Editing Data Set Field Role of Data Composition Schema

Field role indicates how to interpret the field. Field role has the following properties:

  • Period - a number that contains the period's number if the field is a period field. A value of 0 indicates that this field is not a period. The "junior" period should have number 1. Its parent period should have number 2 and so on. For example, for a query that receives data from a virtual balances and turnovers table the Period field should have the period number = 3, the Recorder field - 2, the line number field - 1. Based on this information the engine will calculate the totals based upon the balance fields. For additional information on calculating totals by the balance fields in the data composition engine, see the "Calculation of Totals by Balance Fields" document;
  • Additional - this flag indicates that this period field is not required. Setting this flag indicates that it is not necessary to use this field in the layout if its child periods are used in the report. Otherwise using the child period field indicates that it is necessary to use its parent field in the grouping as well;
  • Dimension - this flag indicates that the field is a dimension. The information that the field is a dimension is used when calculating totals by the balance fields;
  • Account - this flag indicates that the field is an account field. The information is used when calculating totals by the balance fields;
    • Type - a line containing an expression used to define the account type. The expression result is either AccountType enumeration value (Active, Passive, Active/Passive) or a number. Number value 0 corresponds to active account, 1 - to passive, 2 - to active/passive. The expression is written in data composition system expression language. This information is used when calculating by accounting balance fields;
  • Balance - this flag indicates that the field is a balance field;
  • Name - this line contains balance fields group name. Example: Sum, Quantity;
  • Type - type of balance (OpeningBalance, ClosingBalance, No (the field is not a balance));
  • Acc.Type - type of accounting balance (Debit, Credit, No (the field is not an accounting balance));
  • Account Field - the name of the account field for which balances are calculated;
  • Ignore NULL Values - a flag indicating that the group records of a field with NULL value does not have to be added to the result.

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