MetadataObject: AccountingRegister.EnableTotalsSplitting


Read only.


Type: Boolean.
If this property is set to True, then the totals splitting mechanism will be used to store register totals that provides a greater concurrency of writing to the register. By using it, the system does not update the same totals' register records made by several sessions simultaneously, but writes each totals change as a separate record. To obtain totals, these values are summed. This way, totals are kept up-to-date (this is useful for quick generation of reports, for example), and register records can be made concurrently. This mode requires more resources (for instance, quantity of data in totals tables is in this case higher).
Records multiply only when transactions are performed concurrently. Their quantity for each dimensions' combination depends on maximum number of transactions performed at the same time. When recalculating totals, separate accumulated records are collapsed.


Server, thick client, external connection.


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community