Indicates that object writing is cancelled. If you set this parameter to True in the body of the handler procedure, the object will not be written.
Default value: False.
The attribute indicating the form closing during the process of application shutdown is transferred to this parameter:
If the parameter <Cancel> has been set value True and <WarningText> contains a non-empty string, then:
- if <Shutdown> has been set to True, the message window with a warning text string is displayed and the user is prompted to stay or exit the window without saving changes.
- if <Shutdown> has been set to False, warning text is ignored and the process of form closing is aborted.
- if <Shutdown> has been set to True, a message window with a general text " Work is not complete in this window" is displayed and the user is prompted to stay or exit the window without saving changes.
- if <Shutdown> has been set to False, the parameter value <WarningText> is ignored, and the process of application shutdown will be continued.
Note: In Mozilla Firefox web browser the message window contains no warning text.
This parameter passes a flag indicating whether standard (system) processing of the event is performed. If in the body of handler procedure a value of this parameter is set to False, standard generation of task list will not be executed.
Default value: True.
In the process of application shutdown (parameter Exit has a value True) server calls and opening windows are not allowed.
In the web-client mode when the form, opened in the auxiliary windows, is closed by system Close window button (a cross in the upper right form corner) or by pressing Alt+F4. the handler is not called.