
Syntax variant: Signature data in return value


BeginSigning(<NotifyDescription>, <InitialData>, <Certificate>)


<NotifyDescription> (required)

Type: NotifyDescription.
Contains a description of the procedure that will be called upon completing data signatures with the following parameters:
  • <SignedData> - for signature data of the type BinaryData.
  • <AdditionalParameters> - value specified when the NotifyDescription object was created.

<InitialData> (required)

Type: String: BinaryData.
Initial data to sign.
Data can be located in file (in this case the file name is specified) or represented as BinaryData.

<Certificate> (optional)

Type: CryptoCertificate.
Used cryptography certificate.
If not specified, the store of personal certificates must contain exactly one certificate. Otherwise, an exception described in the NotifyDescription object is generated.

Description of method variant:

Begins creating the signature in PKCS#7 format and returns it as BinaryData or saves it to the file.
Signature is created by algorithms, which are set by properties HashAlgorithm and SignAlgorithm.
Source file is not included in signature data.
The certificates can be included in signature data depending on the property IncludeCertificatesInSignature.
If the certificate is not indicated, the only installed personal certificate is used for the signature.
Upon completion, the procedure stated in NotifyDescription will be called. The procedure must have the following parameters:
  • <SignedData> - for signature data of the type BinaryData.
  • <AdditionalParameters>.

Syntax variant: Data are saved to file


BeginSigning(<NotifyDescription>, <InitialData>, <OutputData>)


<NotifyDescription> (required)

Type: NotifyDescription.
It contains description of the procedure that will be called after the data signing is completed with the following parameters:
  • <FileName> - an output file name.
  • <AdditionalParameters> - the value specified when the object is created NotifyDescription.

<InitialData> (required)

Type: String: BinaryData.
Initial data to sign.
Data can be located in file (in this case the file name is specified) or represented as BinaryData.

<OutputData> (required)

Type: String.
Name of file, to which the signed data is downloaded.

Description of method variant:

Signed data are written to a file.


Creates the signature in PKCS#7 format and returns it as BinaryData or saves it to the file.
Signature is created by algorithms, which are set by properties HashAlgorithm and SignAlgorithm.
Source file is not included in signature data.
The certificates can be included in signature data depending on the property IncludeCertificatesInSignature.
If the certificate is not indicated, the only installed personal certificate is used for the signature.
Upon completion, the procedure specified in &NotifyDescription parameter is called.


Thin client, web-client, thick client.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community