

GetObject(<Type>, <Title>, <Name>, <Timeout>)


<Type> (optional)

Type: Type.
Type of object to be found.
Default value: Undefined.

<Title> (optional)

Type: String.
Object header if applicable. May contain wildcard characters "*" and "?".

<Name> (optional)

Type: String.
Object name if applicable. May contain wildcard characters "*" and "?".

<Timeout> (optional)

Type: Number.
The time period (in seconds) during which the search for object is performed. If the parameter value is not specified, there is no time limit.
Default value: 0.

Returned value:

Type: TestedForm; TestedFormGroup; TestedFormButton; TestedFormTable; TestedFormField; TestedFormDecoration; Undefined.
The first found object. An exception is generated if the object cannot be found.


Searches in the subordinate object hierarchy using the specified parameters.


Thin client, thick client.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community