

Read and write.


Type: Number.
After this time period in seconds elapses, the local notification call is repeated.
For a notification to be repeated, the first trigger time should be explicitly specified.
  • Due to system limits, it is not possible to set any retry interval on the iOS platform. Transferred values are interpreted as follows:
    • 1 – 60: a 1-minute retry interval.
    • 61 – 60*60(3600): a 1-hour retry interval.
    • 60*60+1(3601) – 60*60*24(86400): a 1-day retry interval.
    • 60*60*24+1(86401) – 60*60*24*7(604800): a 1-week retry interval.
    • 60*60*24*7+1(604801) – 60*60*24*31(2678400): a 1-month retry interval (the number of days in a month is accounted by the system).
    • 60*60*24*31(2678401) – 60*60*24*31*3(8035200): a 1-quarter retry interval (the number of days in a month is accounted by the system).
    • The value over 60*60*24*31*3(8035200) defines a 1- year retry interval.
  • On the Android platform values 1-60 are interpreted as 1 minute.


Thin client, server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (client), Mobile application (server).


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