
Syntax variant: To copy row


Copy(<Rows>, <Columns>)


<Rows> (optional)

Type: Array.
Array of rows for copying. If it is not specified, tables of values are copied all the rows.

<Columns> (optional)

Type: String.
The list of columns for copying in a format: " Column1, Column2... ".

Description of method variant:

If rows and columns are specified, then only those will be copied. If not specified - an exact copy of the values table will be created.

Syntax variant: To copy on filter


Copy(<ParametersOfFilter>, <Columns>)


<ParametersOfFilter> (optional)

Type: Structure.
Key of structure - the identifier of a column, and value of structure - value of selection.

<Columns> (optional)

Type: String.
The list of columns for copying in a format: " Column1, Column2... ".

Description of method variant:

If a filter is specified, then only the filtered rows will be copied. If no filter specified, all rows of the values table will be copied. If columns are specified, then only those will be copied. Otherwise, all columns of the values table will be copied.

Returned value:

Type: ValueTable.


Creates full copy of original values table.


Server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (server).


NewPriceTable = PriceTable.Copy();


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