1C:Enterprise 8.3.22. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.22

Version 8.3.22 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.21 is now implemented. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1 - 8.3.20 was available. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.21 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.22 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.21 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.21 after the migration to version 8.3.22, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).
Full-text search. New version (2) of the full-text data search engine. This engine can use special algorithms for selecting root base and the list of stop words. Some search query features of the current full-text search version are not supported in the new version. New design for displaying full-text search results. Changes in the operation of the full-text search manager methods in the new full-text search version:
  • The following methods are not used: GetCompositeWordsSeparationMode() /SetCompositeWordsSeparationMode().
  • The UpdateIndex() method starts indexing and immediately returns control. To manage indexing completion, use the IndexTrue() method.
  • The IndexUpdateComplete() method does not consider that full-text search indexes must be merged.
New methods for the full-text search manager: GetFullTextSearchVersion() /InstallFullTextSearchVersion(). New server cluster services:
  • Full-text search service v2.
  • Full-text search coordination service v2.
New technological log event: <FTS> New command line parameter for the ibsrv utility: --ftext2-data The new full-text search version requires server cluster computers to have Java version 8 or later. The standard data processor of full-text search management is revised. The new full-text search version is supported for infobases in client/server mode. For a standalone server, it is also supported for infobases in file mode. In other modes, the new full-text search version is not supported.
1C:Enterprise contained only one full-text search engine option. The new full-text search engine will:
  • Improve the quality of search results.
  • Improve full-text search performance in large infobases.
  • Add new information from the infobase to an index more efficiently.
  • Prevent the following error: Maximum number of words to search exceeded.
  • Reduce the disk space occupied by the full-text search index.
  • Notify the user of multiple search results by displaying a warning instead of an error. Search results will be displayed anyway.
Common objects. New feature: create random passwords that are easier to remember but still secure. New object: RandomPasswordGenerator. New feature: generate random passwords in the infobase user editing form and password recovery form. New buttons to view the password value are implemented in the infobase user editing form, password input field, and password confirmation field. If you click Generate password, a new password will be displayed in clear text in the Password field. This feature was not provided. Simplified creation of unique passwords to use in various application subsystems and set authorization passwords for infobase users.
Cryptography support. New feature: cryptography is fully supported in client applications on macOS. The system supports CryptoPro cryptography tools (for macOS). Cryptography support on macOS was limited. New feature: cryptography is fully supported in client applications on macOS.
Configuration extensions. New feature: change numeration properties for documents, business processes, tasks, and number generators. New feature: create native number generators in extensions. New feature: set native and adopted number generators for native and adopted extension documents. New feature: change code length for catalogs, tasks, exchange plans, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, and calculation charts. New feature: change description length for catalogs, exchange plans, charts of characteristic types, charts of accounts, and calculation charts. These features were not provided. Advanced configuration extension features.
Common objects. New property: SystemInfo.ApplicationOption. The property is used to identify special distribution options of 1C:Enterprise platform. This feature was not provided. New feature: define a special distribution option of 1C:Enterprise platform.
PDF document operations. New method: PDFDocument.Show(). Use this method to open a form to view a PDF document from 1C:Enterprise language. To view a PDF document, you could either open the view form interactively or create your own form. The PDFDocument object allows you to open a form to view a document like other similar 1C:Enterprise language objects.
Distributed infobases. Configuration extensions. New feature: receive information about changes located in the data exchange package to be processed:
  • Configuration
  • Configuration extensions
  • Configuration extensions that change data
New methods for the exchange plan manager: ReadChangesDescription() and ReadConfigurationAndConfigurationExtensionsChanges().
This feature was not provided. You could only receive information about the main configuration being different from the database configuration at the moment. Improved troubleshooting for implementing automatic data exchange in systems that use a distributed infobase.
Client application. Administration tools. Event log. New feature for OpenID Connect or USIA authentication: specify various values to identify infobase users (matching keys). These values are specified for each infobase user and linked to the authentication provider used in a certain case. Matching keys can have an arbitrary ID and value. New property for the InfobaseUser object: UsersMatchingKeys. You can access this property only from 1C:Enterprise language. New value for the authenticationUserPropertyName field of the provider parameter details in the default.vrd file: matchingKey. This value allows you to specify that a user is determined via a matching key upon authentication. More detailed messages about errors that occur upon OpenID Connect or USIA authentication. Upon OpenID Connect or USIA authentication, you could use a limited list of fields to determine an infobase user. Messages about authentication errors were unclear and did not provide information on reasons of authentication issues. Improved user matching upon OpenID Connect or USIA authentication. Improved troubleshooting of authentication issues.
Data composition system. New feature: specify an appearance template to be used in all application reports by default. New feature: specify this template for the whole infobase or for a certain user. You can specify a system data appearance template or a data appearance template created as a common configuration template. New configuration property: Main report appearance template. New global context property: ReportsAppearance. This feature was not provided. You could specify an appearance template only for single reports in the application. Improved report appearance features. You can apply the same appearance to all configuration reports, including those that will be added later and by other technicians.
Collaboration system. Administration tools. New feature: create a collaboration system data export and restore data from a backup. New feature: transfer data between different collaboration system server instances. New methods for the collaboration system manager: GetDataExportsAsync(), GetDataExports(), GetDataExportAsync(), GetDataExport(), BeginCreateDataExportAsync(), BeginCreateDataExport(), GetDataExportAddressAsync(), GetDataExportAddress(), LoadDataExportAsync(), LoadDataExport(), RegisterDataExportAsync(), RegisterDataExport(), BeginRestoreFromDataExportAsync(), BeginRestoreFromDataExport(), DeleteDataExportAsync(), DeleteDataExport(), SetDataExportDescriptionAsync(), SetDataExportDescription(). New feature for the standard Collaboration system management data processor: operate with data export and import. The file format of the collaboration system data export is not documented. The collaboration system can store a limited number of export files at the same time: not more than 5 copies. You can change this parameter using the collaboration server configuration tools. These features were not provided. You could not export collaboration system data and transfer data between different collaboration system server instances. New features: Data transfer from one collaboration server (including a cloud server) to another one. Export of all collaboration system data as one file.
PDF document operations. New feature: convert a PDF document so that the color scheme is converted into grayscale. New commands in forms for operating with PDF documents allow you to execute this conversion. New methods for the PDFDocument object: ConvertToGrayScaleAsync(), ConvertToGrayScale(). This feature was not provided. Advanced PDF document features.
PDF document operations. New property for the PDF document form field extension: UsedFileName. You can use this property to specify a file name that will be used if a user decides to save a document displayed by the form field. This feature was not provided. Advanced PDF document features.
1C:Enterprise script. New property for attribute columns of the client application form of the ValueTable and ValueTree types: Fill check (FillChecking). The check is executed by the client application form. The check is executed similarly to tabular sections of catalogs, documents, and so on. You could execute the fill check for the client application form attributes of the ValueTable or ValueTree type only for the availability of at least one row. The fill check for attribute columns was not supported. Improved automatic fill check for the client application form attributes of the ValueTable or ValueTree type.
Configuration extensions. New feature: change localizable properties of configuration objects in the extension. You can change the following configuration objects: note, presentation and editing formats, tooltips, presentations of objects, records, and lists. New feature: modify adopted common templates and configuration object templates. You could not change localizable properties of objects and templates, except for spreadsheet documents. Advanced configuration extension features.
Configuration extensions. New optional parameter for the ConfigurationExtensions.Create() method: Data. This method allows you to create an object of the ConfigurationExtension type from the BinaryData type value. For such ConfigurationExtension object, the Data parameter is not required in the Write() method. New method: ConfigurationExtensions.ConfigurationExtensionsChanged(). It indicates that either the extension composition is changed or one of the existing extensions is updated after the current session is started. You could not receive extension parameters without saving the extension to the database. You could analyze whether the extension composition was changed or an extension was updated after the current session is started. You could do it by analyzing the hashes of session and infobase extensions. Advanced extension administration features.
Queries. Data composition system. New feature in queries and data composition system: receive an infobase object reference UUID. New function in query language and expression language of the Data composition system: UUID(). This feature was not provided. New feature in queries and data composition system: receive an infobase object reference UUID.
Administration tools. Server clusters. New feature: use the external session management service for file infobases. You can use the external session management service for a file infobase only with a PROF-level license. New parameters for the conf.cfg configuration file: ExternalSessionManagementRequired and ExternalSessionManagementConnectionString. New parameters for the synchronize() method of the external session management web service: SessionNumber and ClientIPAddress. New properties for the Sessions object: SessionNumber and ClientIPAddress. The new features are available only if the value of the wsver parameter is 4. This feature was not provided. External session management was available only for infobases in client/server mode. You can centrally manage the number of concurrently used licenses for different applications without modifying the applications themselves.
Spreadsheet documents. Automatic column width calculation when displaying the report result in a spreadsheet document is executed as follows:
  • Column width for the first 100 displayed rows is calculated accurately.
  • Column width for rows starting from 101 is not calculated automatically.
This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. If you double-click the column separator, the column width is calculated according to the Location property.
Automatic column width calculation when displaying the report result in a spreadsheet document was executed as follows:
  • For columns of the first displayed row, the width was calculated "accurately".
  • For the next 99 displayed rows, the width was calculated "approximately".
  • For rows starting from 101, the width was not calculated automatically.
More accurate column width calculation in reports.
Spreadsheet documents. New spreadsheet document feature: set indents of the content from the borders of a cell/cell area. New properties for the SpreadsheetDocumentCellsArea, SpreadsheetDocumentDrawing, DataCompositionAppearance, DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCellAppearance objects: LeftIndent, RightIndent, TopIndent, BottomIndent. For the data composition system settings, these properties are available only for report settings. Export to the following formats considers indents availability: XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 or later, Microsoft Word 2007 or later), or ODS (OpenDocument). This feature was not provided. Improved report appearance features.
Spreadsheet documents. New feature: get the row format of a spreadsheet document cell area. New property: SpreadsheetDocumentCellsArea.RowsFormat. New RowsFormat parameter for the Area() and GetArea() methods of the SpreadsheetDocument object. This feature was not provided. Using 1C:Enterprise language, you can determine which row format is set for the selected cell area.
DBMS operations. Information that describes the data exchange table for mobile client with standalone mode is included in the data (the Purpose field) returned by the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() global context method. This feature was not provided. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 10.19, 11.14. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 10.20 and 11.15. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 10.21, 11.16. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 12.9, 13.5, 14.1. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 12.10, 13.6, and 14.2. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following versions of PostgreSQL DBMS are supported now: 12.11, 13.7, 14.3. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Print tools. On macOS, you can now print using internal operating system interfaces. On macOS and Linux, the Printer button is hidden from all report forms. On macOS, printing was performed by the platform tools. On macOS and Linux, print forms contained the Printer button but clicking it had no effect as these operating systems do not allow opening a separate window with printer property settings. Printing using familiar print tools is now available on iOS.
Collaboration system. New feature: noncontext conversation search by a conversation title and full names of participants. To search, you can enter only several space-separated words. All the entered words must be found. Only search by a conversation title was available. Simplified noncontext conversation search when only a conversation participant (or participants) is known.
Collaboration system. Simplified monitor selection for screen sharing. You can select a monitor if several monitors are connected to the computer. The change is implemented only for thin and thick client applications. Monitor selection for screen sharing was less clear and required more actions. Simplified monitor selection for screen sharing.
Spreadsheet documents. Extended area beyond which you can drag a spreadsheet document area. The area beyond which you could drag a spreadsheet document area was smaller. You can drag a spreadsheet document area more conveniently.
Error handling. Web client. If you need to take a screenshot when generating an error report in Mozilla Firefox, you need to use a web browser extension for 1C:Enterprise. If you do not have the web browser extension, you will see a warning that will prompt you to install the extension and specify the reason why it is required (taking a screenshot is time-consuming). Taking a screenshot when generating an error report in Mozilla Firefox could take a long time. If you need to attach a screenshot when generating an error report in web client, taking a screenshot will take less time. The change is applied only to web client in Mozilla Firefox.
Collaboration system. Improved user interface of the collaboration system and video call window. New keyboard shortcut for the Mark as read command in the message list: Ctrl + M. The user interface of the collaboration system and video call window was less convenient. Improved user interface of the collaboration system and video call window.
Collaboration system. New features for the website that manages operations for external collaboration system users:
  • Quote when responding to a message using a special command.
  • Mark a conversation as read using a special command. Configure the reading mark in the user settings.
  • View an image without downloading the image file to the local drive.
  • Select hardware to use during video calls in a special dialog box.
  • Edit the profile picture of the current user.
  • Copy attachments using the context menu.
  • Start video conferences in a more convenient window.
These features were not provided. Improved website that manages operations for external collaboration system users.
Collaboration system. Updated appearance of the video conference form and its buttons (expand to full view, and so on) in the collaboration system. Changed animation upon connecting a new user, reconnecting a user, and starting screen sharing. The appearance of form buttons and animation in the video conference form of the collaboration system was different. Improved video conference appearance.
Mobile client. Collaboration system. Enhanced image quality during video calls if they are executed in mobile client using a video server. Image quality is adjusted to the current processor load and video size on the mobile device screen. Image quality during video calls did not depend on the processor load and video size on the mobile device screen. Enhanced image quality during video calls in mobile client on mobile devices.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
DBMS operations. Receiving results of a query with multiple nested tables is improved. Receiving results of a query with multiple nested tables was time-consuming. Receiving results of a query with multiple nested tables takes less time.
DBMS operations. Improved use of the IN(<value list>) query language operator when using PostgreSQL DBMS. Execution of data access restriction queries takes less time. It is recommended that you analyze query conditions and, if PostgreSQL DBMS is used, substitute the Var1=Var2 OR Var1=Var3 expression for the Var1 IN (Var2, Var3) expression. Execution of queries with the IN(<value list>) query language operator when using PostgreSQL DBMS took more time. Improved performance of the IN(<value list>) query language operator when using PostgreSQL DBMS.
File operations. File transfer operations between the client and the server take significantly less time. The size of a file to be placed in the temporary storage is no longer restricted. Transferring files between the client and the server took more time. The size of a file to be placed in the temporary storage could not exceed 4 GB (in serialized form). Improved file management characteristics in 1C:Enterprise.
Configuration extensions. Server clusters. Reduced RAM consumption by server cluster working processes when using extensions in a shared infobase. When using extensions in a shared infobase, server cluster working processes consumed more RAM. Reduced RAM consumption by server cluster working processes when using extensions in a shared infobase.
Server clusters. Improved efficiency of session data repository operations. Operations with the session data repository were not efficient. No loss of server cluster performance if the server cluster stores large amounts of data in the session data repository.
Development tools. Faster configuration export to a CF file. Configuration export to a CF file took more time. Faster configuration export to a CF file.
Development tools. Configuration comparison takes less time. Application configuration update takes less time. Reduced RAM consumption in 32-bit Designer upon configuration update. The operations of configuration comparison and update took more time. 32-bit Designer consumed more RAM upon configuration update. Configuration comparison and update take less time.
Full-text search. Execution of full-text search query with the AND operator takes less time. Full-text search index must be rebuilt to achieve better performance. Execution of full-text search queries with the AND operator was more time-consuming. Improved performance of full-text search queries with the AND operator.
Full-text search. Improved full-text search reliability:
  • The occurrence of large index files with high fragmentation is prevented.
  • Merging indexes in large infobases takes less time.
Creation of large index files could lead to file system errors. Improved full-text search engine reliability.
Development tools. Reduced RAM consumption when opening the All roles form in Designer. When opening the All roles form in Designer, RAM consumption was high. Reduced RAM consumption when opening the All roles form in Designer.
Administration tools. Improved receipt of the user authentication lock list. Time required to receive the lock list no longer depends on the number of infobase users. Time required to receive the user authentication lock list depended on the number of infobase users. Improved performance of the Administration – Authentication locks commands in Designer and of the AuthenticationLock.GetLocks() 1C:Enterprise language method.
Full-text search. If file errors related to index files occur when indexing full-text search data, the full-text search index remains correct. If file errors related to index files occurred when indexing full-text search data, the full-text search index could no longer be used. Improved full-text search stability upon data indexing.
Configuration extensions. Server clusters. Reduced RAM consumption by a server cluster working process if the working process serves a distributed infobase with distributed extensions that affect the user interface. RAM consumption by a server cluster working process was excessive if the working process served a distributed infobase with distributed extensions that affect the user interface. Reduced RAM consumption by a server cluster that serves distributed infobases with extensions that affect the user interface.
Pictures. Accessing properties of the PictureLib object (as well as accessing the same property sequentially) takes less time. Accessing properties of the PictureLib object took more time. Improved performance of operations with 1C:Enterprise picture library. In particular, now it takes less time to open the Functions for technician form in configurations with large volumes of metadata.
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Changes that affect system behavior

Functionality After Before Result of changes
DBMS operations. 1C:Enterprise sets the row-level lock granularity for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or later. Lock escalation is prevented. RAM consumption by Microsoft SQL Server might increase. 1C:Enterprise set the page-level lock granularity for Microsoft SQL Server. Locks when different users operate with different database objects that occur on the same DBMS index page are prevented.
Event log. The event log cannot be converted to SQLite format. This event log format will no longer be supported in later 1C:Enterprise versions. It is recommended that you convert the event log to sequential format. 1C:Enterprise supported the ability to convert the registration log into the SQLite format 1C:Enterprise is prepared to stop supporting the SQLite format of the event log.
Web services and HTTP services. Client application. If the connection is lost when calling a web service, a catchable exception is thrown. If the client application runs over HTTP, loss of connection opens a standard error dialog box that allows you to retry the uncompleted action. If the connection was lost when calling a web service, the application froze. When the client application ran over HTTP, loss of connection caused the application to hang. Improved client application responsiveness when running over HTTP and using web services in case of unstable network connection.
Server clusters. Revised procedure of server cluster monitoring. Improved stability of the cluster and connected users. Performance indicators are also estimated for working processes running on the same working server. Monitoring does not stop even when one of the working processes freezes. When the number of main servers increases, the load on working processes does not increase. New properties of the <ATTN> and <CLSTR> events. Performance indicators were not estimated for working processes running on the same working server. Cluster monitoring stopped when one of the working processes froze. When the number of main servers increased, the load on working processes also increased. Improved stability of the server cluster and users served by it.
Common objects. For the RandomNumberGenerator object, the random number generator is used in accordance with standard NIST SP 800-90A (HMAC_DRBG algorithm). A number sequence after creating two different random number generator objects using the same beginning number will be different. For the RandomNumberGenerator object, the Mersenne twister algorithm was applied. Improved random number generator.
Configuration extensions. New additional checks for the "Extension applicability test" command in Designer:
  • Check whether a method specified in the annotation exists.
  • Check whether the number of method parameters and the number of value transfer modifiers match in the method of the main configuration and extension.
These checks are executed for methods that are not event handlers.
This feature was not provided. Simplified correction of issues that occur when an extended method no longer exists in the main configuration or the number of parameters or parameter transfer modifiers changed.
Client application. In thin client, if a server call is not completed within 400 msec, the mouse cursor changes to "busy". The upgrade is ignored in thick client. In thin and thick client applications, the mouse cursor changed to "busy" when starting a server call. The mouse cursor change displays a long server call but the cursor does not blink upon numerous short server calls.
Client application form. If a font is generated from another font and the size of the new font is specified, the base font size and scale are not used to determine the new font characteristics. This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. A text for which 0 font size is set is always displayed by 13 pt font size in all client applications and on the server. If a font was generated from another font and the size of the new font was specified, the base font size and scale were used to determine the new font characteristics. A text for which 0 font size was set was displayed differently in different client applications. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. If one available data composition filter field is generated from several fields, its LinkByType and ChoiceForm properties are filled in. They are filled in only if these properties of all the fields used for the generation contain the same values. The new data composition filter field is generated by merging fields in a query or by receiving several fields using dot syntax for different reference types. Besides, the ChoiceParameters and ChoiceParametersLinks properties of the available field are filled in so that the resulting links and parameters receive only links and parameters that exist in all the fields included in the available field and have matching property values. This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. If one available data composition filter field is generated from several fields, its LinkByType, ChoiceForm, ChoiceParameters, and ChoiceParametersLinks properties were filled in from the first field with the filled value of the respective property. The new data composition filter field is generated by merging fields in a query or by receiving several fields using dot syntax for different reference types. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Add-ins. Web client. New feature: add-ins running in a web browser under Linux support operations in Russian even if the OS does not have the Russian localization. To ensure that add-ins support this feature, they must be rebuilt with new adapter libraries. Add-ins running in a web browser under Linux caused errors when the OS did not have the Russian localization. You can use add-ins, file system and cryptography extensions in web client running under Linux that does not have the Russian localization.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files. The format version of configuration dump to XML files is 2.15. The format version of configuration dump to XML files was 2.14. Configuration dump to XML files supports new platform features.
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files. In XDTO package describing data types of the current configuration, the minimum value is set to 0 for all attributes that belong either to a group or an item of the hierarchical chart of characteristic types. In XDTO package describing data types of the current configuration, the minimum value was set to 1 for all attributes that belonged either to a group or an item of the hierarchical chart of characteristic types. Eliminated unexpected system behavior. Upon XDTO serialization of objects of the hierarchical chart of characteristic types, attributes that belong either to a group or an item are displayed correctly.
Spreadsheet documents. Data composition system. New feature: when you export a spreadsheet document to various formats, you can manage the quality of pictures in the spreadsheet document. New property for spreadsheet documents: SavedPicturesDensity. New parameter for the output parameter list of data composition (the DataCompositionOutputParameterValues type): SavedPicturesDensity. New object: DataCompositionAreaDocumentTemplate. When you export a spreadsheet document in the Office OpenXML (*.docx) format, drawings are saved in the DrawingML format. If the SavedPicturesDensity parameter is not set for the data composition system, the composer of the data composition layout sets this parameter to High. In compatibility mode with version 8.3.21, the composer sets the parameter to Original. If you know that a report or a spreadsheet document contains pictures that should be used in the original quality (for example, they will be saved to files and edited), we recommend that you set the SavedPicturesDensity property to Original. This change is not implemented in compatibility mode with version 8.3.21. This feature was not provided. Pictures were saved in the original format. When you exported a spreadsheet document in the Office OpenXML (*.docx) format, pictures were saved in the VML format. You can control the size of the file that resulted from a spreadsheet document export to another format.
Configuration extensions. Reduced RAM consumption if an extension contains numerous roles and adopted objects. Faster session startup if an extension contains numerous roles and adopted objects. Reduced number of similar messages about access restrictions upon extension of roles. RAM consumption by the application was greater if a configuration extension contained numerous roles and adopted objects. Session startup took more time if an extension contained numerous roles and adopted objects. When an extension was applied, numerous similar messages about access restrictions upon extension of roles were generated. RAM consumption by the application was greater if a configuration extension contained numerous roles and adopted objects. Session startup took more time if an extension contained numerous roles and adopted objects. When an extension was applied, numerous similar messages about access restrictions upon extension of roles were generated.
Spreadsheet document. When exporting a spreadsheet document to Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Office OpenXML) formats, the Picture objects now behave as follows:
  • If the PictureSize property value is not Tile, an original picture is saved to the resulting document. If a pattern is specified for a cell, pattern picture is also saved.
  • If the PictureSize property is set to Tile, a picture is redrawn into the resulting document and the background color of a Microsoft Excel document picture becomes the same as the one of the source document picture.
As a result of these changes, pictures in a spreadsheet document become less distorted when scaling a Microsoft Excel document. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.21 compatibility mode.
When exporting a spreadsheet document to Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Office OpenXML) formats, the Picture objects behaved as follows:
  • When the PictureSize property value was not Stretch, a picture was redrawn into the resulting document.
  • When the PictureSize property value was set to Stretch, a picture was redrawn to the resulting document if a background color or pattern was not set. Otherwise, an original picture was saved.
The result of saving a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Excel 97, Microsoft Office OpenXML) formats meets expectations of users to a greater extent.
PDF document operations. If a PDF document contains pictures in JPEG 2000 format, they are displayed when you view this document using 1C:Enterprise platform tools. If a PDF document contained pictures in JPEG 2000 format, they were not displayed when viewing this document using 1C:Enterprise platform tools. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Updated user notification behavior in the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise:
  • To close a notification, you need to click it.
  • If a notification allows performing an action, the right part of the notification displays a picture.
  • When displaying a notification, the application attempts to place it so that it does not overlap (or overlaps as little as possible) form controls that a user might use. In any case, the application attempts to display a notification in the lower third of the screen on a mobile device.
User notification behavior in the mobile version of 1C:Enterprise had the following distinctive features:
  • To close a notification, you had to swipe it.
  • If a notification allowed performing an action, you could perform it by clicking the notification. If a notification contained no action, clicking the notification navigated you back to the opened form.
  • A notification had a fixed location on the screen.
Now the user notification behavior in the platform is highly similar to the notification behavior in the mobile operating system. Notifications are now more convenient to use.
Data composition system. If a report parameter contains a value of the ValueList type, then value presentation settings specified by the user are used when generating the parameter presentation:
  • Presentation of each list value is generated considering conditional appearance and available values.
  • Empty values are displayed by the <Empty value> string.
  • Value presentations are separated by a semicolon ";".
Value presentation settings specified by the user were not used to generate the presentation of a report parameter with a value of the ValueList type. Presentation of a report parameter that contains a value list is generated similarly to other report parameters.
Collaboration system. Enhanced image quality during video calls from external users of the collaboration system. Image quality during video calls from external users of the collaboration system was insufficient. Enhanced image quality during video calls. Reduced load on slow client computers.
Collaboration system. The CollaborationSystemUser.InfoBaseUserID property can be written now. To change the InfoBaseUserID and MatchingKey properties of the CollaborationSystemUser object, the user must have the DataAdministration access rights. The CollaborationSystemUser.InfoBaseUserID property could not be written. To change the CollaborationSystemUser.MatchingKey property, the user did not require any special access rights. Loss-free data transfer between different collaboration system servers.
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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

Functionality After Before Result of changes
External reports and data processors. New parameter for the Connect() method of the external data processor manager: LanguageCode. You can use this parameter to specify the current language for an external data processor to be connected. This feature was not provided. When connecting an external data processor, the current language of the authenticated user was used. The language code is returned by the CurrentLanguage() global context method. Open external data processors in the required localization language.
Data accelerator. Licensing system. Server clusters. New feature: start several Data Accelerator instances within one server cluster. New feature: control the possibility of creation of several Data Accelerator instances using permissive and prohibitive functionality assignment rules. PROF-level license allows you to use only one Data Accelerator instance in one server cluster. CORP-level license allows you to use an unlimited number of Data Accelerator instances in one server cluster. Within one 1C:Enterprise server cluster. Load balance among several Data Accelerator instances. Improved performance of queries that use Data Accelerator.
Client application form. Administration tools. When saving form settings for another user (not the current one), new settings are applied in less than 20 seconds after saving. Form settings are settings that are located in the system settings storage and have a suffix of the /FormSettings settings key. Form settings copied to another user were applied only after disconnecting from the infobase if this form had already been opened in a session by the user to which the settings were copied. Simplified copying of form settings to other infobase users.
1C:Enterprise script. If you specify an error processing method when creating the NotifyDescription() object, this method receives management only when an error occurs within an asynchronous call where the created NotifyDescription object is passed. This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. If you specified an error processing method when creating the NotifyDescription() object, this method received management in two cases. First case: an error occurred during an asynchronous call. Second case: an error occurred when executing a method that was called after an asynchronous call had been completed. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Collaboration system. The CollaborationSystemInfobaseRegistrationData object is now available in thin and web clients. The CollaborationSystemInfobaseRegistrationData object was available only in thick client and on the server. When passing a value of this type from the server to the thin client, the value was available as a value of the BinaryData type on the client side. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. If the "Text" appearance parameter (specified in appearance of the data set field of the data composition schema) is used in report templates of the data composition system, the parameter value is displayed in a report. This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. It is recommended that you analyze the "Text" appearance parameter use. If the data set field settings contain filled parameters that are not supposed to be displayed, clear their check boxes. The "Text" appearance parameter (specified in appearance of the data set field of the data composition schema) was not used when displaying a report if a field with the same parameter was used in report templates of the data composition system. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. The "Mark negatives" appearance parameter (specified in appearance of the data set field of the data composition schema) is used in report templates of data composition system and dynamic list templates. The NegativeTextColor style color is used in a report template cell of data composition system and the dynamic list if the field to be displayed contains a negative value. In data composition template in cell appearance, an expression of the data composition system template is created for the TextColor appearance parameter. This change is not implemented in 8.3.21 compatibility mode. The "Mark negatives" appearance parameter (specified in appearance of the data set field of the data composition schema) was used in report templates of data composition system and dynamic list templates. The NegativeTextColor style color was used in a report template cell and in the dynamic list of data composition system only if the cell contained a text where the first significant character was "-". The MarkNegatives parameter was created in the data composition template in the data composition appearance. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Charts. The "Update" chart property is considered obsolete for Managed application mode. In web client, the property does not affect the chart behavior. In thin client, the "Update" chart property did not affect chart generation. In web client, the property operated correctly. The difference in chart behavior in web and thin clients is eliminated.
Web services and HTTP services. Web client, web service, and HTTP service publishing tools. Administration tools. Improved performance of calling a web service method by optimizing the selection of a session suitable for call execution. There is no limit on session pool size. All web service calls are executed at once. In the default.vrd file, the poolSize and poolTimeout attributes are deleted for items describing web services, HTTP services, and standard OData Interface. When calling a web service, there was a limit on pool size of sessions that executed calls. Improved performance of web service calls.
Administration tools. According to the SetUserPasswordMinLength() method, a user password cannot contain less than 0 and more than 99 characters. If the restriction is violated, an exception is thrown. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.21 compatibility mode. If the infobase checks user password complexity, the lower limit for password length is the maximum value of 7 and the specified minimum password length. If the specified "Minimum user password length" infobase parameter exceeds 99, value 99 is used. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.21 compatibility mode. If you clear the "Password complexity check" check box in the dialog box to set up infobase parameters, the "Minimum user password length" parameter value is not changed. The SetUserPasswordMinLength() method did not impose restrictions on the minimum user password length. When receiving a value of the "Minimum user password length" infobase parameter, the platform did not control the received value. When you cleared the "Password complexity check" check box in the dialog box to set up infobase parameters, the "Minimum user password length" parameter was set to 0. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. The default value for the IgnoreServerCertificatesChainRevocationSoftFail parameter of the conf.cfg file is True. The default value for the IgnoreServerCertificatesChainRevocationSoftFail parameter of the conf.cfg file was False. Now you can establish HTTPS connection (without additional system settings) if one or several servers with certificate revocation lists are unavailable.
Web client. System requirements. The following web browsers are no longer supported:
  • Microsoft Edge version 18 or earlier.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.
The following web browsers were supported in web client:
  • Microsoft Edge version 18 or earlier.
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.
Obsolete web browsers are no longer supported.
Web client. System requirements. Development tools. Microsoft Edge version 19 or later running Linux, macOS, and Windows is supported. Video calls in Microsoft Edge version 64 or later are supported. Progressive web applications in Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge version 73 or later are supported. New feature: debugging for web client in Yandex Browser and Microsoft Edge. These features were not provided. Extended list of supported web browsers. New system features that you can use in web client.
Full-text search. New parameter for the conf.cfg configuration file: FtsJavaOpts. You can use it to configure settings of Java Virtual Machine used by full-text search version 2. This feature was not provided. You can set up Java Virtual Machine used by full-text search version 2.
External reports and data processors. New parameter for the Attach() method of the external report manager: LanguageCode. Use this parameter to specify a language to be used as the current one in the attached external report. This feature was not provided. The current language of authenticated user was used when attaching an external report. The code of this language was returned by the CurrentLanguage() global context method. You can now open external reports in a required localization language.
Table of contents

Renamed objects

Object The old name The new name
English name for the SystemOfLinearEquationsCalculation.SolveSystemOfLinearEquations() method.
  • SolveSystemOfLinearEquations.
  • SolveSystemsOfLinearEquations.
English name of the following appearance parameters of the data composition system:
  • MaximumHeight
  • MaximumWidth
  • MinimumHeight
  • MinimumWidth
To ensure compatibility, both new and former names will be used for parameter search from 1C:Enterprise language and import from XML. In 8.3.21 (or later) compatibility mode, the former parameter names will be used for the English version of 1C:Enterprise language when exporting to XML.
  • MaximumHeight
  • MaximumWidth
  • MinimumHeight
  • MinimumWidth
  • MaxHeight
  • MaxWidth
  • MinHeight
  • MinWidth
English name of the NotifyDescription property of the client application form.
  • NotifyDescription.
  • CallbackDescription.
English name of the ExecuteNotifyProcessing global context method.
  • ExecuteNotifyProcessing.
  • RunCallback.
English name of the OnCloseNotifyDescription property of the client application form.
  • OnCloseNotifyDescription.
  • CallbackDescriptionOnClose.
New parameter of the conf.cfg file that allows you to set up Java Virtual Machine to use the optimized restructuring feature.
  • JavaOpts
  • RestructJavaOpts
Table of contents

Mobile version of "1C:Enterprise"

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile client. New feature for mobile client in the standalone mode: automatically synchronize data with the main server. When editing standalone configuration data, you can specify that an object takes part in automatic exchange. Also, you can specify whether object changes need to be registered for automatic exchange purposes. New dialog box to configure automatic exchange with a standalone configuration. New event handlers for the exchange plan object module: OnAutoCreateNewNode(), BeforeCreateInitialImage(), BeforeSendDataToSubordinate(), BeforeSendDataToMaster(). New standard attribute for the exchange plan: ExchangeDate. New global context property: DataExchangeWithMainServer. New application module event handler: AfterDataExchangeWithMainServer(). This feature was not provided. Synchronization could be executed only in 1C:Enterprise language. Simplified exchange between mobile client in the standalone mode and the main server.
Spreadsheet documents. New feature in the mobile platform: view a spreadsheet document using the SpreadsheetDocument.Show() method or interactive opening. This feature was not provided. View external spreadsheet documents in mobile platform applications.
Mobile client. New feature for mobile client in the standalone mode: switch a collaboration system call to background mode. If you switch a call to background mode, the video stream will no longer be transmitted from your mobile device. On iOS, this feature is available starting from version 10. On Android, this feature is available on all supported versions. New feature for mobile client: share your own screen and view the screen of another device using the collaboration system video stream. The screen is demonstrated even when the application is not active. On iOS, this feature is available starting from version 12. On Android, this feature is available on all supported versions. New functionality for the list of used mobile device functionalities: Video conference. Participation in a video call stopped after collapsing the mobile client application, switching to another application, or locking the device. The screen demonstration used another protocol. You can continue a call after switching the mobile application to background mode. New feature: you can share not only the mobile application screen but also the device screen. Improved performance when sharing the device screen.
Mobile client. If a report form is used in mobile client in standalone mode when connection with the main server is lost, then:
  • A spreadsheet document field is not locked in the report form. Report form settings and commands become unavailable.
  • Commands for saving and printing a report become available.
  • Report decryption is not supported in this mode.
  • When opening a standalone report form, the current report form is not closed. If you select the Open online command, the offline report form is closed.
  • If the report is generated in background on the server, the report form displays the result after connection is restored. If generation is not completed, the report form waits for generation to be completed.
When a report form was used in mobile client in standalone mode and connection with the main server was lost:
  • The entire report form became unavailable for editing.
  • When opening the offline report form, the online report form was closed.
More user-friendly report behavior in mobile client after switching to standalone mode.
Table of contents

Demo configuration changes

  • In the mobile demo configuration, data exchange between the main infobase and standalone infobases is implemented using a built-in platform functionality.
  • In the mobile demo configuration, the "Order analysis" report is replaced with a regular one.
  • In the demo configuration, the "Stock balance in warehouses" report form is selected programmatically depending on the used client.
  • The "Order analysis" report can be used in standalone mode to analyze local data.
Table of contents

Changes made after the publication of the version

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Calls and text messages can be processed in the mobile application built for Android. To apply this feature, rebuild your mobile application using the mobile version 8.3.22 and configuration exported by Designer version 8.3.22. If necessary, specify hint texts for the required mobile application functionality. Calls and text messages in the mobile application built for Android could not be processed even when the mobile application functionality to be used was specified correctly. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following version of PostgreSQL DBMS is supported now:14.4. DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. This PostgreSQL DBMS version was not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
Database configuration update. The MergeCfg command in Designer batch mode is executed faster. The new command execution time matches the execution time of respective interactive operation. Execution of the MergeCfg command in Designer batch mode took more time. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
XML and XDTO support. New method for the XDTODataObject and XDTODataValue objects: Factory(). The method returns an object of the XDTOFactory type that was used to create an object or value in use. When operating with XDTO objects (and saving them to XML), use one factory instance for all used objects. This feature was not provided. If required, you can get an XDTOFactory object that was used to create an XDTO object or value.
System requirements. 1C:Enterprise platform now supports the 64-bit architecture of ARM processors including Baikal processors. 1C:Enterprise for ARM processors does not support:
  • Windows operation for ARM processors.
  • HASP dongles (only software licensing is supported).
  • Processors Apple M1 and later.
  • Elbrus processors.
  • Automatic update of client applications for thin client distribution packages intended for ARM processors.
  • Operations in the following DBMS:
New system enumeration value: PlatformType.Linux_ARM_64. (read more)add-in development technology has been changed. CORP license is required for 1C:Enterprise operation on ARM processors.
1C:Enterprise could not operate in systems running on ARM processors. Extended list of devices supported by 1C:Enterprise.
Add-ins. Web client. Extensions for file operations and cryptography are now supported in Yandex.Browser, Chromium-gost, and Microsoft Edge. Documentation on (read more) add-in development technology has been changed. Extension manifests and add-in adapters are installed in the following directories (registry keys):
  • Linux:
~/.config/yandex-browser/NativeMessagingHosts ~/.config/chromium-gost/NativeMessagingHosts ~/.config/chromium/NativeMessagingHosts ~/.config/microsoft-edge/NativeMessagingHosts
  • macOS:
/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts
  • Windows (information on file location is recorded):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Chromium\NativeMessagingHosts HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Edge\NativeMessagingHosts
Extensions for file operations and cryptography were not supported for web client in Yandex.Browser, Chromium-gost, and Microsoft Edge. Extension manifests and add-in adapters were installed in the following directories (registry keys):
  • Linux:
~/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts ~/.mozilla/native-messaging-hosts
  • macOS:
/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts /Library/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts
  • Windows (information on file location is recorded):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google/Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Mozilla\NativeMessagingHosts
Extended web client features in Yandex.Browser, Chromium-gost, and Microsoft Edge.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.21
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.21.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.21.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.21
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.21.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.21.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.16
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.16.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.16.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.16
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.16.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.16.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.11
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.11.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.11.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.11
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.11.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.11.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.7
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.7.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.7.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.7
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.7.2
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.7.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.4
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.4.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.4.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.4
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.4.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.4.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
Collaboration system. The storage scheme of separator values has been changed for some collaboration system objects in a distributed infobase. After migration to version 8.3.22, collaboration system bots will be activated after one of the following events:
  • Connection to a client application infobase.
  • Call to the collaboration system from a server cluster.
The storage scheme of separator values for some collaboration system objects was different. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. You can interactively manage the camera backlight in the mobile application interface used for barcode scanning after calling the MultimediaTools.ShowBarcodeScanning() method. The backlight control button depends on whether the device has backlight and light sensor features. Backlight state is preserved between sessions. This feature was not provided. Camera backlight could be enabled only automatically. That did not allow users to enable it on devices without a light sensor. Simplified barcode scanning by built-in tools in case of insufficient lighting on devices with supported camera backlight, but without a light sensor.
Server clusters. Performance of administration operations via the administration server (ras) has been improved. The frequency and duration of periods when administration server connections might conflict with exclusive infobase access have been reduced. Administration operations via the administration server (ras) took more time. Connection to a server cluster established by the administration server (ras) could result in more conflicts with exclusive infobase access. Improved performance of server cluster administration operations via the administration server (ras).
Standalone server. New commands for the SSH gateway of the standalone server:
  • config dump-external-data-processor-or-report-to-files. Dump an external report or data processor to XML files.
  • config load-external-data-processor-or-report-to-files. Load an external report or data processor from XML files. New parameter for infobase config export commands to specify the location of an external data processor or configuration: --file. New parameter for infobase config import commands to specify the location of an external data processor or configuration: --out.
These features were not provided. Extended standalone server features related to external reports and data processors.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.22.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.22.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.22.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.22.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.22.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.22.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.17.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.17.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.17.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.17.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.17.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.17.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.12.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.12.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.12.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.12.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.12.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.12.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.8.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.8.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.8.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.8.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.8.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.8.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.5.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.5.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.5.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.5.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.5.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.5.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. Linux. New supported Linux distribution packages:
  • Debian 11
  • Mint 21
  • Oracle Linux 9
  • RHEL 9
  • Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
The distribution packages were not supported. Extended list of supported Linux distribution packages.
Linux. System requirements. The following distribution packages for Linux operating system are no longer supported:
  • Debian 9
1C:Enterprise supported the following distribution packages for Linux operating system:
  • Debian 9
Outdated Linux distribution packages are no longer supported.
System requirements. Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile applications built using the mobile 1C:Enterprise version will meet Google Play store requirements related to uploading of new applications with in-app purchases. For a mobile application to be uploaded to Google Play store, it must be built using the mobile 1C:Enterprise version or later. Starting from November 1, 2022, you will not be able to upload mobile applications with in-app purchases to Google Play store if such applications are built using mobile 1C:Enterprise versions earlier than The mobile 1C:Enterprise version meets Google Play store requirements.
Mobile client. Mobile platform. The list of root certificates has been extended. Fewer root certificates were supported. Extended list of supported root certificates.
Standalone server. Standalone server shutdown is improved. Previously, standalone server shutdown took more time. Accelerated standalone server restart after infobase configuration update.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Statistics library versions for the mobile platform and mobile client have been updated. The mobile platform and mobile client contained outdated versions of statistics libraries. Updated statistics library versions that meet Google Play store requirements.
System requirements. Now 1C:Enterprise platform supports Elbrus-8S processors.
  • 1C:Enterprise for Elbrus processors does not support:
  • HASP dongles (only software licensing is supported).
  • Thin client distribution packages assembled for Elbrus processors in automatic update tools of client applications.
  • DBMS:
    • IBM Db2.
    • Microsoft SQL Server.
    • Oracle
    • Data accelerator.
  • Local speech recognition.
Implemented a new system enumeration value: PlatformType.Linux_E2K. Changed the development technology for URL1 add-ins. To use 1C:Enterprise for Elbrus processors, you need to acquire a CORP license.
Previously, 1C:Enterprise did not support systems running on Elbrus processors. Extended list of devices supported by 1C:Enterprise.
DBMS operations. System requirements. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is now supported. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 was not supported. New Microsoft SQL Server version is now supported.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.23.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.23.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.23.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 10.23.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 10.23.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 10.23.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.18.2
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.18.2
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.13.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.13.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.13.2.
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.13.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.13.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.13.2.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.9.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.9.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.9.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.9.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.9.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.9.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.6.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.6.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.6.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.6.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.6.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.6.1
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 15.1.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 15.1.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 15.1.1
  • DBMS version bitness: x86-64.
The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 15.1.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 15.1.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 15.1.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 10.22. Supported processors: x86, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 11.17. Supported processors: x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 12.12. Supported processors: x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 13.8. Supported processors: x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 14.5. Supported processors: x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 10.23. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 11.18. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 12.13. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 13.9. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 14.6. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 15.1. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 11.19. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.14 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 12.14. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 13.10. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 14.7. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
DBMS operations. System requirements. The following PostgreSQL DBMS version is supported now: 15.2. Supported processors: ARM64, E2k, x86-64. The version is supported in 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor. These PostgreSQL DBMS versions were not supported. Extended list of supported DBMS.
Internet-enabled functionality. When the HTTPConnection object is used on Linux and macOS, you can now use Kerberos authentication. This feature is implemented in the thick client and on the server side. When the HTTPConnection object was used on Linux and macOS, you were unable to use Kerberos authentication. This authentication type was supported only on Windows. When the HTTPConnection object is used on Linux and macOS, you can now use Kerberos authentication.
Full-text search. Accelerated full-text search. Decreased the load on the processor upon searching. Full-text search took more time to find a result and significantly loaded the processor. Accelerated full-text search.
File operations. In thick client, the BeginPutFile(), BeginPuttingFiles(), BeginPutFileToServer(), BeginPutFilesToServer(), PutFileToServerAsync(), and PutFilesToServerAsync() methods are executed on the main thread, but remain asynchronous. As a result, when these methods are executed, the user interface update is locked, but method programming interface keeps running. Executing the BeginPutFile(), BeginPuttingFiles(), BeginPutFileToServer(), BeginPutFilesToServer(), PutFileToServerAsync(), and PutFilesToServerAsync() methods in thick client could cause unexpected application shutdown. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. Client application installation. Linux. Now you can install 1C:Enterprise on Linux using RPM and DEB packages. The packages contain all the system components. To install or remove the application, use the package manager of the used operating system. New parameters for the conf.cfg file: PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxDeb64, PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxDeb32, PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxRpm64, and PublishDistributiveLocationLinuxRpm32. New attributes for the point item of the default.vrd file: pubdstlindeb32, pubdstlindeb64, pubdstlinrpm32, and pubdstlinrpm64. New parameters for the pubdst parameter of the http section of the standalone server configuration file: lindeb64, lindeb32, linrpm64, and linrpm32. Installation using the RUN file (the installer) will be supported and available along with the package files. Previously 1C:Enterprise applications were distributed as RUN packages. Advanced options to install 1C:Enterprise components on Linux.
Development tools. Now you can enable debugging over HTTP if the 1C:Enterprise server cluster is configured to start automatically on Linux. To enable the debugging protocol, use the SRV1CV8_DEBUG parameter of the server cluster configuration file. Previously if the 1C:Enterprise server cluster on Linux was configured to start automatically upon the operating system startup, the HTTP debugging protocol was not supported. Only the TCP debugging protocol was supported. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
System requirements. DBMS operations. Web services and HTTP services. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.18.2
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.16 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.18.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.18.2.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
Table of contents

Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.22

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.22.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.22 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.
  • After migration to version 8.3.22, collaboration system bots will be activated after one of the following events:
    • Connection to a client application infobase.
    • Call to the collaboration system from a server cluster.
Table of contents

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