1C:Enterprise 8.3.17. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.17

Version 8.3.17 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.16 is now implemented. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1–8.3.15 was available. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.16 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.17 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.17 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.16 after the migration to version 8.3.17, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).
Data display. New pictures were added to the picture library:
  • Zoom.
  • Parameters.
  • Information.
  • FunctionMenuCommand.
  • Favorites.
  • Settings.
  • Message.
  • GroupConversation.
  • CollaborationSystemUser.
  • SearchForData..
  • GotoExternalNavigationLink.
  • Calendar. CalendarInputField picture is used in version 8.3.16 compatibility mode.
  • Calculator. CalculatorInputField picture is used in version 8.3.16 compatibility mode.
  • Help. FormHelp picture is used in version 8.3.16 compatibility mode.
  • CollaborationSystemIntegrationUser,
  • OpenFromMainServer,
  • OpenFromStandaloneServer.
Conversations image was updated.
The listed pictures were not available in the picture library. The picture library is upgraded.
Error handling. The following features related to the application running error processing were implemented:
  • Handling of all non-trapped errors that occur during the application running before displaying errors to the user. ErrorDisplayProcessing application module handler was implemented.
  • Declarative configuring of error message texts is now available.
  • You can now generate and send error reports to technical support team (inter alia in default mode). ErrorReport object was implemented.
  • An 'error category' concept is supported, which enables you to group errors. ErrorDetails.IsErrorOfCategory() method is available.
  • The standard window to display errors was modified.
ErrorProcessing global context property was implemented. Error Processing Settings Management standard function is now available, which allows you to configure error texts. BriefErrorDescription(), DetailErrorDescription(), DetailErrorDescription(), and ShowErrorInfo() global context methods are deprecated. It is recommended to use ErrorProcessing object methods with similar names.
These features were not provided. Local processing of recoverable errors was available only. You can now make error texts easier to understand by end users. Error processing in 1C:Enterprise language was improved.
Server clusters. Client application. When in the client/server mode, you can by default delete temporary files created using GetTemporaryFileName() method on the side of the PC(s) running the server cluster in the following scenarios:
  • 20 minutes after the end of a session when a temporary file is created.
  • 20 minutes after the end of a server call when a temporary file was created. This feature is not available in the 8.3.16 and earlier compatibility mode.
Temporary files are deleted as soon as you start 1C:Enterprise processes (client applications, server cluster processes) without delaying the start.
Temporary files were only deleted when the 1C:Enterprise processes were started. The system startup speed depended on the number of temporary files to be deleted. 1C:Enterprise processes performance is improved, if there is a large number of temporary files generated by 1C:Enterprise itself. The risk of running out of space on the hard drivers where the temporary file directories are located is mitigated during prolonged operation without restarting and inaccurate application handling of the temporary files being created. The number of simultaneously existing temporary files with names that were obtained using GetTemporaryFileName() method was reduced.
Collaboration system. Integration with external (with respect to the collaboration system) instant messaging systems was implemented for the collaboration system. Interaction with the following systems is now supported: Telegram, VKontakte. CollaborationSystemIntegration object is supported. CreateIntegration(), GetIntegration(), GetIntegrations(), GetExternalSystemTypes() and GetExternalSystemDescription() methods were implemented for CollaborationSystemManager object. CollaborationSystemUser.ExternalSystemType, CollaborationSystemUser.ExternalSystemUserID, CollaborationSystemConversion.Integration and CollaborationSystemConversationFilter.Integration properties were implemented. This feature was not provided. Expanded collaboration system capabilities.
Configuration extensions. You can now borrow event subscriptions and create your own subscriptions in the extension. This feature was not provided. Extended configuration extension options.
Client application. Data display. System requirements. You can save a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel 97 format in a client application running macOS. In Linux, to save in Microsoft Excel 97, use libgsf-v8 library. Thus, libgsf-1 and libglib-2.0 libraries are no longer required. You cannot save a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel 95 format in Linux and macOS. You could save a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel 97 format in Linux only. Nominally, you were able to save a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel 95 format in Linux and macOS. However, in practice this feature was unavailable. Users of client applications running macOS can now save spreadsheet documents in Microsoft Excel 97 format.
Development tools. A technical specialist mode is implemented for a managed client application. The following features are available in this mode for managed forms:
  • You are able to retrieve the full form name displayed in this window using Information for Technical Specialist command in the form header context menu and form menu.
  • You can open the current configuration object in Designer using Open in Designer command in the form header context menu and form menu. This feature is only available, if the client application is running in debug mode.
This feature was not provided. It was difficult to determine which form is currently used in the client application. Technical specialists operations as part of application development or deployment process were made easier.
Common objects. You now can identify IP-address of a PC, where an infobase user session was started. IP-address cannot be determined in every instance and in every mode of operation. ClientIPAddress property was implemented for AdministrationSession and InfobaseSession objects. Now, IP-address of a client application can be displayed in the cluster console and standard server management processor. ISessionInfo.getClientIPAddress() property is now available in the administration server interface in Java language. Client-ip field is now available in the command-line utility (rac) of a server cluster. It displays values returned by session info command.. SessionNumber and ClientIPAddress parameters are now available for the onStartSession() method of external session management Web-service. New features are only available, if wsver is assigned 3. This feature was not provided. You now can identify IP-address of a PC, where an infobase user session was started.
Analytics system. 1C:Enterprise is now integrated with 1C:Analytics (analytics system). In the publishing settings on the Web server, you can enable analytics system publication. In the Service and Settings menu, Analytics System command is now supported, thus allowing you to open a tab with analytics system in the web browser for the current user. Standard Analytics System Management function is supported to integrate it with the infobase. So far as global context is concerned, AnalyticsSystem property is available. AnalyticsSystemClient access rights are supported. 1C:Analytics is not included in distribution package. Information on this functionality is published separately. This feature was not provided. 1C:Enterprise is now integrated with 1C:Analytics (analytics system).
Data composition system. You can pass temporary tables manager to data composition system. In the data composition system, you can use tables that do not exist in the infobase similarly with temporary tables in the query language. The TempTablesManager parameter is now available for the DataCompositionProcessor.Initialize() method. This feature was not provided. You were able to use temporary tables in the data composition system only as part of a batch query. Now, you can use pre-defined temporary tables, when a query is executed by the data composition processor.
Spreadsheet documents. Charts. Now, you can manage the way an image selection box is displayed in a spreadsheet document in a client application form. To expand the form field boundaries, DrawingsSelectionView property is supported for spreadsheet fields. This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. This feature was not provided. When you selected a chart in a spreadsheet document available in the client application form, the said chart was always highlighted. Now, it is much more easier to use charts in a spreadsheet document available in the form.
Data display. Сlient application form. Nested dimension items can be created and text in background bands displayed in the Planner. The PlannerDimensionItem object now supports Items, Parent, and ShowItemsAreaOnlyForSubordinateItems properties. The PlannerDimensionItemsCollection.Find() method now supports IncludeSubordinates parameter. To expand the form field, planner filed supports the following:
  • CollapseDimensionItem(), ExpandDimensionItem(), and DimensionItemExpanded() methods.
  • BeforeExpandDimensionItem and BeforeCollapseDimensionItem events.
Text parameter is available for Add() and Insert() methods (PlannerDimensionCollection and PlannerDimensionItemCollection objects). When you use this parameter, it is recommended to specify its value to avoid server calls getting presentations.
These features were not provided. Now, you can implement a group of planner dimension items similarly to a group of spreadsheet or hierarchical catalog lines.
DBMS operations. System requirements. Implemented support for the following versions of Oracle Database DBMS:
  • 12.2 (Windows x86-64).
  • 18с (Windows x86-64).
  • 19с (Windows x86-64).
These Oracle Database versions were not supported. Extended list of supported Oracle Database versions.
Integration service. Integration service creating feature was implemented. Integration services allow to coordinate with the "External integration service" product. The IntegrationServices property of 1C:Enterprise language was implemented. Managing integration services was implemented in standard functions. "External Integration Service" is not included in distribution package. Information on this functionality is published separately. This feature was not provided. Interaction with "External Integration Service” was implemented.
Web client. Language support with spelling from right to left is implemented for the web client. This mode is supported automatically in the entire client application interface, with the exception of the following form elements: planner, chart, Gantt chart, dendrogram, graphical schema field and graphical schema field. The requirement to change the interface is determined by the interface language or configuration language. The web client now supports Arabic formats for numbers and dates. When calculating the arrangement of form elements and other interface items, the default font is Almarai. The web client supports using specialized Arabic characters for writing arithmetic expressions. In such cases, the expressions are calculated correctly. The web client did not support using of languages with right-to-left spelling. It has become possible to use 1C: Enterprise (using a web client) in countries where the national language uses right-to-left spelling.
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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Web client. File operations. As soon as you open an external report or data processor file on a web client (without a file system extension installed), there is no need to reopen the selected file after positive feedback to security warning. In a file opening dialog box on a web client, now you can select a filter to search files you need to open (if it is defined, when you open a dialog box). As soon as you opened an external report or data processor file on a web client (without a file system extension installed), you needed to reopen the selected file after positive feedback to security warning. In a file opening dialog box on a web client, there was no option to define a filter to search files. Now, you can open an external report or data processor on a web-client (without a file system extension installed) in a easier and user-friendly way. Moreover, it's much more easier to open other files on a web client now.
Data display. Some platform images (including part of image library) now have different appearance (they were redrawn) and are now implemented in SVG format. In the Taxi interface windows appearance was modified. They are now generated by ShowUserNotification() and State() global context methods. Some platform images (including part of image library) had different appearance, and they were implemented in PNG format. Appearance of windows generated in Taxi interface using ShowUserNotification() and State() global context methods was different. Visual perception of 1C:Enterprise interface was improved.
Error handling. As soon as you open a dialog box with information for technical support team, the entire text available in the input field is selected by default. When you opened a dialog box with information for technical support team, text available in the input field was not selected. Now, you can copy information for technical support team (if necessary) easier and without delay.
Global search. Client application. Web client. The following global search commands are available:
  • Help: you can open Help section in the client application for the current context.
  • Help Content: you can open content of client application help section.
Search Everywhere context menu command is available, only if a pointer is set on a word or you selected a text block. If no text block is selected, and a pointer is on a word, search is made using the said word or URL (whenever a pointer is placed on URL). In Search Everywhere command presentation in the menu a text block is added which will be searched, whenever you use this command. Whenever you use Safari browser on a web client, click the right mouse button in the input field, formated or text document to select the entire word with a pointer placed thereon (without further analysis of that word). Whenever you use a thin, thick or web client (other than Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers), click the right mouse button in the input field to place a pointer in a position where the button was clicked.
Search Everywhere context menu command was available, only if there was a selected text block in the current form element. Search was made by the text block so selected. No text block so searched was added to Search Everywhere command presentation in the menu. Global search usage was improved.
Web client. Spreadsheet documents. The display of a spreadsheet document containing patterns in cells was optimized when using a web client in case of a slow connection. When saving a spreadsheet document containing patterns in cells in HTML format, the size of resulting HTML document was reduced. Displaying a spreadsheet document containing patterns in cells took longer when using a web client in case of a slow connection. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Full-text search. Standard functions. So far as standard full-text search management function is concerned, you can check the current full-text search index for accuracy. Before you clear the current full-text search index, a warning is displayed notifying that you can abandon this procedure. So far as standard full-text search management function was concerned, the current full-text search index was unavailable for accuracy verification. The current full-text search index was cleared with a prior warning on an unconditional basis. Capabilities supported by the standard full-text search management function were expanded. Now, it is more difficult to clear full-text search index.
Web client. The browser extension installation process was simplified (for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers). The said extension is required to use file system, cryptography and add-in extensions. As soon as you install an extension for Google Chrome web browser, there is no need to restart your web client any more. The browser extension installation process was complicated (for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox browsers). The said extension was required to use file system, cryptography and add-in extensions. As soon as you installed an extension for Google Chrome web browser, you needed to restart your web client. Now, the web browser extension installation process is much more easier and user-friendly.
Collaboration system. The collaboration system interface was modified as follows:
  • Now, you can change the size of the message input field in the context conversation.
  • User pictures can be displayed in the dialog box where you can create conversations and users added to non-context conversations.
  • Any user participating in a non-context conversation can be deleted by any other user.
  • Message recipients can be defined for a non-context conversation.
  • So far as a non-context conversation is concerned, a list of recipients is generated similarly to that applicable to context conversation (including but not limited to, by way of calling all data processors). No Notification option is unavailable in the user list.
  • So far as messages sent to several users are concerned, you can press either Reply or Reply All button (displayed as icons).
  • Moreover, you can reply to your own message. As such, a list of notified users specifies those defined for the original message.
  • If so far as a non-context message is concerned the current user is unavailable in the list of users, no notice is sent thereto whenever the said message is received.
  • You can view attachments in the messages you create.
Previously, the collaboration system interface was different. Now, it is much more easier to use the collaboration system.
Standard functions. The button for accepting changes is always available, and not only after changing the parameters in the dialog box for configuring full-text search parameters of full-text search standard processing management. The button itself is called OK. The button for accepting the changes was only available after changing any parameter in the dialog box for configuring full-text search parameters of full-text search standard processing management. The button itself was called Set. The interface of the parameter setting dialog box has been brought to the standard accepted in the platform.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
Сlient application form. Removal of rows from tables displayed in the client application form was optimized. Previously, removal of rows from tables displayed in the client application form took more time. Client application operation when rows are removed from the form table was improved.
Event log. You can index event log files. Indexing is performed in the background. Indexes are stored in .lgx files in 1Cv8Log directory. Algorithms for sequential reading of event log files were optimized. No additional settings are required to enable indexing. Due to indexing, filtering of event log entries by indexed fields was significantly accelerated. When another infobase event log file is opened in Designer, indexing of this file is performed in the background and the index file is deleted after the work with the event log being viewed is finished. Separate Log Storage by Periods is set to Week for a new infobase. It is recommended to set separation for existing infobases, so that the size of a single log file is max 100 MB. Event logs created in the 1C:Enterprise of version 8.0 and 8.1 are no longer supported. This feature was not provided. No event log files indexing was performed. Filtering of entries in event log files took a very long time, so far as large event log files were concerned. Operations with event logs were accelerated.
Access rights. Server clusters. When using the client/server mode, starting of the first session is accelerated to access the infobase, the configuration of which contains a large number of roles. When using the client/server mode, starting of the first session to access the infobase, the configuration of which contained a large number of roles, took more time. The time for server cluster inaccessibility for users during the working processes restart is reduced, and the start time of the first session for each infobase in working process is also decreased.
Server clusters. When using the client/server mode, starting of the first session to access the infobase is accelerated. Acceleration is especially noticeable for configurations containing a large amount of metadata. When using the client/server mode, starting of the first session to access the infobase took more time. The time for server cluster inaccessibility for users during the working processes restart is reduced, and the start time of the first session for each infobase in working process is also decreased.
Common objects. Accelerated solution of some systems of linear algebraic equations is enabled. AllowGraphReduction parameter is implemented for SolvingLinearEquationSystems.SolveLinearEquationSystems() method, which allows to control the calculation algorithm. SolvingLinearEquationSystems.GetGraphDepth() method is implemented to allow making the decision on AllowGraphReduction parameter value. 1C:Enterprise showed insufficient search speed for solutions of some linear algebraic equations systems. A finer customization of behavior of a tool designed to solve linear algebraic equations systems was implemented.
Queries. Comparison of composite type with non-composite type was improved, provided that the latter can be NULL and a query includes temporary tables. The following operations were optimized:
  • A = B comparison, where A is composite type and B is simple type which can be NULL.
  • ISNULL (A,B) = C comparison, where A is simple type and can be NULL, while C is composite type.
  • Comparison of Expression1 IN (SELECT ...) and Expression1 IN (List of Values), where Expression1 is a field with references to two or more tables. However, you need to procure that a subquery selection list or list of values has references to various tables and no Undefined values are available therein.
Optimization is feasible, whenever it has no impact on the query results. Optimization can contribute to query plan improvement and reduction of time required to compile a query.
Comparison of composite type with non-composite type, whenever the latter can be NULL and query had temporary tables, resulted in generation of complex queries which eventually can trigger runtime errors and generate non-optimal query plans. In some scenarios, query performance was improved.
Queries. DBMS operations. Server clusters. If comparison with an empty link returned as a parameter is made in a query, DBMS receives a query, where a parameter is replaced with a constant. Optimization is feasible, if a server cluster supports such DBMS as IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle Database. If comparison with an empty link returned as a parameter was made in a query, no replacement of a parameter with a constant was effected. DBMS can select a more efficient query execution plan, whenever comparison with empty links returned as parameters is made in a query.
DBMS operations. So far as use of infobase in file mode is concerned, execution of a query with several B conditions which use indexes was largely improved. However, in some scenarios insignificantly decelerated execution of such queries is possible. So far as use of infobase in file mode is concerned, execution of a query with several B conditions which used indexes was non-optimal. Execution of some queries in infobase file mode was accelerated.
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Changes that affect system behavior

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Data composition system. When reading report, dynamic lists and conditional appearance settings, missing style elements do not cause an error, but are replaced with default values of the corresponding type. When reading report, dynamic lists and conditional appearance settings, missing style elements caused an error and no application of such settings was possible. If a style element is used as the appearance parameter value in any report, dynamic list, form conditional appearance settings, the entire settings object will not be lost and the remaining settings will be applied if this element is unavailable for reading as a result of deleting/renaming or applying settings on the previous platform version. Appearance options containing invalid values will also be applied, but using default values.
Web client. Web client reliability is improved. Web client operation was characterized by lower reliability. Web client reliability is improved.
Development tools. If halt on error during debugging is enabled, the error text is displayed both in the dialog box and in the message window. This also allows you to go to exception from the message window. This feature was not provided. An error message was only displayed in a dialog box with error details. It is now much more easier to use debugger when halt on error is enabled.
Development tools. The following control features were implemented when a report on the configuration repository versions is generated:
  • Managing a date range used to generate a report.
  • Including and excluding tagged versions from the report.
  • Displaying comments in the report starting with (//).
  • Specifying a configuration version to display related repository changes.
  • Managing a repository report format.
DateBegin, DateEnd, DoNotIncludeVersionsWithLabel, IncludeOnlyVersionsWithLabel, IncludeCommentLineWithDoubleSlash, ConfigurationVersion and ReportFormat parameters were implemented for ConfigurationRepositoryReport Designer batch run command.
These features were not provided. A list of features designed to manage repository reports in Designer batch run mode was expanded.
Collaboration system. Linux. After installing 1C:Enterprise - Notifications and Startup application (in Linux), a shortcut is created on the desktop to launch this application. The shortcut refers to the Finance subcategory of the Office category. In Linux, you were able to start 1C:Enterprise - Notifications and Startup application from ~/bin/1cecla directory only. Now, it became easier for Linux users to find and run 1C:Enterprise - Notifications and Startup application.
Web client. File operations. Whenever you use BeginPutFileToServer() and BeginPutFilesToServer() methods on the web client (without a file system extension), PutFilesDialogParameters is used, and in the file opening dialog box you can now select one of the filters defined when you created PutFilesDialogParameters object. When you create PutFilesDialogParameters object, you can now define filter by default to be used when a file selection dialog box is opened. Whenever you used BeginPutFileToServer() and BeginPutFilesToServer() methods on the web client (without a file system extension), PutFilesDialogParameters was used, and in the file opening dialog box you were unable to select a filter in the file opening dialog box. If there is now file system extension on the web client, it's easier to select files for further processing by application.
Cryptography support. Values of properties starting from OID prefix which are based on Subject and Publisher properties of CryptoCertificate have the maximum length of 2,048 bytes. Values of properties starting from OID prefix which were based on Subject and Publisher properties of CryptoCertificate object had the maximum length of 128 bytes. Eliminated unexpected system behavior .
Global search. GlobalSearchResultItem object cannot be created on the basis of the following standard global search kinds: GlobalStandardCommands and FunctionsForTechnicalSpecialist. You were able to create GlobalSearchResultItem object on the basis of the following standard global search kinds: GlobalStandardCommands and FunctionsforTechnicalSpecialist, so that eventually incorrect data upon global search result processing was returned. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Dynamic lists. If the dynamic list settings form contains changed settings, then when attempting to close this form, the user will be warned about the changed settings and will be prompted to save the changed settings. The UserSettingsModified and SettingsModified properties are implemented to expand the client application form for the settings composer. The standard processing of the settings composer form analyzes the flag of settings modification and prompts to save the settings, if necessary. If the dynamic list settings form contains changed settings, when attempting to close this form, the form was closed without any warnings. Likelihood of losing work results by changing dynamic list settings was reduced.
XML and XDTO support. When exporting an XDTO package to an XML schema, the default value (or fixed value) for properties with an "Element" presentation option is exported in the same way as it is for properties with an "Attribute" presentation option. This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. When exporting an XDTO package to an XML schema, the default value (or fixed value) for properties with an "Element" presentation option was not exported. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents. Whenever you convert a spreadsheet document into XLS (Microsoft Excel 94-2003), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and later versions, Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions) or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, cells which contain tab characters or text starting with whitespace can now be created easier. Whenever you converted a spreadsheet document into XLS (Microsoft Excel 94-2003), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and later versions, Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions) or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format, cells which contained tab characters or text starting with whitespace were created in a way, when the resulting document was visually different from the original one. Now you have less visual differences between the original spreadsheet document displayed in 1C:Enterprise and that created by way of conversion thereof into XLS (Microsoft Excel 94-2003), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007 and later versions, Microsoft Word 2007 and later versions) or ODS (OpenDocument Spreadsheet) format.
Queries. If the temporary table is generated based on the table of values, a runtime error will be generated if a column with an unspecified type is present in the table of values and this column is included in the temporary table. An error will also occur if a non-typed column is involved in any expression (for example, SELECT or ISNULL). This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode. If a temporary table is formed based on a table of values where a column with an unspecified type is present and this column is included in a temporary table, no runtime errors were generated, but the query result could be incorrect. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Collaboration system. Web client. Screen translation in the collaboration system running on a web client:
  • Google Chrome browser:
  • Mozilla Firefox browser:
Screen translation in the collaboration system running on a web client:
  • Google Chrome browser:
  • Mozilla Firefox browser:
The screen translation tool is improved, so far as the collaboration system runs on the web client.
Administration tools. In Version 8.3.10 and later compatibility mode, GetDataBaseStorageStructure() function returns a table of values where the Indexes column contains short index names. At the same time, the names of indexes are displayed identically for any DBMS. In the Indexes column of the table of values returned by the GetDataBaseStorageStructure() method, long index names were indicated and the index names differed in different DBMSs. The names of indexes in the database schema are refined.
Configuration extensions. Tooltips for the check box, which controls the behavior of the object property in the extension, have become more clear and better describing the essence of the check box status. Tooltips for the check box, which controls the behavior of the object property in the extension were poorly describing the check box status. Improved tooltips for the check box describing the behavior of an object property in the extension.
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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Сlient application form. If no table is displayed in the form or there are no rows in the table or a row which is unavailable in the table is transferred to FormTable object method:
  • Use of FormTable.RowData(), TableForm.CheckRow() and FormTable.Unfolded() results in Undefined value.
  • Whenever you call FormTable.Unfold() and FormTable.Fold() methods, an exception is generated.
If no table is displayed in the form or no rows are available in the table, as soon as you call FormTable.ChangeRow() and FormTable.CopyRow() methods an exception is generated. If no table is displayed in the form, whenever you call FormTable.AddRow(), FormTable.FinishRowEditing() and FormTable.Update() methods an exception is generated. In 8.3.13 version compatibility mode behavior remained unchanged.
So far as thin and thick client applications are concerned:
  • If no table is displayed in the form:
  • If now rows are available in the table or a row is transferred which is unavailable therein:
Web client:
  • If no table is displayed in the form:
  • If no rows are available in the table or a row is transferred which is unavailable therein:
  • If no rows are available in a table, as soon as FormTable.EditRow() and FormTable.CopyRow() methods are called, the said call is ignored.
Now, the system operates in a similar way both on the thin and thick client. Unexpected system behavior was eliminated.
Client application. To describe OpenID Connect provider in default.vrd file, you can specify the fields to compare users of 1C:Enterprise and OpenID Connect provider infobases. This feature was not provided. Users were always compared by e-mail and infobase user name. Now, you can use OpenID Connect with a great number of providers, for instance, Microsoft Azure.
Data composition system. If a data composition system expression in query language contains curly brackets, whenever this query is processed, the said characters cannot be deleted. If there is no "}" character at the end of a data composition system expression in query language before that query is transmitted, an error is displayed. In 8.3.16 version compatibility mode behavior remained unchanged. If a data composition system expression in query language contained curly brackets, whenever this query was processed, the said characters were deleted from the query. If there was no "}" character at the end of a data composition system expression in query language before that query was transmitted, no error was displayed. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
DBMS operations. Queries. When using the file or client-server version (when using the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS), the query language operator IN, which meets all of the following criteria, always returns a Boolean value:
  • Operator IN contains a subquery.
  • Operator IN subquery contains FIRST or ORDER BY operations.
  • The left side of IN operator and the subquery contain values of different types or the AnyReference type.
It is recommended to analyze these queries and refactor them, if necessary. This upgrade is ignored in 8.3.13 version compatibility mode.
When using the file or client-server version (when using the Microsoft SQL Server DBMS), the query language operator IN, which meets all of the following criteria, returned a Boolean or NULL value:
  • Operator IN contains a subquery.
  • Operator IN subquery contains FIRST or ORDER BY operations.
  • The left side of IN operator and the subquery contain values of different types or the AnyReference type.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. If a query with merges is available in the data composition system query, whenever you use DataCompositionProcessor.Initialize() method with RestrictGettingFieldsByRefByViewRight set to True, View rights are applicable to all merging parts. In 8.3.16 version compatibility mode behavior remained unchanged. If a query with merges was available in the data composition system query, whenever you used DataCompositionProcessor.Initialize() method with RestrictGettingFieldsByRefByViewRight set to True, View rights were applicable to the initial merging part only. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
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Renamed objects

Object The old name The new name
Some picture library items were renamed. Old names are saved for compatibility purposes, but they can refer to other pictures.
  • Calendar.
  • Calculator.
  • Magnifier.
  • SelectType.
  • Select.
  • Clear.
  • Help.
  • InputFieldCalendar.
  • InputFieldCalculator.
  • InputFieldOpen.
  • InputFieldSelectType.
  • InputFieldSelect.
  • InputFieldClear.
  • FormHelp.
Cluster service that stores dynamic information about cluster composition and status.
  • Cluster lock service.
  • Cluster status service.
Availability of 'all functions' phrase in the headers of Designer and client application configuration settings.
  • Show All Functions Command parameter in Designer starting setup dialog box.
  • All functions main menu item and header of the form that opens at the same time.
  • All Functions global search keyword.
  • Global search result display - All Functions.
  • Technical Specialist mode parameter in Designer start setup dialog box.
  • Functions for Technical Specialist main menu item and a similar header of the form that opens at the same time.
  • Functions for Technical Specialist global search keyword.
  • Global search result display - Functions for Technical Specialist.
Names containing 'all functions' phrase. Old names are used for compatibility.
  • AllFunctionsMode access rights.
  • StandardGlobalSearchAppearance.AllFunctions system enumeration value.
  • Command line parameter to start DisplayAllFunctions client application.
  • TechicalSpecialistMode access rights.
  • StandardGlobalSearchAppearance.FunctionsForTechnicalSpecialist system enumeration value.
  • Command line parameter to start TechnicalSpecialistMode client application.
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Mobile version of "1C:Enterprise"

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile client. Images in SVG format can be displayed in the mobile client. No filters and effects are supported when you use images of this format. ImageFormat.SVG system enumeration property was implemented. This feature was not provided. 1C:Enterprise mobile client now supports display of images in SVG format.
Add-ins. Mobile platform. Mobile client. So far as add-ins are concerned which are supported by mobile devices running iOS, you can connect dynamic system libraries to add-ins. The add-in technology documentation is updated. (read more) This feature was not provided. So far as add-ins running iOS were concerned, you were able to specify required subsystem components only. Functionality to develop add-ins running iOS was added.
Mobile client. Dynamic add-in setting is no longer supported by mobile client application build (including mobile clients which can run in a standalone mode) running Android. DynamicAddInInstallationSupported() method always returns False value on a mobile device (except mobile versions for developers) Whenever you were running Android, you were able to use dynamic add-in setting for mobile application application build (including mobile clients capable of running in a standalone mode). Due to update of security policy by Google, always make sure that add-ins available on a mobile client are included in a mobile application build.
Formatted documents. External appearance of a tool bar for formatted and HTML-documents in a mobile version of 1C:Enterprise was changed. Functionality offered by a tool bar remained unchanged. The formatting tool bar was made similar for mobile phones and tablets. Previously, external appearance of a tool bar for formatted and HTML-documents in a mobile version of 1C:Enterprise was different. The formatting tool bar was dissimilar for mobile phones and tablets. The formatting tool bar for formatted and HTML-documents became easier and more user-friendly.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Application usage statistics services can now be connected to the mobile application being built. The following statistics services are supported:
  • FirebaseAnalytics (Android and iOS).
  • AppMetrica (Android, iOS and Windows).
  • Appsee (Android and iOS).
ApplicationUsageStatistics global context property was implemented.
This feature was not provided. Now, you can integrate mobile applications for a mobile version of 1C:Enterprise with various mobile application statistics services.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. User interface was enhanced (photos, audio and video recording). Now, you can review the result of action you performed and (if deemed necessary) repeat it. User interface was different (photos, audio and video recording). You were unable to preview and hear the results of your actions. Moreover, you were unable to repeat any of the actions. Now, it is much more easier to use tools supported by a mobile version to record audios and videos and make photos in a convenient way.
Mobile platform. Development tools. It has become possible to connect to the web server where the configuration of the mobile application is published using the HTTPS protocol in the developer's mobile platform. Opening the dialog box for configuring an HTTPS connection has been implemented in the infobase adding dialog box. This feature was not provided. Connecting a developer's mobile platform to a web server can be more secure (using the HTTPS protocol).
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Library updates

  • OpenSSL library is updated to version 1.1.0k.
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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.17

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.17.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.17 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.
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