer, the type is converted into one of the following in the configuration data model:

  • The {http://v8.1c.ru/8.1/data/enterprise}AnyRef type if the configuration includes multiple metadata objects that form the Any ref type.
  • The type that corresponds to reference data type if the configuration includes a single metadata object that forms the Any ref type.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

During the generation of the configuration data model, for all properties of the configuration data model that have more than one type in their type descriptions, the value of the Can be empty property (the nillable attribute of the XSD schema) was never set.

If you specified the Any ref type for an attribute (such as a resource or dimension) in Designer, it was always converted to the {http://v8.1c.ru/8.1/data/enterprise}AnyRef type in the configuration data model.

The XML data model generation for the Any ref type is uniform with other types.
Full-text search.
Full-text search indexes include the number of 1C:Enterprise version that was used to create them. If the full-text search index is created in version 8.3.3 or later while the compatibility mode is disabled, and then the infobase is accessed using version 8.3.2 or earlier, the search by presentations of configuration objects is not performed.Full-text search indexes did not include the number of 1C:Enterprise version that was used to create them.Reverse compatibility of full-text search indexes is implemented. The full-text search indexes are now compatible with earlier 1C:Enterprise versions that have different index format.
Web services.
Web links.
You can specify proxy server parameters in constructors of the WSProxy and WSDefinitions objects and in the CreateWSProxy() method.

The former constructor and method syntax is supported for compatibility purposes.

Proxy server parameters could not be specified when WSProxy or WSDefinitions objects were created or when the CreateWSProxy() method was called. The proxy server settings could be specified only by editing the inetcfg.xml configuration file.Extended web service support functionality: the proxy server settings can be specified in the configuration settings rather than by editing the configuration file.
Functional options.
If the privileged get mode is set for a functional option, getting the functional option value in the safe mode does not require checking the access rights. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.If the privileged get mode was set for a functional option, getting the functional option value in the safe mode included checking the access rights. Eliminated the issues related to accessing functional options in the safe mode. The data provided by a functional option that has privileged get mode set is considered safe enough and can be retrieved in the safe mode.
Automated testing.
If an object being tested cannot perform the required action, an exception is raised (except methods that search for objects, which never raise this kind of exception).It was impossible to detect situations when objects being tested could not perform the required actions. Better error detection during automated testing.
Automated testing.
Methods that perform actions on objects being tested do not wait for action completion. Methods that previously returned the execution results now raise exceptions when the actions cannot be performed.Methods that performed actions on objects being tested waited for action completion. In some cases such methods returned result codes.Better error detection during automated testing.
Managed forms.
For managed form fields, the DropListButton property is implemented. It describes whether the button that opens the drop-down list is present. Depending on the type of the attribute linked to the text box, the list can contain the following data:
  • Choice list - from the choice list property of the text box.
  • Quick choice list - for the quick choice property of the configuration object.
  • Choice values – values matching the text entered by the user.
  • Choice history - for reference fields and enumeration fields. Note that the history is not available for fields that contain configuration objects with the quick choice option enabled.

During the text input in a text box, the platform displays unique items from all these lists (if they are available for the text box). For managed form fields, the ChoiceButtonRepresentation property is implemented. It describes whether the button that opens the choice form is present in the field. The DropListButton property of managed form fields is no longer available; it is left for compatibility purposes. The StartListChoice event of text box objects is never called. This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

The DropListButton property was available for managed form fields. When a user started selecting an item from the list, the the StartListChoice event was generated. Developers could not control whether the choice form could be opened from the choice list.The choice list is designed to allow users to select values quickly, without opening the choice form, whenever possible. For that, the choice list contains data that helps users to select a value for a text box:
  • History of choices in the fields of the given type (with the given parameters)
  • Choice values
  • Quick choice list, and so on
Web client.
In the web client for iPad, only the Forms in tabs mode without modal windows and the Taxi interface are supported. The webclientmode command-line parameter is no longer supported. Standard gestures for zooming in and out are now supported. Form items with content that can be scrolled have scroll bars.In the web client for iPad, modal windows were supported with some limitations, and the Forms in tabs mode was not supported. The webclientmode command-line parameter was supported. Standard gestures for zooming in and out were not supported. Form items never had scroll bars.Configuration tuning is no longer required to run applications on iPad (provided that you switch to the mode that does not use modal windows). In earlier versions of the platform, the developer had to remove a part of functionality to make an application compatible with iPad because modal calls were supported with limitations.
Managed forms.
Command interface.
Enhanced window blocking technology introduces innovative approach to window modality. Blocking windows are used instead of modal windows, while modal windows are supported for compatibility purposes. It is recommended that you replace all modal windows with blocking windows in your applied solutions, and use new platform methods that do not create modal windows. A call of a modal form is broken down into one or more separate calls: the first call opens a blocking form instead of a modal one and the the other one contains a callback procedure that is called by the platform when a form operation is complete (it includes getting the return value). Applied solutions designed for iPad must support the blocking windows technology. The ModalityUseMode configuration property is implemented, it defines the modal window usage mode. In the extended configuration check, the search for methods related to modal windows is implemented. You can also perform this check from the command line by using the CheckUseModality option of the ExtendedModulesCheck command-line parameter. The NotifyDescription object is implemented, it passes the callback procedure description to platform methods that open blocking windows. The global context method ExecuteNotifyProcessing() is implemented. For the FormWindowOpeningMode system enumeration, the LockWholeInterface value is implemented. For managed forms, command interface commands, and common modules, the ThisObject property is implemented. This property is not supported in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode. The global context method OpenForm() is modified. The following global context methods are implemented: ShowQueryBox(), ShowValue(), ShowMessageBox(), ShowInputDate(), ShowInputValue(), ShowInputString(), ShowInputNumber(), BeginInstallAddIn(), BeginInstallFileSystemExtension(), BeginInstallCryptoExtension(), and BeginPutFile(). For objects StandardPeriodEditDialog, FormatStringWizard, FontChooseDialog, ColorChooseDialog, and ScheduledJobDialog the Show() method is implemented. For the DataCompositionDetailsProcess object, the ShowChooseAction() method is implemented. For the ValueList object, the methods ShowCheckItems() and ShowChooseItem() are implemented. For the ManagedForm object, the Open() method is modified, and the methods ShowChooseFromMenu() and ShowChooseFromList() are implemented. For the ManagedForm object, the OnCloseNotifyDescription property is implemented. The ThisForm property of the ManagedForm object is removed but supported for compatibility purposes. The system enumeration value PostingModeUse.Ask is supported for managed forms only in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode.In the web client on iPad, the modal window support was limited, while modal windows were widely used in applied solutions and in the system part of the interfaces.The web client meets the modern web technology standards. Removed limitations on modal window usage in the web client on iPad. Configuration modification is required for applied solutions intended to run in the web client on iPad.
Technological log.
The resolution of the event time output to the technological log is increased to 1 microsecond. The count of microseconds in technological log event time has six digits. The DurationUs property is implemented. It contains the event duration measured in microseconds. For compatibility purposes, filtering by Duration properties is supported.The resolution of the event time output to the technological log was equal to 100 microseconds. The count of microseconds in the technological log had four digits. Only the Duration property was available in the technological log. It contained the event duration measured in hundreds of microseconds.Decreased chance of the time counter overflow that occurred when the count of technological log events exceeded 10 000 events per second. One second can now contain up to 1 000 000 events of the technological log. It is recommended that you use the DurationUs property instead of the Duration property.
Web client.
System requirements.
The following browsers are no longer supported:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0;
  • Safari for Windows;
  • Mozilla Firefox version 16 and earlier for Windows and Linux.
The following browsers were supported:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7.0;
  • Safari for Windows;
  • Mozilla Firefox version 16 and earlier for Windows and Linux.
Improved web client stability because rarely used browsers with errors and non-standard behavior are no longer supported.
The platform supports XBase objects on 64-bit Linux operating systemsThe platform did not support XBase objects on 64-bit Linux operating systemsOperations with .dbf files are now available on all supported architectures, except the mobile platform.
Dynamic lists.
The DataVersion field is removed from the list of available fields of dynamic list settings.The DataVersion field was included in the list of available fields of dynamic list settings.The field that was erroneously added to the list of available fields of dynamic list settings is now removed from the list.
Access rights.
Managed forms only display data retrieved using "." (dot) if the user has access rights for all parts of the full path to the data. If they do not have the rights, the item linked to this data is not displayed on the form.If a user did not have access rights for all parts of the full path to data retrieved using "." (dot), the item linked to the data was displayed in the form, but it did not contain any data.When accessing data using "." (dot), the form item linked to the data is not displayed on the form if the user does not have access rights for all parts of the full path to the data.
Administration tools.
In the Java API for server administration, the value of the RuleType property of the AssignmentRuleInfo object matches the value of the RuleType property of the IAssignmentRule object in the server cluster administration tools that use COM connection.The values of the RuleType properties differed in the Java API for server administration and in the server administration tools that used COM connection.The server cluster administration tools are unified.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The OpenID pass-through authentication protocol implementation is revised. The implementation complies with the Direct Identity version 2.0 mode of the OpenID protocol. The format of the OpenID provider address in the default.vrd file is modified (the url attribute of the rely item): httрs://<address of the OpenID provider infobase>/e1cib/oid2op. The default authentication lifetime is 24 hours. The maximum authentication lifetime is 168 hours. The protocol for interaction between the relying party and the OpenID provider is modified. In the authentication dialog box, you can disable storing authentication data. For the web client, a dialog box for entering the user name and password at the OpenID provider side is implemented.The protocol implementation did not fully comply with the Direct Identity version 2.0 mode of the OpenID authentication protocol. The OpenID provider address in the default.vrd file was as follows: httрs://<address of the OpenID provider infobase>/e1cib/oida. The default authentication lifetime was 1 week. The maximum authentication lifetime was not limited. In the web client, there was no dialog box for entering the user name and password at the OpenID provider side. The OpenID pass-through authentication protocol complies with the specification.
Web client.
The add-in technology now supports Mozilla Firefox browser version 22.0 and later. You can use add-in adapters for Mozilla Firefox 22.0 in the later versions of the web browser without recompiling the adapters.

For add-ins intended for use with all supported Mozilla Firefox versions, you have to add several add-in versions to the archive:

  • For Mozilla Firefox version 18.0 or earlier
  • For Mozilla Firefox versions 19.0 to 21.0
  • For Mozilla Firefox version 22.0 or later

It is recommended that you specify only the minimum version of the web browser in the add-in manifest file.

Documentation on creating add-ins is updated (read more). Examples are added, new versions of adapters for web browsers.

Adapters for Mozilla Firefox versions that are no longer supported by the developer (versions 3.6, 4.0, and 5.0) are removed.

The add-in technology did not support Mozilla Firefox browser version 22.0 or later.The add-in technology now supports new versions of Mozilla Firefox browser (version 22.0 or later).
Managed forms.
Full-text search.
When a choice list is generated for the "input by string" feature (for reference configuration objects), the following options are available:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring or by the beginning of the string
  • Instant or background search

You can specify each of these options in Designer, in the configuration object properties. The full-text search is performed only among the configuration object attributes that are selected in the "input by string" options of the configuration object. If a filter is applied during the input by string, the filter is converted (whenever possible) to a full-text search query in order to increase the search performance.

For external data source tables, you can only select the search modes (by substring or by beginning of the string, and instant or background). In the file mode, the background search can be performed only when any other background or scheduled job is not being executed. For the AutoComplete and TextEditEnd event handlers, the formal option Parameters is implemented. It contains settings for getting choice data and allows you to manage this process by changing the properties of the structure that is passed in this parameter.

The following options were not available in the "input by string" feature:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring or by the beginning of the string
  • Instant or background search

The full-text search and search by substring were available in ChoiceDataGetProcessing handlers.

New standard options for the "input by string" feature in text boxes:
  • Full-text search
  • Search by substring (as an alternative to the search by the beginning of the string)
  • Background search (the search is running while the user is typing the search string)

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
The name of calculating register recalculation manager type is changed. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.2 compatibility mode.CalculationRegisterRecalcs.<Calculation register name> RecalculationManager.<Calculation register name>
English names of the following script objects are changed:
  • External data source table record (ExternalDataSourceTableRecord);
  • External data source record set (ExternalDataSourceTableRecordSet).

This change is not implemented in 8.3.2 compatibility mode.

  • ExternalDataSourceRecord;
  • ExternalDataSourceRecordSet.

  • ExternalDataSourceTableRecord;
  • ExternalDataSourceTableRecordSet.

For turnovers accumulation register managers and for accounting register managers, the methods for setting and getting the totals period are renamed. For compatibility purposes, the previous names are supported.
  • GetTotalsPeriod()
  • SetTotalsPeriod()
  • GetMaxTotalsPeriod()
  • SetMaxTotalsPeriod()
For objects that describe form elements being tested, the name of the property that contains the element title is changed.

  • Title
  • TitleText

The names of the UsualGroupRepresentation system enumeration items are changed. For compatibility purposes, the previous names are supported.

  • Line
  • Margin
  • GroupBox
  • WeakSeparation
  • NormalSeparation
  • StrongSeparation
The names of the methods for getting and setting the client application window caption are changed. For compatibility purposes, the previous names are supported.

  • GetApplicationCaption
  • SetApplicationCaption
  • GetClientApplicationCaption
  • SetClientApplicationCaption
The name of the configuration property that describes the desktop command interface is changed.

  • DesktopCommandInterface
  • MainSectionCommandInterface
The name of configuration property that describes the desktop workspace (the starting page) is changed.
  • DesktopWorkingArea
  • StartPageWorkingArea
The names of settings that store start page (desktop) parameters. In version 8.3.2 compatibility mode, use the old names. When the compatibility mode is changed, the saved settings keys are changed as well.
  • Common/DesktopSettings
  • Desktop/NavigationPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings
  • Desktop/ActionsPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings
  • Common/StartPageSettings
  • MainSection/NavigationPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings
  • MainSection/ActionsPanel/CommandInterfaceSettings.
The name of the type that describes the object containing start page (desktop) settings is changed. For compatibility purposes, the previous name is supported.
  • DesktopSettings
  • StartPageSettings
The Russian name of the TestedFormField object method, which ends the editing of the current area, is changed.
  • ЗавершитьРедактированиеТекущейОбласти()
  • ЗакончитьРедактированиеТекущейОбласти()

Table of contents

Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
System requirements.
For iOs-based devices, the iOS version 4.x is not supported. The minimum iOS version is 5.1.

For Android-based devices, the minimum RAM size is 256 MB.

iOS version 4.x was supported.

Android-based devices required 100 MB of RAM to run 1C:Enterprise.

System requirements for the mobile platform are revised.
Managed forms.
In the mobile application, the extended tooltop can be used, except the Balloon option.Extended tooltips were not available in mobile applications.On the mobile platform, you can create tooltips for form elements using a variety of tooltip design options.
Common objects.
Geolocation functions and multimedia tools (photos, audio- and videorecording) provided by mobile devices are available in mobile applications.

The following geolocation functions are implemented: GeographicCoordinates, LocationData, LocationProviderInformation, LocationTools, AddressData. The LocationTools global context property is implemented. Global context methods GetAddressByLocation(), GetLocationByAddress(), and ShowOnMap() are implemented. The GeographicalSchemaCoordinates type is renamed to GeographicCoordinatesp; it is used in geolocation functions. The GeographicalSchemaCoordinates type name is supported for compatibility purposes.

The MultimediaData and MultimediaTools objects are implemented to support processing multimedia features. The MultimediaTools global context property is implemented.

These features were not provided.Geolocation and multimedia functions of mobile device perating systems are now available in the mobile platform. You can add features for defining the current location, making photos of incoming items, and so on.
Development tools.
The configuration check verifies whether the conifiguration language code meets the ISO standard. It is recommended that you use ISO-compliant language codes.The language codes were not checked for compliance with ISO standard.Reduced chance of incorrect mobile platform language selection based on the mobile device language.
1C:Enterprise script.
Common modules that reuse returned values are now supportedThis feature was not provided.On the mobile platform, you can optimize getting the same data multiple times during a single session or a single server call.
Predefined data.
While a mobile application is being updated, metadata objects are compared by their internal identifiers. When a mobile application is updated to version 8.3.3, the corresponding restructuring is performed. While a mobile application was being updated, metadata objects were compared by their names.You can rename metadata objects while preserving the object data.
Data display.
The mobile platform picture format is replaced by the format that supports several screen resolutions of mobile devices.All mobile platform pictures had the same resolution.The sizes of system pictures displayed on mobile device screens depend on the screen resolutions.
When an infobase is created on iOS-based devices, the directory containing the application data is marked as excluded from the backup. When the infobase data is modified (object form extension data and register data is recorded), the directory with application data is marked for backup and the backup is initiated using the system tools.On iOS-based devices, the infobase directory was marked for backup since it was created.The application behavior meets the requirements of the Apple company to user data backup.
Spreadsheet documents.
On the mobile platform, resolved issues with displaying spreadsheet documents that have a large number of rows and columns.In some cases displaying a spreadsheet document with a large number of rows and columns on the mobile platform led to an unexpected shutdown.Improved mobile platform stability when processing large spreadsheet documents.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the mobile platform, the HTML-document field is implemented. The HTML-document field has the following specifics:
  • The Document and Output properties are not supported.
  • The OnClick event is fired only during the attempt to switch to a new page. At this time, all properties of the EventData parameter except Href contain the UNDEFINED value. The Href property contains the address of the new page.
The HTML-document field was not supported on the mobile platform.In mobile applications, displaying HTML pages in forms is implemented. For example, you can create a manual for your configuration.
On mobile devices with Android OS, you can change the order of items in the list of applications.On mobile devices with Android OS, changing the order of items in the list of applications was not available.Improved usability of the list of applications. User can arrange applications in any order.
Data composition system.
Processing data composition system details on the mobile platform is implemented (this includes opening values and remote processing of the details). For mobile platform, the DataCompositionDetailsID object is implemented.On the mobile platform, reports that contained data composition system details could not be opened.On the mobile platform, reports can be generated using the data composition system. Report that contains details can be opened on the mobile platform.
Mobile application development.
In the Mobile application creation wizard data processor, you can specify a key for Google Maps. You can also specify a logo for screen resolution 950×1136 (iPhone 5 screen) in this data processor.These features were not provided.You can use the Mobile application creation wizard data processor for creating mobile applications that utilize new mobile platform features (geocoding support). Support of iOS-based devices was improved as well.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the objects HTTPConnection, WSProxy, WSDefinitions, and InternetMailProfile, and for the CreateWSProxy() method, the option to set a timeout for interaction with a network resource is implemented. User names and passwords that are passed to WSProxy, WSDefinitions, and HTTPConnection objects can contain special characters, except ":". You can encode (the EncodeString() method) and decode (the DecodeString() method) custom text strings for using them in URLs. Encoding is performed in compliance with the RFC 1738 standard (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt). You can process HTTP request headers and return codes, as well as get and set request bodies as strings or binary data. The HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects are implemented.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile plaform, the following features are available:
  • Setting timeouts for interaction with network resources
  • Using characters that do not belong to the ASCII character set in user names and passwords
  • Generating URLs and getting values from them according to the RFC 1738 standard (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt) when custom text is added to a URL
  • Generating HTTP requests, processing responses, and interacting with REST services from 1C:Enterprise script
1C:Enterprise script.
The CurrentUniversalDateInMilliseconds() function is implemented. It gets the number of milliseconds that passed since January 1, year 0001, 0:00:00 UTC.

The attempt to assign a value to a fixed structure item raises an exception. In value tables, serialization of index descriptions is implemented. The index contents are not serialized but restored during deserialization. The hash function value can be calculated based on MD5 and CRC32 algorithms using the DataHashing object. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Measure time intervals more precisely. For example, this can be handy for getting the duration of a specific action.
  • Use fixed structures in a similar way to other fixed collections.
  • Restore the value table state in more detail during its deserialization.
  • Quickly determine whether a data set was modified in any way, regardless of data volume, from the script and without using any third-party tools.
Managed forms.
When specifying values of managed form fields or tables, you can specify data stored in a specific row of a form attribute that is a table (but not a dynamic list). Data belonging to dynamic lists that are currently not displayed on a managed form is not read during the operations that involve the managed form. For attributes of String type that have fixed length and are located in managed form tables, table boxes, or spreadsheet documents, the appearance of the mark that indicates that the field must be filled is modified. The following style fonts are implemented: SmallTextFont, LargeTextFont, and ExtraLargeTextFont. For the Font type, the Scale property is implemented. It defines increase or decrease of the font relative to the initial size. For groups of "usual group" or "page" type, you can set the background color of form group extensions using the BackColor property. The URLProcessing handler is implemented for the Label form field, Decoration form field of Label type, and managed form. The handler is called when a user clicks a formatted string with a hyperlink in a field. Extended appearance customization options for form fields of label type and decorations of label type. In usual groups with limited width, the size of managed form buttons can vary depending on the width, which is similar to the behavior of other form items in a group with limited width. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Edit data stored in specific rows of form table data in separate fields.
  • Get fast access to managed forms with dynamic lists located on different pages.
  • Ensure that the behavior of the mark that indicates that the field must be filled is the same for all attribute types.
  • Specify font size in a form relative to the form base font, without using absolute font size values.
  • Improve form usability by highlighting group colors.
  • Create a handler for each hyperlink represented as a formatted string.
  • Use more appearance customization options in managed forms.

When the size of a usual group is limited, the algorithm used for resizing group items is the same for all item types.

Applied objects.
User presentations are implemented for database objects of the following types: Catalog, Document, and ExchangePlan. In document journals, the attribute containing the document number has fixed length if all documents included in the journal have the number field of String type with fixed length. Otherwise, the journal attribute has variable length. A value obtained from an unfilled table attribute, value tree, or tabular section is equal to the default value of the column attribute type, with the type qualifier taken into account. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can do the following:
  • Get nonstandard data presentations in various scenarios.
  • Get document numbers in a uniform way, regardless of the method used to obtain the document numbers: either from the document itself or from the document journal.
  • Generate default values in the same way as they are generated on the PC-based platform.
Command interface.
In the information register record form, if the OnlyInActions property of the Copy command has the Auto value, the system behavior is changed. This value now means that the command is located in the More (or All actions) menu only.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can specify the same default location for the Copy command in information register records set forms and in the item forms.
New types of charts are implemented:
  • Funnel
  • 3D funnel
  • Normalized funnel
  • 3D normalized funnel

The antialiasing mode is implemented for charts.

You can connect series of charts to each other.

The semitransparency mode is implemented for charts.

The Indicator property is implemented for the tape graph chart.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.Extended chart features on the mobile platform.
Information registers.
For periodic information registers, the totals for getting first and last slices are implemented.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, you can get first and last slices, which represent data as of the last (current) moment in time, much faster.
Spreadsheet documents.
If a fixed area is larger than the displayed area, the spreadsheet document does not use the fixation.

The algorithm for horisontal cell placement in different rows is modified.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform you can:
  • Improve usability of reports that contain areas with left or top fixation.
  • Improve usability of spreadsheet documents.
XML and XDTO support.
If a message to a user contains characters incompatible with XML format (in the thick or thin client), the error XML text contains invalid characters in X position is generated.

This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.The processing of characters that are incompatible with XML format on the mobile platform is uniform with processing them on the PC-based platform.
Data display.
Formatted strings are available (the FormattedString type).

You can use a formatted string as:

  • Data for the "label field" form items
  • Title for form items of decoration type
  • MessageText parameter of the DoMessageBox() method
  • QueryText parameter of the DoQueryBox() method

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.On the mobile platform, the text presentation capabilities are improved.
XML and XDTO support.
During the import of XSD schema, if the target namespace definition is missing in the schema, a diagnostic message is displayed.During the import of XSD schema, when any problems occurred while loading the XSD schema, a diagnostic message was not displayed.Improved diagnostics during XSD schema import.
Managed forms.
Command interface.
Common objects.
You can specify the Arbitrary type for a subordinate attribute of a managed form attribute (for example, a value table column or a value tree column). For managed forms, the URL and AutoURL properties are implemented. You can use the URL property to get a link to the main form of the object. For the GetForm(), OpenForm(), and OpenFormModal() methods, the URL parameter is implemented. Its value is assigned to the URL property of a form when the form is obtained or opened. Navigation links to lists are implemented. For a form whose main attribute is a dynamic list with a main table specified, the navigation link points to the list of the object specified as the main table. Following the link opens the main form of the list. You can use navigation links to global command interface commands. The format of navigation links to navigation points generated by standard commands is modified. Changes made to a table of totals storage settings for accumulation registers are applied within a transaction. Values of the ReadOnly and Protection properties are preserved when a spreadsheet document is passed between the client and the server. For the NumberInWords() global context method, the AU formatting option is implemented.

The TextReader and TextWriter objects are implemented. This functionality is similar to the PC-based platform functionality.

This feature was not provided on the mobile platform.Some mobile platform features are now uniform with PC-based platform.
Mobile application.
The mobile platform supports all of the interface languages that are supported in the PC-based platform. The mobile platform delivery that supports only English and Russian interface languages is also available.

The content of the mobile platform distribution kit is modified.

The mobile platform supported English and Russian interface languages only.The system part of the mobile platform interface supports more languages than before.
Development tools.
If the Use purposes configuration property is set to Mobile device only, other configuration settings are changed automatically:
  • The Modality usage mode property is set to Use.
  • The Interface compatibility mode is set to Version 8.2.
If the Use purposes configuration property was set to Mobile device only, other configuration properties were not changed automatically.For configurations being developed for mobile platform only, eliminated the chance to save configuration property values that are incompatible with mobile platform limitations.

Table of contents

Transition from the version 8.2 to the version 8.3.3

Table of contents

Transition from the previous version to version 8.3.3

Table of contents

Version 8.3.2

Version 8.3.2 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functions and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.1 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property.Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, and 8.2.16.In version 8.3.2 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.1 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.2 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.1 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.2. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Development tools.
Automated configuration testing is implemented for managed applications. The testing is written in 1C:Enterprise script (using the appropriate script objects); it emulates a sequence of interactive actions and checks the results of their execution.

Automated testing is supported for thin, thick, and web clients, both in file and client/server modes.

The test does not require making any changes in the configuration being tested.

Implemented the option of recording interactive user actions in a managed application for later use in a 1C:Enterprise script-based scenario, which reproduces the actions (http://its.1c.ru/db/metod81#content:5014:1).

This feature was not provided.Better development quality can be achieved due to automated testing of the applied solution interface.
Development tools.
Applied objects.
Implemented XDTO serialization for pivot charts. Templates of spreadsheet documents that contain pivot charts can be dumpled to XML files. This feature was not provided.All configuration objects can be dumped to files.
Mobile application.
Mobile application development is supported, with target operating systems iOS and Android. Applications can run on mobile devices in the offline mode; permanent Internet connection is not required. Application data exchange through the Internet can be implemented using standard 1C:Enterprise tools. The development is performed in Designer; the managed application development model is used. The subset of functionality used for PC application development is supported.

The resulting applications can run both on PC and mobile devices.

This feature was not provided.

Mobile application development was only supported in the mobile extension for handheld devices (and only for Microsoft Windows Mobile and Microsoft Windows CE operating systems).

You can develop applications for devices with iOS and Android operating systems using 1C:Enterprise platform tools. Data exchange between mobile applications and PC applications is available.

Table of contents

New functions and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application.
If an error that leads to system shutdown occurs, the error text is displayed in the technical support information window.In some cases the error that led to system shutdown was not displayed in the technical support information window.Improved usability of information for technical support.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Applied objects.
Reduced verification and repair time for document journals.For large journals the "Verify and Repair" operation might take significant time.Reduced time of the "Verify and Repair" operation for document journals.
Development tools.
Optimised memory usage when comparing configurations and updating modified configurations.Comparison and merging of large configurations might cause issues related to high memory usage.Comparison and merging of large configurations no longer requires customized OS settings.

Table of contents

Changes altering the system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Command interface.
In the information register record form the system behavior has been changed in the case when the OnlyInAllActions property of the Copy command is set to Auto. This value now means that the command is only present in the All actions menu. This change is not implemented in 8.3.1 compatibility mode.The Auto value of the OnlyInAllActions property of the Copy command meant that the command was present both in the command bar and in the All actions menu.The behavior of the Copy command in the information register record form is unified with its behavior in forms of other objects.
Window management.
Relative positions of the user notification window and the window showing server calls are changed.

The default position of the user notification window is the bottom right corner of the workspace area.

The default position of the window showing server calls is the bottom left corner of the workspace area.

On Windows operating system, default window positions depended on the taskbar position. On Linux operating system, default window positions were not defined.Unified default positions for the user notification window and the window showing server calls in different operating systems. Eliminated indeterminate behavior on Linux operating system.
Web client.
When a pop-up window is blocked by the pop-up blocker in Google Chrome web browser, the browser displays a related setup instruction in a new tab.The browser setup instruction was displayed in a new browser window (not in a new tab)Better usability of web browser setup.
Applied objects.
A value obtained from an empty table of values attribute, a value tree, or a tabular section matches the default value of the column attribute type (the type qualifier is taken into account).

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

A value obtained from an empty table of values attribute, a value tree, or a tabular section matched the default value of the column attribute type, but the type qualifier was not taken into account.The default value generation is uniform throughout the system.
Client application.
DBMS operations.
System requirements.
Configuration repositories.
The mechanism of shared work with infobase files and configuration repository files is revamped. Shared work with infobases and configuration repositories is supported for both Windows and Linux users. For the files 1Cv8.1CD, 1Cv8tmp.1CD, 1Cv8.1CL, 1Cv8tmp.1CL, and for some other files the system creates auxiliary files that have the same names with .cfl extension added (for example, 1Cv8.1CD.cfl). These files have zero size and are never deleted on closing client applications.

Shared work with a file infobase is only possible if all client applications have the same version number.

The number of simultaneous connections to a file infobase is limited to 1024.

The mechanism of shared work with the file infobase and the configuration repository did not take into account some pecularities of Linux file system.Shared work with the file infobase and the configuration repository is available to both Windows and Linux users. Issues related to multiuser work with file infobases and configuration repositories on Linux operating system are eliminated.
Data display.
When you create a formatted string in Designer (in the dialog for editing a formatted string), you can use style elements (font face and color). The formatted string stores references to style elements that were used during its creation. Converting style elements to actual fonts and colors (dereferencing) is performed when the string is displayed.The dialog for editing a formatted string did not have options for specifying style elements.

Formatted strings that were created using 1C:Enterprise script and included style elements actually contained explicit font and color values (not the references).

Improved usability of formatted string creation. You can simultaneously change the formatting of all text fragments that have the same style element applied to them.
Internet-enabled functionality.
If you use the InternetMail object with a mail server where secured StartTLS connection is set up to use the same ports as unsecured connection, the StartTLS connection is established.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

If you used the InternetMail object with a mail server where secured StartTLS connection was set up to use the same ports as unsecured connection, the StartTLS connection was not established.You can establish a secured StartTLS connection to a mail server.
Spreadsheet documents.
When the Join() method of a spreadsheet document is called, the properties StayWithNext, PageTop, and PageBottom of a spreadsheet document cells area are only copied when joining is performed for the area located beyond the right border of the resulting document.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When the Join() method of a spreadsheet document was called, properies of a spreadsheet document cells area were always copied.The Join() method handles page breaks during the output to a spreadsheet document.
Server clusters.
Removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console requires a confirmation.Removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console did not require a confirmation.The chance of accidentally removing a server cluster or a working server from the cluster console is decreased.
Administration tools.
The URL parameter is added to the CheckInfoBases method of the WebCommonInfoBases internet service. It allows "redirection" of infobase list requests to another internet service (provided that the other service has the same method descriptions). The other internet service can have different authentication settings.Internet service "redirection" was not available. All web service calls used the same authentication.When retrieving the list of infobases through internet services, you have the option to use multiple services with different authentication requirements. This allows implementing scenarios of the following type: the check for infobase list changes does not require authentication, but retrieving the list requires authentication.
Applied objects.
Information registers.
Attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources are not read implicitly when record sets are written to information registers.

Rights to read attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources are not required when writing a recordset to an information register.

Rights to read attributes, common attributes (that are not separators), and resources were required when writing a recordset to an information register.Access right restrictions for read operations are not checked when writing a record set to an information register.

Table of contents

Changes that require changes to the configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Data display.
If a message to a user contains characters incompatible with XML format (in thick or thin client), the error XML text contains invalid characters in X position is generated.

This change is not implemented in version 8.3.1 compatibility mode.

If a message to a user contained characters incompatible with XML format, the thick and thin clients did not display any error message.Uniform system behavior for handling characters incompatible with XML format.
Applied objects.
If you explicitly specify the Encoding property of the InternetMailAttachment object, the outgoing email message is generated with explicitly specified attachment encoding.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The Encoding property of the InternetMailAttachment object was ignored during the generation of outgoing email message.Explicitly specified attachment encoding ensures that the emal client displays the attachment name and content correctly whenever email message encoding is different from the attachment encoding.
Spreadsheet documents.
The algorithm for calculating horizontal cell positions is changed. If total width of several adjacent cells is identical for different rows, such blocks of adjacent cells have equal width in all rows and therefore have common vertical borders.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

If total width of several adjacent cells was identical for different rows, the cells might have different width in different rows, and therefore might not have common vertical borders.Improved usability of spreadsheet documents.

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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.2

Table of contents

Version 8.3.1

Version 8.3.1 does not include changes introduced in version 8.2.17.

Version 8.3.1 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

Improved the list of new and updated features:

New functions and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.2.16 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property.Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1 and provides compatibility of configurations developed using version 8.3.1 or later with previous platform versions.
Cross-platform architecture.
The client application for Linux operating system is available. It includes thin client, thick client, and Designer. It supports file and client/server operation modes. Thin client can connect to infobases using a web browser. Limitations of the client application for Linux are listed in the documentation.

Installation of multiple 1C:Enterprise versions is not supported.

Shortcuts for noninteractive startup application, thin client, and thick client are added to the application menu of Linux desktop environment. They are located in the Finance subsection of the Office section.

Only the 1C:Enterprise server and the web client were available for Linux operating system.You can develop applied solutions and run client applications on Linux operating system.
Thin client access over the Internet.
The thin client is now HTTPS-enabled, thanks to client certificate support. The following client certificate storage options are supported: file, Windows certificate store, and NSS certificate store.

The following command line options for specifying certificate parameters are implemented: HttpsCert, HttpsCA and HttpsNSS.

Client applications for Linux operating system do not support Windows certificate store, and HttpsCert, and HttpsCA command line options.

The thin client was not HTTP-enabled, and client certificates were not supported.The thin client is HTTP-enabled, and client certificates are supported.
Web links.
Web services can operate using HTTPS with client certificates (from a file, Windows certificate store, or NSS certificate store).Web services could not operate using HTTPS with client certificates.Web services are operational in cases when the server side requires a client certificate to use HTTPS.
Internet-enabled functionality.
HTTP and FTP connections can operate using HTTPS with client certificates (from a file, Windows certificate store, or NSS certificate store).HTTP and FTP connections could not operate using HTTPS with client certificates.HTTP and FTP connections are operational in cases when the server side requires a client certificate to use HTTPS.
1C:Enterprise script.
You can calculate the value of hash function by MD5 and CRC32 algorithms using the DataHashing object.Calculating the hash function required the use of third-party (add-ins, etc.) tools. You can quickly determine whether a data set was modified in any way, regardless of data volume, from the script and without using any third-party tools.
External data sources.
Common attributes / Data separation.
A common attribute can include an external data source. Connection parameters for such external data sources are stored by separator values. If a separator is not used in a session, the separator is treated as an independent value for storing connection parameters. Data located in tables of external data sources is not separated by separator values.Common attributes could not include external data sources.You can specify connection parameters for each data area in the infobase. This provides you with the option to access either different infobases with the same structure, or a single infobase with different connection parameters.
Managed forms.
You can specify data located in a specific row of a form attribute that has table structure (except dynamic lists) as a value of a managed form field or table.This feature was not provided.You can implement such interface features as displaying report settings in separate form fields.
External data sources.
Operating system authentication is available when working with external data sources. The SessionOSAuthenticationChange access right is implemented. It allows or denies changing the operating system authentication setting both in user settings and in current session parameters.This feature was not provided.You can establish connection to external data sources if the only authentication method available is operating system authentication.
Applied objects.
Data display.
User presentations for data base objects of the following types: Catalog, Document, ChartOfAccounts, ChartOfCalculationTypes, ChartOfCharacteristicTypes, BusinessProcess, Task, ExchangePlan, Table. Implemented the PresentationFieldsGetProcessing and PresentationGetProcessing event handlers for object manager modules of these types.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Modification of database objects using script tools was not allowed.Custom presentations for database objects. The option to obtain presentations for external data source tables when the field that provides the presentation is not specified. The option to obtain presentations of objects that include localized data.
External data sources.
1C:Enterprise script.
You can search for references to objects of external data source tables using the FindByRef() global context method or Find references to object standard function. The search is performed both in infobase tables and in external data source tables.Searching for references to objects of external data sources tables using the FindByRef() global context method or Find references to object standard function was not available.You can search for references to objects of external data source tables.
External data sources.
The AllRefsType() method is implemented for the ExternalDataSourceTablesManager object.This feature was not provided.Implementation of missing features for working with external data sources.
External data sources.
The OpenValue() global context method allows opening the following value types: InformationRegisterRecordKey and ExternalDataSourceTableRecordKey.The OpenValue() global context method did not allow opening the following value type: InformationRegisterRecordKey and ExternalDataSourceTableRecordKey.Implementation of missing features for working with information registers and external data sources.
Database configuration updates.
Server clusters.
Background database configuration update is implemented. The update is supported in client/server mode only. It is available when the data structure is modified. The update does not require long-lasting exclusive access to the infobase. The exclusive access is required at the final stage of the background update for a short period of time.

The database configuration update service is implemented for a server cluster. A system background job that performs the background database configuration update is implemented.

The GetDataBaseConfigurationUpdate() global context method and the DataBaseConfigurationUpdate object are implemented.

For the /UpdateDBCfg Designer batch mode command line option, the following parameters are implemented: -Dynamic, -BackgroundStart, -BackgroundCancel, -BackgroundFinish, -BackgroundSuspend,and -BackgroundResume.

The following events are implemented in the event log: _$InfoBase$_.DBConfigBackgroundUpdateStart, _$InfoBase$_.DBConfigBackgroundUpdateFinish, _$InfoBase$_.DBConfigBackgroundUpdateCancel, _$InfoBase$_.DBConfigBackgroundUpdateSuspend, and _$InfoBase$_.DBConfigBackgroundUpdateResume.

An update of database configuration with modified data structure was possible only in the exclusive mode.The update of database configuration with significant changes in its data structure does not cause long application downtime for end users.

You have the option to perform dynamic infobase configuration update in Designer batch mode. The option is available for both background and regular updates.

1C:Enterprise script.
File operations.
Web client.
The TempFilesDir() method is implemented for the web client. The method is available when the file system extension is installed.

The UserDataWorkDir() method is implemented. It provides access to the user directory created by the system. The method is available for thin, thick, and web clients. In the web client the method is available when the file system extension is installed.

The DocumentsDir() method is implemented. It provides access to the default document directory of the operating system. The method is available for thin, thick and web clients. In the web client the method is available when the file system extension is installed.

Standard catalogs (user data directory and document directory) were inaccessible for standard tools. In the thick and thin clients the access could be implemented using third-party tools, which reduced 1C:Enterprise portability between operating systems and client applications types.Access to certain standard directories on the client computer, which allows storing user file data in designed locations without using third-party tools.
Data display.
Formatted strings are available (FormattedString type). You can use formatted strings as:
  • data for the form elements of Label type;
  • title for the Decoration form element;
  • MessageText parameter of the DoMessageBox() method
  • QueryText parameter of the DoQueryBox() method.
Displaying text that included various formatting styles was only available for HTML documents and formatted documents.Improved text presentation capabilities and usability.
1C:Enterprise script.
Managed forms.
The URLProcessing handler is implemented for the form field Label, form field Decoration of Label type, and managed form.

The handler is called if the following conditions are met: there is a formatted string in any of the specified form fields, it contains a hyperlink, and the Hyperlink property of the form element is set to False.

Implementing presentation of an entire form element as a hyperlink was allowed, but including multiple hyperlinks in a single field was not allowed.The option to handle each hyperlink contained in a formatted string separately.
Command interface.
You can use navigation links to commands of the global command interface. Using a link executes the command.

Support of navigation links to commands is implemented for the GotoURLGotoURL() global context method.

This feature was not provided.Using a link can execute a command, and this feature can be used in the script.
Managed forms.
The URL property is implemented for managed forms. It is used for obtaining a link to the default object form.

The AutoURL property is implemented for the managed form. The GetURL() method of the ClientApplicationWindow objects returns a value of the URL property (if the AutoURL property is set to False) or the standard link to the default form.

This feature was not provided.You can specify the value of the navigation link obtained from the client application window.
1C:Enterprise script.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Applied objects.
Document journals can be included in contents of common attributes, which are not used as separators. For compatibility purposes, in infobases created in 1C:Enterprise version 8.2, the value of the Use property of the the common attribute content element is set to Do not use for document journals. Common attributes could not be displayed in document journals.Common attributes can be displayed in document journals.
Data display.
Managed forms.
Implemented the following style fonts: SmallTextFont, LargeTextFont, ExtraLargeTextFont.

For the Font type the Scale property is implemented. It specifies increase or decrease of the font size relatively to the original size.

The only method of specifying font size in a managed form was setting absolute font size.You can specify the size of the form font relatively to the base font of the form, without using absolute font size values.
Server clusters.
1C:Enterprise script.
The SafeCallMemoryLimit property is implemented for the IWorkingProcessInfo object. It specifies the amount of memory (in bytes) that the application can use during a single server call. The SafeWorkingProcessesMemoryLimit property for the IWorkingServerInfo object is implemented. It specifies maximum amount of memory (in bytes) available for all running processes on a given working server.No tools for limiting memory usage were available. It might cause problems in some situations - for example, when users customized reports that selected large amounts of data.Server stability improved. If a specific session consumes a large amount of memory, it does not cause emergency shutdown of the entire server cluster. Instead, the client application that causes the memory consumption is shut down.
Server clusters.
1C:Enterprise script.
While a working process is executing a script in the client/server infobase mode, the stack is monitored to prevent it from overflowing.Infinite recursion might lead to emergency shutdown of the working process of the server cluster.Stability of server cluster operation improved.
Server clusters.
1C:Enterprise script.
For the ISessionInfo and IInfoBaseConnectionInfo objects the following properties are implemented:
  • MemoryCurrent - size of memory (in bytes), used from the beginning of the current call;
  • MemoryLast5Min - size of memory (in bytes), used by calls during the last 5 minutes;
  • MemoryAll - size of memory (in bytes), used by calls since the beginning of the session;
  • InBytesCurrent - number of bytes read from the disk since the start of the current call;
  • InBytesLast5Min - number of bytes read by the session from the disk during the last 5 minutes;
  • InBytesAll - number of bytes read from the disk by the session since the beginning of the session;
  • OutBytesCurrent - number of bytes written to the disk by the session since the beginning of the current call;
  • OutBytesLast5Min - number of bytes written to the disk by the session for the last 5 minutes;
  • OutBytesAll - number of bytes written to the disk by the session since the beginning of the session.

Similar properties are implemented in the cluster console for the list of sessions, list of connections, and connection properties dialog.

This feature was not provided.Monitoring tools help to determine elements of the applied solution that lead to unnecessary consumption of memory and disk space.
Technological log.
Server clusters.
Extended the list of properties for the <call> event of the technological log when the event is generated for the rphost process (the process property is set to rphost), and also when the rphost process performs a call to virtual system resources. The following properties are added:
  • Report - metadata object name of the report being executed;
  • Method - name of the called method;
  • SessionID - session number;
  • Memory - size of memory (in bytes) that was occupied and not released during the call;
  • MemoryPeak - size of memory (in bytes) that was occupied and not released during the call. The peak value;
  • InBytes - number of bytes read from the disk during the call;
  • OutBytes - number of bytes written to the disk during the call;
  • Context - event context.
The listed properties were absent from the <call> event.Technological log tools help to determine elements of the applied solution that lead to unnecessary consumption of memory and disk space.
Common attributes / Data separation.
1C:Enterprise script.
You can delete data from a specific data area or from the entire infobase. The following data can be deleted:
  • Applied object data
  • Settings storage data
  • History
  • List of users
  • Time zone settings

The Administration right is required for deletion. The deletion can be performed:

  • using the /EraseData command line option of the Designer batch mode
  • using the EraseInfoBaseData() global context method

The _$InfoBase$_.EraseData event is implemented in the event log.

It was impossible to delete a specific data area.You can delete a data area that is no longer needed (for example, data belonging to a subscriber that stopped using the system).
Server clusters.
Software licensing.
The licensing service is implemented for the server cluster. The license search algorithm is modified.The licensing service was not present.You have the option to bind a software license to a specific computer, which is intended for running the licensing service only and will not be subject to hardware changes.
Development tools.
Dumping configurations to files and loading configurations from files is implemented.

Most objects are dumped to .xml files. Modules are dumped to the text files. Pictures are dumped to files in their original format, help information is dumped to .html files. Vendor configurations are dumped to configuration files (.cf). Ordinary forms and interfaces are dumped to binary files.

Dump configuration to files and Load configuration from files commands are added to the Configuration menu. Dump configuration files and Load configuration files commands are removed from the Configuration menu, but you can restore them using the main menu settings dialog.

The DumpConfigToFiles and LoadConfigFromFiles command line options are implemented.

Limited set of data was dumped and loaded: modules, help information, templates, rights, and pictures. Other configuration data was not dumped.

Dump configuration files and Load configuration files commands from the Configuration menu were used for dumping and loading data.

You can analyze and modify configurations using third-party tools.
Data display.
Managed forms.
You can specify the background color for form group extensions of regular groups and pages using the BackColor property. If the background color of a group is different from Auto and the group is displayed as a Group box, the group box (including the title) is filled with the specified background color.The option to specify background color for form groups was not provided.The color highlighting of groups improves visibility of form elements and the overall usability of forms.
Common attributes / Data separation.
New global context methods for managing the safe mode of data separation are available in 1C:Enterprise script: SetDataSeparationSafeMode and DataSeparationSafeMode. They duplicate the functionality of the safe attribute in the zone tag of the default.vrd file.Switching to the safe mode of data separation was only available by editing the file default.vrd and only if the web server connection to the infobase (the HTTP protocol) was used.The new methods enable safe execution of code fragments called from sessions that do not use separator values (but are intended to run in specific data areas, without any way to change the area accidentally).
Event log.
OpenID authentication.
In case of successful or unsuccessful OpenID authentication the Session.Authentication or Session. Authentication error events are generated in the event log.OpenID authentication events were not written to the event log.You can obtain information about OpenID authentication events from the event log.
Event log.
OpenID authentication.
For infobases that are OpenID providers the OpenIDProvider.PositiveAssertion event is implemented. It is generated in case of a positive response to the authentication request. If the response to the authentication request is negative, the OpenIDProvider.NegativeAssertion event is generated in the event log of the infobase.This feature was not provided.Improved tools for administration of OpenID providers.
Development tools.
You can view the values of the form element properties Font, TitleFont, FooterFont and ChoiceList in a separate window when editing of these properties is disabled.These properties could not be viewed if the object was not locked in the repository or was supported.If an item is not locked in the configuration repository or is supported, you can view its font style and choice list without disabling support and without locking the object in the repository.
Server clusters.
When logon to or logout from an infobase that requires a client license is performed, the platform can notify an external application using web service methods. In response to logon notification, the external application can allow or deny the start of the session. This option is only available in client/server infobase mode. For specifying web service parameters, the following properties are implemented:
  • External session manager property of the infobase in the cluster console
  • ExternalSessionManagerConnectionString property of the IInfoBaseInfo object.

If a web service for external session management is unavailable, the system behavior is determined using the following properties:

  • Required usage of external session manager property of the infobase in the cluster;
  • ExternalSessionManagerRequired property of the IInfoBaseInfo object.

The external session manager service is implemented on the server.

Parameters of invoked web services are listed in the documentation.

The only option to limit the number of simultaneous sessions was appropriate modification of the applied solution. A platform mechanism for performing this task was not available.A platform mechanism for monitoring the number of simultaneously used licenses for various applied solutions, which does not require modification of these applied solutions.
Web client.
You can use add-ins in Google Chrome and Safari web browsers (for operating systems of Windows family and Mac OS X). The Mac OS value is implemented for the PlatformType system enumeration. A file system extension is available for these browsers on operating systems of Windows family and Mac OS X. A cryptographic extension is available for these browsers on operating systems of Windows family only.Add-ins, file system extension, and cryptographic extension were not supported for Google Chrome and Safari web browsers.A file system extension and cryptographic extension (for operating systems of Windows family only) are available for Google Chrome and Safari web browsers. Add-ins can be created for all supported web browsers.
Processing pictures from the script with help of the new PictureProcessor object. The following options are available:
  • Selecting a significant picture part
  • Rotating a picture
This feature was not provided.A way to process pictures before placing them in a spreadsheet document. Usage examples:
  • Select a seal from a photo
  • Rotate a picture by a specified angle to align a signature
The managed form editor allows interactive setup for the following attribute types: Chart, GanttChart, Dendrogram, SpreadsheetDocument, GraphicalSchema, and GeographicalSchema. You can open the interactive setup dialog box from the property panel of the attribute.Only the following ways to set up the Chart, GanttChart, Dendrogram, SpreadsheetDocument, GraphicalSchema, and GeographicalSchema objects were available: through 1C:Enterprise script, or by putting a set up object to a template and then putting the object from the template to a form element at form creation.This feature facilitates development.
Data display.
New parameter AU for the global context method NumberInWords(). It is only used in the English locale (en, en_XX). It defines the number notation, classic or compact.

In the classic notation "and" is always used between the word "hundred" (or "thousand" or "million") and the word representing the last two decimal digits. For example, 150 is "one hundred and fifty", while 100 is "one hundred" and 50 is "fifty". In the compact notation "and" is omitted.

The compact notation was always used for converting numbers to English words.Correct number-to-word conversion according to the common practice rule in European countries.
Charts of characteristic types.
You can use the ALLOWED keyword when retrieving a list of characteristics, provided that the list was defined using one of the following: the CHARACTERISTICS keyword of the query language or the dialog box for specifying object characteristics. If you retrieve the list of characteristics using a query, you have the option to use the ALLOWED keyword there.The ALLOWED keyword was not used when retrieving lists of characteristics.Data access restrictions are implemented for tables that store property lists (for example, charts of characteristic types).
Data composition system.
Fields from data sets that are not connected can be displayed in details. For DataCompositionTemplateRecordsDataCompositionTemplateRecords and DataCompositionTemplateTableRecords objects, the DataSets properties are implemented. The property value is an array containing names of data sets whose details are displayed.

The DataSet property of DataCompositionTemplateRecords and DataCompositionTemplateTableRecords objects is deprecated. It is recommended that you do not use this property, although it is supported for compatibility purposes. Calling the DataSet property throws an exception if the DataSets property contains an array with more than one item.

It was impossible to display fields from data sets that were not connected.

The DataSet property of DataCompositionTemplateRecords and DataCompositionTemplateTableRecords contained the name of the dataset whose details were displayed.

You can create complex analytic reports.
External data sources.
The FormGetProcessing event is implemented in the manager module of external data source table.This feature was not provided.The default form of the external data source can be redefined when the external data source is opened or obtained.
External data sources.
Hierarchical lists can be organized for object data of external data sources. The ParentField and UnfilledParentValue attributes are implemented for the Table metadata object. Hierarchical object tables can be used in the data composition system, queries, and dynamic lists.This feature was not provided.You can work with hierarchical data in external data sources.
External data sources.
Data composition system.
You can use temporary tables when working with external data sources. Temporary tables are created directly in the database of the external data source. The following syntax is used for calling temporary tables:ExternalDataSource.<External data source name>.TempTable.<Temp table name>.This feature was not provided.You can create complex reports based on external data source tables.
Charts of characteristic types.
Data composition system.
When creating object characteristics using the Additional characteristics of metadata object dialog, if the list of characteristics is not obtained from the chart of characteristic types, the characteristic value type is defined by the attribute type specified in the Value field attribute of this dialog. If this attribute is not specified, the characteristic value type is Boolean.

When object characteristics are specified using the CHARACTERISTICS query language extension of the data composition system, if the TYPE property is not specified, the characteristic type is defined by the value type obtained in the CHARACTERISTICVALUES property. If the CHARACTERISTICVALUES property is not specified, the characteristic value type is Boolean.

When object characteristics were specified using the Additional characteristics of metadata object dialog or the CHARACTERISTICS query language extension, if the list of characteristics was not obtained from the chart of characteristic types, the characteristic value type was Boolean.

You can store characteristic types in catalogs, and you can modify characteristic types using a complex type of the attribute that stores the characteristic value (e.g., type of information register resource).
1C:Enterprise script.
Serialization of value table index descriptions is implemented. The index content is not serialized, but restored during deserialization.Value table indexes were lost during serialization/deserialization.More complete restoration of value table state during deserialization.
New types of charts are implemented:
  • Funnel
  • 3D funnel
  • Normalized funnel
  • 3D normalized funnel

The following properties are implemented for the Chart object: FunnelNeckHeight, FunnelNeckWidth, and FunnelSpace. These properties are applicable for the new charts types only.

This feature was not provided.New chart functionality.
Antialiasing mode is implemented for charts. SplineMode and SplineStrain properties are implemented for the Chart object. These properties are applicable to the following chart types: line, stacked line, area, stacked area, normalized area, ceil graph, tape graph, waterfall, funnel, and 3D funnel, and also for the following chart types, which have the Indicator flag set for the series: column, 3D column, bar, 3D bar, stacked column, 3D stacked column, 3D stacked bar, normalized column, 3D normalized column, normalized bar, and 3D normalized bar.This feature was not provided.New chart functionality.
You can connect series of charts with each other. For the Chart object the following properties are implemented: ValuesBySeriesConnection, ValuesBySeriesConnectionLines, and ValuesBySeriesConnectionColor. These properties are applicable to the following chart types: stacked column, 3D stacked column, stacked bar, 3D stacked bar, normalized column, 3D normalized column, normalized bar, and 3D normalized bar.This feature was not provided.New chart functionality.
The semitransparency mode is implemented for charts. SemitransparencyMode and SemitransparencyPercent properties are implemented for the Chart object. These properties are applicable to the following chart types: area, bar graph, pyramid graph, ceil graph, tape graph, waterfall, funnel, 3D funnel, and 3D normalized funnel.This feature was not provided.New chart functionality.
Data composition system.
For the objects DataCompositionOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionGroupOutputParameterValues, DataCompositionChartOutputParameterValues, and DataCompositionAreaTemplateChartAppearance the following properties are implemented: ChartType.ValuesBySeriesConnection, ChartType.ValuesBySeriesConnectionLines, ChartType.ValuesBySeriesConnectionColor, ChartType.SplineMode, ChartType.SplineStrain, and ChartType.SemitransparencyMode. These properties are used for setting data composition template parameters.This feature was not provided.New chart management options in the data composition system.
Data composition system.
In the data composition system expression language the following aggregate functions are implemented: Every(), Any(), Stddev_Pop(), Stddev_Samp(), Var_Samp(), Var_Pop(), Covar_Pop(), Covar_Samp(), Corr(), Regr_Slope(), Regr_Intercept(), Regr_Count(), Regr_R2(), Regr_AvgX(), Regr_AvgY(), Regr_SXX(), Regr_SYY(), and Regr_SXY().These aggregate functions were not provided in the data composition system expression language.The new functions facilitate creation of complex analytic reports.
Data composition system.
In the data composition system expression language the following functions are implemented: ACos(), ASin(), ATan(), Sin(), Cos(), Tan(), Exp(), Log(), Log10(), Pow(), Sqrt(), Round(), Int(), ValueType(), and Type().These functions were not provided in the data composition system expression language.The new functions facilitate creation of complex analytic reports.
Data composition system.
New aggregate function Rank() in the data composition system expression language. The function returns a sequence number of the current record in the current grouping, provided that all records of the current grouping are sorted in the specified order.This aggregate function was not provided in the data composition system expression language.The new functions facilitate creation of complex analytic reports.
Data composition system.
New aggregate function ClassificationABC() in the data composition system expression language. The function returns the class number: 1 – class "А", 2 – class "B", 3 – class "C".This aggregate function was not provided in the data composition system expression language.The new function facilitates creation of complex analytic reports.
Spreadsheet documents.
The Merge command is added to the shortcut menu of a spreadsheet document. It is also accessible through a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+M.

Merging cells of a spreadsheet document was only available by using the menu command Table - Merge or clicking the corresponding toolbar button.Improved usability of spreadsheet documents containing a large number of merged cells.
The Indicator property is supported for the tape graph chart: when antialiasing is disabled, the series with the Indicator property set are displayed semitransparently on the entire chart area, overlapping other series.This feature was not provided.New chart functionality.
Managed forms.
You can specify the Arbitrary type for a subordinated attribute of a managed form attribute (e.g., column of a value table, column of a value tree, etc.).It was impossible to store some data types (such as a references to external data source tables) in subordinated attributes of managed form attributes.You can store references to external data source tables in subordinated attributes of managed form attributes.
Data display.
You can manage duplex printing of spreadsheet documents, graphical schemas (using script and interactively), and text documents (interactively only). System enumerations DuplexPrintingType and PagePlacementAlternation are implemented.This functionality was only available from a printer driver.You can explicitly specify the duplex printing option in some use cases.
Development tools.
Web client and web service publishing tools.
In the dialog for publishing to the web server you can edit all tags present in the default.vrd file. You can edit custom default.vrd files in this dialog. The descriptor parameter of the webinst utility allows you to perform publishing by template. The generated default.vrd file is used as a template.A limited set of tags present in the default.vrd file was available for editing in the dialog for publishing to the web server. The option to publish by template was unavailable in the webinst utility, which limited the capabilities of automatic publication. E.g., publishing of web services using the utility was impossible. You can edit all tags of the default.vrd file interactively, and you can create templates for the future automatic publication. Using templates allows publishing web services using the command line utility.
Client application installation.
You can set up the update of thin client distribution kit and downloading the list of common infobases using an HTTP connection or a web service.

If versions of client and server applications do not match, the thin client is downloaded and installed automatically.

The following parameters of the 1cestart.cfg file are implemented :

  • InternetService - address of the web service for updating of the thin client distribution kit and the list of common infobases,
  • WebCommonInfoBases - address of the web service for downloading the list of common infobases,
  • WebDistributiveLocation - address of the web service for updating the thin client distribution kit.

You can specify a link to the thin client distribution kit in the following configuration files:

  • In the default.vrd file using the pubdst attribute;
  • In the conf.cfg file using the PublishDistributiveLocation parameter.
Automatic update of the thin client and downloading of list of common infobases were only available in a local network.You can update the thin client distribution kit and download the list of common infobases without creating common directories. This allows you to obtain an up-to-date version of the distribution kit and the current list of infobases from a remote network.
DBMS operations.
DBA rights are not required for creating infobases in Oracle Database. The following actions cannot be performed without DBA rights:
  • creating a database (data schema)
  • deleting a data base (data schema) using the cluster management console
DBA rights were required for creating infobases in Oracle Database.Increased security of DBMS operations. New scenario of creating an infobase without DBA rights, provided the database (data schema) already exists.
Internet-enabled functionality.
1C:Enterprise script.
Encoding of text strings is implemented (the global context method EncodeString()). It simplifies the following operations:
  • Converting a text string to a format that allows using it as a part of a URL
  • Converting a URL string to a RFC 1738-compliant format

Decoding of text strings is implemented (method DecodeString()).

This feature was not available.Easier generation of URLs containing non-English characters.
Administration tools.
You can create a self-extracting archive (SFX archive) of a client application and upload it to a web site. You can include the client application distribution kit and the 1CEStart.cfg configuration file, which is used for installing the client application, into the archive. The created executable file is only intended to run on Windows operating systems.

The self-extracting archive is generated using the 1CEClientSetupMake.exe utility, which is distributed via ITS (http://its.1c.ru/db/metod81#content:4914:1).

This feature was not provided.Simplified installation of client applications on the client computer for infobase access over the Internet (instead of using the web client).

Table of contents

New functions and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of change
Standard functions.
The search for references to external data source tables is available for the standard function Find references to object, which operates in the managed mode.It was impossible to find references to objects of external data sources tables using the standard function Find references to object.You can search for references to external data source objects using a standard function.
Spreadsheet documents.
In a spreadsheet document that is in the read-only mode, you can expand and collapse groups not only using a mouse, but also using keyboard shortcuts and the shortcut menu of the spreadsheet document.In a spreadsheet document that was in the read-only mode, expanding and collapsing groups could only be performed using a mouse.Improved usability of spreadsheet documents.
Navigation links.
In the In tabs form opening mode when a form is opened by clicking a navigation panel command and the navigation link is requested, if the managed form property AutoUrl is set to True, the form returns a link to the object displayed by the form. Otherwise, it returns the value of the Url property of the managed form.In the In tabs form opening mode forms opened by clicking navigation panel commands returned links to navigation points.You can open a list form in a separate window using the shortcut menu of the tab title.
Managed forms.
If the EditMode property of a managed form table cell is set to Directly, pressing the Enter key in this cell moves the cursor to the next editable cell in this row. If the cell is last in a row, the cursor is moved to the first editable cell of the next row. If there is no next row and the managed form table has the Autoinput new row property set to True, a new row is added.In the row editing mode pressing the Enter key finished editing the table cell and did not move the cursor to the next cell.Pressing the Enter key is handled in the same way in the new row input mode and in the row editing mode. This simplifies working with the platform and enhances editing table data using the keyboard.
Managed forms.
While editing a cell of a managed form table with EditMode property set to Directly:
  • Pressing the Ins key adds a new row;
  • Pressing PgUp or PgDn moves one table page up or down;
  • Pressing Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End moves to the first or to the last table row.
These features were not provided.Improved usability of managed form tables.
Managed forms.
In managed forms, in automatic table row adding mode, you can delete rows by pressing Alt+Shift+Del. A row is deleted in the following cases:
  • The row does not contain any data, and you click in any area outside the new row.
  • The row does not contain any data, and you move to another row using the keyboard.

You can use this keyboard shortcut even while you are editing a table row.

This feature was not provided.Improved usability of managed form tables.
Managed forms.
If you press the Down Arrow key while the cursor is in the last row of a managed form table, a new row is added. If you press the Up Arrow key while the cursor is in a new row and the new row is still empty, this row is deleted. If you move the cursor from top to bottom by holding down the Down Arrow key, the cursor will stop at the last row of the managed form table. To add a new row, release the Down Arrow key and press it again.Pressing the Down Arrow key did not create a new row. Pressing the Up Arrow key did not undo the creation of a new row.Improved usability of managed form tables.
Managed forms.
For attributes of String type that have fixed length, the automatic marking of incomplete attributes is modified. The change affects attributes located in managed form tables, table boxes or spreadsheet documents. The check whether the attribute is performed using the ValueIsFilled() method, so the value of String type is considered incomplete if it does not contain any any characters except spaces.An attribute was considered incomplete only if it contained a blank string.Unified the behavior of marking of incomplete attributes.
Web client.
When the web client is started in a web browser that is not in the list of supported ones, a warning is displayed. The user has the choice to continue their work in the current browser or to view the list of supported web browsers. The warning is displayed no more than once per week.The check for supported web browsers was not performed.The user receives a warning if they use an unsupported web browser or an unsupported version of a supported browser.
Web client.
When the web client is started in a web browser whose version is not supported, a warning is displayed. The user has the choice to continue their work in the current browser or to view the list of supported web browsers. The warning is displayed no more than once per month.The check for supported browser versions was not performed.The user receives a warning when they use an unsupported web browser or an unsupported version of a supported browser. It is recommended that they change their browser version when they receive the warning.
Web client.
When the web client is started in Microsoft Internet Explorer version later than those available during the platform development, a warning is displayed. The user has the choice to continue their work in the current browser or to view the list of supported web browsers. The warning is displayed no more than once per month.The check for supported Microsoft Internet Explorer versions was not performed.The user is notified if their Microsoft Internet Explorer version was not tested for compatibility with 1C:Enterprise.
Technological log.
You can write information about working with external data sources

to the technological log. For this purpose, the <EDS> event is added to the configuration file of the technological log.

Working with external data sources was not reflected in the system technological log.A tool for analyzing problems that might occur while working with external data sources.
Technological log.
You can have all operations that affect server cluster functioning (for example, operations performed during data replication between cluster services) written to the technological log. For this purpose, the <CLSTR> event is added to the technological log configuration file.Events that were generated during the execution of operations that affected server cluster functioning were not reflected in the technological log.A tool for analyzing server cluster issues.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
Cross-platform administration server (RAS) is implemented for administering the server cluster. The application can run both as a standalone application and a service (daemon). The administration server is installed with 1C:Enterprise server.

The cross-platform command line utility (RAC) is implemented for the administrator server. The utility is installed with 1C:Enterprise server. Administration utility version and administration server version may differ. The utility provides the same administration functionality as program cluster administration tools (the V82.ComConnector COM object),

except operating system authentication of the administrator in infobases, clusters, or working servers. The utility does not support this feature.

An interface for working with the administration server using Java is also implemented. The interface is distributed via ITS (together with its description and usage example) (http://its.1c.ru/db/metod81#content:4985:1).

Tools for 1C:Enterprise server cluster administration were only available for Windows operating system as a cluster administration console and as V82.ComConnector COM object. Linux tools for server cluster administration were not provided.You can administer 1C:Enterprise server cluster using the command line in various operating systems (Windows and Linux), and also from Java programs.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
DBMS operations.
Optimized performance of Oracle DBMS queries that include complex conditions for data access restrictions.Insufficient performance of queries that include complex conditions for data access restrictions.Improved performance of operations with data access restrictions in Oracle Database.
Applied objects.
Working with memory is optimized for some mechanisms.Insufficient performance in certain scenarios.Improved overall system performance in some scenarios.
When executing a query, for all IN HIERARCHY conditions with the same parameter value a single temporary table per batch query is generated.When executing a query, for IN HIERARCHY conditions with the same parameter value several temporary tables were generated.Improved the performance of queries containing the same parameter values in several IN HIERARCHY operations.
When executing a query, for all IN conditions with the same list of values a single temporary table per batch query (for storing the list) is used.When executing a query, for IN conditions with the same list of values several temporary tables were generated, one for each condition.Improved the performance of queries containing the same list of values in several IN operations.
Improved performance of queries that include the IN HIERARCHY expression. Improved performance of queries that include performing data composition system operations on external data sources by using the IN GROUP and IN GROUP FROM THE LIST expressions.Insufficient performance of query and report selections in some cases when hierarchy conditions were used.Improved performance of query and report selections in some cases when hierarchy conditions are used.
Server clusters.
Client application.
The amount of memory consumed by server working processes is significantly reduced. Reduced client application startup time. The effect is especially noticeable on configurations having large volumes of metadata.Inefficient use of memory on configurations having large volumes of metadata.Memory requirements for servers with configurations having large volumes of metadata are reduced.
DBMS operations.
For PostgreSQL and Oracle Database, optimized recording register records with update of account register totals. The optimization is achieved by introducing a new index. The performance increase takes effect after restructuring accounting registers and disabling the compatibility mode.The data structure did not allow using the existing indexes at their full potential, which led to insufficient system efficiency.Improved performance of operations with accounting registers in PostgreSQL and Oracle Database DBMS.
DBMS operations.
Improved performance of requests to main tables when Oracle Database is used.Response time for some DBMS requests was sub-optimal.Improved performance of database requests. This includes a significant increase in the speed of configuration updates that require infobase structure updates.
DBMS operations.
Optimized some accounting register-related DBMS requests. In particular, optimized requests that include filters by account.Inefficient usage of DBMS capabilities.Improved performance for "heavy" accounting register requests (such as, when creating accounting reports or performing month-end closing).
DBMS operations.
Optimized operations with temporary tables in Microsoft SQL Server, as well as operations with objects that use temporary tables: accumulation registers, accounting registers, sequences, and so on.Insufficient performance in case of heavy usage of temporary tables.Improved performance in case of heavy usage of temporary tables in Microsoft SQL Server.
Web client.
Faster start of the web client on slow connections.A large amount of service information was obtained during the start of the web client.Faster start of the web client on slow connections.
DBMS operations.
Improved performance of operations with Microsoft SQL Server DBMS in the following cases:
  • reading and writing data;
  • loading infobase from the *.dt file (if the recovery mode is set to Simple or Bulk-logged);
  • infobase restructuring (if the recovery mode is set to Simple or Bulk-logged).

Inefficient usage of DBMS capabilities.Improved performance of operations with infobases that use Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.
Accounting registers.
Improved performance of accounting register operations in the following cases:
  • writing record sets with up to ten records and with several hundred records;
  • obtaining totals for a given time;
  • generating reports that use the accounting register.

The performance increase takes effect after infobase restructuring.

Insufficient performance of accounting register operations in certain use cases.Improved performance of operations with accounting registers containing a large amount of data.
DBMS operations.
The performance of operations with PostgreSQL is improved by changing the index structure. The optimization applies both to new infobases and to existing ones (after restructuring their databases).Cluster indexes were not used in PostgreSQL operations; regular indexes were created instead.Faster execution of PostgreSQL operations.
DBMS operations.
You can use separate table spaces for indexes (the v81c_index space) and for data (the v81c_data space) in PostgreSQL.

Table spaces are not created automatically; a database administrator creates them. If no additional table spaces are created, the default table space (pg_default) is used.

Using a single table space might decrease the performance (due to storage medium overload or performance limitations).Balancing system performance by recording table spaces to multiple storage media in PostgreSQL.
Web client.
Faster opening of the following forms in the web client:
  • Forms located on the main window tabs
  • Forms that block windows of their owner forms
Delays when opening forms in the web client.Faster form opening, which improves user experience.
Improved performance retrieving a selection by group (with a large number of records) from a result of a query containing a TOTALS clause.Insufficient performance when retrieving a selection by group from a result of a query that contains totals.Improved performance when processing results of queries that contain totals.
Server clusters.
Improved server performance and scalability when processing reference data types.Insufficient server performance when processing reference data types.Improved server performance when processing reference data types.
DBMS operations.
Temporary tables containing data of unrestricted length are temporary in IBM DB2 version 8.7 and later.For data of unrestricted length, permanent tables were created and then deleted after use.System tables cannot get locked. Improved user experience in case when a large number of users are working simultaneously.
DBMS operations.
Certain operations with IBM DB2 are optimized.Insufficient usage of IBM DB2 capabilities.Faster execution of IBM DB2 operations.
DBMS operations.
Accounting registers.
Faster processing of accounting register data during database configuration update in the client/server infobase mode.Insufficient performance when reconfiguring accounting registers.Faster processing of accounting register data during their reconfiguration.
Information registers.
Totals are implemented for periodic information registers. They are intended for retrieving first and last slices, provided that the following conditions are met:
  • using totals is allowed (in metadata);
  • using totals is enabled (in the 1C:Enterprise mode);
  • slice retrieval conditions do not include date;
  • slice retrieval conditions only include dimensions and separators;
  • data access restrictions for the register only include dimensions and separators.

Properties EnableTotalsSliceFirst and EnableTotalsSliceLast are implemented for information registers.

Methods RecalcTotals(), SetTotalsUsing(), and GetTotalsUsing() are implemented for information register managers.

Access right TotalsControl is implemented for information registers. The Verify and Repair action in Designer includes recalculation of first and last slices if the Recalculating totals option is enabled in the Verifications and modes list and using totals is enabled for the register.

Each slice retrieval resulted in execution of a query to the main register table, with calculation of resource values.Faster retrieval of first and last slices for the first and the last (current) moments of time.
Development tools.
Optimized memory usage in the following cases:
  • operations with configurations that are on support
  • loading and dumping the 1cv8.dt file

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

In some cases working with configurations that are supported by vendor configurations of large size was impossible.Reduced RAM usage when working with vendor configurations of large size.

Table of contents

Changes altering the system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of change
DBMS operations.
If a database query contains more than 400 levels of expression nesting, an exception occurs but the system is not shut down. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.If a database query contained more than 400 levels of expression nesting, the system performed emergency shutdown.The system stability increased, preventing shutdowns when executing complex queries.
Attribute fill checks.
Functional options.
Attributes disabled by a functional option are not included in the list of checked attributes of the FillCheckProcessingAtServer() handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When generating the list of checked attributes, functional options were not considered.Application developers do not need to programmatically exclude attributes disabled by functional options from the check.
If there is a list of totals with a grand total in the query result, unloading the query result using the Unload method (QueryResultIteration.ByGroups) of the QueryResult object results in a tree with a single node with the grand total, while nodes for groupings located in the query after the grand total become the tree elements.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

If there was a list of totals with a grand total in the query result, unloading of the query result using the Unload method (QueryResultIteration.ByGroups) of the QueryResult object created a tree with several nodes of the same level: the grand total and groupings located in the query after the grand total.The query behavior provides more comfortable work with totals when unloading the result to a tree.
Data composition system.
When a data composition result is exported to a collection of values, columns containing calculated fields will have value types specified in the calculated fields. If the calculated field value type is not specified, the value type for the corresponding column is determined automatically based on the calculated field expression.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When a data composition result was exported to a collection of values, the value types for columns that contained calculated fields were always determined automatically based on the calculated field expressions. You can specify the calculated field type explicitly in cases when automatic type definition is difficult or impossible.
Client/server interaction.
When the server version is changed, sessions running at the time when the server manager is started are not deleted automatically. When a client application that uses a web server is shut down due to the client/server version difference exception, an attempt to delete the session at the server is made.When the server version was changed, the message Session is missing or deleted was generated. Furthermore, users did not receive messages that clearly described the problemWhen the platform version is changed at the server, users receive messages stating that the client application version and the server version differ (instead of the messages stating that the session is missing or deleted).
Configuration repositories.
Working with configuration repository is only possible if the repository version matches the Designer version.The check whether the repository version matches Designer version was not performed.Prevention of compatibility problems when the configuration repository server and Designer have different versions.
Configuration repositories.
When Designer operates in batch mode, if the location of the infobase that is bound to the repository is changed, the infobase is rebound to the repository and no warnings are displayed. When the location check is performed for the infobase bound to the repository, the name of computer from which the connection to the infobase in established is ignored for client/server infobases and for file infobases located on network drives.In batch mode, a warning about the infobase location change was displayed and user response was expected. When the location check was performed for the infobase bound to the repository, the name of computer from which the connection to the infobase was established was taken into account for client/server infobases and file infobases located on network drives.In batch mode, an attempt to access a copy of an infobase bound to the repository from the repository user account that is used for accessing the original infobase will lead to disconnecting the original infobase from the repository. A warning about the infobase location change is not displayed for client/server infobases and for file infobases located on network drives if the connections differ only by the name of computer from which the connection is established.
DBMS operations.
The following clustered indexes are created when using IBM DB2 DBMS:
  • for object tables - primary key (reference);
  • for tables of totals between accounts - by period;
  • for information registers - Dimensions, Dimensions+Period, Recorder+Number, Dimensions+Period+Recorder+Number, and Dimensions+Period (depending on register type).
When using IBM DB2 DBMS the following indexes were created:
  • for object tables - index by the primary key was not clustered;
  • for tables of totals between accounts - no clustered index;
  • for information registers - clustered indexes were used only in the following cases: Recorder, Dimensions, Dimensions+Period (depending on register type).
Unified approach to the implementation of object indexes in various DBMS.
Export to Microsoft Excel.
When a spreadsheet document is exported to Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Excel 2007 format, cells of the spreadsheet document that are left-aligned are exported together with their general formatting. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.When a spreadsheet document was exported to Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Excel 2007, cell values were converted to numbers in the following cases:
  • a number is recognized in the string content, and there is no text data after the number;
  • a number is recognized in the string content, and text data is following it, but the cell is right- or center-aligned.
If a cell of a spreadsheet document contains a numeric value, which is intended to be used as text, and the value is left-aligned (e.g., the cell contains a product code or article), when the spreadsheet document is exported to Microsoft Excel format, the cell value is not converted to a number. This simplifies the use of the converted document (including editing and comparison).
1C:Enterprise script.
Managed forms.
For methods GetForm(), OpenForm(), and OpenFormModal() the URL parameter is implemented. Its value is assigned to the URL property of received or opened forms, unless the parameter value is Undefined. Furthermore, the AutoURL property of received or opened forms is set to False. For the CommandExecuteParameters object the URL property is implemented. The property usage example is added to the command module example.This feature was not provided.You can specify a navigation link for a form that is being opened. The navigation link can be used later in the interactive mode (e.g., stored in the history).
Infobase users.
When you press Shift+Del in the list of infobase users, a warning is displayed.Pressing Shift+Del in the list of infobase users deleted a user without a warning.Prevention of accidental deletion of infobase users.
Software licensing.
If an application license is not found during the start of the application, the differences between the current hardware settings and hardware settings at the moment when the license was obtained are written to the license search log. This information is only written for software licenses.Information on differences in hardware settings was not listed in the license search log.Simplified diagnostics of software license problems when the license is not issued due to hardware settings differences.
DBMS operations.
Managed locks.
When working with Microsoft SQL Server version 2005 or later, if the configuration uses the managed locks mode, row versioning is used. The READ_COMMITED_SNAPSHOT transaction isolation level is used. Consistent read is used for reading data outside of transactions. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and later was running in the lock mode. The READ_COMMITED transaction isolation level was used. "Dirty" read was used for reading outside of transactions.The implemented modifications lead to:
  • reducing the number of locks and deadlocks while executing transaction queries;
  • elimination of errors when executing out-of-transaction queries involving frequently modified applied objects;
  • obtaining consistent out-of-transaction report results at report execution time.
Managed forms.
Data composition system.
You can implement quick choice user settings as a set of form fields in a separate group. You can manage location and other parameters of this group. The User settings group property is implemented for managed form extension for reports. You can create user settings items using the CreateUserSettingsFormElements() method of managed form extension for reports. Before settings elements are created, all existing elements are deleted from the group. Forms that are created automatically (report and user settings forms) include dedicated groups with elements used for editing settings. The OnUpdateUserSettingSetAtServer event is implemented for managed report form extension. The event is called in the following cases:
  • when the report form is created;
  • after the report variant is loaded;
  • after the report variant is changed;
  • after user modification of settings.

Presentation of automatically generated report forms is changed: report variant presentation moved to report title; the variant selection button moved to report command bar, etc. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Quick choice user settings were edited in a special table located in the form. The form for editing user settings contained a table for editing all user settings.

There was a field with current report presentation and a button for selecting report variant in the report form.

Improved report settings usability - they are displayed similarly to other form elements because standard form elements (text box, check box, etc.) are used instead of tables for editing settings.
Event log.
When event log is being read, events are not filtered by current separator value if the separator is conditionally disabled in the current session.When event log was being read, records were filtered by value of a conditionally disabled separator.Eliminated the differences between event log functioning in infobases without separators and infobases with conditionally disabled separators.
DBMS operations.
Internal implementation of several query executions for PostgreSQL, IBM DB2, and Oracle Database is modified. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.The implementation took advantage of DBMS specifics to a lesser extent.Improved the internal implementation of query executions for specific DBMS.
Command interface.
Navigation links to lists are implemented. A navigation link request to a form whose main attribute is a dynamic list with the main table specified returns a navigation link to the list of the object specified as the main table. This link opens the default list form. Support of navigation links to lists is implemented for the GotoURLGotoURL() global context method. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.Navigation links to lists were not provided.Users can store links to lists in history and favorites.
Configuration comparison reports.
The configuration comparison report no longer includes added and removed objects whose access rights exactly match their default access rights.

Added and removed objects whose access rights exactly matched their default access rights were included in the report.The report no longer displays redundant information that does not help in merging data.
Third-party software.
Migrated from OpenSSL 1.0.1 to OpenSSL 1.0.0g.OpenSSL version 1.0.1 was used.An HTTP server query error is no longer displayed when the thin client is started.
Applied objects.
Value length for Description length and Order length properties of Chart of accounts objects is limited by 628 characters. The current value length is only checked when an attempt to change it is made.Value length for Description length and Order length properties of Chart of accounts objects was not limited.

Increased platform stability. Prevention of infobase corruption (in the file mode). Prevention of performance losses.
If a script generated by the query wizard includes result processing, the name of the variable where the result is stored is QueryResult.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

In certain cases (for example, when a query was created with the option to display the processed result in a report), a naming conflict occurred between variable names created by the wizard and attribute names of the report form whose module contained this code. As a result, the generated code did not work properly.Eliminated naming conflicts between variable names created by the query wizard and report form attribute names (for queries that include result processing).
Data composition system.
A query field used in a union operation becomes unavailable to filters if it has the NULL value in all parts of the union. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.If a query field used in a union operation had the NULL value in all parts of the union, filters were applied at the data set level of data composition template, not inside the query.When the UNION or UNION ALL expression is used in a query that retrieves a data set of the data composition system (with automatic filling of available settings), if a filter is applied to a field attribute, the filter is only applied to the parts of the union where the given attribute exists. When a filter is applied to a field, it is only applied to the parts where the field expression is not equal to NULL.
Event log.
The *.elf extension is removed from the Files of type list in the open file dialog box in the thick client and Designer. Opening event logs in the *.elf format is still supported. To open an .elf file, select the Event log (*.lgf) file type and then enter the file name, including the elf extension.The list of file extensions in the open file dialog box in the thick client and Designer included both *.lgf and *.elf extensions.Removed obsolete user interface options.
Event log.
Data display.
Events related to canceled transactions are displayed in gray in the ordinary form of the event log (in the same way as they are displayed in the managed form of the event log). This change is not implemented in 8.1 compatibility mode.Events related to canceled transactions were displayed in black in the ordinary form of the event log.Unification of display of ordinary and managed forms of the event log.
Standard functions.
Data display.
Object presentation in standard functions Find references to object and Delete marked objects is modified. Names of metadata objects types are removed from object presentations.In standard functions Find references to object and Delete marked objects object presentation contained the name of metadata object type.System-standard object presentation is introduced.
Accumulation registers.
Accounting registers.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Server clusters.
Changes in the table of storage settings for accumulation and accounting register totals are performed within a transaction. While tables are being modified, managed data locks are applied to the corresponding lock namespace.

A cache for storing totals storage settings for working processes is implemented.

Changes in the tables of storage settings for accumulation and accounting register totals were performed outside a transaction. Each retrieval of totals storage settings was performed using a database query.Elimination of conflicts that might occur during the modification of totals storage settings tables from multiple simultaneous sessions that have identical data separator values.

Reducing the number of database queries and improving parallel processing for sessions that use separators.

Common attributes / Data separation.
Accounting registers.
Accumulation registers.
If separators are deleted or separator types are modified, during the next update of database configuration records in the tables of totals storage settings for accounting and accumulation registers are merged according to the new sets of separators.If separators were deleted or separator types were modified, the following situations might occur:
  • Inserting records with identical values in a table of totals storage settings.
  • Database update errors due to attempts to insert records with identical values.
Improved reliability of operations during database configuration updates caused by deleting separators or modifying separator types.
Text operations.
Implemented recording a byte order mark (BOM) to the beginning of files generated by the TextWriter object if the following conditions are met: the file to be recorded does not yet exist, the FinishWriter constructor parameter is set to True, and the text encoding is set to UTF-8.

This change is not implemented in the compatibility with 8.2.16 mode.

A byte order mark (BOM) was not added to the beginning of files generated by the TextWriter object if the following conditions were met: the file to be recorded does not yet exist, the FinishWriter constructor parameter is set to True, and the text encoding is set to UTF-8.A byte order mark (BOM) ensures unique identification of text encoding used in a file.
XML and XDTO support.
During the import of XSD schema, if definition is missing from the target namespace schema, a diagnostic message is displayed.During the import of XSD schema, if any loading problems occurred, a diagnostic message was not displayed.Improved diagnostics during XSD schema import.
DBMS operations.
The documentation describes the specifics of working with the following DBMS: Oracle Database and PostgreSQL.The documentation did not contain enough details about the specifics of working with the following DBMS: Oracle Database and PostgreSQL.Documentation is expanded to clarify DBMS usage specifics during configuration development.
Spreadsheet documents.
While you are changing the selection area in a spreadsheet document, if the selection area contains rows with different formatting, the platform switches to the row selection mode. Then, if the platform previously was in cell selection mode and after another selection change all selected rows have the same formatting, the platform switches back to the cell selection mode.The only ways to select rows with different formatting were using headers of spreadsheet document rows or the Alt+Shift+Arrows key combination. Simplified copying of data from spreadsheet documents with different row formatting.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
Users can edit spreadsheet documents in the web client. The Table main menu is modified in the web client. Clipboard is implemented for spreadsheet documents in Google Chrome web browser. The clipboard is available within a single browser instance working with a single infobase.This feature was not provided (except editing cells with values, changing the display mode of groupings, freezing rows and columns, and changing column width).Users can edit spreadsheet documents after they are generated in the web client.
Client application.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
In the Table menu of thin client, web client, thick client, and Designer, the Cells submenu is implemented. It includes some of the commands that were previously located in the Table menu, and some new commands.The Cells submenu was not available in the Table menu of thin client, web client, thick client, and Designer.Improved usability of spreadsheet documents. Menu items intended for working with spreadsheet document cells are grouped into a single submenu.
Dynamic update.
Improved reliability of dynamic update in various situations.In certain situations dynamic update worked improperly.Improved reliability of dynamic update operations.
Managed forms.
If a width limit is set for a regular group in a managed form, the size of buttons within the group is adjusted (similar to adjusting the size of other elements included in the group).A width limit set for a regular group might not affect the size of buttons within the group.Unified the algorithm of adjusting element sizes when a width limit is set for a regular group.
Data display.
Managed forms.
Tooltips of managed form items can have one of the following types: displayed directly in the text box, displayed near the form item, and opened clicking a button (in a pop-up window). If a tooltip is not specified for a form item, the command bar button linked to this item also does not have a tooltip.

You can use the InputHint property, which contains tooltip text, to display a tooltip directly in the text box. This type of tooltip is unavailable for text boxes that display data of Number and Date types.

To manage the display of tooltips and their appearance, the ExtendedTooltip and TooltipDisplay properties are implemented for the following form controls: field, table, group, button, and decoration of Text type.

Tooltips were only available in pop-up windows of form items. If a tooltip was not specified for a form item, its title was used as a tooltip for the command bar button linked to this item.You can manage tooltip formatting and tooltip positions.

Table of contents

Changes that require changes to the configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of change
1C:Enterprise software system.
1C:Enterprise version is changed to 8.3.

Installation directories are changed:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\1cv8;
  • For Linux: /opt/1С/v8.3.

Names of installation files are changed:

  • For Windows: 1CEnterprise 8*.msi;
  • For Linux: 1С_Enterprise83*.

Names of COM objects are changed: V83.Application, V83.ComConnector.

The server service name is :

  • For Windows: 1C:Enterprise 8.3 Server Agent;
  • For Linux: srv1cv83.

The default name of the user on whose behalf the server service starts is usr1cv8.

Default template directory is changed: %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\tmplts.

Add-in installation directory is changed: %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv8\ExCompT.

1C:Enterprise version was 8.2.

Installation directories had the following names:

  • For Windows: C:\Program Files\1cv82;
  • For Linux: /opt/1С/v8.2.

Installation files had the following names:

  • For Windows: 1CEnterprise 8.2*.msi;
  • For Linux: 1С_Enterprise82*.

COM objects had the following names: : V82.Application, V82.ComConnector.

The server service had the following name:

  • For Windows: 1C:Enterprise 8.2 Server Agent;
  • For Linux: srv1cv82.

The default name of the user on whose behalf the server service started was usr1cv82.

Default template directory was %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\tmplts.

Add-ins installation directory was %APPDATA%\1C\1Cv82\ExCompT.

Due to the version number change, names and identifiers that include the version number are changed.
Applied objects.
In a document journal the attribute containing the document number is generated with fixed length if all documents included in the journal have a number field of String type of fixed length. Otherwise, the journal field will have variable length. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.In a document journal the attribute containing the number of documents was always generated with fixed length.The document number is retrieved in a uniform way, which does not depend on the retrieval method (from the document itself or from the document journal).
Spreadsheet documents.
When any of the spreadsheet document methods Show(), Print(), Hide(), and Write() is called at server or in an external connection with the SpreadsheetDocumentFileType parameter set to XLS95, an exception occurs. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.When the method was called at server or in an external connection, this did not lead to an error, but the method did not perform any actions either.Simplified detection of configuration errors related to specifying incorrect file type when working with a spreadsheet document at server or in an external connection.
Specifying type qualifiers in the Type() function of the query language is not allowed. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.Specifying type qualifiers for the Type() function was allowed, but it did not affect the returned values.Implemented a check that eliminates the chance to misuse the query language syntax.
Spreadsheet documents.
Print scaling of a spreadsheet document does not affect its margin size. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.Print scaling of a spreadsheet document affected its margin size.Independent management of margin size and print scaling.
Data composition system.
When data composition result is put into a collection of values, fields belonging to different groups and referencing to the same data composition field are put in the same collection column. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.When data composition result was put into a collection of values, fields belonging to different groups and referencing to the same data composition field were put in different collection columns.Output of the result to a collection is performed in the same way as output of the result to a spreadsheet document.
Command interface.
1C:Enterprise script.
Format of navigation links to navigation points generated by standard command is modified to the following: e1cib/navigationpoint/Purchases/Catalog.Products.OpenList (example link). The former navigation link format is also supported.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Navigation links to navigation points generated by standard commands had the following format: e1cib/navigationpoint/Purchases/Catalog.Products.Command.OpenList (example link).Unified usage of metadata names.
DBMS operations.
External data sources.
If the Name in the data source property of an external data source field contains a value enclosed in single straight quotation marks, when a DBMS query is generated, this value is not enclosed in double straight quotation marks. Otherwise, if the field value contains special characters, it is enclosed in double straight quotation marks. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.If the Name in the data source property of an external data source field contained special characters (including single straight quotation marks), the value was enclosed in double straight quotation marks.Compatibility with DMBS that use different field description syntaxes in their query and database fields (for example, MySQL).
Software licensing.
The search for available licenses covers all folders where they might be located.The search for available licenses only covered *.lic files stored in the first folder of the list and skipped any other folders where the license files might be located, regardless of whether the license was found in the first folder.Increased flexibility of the licensing mechanism. Elimination of problems that occured when the license files were located in multiple folders (for example, the first folder that was searched contained a server license, while another folder contained a multiuser license).
Managed forms.
In managed forms, the platform does not read data from hidden dynamic lists. When a form is opened, the value of the CurrentRow attribute of the managed form table connected to the dynamic list is Undefined. The CurrentRow attribute value is changed at the moment when the table is displayed to the user. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.In managed forms, the platform read data from all dynamic lists, whether they were displayed on the form or not.Reduced time for opening forms that contain multiple pages with dynamic lists.
Functional options.
Managed forms.
Behavior of the following form elements related to functional options is modified:
  • Form attributes of reference type are disabled if configuration objects that determine their type are disabled by functional options. Form attributes of complex type are disabled if functional options disable all types that form the complex type.
  • Form attributes of <Type>Object type (e.g., the main attribute of the form) are disabled if configuration objects that determine their type are disabled by functional options.
  • Form tables are disabled if they display data belonging to attributes disabled by functional options.
  • Types are not included in type selection dialogs (e.g., in text boxes connected with attributes of complex types) if configuration objects that determine these types are disabled by a functional option. Information on types disabled by functional options is cached at the client and is cleared in 20 minutes or when the RefreshInterface() method is called.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Attributes and form elements had the following behavior:
  • Form attributes of reference type were not disabled when configuration objects that determined their type were disabled by functional options.
  • Form attributes of <Type>Object type were not disabled if configuration objects that determined their type were disabled by functional options.
  • Form tables were not disabled if they displayed data belonging to attributes disabled by functional options.
  • Type selection dialogs contained all types, including those disabled by functional options.
Increased effect of default functional option values on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.

Functional options.
Data composition system.
Functional option effect on the data composition system is modified:
  • A data composition system field becomes unavailable if it is connected to attributes whose types are disabled by functional options.
  • A query table and attributes of this table become unavailable if a functional option disables the configuration object forming this table.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The data composition system did not disable fields or query tables connected to data whose type was disabled by functional options.Increased automatic effect of functional options on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.
Functional options.
Command interface.
Commands of the command interface become unavailable in the following cases:
  • An attribute, which is a command parameter, is disabled by a functional option.
  • A command parameter type is disabled by a functional option. If the command parameter has complex type, the command becomes unavailable if all of the parameter types are disabled.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The command availability was not changed if the availability of the attribute, which was used as a parameter for the command, was changed, or when the command parameter type was disabled by a functional option.Increased effect of functional options on the data composition system. Unification of functional option effect on various application elements.
Data composition system.
Spreadsheet documents.
You can fix rows and columns of a spreadsheet document using the FixedLeft and FixedTop output parameters. If the fixed area exceeds the displayed area, the fixing is automatically turned off.The data composition system always used fixing of rows and columns in reports. In spreadsheet documents the fixed area might be larger than the displayed area.Improved usability of row and column fixing in reports. Users can disable fixing in reports when they find it inconvenient. Fixing is disabled automatically when it does not allow scrolling of the spreadsheet document.
Managed forms.
It is recommended that you use methods SetObjectAndFormConformity() and GetObjectAndFormConformity().

Methods SetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() and GetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() are declared deprecated, they are only supported for compatibility purposes.

Methods SetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() and GetObjectAndFormAttributeConformity() were not declared deprecated.New methods with enhanced functionality are implemented, while the old ones that provide similar functionality are declared deprecated.
Lock manager.
When using the Range object constructor, an exception is thrown if the left range boundary is greater than the right one. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.Using the Range object constructor was allowed when the left boundary of the range was greater than the right one.Elimination of unpredictable behavior of the managed locks manager. Elimination of developer errors.
Managed locks.
When a managed lock is set in the file mode of the infobase, types are validated for the values located in the DataSource attribute of the DataLockItem object. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.Validation of the value types was not performed in the file mode.Unified behavior in the file and client/server modes. Easier detections of errors in the applied solution.
1C:Enterprise script.
An attempt to assign a value to an item of a fixed structure causes an exception. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.An attempt to assign a value to an item of a fixed structure did not cause an exception, and the value was not assigned.Behavior of fixed structures is similar to behavior of other fixed collections.
Web client.
System requirements.
Mozilla Firefox versions 3.0 and 3.5 are no longer supported.Mozilla Firefox versions 3.0 and 3.5 were supported.Increased web client stability, as web browsers with issues, non-standard behavior, and low popularity are no longer supported.
Web client.
System requirements.
Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 is no longer supported. The warning that was displayed when the web client was started in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 is changed to the warning about unsupported web browser.Microsoft Internet Explorer version 6.0 was supported.Increased web client stability, as web browsers with issues, non-standard behavior, and low popularity are no longer supported.
Spreadsheet documents.
Whenever a spreadsheet document is transferred between the client and the server, the values of its ReadOnly and Protection properties are preserved.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

Whenever a spreadsheet document was transferred between the client and the server, the values of its ReadOnly and Protection properties were set to False.Whenever a spreadsheet document is transferred between the client and the server, its properties are preserved in a uniform way.
Formatted documents.
Formatted document object model is extended. The document text consists of paragraphs of various types, which are included in the paragraph collection. A paragraph consists of items included in the formatted document item collection. Functionalities for paragraph and item management are implemented.

Methods GetItems() and GenerateItems() return the array of formatted document items located between the specified bookmarks. Method FindText() returns the formatted document area (FormattedDocumentRange object) that contains the specified text.

The ItemType parameter type in methods Add() and Insert() of the FormattedDocument object was changed.

Methods Add() and Insert() of the FormattedDocument object return the added/inserted item.

You can add a picture by specifying its URL (in text format).

It is recommended that you do not add or insert pictures using binary data, this options is present for compatibility purposes only. It is recommended that you use the Picture object for inserting pictures.

Formatted document text was not represented as an object model.You can implement various text processing algorithms that are based on standard formatting elements (paragraphs, lists, and so on). Automated text generation is now simpler.
Data access restrictions.
If the Update right of an object includes data access restrictions with conditions that apply to tabular section attributes, writing the object after it was modified is only allowed if tabular section data before and after the modification match the data access restrictions.

Requests from data access restrictions to tabular sections increase the processing time.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

If the Update right of an object included data access restrictions with conditions that applied to tabular section attributes, then whenever tabular section attributes were modified, their compliance with the data access restrictions was not be verified.Data access restrictions apply to object data and object tabular section data in a uniform way.
DBMS operations.
For complex Oracle Database queries of certain type, DBMS request generation rules are modified. Cases that led to DBMS errors are eliminated. A slowdown in DBMS request execution can occur if there are many join operations. It is recommended that you do not use queries with a large number of join operations. This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.When executing complex Oracle Database queries of certain type, DBMS errors might occur in some cases.Improved stability when using Oracle Database.
Internet-enabled functionality.
You can use secure versions of SMTP and POP3.

The following properties are implemented for the InternetMailProfile object: SMTPUseSSL, POP3UseSSL, IMAPSecureAuthenticationOnly, SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly, and POP3SecureAuthenticationOnly.

POP3 supports the GetMessageCount() method of the InternetMail object.

It is recommended that you do not use SMTPAuthentication and POP3Authentication properties of theInternetMailProfile object, as well as SMTPAuthenticationMode and POP3AuthenticationMode enumerations. SMTPAuthentication and POP3Authentication properties, as well as SMTPAuthenticationMode and POP3AuthenticationMode enumerations are supported for compatibility. It is recommended that you use SMTPSecureAuthenticationOnly and POP3SecureAuthenticationOnly properties of the InternetMailProfile object.

The InternetMail object did not supportsecure versions of SMTP and POP3.You can use secure versions of SMTP and POP3.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Default values are changed for InternetMailProfile object properties that store port numbers:
  • The default SMTPPort value is 0, which means port 25 for nonsecure connections and port 465 for secure connections.
  • The default POP3Port value is 0, which means port 110 for nonsecure connections and port 995 for secure connections.
  • The default IMAPPort value is 0, which means port 143 for nonsecure connections and port 993 for secure connections.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The InternetMailProfile object properties that store port numbers had the following default values:
  • SMTPPort - 25.
  • POP3Port - 110.
  • IMAPPort - 143.
Simplified port setup for the InternetMailProfile object. In most cases the default port values suffice.
Managed forms.
Changed the behavior of the drop-down list in form fields that contain reference data types, enumerations, or system enumerations. Changed the look and behavior of the drop-down list. The system storage settings now store the history of previously selected values (the ChoiceHistory setting).

If user-generated lists, using a value of the FormattedString type as a value presentation is allowed.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

The drop-down list had a different look and behavior. The choice list did not appear in the drop-down list.Better usability of fields, which display data of reference types, enumerations, or system enumerations.
The configuration utility for Linux is named config_system.The configuration utility for Linux was named config_server.The new utility name provides a better description of its purpose because it performs the environment check not only at the server side, but also at the client application side.
The location.cfg configuration file stores the list of directories where 1C:Enterprise searches for system data.

During the installation of version 8.3, the search for data (user profiles, configuration files, software license files, etc.) belonging to version 8.2 is performed in directories available to the current user. If directories with data belonging to version 8.2 are found, then location.cfg files are generated in the directories intended for storing data in version 8.3. These files contain links to directories with data from version 8.2. Therefore, installing the new version does not require transferring all data and settings from version 8.2 directories to version 8.3 directories.

This feature was not provided.After installing version 8.3, you can use a single list of settings for version 8.2.16 and version 8.3.
Software licensing.
If the software license is activated "for all users" or using 1C:Enterprise server, the following directory is used for storing software licenses:
  • on Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\licenses (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\licenses - for Windows Vista and later);
  • on Linux: /var/1C/licenses.

The directory is created during 1C:Enterprise installation.

Rights for accessing the created directory are granted depending on the operating system being used:

  • On Windows, read and write rights are granted to the user under whose account the server service runs. If the service is not installed, the rights for accessing the directory are not changed.
  • On Linux, the user group grp1cv8 is created. All users under whose names the server daemon runs must be included into this group. The following rights are set for the created directory: owner - root, rights - read and write; owner group - grp1cv8, rights - read and write; other users are granted the read only right.

Only users with administrative rights can obtain a client license "for all users".

The following directory was used for storing the software license files:
  • on Windows: %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\1C\1Cv82\Conf (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\1C\1Cv82\Conf for Windows Vista and later);
  • on Linux: ~/.1cv82/conf.

On Windows, the directory was used when the software license was activated "for all users", and on Linux - when the software license was activated using 1C:Enterprise server.

Administration of software license files is made easier. 1C:Enteprise versions 8.2.16 and 8.3 can use the same set of licenses when their software licenses are activated "for all users" or using 1C:Enterprise server.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
The server cluster administration scheme is modified. The management of cluster processes and function distribution between these processes are performed automatically, and therefore the option to manage them manually is removed. You can affect the automatic distribution process by creating service cluster assignment rules or working server connection rules. The server cluster is functional until at least one working server marked as central server is running. The server cluster availability is defined by the Fault tolerance level parameter (the maximum number of working servers that can become unavailable without service interruption).

In the cluster console, the server cluster is displayed by its name (the Cluster name property), not by its port.

The software tools for administering server cluster version 8.3 are not compatible with the software tools for administering server cluster version 8.2.

The SessionFaultToleranceLevel property is implemented for the IClusterInfo object.

For the IWorkingServerInfo object the following properties are implemented: MainServer, ClusterMainPort, DedicatedManagers, InfoBasesPerWorkingProcessLimit, ConnectionsPerWorkingProcessLimit, and WorkingProcessMemoryLimit.

The IAssignmentRule object is implemented, it allows to manage the functionality of working servers.

The list of required functionality assignments is available via the IServerAgentConnection object and the cluster console.

For the IServerAgentConnection object the following methods are implemented: RegAssignmentRule(), UnregAssignmentRule(), GetAssignmentRules(), CreateAssignmentRule(), and ApplyAssignmentRules().

The properties of IWorkingProcessInfo, IClusterManagerInfo, and IClusterServiceInfo objects are read-only.

For the IServerAgentConnection object the following methods are removed: CreateWorkingProcessInfo(), RegWorkingProcess(), UnregWorkingProcess(), StartWorkingProcess(), StopWorkingProcess(), SetWorkingProcessUsage(), SetClusterMultiProcess(), SetWorkingProcessCapacity(), SetClusterDescription(), CreateClusterManagerInfo(), RegClusterManager(), UnregClusterManager(), RegClusterService(), UnregClusterService(), CreateStandbyClusterItem(), RegStandbyCluster(), UnregStandbyCluster(), and GetStandbyClusterList().

The IStandbyClusterItem object is deleted.

The SyncPort property is deleted for the following objects: IWorkingProcessInfo, IClusterManagerInfo, IWorkingServerInfo, and IClusterInfo.

Management of cluster processes and function distribution between these processes could only be performed manually. The server cluster was displayed in the cluster console as a port number. The fault tolerance level could not be set.Working processes are managed automatically, so that the load distribution in the server cluster is improved. At the same time, an administrator can specify working servers where certain cluster services or connections will be executed (using rules). For example, they can move the license management service to a separate working server with minimal configuration changes, or execute certain background jobs at the working server that is running Windows operating system.
Server clusters.
On Linux operating system, a server is not automatically started after it is installed. On Linux operating system, servers were automatically started after they were installed.A server is not started in the environment that is not fully configured. To configure the environment, you have to run the config_system utility first, and then you can start the server.

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
Column groups in the user settings table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroupSettings;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupValues.

Column groups in the data parameters table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup2;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup3.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameterAndPeriodValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameter;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupPeriodValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameterValue.
A column group in the available fields table of the data composition system is renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupAvailableField.
Column groups in the group fields table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup2;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup3;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup4;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup5.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupGroupField;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupFieldAndType;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupPeriod;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupField;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupBeginOfPeriod;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupEndOfPeriod.
Column groups in the selected fields table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup3;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup2.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupSelectedField;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupHeaderAndPlacement;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupHeader;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupField.
Column groups in the filter table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup2;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup3;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup4;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupFilter;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupMainFilterItems;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupLeftValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupRightValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupApplication.
A column group in the order table of the data composition system is renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupField.
Column groups in the output parameters table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup2;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup3.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameterAndPeriodValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameter;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameterValue;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupParameter.
A column group in the user field case variants table of the data composition system is renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupValue.
A column group in the appearance fields table of the data composition system is renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupField.
A column group in the gauge chart quality bands table of the data composition system is renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupBackColor.
Column groups in the filter conditions table of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • <Table name>ColumnGroup;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroup1.
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupValueAndPeriod;
  • <Table name>ColumnGroupPeriod.
Column groups in the report variant form elements of the data composition system are renamed.

This change is not implemented in version 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

  • GoToReportSelectedFields1;
  • GoToReportFilter1;
  • GoToReportOrder1;
  • GoToReportConditionalAppearance1;
  • GoToReportOutputParameters1.
  • GoToReportSelectedFieldsFromInaccessibleSelectedFields;
  • GoToReportFilterFromInaccessibleFilter;
  • GoToReportOrderFromInaccessibleOrder;
  • GoToReportConditionalAppearanceFromInaccessibleConditionalAppearance;
  • GoToReportOutputParametersFromInaccessibleOutputParameters.
Russian presentation for the ReportSettings command of the report form is changed.
  • Настройка ....
  • Настройки ....
English and Russian presentations for the LoadReportSettings command of the report form are changed.
  • Select setting ....
  • Выбрать настройку ...
  • Select settings ....
  • Выбрать настройки ...
English and Russian presentations for the SaveReportSettings command of the report form are changed.
  • Save setting ...
  • Сохранить настройку ...
  • Save settings ...
  • Сохранить настройки ...
Presentation of the StandardSettings command in the report variant form is modified.
  • Standard setting.
  • Standard settings.
Field containing name of saved settings in the Save settings dialog is changed.
  • Name of saved setting.
  • Name of saved settings.

Table of contents

Upgrade from the previous version to version 8.3.1

Table of contents