Text editor
A built-in text editor allows to create and edit text documents.
You can create a new document using:
Select the File - New menu item and specify the Text Document type;
- Ctrl+N keyboard shortcut.
To open an existing document, use one of the following options:
File - Open menu item;
- Ctrl+O keyboard shortcut;
drag the file from Windows Explorer to 1C:Enterprise workspace.
The bookmarks help you to find the required text in the document quickly. To add a bookmark, place the cursor to the text line to be marked and select Text - Set/Clear Bookmark.
To move between bookmarks, use Text - Next Bookmark, Text - Previous Bookmark or F2 and Shift+F keyboard shortcuts.
To increase or decrease text indents use the menu items "Text - Block - Shift Right" and "Text - Block - Shift Left".
Inserting a Page Break
Select Text - End of Page. The start of a new page will be shown by the § character.
Undo performed actions
Select Edit — Undo This will undo the last action results. The Undo Changes operation can be used several times in a row.
Use the Edit - Redo menu item to restore the cancelled action.
Search and Replace
To find text, select Edit – Find.
Use the Edit - Replace menu item to replace text.
Go to Line
To go to a specific line in a document, select Go to Line from the form's context menu.
Print document
Select the "File - Print" menu item or use the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut.
See also: