Getting help on 1C:Enterprise script
How do I use the Syntax Assistant?
Viewing help on the "Content" tab.
Copying 1C:Enterprise script elements
Search by name
Custom Search
Syntax Assistant is a user assistance tool to help the developer with module code syntax. The main purpose of the Syntax Assistant is to provide the 1C:Enterprise 8 configuration developer with quick help on 1C:Enterprise script.
Use the Help – Syntax Assistant to invoke the Syntax Assistant.
The Syntax Assistant window is divided into two parts. The split can be vertical or horizontal. Let's call the part where the Syntax Assistant's content is displayed as a tree, the contents, and the part that displays the description of the selected object, the description part.
The window contains three tabs: Contents, Index and Find. The first tab contains a hierarchical list of 1C:Enterprise script elements for the 1C:Enterprise 8 system: operators, control directives, procedures and functions, system constants, etc. The second and third tabs are designed for search by 1C:Enterprise script element names and for custom search by description text, respectively.
The current description may be printed using the printing buttons of the command bar above the description area.
If the chapter was opened searching (by index or arbitrary text) or using the command " Search in the Syntax Assistant", to locate the chapter in the description tree use the command bar button "Find current item in the tree".
If you have selected several pages by viewing, you can use the Forward and Back commands to return to previously viewed pages. For fast navigation to the required page use the buttons to the right of the specified buttons. Clicking the button opens the list of page names and selecting the required one immediately displays the page.
If there are more than 9 transitions (transitions in the direction corresponding to the switching button), the list displays only the nearest nine pages and at the end of the list there is a row containing the text "History". A complete list of visited pages is displayed at selecting this row of the list.
To view the next or previous item of the Syntax Assistant description tree, use the buttons "Back" and "Forward".
To set display of the mechanism descriptions (objects, their properties, methods, events and wizards) in particular start modes, use the button "Open parameter setting mode".
Content tab
Content tab
For convenience, all script elements are grouped by topics represented as a tree with branches which is displayed in the contents part of the Syntax Assistant window.
The Syntax Assistant window is a standard hierarchical data window with a tree, and you can work with it in a standard way. To open a branch quickly, use the "+", "-" and "*" keys of the numeric keyboard. The "+" key expands one level of a branch, the "-" key collapses a level, and the "*" key expands all subbranches of the current branch.
To get description, select the required 1C:Enterprise script element in contents window part. The element's description is displayed in the description part of the window. The description can contain references to descriptions of 1C:Enterprise script elements mentioned in the text. You can print the help informatiion if required.
The window contains a toolbar that can be used to view the history of previously selected descriptions.
To locate the element whose description is currently displayed in the description window part in the 1C:Enterprise script elements structure, press the Find Current Element in the Tree toolbar button.
Copying 1C:Enterprise Script Elements
Copying 1C:Enterprise Script Elements
The Syntax Assistant can copy selected script elements to the text editor.
To do this, select the desired element in the tree and use the clipboard. A "sample" of 1C:Enterprise script element will be inserted at the cursor position in the text editor window.
In addition to the clipboard, you can use dragging & dropping to move these "samples": simply drag selected 1C:Enterprise script element with the mouse from the Syntax Assistant window into the editor window.
Search in the Syntax Assistant
The Syntax Assistant can search by the 1C:Enterprise script element name and the arbitrary description text.
Search by name
Search by name
You can search for a 1C:Enterprise script element by its name on the Index tab of the Syntax Assistant window. The upper part contains a field for the required 1C:Enterprise script element name and a complete list of all element names.
When you enter a name, the program performs a special context search, moving to the first name on the list that begins with the entered text, based on each entered character.
To call the context search mode, select the Search in Syntax Assistant command from the context menu of the text editor. The Index tab of the Syntax Assistant window will open.
If the found (specified) element is used in several objects, the Select Topic window will open. This window contains a list of occurrences for the selected element.
Now, if you press the Show button, the description of the found 1C:Enterprise script element selected in the occurrences window is shown in the Syntax Assistant window.
You can search in the Syntax Assistant for a script element description during module editing. To perform a search, place the cursor over the element for which you need to find description, or select a text block, and press Ctrl+F1.
If this word or the selected text block are elements of the 1C:Enterprise script described in the Syntax Assistant, the Syntax Assistant window will open immediately with a description of this script element.
If the element is described in several sections of the Syntax Assistant, the Select Topic window will open at first, so that the required section can be selected.
If the selected word or text block are not 1C:Enterprise script elements, the context search window will open in the Syntax Assistant when you press Ctrl+F1.
Each search is memorized in a list that you can call in the name input field.
To view a topic, select it from the list and press Enter. The description of the selected topic will be shown in the lower part of the window.
Custom search
Custom search
To begin the search, start typing the text. While you are typing, the system searches for topics where the entered text is present. Search is not case-sensitive; only whole words of the text are matched (unless the * operator is used), with morphology taken into account. You can use search operators.
While you enter the text, the program displays list of corresponding topics. If the entered text is not found anywhere, the program displays appropriate message below the input field.
When you open a topic, the program shows the description in such a way that the first occurrence of the specified text is visible.
To view a topic, select it from the list and press Enter. The description of the selected topic is shown in the description part of the window.
If only one topic contains the entered text, it will be displayed in the description box straight away.