
Syntax variant: By name




<AreaName> (required)

Type: String.
Area name or address in "R1C1:R2C2" format where a number that follows "R" denotes a row number, while a number after "C" denotes a column number by ":" symbol (colon) coordinates of the left-hand top and right-hand bottom area corner are divided. You can also transfer overlapping of two areas as a name that is written as "<Area Name 1> | <Area Name 2>".

Syntax variant: By address


GetArea(<FirstRowNumber>, <FirstColumnNumber>, <LastRowNumber>, <LastColumnNumber>)


<FirstRowNumber> (optional)

Type: Number.
Number of the first table area row.

<FirstColumnNumber> (optional)

Type: Number.
Number of the first table area column.

<LastRowNumber> (optional)

Type: Number.
Number of the last table area row.

<LastColumnNumber> (optional)

Type: Number.
Number of the last table area column.

Description of method variant:

If there is no the last row and the last column the area is set by the single cell. If there are no rows or columns the area is set by the range of rows or columns, respectively. If the method is called without parameters, the area is set by the whole table.

Returned value:

Type: SpreadsheetDocument.
Area as new spreadsheet document.


Obtains a spreadsheet document area as a spreadsheet document. An area may be composed of several adjoining rows or columns, or can be a rectangular table area.


Server, thick client, external connection, Mobile application (server).


Template = Documents.ExpenseBill.GetTemplate("ExpenseBill");
Header = Template.GetArea("Header");

See also:

SpreadsheetDocument, method Area


1C:Enterprise Developer's Community