Main section command interface

How do I open main section command interface editor?
Description of main fields of command interface editor
Moving commands to the command interface
Removing commands from the command interface
Specifying command order
Specifying command visibility
Specifying command list view

To edit the main section command interface, in the Configuration window, in the property palette of the root configuration object, select the Main section command interface property and click Open, or right-click the root configuration object and then click Open main section command interface. This opens the start page work area editor.

The editor allows you to specify the assortment of commands for each command bar and their display order, as well as visibility of command interface items by roles.

The editor has two panes. The left pane contains a hierarchical list of available configuration commands that can be added to the desktop interface, while the right pane is intended for editing the command interface. The list of available commands only includes commands, applied metadata objects, and common commands without parameters that have a panel and command group in the panel specified in the Group property. The commands include those that open lists (or record sets) and create instances of metadata objects (for hierarchical structures they also create folders), and object commands defined in its Commands folder.

In the interface editor pane, the Command column displays the structure of commands grouped by folders of the actions panel (Important, Normal, See also), navigation panel (Create, Reports, Tools), and command folders defined in the metadata tree branch Common - Command groups that have a panel (navigation, actions, or form navigation) defined in the Category property. The pane also includes the Visibility column, as well as visibility columns for each role defined in the configuration.

To select a command, find it in the tree of available commands and click it.

To move a command to the main section command interface, select it and click the > button (tooltip: Add command to main section), or press Enter, or double-click the command. The selected command is moved to the right pane, to the folder defined for the command during the setup of the metadata object where the command belongs (the Group property). Commands are included in the list of available commands if the Use standard commands check box is selected for the object where the command belongs.

To remove a command from the main section command interface, click the < button (tooltip: Remove command from main section).

Initially the display order of commands in the main section command interface and their visibility are defined by the platform. You can specify visibility settings for all commands, as well as their visibility to users that have specific roles.

Note. If there are no first-level subsystems with the Include in command interface check box selected, all the commands are included in the main section. At that the editing of the main section command interface becomes the same as that for a subsystem command interface:

  • Commands are displayed in the editor. You can specify their visibility and order.
  • All commands are displayed (you cannot add commands from the list of available commands).

To move commands between folders, use the Move command command bar button. You can also drag commands between the folders of a single panel. To change the order of commands in a folder, use the Move up and Move down buttons.

Clicking the Set default properties command bar button replaces the command visibility and folder with the default settings.

Initial visibility of each command to users is defined by the check boxes in the visibility setup columns. If the check box in the Visibility column is selected for a command, the command is visible to all the roles that do not have a value specified in the relevant column.

To have the Command list display only visible commands, click the Hide invisible by default command bar button.

Use the Filter by roles list to define multiple roles that will define the current view of the command list. Only commands available to these roles will be included in the list. If you click the Hide invisible by default command bar button, only commands visible to the selected roles will be included in the list. To disable a filter, in the Filter by roles list, select <Not set>. Quick selection of recently used filters is available.

You can specify settings for multiple selected commands at once.

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