



<Purchase> (required)

Type: String.
Acquired purchase.
Default value: InAppPurchase; String.

Returned value:

Type: Boolean.


Returns information whether the specified purchase has been acquired. The method behavior depends on a purchase type (permanent, subscription or consumable) and OS used:
  • For permanent purchases and subscriptions returns information whether the specified purchase has been acquired (if the subscription is active). Runs equally on iOS and Android.
  • For consumable purchases:
    • On Android - returns value True if the purchase has been acquired but not consumed yet.
    • On iOS - returns value False. Data for this method is obtained from the locally stored purchase history, so method UpdatePurchaseInformation should be used for data actualization.


Mobile application (client).

See also:

InAppPurchasesManager, method BeginPurchasing
InAppPurchasesManager, method ConsumePurchase


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community