

Save(<ObjectKey>, <SettingsKey>, <Settings>, <SettingsDescription>, <UserName>)


<ObjectKey> (required)

Type: String.
Settings object key.
For details see Settings automatically saved in the system storage.

<SettingsKey> (optional)

Type: String.
Key of settings to be saved.
Default value: Empty string.

<Settings> (required)

Type: Arbitrary.
Contains settings to be saved to the storage.

<SettingsDescription> (optional)

Type: SettingsDescription.
Settings description.
For standard storage of this parameter settings, only the Presentation property is used.
If it is not specified, the description is not set.

<UserName> (optional)

Type: String.
Name of the user whose settings are to be saved.
If it is not specified, settings of the current user are saved.
If user name was changed former settings are not replaced.
If a new user is created, whose name coincides with the former user name, then existing settings are used for him.
If user, which is not current, is specified, i.e. when attempting to call the settings which do not belong to the current user, then the DataAdministration right is required for the current user.


Saves the setting in a storage.


Server, thick client, external connection.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community