
Syntax variant: Setting a value of a new custom property


Add(<Form>, <NamespaceURI>, <LocalName>, <DataElement>)


<Form> (required)

Type: XMLForm.
Form of XML presentation of a custom property. Can have values Element or Attribute.

<NamespaceURI> (required)

Type: String.
Namespace URI of XML presentation of custom property.

<LocalName> (required)

Type: String.
Local name of a custom property.

<DataElement> (required)

Type: XDTODataValue; XDTODataObject.
XDTO data element (value or object), that is a value of a custom property.

Description of method variant:

Property name will be created automatically, based on the local name of XML property presentation. In case a custom property with the received name already exists and, if previous value setting of a custom property was performed for this custom property or for another property if a sequence is present, - the property will be listed with unlimited top boundary. Otherwise an exception will be initiated. Type of created property is always set as anyType XML schema namespace.

Syntax variant: Setting a value of existing custom property


Add(<Name>, <DataElement>)


<Name> (required)

Type: String.
Name of a custom property.

<DataElement> (required)

Type: XDTODataValue; XDTODataObject.
XDTO data element (value or object), that is a value of a custom property.

Description of method variant:

If a property with the specified name does not exist, exclusion will be initiated.
In case a previous setting of a custom property value was performed for this custom property, or for another property if a sequence is present, - the property will be listed with unlimited top boundary.
Otherwise an exception will be initiated.


Adds a value of a custom property.


Thin client, server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (client), Mobile application (server).


Method can be called only for the object types with set Open property, otherwise an exception will be initialized.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community