1C:Enterprise 8.3.19. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.19

Version 8.3.19 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

The integration service tool of 1C:Enterprise platform no longer requires the functionality testing license.

New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. For configuration property Compatibility mode, new value Version 8.3.18 is now implemented. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1–8.3.17 was available. Configurations developed using 1C:Enterprise platform version 8.3.18 or earlier can now run on version 8.3.19 (without the need to update the configuration or the application data structures). This provides the option to migrate to version 8.3.19 in two stages: first, update the platform version (without any changes to the configuration), and then make the required changes and disable compatibility mode. This also gives you the option to open the infobase using version 8.3.18 after the migration to version 8.3.19, even if you disable the compatibility mode (simply enable it again).
Documentation. New feature: objects available on a standalone mobile server can be selected for the Syntax Assistant. New availability mode for the Syntax Assistant: Standalone mobile server. This availability mode describes objects and methods available on the 1C:Enterprise server running on a mobile device in standalone mode of the mobile client. In the Syntax Assistant, it was not possible to select objects available on a mobile device on the server side of the mobile client running in standalone mode. New features of the 1C:Enterprise mobile version are considered in the Syntax Assistant.
Navigation links. Now you can specify additional parameters in URLs. The composition of parameters depends on the URL kind. Now you can do the following:
  • Pass additional parameters for the form to open.
  • Get a URL to a report option.
  • Get a URL to full report settings.
  • Get a URL to a dynamic list with settings.
  • Get a URL to the current dynamic list row with settings.
  • Get a URL to a command and pass parameters to it.
In the get URL dialog box (if necessary), you can choose which URL to get at a specific place in the client application interface. New methods for the client application form extension for a report: GetReportURL(), GetCurrentReportOptionURL(), and GetCurrentReportSettingsURL(). New method for the client application form extension for a data processor: GetDataProcessorURL(). New methods for the client application form extension for a dynamic list: GetListURL() and GetCurrentListSettingsURL(). New client application form parameter for a dynamic list: TableDisplay. New method for the client application form extension for an object, a document, a catalog, a business process, a task, a chart of characteristic types, and an object of an external data source table: GetObjectURL(). New method for the client application form extension for an information register record and a record of an external data source table: GetRecordURL(). New feature: all the listed URL options can be received for the GetURL() global context method. New handlers for the client application form: GetURLsListProcessing and GetURLProcessing. New configuration property: URLsExternalDataStorage. Changed format of the XML configuration export.
These features were not provided. Advanced navigation links features.
Client application form. For form field extensions for an HTML document, a formatted document, a geographical schema, and the planner, implemented the BeforePrint event that occurs before an object is printed interactively. For form field extensions for an HTML document and a formatted document, implemented the BeforeWrite event that occurs before an object is written interactively. For form field extensions for an HTML document and a formatted document, implemented the AfterWrite event that occurs after an object is saved interactively. The Save command of the client application form called for a spreadsheet document does the following:
  • If a file name is not specified or a spreadsheet document is not in edit mode, the dialog box to specify a name of a file to be saved is generated.
  • If a file name is specified and a spreadsheet document is in edit mode, saving is performed without displaying the dialog box to specify a file name.
Once a spreadsheet document is saved, an operation completion notification appears. For all form item kinds that support saving (except a spreadsheet document), the value that matches the executing action is passed to the Copy parameter of the BeforeWrite event handler:
  • True if the Save as command is selected.
  • False if the Save command is selected.
For a spreadsheet document or a report, the behavior is not changed when you select the Save command.
For all form item kinds that supported saving, the system behavior was the same when the Save and Save as commands were specified: the dialog box to select a file to be saved was generated. For all form item kinds that supported saving (except a spreadsheet document), the True value was always passed to the Copy parameter of the BeforeWrite event handler. For a spreadsheet document, when the Save command was selected for a spreadsheet document or a report, the False value was passed to the BeforeWrite handler in the Copy parameter. Implemented the BeforePrint, BeforeWrite, and AfterWrite event handlers for all client application form items that support saving and printing.
Client application. Changed icons of all 1C:Enterprise executable files and icons associated with different file extensions related to 1C:Enterprise. Icons of executable and generated files of 1C:Enterprise were different. Icons follow the same style.
Pictures. SMIL animation of SVG images is now supported. SMIL animation is not supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge up to version 18 inclusive. In web browsers that do not support SMIL animation, a static picture will be displayed. New feature: in a set of picture variants, you can specify a web browser the variant element is intended for. When a picture is output in a web browser, an attempt is made to define a variant for the used web browser first. We recommend that you use SVG images with SMIL animation to create animated pictures in the application. Such pictures take up little space and do not require large resources for their display. This feature was not provided. Animated SVG images can now be displayed. Animation is displayed in both ordinary client applications and the web client (except Microsoft Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge up to version 18).
Dynamic lists. The following features similar to the features provided in the data composition system are available for a dynamic list:
  • Setting up query fields (a title, a type, appearance, a use restriction, and other).
  • Operations with calculated fields.
  • Using parameters in user settings.
  • Setting up parameter properties (a title, a type, and other).
  • In fields of the Date type, you can now use parent fields (beginning of day, month, and other) in sorting and grouping.
Changed the dynamic list settings editor. New properties for a dynamic list: Fields, FieldsToCalculate, and DataParameters. Changed the configuration XML dump format. The following dynamic list methods are deprecated: SetRestrictionsForUseInGroup(), SetRestrictionsForUseInFilter(), SetRestrictionsForUseInOrder(), GetRestrictionsForUseInGroup(), GetRestrictionsForUseInFilter(), and GetRestrictionsForUseInOrder(). We recommend that you use the UseRestriction dynamic list properties and the AttributesUseRestriction dynamic list fields. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode.
These features were not provided. Simplified setup of dynamic list fields. In particular, you can now specify localized presentations of query fields displayed in a dynamic list.
Data composition system. Dynamic lists. When you set up configuration object characteristics, you can now specify which configuration object field contains a characteristic name. Changing the characteristic presentation will not result in the loss of settings field of the data composition system or a dynamic list. New property: CharacteristicsDetails.DataPathField. The value that returns the Presentation virtual field is used as a characteristic presentation. A new field remains blank for existing characteristics. If you change a field that contains a characteristic name in the characteristic description, we recommend that you provide a mechanism that converts data composition settings by replacing the old characteristic name with a new one. Changed format of the XML configuration export. The presentation of this characteristic was used as a characteristic name. Changing the characteristic presentation resulted in the loss of characteristics of data composition system settings and dynamic list settings. Simplified creation of localized characteristic presentations in applications.
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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Collaboration system. The client application on Windows uses the Video Tools module that matches the operating system bitness for video calls. The client application on Windows used the Video Tools module that matched the client application bitness for video calls. On a video call, computer resources are used more efficiently.
Client application. Web client. Now the Taxi interface supports right-to-left languages (in thin and thick client applications). This mode is supported in the entire client application interface automatically. The need to change the interface is determined by the interface language or the configuration language. Now client applications support Arabic numbers and dates. When calculating placement of form items and other interface elements, Almarai font is used by default. If a right-to-left language is set as the current configuration language in Designer, then the form preview in the form editor will also be performed in the relevant format. Support of right-to-left languages has been implemented starting with version 8.3.7 compatibility mode. The web client now supports right-to-left languages for the planner and charts. Right-to-left languages were supported in the web client only. 1C:Enterprise is now available in right-to-left languages (using thin and thick client applications).
Spreadsheet documents. Data display. If the length of the text within a cell exceeds 3276 characters in a spreadsheet document being saved in the Microsoft Excel format (Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Office OpenXML), saving is terminated and an error message appears. When saving a spreadsheet document in the Microsoft Excel format (Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Office OpenXML), the length of the text within a cell was not checked. This could result in a document that Microsoft Excel could not open. Saving in the Microsoft Excel format is more correct now.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
Queries. Improved query execution including when data access restrictions are used. Improved performance of the StrContains() function of the data access restriction expression. Query execution (including queries that used data access restrictions) took more time. Improved query performance.
Server clusters. In a client/server infobase, loading from the .dt file is now faster as several background jobs are used for loading. To speed up significantly, we recommend that the server cluster and the DBMS are on the same computer or that the server cluster and the DBMS are interconnected with a high-bandwidth channel (1 GB/s or higher). For the /RestoreIB command of the Designer batch mode, implemented the JobsCount parameter that allows you to manage the number of used background jobs. In a client/server infobase, loading from the .dt file was performed sequentially. Upgrade: information is restored from the .dt file faster in a client/server infobase.
Common objects. When solving systems of linear equations, reduced the time spent on obtaining a solution and the use of RAM. Solving systems of linear equations took more time and required more RAM. Improved solving systems of linear equations.
Server clusters. Improved generation of a session list. New service: Service for retrieving a list of server cluster sessions. Retrieving a session list took more time and could cause the system to hang on bulk retrieving the session list when load on the server cluster was heavy. A possibility of system hanging on bulk retrieving a session list under heavy load is excluded. Reduced time of a single operation for retrieving a session list on a cluster with multiple servers. The time spent on simultaneous bulk retrieval of session lists is significantly reduced.
DBMS operations. If you press the Write button several times in the object edit form (with the object unchanged), object tabular sections are not written to the DBMS upon each object record. If you pressed the Write button several times in the object edit form, object tabular sections were written to the DBMS upon each object record. Decreased DBMS load in some cases.
DBMS operations. Queries. In a file infobase, executing a query that receives data with ordering and filtering by the field for which the index is built is faster now even if the IN operator that receives a large amount of data is used to impose a condition. In a file infobase, executing a query that received data with ordering and filtering by the field for which the index was built was not optimal if the IN operator that received a large amount of data was used to impose a condition. Improved file infobase performance.
Accounting registers. Optimized the query used by 1C:Enterprise to access virtual tables of balance and turnovers of the accounting register. The query used by 1C:Enterprise to access virtual tables of balance and turnovers of the accounting register was not optimal. Improved performance of queries to the virtual table of balance and turnovers of the accounting register.
Data display. Improved performance of the GetStringDeclension() and GetStringDeclensionByNumber() upon consecutive calls. For example, to get several case forms of the same phrase at once. Several consecutive calls to the GetStringDeclension() and GetStringDeclensionByNumber() methods took more time. Getting several case forms of the same phrase at once using the GetStringDeclension() and GetStringDeclensionByNumber() methods is faster now.
Automated testing. Reduced the number of network calls when the FindObject(), FindObjects(), and GetObject() methods of automated testing are running. This improves the overall automated testing performance. When the FindObject(), FindObjects(), and GetObject() methods of automated testing were running, a large number of network calls were made, which caused poor automated testing performance. Improved automated testing performance, especially when the web client is used.
Data display. Bulk retrieval of presentations of reference objects is now faster if only data passed to the handler is used to generate the presentation. This is reached by caching the presentations. If data that is not passed to the presentation generation handler is used to get the presentation, when the presentation changes in the object, the presentation will change in the handler only in 20 seconds. Bulk generation of presentations of reference objects took more time as values used to get the presentation were cached and the presentation itself was calculated every time the presentation was required. Receiving presentations of reference objects and related operations are faster now. For example, ordering a value table by a reference column will speed up.
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Changes that affect system behavior

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Database copies. Queries. Data composition system. Now you can control where a specific query or data composition will be executed: use only copies, only the main database, or mostly copies to execute a query, or select automatically. Thus, it became possible not to load the main database with a query that was created to be executed on a copy. New properties for the Query and DataCompositionOutputParametersValues objects: DatabasesCopiesUse and UsedDatabaseCopies. The platform automatically selected where the query would be executed. If it was not possible to execute a query on a copy, the main database was used to execute the query. It is now possible not to execute queries or reports on the main database that can affect the database performance and that were intended to be executed on a copy only.
Data composition system. Once the report is generated, the server part of the data composition system notifies the client application initiated the report generation of report generation completion using the Collaboration System. This mechanism works in conjunction with the existing mechanism for determining whether report generation is completed (periodic polling of the system background job). To determine whether report generation was completed, periodic polling of the system backgroud job generating the report was used. Each failed completion check increases the time interval after which the next check will be done. If there is the Collaboration System, a user will know right away when long report generation is completed. If the Collaboration System is not connected to the infobase or is temporarily not functioning, the existing mechanism will be used.
Dynamic lists. For the header of the table column displaying a dynamic list with an order setting item that cannot be disabled by a user:
  • In the web client: clicking the header changes the sorting order.
  • In thin and thick client applications: the column header always displays the sorting direction.
As a result, the behavior of thin, thick, and web clients is the same when a user left-clicks the header of the dynamic list column whose ordering settings include an item that cannot be controlled by the user.
For the header of the table column displaying a dynamic list with an order setting item that could not be disabled by a user:
  • In the web client: clicking the header did not change the sorting order.
  • In thin and thick client applications: the sorting direction was displayed in the column header only if there were user ordering settings for that column.
The behavior of thin, thick, and web clients was not uniform when a user left-clicked the header of the dynamic list column whose settings included an item that could not be controlled by the user.
Unified behavior of thin, thick, and web clients when a user left-clicks the header of the dynamic list column whose ordering settings include an item that cannot be controlled by the user.
Data display. The behavior of the GetStringDeclensionsByNumber() method changes when generating a number:
  • For an ordinal:
    • For a cardinal: an error of invalid parameter specification is generated.
    • This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode.
When generating a numeral with an ending using the GetStringDeclensionByNumber() method, two-letter endings were always returned for ordinal and cardinal numbers. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Database copies. Now you can add objects included in separators to a database copy. On initial filling, the entire table is transferred. On change transfer, only the area that matches the separators of the current (transferred) transaction is transferred. To create a database copy (using the DatabaseCopyManager.Write() method) and update copy data (using the DatabaseCopyManager.Update() method), the DataAdministration access right is required. It was possible to add only tables that were not part of separators or a table with conditionally disabled separators to a copy. Now you can add separated application objects to a database copy.
Client application. Now each infobase user can manage OpenIDConnect authentication. New property: InfobaseUser.OpenIDConnectAuthentication. Now you can end an authentication session according to the OpenID Connect standard. New property in OpenID Connect provider description–default.vrd file, <providers> item: endSessionEndpoint. This feature was not provided. Improved OpenID Connect support.
Licensing system. Expanded the set of information displayed by the licensing utility (the ring license info command):
  • Added information about the license type and the license binding type in the section with license information.
  • New section with machine-readable information: TechnicalInfo. Data in this section is always displayed in English.
The output of the ring license info command did not contain information about the license type and the license binding type, and did not contain a section with machine-readable information about the license. Expanded the set of activated license information that can be obtained. Simplified obtaining information about licenses using various automation tools.
Charts. Data composition system. Upgrade: a chart in a data composition system report better adjusts to the width of the screen showing the report. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode. A chart in a data composition system report did not adjust well to the width of the screen showing the report. Improved appearance of charts on low-resolution screens.
Queries. If a query that generates a temporary table based on a value table retrieves a field separated by dot from another expression, a query language error is generated on executing such a query. We recommend that you analyze texts of queries to generate temporary tables to eliminate the modifiable behavior. This change is not implemented in 8.3.18 compatibility mode. If a query that generated a temporary table based on a value table retrieved a field separated by dot from another expression, a runtime error was generated when executing this query in client/server mode and an incorrect value was placed in the temporary table value when executing this query in file mode. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Spreadsheet documents. When exporting a spreadsheet document to Microsoft Excel formats (Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Office OpenXML), the following behavior is implemented for objects of the Picture type:
  • If the PictureSize property value is not equal to the Tile value, the original picture is saved to the resulting document. If a pattern is specified for a cell, the pattern image is additionally saved.
  • If the PictureSize property is set to Tile, the picture is copied into the resulting document and the background color for the picture in the Microsoft Excel document is set equal to the background color of the picture in the similar document.
As a result of the changes made, when scaling a Microsoft Excel document, pictures placed in a spreadsheet document are less distorted.
When exporting a spreadsheet document to Microsoft Excel formats (Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Office OpenXML), the following behavior was observed for objects of the Picture type:
  • If the PictureSize property value was not equal to the Stretch value, the picture was copied into the resulting document.
  • If the PictureSize property was set to Stretch, the picture was copied into the resulting document (if no background color or pattern was specified) and the original picture was saved in all other cases.
The result of saving a spreadsheet document in Microsoft Excel formats (Microsoft Excel 97 or Microsoft Office OpenXML) is more in line with users' expectations.
Data composition system. Functional options. When calculating the availability of child fields used in data composition expressions, a check whether the field is not disabled using a functional option is performed for both the field itself and all parent fields of this field. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode. When calculating the availability of child fields used in data composition expressions, a check whether the field was not disabled using a functional option was performed only for the field itself. Parent fields were not checked. Upgrade: the availability of fields associated with functional options is checked in the same way in both the query language and the data composition system.
Data exchange. For the RecordChanges() and DeleteChangeRecords() methods, it is now possible to register and unregister changes for an arbitrary set of data objects that are passed as an array in the Data parameter of these methods. The action for all objects in the passed array will be performed within a single transaction with the minimum number of queries used. For the RecordChanges() and DeleteChangeRecords() methods, it was not possible to specify an array of objects to perform an action. Executing the RecordChanges() and DeleteChangeRecords() methods is now faster when these methods must be applied to a large number of data objects.
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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application. Client application installation. Administration tools. Now you can update a client application using the web server when Microsoft Internet Information Services configured by default is used as a web server. Implemented support of the MIME type application/x-zip-compressed used by the web server for .zip files by default. To update a client application using the web server when Microsoft Internet Information Services was used as a web server, you had to manually override the MIME type that the web server used to pass .zip files. Administration of the Microsoft Internet Information Services web server is more convenient when a client application update is configured via the web server.
Administration tools. When exclusive mode is set, you can now specify a human-understandable description of the reason why exclusive mode is set (what the session is doing) and terminate the session that set the exclusive access. New parameter for the SetExclusiveMode() method: Parameters. New global context method: GetExclusiveModeParameters(). New access right: ExclusiveModeCompletionOnStartSession. The message text about the reason for the inability to start a new session can be a formatted string or an HTML string generated from a formatted string. When attempting to log into the infobase where exclusive mode was set, it was impossible to terminate such a session (even if it was possible to terminate the session according to the logic of the actions being performed) and it was not clear what was being done at that moment. When exclusive mode is set, you can now specify a user-understandable text that explains why exclusive mode is set. A user can terminate the session that set exclusive access if the user rights and the logic of the actions performed allow such termination.
Predefined data. Calling the PredefinedValue() method when a non-existent enumeration value is specified as a parameter value generates an exception. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode. Calling the PredefinedValue() method when a non-existent enumeration value was specified as a parameter value returned an empty value. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. The name of the distribution package of 1C:Enterprise server cluster for x86-64 architecture looks as follows: 1C:Enterprise 8 (x86-64) Server. The name of the distribution package of 1C:Enterprise server cluster for x86-64 architecture looked as follows: 1C:Enterprise 8 (x86-64). Now software names follow a single style for all software distribution packages for Windows.
Spreadsheet documents. Data composition system. Now you can scale a picture so that the picture height matches the size of the font used in the item that displays the picture. New system enumeration property: PictureSize.ByFontSize. If a picture in a report cell is specified using the Picture conditional appearance parameter of the data composition system, the PictureSize parameter value equals the ByFontSize value (if the PictureSize parameter is not specified in conditional appearance). This change is not implemented in version 8.3.18 compatibility mode. We recommend that you use the ByFontSize picture display mode in a spreadsheet document when a picture in a cell is a marker. When using this picture display mode, the picture height does not affect the automatically calculated height of the spreadsheet document row and does not depend on the number of text rows displayed in the cell. If a picture in a report cell was specified using the Picture conditional appearance parameter of the data composition system, the default value was not set for the PictureSize parameter and this parameter was not used (except if this parameter was specified explicitly). Improved display of pictures in a spreadsheet document in cases where it is necessary to use a picture in the text so that the picture size automatically adjusts to the height of the font used.
Server clusters. Administration tools. Now you can use partial Kerberos delegation for OS authentication if the server cluster is running Windows, the web server and the client application are each on their own computer, and this computer is different from the computer where the server cluster is running. For server cluster administration tools, a service principal name (SPN) can now be specified:
  • In the cluster administration console, the working server properties, implemented the property 1C:Enterprise server principal name (SPN).
  • The AdministrationWorkServer.ServerServiceName object property.
  • The IWorkingServerInfo.ServicePrincipalName object property for administration tools using COM connection.
  • The getServicePrincipalName() and setServicePrincipalName() methods of the IWorkingServerInfo interface for Java-based administration tools.
  • The service-principal-name parameter for the rac server insert and rac server update commands.
This feature was not provided. OS authentication could only be performed with full Kerberos delegation if the server cluster was running Windows, the web server and the client application were each on their own computer, and that computer was different from the computer where the server cluster was running. Now you can use OS authentication when accessed via the web server, without lowering the overall system security.
Data display. Now you can automatically switch a report to compact mode (if necessary), regardless of how the report is generated: using the platform or the 1C:Enterprise language. New property of the client application form extension for a report: ViewModeUseOnSetResult. The property works together with the ResultViewMode property of the client application form extension for a report. Changed format of the XML configuration export. If a report was generated using the 1C:Enterprise language, it was required to switch the report to compact mode (if necessary) manually. For a developer, simplified report display on a form if the report is generated using the 1C:Enterprise language and it is necessary to consider that the report can be displayed on mobile devices.
Server clusters. The value of the Temporarily allowed amount of process memory property of the working cluster server is used to restart working processes from memory and manage large call termination. You can use this property with a PROF license. When working with PROF licenses, a value equal to 80% of the RAM of the computer where the server was running was used to restart cluster working processes and terminate large server calls. It was not allowed to change the Temporarily allowed amount of process memory property of the working cluster server with PROF licenses. Administration of systems with PROF licenses is more convenient.
Spreadsheet documents. Now you set the report display mode for reports using the 1C:Enterprise language. New methods for the client application form extension for a report form: GetResultViewMode(), GetCurrentResultViewMode(), and SetResultViewMode(). Changed the approach to storing information about the result display mode in the system settings storage. Information about the report display mode is stored in the system report storage when the display mode value to be set differs from the value specified in the configuration. In this case, the Auto value interpretation is ignored for various client types. The ResultViewMode property of the client application form extension for a report form is deprecated. It was not possible to change the report result view mode using the 1C:Enterprise language. The value that the current client application took into account was stored in the system storage (the Auto value interpretation was not ignored). Now you can manage report display using the 1C:Enterprise language.
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Mobile version of "1C:Enterprise"

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile client. Automated testing. Now you can use the mobile client as a test client. The mobile client in standalone mode can be a test client only during connection with the main server. Now you can record user actions on a mobile device and playback a test written earlier in the 1C:Enterprise language. New commands for the command-line to start the mobile client: /UILOGRECORDER and /TESTCLIENT. The developer mobile client is always started with the option to record user actions (with the /UILOGRECORDER command). If the mobile client is started with the /UILOGRECORDER command, the Record user actions item appears in the Mobile client tools menu. This feature was not provided. Now you can use the mobile client for automated testing of applications.
Error handling. New values for the ErrorsCategories system enumeration:
  • NoPermissionToUseFunctionality that describes errors that occur because the mobile application does not have permissions to use some features correctly.
  • MultimediaToolsError that describes errors that occur while using a mobile device camera or microphone.
These error categories were missing in the ErrorsCategories system enumeration. Improved mobile application error categorization.
Mobile device-specific features. Now you can manage audio recording in the background. If this functionality is enabled, audio recording will continue when the application is minimized and the device screen is turned off. New system enumeration value: MobileApplicationFunctionality.AudioRecordingInBackground. Background audio recording was not available. Audio information could be recorded only if the application was active. Improved audio information operations in the mobile application.
Mobile client. Upgraged the video call interface in the mobile client. In the mobile client, you can now view the screen of another device and share your own screen. The viewing screen cannot control the mobile device whose screen is being shared. The video call interface in the mobile client was different. The mobile client did not support screen viewing and sharing. Improved interaction system video calls in the mobile client.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
Analytics - charts. In a graph, the x-axis will show the time dimension by default. The x-axis now showed the first added dimension. The expected result is obtained more often without additional actions.
Analytics - dashboards. The left dashboard panel shows folders, just like the desktop. The left dashboard panel showed all charts, excluding folders. It is now easier to navigate through charts on the dashboard.
Analytics - dashboards. Decreased spacing between dashboard items. Spacing between the dashboard items was larger. The dashboard now contains more information.
Analytics - charts. In table mode, you can now customize how totals will be placed: at the beginning or at the end of dimension values. In table mode, totals were always displayed at the beginning of a dimension. Improved appearance settings for table totals.
Analytics - expression language. Implemented the FORMAT() function to format values in a chart. The value was displayed in the default format. You can now customize the required option to display values.
Analytics - charts. When the chart type is switched, the chart retains roles of fields that are close in meaning. When the chart type was switched, field roles were set to default values. Switching the chart type requires fewer steps to achieve the desired chart appearance.
Analytics - sources. When creating additional sources based on virtual tables, it is now possible to transfer parameters from report settings to a query. It was not possible to define virtual table parameters in additional sources. Additional sources based on virtual tables are now more efficient.
Analytics - expression language. Implemented the PREVDATE() and VALUEFOR() functions to build comparative graphs for different time slices or other dimensions. Using these functions will allow you to compare similar indicators obtained for different periods of time or other analytical dimensions in the table. For output to the table, it was not possible to use similar indicators obtained for different periods of time or other analytical dimensions. You can now obtain the same indicators for different periods of time to build better charts.
Analytics - expression language. Implemented the TOP() function that allows you to limit the number of values displayed in a report and combine the remaining values into a single total value. The setting is available from the dimension context menu. This feature was not provided. You can now build more descriptive charts.
Analytics - charts. The chart editor now supports search for available fields in nested source structures (in nested references to catalog items and documents). The search only worked for the top level of the hierarchy. It is now easier to search for fields to be analyzed.
Analytics - charts. The hierarchy can now be expanded by date similar to the directory hierarchy using the field hierarchy menu in a chart. Periods in charts had to be refined manually. It it now easier to manage dates in charts.
Analytics - charts. You can now customize the legend location in the chart. The position of the legend was fixed. The chart appearance settings are now more flexible.
Analytics - charts. Implemented tooltips and notes in the filter by date editor for universal formulas ("Current year", "Last year", and other). This feature was not provided. Help information is now available in the filter by date editor.
Analytics - charts. The chart background now considers the currently enabled application theme. The chart background was light regardless of the theme. The chart background now matches the theme used.
Analytics - charts. A tooltip can now be displayed for a field value if it does not fit within one cell in the table. This feature was not provided. Field values were clipped to cell borders. You can now see the full value in a table cell for any length of the text presentation of the value.
Analytics - charts. The full date value can now be displayed in a chart using the context menu. The full date could only be displayed by editing the formula. It is now easier to manage dates.
Analytics - charts. You can now smoothly adjust the size of the panel with data source fields. The panel size was not customizable. You can now use screen space more efficiently.
Analytics - dashboards. When switching from the dashboard to the chart level, common dashboard filters can now be displayed and quickly enabled/disabled. There were no common filters on the dashboard. The user can quickly assess the filter impact on the dashboard data.
Analytics - other. Implemented the command to open the web client of 1C:Enterprise infobase with which 1C:Analytics works. It was not possible to quickly call the web client for the used 1C:Enterprise infobase. It is now easier to use the infobase.
Analytics - desktop. You can now batch copy/move objects on the desktop. Objects on the desktop could only be copied and moved one at a time. The desktop is now more user-friendly.
Analytics - desktop. The path to objects can now be displayed upon desktop search. Upon search, it was not clear where the object came from. Desktop search is now more informative.
Analytics - charts. Chart data is stored in the cache of 1C:Analytics for 24 hours. Chart data was stored in the cache of 1C:Analytics until the web browser tab was reloaded. The result is now more predictable.
Analytics - dashboards. You can now copy dashboard widgets. Dashboard widgets could not be copied. It was only possible to create a new widget that had to be configured manually. Simplified dashboard setup.
Analytics - charts. You can now set the display range of values on graph axes. The display range of values on graph axes was adjusted automatically based on the displayed data. Chart appearance customization is upgraded.
Analytics - sources. When using virtual tables of balance and turnovers, balance by periods when there were no turnovers for dimension values can now be supplemented. The balance in the supplemented periods is equal to the balance of the last actual period preceding the supplemented period. When using virtual tables of balance and turnovers, balance by periods were not displayed (there could be gaps in the data) if there were no turnovers for dimension values during these periods. Data display is correct.
Analytics - expression language. New date functions: DATEDIFF(), BEGINOFPERIOD(), and ENDOFPERIOD(). This feature was not provided. Extended the list of date functions.
Analytics - dashboards. Implemented filter templates for Boolean and Date fields on the dashboard. Filters of the specified types could only be set by a formula. Simplified filter creation.
Analytics - sources. Improved appearance of the dialog box that is displayed when updating sources of 1C:Analytics. The dialog box now displays more detailed information and does not block the system. The dialog box that was displayed when updating sources of 1C:Analytics showed less information and blocked the system. Improved appearance and behavior of 1C:Analytics when updating sources.
Analytics - expression language. Implemented the ADD() function to change date and time values. This feature was not provided. Extended the list of date functions.
Analytics - charts. Pressing ESC closes the field edit window only if the window field values are not changed. Pressing ESC closed the field edit window regardless of whether the data in the window fields was changed or not, which could lead to data loss. The system is now more predictable and user-friendly.
Analytics - expression language. Improved context hint when editing expression code. The context hint did not work well when editing expression code. The expression editor is now more user-friendly.
Analytics - charts. Improved chart labels. When there were a lot of labels, they covered each other and the chart looked bad. Improved appearance of charts.
Analytics - charts. Improved grouping performance. Grouping performance was non-optimal. Improved data retrieval.
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Demo configuration changes

  • Implemented configurations to demonstrate the following features:
    • An infobase serving as a service for registering errors that occur during application operation.
    • You can now contact application technical support using the Collaboration System.
    You can find the demo configurations on the ITS disk Read more..
  • The Order document form now has an option to get a URL with the current row of the Goods tabular section.
  • Additional information (about the counterparty debt) can now be displayed in global search results (see the global search help).
  • For additional characteristics of configuration objects, the Data path field field is specified.
  • The counterparty form now includes the Create voice note command, which demonstrates recording an audio file using the asynchronous method and recording this file. Information about this feature is included in the guide.The list of used mobile application features now includes the following:
    • Geolocation in the background.
    • Audio playback and vibration in the background.
    • Audio recording in the background.
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Changes made after the publication of the version

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files. The format version of configuration dump to XML files is now 2.12. The format version of configuration dump to XML files was 2.11. The configuration dump to XML files now supports new platform features.
Data display. New picture was added to the picture library: StartVideoConference The listed picture was not available in the picture library. The picture library is upgraded.
Full-text search. Full-text search is now faster when the search is started from 1C:Enterprise language (including global search mechanisms) and filter by metadata is set (the FullTextSearchList.DataArea property). It will be faster if the full-text search index is built in version 8.3.7 and later compatibility mode. When filter by metadata was set, full-text search was slow. When filter by metadata is set, full-text search is faster.
Data composition system. When conditional appearance is used in the Data Composition System, a conditional appearance element with the In overall usage area set is used to style templates of the overall resources horizontally and vertically in the table. This change is not implemented in 8.3.18 compatibility mode. A conditional appearance element with the In overall usage area set was not used to conditionally style templates of the overall resources horizontally and vertically in the table. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Pictures. Mobile platform. Mobile client. The PictureToProcess object is now available in 1C:Enterprise mobile version. The following object methods are not implemented: SelectKeyArea(), SetColorDepth(), and SetDensity(). The features of other object properties and methods in this case can be found in Syntax Assistant. For the Picture object, the Width(), Height(), and FileSize() methods are now available in the mobile version. The ColorDepth(), GrayScale(), HorizontalDensity(), and VerticalDensity() methods always return Undefined in the mobile version. In 1C:Enterprise mobile version, the PictureToProcess object and all methods of the Picture object were unavailable. You can now implement some custom scenarios on mobile devices. For example, display thumbnails on the form (for more efficient use of mobile device resources).
Collaboration system. You can now exchange a video stream only with the server upon group video calls. To do this, a special server application must be configured on the interaction server. Group video calls were made in p2p mode. That is, the client application exchanged video streams with computers of all video call participants. The load on the client computer upon a group video call and a large number of video call participants can now be reduced. Improved Collaboration System performance if a user has an asymmetric communication channel.
Mobile application builder. Mobile platform. Mobile client. The distribution package of 1C:Enterprise mobile version contains requirements for the versions of the utilities used to build a mobile application. The requirements for the utilities used to build a mobile application were not included in the mobile version distribution package. It was impossible for users to understand which utility versions to install to build a mobile application. It is now possible to understand which versions of the utilities used to build a mobile application to install on the builder computer. If the versions do not match, troubleshooting is more understandable.
Licensing system. Analytics system. You can now start a single 1C:Analytics client without a 1C:Analytics client license if no more than 5 client application sessions are connected to the infobase. Starting 1C:Analytics client without its own license was not available. The application developer can use 1C:Analytics for development purposes without the need to obtain a 1C:Analytics client license.
File operations. Updated distribution package of Read more. file manager. The distribution package comes with an interface in all languages supported by 1C:Enterprise. The distribution package of the file manager was available in two versions: only in Russian and in all languages supported by 1C:Enterprise. Simplified file manager operations. Users no longer need to choose which distribution package they need.
Integration service. You can now specify that receiving an integration service message will be processed outside a transaction. New property of the IntegrationServiceChannel configuration object: InTransaction. Receiving an integration service message was always processed within a transaction. You can now implement more flexible algorithms for integration service channels.
Collaboration system. Optimized screen sharing module for thin, thick, and web clients. The new screen sharing module requires the Collaboration System server version 10 or later. To use the new screen sharing module in the web client, Google Chrome version 64 or later is required (in addition to the Collaboration System server version). The optimized version of the screen sharing module allows you to select a monitor to share (if there are multiple monitors), is faster, and loads the CPU of the computer used for sharing less. The previous screen sharing module is used if the subscriber cannot use the new module version in the video call. The previous screen sharing module did not allow you to select a monitor to share, had lower performance, and loaded the CPU of the computer used for sharing more heavily. Improved computer screen sharing when using Collaboration System.
Database copies. Optimized execution of queries in a database copy when a large number of transactions are performed in the main database and data is transferred to the copy not very often. To enable optimization, restructure the infobase (by updating the configuration or on testing and patching). Queries executed in a database copy were not optimized. Improved performance of queries that can be executed on a database copy.
Spreadsheet documents. Improved spreadsheet document switch to compact mode used on mobile devices. Switching a spreadsheet document to compact mode was not optimal. Improved spreadsheet documents view on mobile devices.
Mobile application builder. Mobile Application Builder no longer supports the following features:
  • Build mobile applications using Apache Ant.
  • Build mobile applications using Android SDK 25 and earlier.
  • Build mobile applications managed by Windows 8.1.
If you need to use these features, use Mobile Application Builder 8.3.18 or earlier.
Mobile Application Builder supported:
  • Build mobile applications using Apache Ant.
  • Build mobile applications using Android SDK 25 and earlier.
  • Build mobile applications managed by Windows 8.1.
Mobile Application Builder no longer supports obsolete technologies and mobile operating systems.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile application builder. Starting from mobile version, you can build mobile applications for Android in the application bundle format (aab-file). Changed files in the mobile distribution package. With Mobile Application Builder, you can build applications in any format depending on the mobile version used to build the mobile application. With Mobile Application Builder, you can upload any built application option to the application store (but not both at the same time). Before importing version or later to Mobile Application Builder, update the builder to the distribution package version. 1C:Enterprise mobile version (including Mobile Application Builder) did not support building application bundles (aab files). You can now build mobile applications and upload them to Google Play store.
Localization. Localized client application interface for Turkmenian (tk). This feature was not provided. 1C:Enterprise is now available to Turkmenian-speaking users.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Improved recognition of DataMatrix codes using mobile device cameras:
  • New feature: recognition of a light-colored code on a dark background.
  • New feature: recognition of round pixels in the code.
  • Improved recognition of complex codes: on crumpled paper, with reflections, and so on.
The following changes are implemented when recognizing barcodes using mobile device cameras:
  • Automatic setting of 1.5x magnification for easy scanning of small barcodes.
  • Reduced frame rate for recognition.
  • Reduced timeout between consecutive scans to 1.3 seconds.
DataMatrix code recognition did not work in some common situations. Scanning small barcodes with mobile device cameras was inconvenient. The pause between consecutive scans was 2 seconds. Improved use of mobile device cameras to scan DataMatrix codes and other barcodes.
Database copies. Improved performance of initial filling of a database copy. Initial filling of a database copy took more time. Improved performance of initial filling of a database copy.
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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.19

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.19.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.19 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.
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