Functions used in the index's expressions and filters:
- CTOD(<String>) - Date. Converts the value of the initial string <String> into a MM/DD/YY date.
- STOD(<String>) - Date. Converts the value of the initial string <String> into a YYYYMMDD date.
- DTOC(<Date>) - String. Converts the date <Date> into a string in MM/DD/YY format;
- DTOS(<Date>) - String. Converts the date <Date> into a string in YYYYMMDD format;
- VAL(<String>) - Number. Returns the result of the <String> string conversion to number;
- STR(<Number>, <Length>, <Precision>) - String. Converts <Number> number to string representation. <Length> - number of symbols in the string returned, including decimal points, <Precision> - the desired number of places after the decimal point;
- DATE() - Date. Returns system date.
- TIME() - String. Returns the system time in HH:MM:SS format.
- DEL() - String. Returns "*" (asterisk), if the record was marked for deletion, otherwise it returns "";
- DELETED() - Boolean. Returns True, if the record was marked for deletion, otherwise it returns False;
- IIF(<Expression>, <Value1>, <Value2>) - returns <Value1>, if the value of calculated <Expression> equals True, and <Value2> else;
- LTRIM(<String>) - String. Returns the initial string <String> without leading spaces;
- TRIM(<String>) - String. Returns the initial string <String> without trailing spaces;
- UPPER(<String>) - String. Returns the string <String> whose symbols were converted to uppercase.
- SUBSTR(<String>, <BegPos>, <Count>) - String. Returns a string, consisting of <Count> symbols from the beginning position of the initial string <String>. <BegPos> - beginning position, <Count> - number of symbols;
- MONTH(<Date>) - Number. Calculates the month number by the initial date <Date>;
- YEAR(<Date>) - Number. Calculates the year number by the initial date <Date>;
- RECCOUNT() - Number. Returns the overall number of records in the database table;
- RECNO() - Number. Returns the current record number.
See also:
XBase, property CurrentIndex
XBaseIndexesCollection, property <Index name>
XBaseIndexesCollection, method Get
XBaseIndexesCollection, method Find
XBaseIndexesCollection, method IndexOf