





Contain the objects that describe table cell format. The following appearance elements are used for table cell format:
1. BackColor - value type Color;
2. TextColor - value type Color;
3. BorderColor - value type Color;
4. BorderStyle - value type Line;
5. BorderStyle.Left - value type Line;
6. BorderStyle.Top - value type Line;
7. BorderStyle.Right - value type Line;
8. BorderStyle.Bottom - value type Line;
9. Font - value type Font;
10. Indent - value type Number;
11. HorizontalAlign - value type HorizontalAlign;
12. VerticalAlign - value type VerticalAlign;
13. Placement - text layout - value type DataCompositionTextPlacementType;
14. TextOrientation - value type Number;
15. MarkNegatives - value type Boolean;
16. MinimumWidth - value type Number;
17. MaximumWidth - value type Number;
18. MinimumHeight - value type Number;
19. MaximumHeight - value type Number;
20. MergerHorizontally - value type Boolean;
21. MergerVertically - value type Boolean;
22. HorizontalLevel - value type Number;
23. VerticalLevel - value type Number;
24. Details - value type DataCompositionDetailsID;
25. ColumnSizeChangeMode – indicates whether the cell column is resizeable SizeChangeMode;
26. MarkIncomplete - mark the cell as unfilled - value type Boolean;
27. FixLeft - identifies that the cell is fixed to the left Boolean.
28. FixTop - identifies that the cell is fixed to the top Boolean.


Server, thick client, external connection.
The given object may be serialized to/from XML. The given object may be serialized to/from XDTO. The XDTO type correspoding to this object is defined in {} namespace. XDTO type name: TableCellAppearance.

See also:

DataCompositionAreaTemplateTableCell, property Appearance


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