Configuration Check

The check process is intended to check logical integrity, search for incorrect references, check the syntax of modules in various run modes and check the logic of modules.

The configuration can also be checked using the command line option of the batch startup mode /CheckConfig (the options of check modes are also specified in the list of check tests).

To check the configuration, select the Configuration — Configuration Check... menu item. 

The configuration check includes the following tests:

  1. Check configuration logical integrity. This is a standard check typically performed before updating the database (ConfigLogIntegrity).
  2. Find incorrect references. This searches for references to deleted objects. This check is performed for the entire configuration, including forms, templates, interfaces, predefined data, etc. Logically incorrect references are also detected (IncorrectReferences).
  3. Syntax check of modules for the managed application environment emulation mode (thin client) executed in the file mode (ThinClient);
  4. Syntax control of modules in the web client environment emulation mode (WebClient);
  5. Syntax check of modules in the 1C:Enterprise server environment emulation mode (Server);
  6. Syntax check of modules in the external connection environment emulation mode executed in file mode (ExternalConnection);
  7. Syntax check of modules in the external connection environment emulation mode executed in the client server mode (ExternalConnectionServer);
  8. Syntax check of modules in the mobile application environment emulation mode executed in the client run mode (MobileAppClient);
  9. Syntax check of modules in the mobile application environment emulation mode executed in the server run mode (MobileAppServer);
  10. Syntax check of modules in the managed application environment emulation mode (thick client, executed in file mode). (If Managed application is selected in the configuration settings, this checkbox is not displayed.) (ThickClientManagedApplication);
  11. Syntax check of modules in the managed application environment emulation mode (thick client, executed in the client server mode). (If Managed application is selected in the configuration settings, this checkbox is not displayed.) (ThickClientServerManagedApplication);
  12. Syntax check of modules in the ordinary application environment emulation mode (thick client, executed in file-based mode). (If Managed application is selected in the configuration settings, this checkbox is not displayed.) (ThickClientOrdinaryApplication);
  13. Syntax check of modules in the ordinary application environment emulation mode (thick client, executed in the client server mode). (If Managed application is selected in the configuration settings, this checkbox is not displayed.) (ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication);
  14. Transfer modules without source codes. If the configuration distribution settings for some modules specify delivery without source codes, it checks whether module images can be generated (DistributiveModules);
  15. Search for unused procedures and functions. This searches for local (non-exported) procedures and functions with no references. Unused event handlers are also detected (UnreferenceProcedures);
  16. Check assigned handlers availability. This checks for the availability of interface, form, control, and flowchart items event handlers (HandlersExistence);
  17. Search for empty handlers. This searches for assigned event handlers that perform no actions. If available, such handlers can reduce system performance (EmptyHandlers);
  18. Extended check. Calling object methods and properties "dot separated" is checked (for a limited set of types). This is checked if string literals that serve as options for certain functions such as GetForm are correct (ExtendedModulesCheck).
  19. Search for unsupported functionality. Searches for functionality that cannot be executed in the mobile application. In this mode check reveals the following:

    • presence of metadata in the configuration that don't have their classes implemented on the mobile platform;
    • presence of exchange plans in the configuration that have Distributed infobase property checked;
    • usage of types not implemented on the mobile platform:
      • in the Type properties of attributes of metadata, constants, session parameters;
      • in the "Command option type" property of the "Command" metadata;
      • in the "Type" property of attributes and columns of form attribute;
    • presence of forms of the Ordinary type;
    • presence of controls in the form that are not implemented on the mobile platform. Check is not executed for the forms that have their Purpose property not intended for use on a mobile device;
    • complex desktop (use of multiple forms).

You can save the selected group of settings for further use. To do this, specify the setting name in the Check Settings field. To use a previous setting it is enough to select setting name.
Any error messages are displayed in the message window.

To interrupt the configuration check, use the Ctrl-Break keyboard shortcut.

Note: In the initial check stage an interruption can be processed with a delay.

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