Fill text

For fast translation of synonyms, titles, tooltips and interface texts you can use a mapping file. A mapping file includes a table consisting of several columns (the number of columns equals the number of languages used). 

First row of each column must contain the language code (for example, ru or lv). Other rows contain mapping samples. No ordering (sorting) requirements are applied. Rows can be duplicated.

To use the prepared mapping file in the Edit Interface Text window, choose Actions - Fill Text. Select a file. Specify default language and languages that the text should be translated to. Selecting the Fill Only Empty check box locks the overwriting of already translated strings.

If the Contains formatted strings check box is selected, the first column in the file is considered to store the formatted string attribute.

Key language and languages for filling are selected from the languages that were found during interface text search. All languages selected for filling must be defined in mapping file (it should contain columns with titles corresponding to these languages).

If strings in only one language are found when you open the Edit Interface Text window, the Fill Text command will be unavailable.

Click OK to translate the texts. The texts are filled not only according to the key language mapping but also according to all language mappings that are present in the mapping file.

This allows you to specify a one-to-many correspondence between strings (so that identical strings are translated to the same language differently). To do so, in a two-language configuration add a third auxiliary language for commenting user interface texts and write different comments for the key language homonyms.

1C:Enterprise Developer's Community