

AttachIdleHandler(<ProcedureName>, <Interval>, <Single>)


<ProcedureName> (required)

Type: String.
Name of the procedure enabled as idle handler.
The procedure must not contain any parameters.

<Interval> (required)

Type: Number.
Time interval in seconds with an accuracy to a decile that has to elapse before the procedure is called (positive number).
If the value is less than 1, then the third parameter's value should be True.

<Single> (optional)

Type: Boolean.
Flag of singe idle handler run.
True - specified idle handler will be run once.
Default value: False.


Attaches the specified procedure as an idle time handler. The procedure will be called as long as the system is on idle each time a defined period of time has elapsed.
During the temporary locking due to the method LockApplication or due to the relevant command "temporary locking" the timeout handlers are not performed.


Thin client, web-client, thick client, Mobile application (client).


In the modal dialog box the idle handler continues if this dialog box is a 1C:Enterprise form. The idle handler calling continues, until the form is closed or the DetachIdleHandler form method is called.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community