

Read and write.


Type: Date.
Schedule start time. Scheduled jobs can be launched only if the current time is more than or equal to the start time. If start time is not set, launch beginning is not limited, i.e. job is launched at the first possibility (for example, at server startup).
In case of BeginTime is greater than EndTime, the register record in 24 hours is executed, i.e. schedule will be launched only when current time is greater than StartTime, but is less than EndTime of next day.
BeginTime  EndTime  Comment
8:00 – runs since 8:00 till 24:00
– 8:00 runs since 24:00 till 8:00
13:00 14:00 runs since 13:00 till 14:00
14:00 13:00 runs since 14:00 till 13:00 of next day, i.e. it runs always, except interval from 13:00 to 14:00


Server, thick client, external connection.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community