BusinessProcessManager.<Business process name>.Select
<StartDate> (optional)
Business process start date and time for selection. If the parameter is not specified, all business processes are selected from the first business process in the database.
Default value: Empty date.
<EndDate> (optional)
End date of business processes date range. If the parameter is not specified, all business processes are selected, ending with the last one in the database.
Default value: Empty date.
<Filter> (optional)
Specifies a filter field and value of the opened selection. The structure key refers to a field name, while the structure value refers to the key filter value. For filter fields, you can only specify fields of Date and business process attributes flagged for indexing in the designer with the value "Index" or the value "Index with additional ordering".
Important: A structure can contain only one element.
If the parameter is not specified filter is not used.
<Order> (optional)
Line with the business process attribute name defining the order of instances in the selection.
You can specify the field "Date" or the name of the business process flagged for indexing with the value "Index" or "Index with additional ordering". After entering the name and a space, you can specify the sorting direction. Direction is defined as: "Desc": sort in descending order "Asc": sort in ascending order. Sort ascending is used by default.
If the parameter is not specified, selection is ordered by a chronology of business processes.
Default value: Empty string.
Returned value:
Selection = BusinessProcesses.ExpenseBill.Select(BeginDate, EndDate); |