<Type> (required)
Type of control added:
ProgressBar; CalendarBox; Button; CommandBar; Label; Panel; RadioButton; SpreadsheetDocumentField; HTMLDocumentField; TextDocumentField; TextBox; ComboBox; ListBox; PictureBox; TrackBar; Splitter; GroupBox; TableBox; CheckBox; GraphicalSchemaField; GeographicalSchemaField.
<Name> (required)
Name of control to be created. The name should be set in accordance with 1C:Enterprise 8 naming rules. Otherwise execution of the method will results in calling the exception.
<Visibility> (optional)
Defines whether to create a new form control element as visible or not. True - element is created as visible;
Default value: True.
<MoveTo> (optional)
Defines to which form panel or spreadsheet document the element created belongs. If a panel is indicated, then the added element is positioned on the current page of the panel. If not specified, the element created will belong directly to the form.
Returned value:
// Let's place a tablebox on a page RegisterField = Controls.Add(Type("TableBox"), TableRow.Name, True, Controls.MainPanel); RegisterField.Data = "DocumentObject.RegisterRecords." + TableRow.Name; If NOT IsNew() Then RegisterFileld.Value.Read(); EndIf; RegisterField.Top = 30; RegisterField.Left = 6; RegisterField.Width = Controls.MainPanel.Width - 14; RegisterField.Height = Controls.MainPanel.Height - 56; RegisterField.ReadOnly = False; RegisterField.ChangeRowOrder = True; RegisterField.ChangeRowSet = True; RegisterField.SetLink(ControlEdge.Top, RegisterCommandPanel, ControlEdge.Bottom); RegisterField.SetLink(ControlEdge.Bottom, Controls.MainPanel, ControlEdge.Bottom); RegisterField.SetLink(ControlEdge.Right, Controls.MainPanel, ControlEdge.Right); RegisterField.CreateColumns(); If Metadata.AccumulationRegisters[TableRow.Name].RegisterType = Metadata.ObjectProperties.AccumulationRegisterType.Balance Then KindOfMovementColumn = RegisterField.Columns.Insert(1, "Records type"); KindOfMovementColumn.Name = "AccumulationRegisterRecordsType"; KindOfMovementColumn.SetControl(Type("TextBox")); KindOfMovementColumn.Data = "RecordType"; KindOfMovementColumn.Control.ChoiceButton = True; KindOfMovementColumn.Control.ChooseType = False; EndIf; RegisterField.Columns.Recorder.Visible = False; RegisterField.Columns.Period.Visible = False; RegisterField.Columns.LineNumber.Visible = False; |