CatalogManager.<Catalog name>.GetChoiceData




<Parameters> (required)

Type: Structure.
Contains the parameters for generating a value list.
This is a structure that should contain the following keys:
  • Filter - the search filter, the Structure type; values of filter items can have Array, ValueList, FixedArray types or another type, which is not a collection; for the FixedArray type the comparison is performed using InList comparison type, otherwise the comparison type is Equal;
  • SearchString - the search string; contains a Undefined value for quick selection;
  • ChoiceFoldersAndItems - specifies whether folders and items are included (for hierarchical data only); value type: FoldersAndItemsUse;
  • StringSearchMode - the search method if the input by string feature is used; value type: SearchStringModeOnInputByString; the parameter may be missing;
  • FullTextSearch - specifies whether full-text search is used with the input by string feature; value type: FullTextSearchOnInputByString; the parameter may be missing.

Returned value:

Type: ValueList.


Generates a list of choice values for the string input, autocomplete text and quick choice.


Server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (server).
Calling the method executes a server call.


If two parameters are specified in method in the manager module, then the GetChoiceData global context method is called.
Method execution results in calling the ChoiceDataGetProcessing event.


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