Contains a DOM node value. A node value does not exist for each DOM node type.
Node nodeValue
- Attribute - the same as Value;
- CDATASection - the same as DOMText.Data, DOMComment.Data, DOMCDATASection.Data, the content of the CDATA Section;
- Comment - the same as DOMText.Data, DOMComment.Data, DOMCDATASection.Data, the content of the comment;
- Document - Undefined;
- DocumentFragment - Undefined;
- DocumentType - Undefined;
- Element - Undefined;
- Entity - Undefined;
- EntityReference - Undefined;
- Notation - Undefined;
- ProcessingInstruction - the same as Data;
- Text - the same as DOMText.Data, DOMComment.Data, DOMCDATASection.Data, the content of the text node