1C:Enterprise 8.3.18. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.18

Version 8.3.18 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.17 is now implemented. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1–8.3.16 was available. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.17 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.18 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.18 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.17 after the migration to version 8.3.18, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).
Web client. Support for the progressive web application (Progressive Web Apps, PWA) is implemented for the web client. A progressive web application is supported for Google Chrome version 73 and later, and if the web client is published using HTTPS protocol. The Display as a standalone application command is implemented in the Tools and Settings menu. The ProgressiveWebApplication global context property is implemented. The ProgressiveWebApplicationName web client start option is implemented. The progressiveWebApplication element is implemented for default.vrd file. This feature was not provided. Sending the web client application launch icon to the desktop is now available. The web client (in progressive web application mode) is started in a separate window, and not in a web browser window.
1C:Enterprise script. Updated asynchronous calls processing. Implemented the option to describe the method as an asynchronous, nonblocking analogue of a usual method. Asynchronous methods always return a Future object. The result of the asynchronous method is returned through this object. Implemented Asynch modifier used to describe the method. Implemented Future, AddInAsynchCallResult methods. Implemented Wait operator. The <MethodName>Asynch, Get<PropertyName>Asynch and Set<PropertyName>Asynch methods should be used to work with add-ins. These methods are added automatically by the platform; no add-in modification is required. For global context methods and 1C:Enterprise language objects starting with Show and Start, analogues with the Asynch name suffix are implemented. This feature was not provided. Using asynchronous methods required using special notification handlers. Using asynchronous methods was improved.
Internet-enabled functionality. Web client. The feature to obtain information about the current computer network adapters MAC addresses is implemented in client applications (thin, thick and web client). Implemented NetworkAdapterInformation object. Install the extension to get information about the computer to use web client. Implemented StartInstallationOfExtensionToGetComputerInformation() and StartAttachingExtensionToGetComputerInformation() method. This feature was not provided. Getting MAC address of the client computer is now available if it is required to interact with external systems.
Localization. Chinese language (zh, zh_CN) support is implemented for NumberInWords() method. This feature was not provided. Simplified the presentation of information for Chinese-speaking users.
DBMS operations. System requirements. PostgreSQL DBMS 12 (x86-64) is now supported. This PostgreSQL DBMS version was not supported. More PostgreSQL DBMS versions are now supported.
DBMS operations. PostgreSQL 12.2 is now supported. This PostgreSQL DBMS version was not supported. More PostgreSQL DBMS versions are now supported.
Common objects. The DataHashing object can calculate the SHA512 hash function. This feature was not provided. The list of supported hash functions is extended.
Client application form. Implemented the feature to specify a formatted string as the value of the Text property for the following planner items: PlannerItem, PlannerDimension, PlannerDimensionItem, PlannerBackgroundIntervalLabel, TimeScaleItemLabel. We have implemented the NewItemsTextType property for the Planner type form attribute, which allows to specify which text can be entered in new user-created planner items. Implemented the feature to set actions for the planner item. Implemented the PlannerItem.Actions property. You can specify various appearance properties (accessibility, picture, presentation, alignment, etc.) for each action. Implemented the feature to configure various system reactions to the selection of actions or clicking the hyperlinks in the planner items. The following events are implemented for planner field: OnURLClick, OnPlannerActionClick. Implemented the feature to create planner items that are not user-editable. Implemented the PlannerItem.EditingPermissionMode property. Implemented the feature to change the border color for planner background interval. Implemented the PlannerBackgroundInterval.BorderColor property. Implemented the feature to set the border for planner, planner background interval and planner item. Implemented the Border property for Planner, PlannerBackgroundInterval, PlannerItem objects. The Text parameter of BeforeCreate event of the planner extension for form field may have the values of Text and FormattedString type. The Text parameter of Add() method in PlannerDimensionCollection, PlannerDimensionItemsCollection and PlannerBackgroundIntervalLabelsCollection objects may have the values of Text and FormattedString type. The Text parameter of Insert() method in PlannerDimensionCollection, PlannerDimensionItemsCollection and PlannerBackgroundIntervalLabelsCollection objects may have the values of Text and FormattedString type. For system enumeration PlannerCommandSource the following new values are implemented: URL and Action. For system enumeration PlannerCommandGenerationParameters the URL, Action, Dimension values are implemented. For system enumeration StandardPlannerCommand the GotoURL, CopyURL, ExecuteAction values are implemented. These features were not provided. New planner use features. Implementing a more friendly user interface using a planner is now possible.
Global search. Implemented the feature to set custom actions to the global search results. The set actions are displayed next to the global search result and are available for execution directly from the list of global search results. Implemented the GlobalSearchResultItem.Actions property. Implemented the OnGlobalSearchResultActionSelect application module event handler. These features were not provided. Enhanced global search results formatting options.
Configuration extensions. Administration tools. Implemented the feature to use configuration extensions for the /MergeCfg Designer start command line command. The .cfe file may be used as command option. The -Extension option is implemented for this command to specify the extension, which the command will be executed for. The /MergeCfg command did not allow to use the extensions. Using extensions in automated scenarios in development, testing and maintenance of applications is now possible.
Configuration extensions. Implemented the feature to expand the adopted objects attribute types, except for:
  • common attribute types;
  • attributes with external data source types;
  • attributes having a definable type;
  • Type attribute of the chart of characteristic types.
Selecting actions for individual types when comparing and combining the extensions was implemented.
This feature was not provided. New extension features.
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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Collaboration system. Implemented the feature to hide all important notifications with one click in 1C:Enterprise - Startup and Notifications application. This feature appears if three (or more) notifications appear. The button for clearing notifications in the notification center of the client application has Clear label now. Hiding all important notifications with one click in 1C:Enterprise - Startup and Notifications application was not available. The button for clearing notifications In the notification center of the client application was called Clear notifications. Improved using the notifications. A large number of notifications can be hidden in one action.
Collaboration system. Implemented highlighting of new messages in an open conversation. Implemented an application title representation in the incoming video call title. Implemented a feature to insert pictures using Shift+Ins hot-key. When scrolling the list of messages up with the mouse wheel, the new messages are loaded automatically. When sending a message, the read flag for this conversation is set. Implemented caching of attachment files when they are received or opened (in the thin client) or received (in the web client). Implemented the feature to quote messages. Implemented the Quote command in the selected text context menu. The ">" character in the first position of the message line is the quotation flag. Implemented the feature to copy a message with attachments. For a client application running in Linux or Windows, the number of unread messages in the notification center is displayed as a number on the application icon in the taskbar and on the icon of the open notification list command. These features were not provided. Improved user operations in the collaboration system.
Web client. Add-ins. 64-bit add-ins are now supported by the web client in 64-bit Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers running Windows. In 64-bit Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers running Windows, the web client used 32-bit add-ins. Improved support of 64-bit Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox web browsers.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
Standalone server. Faster .DT file import to the infobase when using the standalone server management utility (ibcmd). Importing a DT file to the infobase of a standalone server (using ibcmd utility) took longer. Faster DT file import to the infobase of the standalone server.
Standard functions. Faster opening of the standard function main form for event log browsing. Opening the standard function main form for event log browsing took longer. Improved event log browsing.
Server clusters. The time to obtain a client license by the session is significantly reduced in the following cases:
  • Mass user operations start.
  • Restarting cluster managers after a software or hardware failure.
Obtaining licenses took a lot of time and significantly slowed down the sessions starting in case of mass starting (or restarting) of the client sessions. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data display. Server clusters. Improved performance of the GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods if the declension feature was used by several users at the same time when using client/server mode of the infobase. If the GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods are used by several users at the same time in the client/server mode of the infobase, execution of the methods took longer. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data access restrictions. Improved performance of StrContains() function used in data access restriction templates. Performance of StrContains() function used in data access restriction templates, was insufficient. Improved performance of StrContains() function used in data access restriction templates.
DBMS operations. When using queries from the platform to Microsoft SQL Server DBMS, their plans are cached in the same viewpoint of properties as when executing these queries from SQL Server Management Studio with default settings. This does not result in generation of a different query plan when the query is executed again in SQL Server Management Studio, which simplifies the analysis of the query operation. When using the same query in Microsoft SQL Server DBMS directly from the platform and from SQL Server Management Studio, different query plans could be generated. Simplified analysis of query plans that are used in Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.
Database copies. Optimized the process of transferring completed transactions to the database copy. The process of transferring completed transactions to the database copy took longer. Faster transfer of data to the database copy.
Data composition system. Dynamic lists. Faster opening of report and dynamic list settings, as well as generation of data composition templates, if child fields of fields for which a large number of characteristics are defined are used in the data composition settings. If the data composition settings involve child fields of fields for which a large number of characteristics are defined, opening report and dynamic list settings, as well as generating data composition templates took a lot of time. Faster opening of dynamic list and report settings forms.
Data access restrictions. In data access restriction queries, a feature to replace subqueries that do not depend on the protected table with the result of their operation is implemented. Replacing one subquery for each protected table is supported. The result of calculating such subqueries is cached in the working process RAM. Queries for data access restrictions were not subjected to additional processing and were always performed in their original form. Improved performance of data access restriction queries. As a result of the change, the DBMS can plan a more efficient query.
Spreadsheet document. Processing PDF documents. Improved spreadsheet document export to PDF performance. Exporting a spreadsheet document to PDF required more time. Improved performance of spreadsheet document export to PDF format. Possible reduced size of the resulting PDF document if the original spreadsheet document contains cells with changed text orientation.
Development tools. Faster standalone configuration generation. Standalone configuration generation took more time. Faster standalone configuration generation.
Spreadsheet documents. Improved performance of spreadsheet documents with numerous merged cells in a great number of rows. Operations with a spreadsheet document with numerous merged cells in a great number of rows took more time. Improved performance of spreadsheet documents.
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Changes that affect system behavior

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Standalone server. A partial import and export of configurations from files has been implemented for the standalone server management utility (ibcmd). The following items are implemented for the config export command:
  • The --sync option allows to synchronize the configuration and the export directory.
  • The objects command allows to export only those configuration objects that are specified in the file, which is the command option.
  • The info command allows to get information about the infobase used by the standalone server.
  • The status command allows to get the differences between the configuration and the export directory.
  • The base command allows to export changes to the infobase configuration relative to the directory with previously exported files.
  • The all-extensions command allows to export all the infobase extensions to files.
The following commands are implemented for the config import command:
  • The files command imports data from files that are listed as a command option.
  • The all-extensions command allows to import all the extensions that are in the specified directory from the files.
The standalone server management utility (ibcmd) allowed only complete configuration import and export from/to files. Expanded standalone server capabilities.
Internet-enabled functionality. Implemented the feature to receive and set a custom text type for an email message when using InternetMail feature. Implemented CustomText value for the MailTextType enumeration. Implemented CustomTextType property for the InternetMailText object, which contains the actual text type from the email Content-Type property. If the platform cannot define the mail message type, the InternetMailText.TextType property is set to MailTextType.CustomText. The TextType parameter of the InternetMailTexts.Add() method may have a String type value. When generating the mail text that will be actually sent to the mail server, the charset parameter with the encoding specified in the InternetMailTexts.Encoding property will be added to (or replaced in) the Content-Type header. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. When using Internet mail, receiving the actual type of mail message was not available. If the platform could not define the mail message type, the InternetMailText.TextType property was set to MailTextType.SimpleText. When generating the text of the mail to be actually sent to the mail server, the charset parameter in the Content-Type header was not generated. Improved working with emails such as meeting invitations that are sent from electronic calendars when using Internet mail.
Collaboration system. Implemented a feature of creating a robot (bot) that runs on the 1C:Enterprise server (does not require a running instance of the client application) for the collaboration system. Implemented the CollaborationSystemBot object. The ProcessBots(), NewBot(), GetBot(), GetBots() methods were implemented for collaboration system manager. Implemented system background jobs for bot operations. Implemented the bot using features in the collaboration system management system data processor. Implementing a robot (bot) required constantly running client application. Distinguished entity to describe bots was absent. Simplified the robots (bots) creation in the collaboration system. A working robot does not require a running client application.
Server clusters. New feature: parallel recalculation of register totals is available upon infobase restructuring, testing, and repair. System background jobs are used for recalculation. ID of such a background job is SystemBackgroundJob.RecalcTotals. Implemented the Number of totals recalculation job parameter for the Infobase parameters dialog box. There are 4 recalculation background jobs by default. New global context methods: GetTotalsRecalculationJobsCount() and SetTotalsRecalculationJobsCount(). Register totals were recalculated sequentially upon infobase restructuring, testing, and repair for all required infobase registers. New feature: totals are recalculated faster upon infobase restructuring, testing, and repair.
HTML support. Availability of the HTMLDocumentShell.TemplateLanguageCode property in the Syntax Assistant was removed for the thick client. The HTMLDocumentShell.TemplateLanguageCode property in the Syntax Assistant was available for the thick client. Fixed bug in the Syntax Assistant.
Spreadsheet document. Processing PDF documents. When saving a spreadsheet document to PDF, the JPEG pictures are saved in a compressed format. The picture format does not change. When saving a spreadsheet document to PDF, the pictures were saved without using JPEG compression algorithms. Reduced size of PDF documents if the original spreadsheet document contains JPEG images.
Configuration extensions. Implemented a feature to continue full-fledged using of the configuration, if the extensions that perform data extension were not attached for some reason when starting the configuration. In this case, the default values for the corresponding types will be written in the extended attributes. If not all extensions that perform data extension are attached on session start, the application could read the extended configuration data of successfully attached extensions without errors. At the same time, an attempt to write an object, which data is supplemented by a disabled extension, was not available. An application that uses an extension, which performs data extension, remains fully functional (except for non-attached extensions), if not all extensions that perform data extension are attached.
Common objects. The Russian letter "ё" is now supported by the GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods. The GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods replaced "ё" with "е" and performed resulting string declension after that. The Russian letter "ё" is no longer replaced with "е" when using GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods.
1C:Enterprise script. The Number() function allows to convert exponential number representations to numbers only if the absolute value of that number order does not exceed 1,000. In the web client, the Number() function does not support conversion from the exponential number representation. The Number() function allowed exponential number representations to be converted to numbers without limiting the order value. This could cause a very large memory consumption and a very large amount of time spent on arithmetic operations with these values. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Add-ins. The name of the temporary file, which the add-in is saved to before attachment, includes the name of the original add-in file. Thus, the full name of the add-in file consists of a prefix (assigned by the platform according to the standard algorithm for generating the temporary file name) and a suffix (which includes the name and extension of the original add-in file obtained from the add-in manifest). The name of the temporary file, which the add-in is saved to before attachment, consisted only of an arbitrary temporary file name (with the .tmp extension) which was generated by 1C:Enterprise. Simplified diagnostics of faults caused by problems in attached add-ins. Various event logs will clearly show the name of the add-in, in which the error occurred.
Applied objects. If the main form attribute is ConstantsSet and there are no constants in the set when the form is opened (due to access right restrictions or displayed type restrictions), methods of reading data and writing data to an infobase are not called for the constant set upon opening or closing the form. If the main form attribute was ConstantsSet and there were no constants in the set when the form was opened (due to access right restrictions or displayed type restrictions), unavailable infobase constants were filled in with defaults for their types. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application form. Changed the behavior of some buttons in the objects and record sets forms:
  • The Delete, Reread buttons are not available in the new object or the information register record forms and external data source table.
  • The Mark for deletion button is not available in the new object form.
  • The Activate button is not available in the new job form.
  • When clicking Copy, Mark for deletion, you will be offered to save the object and then perform an action or refuse an action in the new object, new information register record forms, or the external data source table record.
The Delete, Reread, Mark for deletion, Activate and Copy commands were always available in the new object, information register records forms or external data source records. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects. If the ConvertibleSplitterOfLines property is not set for DataReader object or is set to Chars.CR+Chars.LF, and the text file being read contains consecutive Chars.CR characters between the combinations of Chars.CR+Chars.LF, the ReadChars() method will be executed as follows:
  • Each pair of Chars.CR+Chars.LF will be replaced with Chars.LF.
  • All other characters are returned as is.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode.
If the ConvertibleSplitterOfLines property was not set for DataReader object or was set to Chars.CR+Chars.LF, and the text file being read contained consecutive Chars.CR characters between the combinations of Chars.CR+Chars.LF, the ReadChars() method could violate the sequence of characters (including permutation of characters, deletion and addition of Chars.CR or Chars.LF). Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Charts. Improved the Gantt chart representation. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. The Gantt chart looked different. Merging of connection lines is excluded, the number of connection lines of complex shape is reduced, the appearance of the chart items is improved on the Gantt chart.
Database configuration update. When using the optimized infobase restructuring feature, the actual restructuring will be performed if:
  • The following changes to the configuration objects were made:
  • The tables of restructured objects do contain data that must be changed during the update process. If there is no such data, no action is taken and the restructuring is considered completed.
The optimized infobase restructuring feature always performed database tables restructuring if the following changes were made to the configuration objects:
  • A type was removed from a composite type.
  • A recorder was removed from the information register, accumulation register or accounting register.
  • A value was removed from enumeration.
In some cases, significant improvement of the optimized infobase restructuring feature performance can be reached.
Data display. If the parameter of the GetStringDeclensions() or GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods contains unequal number of opening and closing brackets or quotes, the platform will automatically fix this issue and decline the correct phrase. The resulting number of brackets or quotes will match the number of brackets or quotes in the parameter. If the parameter of the GetStringDeclensions() or GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods contained unequal number of opening and closing brackets or quotes, the platform threw an exception. The GetStringDeclensions() and GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() methods behavior became more logical.
Full-text search. If a full-text search is used to search by the beginning of a line, all the results are highlighted in the search results representation, regardless of the number of results. If a full-text search was used to search by the beginning of a line, and a large number of words were found that satisfied the search query as a result of the search, the found words may not be highlighted in the search results. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Queries. Query Wizard generates missing aliases of query fields using the same scheme as the query execution functionality. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. Query Wizard could generate missing aliases of query fields using a scheme different from the scheme used upon query execution. Now automatic generation of aliases of query fields (in different platform tools) is consistent.
Collaboration system. Implemented the standard collaboration system commands, which allow to copy the attachment and quote the message. Implemented the CopyAttachment and QuoteMessage values for CollaborationSystemStandardCommand system enumeration. Implemented the default constructor for CollaborationSystemUserIDCollection object. Implemented the VideoconferencesAreAvailable(), GetMaximumVideoconferenceParticipantsNumber() and StartVideoconference() methods for CollaborationSystemManager object. These features were not provided. Expanded the collaboration system usage capabilities.
Add-ins. Web client. An attempt to use a non-existent add-in method or property in web client generates an error that can be caught in the Try–Except clause. The method or property is not called at all. The behavior in thick, thin, and web client applications is now the the same. An attempt to use a non-existent add-in method or property in web client initiated a call from the web client. If a method or a property was missing, an error occurred only in the error handler specified in notification details. The error could not be caught in the Try–Except clause. Web client behavior is now identical to thin and thick client behavior.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Implemented the HomePageSettings and HomePageForms objects on the mobile application server and the standalone mobile server. The HomePageSettings and HomePageForms were not available on the mobile application server and the standalone mobile server. Now you can customize the application home page on your mobile device.
Client application form. In thick client and Designer, improved display of a table box whose header or footer contains numerous columns grouped into a composite multiline column using the Position of table box column property. In thick client and Designer, a table box whose header or footer contained numerous columns grouped into a composite multiline column using the Position of table box column property, was displayed with delay. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. The DCS template generator calculates the width (in cells) of each resource template displayed in a DCS table column as the maximum width of all templates displayed in this DCS table column (both generated and predefined templates). If predefined templates are specified for group and resource templates, the number of recourses specified for them in the data composition settings is not considered for such groups. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. The DCS template generator calculated the width (in cells) of each resource template displayed in a DCS table column based on all resources displayed in this template (in the data composition settings) and predefined templates. If the estimated template width was bigger than the predefined template width for a resource template specified for a table row/column intersection, the width of a template to create was equal to the estimated width. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. When the Data Composition System groups by a calculated field, a presentation expression of this field (if specified) is used in this group and its nested groups when this field is displayed in the data composition result. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. When the Data Composition System grouped by a calculated field, a calculated field presentation was displayed in detailed records only. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application form. For a table that displays the value tree with one column, implemented the following algorithm for calculating the column width depending on the width of the text in rows of the tree being displayed:
  • For table cells with disabled automatic calculation of the cell height, the table cell width is calculated based on the width of the text displayed in cells.
  • For table cells with enabled automatic calculation of the cell height, the table cell width is calculated based on the width specified in column properties upon configuration development. If there is less than half of the table width for text display in the visible table area, the text area width becomes equal to the table width, provided that this width is bigger than the width of the selected area.
  • The actual table column width is calculated as the maximum width of all cells displayed in the visible table area.
For a table whose cell (not a complete row) is selected upon row selection, horizontal scrolling is done when you move between table rows or activate a row so that the text is fully displayed in the visible table area. If a text does not fit in the visible area, the text area is aligned to the left edge of the table.
For a table that displayed the value tree with one column, the column width and position of the text in a column did not depend on the text displayed in the tree. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Configuration extensions. When the ChangeAndValidate annotation is used in configuration extensions, the applicability check does not consider changes where empty strings and strings formed only with space and tab characters are added or deleted. When the ChangeAndValidate annotation was used in configuration extensions, the applicability check considered changes where empty strings and strings formed only with space and tab characters were added or deleted. Decreased the amount of false positives of the extension applicability check.
Spreadsheet document. Mobile platform. Mobile client. Improved spreadsheet document conversion to compact mode (on a mobile device):
  • Now you can move spreadsheet document cells that are under horizontal cell merge.
  • Implemented automatic highlighting for moved cells. A single spreadsheet document column is displayed in a single color. Highlighting does not apply when the text color is explicitly specified for a spreadsheet document cell.
  • Highlighting also does not apply when cells are not moved upon spreadsheet document conversion to compact mode.
  • Now dividing lines of a spreadsheet document are lighter.
The algorithm for spreadsheet document conversion to compact mode was different. The resulting spreadsheet document was not well suited for a mobile device. Improved spreadsheet document display on a mobile device (compact spreadsheet document mode).
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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration extensions. Calling extended form methods from an extension using the Execute() method is no longer supported. Only the methods that are available through the ThisObject property can be called. It is recommended to analyze the extensions and refactor them, if necessary. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. Calling extended form methods from an extension using the Execute() method was supported. A form extension can only use the documented interface for using an extended form. A “documented interface" refers to methods declared in a form module using the Export keyword.
Administration tools. The service message output file, which is specified in the /Out command-line option of the client applications and Designer start, is generated in UTF-8. The service message output file, which was specified in the /Out command-line option of the client applications and Designer start, was generated in the operating system encoding. The service message output file is always generated in the same encoding, regardless of the operating system encoding.
Linux. System requirements. Standalone server. When using Linux, the feature was implemented to simultaneously install several versions of 1C:Enterprise, including those that differ only in the last (fourth) digit of the number. Implemented automatic selection of the started client application version. Changed starting of the server cluster and the location of the srv1cv83 and srv1cv83.conf files. Implemented the feature to automatically update the client application over the network and from the web server. Implemented the feature to specify the location of client application distribution packages in the web client publishing dialog (in the Linux version of Designer). The PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxDEB64, PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxDEB32, PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxRPM64, PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxRPM32 parameters are implemented for conf.cfg file. Implemented the pubdstlindeb64, pubdstlindeb32, pubdstlinrpm64, pubdstlinrpm32 attributes for the <point> item of default.vrd file. Implemented the lindeb64, lindeb32, linrpm64, linrpm32 properties for the pubdst parameter of the standalone server configuration file. These features were not provided. Using several versions of 1C:Enterprise simultaneously is now available when using Linux.
Data display. The Parameters parameter of StringWithNumber() method was renamed to NumberFormatString. A number format string similar to the Format() method can be passed to this parameter. The StringWithNumber() method generates a number representation considering the current session or the passed format string locale. The StringWithNumber() method always generated a number representation considering the locale code passed as the method parameter and did not consider the current session locale. Eliminated unexpected system behavior. The result of the StringWithNumber() method now matches the current session locale.
Applied objects. The following changes have been implemented for document journals:
  • The rows of the document journal table corresponding to documents, for which there is no Read right, cannot be retrieved using the query language (dynamic list, data composition system).
  • The rows of the document journal table corresponding to documents, for which there is no View right, cannot be retrieved using the data composition system when interactive rights check is enabled, for example, in a dynamic list and by default in reports.
  • A column of the document journal is available if at least one attribute included in this column is available.
  • The interactive properties of the Password mode, Format, Hint, Highlight negative and Multiline mode document journal columns in the data composition system are received from the corresponding properties of the document attributes included in the journal column.
  • The data composition system uses the Quick Select property for fields with types of references to object tables of external data sources.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode.
The following behavior of document journals was observed:
  • The rows of the document journal table corresponding to documents, for which there was no Read right, could be retrieved using the query language, if there were Read rights for the log table.
  • The rows of the document journal table corresponding to documents, for which there was no View right, could not be retrieved using the data composition system when interactive rights check was enabled, for example, in a dynamic list and by default in reports.
  • A column of the document journal was available if all the attributes included in this column were available.
  • The interactive properties of the Password mode, Format, Hint, Highlight negative and Multiline mode document journal columns in the data composition system were not received from the corresponding properties of the document attributes included in the journal column.
  • The data composition system did not use the Quick Select property for fields with types of references to object tables of external data sources.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Collaboration system. Reviewed the feature for working with actions in the collaboration system messages. The CollaborationSystemMessageActionsCollection type was implemented to generate the list of actions. The CollaborationSystemMessageActionsCollection becomes a value type for the CollaborationSystemMessage.Actions property. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. Implemented the OnCollaborationSystemActionSelect event handler for application module. The AttachMessageActionHandler() and DetachMessageActionHandler() are collaboration system manager methods considered obsolete and are not recommended for use. It is necessary to change the algorithms for working with actions in the collaboration system messages in applications. A list of values was used to specify the list of actions of the collaboration system. Setting the collaboration system message action handlers required using the AttachMessageActionHandler() and DetachMessageActionHandler() collaboration system manager methods. Procedure of using actions is unified with the other platform features.
Data composition system. If the data composition schema query contains union, and a filtering field is available for applying filter only (and is not available for selection) in several union parts, then the filter is applied only to the union parts where this field is available for filtering. It is recommended to review data composition schemas that contain queries with unions. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. When applying a filter to a data set query containing a union, the filter was applied to all the union sections if at least one section a filtering field available for filter. The result of applying filter in the data composition schema has become more predictable.
Full-text search. When setting the value of the FullTextSearchList.SearchArea property, an exception is thrown if the array being set contains an item that is not a metadata object. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. When setting the value of the FullTextSearchList.SearchArea property, the validation of the value being set was not performed, however, when an attempt was made to get the search result (FullTextSearchList.First Part() method), an exception was thrown with incomprehensible text. Validation of parameters is aligned with standard practices. The error message now corresponds the detected error.
Charts. The DataSource chart property is not available in the thin client and web client. When attempting to set the value of this property using 1C:Enterprise language, an error is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. The attempt to set the DataSource chart property depended on the client application:
  • An error was generated in the web client.
  • The setting worked in the thin client and the data was displayed in a chart until the first server call. The link of the chart to the data was lost after the first server call.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Charts. Interactive chart editing with a set data source is not supported. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. For a chart with a set data source, the following behavior was observed when attempting to edit interactively:
  • Chart values were edited.
  • The values in the data source did not change.
  • When changing values in the data source, all the changes made manually were lost and the chart displayed data from the data source.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application form. Window settings for thin client, web client, mobile client and mobile platform are stored with different settings keys suffixes. When changing the configuration compatibility mode, the following actions are performed:
  • When setting the Do not use compatibility mode:
  • When setting the Version 8.3.17 compatibility mode:
  • New settings keys are given in the documentation. If the configuration uses direct operation with the window settings, it is recommended to analyze the program code that interacts with the settings and make appropriate changes to it.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode.
These features were not provided. Settings were stored separately for the web client (one setting) and all other client applications (another setting). The client application window settings for different types of client applications are stored separately and do not mix with each other. Implementing software operations with the window settings of a single type of client application is simplified.
Data composition system. If condition Contains, Does not contain, Like, Not like, Begins with, or Does not begin with is specified for data composition filter set at the data set level and the condition string contains a single double quote ("""), Data Composition System escapes such characters automatically upon data composition template generation. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. If condition Contains, Does not contain, Like, Not like, Begins with, or Does not begin with was specified for data composition filter set at the data set level and the condition string contained a single double quote ("""), Data Composition System did not escape such characters upon data composition template generation. Executing such data composition might have caused an error. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Information registers. Only register records with the Activity property set to True are included in the result of a query to a virtual table of the SliceLast information register. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. All register records were included in the result of a query to a virtual table of the SliceLast information register, regardless of the Activity property value. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Input by string. Global search. Dynamic list. Full-text search. Implemented the search query complexity limitation. The overall search query length must not exceed 1000 characters and 32 words. The limitations are implemented for the following mechanisms:
  • Input by string.
  • Global search.
  • Dynamic list search string.
  • Full-text search.
In the parameter structure of the GetChoiceData() method, the LimitSearchString parameter that provides search without analyzing a search query is expected. Implemented the FullTextSearchList.LimitSearchString property. If this property is set to False, full-text search does not analyze a search query. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode.
There was no search query complexity limitation, except for the search string of a dynamic list where the search string was not to exceed 1000 characters and 20 words. Complexity of a search query to built-in search tools is limited to avoid high server load and unexpected shutdown due to a complex search query.
Add-ins. Examples from add-in development technology are switched to build with CMake. Static libraries for creating adapters for web browsers running Windows are built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler that supports Windows XP. Developers who develop circulation add-ins must develop an add-in for all operating systems from the list of system requirements Read more.. Web client adapters for Windows must be built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler that supports Windows XP. Developers whose add-ins are developed for a specific deployment case can use the compiler they used for supported operating system versions. Still, use Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 compiler that supports Windows XP to build web client adapters for Windows. Changes were made to development technology for add-ins (read more). Examples from add-in development technology were built with Microsoft Visual Studio 2013. A more modern set of tools is used to build demo add-ins.
Client application form. A line that does not fit to width in decorations, label fields, or field headers is broken by a word separator closest to the form item edge. Upon disabling the compatibility mode, we recommend that you check that forms with texts that do not fit to width in decorations, label fields, or field headers are displayed correctly. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 version compatibility mode. A line that did not fit to width in decorations, label fields, or field headers could be broken by a word separator that was not closest to the form item edge. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
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Renamed objects

Object The old name The new name
System event log event names.
  • _$InfoBase$_.InfoBaseAdmParamsUpdate;
  • _$InfoBase$_.InfoBaseAdmParamsUpdateError;
  • _$InfoBase$_.TARInfo;
  • _$InfoBase$_.TARMess;
  • _$InfoBase$_.TARImportant;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateNew;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateUpdate;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondFactorAuthTemplateDelete.
  • _$InfoBase$_.ParametersUpdate;
  • _$InfoBase$_.ParametersUpdateError;
  • _$InfoBase$_.VerifyAndRepairInfo;
  • _$InfoBase$_.VerifyAndRepairMessage;
  • _$InfoBase$_.VerifyAndRepairImportant;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondAuthenticationFactorTemplateNew;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondAuthenticationFactorTemplateUpdate;
  • _$InfoBase$_.SecondAuthenticationFactorTemplateDelete.
Designer description for a name of a property with roles that will limit mobile user capabilities.
  • Limiting roles of a standalone configuration.
  • Limiting roles of a standalone mobile application.
Check box of the configuration check dialog box that enables configuration check in the standalone mode.
  • Mobile client (standalone mode).
  • Mobile client (standalone mode) and standalone mobile server.
Changed the File.Exist() and FileDialog.CheckFileExist methods names. The former names are supported for compatibility purposes.
  • File.Exist().
  • FileDialog.CheckFileExist.
  • File.Exists().
  • FileDialog.CheckFileExistence.
CopyFile() method description option.
  • FileCopy().
The name of the method for verifying that a purchase has been made. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • Purchased().
  • CheckPurchase().
The names of the files with the Linux installation packages that contain the client application distribution packages.
  • win-mac-clients-distr-A.B.C-D.i386.rpm
  • win-mac-clients-distr-A.B.C-D.x86_64.rpm
  • win-mac-clients-distr_A.B.C-D_amd64.deb
  • win-mac-clients-distr_A.B.C-D_i386.deb
In this list, A.B.C-D is the full version number of 1C:Enterprise.
  • win-mac-clients-A.B.C.D-distr-A.B.C-D.i386.rpm
  • win-mac-clients-A.B.C.D-distr-A.B.C-D.x86_64.rpm
  • win-mac-clients-A.B.C.D-distr_A.B.C-D_amd64.deb
  • win-mac-clients-A.B.C.D-distr_A.B.C-D_i386.deb
In this list, A.B.C.D and A.B.C-D are the full version number of 1C:Enterprise
The global context property that allows accessing data of the link used to start the application. The previous property name is supported for compatibility.
  • StartupURL.
  • StartupURLNavigationData.
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Mobile version of "1C:Enterprise"

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Implemented the feature to control the automatic image rotation when using the MultimediaTools.MakePhoto() method. To do this, the AutoRotate option is implemented in this method. When using the MultimediaTools.MakePhoto() method, the mobile version always rotated the resulting image if the orientation of the phone at the time of taking the photo did not match the orientation of the resulting photo. Improving the performance of taking photos by disabling the resulting photo turning is now possible.
Client application form. Implemented the grouping of fields in a system form, which is generated for editing a form table row (not associated with a dynamic list), if such grouping is implemented in the table settings. Only the first level of grouping is displayed. Other grouping levels are not displayed. They are placed in the parent group of the first level instead. All the table row fields were displayed in a list without grouping in a system form, which was generated for editing a form table row (not associated with a dynamic list). Improved automatically generated form for editing a form table row.
Development tools. Now you can set up module check in the standalone mode of a mobile client in Service – Parameters – Modules – Check. Implemented the Mobile client (standalone mode) and a standalone mobile server check box. This feature was not provided. Simplified real-time check of modules to be run in the standalone mode of a mobile client.
Printing tools. Mobile platform. Mobile client. Now the mobile application supports printers that are supported by the used mobile operating system. You can switch between printing through the operating system and printing using the platform tools (printers that support PCL3 and ZPL languages) in infobase settings on your mobile device (in Service and settings - Settings) or in Mobile Application Builder (the Print mode application settings property). 1C:Enterprise mobile platform supported only printers supporting PCL3 and ZPL languages. Extended list of printers supported by 1C:Enterprise mobile platform.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Updated permission management for a mobile application built using Mobile Application Builder. Implemented the functionality mechanism that combines a mobile application permission and a text displayed to a user upon request for a permission. Included the mobile version functionality module in the mobile application. If the functionality is disabled, the matching module will not be included in the build and an attempt to use this functionality will generate a runtime exception (on a mobile device). Settings of mobile application functionalities can be accessed using the configuration property Used mobile application functionality. Before you build a configuration to be dumped using version 8.3.18, we recommend that you check that the required functionality is specified correctly for the configuration. The mechanism of mobile application permission management was different. It did not affect the total size of an application to build. A disabled permission might not affect performance of a built application. Now it is easier to manage the used mobile application functionality. When a developer specifies a functionality, they must also specify the text to be displayed to a user upon request for a permission and make this functionality available for use.
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Library updates

  • The libjpeg library is updated to version 9d.
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Demo configuration changes

  • The home page of the demo configuration was revised.
  • In the Users catalog, implemented an example of how to create a video call or a chat with the selected user from the user edit form.
  • Implemented an example of how to use global search for operations with counterparties. Now you can create a new sales order for the counterparty using global search.
  • Implemented the OfficeManager bot to demonstrate how mechanisms work. The bot allows you to get prices and available stock for the specified goods, the state of mutual settlements with a counterparty, and the list of last three unclosed orders.The Assistant conversations features are moved to the OfficeManager bot.
  • The calendar form demonstrates how you can use new features of the Planner object. Changed the calendar description text in the configuration guide.
  • The user settings form was revised. New feature: you can install a progressive web application (if the demo configuration runs in the web client) and enable notifications even when the application is closed.
  • The configuration guide includes new sections about a progressive web application and 1C:Enterprise Notifications and startup.
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Changes made after the publication of the version

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Queries. Common attributes / Data separation. In infobase file mode, execution of a query where an inner join between object data and its tabular section is being created is faster now. The upgrade is valid if an object used in a query is part of a common attribute that is a separator. In infobase file mode, it took more time to execute a query where an inner join between object data and its tabular section was being created for an object included into the separator. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Development tools. Now you can press Ctrl+Alt+E to abort long-running operations on Windows. You can still press Ctrl+Break for this purpose. Both shortcuts can be used at the same time. To abort long-running operations, you could press Ctrl+Break on Windows. Now you can abort long-running operations on devices without the Break key.
Charts. A chart tooltip is no longer covered by a formatted document field or the planner field. A chart tooltip is displayed without semitransparency if a thin or thick client application runs Linux or macOS. A chart tooltip could be covered by a formatted document field or the planner field. It was impossible to view some tooltip information. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Configuration extensions. New feature: you can change data of a configuration object whose attribute types are changed by an inactive extension. When reading objects with attribute types modified by disabled configuration extensions, values stored in a database will be converted to configuration types, ignoring inactive extensions. On recording, only changed attributes will be updated. Information about disabled extensions is added to an error report. Changed the format of the report.json file to which collected error information is placed automatically. We recommend that you use this mode as emergency mode when you need to update an application infobase if there are extensions that are incompatible with a new configuration version. It was not possible to change data of a configuration object whose attribute types were changed by an inactive extension. Simplified configuration update if an extension that modifies attribute types of an extended configuration becomes inactive once the extended configuration is updated.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile application builder. Now you can open the mobile application by clicking an URL. You can set up schemas and links the mobile application reacts to in Designer or Mobile Application Builder. Now the configuration supports navigation to the application when clicking an URL. New configuration property: MobileApplicationURLs. New handler in the application module: URLNavigationProcessing(). New global context method: GetExternalURL(). This feature was not provided. The mobile application could not be called from another application, for example, when a hyperlink was placed in email. Added new features for 1C:Enterprise mobile version. Now you can register specific URLs. When you click them in another application, the mobile application opens automatically.
System requirements. 1C:Enterprise now supports Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (x86-64). 1C:Enterprise did not support Microsoft Windows Server 2019 (x86-64). The list of supported operating systems is extended.
Client application form. In the client application form, you can now handle the following events of the form field extension for the planner field:
  • Selecting an empty planner area to create a planner item.
  • Selecting planner items.
  • Dragging or changing borders of one or more planner items.
  • Copying one or more planner items.
Implemented the event handler of the form field extension of the client application for the CheckDraggingInside planner field. For the event handler of the form field extension of the client application for the BeforeCreate planner field, the following parameters become return parameters: Start, End, DimensionsValues, and Text.
Dragging items within the planner field and changing the size of planner field items were not available. New features for interactive editing of the planner field.
Error handling. Implemented a new error category: a database copy error. Errors that occur while using database copies fall into this category. Implemented value of the ErrorCategory.DatabaseCopyError system enumeration. This change is not implemented in 8.3.17 compatibility mode. Errors that occurred while using database copies fell into the category of external data source errors. Improved error categorization.
Spreadsheet documents. Web client. Improved update of a spreadsheet document displayed in the web client with scale greater than 100% when editing text in cells. Once you finish editing text in a cell, the server is no longer called if the entered text fits the cell. Once you finished editing text in a cell of a spreadsheet document displayed in the web client with scale greater than 100%, the server was called if the entered text fitted the cell. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality. New property: NetworkAdapterInformation.IPAddress. The property contains a network adapter IP address that describes the NetworkAdapterInformation object. This feature was not provided. Expanded the network adapter information provided by 1C:Enterprise.
Full-text search. Error handling. An attempt to search by a word for which a lot of matches are found generates an error. Reduced the full-text search index size for very large infobases. New system enumeration value: ErrorsCategories.FullTextSearchError. We recommend that you clear the full-text search index and build it again if the full-text search index size exceeds 50 Gb. When the previous platform version with the full-text search index built by platform version 8.3.19 is started, the index will be cleared and built again. An attempt to search by a word for which a lot of matches were found could lead to unpredictable results. Improved stability and fault tolerance of full-text search.
System requirements. DBMS operations. Support of the following Postgres Pro DBMS versions is implemented (x86-64 architecture only):
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.4.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.4.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.4.1.
The following Postgres Pro DBMS versions were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.4.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.4.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.4.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
Mobile application builder. The version of Mobile Application Builder now matches the number of the 1C:Enterprise mobile version the builder is supplied with. Thus, Mobile Application Builder that comes with the mobile version 8.3.18 has the version number 8.3.18.*. The fourth digit of the builder version number indicates the builder build number and has nothing to do with the fourth digit of the number of the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise. Mobile Application Builder had the numbering that did not match the number of the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise. The numbering of Mobile Application Builder is now more transparent and associated with its mobile version of 1C:Enterprise.
Mobile application builder. Mobile Application Builder does not support mobile versions of 1C:Enterprise whose number (first three digits) is greater than the builder version number (first three digits). Mobile Application Builder 8.3.18 will not load the mobile version 8.3.19 and later. The builder still allows you to upload the previous mobile versions of 1C:Enterprise (8.3.17 and later). In Mobile Application Builder, you can now block loading of configurations whose format is not supported by the current builder version. Mobile Application Builder did not have any restrictions on loading mobile configurations and mobile versions of 1C:Enterprise. This could lead to hard-to-diagnose issues when configurations or mobile versions not supported by the builder were uploaded to the builder. Mobile Application Builder no longer supports loading of objects that it does not support.
Linux. System requirements. The following Linux distributions are now supported:
  • ALT Education 9.
  • ALT Workstation 9.
  • ALT Workstation K 9.
  • ALT Server 9.
The following Linux distributions are no longer supported:
  • ALT Linux 6.0 SPT.
  • ALT Workstation 7.
  • ALT Server 7.
The following Linux distributions were supported:
  • ALT Linux 6.0 SPT.
  • ALT Workstation 7.
  • ALT Server 7.
The list of supported Linux distributions is brought up-to-date.
Full-text search. Changed the algorithm to perform the standard type of the Data global search. As a result, the search returns a more relevant result in less time. For the algorithm description, see the documentation. When performing the standard type of the Data global search, the result might not match the search string well. Improved relevance and performance of the standard type of the Data global search.
Licensing system. For system distribution packages designed for Windows XP, HASP Device Driver version 7.63 is now included. The outdated haspds_windows.dll and hdinst_windows.dll files are removed from the distribution package. For system distribution packages designed for Windows XP, HASP Device Driver version 7.92 that did not run on this operating system was included. Windows XP users can install HASP Device Driver directly from the current 1C:Enterprise distribution package.
1C:Enterprise script. Improved performance of the Insert() and Get() methods of the Map object for cases when a reference to an infobase object is used as a map key. The Insert() and Get() methods of the Map object showed poor performance when a reference to an infobase object was used as a map key. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile device-specific features. Upgraged the in-app purchases mechanism. The purchases mechanism is based on the Google Play Billing 3 library. New parameters for the InAppPurchases.UpdatePurchaseInformation() method: PurchaseType and AutoConfirmation. New parameter for the InAppPurchases.BeginPurchasing() and InAppPurchases.PurchaseAsync() methods: AutoConfirmation. New methods for the InAppPurchasesManager object: PurchasesConfirmationSupported(), CheckConfirmation(), and ConfirmPurchase(). To build a mobile application that supports the new in-app purchases mechanism, use Mobile Application Builder version 8.3.18 or later. We recommend that you refactor the application to switch to the new in-app purchases interface. The old purchases mechanism is only supported in version 8.2.17 and earlier compatibility mode. The in-app purchases mechanism was based on Google Play through Android Interface Definition Languages. Upgrade: the mobile application monetization mechanism is now supported, which will be required when publishing in Google Play, starting in August 2021.
Integration service. You can now get the state of connection to an external integration service. You can now receive and delete messages that are in the integration service channel. New methods for the manager of the external integration service channel: GetState(), SelectMessages(), and DeleteMessages(). These features were not provided. The message when sent could only be out of date. If an error occurred while sending a message, this message blocked the channel. New operations with messages in the channel of the external integration service.
Mobile application builder. Mobile platform. Mobile client. In Mobile Application Builder, you can now build mobile applications for iOS if the build uses a Mac based on the Apple M1 processor and uses macOS Big Sur. Mobile Application Builder did not support running a build of mobile applications for iOS when the build used a Mac based on the Apple M1 processor and used macOS Big Sur. Mobile Application Builder now supports modern Apple computers and operating systems.
Client application. Client application installation. Administration tools. On Linux, it is now possible to update the distribution package without additional configuration of the default.vrd file (via the distr directory of a specific version directory). For Linux and Windows, installation package files that contain all client applications are implemented. Updating the distribution package without additional configuration of the default.vrd file (via the distr directory of a specific version directory) was supported only by client applications for macOS and Windows. It is now easier to configure distribution of client application distribution packages when updating the 1C:Enterprise version on servers running Linux.
Web client. The web client now supports URLs:
  • Global context event handler URLNavigationProcessing.
  • Global context method GetExternalURL().
  • Global context property StartupURL. This property contains the URL that started the client application.
These features were not available in the web client. Web client URL features are now in line with the rest of the client applications.
Mobile application builder. It is now easier to load configurations into Mobile Application Builder. The builder automatically determines which group to place the configuration to be loaded in. You can now view properties of the used configuration directly from the built mobile application card. For a configuration loaded into the builder, it is now possible to get a list of applications that include this configuration. To load a new mobile configuration version, it was necessary to manually determine which group to load the configuration into, which was not very easy with a large list of used configurations. Mobile Application Builder did not provide an easy way to get a list of applications that used any configuration. It also did not allow you to quickly view the configuration properties in the built mobile application card. Managing mobile configurations in Mobile Application Builder is now more convenient.
Mobile client. The mobile client signature on the server is verified in accordance with the parameter value in the infobase settings. The parameter in the infobase settings is called Mobile client signature verification. New global context methods to access the parameter value: GetMobileClientSignatureVerificationMethod()/SetMobileClientSignatureVerificationMethod(). The mobile client signature on the server was always verified, regardless of the parameter value in the infobase settings. The parameter in the infobase settings was called Mobile client signature verification on database configuration update. You can now disable useless troubleshooting if the application is not used with the mobile client and the mobile client does not require configuration signature verification.
System requirements. Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile applications built using mobile version will meet the requirements of Google Play for new applications. The target SDK version is 30. To upload a mobile application to Google Play, build a mobile application using mobile version or later. Mobile applications built using mobile versions that are older than could not be uploaded to Google Play after August 1, 2021. 1C:Enterprise mobile version meets the requirements of Google Play.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. New mobile version functionality: Access to all data. If a configuration has this functionality enabled, an Android mobile application that includes this configuration will have permission to access an arbitrary place (within the global restrictions of the operating system) in the file system of a mobile device. Access to an arbitrary place in the file system of an Android device did not require any permission to be specified. Improved compliance with the requirements set by Google for Android mobile applications.
Client application installation. Administration tools. Linux. If 1C:Enterprise server is updated to version 8.3.20 or later and the client application update is set up via the server (any method), thin client 8.3.18 and 8.3.19 managed by Linux can be updated to version 8.3.20. To update the application, you can use not only distribution packages in .deb and .rpm formats but also in .run format (implemented in version 8.3.20). The client application managed by Linux could be updated only using distribution packages in .deb and .rpm formats. After update to version 8.3.20, the client application could not be automatically updated to the current version. Migration to version 8.3.20 is now as easy as migration to previous versions despite the changed file format of the distribution package.
macOS. System requirements. macOS Big Sur (version 11) is now supported. Under macOS Big Sur the SystemInformation.Processor property always contains the x86_64 value. 1C:Enterprise application did not work under macOS Big Sur (version 11). Extended list of supported macOS versions.
Analytics system. To execute data queries, the analytics system uses a session pool similar to a pool processing HTTP service queries. New session type: Analytics system query. To set up the pool, use the analytics element of the default.vrd file. 1C:Designer infobase publication interface does not support editing pool settings. To execute data queries, the analytics system used background jobs. Accelerated the analytics system queries to infobase data due to faster session initialization.
Processing PDF documents. You can now convert a PDF document to grayscale. New methods for the PDFWriter object: ConvertToGrayScale() and ConvertToGrayScaleAsync(). This feature was not provided. Advanced PDF document features.
Database copies. Improved performance of queries executed in a database copy. Execution of queries in a database copy took more time. Improved performance of queries executed in a database copy.
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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.18

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.18.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.18 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.
  • We recommend that you clear the full-text search index and build it again if the full-text search index size exceeds 50 Gb.
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1C:Enterprise Developer's Community