This is a modified standard processor “Search and replacement of duplicate catalog items” with ability to work in the managed application.
Data processor have an open source code.
The developer is not responsible for and loss and/or damage (including deficiency of commercial profit, interruption of commercial or industrial activities, loss of any (including business) information and another property damage) which appears due to the use or inability to use of processor, even if the Developer was informed about the possibility of such loss and/or damage. The user assume all the risks related to the use or the quality of Processor functioning.
Attention! The processor is translated from Russian to English automatically. There may be inaccuracies in the wordings and insignificant errors in the work. Please report about all the errors in the comments.
You can download the data processor below this publication.
Example of work
1) initial catalog with the doubles of items:
2) adjustment for the search of doubles in the catalog Customers, field Description, only over the items contained in the group Vendors:
3) found doubles:
4) transfer of references from the doubles to the reference element:
5) processed catalog. The doubles are marked for deletion and now it is possible to delete them using the standard procedure of marked object deletion: