1C:Enterprise 8.3.23. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.23

Version 8.3.23 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration properties. New value for the Compatibility mode configuration property: Version 8.3.22. Compatibility mode with versions 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, and 8.3.1 - 8.3.21 was available. You can run configurations developed in versions 8.3.22 and earlier in version 8.3.23 without changing the configuration and data structures. This way, you can migrate to version 8.3.23 without changing the configuration, then make required changes, and disable compatibility mode. You can also use version 8.3.22 after migration to version 8.3.23. You can do it both before you disable compatibility mode and after you enable it again.
Development tools. New 1C:Enterprise license type: for developers. This license type has the following features:
  • It allows using the client application and the server cluster.
  • It is exclusively a software license.
  • It can be attached only to computer parameters.
  • If several licenses of this type are activated for one profile at the same time, they still have the same restriction parameters as one license.
  • It is time-restricted.
  • It does not limit quantitative characteristics of the configuration and the database.
  • To get this license, you need to register on the Read more. developer portal.
Detailed developer license features and restrictions are described in the respective documentation. New properties for the LicenseAcquisitionRequest object: AccountName and AccountPassword. New methods for the license acquisition manager: GetDeveloperLicenseUsageAvailability() and GetDeveloperLicenseAgreement().
This feature was not provided. The training version was used for practice. The developer package or any other main distribution package were required for development. 1C:Enterprise version with full functionality can be used free of charge for training and development.
DBMS operations. Administration tools. Standard functions. You can now manage database tablespaces in client/server infobase mode. You can manage tablespaces for indexes and data. Separation of tables by namespaces is unique for each infobase and is not preserved when you export an infobase. Tablespace management is not supported in file infobases and Data Accelerator. New standard function available in server infobases starting from Version 8.3.7 compatibility mode: Database tablespace management. New global context property: DatabaseTablespaces. New parameter for the IBCheckAndRepair command-line option of Designer batch mode: RefreshTableLocation. New columns for the value table returned by the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method: DataStorageTablespace and IndexStorageTablespace. New configuration property: Tablespace usage mode. Database tablespace management is supported for CORP licenses. This feature was not provided. Advanced infobase administration features in client/server mode. Now you can assign infobase tables to various disk drives based on table load profiles.
1C:Enterprise script. JSON support. New global context methods: WriteJSONValue() and ReadJSONValue(). The methods are available in any context. They serialize and deserialize a certain data type set to a JSON string and back to 1C:Enterprise language objects. This feature was not provided. The new methods could be implemented using existing JSON tools. However, this generally required a server call. Simplified operations with JSON format, especially in web client and on mobile devices.
Collaboration system. You can exchange files with Telegram and VK if the collaboration system is integrated with them. Video file exchange with VK is not supported. To store exchanged files, you can configure your own storage on the collaboration server. This feature was not provided. Advanced features for integration with instant messaging systems.
Standalone server. Administration tools. You can convert a server infobase into an infobase maintained by another DBMS without exporting it to a dt file and importing to a new DBMS. Conversion from file infobases is not supported. New command for the "infobase" command of the ibcmd utility: replicate. This feature was not provided. The only way to change an active DBMS was infobase export to a dt file with its further import from this file to a new DBMS. Simplified server infobase migration between various database management systems.
1C:Enterprise script. ICU regular expressions can be used in 1C:Enterprise language. Operations with regular expressions are available only on 1C:Enterprise server. New global context methods: StrFindByRegularExpression(), StrReplaceByRegularExpression(), StrLikeByRegularExpression(), and StrFindAllByRegularExpression(). This feature was not provided. Advanced search in strings using 1C:Enterprise language.
Collaboration system. You can integrate the collaboration system with the WhatsApp instant messaging system. New property: CollaborationSystemIntegration.EnabledMessageEdit New methods for the collaboration system manager: GetAnswerAvailabilityEndTime(), GetAnswerAvailabilityEndTimeAsync(), GetMessageTemplates(), GetMessageTemplatesAsync(), GetMessageTemplate(), GetMessageTemplateAsync(), SetMessageTemplatePresentations(), and SetMessageTemplatePresentationsAsync(). New properties for the CollaborationSystemMessage object: MessageTemplate and MessageTemplatePlaceholderValues. New application module event: CollaborationSystemMessageTemplateChoiceProcessing. This feature was not provided. Advanced features for collaboration system integration with instant messaging systems.
Collaboration system. The standard data processor of collaboration system management displays information on parameters of the collaboration system where the infobase is registered and the subscriber email address. New methods for the collaboration system manager: ServerAddress(), ServerVersion(), SubscriberEmail(), and CurrentUserIsSubscriberAdministrator(). This feature was not provided. Access to information about the collaboration system to which the current infobase is connected.
Configuration extensions. You can create your own scheduled jobs in a configuration extension. This feature was not provided. Advanced configuration extension features.
DBMS operations. Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server can be used in client/server infobase mode to ensure Microsoft SQL Server DBMS operation. Microsoft OLE DB Driver for SQL Server was not supported in client/server infobase mode to ensure Microsoft SQL Server DBMS operation. Only Microsoft SQL Server Native Client was supported. Extended list of supported access tools for Microsoft SQL Server DBMS.
Standalone server. New standalone server features:
  • Establish direct TCP connection to the infobase in managed applications.
  • Use Designer.
  • Use a standalone server as a test manager.
  • Debug applications using a built-in debug server.
These features were not provided. Application debugging was supported only when the debug server was deployed separately from the standalone server. Advanced standalone server features.
Standalone server. You can enable and disable standalone server features in the new "features" section of the configuration file. You can also use the following ibsrv utility command-line options:
  • --enable-extended-designer-features, --disable-extended-designer-features. Enables or disables advanced configuration features in the standalone server.
  • --enable-http-gate, --disable-http-gate. Enables or disables infobase access over HTTP.
  • --enable-ssh-gate, --disable-ssh-gate. Enables or disables the SSH gateway of the standalone server in agent mode.
  • --enable-direct-gate, --disable-direct-gate. Enables or disables infobase access over TCP.
These features were not provided. All standalone server features were always available. Advanced standalone server management features. You can now disable unused standalone server features.
Standalone server. New standalone server features:
  • mobile-app export mode. Save the mobile application configuration. Available only after advanced configuration features are enabled.
  • mobile-client mode:
    • export. Save the mobile client configuration. Available only after advanced configuration features are enabled.
    • sign. Digitally sign the configuration.
  • config mode. Shortened version of the infobase config command.
  • extension mode. Shortened version of the infobase config extension command.
  • infobase config export. Export an external data processor, report or extension to an XML file.
  • infobase config import. Import an external data processor, report, or extension from an XML file.
These features were not provided. Advanced standalone server features.
Standalone server. New commands for the SSH gateway of the standalone server:
  • config mobile-app-write-file. Save the mobile application configuration.
  • config mobile-client-write-file. Save the mobile client configuration.
  • config sign-cfg. Digitally sign the configuration.
  • config mobile-client-digi-sign. Digitally sign the mobile client configuration.
These features were not provided. Advanced standalone server features.
Collaboration system. You can embed the collaboration system chat into third-party websites. New feature: API that allows the website to manage the chat. New integration type: collaboration system web chat. New events for the bot module: OnCreateCollaborationSystemConversation, OnAddToCollaborationSystemConversation, and OnDeleteFromCollaborationSystemConversation. New properties: CollaborationSystemGenerateCommandParameters.User, CollaborationSystemUser.Alias, CollaborationSystemIntegration.VideoconferencesAvailable, CollaborationSystemStandardCommand.ShowUserInfo, and CollaborationSystemCommandSource.User. New method for the Color and Font types: GetAbsolute(). New feature that allows the website to interact with the web chat: Collaboration System WebChat API. This feature was not provided. Advanced collaboration system features.
Technological log. The technological log can output the list of session data modification operations with their contexts to the Context property of the CALL events for the seanceParametersCommit and finishSeance cluster manager methods (rmngr). This feature is managed by the <sessiondatacontext> item of the logcfg.xml configuration file of the technological log. Since this feature slows down the system, enable it only when you investigate issues related to the size of session data storage of a server cluster. This feature was not provided. Simplified investigation of issues related to the size of session data storage of a server cluster.
Speech recognition. Implemented speech recognition in 1C:Enterprise platform. You can use it both in stream mode and from Ogg files. Speech recognition can be applied locally (on a user computer without Internet connection) or via 1C cloud service. New global context property: SpeechProcessing. New standard data processor: Manage speech recognition. New technological log events: <STTAdm> and <STT>. New system enumeration property: ErrorCategory.SpeechProcessingError. New command of the client application startup command-line: /DisableLocalSpeechToText. New 1C:Enterprise server cluster services: Speech recognition service and Speech recognition model management service. New production server feature: change location of the directory with speech recognition models using the Speech recognition model directory property of the cluster console production server. New parameter for the conf.cfg file: SpeechToTextModelLocation. Speech recognition state is now displayed in the client application interface. Speech recognition is not supported:
  • In the web client in Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Google Chrome, and Chromium-based web browsers version 66 and earlier.
  • In the web client that is accessible over HTTP and whose publishing host is not localhost.
  • On the standalone server.
  • In the training 1C:Enterprise version.
  • On Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Server 200
  • In local mode if the used file infobase is running on:
    • macOS.
    • ARM processor.
  • If the infobase is created in version 8.1 compatibility mode.
This feature was not provided. Available speech recognition in applications based on 1C:Enterprise. Specifically, voice control of the application or text input by voice dialing.
Binary data storage. New feature: binary data storage. Use it to store binary data in the computer file system of 1C:Enterprise server cluster instead of an infobase. The storage does not affect the way data reading and writing operations are defined by developers: the application considers that such operations are performed from applied object attributes. The storage is supported only in client/server mode. The binary data storage is not supported on a standalone server and in a file infobase. You can manage the storage with the API developed in 1C:Enterprise language. New global context property: BinaryDataStorage. New 1C:Enterprise server cluster service: Binary data storage service. New standard data processor: Binary data storage management. New technological log event: <STORE>. Now you can check the binary data storage integrity:
  • New item in the Verify and repair dialog box: Binary data storage integrity check.
  • New parameter for the /IBCheckAndRepair command-line option of Designer batch mode: -BinaryDataStorageIntegrity.
The feature is currently in beta status. To use the binary data storage, you need a testing license. Without it, the feature is unavailable.
This feature was not provided. New feature: if an infobase contains a large quantity of binary data, you can manage the database size and performance of binary data operations using the binary data repository.
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New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application. The following user settings are automatically saved in the client application every 20 minutes:
  • Application window position and size
  • Table column width settings
  • Position of separators
User settings were saved only during regular client application shutdown. Reduced risk of losing configured settings in the client application.
Collaboration system. You can switch the current video call to another device or another running application. If screen sharing is enabled at the moment of switching, it is disabled. This feature was not provided. Advanced features of collaboration system video calls.
Collaboration system. Mobile client. In case of network issues, the collaboration system attempts to restore connection during the call. The system attempts to restore connection until the client application is closed and the problematic video call is finished. In case of network issues, the collaboration system did not attempt to restore connection. Enhanced video call quality in case of poor communication channel quality.
Collaboration system. Video call image quality now adapts to the current communication channel quality. Image quality can increase or decrease in direct correlation with the communication channel quality. In the collaboration system, video call image quality could only decrease if communication channel quality decreased. If communication channel quality increased, image quality was not restored. More flexible adaptation of video call image quality in relation to communication channel quality.
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Functionality After Before Result of changes
Configuration extensions. When you start thin and web clients after updating one or several configuration extensions, the number of server requests and amount of transferred data is reduced. When you started thin and web clients after updating one or several configuration extensions, numerous requests were executed and a large amount of data was transferred. Faster start of thin and web clients after updating one or several extensions.
Database copies. Initial database copy filling takes less time. Initial database copy filling took more time. Improved performance of initial database copy filling.
Server clusters. Client application blackout is reduced or eliminated upon restart of the working process serving this client application. Upon restart of the working process serving the client application, this client application could be unavailable for a long time. Reduced or eliminated client application blackout upon restart of the working process serving this client application.
Collaboration system. Connection established over PPP between video call participants is faster now. Improved noise reduction when both video call participants are talking at the same time. Improved screen sharing quality. Connection established over PPP (time from receiving a call to conversation start) could take a very long time. When both video call participants were talking at the same time, noise reduction quality was not good enough. Screen sharing quality was not good enough. Improved video stream performance in the collaboration system in the thick and thin client applications.
Data accelerator. A sharp increase in RAM consumption by Data accelerator during some user queries is eliminated. A sharp increase in RAM consumption by Data accelerator was observed during some user queries. Reduced RAM consumption by Data accelerator in some cases.
Data accelerator. Execution of queries with ordering to some tables takes less time. Execution of queries with ordering to some tables took more time. Improved performance of queries to some tables in Data accelerator.
Data accelerator. In Data accelerator, stored text fields use less memory and their processing takes less time. In Data accelerator, stored text fields used more memory and their processing took more time. Faster operations with text fields in Data accelerator.
Data accelerator. Operations with indexes set up in the configuration have been optimized in Data accelerator. Operations with indexes set up in the configuration were not optimized in Data accelerator. Improved performance of queries that use tables for which indexes are set up in the configuration.
Data accelerator. At Data accelerator startup on Linux, the system checks that the "transparent hugepage" operating system core parameter is appropriately set for Data accelerator operation. This parameter must be set to "madwise" or "never". If this parameter is set up incorrectly, Data accelerator is not started and respective diagnostic information is saved to the technological log. The value of the "transparent hugepage" operating system core parameter was not checked at Data accelerator startup on Linux. Operating system settings check for optimal Data accelerator operation on Linux.
Data accelerator. Some Data accelerator queries have been optimized. Execution of some Data accelerator queries took more time. Improved Data accelerator performance.
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Changes that affect system behavior

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Administration tools. User action logging is deprecated. The /LogUI option of the client application startup command line is deprecated. User action logging was supported in the client application. Outdated tools are no longer supported.
Administration tools. Infobase verification and repair in client/server mode is always performed on the server. Infobase verification and repair takes less time. Infobase verification and repair in client/server mode was performed on the client in Designer. Infobase verification and repair took more time. Faster infobase verification and repair in client/server mode.
Configuration extensions. The query wizard opened in the configuration extension supports operations configuration objects not included in the extension. If objects not included in the extension are used in a query, you are prompted to add all the missing configuration objects to the extension when the wizard is closed. In the query wizard dialog box, you can manage the view of tables and fields in the extended configuration. This feature was not provided. The query wizard opened from the configuration extension allowed using only tables and fields of native and adopted extension objects. Advanced configuration extension features.
Client application form. You can save settings of the client application window. New client application form property available in the form editor: Save window settings. New command: Restore size. To call this command, press Alt+Shift+R. This command restores not only window position and size, but also sets the position of separators and column size of all form tables to default values. The "Restore window position" command is no longer available. Behavior of the "Restore sizes" command depends on how the form is opened. This feature was not provided. Form settings were always saved regardless of whether the form developer needed it. You can save form settings. The command to restore window position and size also restores the position of separators and the size of form table columns.
Cryptography support. On Windows, the size of a file to be decrypted is no longer limited to 100 MB. On Windows, the size of a file to be decrypted was limited to 100 MB. Removed size restrictions for a file to be decrypted on Windows.
Client application. In client applications and in Designer on macOS, Option and Cmd keys are displayed in keyboard shortcuts instead of Alt and Ctrl. In client applications and in Designer on macOS, keyboard specifics of Apple computers were not considered in displayed keyboard shortcuts. Keyboard shortcut representation is adjusted to macOS standards.
Development tools. Client application. New keyboard shortcuts for Designer on macOS:
  • Cmd+M. Open a tooltip.
  • Cmd+Shift+M. Open a tooltip on method parameters.
  • Option+F11. Go to the method in the debugger.
  • Shift+F12. Go to the method definition.
  • Cmd+Option+Shift+F5. Start the application without debug mode.
New keyboard shortcuts for any client application on macOS:
  • Cmd+J. Select from the text template list.
  • Cmd+Q. Close the application.
  • All the added shortcuts are implemented in addition to the already existing keyboard shortcuts for the specified functions.
These keyboard shortcuts were unavailable in client applications and Designer on macOS. Adjusted keyboard shortcuts for operations on macOS.
Server clusters. When the server cluster monitoring system successfully receives data during a server call, it considers such working process functional. The server cluster monitoring system used only special cluster monitoring system calls to make sure the working process is functional. In some cases, this could lead to erroneous restarts of working processes due to heavy load on the server cluster. Reduced risk of unreasonable restarts of working processes by the server cluster monitoring system.
Client application. If a cluster service call error occurs on the server when connecting the client application to a server cluster or during a server call, the user will see a dialog box with information about the error and option to reconnect or attempt another server call (automatically as well). If a cluster service call error occurred on the server when connecting the client application to a server cluster or during a server call, the user was prompted to close or restart the client application. Reduced number of situations when the client application is restarted or closed.
Storing settings. For the standard settings storage, restrictions on the length of username and settings key are removed. The object key length is still restricted and cannot exceed 256 characters. The dataset obtained by the Select() method of the standard settings storage manager will be ordered by:
  • Hash function value of the username (ascending).
  • Object key (in alphanumeric order, ascending).
  • Hash function value of the settings key (ascending).
  • The Version field (ascending).
This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode.
The following restrictions on property length were set for the standard settings storage:
  • Username could no exceed 64 characters.
  • Settings key could no exceed 128 characters.
The dataset obtained by the Select() method of the standard settings storage manager was sorted in ascending order by the following fields:
  • Username
  • Object key
  • Settings key
Advanced standard settings storage features.
Full-text search. If you enter a search query of 3 or less characters into the global search string, this query is sent to the full-text search as is. Restrictions on the number of returned full-text search results are removed. If you entered a search query of 3 or less characters into the global search string, this query was sent to the full-text search with an asterisk after the entered characters. If a full-text search returned more than 1 million results, an error occurred without displaying the search results. You can get the result of a full-text search in situations that previously caused errors.
Configuration extensions. Development tools. When you check the extension module syntax In Designer, in methods annotated as ChangeAndValidate, the "Variable is not defined" errors are ignored in all method areas except for #Insert ... #EndInsert. When you checked the extension module syntax in Designer, in methods annotated as ChangeAndValidate, the "Variable is not defined" errors occurred when the method used an attribute not added to the extension. However, it was not required to actually add the attribute. In case of targeted changes of configuration methods using the ChangeAndValidate annotation, fewer extended configuration objects must be adopted into the extension.
Spreadsheet documents. If vertical text alignment for a spreadsheet document cell is set to "Center" or "Bottom", but the text in it does not fit in the cell vertically, the text will be displayed as if vertical text alignment were set to "Top". In this case, the text is displayed starting from the top cell border. If the text still does not fit in the cell completely, the excess text will be truncated. If a spreadsheet document is exported to any format other than MXL (HTML, Microsoft OpenXML, OpenOffice, and so on), alignment will remain the same and the exported document might differ from the original. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. If vertical text alignment for a spreadsheet document cell was set to "Center" or "Bottom", but the text in it did not fit in the cell vertically, the text was placed and truncated in the following way:
  • If alignment was set to "Center", the text was vertically aligned to the cell center and the text parts that did not fit in the cell were truncated from its beginning and from its ending.
  • If alignment was set to "Bottom", the text was vertically aligned to the cell bottom and the text part that did not fit in the cell was truncated from its beginning.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior. If the text does not fit in the cell, the text beginning will be always visible regardless of selected vertical text alignment.
Mobile client. Web client. For client application form fields, you can specify the field content to be taken into account by the operating system autofill tool. The feature is implemented in mobile and web clients. In web client, only input fields of the currently open form can be automatically filled. The field content of other open forms remains unchanged. New form field extension property for the input field: AutofillHint. This feature was not provided. Simplified auto filling of fields that have standard meanings.
Data composition system. Dynamic lists. When restoring settings, the DataCompositionSettingsComposer.Restore() method now clears (or disables) filters in custom settings that use unavailable fields (on the left of the filter). This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. When restoring settings, the DataCompositionSettingsComposer.Restore() method did not check the availability of fields used in on the left of the filter. In reports or dynamic lists, custom filters by fields unavailable in the report or dynamic list are disabled or deleted. This change is also applied to filters by fields disabled by functional options.
Data composition system. The way the list of available DCS fields is displayed in a form table field has been optimized. The way the list of available DCS fields was displayed in a form table field was not optimal. Delay-free navigation in the list of available DCS fields (especially when the list contains thousands of items).
Dumping configurations to files/Restoring configurations from files. The format version of configuration dump to XML files is 2.16. The format version of configuration dump to XML files was 2.15. Configuration dump to XML files supports new platform features.
Data composition system. When fields with multiple characteristics are filtered, the data composition system filters the field that contains a multiple characteristic, but does not filter the values of such characteristic. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. When fields with multiple characteristics were filtered, the data composition system filtered the field that contained a multiple characteristic and the values of such characteristic. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
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Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Administration tools. You can set up preliminary downloading and installation of the client application distribution package on user computers. Such downloading will be performed before the actual application update on the server. New configuration file: ClientUpdate.cfg. This feature was not provided. Client application update could not be scheduled. After 1C:Enterprise update on the server, the user does not have to wait until the new client application version is downloded and installed to start working, since it is done preliminary.
Client application form. Collection view for the input field displaying the form attribute of the ValueList or FormDataCollection type has been changed. Each collection element displayed in the input field has its own presentation, image, and the deletion button. If the input field displays a collection with a single type, you can add values to the collection directly from the input field including multiple choice. The selection button does not perform any actions. The view button activates the collection editing form. Value list view in a table cell of the client application form is changed in the same way. New properties for the input field of the client application form: MultipleValuesBackColor, MultipleValuesTextColor, MultipleValuesFont, MultipleValueDataPath, MultipleValuePresentationDataPath, MultipleValuePictureDataPath, MultipleValuesPicture, AllowInputEmptyMultipleValues, AllowMultipleValuesDuplicates, ShowCheckBoxesInDropListWhenInputMultipleValues, MultipleValuesHyperlink, MultipleValuePictureShape, and MultipleValuePictureSize. New methods for input field extension for the client application form: GetSelectedMultipleValues() and SetSelectedMultipleValues(). New events for the input field of the client application form: CommandGenerateProcessing, MultipleValuesAdd, MultipleValuesDelete, MultipleValueOpening, and MultipleValueURLProcessing. New system enumerations: InputFieldMultipleValuePictureShape and InputFieldMultipleValuePictureSize. The changed view is implemented in the Taxi and Version 8.2 interfaces. The input field displayed the form attribute of the ValueList or FormDataCollection type as a list of semicolon-separated value presentations. To change the list, you had to open a separate form. Improved view of values of the ValueList and FormDataCollection types. This will allow creating more compact and user-friendly interfaces.
Charts. Changed Gantt chart appearance in thin and web clients. Text for points, values, and intervals of the chart can be displayed in several rows. You can display text on chart intervals. You can select chart values using the keyboard and mouse. You can select chart intervals using the mouse. Interval time limits are displayed in a tooltip. When you drag an interval, interval time limits are displayed in the tooltip. New property for the GanttChart object: IntervalTextRepresentation. New method for the GanttChart object: FindIntervalByID(). New property for the GanttChartPlotArea object: TextPlacement. New properties for the GanttChartInterval object: TextColor, ID. New properties for form field extension of the Gantt chart: CurrentValue, SelectedValues, ValueSelectionMode, CurrentInterval, SelectedIntervals, IntervalSelectionMode, VerticalLines, and HorizontalLines. New events for form field extension of the Gantt chart: OnActivateValue, OnActivateInterval, BeforeExpand, BeforeCollapse. The Gantt chart had a different appearance. Users could not select values and intervals. The Gantt chart is now more user-friendly. Advanced user and chart interaction features.
XML and XDTO support. New types for the XDTO namespace (http://v8.1c.ru/8.1/data/enterprise):
  • AnyDBRef. Main type of references to database objects (any reference types, except for enumerations).
  • AnyMDEnum. Main type of references to configuration enumerations (any values of enumerations created in the configuration).
  • AnyIBRef. Type corresponding to the AnyRef type.
When you generate a native XDTO package, we recommend that you use one of the implemented types depending on the type of saved value. If you use a global XDTO factory, the new types will be used automatically. This change is not implemented in 8.3.22 version compatibility mode.
The XDTO namespace (http://v8.1c.ru/8.1/data/enterprise) contained only the AnyRef type. It did not allow you to correctly display the AnyRef type value. When you used a global XDTO factory, the AnyRef type was used for the AnyRef type attribute. Eliminated unexpected system behavior. With the AnylBRef type, you can correctly save and restore the value of the AnyRef type attribute.
Client application form. The following item properties of the client application form are now supported on the server:
  • Form field extension for the input field: AutoShowClearButton, AutoShowOpenButton, AutoCorrectionOnTextInput, SpellCheckingOnTextInput, AutoCapitalizationOnTextInput, SpecialTextInputMode, OnScreenKeyboardReturnKeyText, and HeightControlVariant.
  • Form table extension for the input field: RefreshRequest.
An attempt to access the AssociatedTable property throws an exception for the following client application form items: form group extension for a normal group, form group extension for pages, and form command. This change is not implemented in 8.3.22 version compatibility mode.
No actions or errors occurred when the server accessed the following item properties of the client application form:
  • Form field extension for the input field: AutoShowClearButton, AutoShowOpenButton, AutoCorrectionOnTextInput, SpellCheckingOnTextInput, AutoCapitalizationOnTextInput, SpecialTextInputMode, OnScreenKeyboardReturnKeyText, and HeightControlVariant.
  • Form table extension for the input field: RefreshRequest.
  • Form group extension for a normal group: AssociatedTable.
  • Form group extension for pages: AssociatedTable.
  • Form command: AssociatedTable.
Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Data composition system. New restriction for programmatic or interactive editing of the DCS settings structure: not more than 30 nesting levels. In case of interactive or programmatic import of a report, report option, or data composition schema from a file, only the settings located above the 60 nesting level are imported. The remaining settings are ignored. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. There were not any restrictions in terms of nesting levels of items for the DCS settings structure in case of programmatic or interactive operations or import from files. That could result in an abnormal termination of the client application. Reduced probability of situations where the number of DCS settings is dramatically increased due to their editing (for example, as a result of dragging some part of settings). Developers and users cannot interactively or programmatically set up a report option where the limit of 30 nesting levels is exceeded for settings structure items, filter items, or grouping fields. If the user opens reports or imports report options/data composition settings, all the setting items located below the 60 nesting level are lost and the user gets a respective notification.
XML and XDTO support. When you import the XSD schema to the XDTO package, for properties whose items are included in the choice content model in the XSD schema description, values defined for these items in the XSD schema are specified as minimum values. When you imported the XSD schema to the XDTO package, the minimum value was always set to 0 for properties whose items were included in the choice content model in the XSD schema description. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Client application form. If the Accessibility property in the client application form (in thin, thick, or web client) is set to False, the buttons related to form commands become unavailable in the form. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. If the Accessibility property in the client application form (in thin, thick, or web client) was set to False, the buttons related to form commands remained available in the form. This change is not implemented in version 8.3.22 compatibility mode. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
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Renamed objects

Object The old name The new name
New names of properties and objects related to the planner field. Former names are supported for compatibility purposes.
  • PlannerCommandGenerateParameters.
  • PlannerCommandDescription.
  • PlannerCommandSource.
  • PlannerStandardCommand.
  • PlannerFieldCommandGenerateParameters.
  • PlannerFieldCommandDescription.
  • PlannerFieldCommandSource.
  • PlannerFieldStandardCommand.
English method names of the error handling manager. The old method names are supported for compatibility purposes.
  • GetCategoryForUser().
  • GetMessageForUser().
  • GetDescriptonForUser().
  • GetBriefDescription().
  • GetDetailDescription().
  • ErrorCategoryForUser().
  • ErrorMessageForUser().
  • ErrorDescriptionForUser().
  • BriefErrorDescription().
  • DetailErrorDescription().
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Mobile version of "1C:Enterprise"

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Mobile platform. Mobile client. On mobile devices, the SystemInfo.PlatformType property contains the relevant value. New values for the PlatformType system enumeration. They describe supported mobile operating systems. This change is not implemented in 8.3.22 version compatibility mode. On mobile devices, the SystemInfo.PlatformType property was set to Undefined. Simplified type and bitness identification of the used mobile version of 1C:Enterprise.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Mobile 1C:Enterprise version now supports NFC tags. This feature is provided on Android version 4.4 or later and iOS version 13.0 or later. You can read and write data in NDEF format, change the tag state to "read-only", and start the application upon mobile device contact with an NFC tag. The application is started using the deep linking tool. New global context property: NFCTools. New objects: TextNDEFRecord, URINDEFRecord, MediaRecordNDEF, ExternalTypeNDEFRecord, EmptyNDEFRecord, UnknownNDEFRecord, NDEFMessage, and NDEFTag. This feature was not provided. Support of NFC tags on mobile devices except for payment features.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Users can scale pictures in the preview window, which opens when executing the MultimediaTools.MakePhoto() method. Scaling is available on Android and performed in a standard way. This feature was not provided. The user can view a taken photo in more detail and retake it if necessary.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. The mobile version on Android can transfer data to a third-party application and get its operation result. You can configure the search for an application to be started using the MobileDeviceApplicationRun object. New properties for the MobileDeviceApplicationRun object: ClipData and Categories. New methods for the MobileDeviceApplicationRun object: RunAsync(), RunWithoutWaiting(), and SetApplicationChoiceParameters(). The MobileDeviceApplicationRun.Category property is deprecated. The MobileDeviceApplicationRun.Run() method is deprecated. For the mobile version on Android, features of data transfer to a third-party application were more limited. Users could not get the operation result of a third-party application. In versions on Android, advanced features for operations with external mobile applications.
Mobile client. New feature for the mobile client with standalone mode: automatic exchange with the main infobase. The exchange starts every 15 minutes and the interval cannot be changed. New parameter for the AfterExchangeDataWithMainServer event handler: ExchangeDate. This feature was not provided. Improved data synchronization between the mobile device and the main infobase.
Mobile client. Collaboration system. Video calls can be switched to or from mobile devices. This feature was not provided. Users can switch devices and join interrupted video calls again if they cannot continue a conversation on their initial device.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. The date and time choice form for mobile devices has been revised. The date and time choice form was different. More user-friendly date and time choice form for mobile devices.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile 1C:Enterprise version no longer supports iOS 8.0. The minimum supported iOS version is 9.0. Mobile 1C:Enterprise version supported iOS 8.0. An outdated iOS version is no longer supported.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. New feature in mobile 1C:Enterprise version: document scanning (with result normalization) using the built-in mobile device camera. Scanning can be performed automatically or manually. Users can scan one or several pages and change page order in the scanned document. New methods for the MultimediaTools object:
  • DocumentScanningSupported()
  • ShowDocumentScanning()
  • ScanDocumentsAsync()
  • CloseDocumentScanning()
New mobile application functionality: DocumentScanning. Document scanning is not supported on Windows.
This feature was not provided. Documents could be scanned only as photos, without image quality and placement normalization. Document scanning using the mobile device camera with scanning results close to the ones of stationary scanners.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Extended filter features for operations with contacts and calendars. The following filter fields can be specified for the filters used in the ContactManager.FindContacts() and CalendarsManager.FindCalendars() methods: Account, AccountID, and AccountSource. When using the ContactManager.FindContacts(), CalendarsManager.FindCalendars(), and CalendarsManager.FindEvents() methods, the root values of the passed filter are combined in case of searching with the AND operator. For better performance of operations with contacts and calendars, filter is always applied by the account currently used in the application. Filtering by account (or its parameters) was not supported for operations with contacts and calendars. Extended filter features for operations with contacts and calendars.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. HEIC images can be imported in the mobile 1C:Enterprise version running on Android 9 or later and on iOS 11 or later. After such import, HEIC images are converted into JPEG and stored in this format. This feature was not provided. Extended list of image formats that can be imported by mobile applications based on 1C:Enterprise platform.
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Demo configuration changes

  • New example of how to use multiple value choice in the input field:
    • Recipients input field in the Outgoing emails catalog item form.
    • Multiple characteristic types in the Goods catalog form.
    • Quick choice is enabled for the Characteristic values catalog. When you enter multiple characteristics, you can select their values from this catalog by selecting the check boxes in the drop-down list.
    New guide section: Multiple input field values.
  • New examples of how to use regular expressions:
    • Check whether the email address is specified correctly in the Counterparties catalog upon saving.
    • Check whether the email address matches the template in the Recipients field of the Outgoing emails catalog.
    New guide section: Regular expressions.
  • Added an example of how to use NFC tags in the demo configuration for the mobile version:
    • Implemented a command for saving NFC tags in an item form of the product catalog.
    • Implemented a command for scanning NFC tags to add a product to an order in the product selection form.
  • Added an example of how to scan documents in an item form of the counterparty catalog.
  • Added examples of how to use the following features to objects designed for emails:
    • Specify a form field property that indicates how to autofill the field on mobile devices (the Email message sender name field in the email settings form, only in the mobile client application).
    • Set up multiple value selection (in an outgoing email form, an item of the Address form).
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Changes made after the publication of the version

Functionality After Before Result of changes
Client application form. New property for a form field that displays a form attribute of the ValueList or FormDataCollection type: MultipleValuesExtendedEdit. If the property is set to False, the input field has the same features as in previous versions, except for displaying the collection content. New properties for the input field that displays multiple values: TypeRestriction, ChoiceParameters, ChoiceParameterLinks, TypeLink. New parameter for the choice form: ChoiceByAdding. New parameter for the NotifyChoice() method: ChoiceByAdding. New parameter for the StartChoice and ChoiceProcessing event handlers of the form field extension for the input field: ChoiceByAdding. These parameters will allow you to identify the mode of the form field that initiated adding of values. If the selection using checkboxes is allowed for the input field that displays multiple values and the field data contains several values, the opened choice list will contain all the selected values with selected checkboxes. This feature was not provided. You were unable to change multiple value presentation in the input field without using the multiple value edit mode. In events and methods for selecting values in the input field, you were unable to specify the multiple value mode for the field. When using multiple values in the input field, you can now specify the field mode. You can also implement the previous behavior where the new behavior is not required.
Mobile platform. Mobile client. Mobile device-specific features. Now you need less time and effort to ensure that a document in the mobile device viewfinder is suitable enough for scanning (the document frame lights up green). The algorithm for calculating the scanned document quality has been changed so that you can get a more evenly distributed value. You will get a warning if the page you are trying to scan is already scanned. Previously, you spent more time to ensure that the system accepts the quality of the document for scanning. The algorithm for calculating the scanned document quality used to return values that were unevenly distributed within the valid value range. You did not get any warning if you tried to scan an already scanned page. Improved document scanning in 1C:Enterprise mobile version.
Administration tools. The GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method returns a description of internal tables linked to the speech recognition tool. The GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method did not return tables linked to the speech recognition tool. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. The GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method returns a description of internal tables linked to the collaboration system. The GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method did not return tables linked to the collaboration system. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. Now the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method returns a description of service tables related to the tool of database tablespace management. Previously the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method did not return tables related to the tool of database tablespace management. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. Now the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method returns a description of service tables related to collaboration system bots. Previously the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method did not return tables related to collaboration system bots. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Administration tools. Now the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method returns a description of service tables related to settings storage. Previously the GetDBStorageStructureInfo() method did not return tables related to settings storage. Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Mobile client. New features during automatic data synchronization by a mobile client with standalone mode:
  • The device cannot switch to sleep mode during generation and initial import of standalone mode data, as well as during the first data exchange after configuration startup.
  • You can now click the status window at the bottom of the screen to see the exchange process status.
The mobile device could go into sleep mode during the initial infobase filling with data. This caused situations when the application was running and the data in it was incomplete, inconsistent, or missing. Displayed exchange process information was less user-friendly. Improved automatic data synchronization for a mobile client in standalone mode.
Administration tools. Now you can check logical and referential integrity of specific infobase object types when verifying and repairing the infobase. Now you can specify infobase object types in the dialog box to verify and repair the infobase in Designer. New values for the -LogIntegrity and -LogAndRefsIntegrity parameters of the /IBCheckAndRepair command in Designer startup batch mode: Constants, Catalogs, Documents, DocumentJournals, ChartsOfCharacteristicTypes, ExchangePlans, ChartsOfAccounts, ChartsOfCalculationTypes, InformationRegisters, AccumulationRegisters, AccountingRegisters, CalculationRegisters, BusinessProcesses, Tasks, and Other. Previously you were unable to check logical and referential integrity of specific infobase object types when verifying and repairing the infobase. Advanced infobase verification and repair.
Mobile application builder. Mobile 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.23 is now supported in the mobile application builder. Mobile 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.23 was not supported in the mobile application builder. Extended list of supported mobile 1C:Enterprise versions in the mobile application builder.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.19.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.19.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.19.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.17 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 11.19.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 11.19.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 11.19.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.14.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.14.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.14.1.
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 12.14.1,
  • Postgres Pro Standard 12.14.1,
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 12.14.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.10.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.10.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.10.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 13.10.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 13.10.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 13.10.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.7.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.7.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.7.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 14.7.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 14.7.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 14.7.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
System requirements. DBMS operations. The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS are supported now:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 15.2.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 15.2.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 15.2.1
DBMS version bitness: x86-64. The versions are supported in 1C:Enterprise 8.3.18 or later. Supported operating systems are defined by a DBMS vendor.
The following versions of Postgres Pro DBMS were not supported:
  • Postgres Pro 1C 15.2.1
  • Postgres Pro Standard 15.2.1
  • Postgres Pro Enterprise 15.2.1.
Extended list of supported DBMS.
Licensing system. Administration tools. Implemented the legal access verification in a server infobase: now the system verifies whether you have legal rights to use the application at 1C:Enterprise level. To pass the verification, you need to configure the licensing client. For more information on the licensing client settings, see the documentation. For a separated infobase, the licensing client is configured only once. You do not need to set it up for each data area. Previously the system verified whether you had legal rights to use the application at 1C:Enterprise level only when running in file mode or using the MINI server. Now the system verifies whether you have legal rights to use the application in all infobase modes.
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Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.23

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.23.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.23 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.
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