Editing Form Command Interface
A form's command interface consists of a navigation panel and the form's command bar. Therefore, there are two methods of adding a command to a form's panel: adding the command to a group of the Navigation panel or adding it to the required section of the Command bar of the form's command interface editor.
You can add commands into navigation panel. To do so, drag the commands from the Commands list to the selected panel in the list of command interface commands.
To set up visibility of commands that belong to objects subordinated to the form's objects (e.g. a subordinated catalog, an information register whose main dimension is a form field, etc.), you can uncheck Autovsibility and click the link that appears in the Visibility column. When this checkbox is checked, it defines the same visibility for all the roles (in this case visibility itself can be specified in the Visibility column).
Checked Autolocation indicates that the default command sequence will be used. If you uncheck this option, you can edit the command sequence.
You can set up visibility for every form control depending on the user role.
When you remove a command, the editor will prompt you to remove the connected controls. If you refuse to do so, such controls will have their links cleared.
To navigate to a command (form commands, default commands or global commands) or to data connected to a command (if any), select this command in the form commands editor and click Go To. If multiple objects to go to exist, a selection form is opened intended to select an object. After that (or always when a single go-to-object exists), the object connected to this command is activated in a respective editor.