1C:Enterprise 8.3.6. New functionality and changes.

Version 8.3.6 includes known bug fixes and functionality modifications.

New functionality and changes

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Configuration properties.
Version 8.3.5 is added to the list of available values of the Compatibility mode property. Compatibility modes were available for the following platform versions: 8.1, 8.2.13, 8.2.16, 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3 and 8.3.4. In version 8.3.6 you can run configurations created in version 8.3.5 or earlier without making changes to the configuration and without changing its data structure. This allows you to perform quick transition to version 8.3.6 without making any configuration changes, then work with the configuration as usual and remove the compatibility mode at later time. This also allows you to use version 8.3.5 for working with the infobase even after the transition to version 8.3.6. You can use this option both before and after the compatibility mode is removed (in the latter case you have to turn the compatibility mode back on).
Development tools.
In Designer, in module text, bookmarks can be preserved between different work and module editing sessions.

To access the full list of bookmarks, on the Edit menu, click Bookmarks.

This feature was not provided.Improved Designer usability,
Development tools.
When renaming a configuration object, you have the option to update the object name usage instances in the entire configuration.

When deleting a configuration object, you have the option to search for the object name usage instances in the entire configuration.

When modifying or deleting a managed form item, attribute, or parameter, the check for usage instances of its name in the form module is performed. When renaming an item, attribute, or parameter, you have the option to update its name usage instances in the form module.

The Find references to object operation now includes the search in module texts.

You can specify whether you want to use these options in the Designer options window.

These features were not provided.Reduced chance of making errors when renaming or deleting configuration objects. Improved usability for developers.
Managed forms.
Planner (a visual tool for managing schedule data) is implemented. A new "planner field" type is implemented for managed form fields. The Planner object is implemented.

In the TimeScalePosition system enumeration, the following values are implemented: Left and Right (when applied to a Gantt chart, both are treated as Top).

This feature was not provided.Improved user experience for scheduling (appointments, calendars, and so on).
Configuration repositories.
In Designer batch mode, you can bind an infobase that is not yet bound to the configuration repository (command-line option /ConfigurationRepositoryBindCfg).This feature was not provided.

Infobases could be bound to repositories only interactively.

You can automate more configuration repository operations.
Command interface.
Managed forms.
For managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, tasks, and information register records, the Show in list command is implemented.

For managed forms, the ExecuteNavigation() method and NavigationProcessing event handler are implemented.

This feature was not provided.Improved system usability for automatic object selection in a list being opened.
System enumerations.
Client application.
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values are implemented: PictureOnTopAndText and PictureOnLeftAndText.

In the client application, in the sections panel editor, the following section view features are available:

  • In Version 8.2 interface compatibility mode:
    • Picture
    • Text
    • PictureAndText
  • In Taxi interface compatibility mode:
    • Picture
    • Text
    • PictureAndText
    • PictureOnTopAndText
For the SectionsPanelRepresentation system enumeration, the following values were available: Picture, Text, PictureAndText.

Extended section view capabilities for the sections panel in the Taxi interface.

Managed forms.
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands is implemented.

The only commands available in the web client are print and preview.

In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands are renamed to the following:

  • Выровнять по левому краю
  • Выровнять по правому краю
  • Выровнять по верхнему краю
  • Выровнять по нижнему краю
  • Переместить вперед
  • Выровнять по центру
  • Выровнять по середине
The option to specify a graphical schema field as a source of command bar and managed form button commands was not provided.

In the Russian interface some of the graphical schema commands had different names:

  • Выровнять влево
  • Выровнять вправо
  • Выровнять вверх
  • Выровнять вниз
  • Переместить вверх
  • Выровнять по центру горизонтально
  • Выровнять по центру вертикально
Increased graphical schema usability.
Administration tools.
An object integrity check utility is implemented. It checks the state of file system objects and database objects used by 1C:Enterprise and monitors their changes.

The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the utility are available for Windows and Linux operating systems.

This feature was not provided.

File change monitoring was only available using third-party tools. Monitoring of database object changes was not available.

The option to perform system integrity checks to provide protection against unauthorized modifications is implemented.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the Get() method of the InternetMail object, the MarkAsRead parameter is implemented. This parameter only makes sense when the platfrom uses IMAP for email operations.

If the platform uses POP3, an attempt to use this parameter when it is set to False generates an exception.

The platform behavior in 8.3.5 compatibility mode is not changed (for the part where the parameter is set to False).

If the platform used IMAP for email operations, the execution of the Get() method of the InternetMail object gave different results depending on the value of the ArrayOfMessageHeadersOrIdentifies parameter.
  • If the parameter was not specified, the flag indicating whether a message was read was not set for messages retrieved from the mail server.
  • If the parameter was specified, the flag was set.
Eliminated inconsistency in the platform behavior during email operations that use IMAP.
Technological log.
For the SCALL and CALL technological log events, new IName and MName fields are implemented. They store additional internal system call data. 1C Company experts might use that data while handling support requests.This feature was not provided.The technological log provides additional data that can be helpful for solving complex issues.
Dynamic lists.
The option to get data from a dynamic list (adjusted for column visibility settings and search options applied) is implemented.

The following methods are implemented for the managed form table extension for dynamic lists:

  • GetPerformingDataCompositionScheme()
  • GetPerformingDataCompositionSettings()
This feature was not provided.The option to get dynamic list data that is visible to a user for future processing is available.
Data composition system.
The following subordinate fields are implemented for data composition system fields that have Data among their types: BegOfDay, BegOfWeek, BegOfTenDays, BegOfMonth, BegOfQuarter, BegOfHalfYear, BegOfYear, EndOfDay, EndOfWeek, EndOfTenDays, EndOfMonth, EndOfQuarter, EndOfHalfYear, EndOfYear, Day, WeekDay, WeekDayName, DayOfYear, WeekOfYear, Month, MonthName, Quarter, Year, BegOfMinute, BegOfHour, EndOfMinute, EndOfHour, Minute, and Hour.This feature was not provided. One could use user-defined expression fields to retrieve this data.Simplified end-user operations with fields that include date and time.
1C:Enterprise script.
The following string processing functions are implemented:
  • StrTemplate() - replaces variables (such as %1) in a template string by actual values.
  • StrCompare() - performs lexicographic comparison of strings, case-insensitive.
  • StrstartWith() - checks whether a string begins with a substring.
  • StrEndsWith() - checks whether a string ends with a substring.
  • StrFind() - searches for a substring in both directions, anywhere in the line.
  • SrtSplit() - splits a string into substrings based on the specified delimiter.
  • StrConcat() - merges strings included in the array of substrings.

The SearchDirection system enumeration is implemented.

The Find() function is declared obsolete, it is supported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

Developers had the option to implement the functionality introduced in the new functions using 1C:Enterprise script.

Simplified implementation of some standard string processing algorithms.
Web client.
Storing accumulated web client statistics is implemented. This feature is intended for 1C Company experts. To enable it, run the web client with the SYSTEMWEBCLIENTSTAT command-line option.This feature was not provided.The set of tools intended for platform performance quality control is expanded with a new tool.
Spreadsheet documents.
Importing data from XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument) formats to spreadsheet documents is implemented. This operation can be performed both interactively and from 1C:Enterprise script.

The SpreadsheetDocumentValueReadingMode system enumeration is implemented. For the Read() method of the SpreadsheetDocument object, the ValueReadingMode parameter is implemented.

Support of pasting areas copied to the clipboard from Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc documents is implemented.

This feature was not provided.Simplified data import from spreadsheet documents of the following formats: XLS (Microsoft Excel 97), Microsoft Office OpenXML (Microsoft Excel 2007- 2010), and ODS (OpenDocument).
Data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
For the DataCompositionSettingsComposer object. the GetAvailableSettingsSource() method is implemented.This feature was not provided.Simplified access to the available settings source of a data composer from another data composer. For example, you can use this feature when you open a new data composition settings editor form that uses the same source as the previous form.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Web services and HTTP services.
You can process JSON data using both stream and object approaches.

The following objects can be serialized to or deserialized from JSON: primitive types, Array, FixedArray, Structure, FixedStructure, Map, and FixedMap.

The JSONReader and JSONWriter objects are implemented. The WriteJSON(), ReadJSON(), WriteJSONDate(), and ReadJSONDate() global context methods are implemented.

This feature was not provided.

One could implement processing JSON data using 1C:Enterprise script tools.

Simplified interaction with applications (including web applications) that use JSON data format.

You can store various data types in JSON format, which provides an alternative to other formats, such as XML.

Web services and HTTP services.
Web services and HTTP services.

For the standard OData interface, getting responses in JSON format is implemented.

This feature was not provided. For the standard OData interface, responses were only available in Atom format. The OData format is supported in more detail.

Using JSON format minimizes the volume of data transferred between the client and the server.

You can use logical expressions in descriptions of selection fields and in query result filter expressions (in the WHERE clause).This feature was not provided.

If a logical expression was required for describing a selection field, you had to use a selection clause.

Logical expressions in the WHERE clause could be connected only by AND, OR, and NOT logical operators, and they could not be composite.

Simplified writing and understanding of complex queries.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
The automatic server cluster status monitoring feature is implemented. This includes monitoring of several cluster parameters and termination of processes that might cause any issues. The central cluster server agent performs the monitoring. The monitoring results are recorded to the technological log.

For the cluster, the Server errors threshold and Terminate corrupted processes properties are implemented.

For the IServerAgentConnection object, the SetClusterRecyclingErrorsCountTheshold() and SetClusterRecyclingKillProblemProcesses() methods are implemented.

For the rac utility, the --errors-count-threshold and --kill-problem-processes command-line options are implemented.

For the technological log, the ATTN event is implemented.

Automatic server cluster status monitoring was not provided.Increased server cluster reliability by timely detection and termination of processes that might cause issues.
Automated testing.
The automated testing supports the Taxi interface. New automated testing features are added:
  • For the TestedClientApplicationWindow, the StartPage property is implemented.
  • Navigation between windows is implemented. For the TestedClientApplicationWindow object, the GotoStartPage(), GotoNextWindow(), GotoPreviousWindow(), and CloseUserMessagesPanel() methods are implemented.
  • New options for testing managed form fields:
  • Create an item. For the TestedFormField object, the Create() method is implemented.
  • Cancel editing field data. For the TestedFormField object, the CancelEdit() method is implemented.
  • Open a drop-down list, wait for drop-down list generation, and select a list item. For the TestedFormField object, the OpenDropList(), CloseDropList(), ExecuteChoiceFromDropList(), WaitForDropListGeneration(), and DropListIsOpen() methods are implemented.

The automated testing did not support the Taxi interface.The automated testing can be used with the Taxi interface.
Data composition system.
Dynamic lists.
Items of report user settings and dynamic list user settings can be linked to managed form tables.

For the DataCompositionUserSettings object, the Filter, Order, Selection, ConditionalAppearance, and Structure columns are implemented.

The report user settings form and the dynamic list user settings form are modified: instead of text boxes with the option to open editors (filter, order, and so on), tabs with tables are implemented to provide uniformity with the data composition schema editor in Designer.

The Settings command of the report form is displayed in the main form command bar.

Items of user report settings and dynamic list settings could be linked only to managed form text boxes.

The report and dynamic list user settings forms had a different layout.

The Settings command of the report form was available in the More menu.

Improved standard report and dynamic list user settings form.
Managed forms.
For the Enum metadata object, the ChoiceHistoryOnInput property is implemented. This property defines whether the choice history of a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved.

For enumerations whose values can be selected in a form, the input history is displayed and saved automatically.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

This feature was not provided.

The choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type was neither displayed nor saved.

You can specify whether the choice history for a text box linked to an attribute of enumeration type is displayed and saved.

Data composition system.
For the DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object a constructor is implemented.The DataCompositionDetailsFieldValues object did not have a constructor.You can fill detailed data using 1C:Enterprise script.
Web services and HTTP services.
For the HTTPConnection object, you can call any HTTP methods (passing the method name as a string). In order to simplify the usage of PATCH and HEAD HTTP methods, the Patch() and Head() methods are implemented for the HTTPConnection object.These features were not provided.

The HTTPConnection object could only be used to call the GET, PUT, POST, and DELETE methods.

Easier access to the full range of HTTP methods from applied solutions.
Server clusters.
Administration tools.
External session management functionality is extended. Methods that are called when a session is hibernated or restored from hibernation are implemented. You can specify a timeout for the external session management web service response.

For the external session management web service, the onHibernateSession() and onWakeupSession() methods are implemented.

For external session management web service connection string, the optional parameters are implemented: tout sets an external session management web service response timeout, and wsver specifies the external session management web service interface version. The new features are only available if the wsver parameter is set to 2.

These features were not provided.The web service behavior is uniform with the licensing subsystem behavior.
XML and XDTO support.
FastInfoSet operations are refactored.FastInfoSet operations had a different implementation.Improved stability of FastInfoSet operations.
Full-text search.
The full-text search index integrity check is implemented. For the full text search manager, the CheckIndex() method is implemented.

The full-text search index update operations are recorded to the tecnological log. In the tecnological log, the FTEXTCheck and FTEXTUpd events are implemented. In the technological log the ftextupd item is implemented.

These features were not provided.Improved stability of full-text search. An invalid full-text search index can be rebuilt.
For the QuerySchemaTempTableDescription object, the TableName property is implemented. You can specify a temporary table name in the query builder.

For the QuerySchemaSources object, the Alias parameter of the Add() method is implemented.

These features were not provided.Improved functionality of the query software model.
Development tools.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Configuration extensions.
More options for modification of applied solutions (including cloud systems) without disabling their support. You can create configuration extensions and use them to implement applied solution modifications (which do not affect the data structure), so that the applied solution support is not disabled, and all modifications take place in a dedicated object (extension), which is easily connected to and disconnected from the applied solution.

You can use extensions to modify forms, create reports and data processors, and create new subsystems. You can apply a configuration extension both in 1C:Enterprise mode and in Designer. You can specify a custom extension set for each separated infobase area.

This feature was not provided. Applied solution developers could create external reports and data processors and modify the applied solution configuration, which resulted in disabling support and did not allow making modifications in different areas of a separated infobase.The new feature is intended for making small configuration modifications at the deployment stage (including modifications of separated infobases and cloud systems) more easily and with less dependence on vendor configuration modifications.
Data display.
New pictures are added to the picture library: GoForward, GoBack, GoToBegin, GoToEnd, Today, ShowInList.The listed pictures were not available in the picture library.More content for the picture library.
Database configuration updates.
The documentation describes Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates.The new Designer batch mode command-line options that manage background and dynamic database configuration updates were not listed in the documentation.Fixed documentation error.
System requirements.
Web client.
Support of Microsoft Windows 10 operating system is implemented.

Support of Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server is implemented.

Support of Microsoft Edge web browser is implemented, with the following limitations:

  • Add-ins are not supported
  • File system extension is not available
  • Cryptography extension is not available
Microsoft Windows 10 operating system was not supported.

Microsoft Information Services 10.0 web server was not supported.

Microsoft Edge web browser was not supported.

Extended list of supported operating systems and web browsers.
DBMS operations.
Support of PostgreSQL version 9.4 is implemented.This PostgreSQL version was not supported.Extended list of supported PostgreSQL versions.

Table of contents

New functionality and changes in the 1C:Enterprise mode

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Command interface.
In the Taxi interface, in the functions menu, you can search for commands by their presentations. The search is performed in all sections (not only in the commands of the current section).

Commands for specifying navigation and action panel settings are moved to the submenu to the right of the search field.

In the Taxi interface, pressing F10 opens the functions menu.

The option to search for a command by a part of its presentation was not provided.

Commands for specifying navigation and action panel settings were displayed as links in the right part of the functions menu.

In the Taxi interface, pressing F10 opened the main menu.

Improved usability of the function menu.
Managed forms.
If all of the managed form command bar buttons have their OnlyInAllActions parameters set to False and some of these buttons do not fit the command bar width, the More button is added to the command bar, with a submenu that contains all of the command bar commands.If all of the managed form command bar buttons had their OnlyInAllActions parameters set to False and some of these buttons did not fit the command bar width, there was no way to access the commands that did not fit.If the command bar has small size, all of its commands are still available.
Client application.
You can fully replace the splash screen that is displayed during the startup of the thin, thick, and web clients.

To replace a splash screen in your applied solution, submit a request to 1C Company

This feature was not provided.In particular cases, you can use a splash screen that is fully customized by the company that uses the applied solution, provided that the splash screen is approved by 1C Company.
Web client.
Web browser pop-up windows are no longer displayed during the printing of spreadsheet documents.When spreadsheet documents were being printed, web browser pop-up windows were displayed.Simplified printing of spreadsheet documents for end users.

In the Taxi or Forms in tabs interface mode, if the applied solution does not use modal calls, it does not require additional web browser setup.

Managed forms.
In managed forms, if the Create command is available for a text box, it is present in the context menu of the text box.The Create command was never present in text box context menus.Improved usability of text boxes.

Table of contents


FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Full-text search.
The full-text search algorithm is optimized for scenarios where a search string is used multiple times (for example, getting the next batch of search results).

The full-text search algorithm is optimized for scenarios where a user does not have access rights for some objects returned by the search.

The full-text search performance was insufficient.Improved full-text search performance for infobases containing a large number of items, and also in scenarios where a user does not have access rights for some objects returned by the search.
Full-text search.
Optimized memory usage for fuzzy search (the search that uses the # operator). The search for similar words is optimized.Fuzzy search might cause a memory overflow which, in turn, caused the system shutdown.

The search for similar words might take a long time.

Increased stability of the fuzzy search in scenarios where the full text search index has a large size.
Web client.
The web client performance is improved in the following scenarios:
  • Loading web client,. including scenarios with slow connection
  • Opening forms
  • General performance improvements in a variety of scenarios

The web client now uses Google Closure Compiler.

The web client performance was insufficient.Improved web client performance.
1C:Enterprise script.
The loading time of 1C:Enterprise script modules is slightly reduced.The loading of 1C:Enterprise script modules was not fast enough.Slightly reduced startup time for applied solutions that include a large number of 1C:Enterprise script modules.
Client application.
The startup time of the client application (before the authentication dialog appears) is slightly reduced.The client application startup was not fast enough.Slightly reduced startup time of the client application.
Configuration repositories.
The performance of the following operations is improved:
  • Creating a repository
  • First connection to a repository
  • Storing objects in a repository
  • Updating objects from a repository
  • Updating configuration from a repository

The performance of compatibility mode change operations is improved.

The 1C:Enterprise version 8.3.3 compatibility mode is implemented for configuration repositories.

The configuration repository performance is improved in scenarios where the configuration repository compatibility mode is set to Do no use.

The performance of configuration repository operations was insufficient.Improved configuration repository performance.
Managed forms.
The strong data compression algorithm for large data volumes (more than 64 KB) transferred between the client and the server (or a web server extension) is optimized. This slightly reduces the time required to open managed forms in the thin client connected to a web server (both in the file and client/server modes), and also in the scenario with a direct connection in the client/server mode.The strong data compression algorithm was less efficient.Slightly reduced time of opening managed forms in the thin client connected to a web server (both in the file and client/server modes), and also in the scenario with a direct connection in the client/server mode.
Web services and HTTP services.
Faster processing of requests that call the standard OData interface.Performance of requests that called the standard OData interface was insufficient.The performance of operations with the standard OData interface is improved.
Managed forms.
Improved performance of opening managed forms in the following scenarios:
  • A form has a large number of items.
  • A form has a large number of attributes.
  • The list of attributes and form items is significantly changed using 1C:Enterprise script.
  • A large number of users are working with managed forms.
The performance of opening managed forms in the listed scenarios was lower.Improved usability of managed forms.
Managed forms.
Managed form conditional appearance is optimized.The performance of managed form conditional appearance was lower.Improved usability of managed forms with conditional appearance.
Development tools.
Performance of base configuration updates (update configuration from file, load configuration from file, and get specific configuration version from configuration repository) is improved.Performance of base configuration updates was insufficient.Better usability for developers.
DBMS operations.
Administration tools.
For the file mode, the option to restructure the infobase so that all data required to open the infobase is at the beginning of the 1Cv8.1CD file is implemented. This improves the performance of infobase opening.

This type of restructuring is performed during the compressing of infobase tables (which is available from a Designer dialog box and as a command-line option), or during infobase verification with the chdfl utility with the Correct errors check box selected.

It is recommended that you always perform this optimization after you make any configuration changes (and the associated infobase restructuring) that result in database structure changes.

Internal information required for opening an infobase was evenly distibuted within the 1Cv8.1CD infobase file.Improved performance of opening file infobases, especially in scenarios where the infobase is located on a network resource.
DBMS operations.
In client/server mode with PostgreSQL DMBS, the query that is executed when deleting records from tables of extra dimensions of accounting registers is optimized.In client/server mode with PostgreSQL DMBS, the performance of the query that was executed when deleting records from tables of extra dimensions of accounting registers was insufficient.Improved performance of deleting accounting register records.

Table of contents

Changes that affect system behavior

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application.
When a client application is restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform checks the user rights for running the client application. If the user attempts to start the application in the ordinary mode and does not have the right to run the thick client, they are not allowed to access the infobase. In other scenarios the client application that suits the selected start mode best is selected.When a client application was restarted with the /AppAutoCheckMode key, the platform did not check the user rights for running the client application.The client application selection algorithm is improved.
Managed forms.
If editing text in a form field extension for a text box is not allowed (the TextEdit property is set to False), the drop-down list of that box does not display the text "Enter the search string".The drop-down list always displayed the text "Enter the search string".The recommendation to perform an action that is not allowed is no longer displayed.
Development tools.
During the merging of configurations you can modify the results of module merging. You can use external software (not incorporated in Designer) for comparing and merging module texts.

You can specify the external software in the Designer options dialog box.

Ready-to-use settings are available for the following external software:

  • For Windows: Araxis Merge, KDiff3, TortoiseMerge, Perforce P4Merge, and DiffMerge
  • For Linux: KDiff3 and Perforce P4Merge

You can specify settings for external software that is not on the list.

The results of module merging could not be modified while merging configurations.

Only built-in Designer features were available for comparing and merging module texts.

Developers can use any tool that they find convenient for comparing and merging module texts. They can make changes during the merging of configurations (with the help of external software).
Development tools.
Improved setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms. You can specify the comparison and merging rules for a form and for its module directly in the comparison and merging dialog box.The comparison and merging rules for managed forms were specified in another dialog box. Also, the rules for the form itself and for its module were separated.Simplified setup for the comparison and merging of managed forms and their modules.
Development tools.
The following features are implemented in the managed form editor:
  • If the Title property of a managed form is not empty, its value is displayed in the window title in the preview area.
  • Clicking a title if the preview area selects the entire form. Right-clicking the title opens the form context menu.
The window title bar in the preview area of the form editor did not have any functionality.Improved usability of the form preview area in the managed form editor.
Internet-enabled functionality.
Automatic selection of text encoding in email messages containing national characters is implemented. The automatic selection is only performed when the text contains national characters but their encoding is not specified, which does not comply with the standard. This applies to the following email message parts:
  • Message headers
  • Message body
  • Message header parameter values, such as attachment file name.
Email message text was displayed in incorrect encoding when no encoding was specified.Email messages that do not comply with the standard are processed correctly.
Background and scheduled jobs.
The duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases is reduced. Now the duration of the first access is approximately the same as the duration of subsequent accesses.The long duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases might cause the user interface to stop responding until loading the backgound job scheduler was complete.Reduced duration of the first access to the background job manager (the BackgroundJobs global context property) in file infobases.

Faster start of client applications in the file mode (when the background job manager is accessed during the startup).

Background and scheduled jobs.
In file infobases, if a client application that performs background jobs is closed, the background jobs are terminated after a 30-second timeout. When a job is terminated, a_$Job$_.Terminate event is recorded to the event log.In file infobases, if the platform could not complete background jobs correctly, it displayed a message prompting the user to choose between waiting and terminating the jobs.Eliminated unexpected (and not user-friendly) system behavior.
Error handling.
When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that are no longer available are accessed, the platform generates an exception.When properties or methods of MetadataObject objects related to external reports or data processors that were no longer available were accessed, the platform was shut down unexpectedly.Improved system stability.
Development tools.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following information is added to the Syntax Assistant:
  • SSL is supported for POP3 and SMTP.
  • Secure connection does not support checking server and client certificates.
  • Descriptions of the InternetMail object methods that require IMAP connection now reflect that fact.
  • The list of fields filled in the GetHeaders() method of the InternetMail object is provided.
The Syntax Assistant did not contain this information.Improved Syntax Assistant quality.
Spreadsheet documents.
When a spreadsheet document is exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments are converted to Excel table comments.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When a spreadsheet document was exported to Microsoft Excel 2007-2010 format, its comments were converted to Excel pictures.Better conversion of spreadsheet document items to Microsoft Excel format.
Background and scheduled jobs.
When a client application is started with a file infobase, there is a 1-minute delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs.When a client application was started with a file infobase, there was no delay before starting the execution of scheduled jobs.Faster startup of client applications in file mode.
Defined types.
During the update of a supported configuration you have the option to merge the following properties with priorities: the Type property of the DefinedType configuration property and the Type property of the ChartOfCharacteristicTypes object.This feature was not provided.Improved algorithm for comparing and merging defined types, which simplifies usage of those types in library development tasks.
Managed forms.
Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled are identical to presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled matches the order of items returned by the full-text search algorithm.

The algorithm that generates presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature is modified.

Presentations of items found during the input by string with full-text search enabled were different from presentations of items found with full-text search disabled.

The order of items in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature with full-text search enabled was not defined.

The algorithm that generated presentations for Task objects in drop-down lists generated by the input by string feature was different.

Improved usability of the input by string feature. Unified generation of presentations for search results.
Configuration repositories.
The configuration repository window now displays names of computers where objects are locked.The configuration repository window displayed the name of the computer that the current user used for their first connection to the repository.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the InternetMailMessage object, the PostingDateOffset property is implemented.This feature was not provided.You can define the true date of sending an email message.
Dynamic lists.
When a form is opened, the Period property of managed form table extension for dynamic lists and the Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list are loaded simultaneously with dynamic list user settings.

It is recommended that you get the Period property in the OnLoadUserSettingsAtServer managed form event handler.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period property of managed form table extension was obtained from the user settings before the execution of the OnCreateAtServer managed form event handler.

The Representation property of a form table linked to a dynamic list was obtained from the client settings during the form opening.

The Period and Representation properties are stored in a similar way to other dynamic list settings, which simplifies operations with these properties using 1C:Enterprise script.

Spreadsheet documents.
When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties are set to Auto are displayed, the cells are not merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document.When nonempty spreadsheet document cells with Placement properties set to Auto were displayed, the cells were merged up to the next filled cell or up to the horizontal boundary of the spreadsheet document.The spreadsheet document view in the web client is now closer to the spreadsheet document view in the thin client.
DBMS operations.
In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contains a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function adds a GROUP BY section with a constant, provided that such section is not yet present in the query.In the client/server mode with Oracle Database DBMS, executing a query that contained a subquery in the SELECT section and also an aggregate function resulted in the ORA-937 run-time error.Improved stability of Oracle Database operations.
Managed forms.
The prevention of unexpected working process or client application shutdown due to managed form operation issues (loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data) is implemented. When an issue is detected, only the affected session is closed, and the working process that processes the session is not shut down. By default, the issue details are recorded to the technological log.A loss of synchronization between the client and server parts of form data could result in a shutdown of the client application or a working process that processed the affected session.

Improved 1C:Enterprise server stability during managed form operations.

DBMS operations.
The chance of deadlocks in queries that include comparisons with UNDEFINED is reduced.The chance of deadlocks in queries that included comparisons with UNDEFINED was higher.Increased system stability. Reduced chance of deadlocks that do not have obvious reasons.
Client application.
Managed forms.
Data display.
For client applications that run on Windows operating systems, Windows scaling is supported. If a custom DPI value is set, interface items are scaled correctly, except pictures that might look a bit blurry.Client applications that run on Windows operating systems had scaling issues.Eliminated unexpected system behavior in scenarios where a user sets a custom DPI value for their display.
Configuration repositories.
When a user cancels binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changes location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository is required is no longer displayed.

To unbind a configuration from a repository, you can use the corresponding Designer command.

When a user canceled binding to a configuration repository or when an infobase bound to a repository changed location, the dialog box stating that unbinding from the repository was required was always displayed.Improved usability of configuration repositories in some scenarios.
Command interface.
The visibility settings for commands in subordinate subsystems are no longer lost when command interface settings of a subsystem that contains subordinate subsystems are copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object.When command interface settings of a subsystem that contained subordinate subsystems were copied using the Load() and Save() methods of the StandardSettingsStorageManager object, the visibility settings of commands in subordinate subsystems were lost.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Spreadsheet documents.
In the web client, the option to select pictures in spreadsheet documents is implemented, and when they are selected, the respective event is called.

Improved representation of pictures in spreadsheet documents when viewed in the web client:

  • Cells overlapped by a picture are not merged.
  • Text and pictures in spreadsheet document cells can overlap each other.
  • Eliminated issues that appeared when picture borders were close to cell borders.

Selecting pictures in spreadsheet documents was not supported. Spreadsheet documents had some picture-related issues.

Improved quality of displaying spreadsheet documents with pictures in the web client.
Development tools.
Mobile application.
The picture editor dialog box in Designer supports editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest.

Template pictures are used in applied solution development for the mobile platform.

Editing template pictures and the new picture variants format that includes a manifest were not supported.Template picture support is implemented.
DBMS operations.
The DBMS request that the platform generates based on the VALUETYPE function of the query language is simplified.The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated.Eliminated issueds that occured when DBMS could not process a complex request.
Development tools.
During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform does not perform refactoring operations that are normally performed when configuration objects are renamed or deleted.During configuration merging and during configuration repository operations, the platform performed refactoring operations that were normally performed when configuration objects were renamed or deleted.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Operations whose results were ignored are not performed.

1C:Enterprise script.
If an object is passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script and its set of properties is changed during the method execution but the property names are not changed, the object property calls are executed correctly. In particular, when a method being executed adds a property, calls of other properties are executed correctly. If any property names are modified, object property calls might not be executed correctly.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If an object was passed to a method written in 1C:Enterprise script, the method called object properties by their numbers, which were defined at the moment the method was called. If a property number was changed during the method execution (for example, a new property was added), this was not taken into account and the property call was performed using the old number.Improved system reliability and reduced chance of errors when a set of properties is changed during method execution.
Managed forms.
In the thin client, formatted strings that are defined during the generation of a drop-down list are displayed accordingly to their formatting if the text box is linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute has the Undefined value.In the thick client, formatted strings that were defined during the generation of drop-down lists were displayed without formatting if the text box was linked to an attribute of complex type and this attribute had the Undefined value.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Web client.
Managed forms.
In the web client, drop-down lists have the same color scheme as in other client applications.In the web client, drop-down lists had a color scheme different from the color scheme used in other client applications.In the web client, drop-down list appearance is uniform with other client applications.
Web client.
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items is almost identical to their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
In the web client, the appearance of the following interface items was different from their appearance in the thin client:
  • form button
  • command bar button
  • command bar
  • separator
Uniform client application appearance.
Command interface.
When a user command group is deleted, standard commands that belong to the group are automatically moved to the default standard group specified for those commands.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.6 compatibility mode.

When a user command group was deleted, standard commands that belonged to the group were no longer available in the command interface.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Event log.
The UnloadEventLog() method truncates the event time passed to it to an integer number of seconds.

When a filter by time is applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() method), an event is included in the result even if the millisecond part of the actual event time exceeds the millisecond part of the time specified in the filter.

The UnloadEventLog() method provided the event time with millisecond accuracy. When a filter by time was applied to the event log (UnloadEventLog(), CopyEventLog(), or ClearEventLog() methods), an event was included in the result only if the exact condition was met (including the millisecond part).Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

The behavior of the .lgd log is uniform with that of the .lgf log (regarding the event time presentation and filter functionality).

Print tools.
Spreadsheet documents.
The algorithm that calculates spreadsheet document column width for printing is modified. The printed document column width more closely matches the on-screen column width. The chance is noticeable in spreadsheet documents with background pictures.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For spreadsheet documents, the printed document column width did not exactly match the on-screen column width.

Improved print layout of spreadsheet documents.

Table of contents

Changes that require modification of configuration and administrative settings

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Internet-enabled functionality.
Future 1C:Enterprise versions will not support NSS certificates and related objects, regardless of the compatibility mode.

The NSSSecureConnection object will be unavailable for use in 1C:Enterprise script and in thin client HTTPS connection settings.

1C:Enterprise system supports NSS certificates.Future platform versions will not support NSS certificates.
Automated testing.
For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returns False if the object is linked to form group, which is inactive page located in a page group where tabs are not displayed.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

For the TestedFormGroup object, the CurrentVisible() function returned True if the object was linked to a form group, which was an inactive page located in a page group where tabs were not displayed.The automated testing feature emulates the system functioning and provides form item status data more accurately.
Managed forms.
For managed form attributes of spreadsheet document, graphical schema, and text document types, calling the Show() method raises an exception.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The system behavior depended on the attribute location on a form and the client application type:
  • The attribute is linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • Spreadsheet document: the current form is activated.
      • Graphical scheme: a new form with a copy of the scheme is opened.
      • Text document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document) the current form is activated.
    • The attribute is not linked to a managed form item:
    • Thin client:
      • For attributes of any type (spreadsheet document, graphical schema, or text document), a form with a copy of the document is opened.
    • Web client:
      • Spreadsheet document: a new form with a copy of the document is opened.
      • Graphical scheme: the current form is activated.
      • Text document: the current form is activated.
Unified behavior of various objects in different client applications.
Managed forms.
In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms become unavailable when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons become unavailable.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the thin and thick clients, buttons (or hyperlinks) located in managed forms stayed available even when commands (or hyperlinks) linked to these buttons were unavailable.The system behaves as expected.

Unified system behavior in different client applications.

Managed forms.
When an item is created in the drop-down list of a text box, you can verify whether the created item matches the choice parameters used for opening the new item form. If the item does not match the choice parameters, a diagnostic message is displayed and the created item is not placed in the text box.

The verification is implemented for managed form extensions for objects, catalogs, documents, charts of characteristic types, business processes, and tasks.

The following features are implemented:

  • ChoiceParameters standard property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceParameters property of the managed form extension
  • ChoiceAvailable property of the managed form extension
  • ValueChoice event of the managed form extension

The ChoiceParameters and ChoiceAvailable properties of the managed form extension are not available in version 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

A new item that did not match the choice parameters specified for a text box could be created and selected in the text box.Reduced chance of creating items (from a text box choice list) that do not match the choice parameters specified for the text box.
Managed locks.
The Period field whose value is specified in a periodic information register record set filter is included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on record set data.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The Period field was not included in the set of managed lock fields for read and write operations on periodic information register record set data.Improved user experience for periodic information register operations. Reduced chance of deadlocks.
Common attributes / Data separation.
Information registers.
When an information register data set is recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that include the information register are replaced by the separator values set in the current session.

If a separator value is not identical to the default value of that separator type or is not equal to the separator value set in the current session, an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

When an information register data set was recorded, the default values of independent and shared separators that included the information register were always replaced by the separator values set in the current sessionEliminated unexpected system behavior.
Internet-enabled functionality.
When the InternetMail object is used for interaction with a Microsoft Exchange server, if the filter criterion string value (the Filter parameter of the GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object) only includes US-ASCII characters, the platform notifies the Exchange server about this in addition to passing the string to the server. Otherwise the platform passes a UTF-8-encoded string.

If the filter criterion string value passed to the Exchange server contains not only US-ASCII characters (for example, it includes Cyrillic characters), an error is generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The GetHeaders() and GetUIDL() methods of the InternetMail object always returned an empty array when a string value of the Filter parameter was used in interactions with Microsoft Exchange.Improved compatibility with Microsoft Exchange during operations with the InternetMail object. You can search in the filter criterion string if all its characters belong to the US-ASCII encoding.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The libetpan library is used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The UW IMAP toolkit library was used to work with IMAP, SMTP, and POP3.Improved performance and stability of email management features.
Internet-enabled functionality.
During the creation of an InternetProxy object on Linux operating systems, if the DefaultProxy constructor parameter value is True and the platform cannot find the file inetcfg.xml, the constructor uses the values of the following operating system environment variables: http_proxy, https_proxy, ftp_proxy, ftps_proxy, and all_proxy.

The methods of the HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects do not attempt to determine the proxy server settings. Instead, they use the settings stored in the Proxy property of the respective object.

For the Set() method of the InternetProxy object, the User and Password parameters are implemented. For the InternetProxy object, the User and Password methods are implemented. The User and Password properties of the InternetProxy object are declared obsolete, they are suported for compatibility purposes.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Environment variables were never used for creation of InternetProxy objects on Linux operating systems. If the proxy server parameters were not specified during the creation of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects, methods of these objects attempted to retrieve the proxy server settings from environment varaibles.Eliminated the difference in platform behavior on Windows and Linux operating systems. Eliminated unintuitive platform behavior where methods of HTTPConnection and FTPConnection objects attempted to determine the proxy server settings.
Client application.
Idle handlers are not called while a client application is locked using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Locking a client application using the LockApplication() global context method or the Temporary lock command did not affect the execution of idle handlers.Increased system security.
xBase support.
If an error occurs during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, an exception is generated. This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.If an error occurred during a .dbf file operation performed using the XBase object, dialog boxes were generated.Eliminated scenarios that looked as if the platform stopped responding (for example, errors generated by .dbf file operations at 1C:Enterprise server side).
Managed forms.
For the TypeLink object constructor, you can specify the first parameter (DataPath) as an empty string.The TypeLink object constructor did not accept an empty string as the DataPath parameter value.You can clear the TypeLink property of a managed form field by replacing its value with a new object of that type that does not have the data path specified.
External data sources.
For the ExternalDataSourceTableObject, the GetChangeableFields() and SetChangeableFields() methods are implemented. These methods are intended both for restricting the list of writable external data table fields and for expanding that list with fields have the read-only flag set in the configuration (the ReadOnly property set to True). The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods are declared obsolete, they are supported for compatibility purposes.The GetFieldsToWrite() and SetFieldsToWrite() methods only provided the option to reduce the number of fields that were recorded to external data source tables. The option to record data to fields that are marked as read-only in Designer was not provided.The platform supports custom algorithms for external data source management. For example, data that is normally not recorded to external data source table fields can now be recorded using a custom algorithm.
Administration tools.
When a list of infobases is updated or when a client application distribution kit is downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities are obtained from the Windows certificate store.When a list of infobases was updated or when a client application distribution kit was downloaded via the Internet, the root certificates of certification authorities were only obtained from the cacert.pem file.Improved usability of self-signed certificates in the enterprise environment.
Server clusters.
You can specify the user on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) is started, and it can be different from the user on whose behalf the cluster agent (ragent) is started.

You can specify users on whose behalf the cluster manager (rmngr) and working processes (rphost) is started for each cluster on a given computer.

You can specify a custom cluster register directory for each cluster manager (rmngr) on a given computer.

The following parameters and parameter groups are implemented for the swpuser.ini file:

  • the rmngr_user and rmngr_pass parameters
  • the registry parameter
  • the <PortName:> parameter group, which can contain all of the swpuser.ini file parameters.
Only the user on whose behalf the working process (rphost) was started could be changed.You can increase server cluster security in scenarios like this: service users use their own applied solutions, external data processors, and add-ins whose access to the server cluster computer infrastructure should be restricted.
Data access restrictions.
Access restriction template parameters that are specified in comments are not replaced by actual values when the template is applied.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Access restriction template parameters that were specified in comments were not replaced by actual values when the template was applied.Increased stability of the access restriction system in some scenarios.
Data composition system.
The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection is implemented.

Columns with duplicate names are never created during the export.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The option to use nested reports during the export of data composition result to a value collection was not available.

The check for duplicate column names was never performed during the export, so columns with duplicate names might be created.

Extended data composition system functionality.
Data composition system.
When additional data is displayed for hierarchical records, hierarchical record data is used.

This change is not implemented in 8.2.16 compatibility mode.

When additional data was displayed for hierarchical records, the detailed record data was used.Reports display expected data: if a report contains a table with hierarchical groupings in its rows, the data obtained from the hierarchical records is displayed in the columns of additional data for hierarchical grouping rows, not from the detailed records, as it was implemented earlier.
Data composition system.
The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which is enabled, is applied to fields of predefined grouping templates and fields of data composition system reports.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The value assigned to the Text conditional appearance parameter, which was enabled, was not applied to fields of predefined grouping templates or fields of data composition system reports.Predefined grouping templates can be used together with the Text parameter of data composition conditional appearance.
Data composition system.
The appearance of cells that store parent grouping fields is based on the field expressions obtained for the current grouping.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The appearance of cells that stored parent grouping fields was based on the field expressions obtained for the parent grouping.The cell appearance is formed as expected.
Dynamic lists.
If the platform cannot generate the list of available dynamic list settings, an exception is generated and the form is not generated.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

If the platform could not generate the list of available dynamic list settings, no exceptions were generated and the managed form continued functioning as if the dynamic list data source did not have any fields available. All of the form items related to dynamic list data disappeared from the managed form.Improved error diagnostics during dynamic list operations.
Data composition system.
The data composition template composer uses detailed data set fields for hierarchical grouping records. You can use the EvalExpression() function for getting hierarchical record values within aggregate functions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The data composition template composer used hierarchical data set fields for hierarchical records (provided that the fields were available in the set).You can use all detailed record fields in aggregate functions calculated for hierarchical records.
1C:Enterprise script.
The FindMarkedForDeletion() method only processes data available to the current user.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods are modified to describe their actual behavior.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The FindMarkedForDeletion() method did not check data access rights. If access was denied, a run-time error was generated.

In the Syntax Assistant, the descriptions of the FindByRef() and DeleteObjects() methods did not describe their actual behavior.

The generation of run-time errors during the search for objects marked for deletion is eliminated in scenarios where the user does not have access rights for all objects involved in the search.

The description of the system behavior is now correct.

Managed forms.
In the thin client, in the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter is set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification set in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property are not called.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In the OnOpen managed form event handler, if the Cancel parameter was set to TRUE, the OnClose event handler and the notification specified in the OnCloseNotifyDescription managed form property had the following behavior:
  • they were called in the thin client;
  • they were not called in the web client.
Uniform system behavior across multiple client applications.
Automated testing.
New automated testing features:
  • Operations with performance indicators. For the TestedApplication object, the GetAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() and ClearAccumulatedPerformanceIndicators() methods are implemented.
  • Support of the following managed form items: progress bar fields and track bar fields. The Tumbler radio button field type is now supported.
  • Extended managed form table operations:
    • Deletion mark management. For the TestedFormTable object, the SwitchRowDeleteMark() method is implemented.
    • Setting row selection and getting selected rows. For the TestedFormTable object, the SelectAllRows() and GetSelectedRows() methods are implemented. For the GotoRow(), GotoFirstRow(), GotoLastRow(), GotoPreviousRow(), and GotoNextRow() methods, the Select parameter is implemented.
    • Ordering table data. For the TestedFormTable object, the SetOrder() method is implemented.
  • Expanding and collapsing managed form groups. For the TestedFormGroup object, the Collapse(), Expand(), and GetCurrentPage() methods are implemented.

The GetCurrentAreaText() method of the TestedFormField is declared obsolete. It is recommended that you use the GetAreaText() method of the TestedFormField object.

In the event of unexpected shutdown of a client application the user actions are automatically recorded to the user action log (provided that the user action log recording is enabled). A dump is also recorded to the dump directory.

The data processor that converts the log of user actions to a 1C:Enterprise script scenario is updated


Operations with performance indicators were not supported, as well as managed form table and managed form group operations.

Progress bar fields, track bar fields, and the Tumbler radio button field type were not supported.

In the event of an unexpected shutdown of a client application, the user actions were not recorded to the user action log and the accumulated action log was lost.

New automated testing features. Reduced number of manual operations during the testing.
Data display.
In sessions that do not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() method generate results that exactly match the results provided by these methods in managed application client sessions.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

In sessions that did not have user interface (background and scheduled jobs, web services, and so on), the BriefErrorDescription() and DetailErrorDescription() methods generated results that exactly matched the results provided by these methods in ordinary application client sessions.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
Common objects.
When a configuration is saved, a check for style elements whose names match the values of the corresponding system value sets is performed:
  • For style elements of Color type: the StyleColors system value set
  • For style elements of Font type: the StyleFonts system value set
  • For style elements of Border type: the StyleBorders system value set

If such elements are found, an error is displayed and the configuration is not saved.

When a configuration was saved, a check for style elements whose names matched the values of the corresponding system value sets was not performed.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.

Eliminated situations where two values with the same name were present in a single system value set whose values were connected to style elements.

Internet-enabled functionality.
In the parsing of Internet mail messages, the message validity check is implemented. The check is available both for messages received from the server and during the generation of outgoing messages using the SetSourceData() method of the InternetMailMessage object. For the InternetMailMessage object, the ParseStatus property is implemented.

In the technological log, the <MAILPARSEERR> event is implemented.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

Detection of invalid mail messages resulted in an unexpected shutdown.Improved system reliability during email operations in scenarios where email messages being processed contain errors.
Internet-enabled functionality.
For the SetBodyFromString() method of the HTTPRequest and HTTPServiceResponse objects, the UseBOM parameter is implemented. It manages the availability of BOM in the specified text.

In version 8.3.5 compatibility mode, the BOM mark is added by default.

This feature was not provided.Simplified interaction with systems that do not expect BOM in HTTP queries.
Ordinary forms.
The Name property of ordinary form items is read-only.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

The DBMS request based on the VALUETYPE function was more complicated.Eliminated issues that occurred when a DBMS could not process a complex request.
OData operations.
The list of functions supported by OData standard interface is revised. The description of mod function is removed from the documentation.The documentation stated that the mod function was supported by standard Odata interface.

The documentation describes the actual platform behavior.

File operations.
Client application.
Both in thin and thick clients, when a file is obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application is performed (by the file extension). If an associated application is found, a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file is displayed. If an associated application is not found, getting the file is canceled.

In the web client, the behavior is not changed, so it is now uniform with the behavior of thin and thick client applications.

In both thin and thick clients, when a file was obtained interactively using the GetFile() method with the "open file" option, the search for associated application was performed (by the file extension). If an associated application was found, the file was opened using this application. If an associated application was not found, getting the file was canceled.

The web client displayed a system dialog box for selecting an application to open the file.

Eliminated the difference in the web client, thin client, and thick client behavior.
File operations.
Web client.
The File object constructor with a file name parameter is available regardless of the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property value. Configuration verification and refactoring no longer treat the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. Execution of this constructor no longer causes an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter no longer requires installing the file system extension.

The descriptions of File constructor without parameters and File.BeginInitialization() methods are removed from the documentation. The File.BeginInitialization() method is supported for compatibility purposes.

The File object constructor with a file name parameter was available when the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Use or Use with warnings. Configuration verification and refactoring treated the File constructor with a file name parameter as a legacy synchronous call. If the Synchronous call usage mode for extensions and add-ins configuration property was set to Do not use, execution of this constructor caused an exception in 1C:Enterprise mode.

In the web client execution of File constructor with a file name parameter required installing the file system extension.

Operations with the File object that do not require access to the file system (such as getting a file extension) no longer require installing the file system extension.
Internet-enabled functionality.
IDs of email messages received using IMAP do not depend on whether you specify the mailbox by name or use the default one.

Once you disable the compatibility mode, the option to map messages to each other using the InternetMailMessage.MessageID property becomes available.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 compatibility mode.

IDs of email messages received using IMAP did not depend on whether you specified the mailbox by name or used the default one.You can unambiguously identify each email message, regardless of the selected mailbox. This simplifies the algorithm for distinguishing between received and new messages.

Web client.
System requirements.
The list of supported web browsers includes Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. The platform uses 32-bit versions of add-ins and extensions with this browser.The list of supported web browsers did not include Google Chrome for x86-64 architecture. Extended list of supported web browsers.
Data composition system.
When columns of a data composition system report template are output to a value tree or a value table, invalid characters are removed from column names.

This change is not implemented in 8.3.5 repository compatibility mode.

When columns of a data composition system report template were output to a value tree or a value table, the column names matched the field names.Eliminated unexpected system behavior.
In the add-in development technology, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome support (for all Windows, Linux, and MacOS X architectures) is now uniform. The xulrunner utility is no longer required for building add-ins and is removed from the distribution kit.

It is recommended that you build new installer packages (.msi and .sh) for Mozilla Firefox and create a new archive with version 40.* specified in the manifest. For support of earlier platform versions, also add legacy (.xpi) packages to the archive with version 31.0 specified in the manifest.

The add-in development technology documentation and examples are updated accordingly.

Add-ins created for Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome were different. The xulrunner utility was used to build Mozilla Firefox add-ins.Support of add-ins for browsers that no longer support legacy add-in creation functions is implemented.
Predefined data.
The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update includes a check for uniqueness of predefined item names. No duplicate predefined item names are allowed for any configuration object. If duplicate predefined items are found, this is reported to the message window but does not prevent the configuration update.The configuration check that is always performed before database configuration update did not include a check for uniqueness of predefined item names.Improved reliability of configuration updates for configurations that include predefined data.

Table of contents

Renamed objects

ObjectThe old nameThe new name
The name of the URLProcessing event handler parameter is changed for form decoration, form field extension for a label, and managed form objects.
  • URL
  • FormattedStringURL
Parameter of the AutoCompleteText and TextEditEnd event handlers of the form text box extension.
  • Parameters.
  • DataGetParameters.
The method that obtains the most accurate location provider is renamed. The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.
  • GetMostAcurateProvider().
  • GetMostAccurateProvider().

English name of CryptoCertificate.BeginUnloading() method.

The former name is supported for compatibility purposes.

  • BeginUnload().
  • BeginUnloading().
English name of BeginCheckingExistence() method.

The former name is supported for compatibility purposes

  • BeginCheckingExist().
  • BeginCheckingExistence().

Table of contents

Mobile platform

FunctionalityAfterBeforeResult of changes
Client application.
Faster startup of mobile applications.Insufficient startup speed of mobile applications.Improved usability of mobile applications.
Development tools.
Data display.
The set of data stored in picture archives that include variants is modified. The manifest file manifest.xml, which is included in the archive, stores descriptions of picture variants. Custom names for pictures designed for specific display resolutions are allowed. Template pictures (pictures that have transparent background, which is displayed using the current text color) are supported. It is recommended that you store template pictures in PNG format.Picture variants were described by their file names. A manifest file was not included.

Template pictures were not supported.

You can use more of mobile application system appearance design features.
Full-text search.
In the mobile platform, you can use full-text search. The full-text search index is updated automatically upon data modification.

The search is not morphological. Additional dictionaries and text extraction are not supported. The index is updated when the mobile platform is not performing any server calls or background jobs.

The mobile platform did not support full-text search.You can use full-text search in the mobile platform.
System requirements.
The Google Play store now considers mobile applications optimized not only for phones but also for tablet PCs.

The change takes effect when you rebuild the mobile application using the new mobile platform and then republish the application to Google Play.

The Google Play store considered mobile applications optimized for phones only.Tablet PC users can see mobile applications in the default Google Play list. Searching by title is not necessary.
During the creation of data composition fields, if they include calendar or contact data, you can specify just a field name, without specifying its data type.

Creation of data composition fields with data types specified is supported forn compatibility purposes.

During the creation of data composition fields, if they included calendar or contact data, specifying the full field name with its data type was required.The system behaves as described in the documentation.

Simplified interaction with calendars and contacts in some scenarios.

Window management.
The option to handle the change of mobile device display parameters is now available.

The OnChangeDisplaySettings event handler is implemented. The event occurs when the client application display parameters are changed.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object store the actual values (which depend on the screen orientation).

This feature was not provided.

The platform could not detect the changes of display parameters.

The Width and Height properties of the ClientDisplayInformation object stored constant (canonical) values.

You can handle the display size changes caused by mobile device orientation changes or by connecting the mobile device to external displays. You can create applications with better usability.
Multimedia support.
Photo shoot and video recording quality control implemented (for Android only).

Camera control for photo shoots and video recording is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the PhotoSupported() and VideoRecordingSupported() methods, the CameraType parameter is implemented.

In the MultimediaTools object, for the MakePhoto() method, the CameraType, Resolutions, Quality, and Monochrome parameters are implemented. For the MakeVideoRecording() method of the MultimediaTools object, the CameraType and Quality parameters are implemented. For the MultimediaTools object, the GetSupportedCameraResolutions() method is implemented.

These features were not provided.Extended capabilities for mobile device cameras.
On the mobile platform, you can print spreadsheet documents. Printers that use PCL3 and ZPL protocols are supported. WiFi and Bluetooth are used for connecting to printers (only for Android).This feature was not provided.You can print spreadsheet documents from mobile applications.
Configuration properties.

The documentation now contains the description of the mobile platform compatibility mode:

  • It cannot be managed from Designer.
  • It is not changed when an infobase is migrated to a new platform version.
  • It is set during the infobase creation as its mobile platform version.
  • It is changed to the new mobile platform version when an infobase is migrated to a new mobile platform version.

The documentation also describes the correspondence of PC platform versions and mobile platform versions.

The mobile platform compatibility mode was not described in the documentation.

The documentation is updated with the latest information.
Managed forms.
Development tools.
Asynchronous dialog box operations are available to mobile platform developers.

Selecting Mobile device in the Use purposes configuration property does not change the Modality usage mode configuration property.

Only synchronous dialog box operations were available to mobile platform developers.

When the Mobile device value was selected in the Use purposes configuration property, a request to confirm the change of the Modality usage mode configuration property value was displayed (only if the change was required).

Applied solution development for the mobile platform is simplified. Developers no longer need to support two sets of dialog box operations, one for the mobile platform and the other one for the PC platform.
1C:Enterprise script.
In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties is defined by the value of the Script variant configuration property.In the mobile platform, the language of generated names of form items, form attributes, form commands, form parameters, and structure properties was English only if the default configuration language was English. Otherwise it was Russian.The mobile platform behavior is uniform with the PC-based platform behavior.
Development tools.
Push notification and local notification support is implemented. This feature relies on Apple push notification service and Google Cloud Messaging. The option to display the number of notifications that are not yet processed is implemented: mobile application icon badges (for iOS) or status bar notifications (for Android). Devices running Android 4.1 or later display the notifications diferently from devices with earlier Android version. A dedicated service provided by 1C Company is implemented to simplify the development of notifications for applied solutions that run on the PC platform. Notification senders can choose between using this service, Apple push notification service, and Google Cloud Messaging.

For the mobile platform, the DeliverableNotifications global context property, the DeliverableNotificationManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For the PC platform, the DeliverableNotificationSend global context property, the

DeliverableNotificationSendManager object, and the DeliverableNotification object are implemented.

For mobile applications, the Push notifications and Local notifications permissions are implemented.

The mobile application builder supports building mobile applications that use notifications.

This feature was not provided.You can use standard user notifications in mobile applications. Notifications can be generated either by a mobile application on the mobile device (local notifications) or by an applied solution running on a PC (push notifications).
Dynamic lists.
Improved performance of dynamic list opening. The process of loading list data now has a visual presentation.The process of loading dynamic list data had no visual presentation and took more time.Optimized dynamic list operations.
Internet-enabled functionality.
The following mobile platform features support secure connection (HTTPS):
  • HTTP operations
  • POP3 and SMTP email operations

Support of IMAP email operations (including secure connection) is implemented.

Support of client certificates and certification authority center certificates stored in files is implemented.

In the mobile platform the FileClientCertificate, FileCertificationAuthorityCertificates, and OpenSSLSecureConnection objects are implemented, together with the corresponding properties of the HTTPConnection, InternetMailProfile, and InternetMail objects.

The mobile platform did not support the following features:
  • Secure connection for HTTP, POP3, and SMTP operations
  • IMAP email operations

Client certificate operations and authority center certificate operations.

The mobile platform supports secure operations with email and with other resources.

Error handling.
In the mobile platform for developers, you can obtain error details (the Details button in the error dialog box) and information for technical support (in the About 1C:Enterprise window).Error details and information for technical support were not available in the mobile platform.Improved issue diagnostics in the mobile platform for developers.
New interface for the mobile platform client application, with a large number of improvements. The most significant changes are:
  • The interface style is derived from the Taxi interface, but optimized for mobile devices to maximum extent.
  • The interface appearance is revamped. This change affects the form design, primary colors, and the look of form items. The interface now matches the modern mobile interface standards.
  • The main application menu is revised.
  • The main section command interface is revised.
  • Navigation options are revised.
  • A form and main section command interface can be both present on the start page.
  • Form command bar placement and generation rules are modified.
  • The option to display a form navigation panel is implemented.
  • The text input field is optimized for touch screen devices.
  • The form title is no longer duplicated in the form body.
  • Users have the option to create a list item when selecting a value from a drop-down list.
  • Form item context menus are supported.
  • Fields that require filling are not highlighted.
  • New display options for page groups are implemented.
  • Search in dynamic lists is implemented. It is based on full-text search.
  • A dynamic list can be sorted by tapping a column header.
  • Table operations are significantly revised, including scrolling, table item selection, and row rearrangement.
  • In managed form tables the multiple selection option is implemented.
  • The option to update a list by pulling the list down or up when the first or last row is on the screen ("pull to refresh") is implemented.
  • The approach to handling the current row of a managed form table is changed.
  • A managed form table is automatically scaled to fit displayed data by height, unless it displays dynamic list data.
  • Spreadsheet documents can be scaled using gestures.
  • User message appearance is revised.
  • Subsystems are supported (and available in the interface).
  • The radio button field and the track bar field are implemented.
  • For a managed form table the RefreshRequestProcessing event is implemented. For the FormPagesRepresentation system enumeration the Swipe value is implemented. For a managed form table the RefreshRequest property is implemented.
  • The Move up/Move down standard table commands are removed.
  • For a managed form command the Use current row and Associated table properties are implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script). For a managed form button the Representation in context menu property is implemented (not available from 1C:Enterprise script).
  • Many other features are implemented. The full list of changes is quite long, therefore it is recommended that you read the chapter about mobile application development in 1C:Enterprise Developer Guide.
The mobile application interface was similar to managed application interface version 8.2. The mobile application interface meets the modern requirements to mobile interfaces. Improved mobile application usability. New interface uses the same color scheme and style as the Taxi interface, at the same time it is optimized for mobile devices.
Managed forms.
For devices that run Android operation system, predictive text input in multiline text boxes is implemented (with optional automatic correction of the entered text). This feature is available when it is enabled in the virtual keyboard settings.This feature was not provided.Improved usability for text input.
Mobile application builder.
In mobile application builder, you can publish an application to Apple App Store and Google Play directly from the builder.

The mobile application builder help describes how to connect to Google Play Market.

This feature was not provided.

Mobile applications required manual publishing.

Publishing mobile applications to Apple App Store and Google Play is simplified.
Dynamic lists.
The option to specify dynamic list settings using 1C:Enterprise script is implemented.

The DynamicList.SettingsComposer property is now available on the mobile platform.

The following objects are implemented: DataCompositionSettingsComposer, DataCompositionUserSettings, and DataCompositionSettings, as well as their constructors and methods. Their methods are not available on the mobile platform.

The DataCompositionUserSettingsItemCollection object is implemented.

This feature was not provided.Работа с настройками динамического списка на мобильной платформе приближена к возможностям платформы для персонального компьютера.
Dynamic lists.
When the selection mode is on, dynamic list rows that represent parent groups have left arrows displayed.When the selection mode was on, dynamic list rows that represented parent groups did not have left arrows displayed.Improved navigation of hierarhical dynamic lists in the selection mode.

Table of contents

Library updates

  • The libxml2 library is updated from version 2.6.23 to version 2.9.1.
  • The libxslt library is updated from version 1.1.24 to version 1.1.28.
  • The OpenSSL library is updated from version 1.0.0o to version 1.0.0s.
  • The libpng library is updated from version 1.2.19 to version 1.6.19.
  • The libtiff library is updated from version 3.7.0 to version 4.0.3.

  • Known vulnerabilities of cURL library are elimitaned.

Table of contents

Transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.6

  • Conversion of configurations, infobases, external data processors and external reports is not required during the transition from the previous version to the version 8.3.6.
  • Some features that are added in version 8.3.6 do not support compatibility mode. When you toggle the compatibility mode, the structure of some database objects is changed. To be able to work with the infobase using a previous platform version, you have to turn the compatibility mode on.

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