ConstantValueManager.<Constant name >.FillCheckProcessing
If this parameter is set to True in the body of the handler procedure, the work will not continue after performing the fill check.
Default value: False.
Array consisting of one element containing a constant name. The array element (or the constant name in the element) can be deleted. In this case, the fill check is not performed.
Allows the developer to implement fill checking in event handler on his own.
At the same time in this handler it is possible to completely refuse the system processing (by clearing the list of attributes to check), refuse th system check for part of attributes (by checking separate attributes in a special way and deleting them from the list), and also add other attributes to check from those for which check was not specified.
Procedure FillCheckProcessing(Cancel, CheckedAttributes) // Check, whether the "ChiefAccountant" attribute is filled If Not ValueIsFilled(ChiefAccountant) Then // If it is not filled, then report to user about it Message = New UserMessage(); Message.Text = "The chief accountant is not specified!"; Message.Field = "ChiefAccountant"; Message.SetData(ThisObject); Message.Message(); // Inform the platform, that we processed the attribute "Purchaser" fill check by ourselves CheckedAttributes.Delete(CheckedAttributes.Find(Message.Data)); // Information in the document is not consistent, so there is no point to continue processing Cancel = True; EndIf; EndProcedure |
See also: