

AttachDataChangeHandler(<DataName>, <ProcedureName>, <TrackSubordinateData>)


<DataName> (required)

Type: String.
Name of data (data path), to which any modifications must be tracked. This can show data connected with form attributes, table section, and subordinate data, i.e. attributes of these objects. For example, "Attribute1.Description".
The setting can contain only one data path, i.e. the method is used for one attribute.

<ProcedureName> (required)

Type: String.
Name of procedure enabled as data modification handler. Procedure should have one parameter so that, when enabled, the procedure will transmit the string, i.e. path to the modified data, using a structure similar to the <DataName> setting.

<TrackSubordinateData> (optional)

Type: Boolean.
Defines whether or not the handler procedure must be enabled when modifying data subordinate to that assigned in the <DataName> setting, e.g. when modifying the data attributes.
Default value: False.


Turns on the handler procedure that was activated previously when modifying the specified data in the form or subordinate forms.


Thick client.


AttachDataChangeHandler("TextBox1", "OnChange");

See also:

Form, method DetachDataChangeHandler


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