90% Russian companies use 1C products for bookkeeping

According to the research data of TNS in 2012, about 90% of companies in the major Russian cities used 1С products for bookkeeping.
They are followed, according to the research data, by the system BEST and «Sail» whose shares in the number of Russian companies where they are used do not exceed 1,4% and 1,2% respectively. Among the world’s leaders of ERP-system market it can be noted in the list Microsoft Dynamics NAV with a share of 0,2%.
1С representatives stated that their solutions are often used for bookkeeping also in the companies where the enterprise management systems of the world’s largest vendors are installed.
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Example of transformation from the values tree to the values table and back

I want to share with visitors of the site my approach to transform the values table in the values tree and back.
In general, when developing the branch-wise task, it was necessary almost for all the documents to output information as a tree and store it in the table parts of document, as well as in the interactive data processor as a tree.
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Screw loose

Publications: Screw loose
What a pleasure to talk about what a wonderful system was implemented, how the costs were reduced, how equipment was modernized or what a cool server room was built. It’s nice when the big bosses com to cut the ribbons and many talk about everything. It’s nice when the news about this is printed in newspapers. It’s nice, incredible, amazing, surprising.
But we are living in Russia – we are not looking for easy ways. Maybe in other countries as well as with us, but maybe not – I don’t know, I didn’t see, didn’t implement. But I have seen a lot of different companies in Russia from inside. Here on such case will be discussed.
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When employee becomes a gadget

Let’s talk about automation. Automation of enterprises, or at least some departments or even some functions. The word by itself is something artificial. It is not seen the life behind it. Sounds nice, but can be interpreted in different ways.

On the first place there is always the question – how will change the role of particular person who will work with created system? Will it be easy or hard to work, will he creatively work with the system or just push the button on command, how will change the requirements for his qualification?
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