Editing a document

Documents are objects that represent business process events belonging to the domain automated by the 1C:Enterprise application.

You can create any number of document types at the configuration stage. Each document type represents a certain event type. The event type determines the document structure and properties that you define in the application configuration.

Each document type can have an unlimited number of properties and tabular sections. You can use multiple tabular sections in a single document if you want to use the document for registering events of different types that have something in common.

One can enter document data using input forms, which are on-screen counterparts of hard-copy documents. You can create choice forms that serve for adding document data to other documents. You can create list forms for viewing document lists.

Each documents has a number, a date, and time. You can set more options during the document development, such as document number length, rules for checking the number uniqueness, and so on.

Documents are central to the basic platform functionality. All documents form a single chronological sequence. Actually, this sequence reflects the sequence of events exactly as they have taken place in reality.

Within a certain date, the order of documents in the sequence is defined by the document creation time. The document creation time is a way of arranging the documents in proper and unambiguous order within the same date, rather than a record of the actual (astronomic) time of document input. The data entered in a document (in its attributes and tabular sections) usually contains event details. For example, a sales invoice can record a warehouse, the type and quantity of goods shipped from it, and any additional expenses incurred in selling those goods.

A very important action for a document is its posting. If a document is not postable, that means it represents an event irrelevant to accounting in this particular configuration. If a document is posted, it changes some of the accounted data. Posting permits the event recorded in the document to be reflected in various registers.

Document properties

Along with common properties inherent in all metadata objects, documents have a number of specific properties.

You can edit a document in the editor window.

You can select the journals that include the document, and 1C:Enterprise users will see all documents of this type in each of the journals. If the required journal does not yet exist, you can create it and link to the document later.


If you want to have document numbers assigned automatically, select this check box. One can correct an automatically assigned number.


You can assign a numerator available in the configuration to a document by selecting it in the Numerator property. The assigned numerator defines the document numbering rules.

Number length

This property defines the maximum length of the document number.

Number type

This property allows you to select the document number value type, Number or String.
The string type is useful when a sophisticated numbering system is used and the document number contains not only digits but also letters and delimiters.

Check uniqueness

If this check box is selected, the number of a newly added document is checked for uniqueness within the scope defined by the Periodicity property.


This property defines the scope of document number uniqueness verification and the number recycling period. When the Check uniqueness check box is selected, the Periodicity property specifies the scope of the check.
When the Autonumbering check box is selected, 1C:Enterprise automatically assigns the next sequence number to each new document. When the period set in the Periodicity property expires, the document numbering sequence restarts at 1.

Sequence filling

This property defines the automatic sequence filling rules. The Sequences that include the document list determines the membership of the document in the sequences.

Input by string

The input by string fields are formed on the Input fields tab.

Main forms

You can specify main forms for each action type on the Main tab of the Forms tab.

This tab contains two identical lists of configuration objects of Catalog and Document types. In the upper list, select objects that can serve as a basis for generation of a document of that type; in the lower list, select objects that can be created based on a document of that type.

During the generation the document is populated by the predefined procedure Filling(). To facilitate document entry based on other configuration objects, you can use the Generation settings wizard.

To start the Generation settings wizard, click the button in the bottom right corner.


This tab is intended for configuring document posting and posting rollback behavior.


This property defines whether posting is allowed when the document is saved. If Enable is selected, the document generates register records (changes their state).

Real-time posting

This property defines whether real-time posting is allowed when the document is saved. When a date that is not the current date is selected, documents with real-time posting enabled are posted in regular mode because in this case an accomplished fact that does not require real-time verification is being recorded (for example, checking a balance in a sales invoice).

Register records deletion

This property is available only when the value of the Posting property is Enable. This option defines that all records entered during the posting are automatically deleted when the document is reposted or unposted. The platform performs the automatic deletion when a previously posted document is reposted (prior to creating new records), when a document is deleted, or when document posting is canceled.

List of registers

In the list of registers, select the registers where records can be created during the document posting.

On the Other tab, you can specify fields used in managed transaction data locks and specify whether objects of this type are included in the full-text search.

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