



Description of the field available for use in settings, except filter settings.
The field name can contain the following predefined values:
  • For groupings:
    • SettingsObjectOwner - prefix for fields obtained from the object-owner
    • SystemFields - prefix for system fields
    • SerialNumber - contains serial number
    • GroupSerialNumber - contains group serial number
    • Level - contains record level in all groupings
    • LevelInGroup - contains record level in the current grouping
    • GroupPercent - contains parent field value percent in a grouping
    • OverallPercent - contains overall parent field value percent
    • PercentInHierarchy - contains parent field value percent in a group in a hierarchical group
    • PercentInRowOrSeries - contains parent field value percent in a row or series
    • PercentInColumnOrPoint - contains parent field value percent in a column or point
    • GroupPercentInRowOrSeries - contains parent field value percent in a group – row or series
    • GroupPercentInColumnOrPoint - contains parent field value percent in a group – column or point
    • PercentInHierarchyInRowOrSeries - contains parent field value percent in hierarchical group – row or series
    • PercentInHierarchyInColumnOrPoint - contains parent field value percent in a hierarchical group – column or point
  • For obtaining parameters:
    • DataParameters - prefix for parameter fields
  • For obtaining dates:
    • BeginDates – field prefix for obtaining beginning dates from the parent field
    • BegOfDay - contains beginning of day from the parent field
    • BegOfWeek - contains beginning of week from the parent field
    • BegOfTenDays - contains beginning of ten days from the parent field
    • BegOfMonth - contains beginning of month from the parent field
    • BegOfQuarter - contains beginning of quarter from the parent field
    • BegOfHalfYear - contains beginning of half-year from the parent field
    • BegOfYear - contains beginning of year from the parent field
    • BegOfMinute - contains beginning of minute from the parent field
    • BegOfHour - contains beginning of hour from the parent field
    • EndDates – field prefix for obtaining end dates from the parent field
    • EndOfDay - contains end of day from the parent field
    • EndOfWeek - contains end of week from the parent field
    • EndOfTenDays - contains end of ten days from the parent field
    • EndOfMonth - contains end of month from the parent field
    • EndOfQuarter - contains end of quarter from the parent field
    • EndOfHalfYear - contains end of half-year from the parent field
    • EndOfYear - field for end of year from the parent field
    • EndOfMinute - contains end of minute from the parent field
    • EndOfHour - contains end of hour from the parent field
    • DateParts – prefix for obtaining date part from the parent field
    • Day - contains day number from the parent field
    • WeekDay - contains number of day in a week from the parent field
    • WeekDayName - contains name of day in a week from the parent field
    • DayOfYear - contains number of day in a year from the parent field
    • WeekOfYear - contains number of week in a year from the parent field
    • Month - contains month number from the parent field
    • MonthName - contains month name from the parent field
    • Quarter - contains quarter number from the parent field
    • Year - contains year from the parent field
    • Minute - contains minute from the parent field
    • Hour - contains hour from the parent field


Thin client, web-client, server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (client), Mobile application (server).


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community