Command Interface Editor
Command Interface Editor Function
Root Object Command Interface Editing
Subsystem Command Interface Editing
Main Fields of Command Interface Editor
Setting Command Order
Setting Command Visibility
The editor is used to edit command interfaces for the root object of the configuration object tree and for each subsystem.
To edit command interface for a configuration, in the Configuration window for the root object of the configuration object tree or a selected subsystem in the property palette choose Command Interface property and click the Open link. Command interface editor window will open.
When editing command interfaces for a root object of the configuration tree, customization of the configuration command interface is performed: ordering of subsystems (subsystems will be displayed in the selected order in the sections panel) and setting general visibility of a subsystem and role-based visibility of the first hierarchy level subsystems. No other actions are performed in this mode.
Please, take into account that the system only includes in the commands list those first hierarchy level subsystems that have the property Include in the command interface selected in the main properties.
If there are no subsystems with selected Include in the command interface property, the Sections panel is not displayed in the run mode while the navigation and actions panels will include all the commands available for the current role.
When editing command interface for a subsystem, the editor allows to customize the content of commands for every command bar, display order and visibility of command interface elements based on roles. Below you will find the description of procedures when working with the editor in the subsystem command interface customization mode.
A list of commands is displayed in the table box located in the first (leftmost) column. The commands are grouped (both into system-defined groups Important, Regular, See also, Reports, Tools, etc, and into the groups determined in the Command Groups branch of a metadata tree) for actions and navigation panels. A column to manage general visibility of commands follows in the table box. The system also displays as many columns for a command visibility specifications as the number of roles specified.
Initially the commands' display order and their visibility settings are set up by the system. You can set up visibility for all the commands, as well as for specific commands selected by roles to which these commands are available.
The editor supports configuring several commands at once by selecting multiple commands in the list. You can use drag and drop operations within the editor, delete and edit a selected group of commands.
Command Setup
Customizing Order
The system sets up the command order automatically. For standard commands (such as creating a catalog element, opening list, etc.), the system features fixed grouping. In addition to standard commands there are also user-defined ones (located in the Commands subordinate metadata item). Inclusion of such commands into a certain group is set in the Groups property. When you open the editor for the first time, a standard order (default order) is chosen for the command list.
If manual setup of the command display order is required, use buttons to move the commands up and down or drag and drop them. At this time, a line reading Manual command order will be displayed next to the group. To undo change of order you should choose the Restore Automatic Order from the context menu for the group. This will result in setting the default order (inclusion of commands into groups and sequence order for commands in a panel's group).
During future operation of the system the commands will be displayed according to the selected sequence order in the groups of navigation and actions panels.
It is forbidden to change the order of commands groups (Important, Regular, See also, etc.).
To move commands between groups you can use the Move Command button. You can also move commands to a required position within groups of one panel using your mouse. To determine the order of commands in a group use Move up and Move down buttons.
Pressing the Set Default Properties button will replace manual settings for commands visibility and inclusion in groups (and order) with the default system settings.
Setting Visibility
The initial visibility of each command for a user depends on the positions of relevant checkboxes in the visibility setup columns. If for this particular command a checkbox is set in the Visibility column (general visibility of a command), this command will be visible to all the roles unless the command's visibility is withdrawn for them.
When you initially open the editor, the role-based columns will feature grayed checkboxes. This means that visibility for a particular command is determined by general visibility of the command.
To show only visible commands in the Command list, press the Hide Invisible by Default button. Those commands that don't have general visibility selected and groups without commands will be hidden.
In the Filter by roles field you can specify several roles that will define the current display of the commands list. Only commands available to these roles will be included in the list. If Hide Invisible by Default button is pressed, only commands visible to these roles will be displayed. To switch the selection off, select Not set. The selection list allows to quickly switch to one of the latest selections.