Module text options
Module text editor settings
Module check settings
Grouping settings
Context help settings
Refactoring settings
Module text editor settings
Use the Edit tab to configure syntax highlighting, autoindentation, and tab size in modules.
Syntax highlighting
It is easier to understand module text if certain syntax clauses (constants, identifiers, operators, comments, and so on) are highlighted.
Disable color highlighting
If the check box is selected, module text is displayed as plain text, and highlighting settings are not available.
If autoreplacement is set to Enable, entered text that matches the text in the Automatically replace string template field is replaced by the template text. If autoreplacement is set to Enable and show tooltips, when you enter text that is subject for replacement, the template text is displayed after a brief pause. If autoreplacement is set to Show tooltips only, when you enter text that is subject for replacement, the tooltip text is displayed after a brief pause.
To replace the entered text with the template text, press Spacebar or Enter after typing it. If autoreplacement is set to Disabled, these actions are not performed. - Use autoreplacement in comments
Entered text that matches the text in the Automatically replace string template field is replaced by the template text. To replace the entered text with the template text, press Spacebar or Enter after typing it.
Convert new tabs to spaces
If the check box is selected, entered tab characters are replaced by spaces. The number of spaces is specified in the Tab size box.
- Tab size
- The tab character width, in space characters.
- Autoindentation
- Shows whether autoindentation is used when an end-of-line character is entered (when Enter is pressed). If Use syntax rules is selected, autoindentation is applied based on the current syntax rules.
- Font
- The font used for displaying the text. It is recommended that you use fixed-width fonts in modules, such as Courier New, which is the default font.
- Background color for search results
- The color of search results background.
- Context help background color
- The color of context help background.
Module check settings
Use the Check tab to specify module check modes.
Use the module check settings to select a suitable environment for compilation. If is performed as follows: for shared modules, the compilation is performed in the client application execution environment, and if it is successful, the resulting module image is saved. If it is not successful, the compilation is performed in the external connection environment and then in the 1C:Enterprise server environment, provided that the module properties permit execution in these environments. If any of these compilations is performed successfully, the module image is saved; otherwise the module image creation error is displayed.
Default run mode. The following modes are available: Managed application, Ordinary application, and Mobile application. When a run mode is selected, the check boxes are selected automatically. For example, for the Managed application run mode the Thin client, Server, and External connection check boxes are selected. The rest of check boxes are cleared. The check box combination is saved for the current value of the Default run mode field.
Using the check mode check boxes (such as Server or Thin Client), you can configure the check procedure in the appropriate modes. Note that the check of an ordinary application module is always performed in the client application execution environment, the check of a managed application module is always performed in the thin client execution environment, the check of an external connection module is performed in the external connection execution environment, the check of mobile application module (client) is performed in the mobile client application execution environment, the check of mobile application module (server) is performed in the mobile server application execution environment, and the check of an object module is successively performed in the client application execution environment, external connection environment, managed application environment, and 1C:Enterprise server environment (according to the selected check boxes).
Extended check. If this check box is selected, calls of object methods and properties using a dot "." are checked (for a limited set of types). For some functions, such as GetForm, the check of string literal parameters is performed.
Check automatically
If this check box is selected, the module text is checked
for syntax errors when the module is saved and closed.
Perform extended check
This check box is available if the Check automatically
check box is selected. If the check box is selected, calls of
object methods and properties using a dot "." are checked (for a
limited set of types). For some functions, such as GetForm, the
check of string literal parameters is performed.
Grouping settings
Use the Grouping
tab to specify grouping and collapsing rules for various syntax
structures. The table rows represent syntax structure types.
If a check box in the Group column is selected, the
syntax structure is automatically grouped. Note that only syntax
structures of the second nesting level can be grouped.
If a check box in the Collapse column is selected, the syntax structure is automatically collapsed when the module is opened.
Context help settings
Use the Context help tab to specify the settings for opening the context help when module code is being entered.
If the Show tooltip when "." is typed check box is selected, the context help is opened when you type a dot "."
If the Show tooltip when "=" or "<>" is typed check box is selected, the context help for selecting system enumeration values is opened when you type the characters "=", "<", or ">".
If the Show tooltip when a quotation mark is typed check box is selected, the context help for selecting system enumeration values is displayed automatically when you type a quotation mark ("). For example, when you type GetForm(", a list of metadata objects with forms that you can select is opened; next, when you select an object, the list of default forms of that object is displayed, and if this object has custom forms defined, the list includes the Forms item, which retrieves the list of custom forms.
If the Show tooltip when "(" or "," is typed check box is selected, procedure or function tooltips are automatically displayed once you type a left parenthesis "(" after the procedure or function name. For functions that have multiple syntax options, press Ctrl + Up Arrow and Ctrl + Down Arrow to switch between the options. For functions that have parameters, the description of the first parameter is displayed in the tooltip and the parameter name in the syntax clause is highlighted. For functions that have multiple parameters, typing a comma "," displays the description of the next parameter and the parameter name in the syntax clause is highlighted. Parameter type names are hyperlinks, clicking them opens the Syntax Assistant. You can also open the tooltip by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar.
If the Include templates in tooltips check box is selected, templates with autoreplacement strings defined are listed.
If the Include keywords in tooltips check box is selected, all keywords (such as If, Procedure, Loop, or Return) are included in the list.
Refactoring settings
Use the Refactoring tab to specify the settings for refactoring legacy synchronous calls.
If the Convert modal calls check box is selected, modal calls are added to the list of methods converted during the refactoring.
If the Convert synchronous calls of extension and add-in methods check box is selected, synchronous calls of extension and add-in methods are added to the list of methods converted during the refactoring.