You can use the AllValues variant for representing in the plot area of all values of a dimension disregarding branch expansion state.
You may use the LastLevelValues variant for representing in the plot area of only the last expansion level values.
Example: The "Nomenclature" dimension has the following values: "Products" and subordinate values "Cheese" and "Carrot". "Products" value is expanded. In case of the LastLevelValues variant, it will not be displayed independently. You can use it to provide for representation of comparable order data (in terms of scale). If the dimensioned value of "Quantity" for "Products" is 1000, and each of the corresponding values for "Cheese", "Carrot" etc. does not exceed 10, representing these data at the same time in the chart is not descriptive (unlike the table).
See also:
PivotChart, property SeriesValuesShowMode