1C:Enterprise 8 command line parameters

Publications: 1C:Enterprise 8 command line parameters
Perhaps the name “article” is an overstatement for this work, more exactly “an abstract”. This is just an abstract of the parameters of 1C:Enterprise command line with the examples of its use: both my own and pulled off from Internet.

The options for choosing the startup mode

The simultaneous use of the parameters in the following table is not allowed.
DESIGNER Starting in the Designer mode.
ENTERPRISE Starting in the Enterprise mode.
CREATEINFOBASE [/AddInList [NameID [/UseTemplate [template file name Creation of information database.

  • ConnectionString – required parameter, see below.
  • /AddInList [NameID] – the name under which the database is added to the list. If this parameter is not specified, the database will not be added to list. If NameID is not specified, the default name will be given (like during interactive database creation).
  • /UseTemplate – creation of information base is carried out according to the template specified in [template file name]. As templates can be the configuration files (.cf) or the files of information base dumping (.dt). If template is not specified, the parameter is ignored.

Parameter ConnectionString is derived from the pairs ParameterName=Value separated by semicolons (;). If Value contains spaces, it must be enclosed in double quotes. The possible parameters of connection string:
For file version the following parameter is specified:
File Information base directory.
For client-server version the following parameters are specified:
Srvr Name of 1C:Enterprise server.
If a startup command line of executable file contains several parameters describing the information base path (File and Srvr), then the last-mentioned parameter is used.
In order to ensure uninterruptible work of client applications, it is possible to specify multiple cluster addresses. To do this:

  • Value of Srvr can be a list of cluster addresses separated by commas,
  • for example: Srvr=”Server1,Server2”; or Srvr=”Server1:1741,Server2:1741”;
  • In the dialog of information base adding in the client application the value of the option “Cluster of 1C:Enterprise servers” can be the list of cluster addresses separated by commas, for example: Server1,Server2 or Server1:1741,Server2:1741

Ref - Name of information base on 1C:Enterprise server
DBMS - type of database server:

  • MSSQLServer — Microsoft SQL Server (by default);
  • PostgreSQL — PostgreSQL;
  • IBMDB2 — IBM DB2;
  • OracleDatabase — Oracle Database.

DBSrvr - Name of SQL-server.
DB - Name of SQL database.
DBUID - Username of SQL-server.
DBPwd - User password of SQL-server. If the password for database server user is not specified then this parameter is optional.
SQLYOffs - Offset of the dates, which is used to store the dates in SQL-server (for client-server version). The admissible values - 0 or 2000. By default - 2000.
CrSQLDB - Create database in case of its absence (“y” – create database in case of its absence, “n” – do not create).

SUsr - Administrator name of the cluster in which the initial image should be created. The parameter must be specified if in the cluster the administrators are identified and the operating system authentication is not installed or is not appropriate for them;
SPwd - Cluster administrator password.

Usr - Username.
Pwd - User password.
Locale - Language (country). The admissible values are the same like in method Built-in language format (for example, “ru_RU”). By default, the locale settings of the current information base are used.

The general startup options in Enterprise and Designer modes

/@ Path to the file with command line parameters.
/F Path to the file information base (excluding file name).
/S Address of information base on the 1C:Enterprise server.
/WS string of ws-connection.
/IBName launch of information base according to the base name in the list of information bases. If necessary, the name must be enclosed in double quotes. Meanwhile, if the name contains the double quotes, then it is necessary to replace double quotes with two double quotes. If more than one base with specified name will be found in the lists of bases, then the user will get an error.
/IBConnectionString allows to specify the string of information base connection as a whole, in the form in which it is returned by function InfobaseConnectionString (). The parts of connection string can be overridden by the pre-existing parameters. To do this, you need to specify /IBConnectionString in command line before them. By passing connection string as a command line parameter, you need to remember that the connection string has the quotes. Therefore, it is required to take the entire string in quotes and the quotes contained inside to make double.

The additional parameters of connection string in thin client mode:

  • wsn – username for web-server authentication;
  • wsp – user password for web-server authentication;
  • wspauto – use the automatic settings of proxy server;
  • wspsrv — address of proxy server;
  • wspport — proxy port;
  • wspuser — username for proxy with authorization;
  • wsppwd — password for proxy with authorization.

/N Username as it is specified in the Designer.
/P password of the user whose name is specified in parameter /N. If the user has no password, this parameter is optional.
/WSN username for web-server authentication.
/WSP password of the user whose name is specified in parameter /WSN, for web-server authentication.
/WA- Inhibit of Windows-authentication during launch.
/WA+ Required execution of Windows-authentication during launch. If parameter /WA is not specified at all, /WA+ is implied.
/SAOnRestart denotes obligatoriness of password request during the system is launching from the current session (not used in thin client). By default, the password is not demanded.

/itdi – opening the forms in the main window and use of tabs to switch between the opened forms (work with tabs);
/isdi – to work with separate windows.

/LogUI user actions logging.
/Out[ -NoTruncate] Specifies the file to display the service messages. If you specify -NoTruncate, the file is not cleared (not used in thin client). From 8.2.15 the message file is opened in the mode that allows a joint reading, and during Designer launch mode this file is written immediately and is not buffered.

/SchJobDn controls execution of the scheduled jobs. The possible values: “Y” or “N”. “Y” – the created information base will disable the scheduled job execution.

/AppAutoCheckVersion automatic selection of the correct version for each information base.
/AppAutoCheckMode automatic application determination on the basis of information base (main launch configuration mode and user launch mode).

/UseHwLicenses+ search of local security key is executed.
/UseHwLicenses- search of local security key is not executed.
Before version 8.2.14 the parameter looked like /UseHwLicense, since version 8.2.14 it became /UseHwLicenses.

/DisableStartupMessages suppresses the messages of non-compliance between the saved configuration and database configuration, as well as the need to install Internet Explorer 6.0 on startup.

/RunModeOrdinaryApplication thin client launch in normal mode in spite of the configuration settings and the user under which you are running.
/RunModeManagedApplication thick client launch in the managed application mode in spite of the configuration settings and the user under which you are running.
When you specify any of these keys, a mechanism of automatic choice of the client application is switched off except the case when the user has clearly pointed in command line the key /AppAutoCheckMode.
If you run client application with one of these command line keys, then this key is transmitted to the client application launched using the methods of global context RunSystem() and Exit() (with indication of the need to restart).

/UsePrivilegedMode launch of client application (including web-client) in the mode of privileged session in which the access rights and the data access restrictions are not checked. The mode of privileged session can be activated only at the start of session and only for the user with Administration rights.
/Debug indicates that 1C:Enterprise launch is executed in debug mode.
/DebuggerURL debugger identification to which the application should connect immediately after startup. Debugger’s URL is specified (protocol, computer and port number) on which you can create the remote objects on the debugger.
/RunShortcut allows to launch 1C:Enterprise 8 system with the list of information bases obtained using a specified file. The file of the list of shared information bases (*.v8i) or the file of the shortcut of information bases (*.v8l) can be specified.
/SLev determines a level of connection protection between 1C:Enterprise client and server.
The possible values (undefined parameter is equivalent to /SLev0):

  • /SLev0 – unprotected connection;
  • /SLev1 — protected connection only during authentication process;
  • /SLev2 — protected connection during the entire session;

/ClearCache — cache flush of client-server calls (used for thin and thick clients).

/authoff – the key of client application launch (thin client and web-client) for user shutdown. After the operation execution the authentication parameters «are forgotten» and the next authentication attempt will prompt the username and password.

/NoProxy — inhibit the use of proxy (only for ws-connection).
/Proxy -PSrv [proxy address] -PPort [port] [-PUser [proxy uxername] [-PPasswd [password — use these proxy settings with ignoring the defaults (only for ws-connection). For example: /Proxy -PSrv -PPort 3128

/TComp [-None | -Deflate | -SDC] sets the traffic compression between client and server.

  • -None compression is disabled;
  • -Deflate standard http traffic compression is used with deflate algorithm;
  • -SDC custom compression algorithm is used (default).

/O [connection speed] determines connection speed (used in thin client). Normal — usual, Low — low connection speed.
/SimulateServerCallDelay [-CallXXXXX] [-SendYYYYY] [-ReceiveZZZZZ] user work imitation during slow connection. The maximal value of time lags – 10 seconds.

  • -Call – indicates the amount of delay (XXXXX) during server calling in seconds, if not specified, then 4.45 sec;
  • -Send – indicates the amount of delay (YYYYY) in seconds per every 1 KB of data transferred to the server. If not specified, then 0.45 sec;
  • -Receive – indicates the amount of delay (ZZZZZ) in seconds per every 1 KB of data received from server. If not specified, then 0,15 sec.

Example: /SimulateServerCallDelay -Call2.1 -Send1.3 -Receive1.2

/DisplayAllFunctions (thin client) enables menu command «All functions», check box in the settings of “1C:Enterprise” mode parameters becomes disabled.
/DisplayPerformance (managed application) show the number of server calls and a volume of data transferred to server and received from server.

/UC [access code] — allows making connection with information base on which the lock of connection is installed. If during lock installation a non-empty access code is defined, then to establish a connection it is necessary to specify this access code in parameter /UC.

/L [language code] the code of platform interface language is specified. The supported interface languages: English – en, Russian – ru, Ukrainian – uk.
/VL [session localization code] the session localization code is specified which is used to format data such as Number and Date, as well as in methods NumberInWords () and PeriodPresentation().

/C [text string] — parameter transmission in configuration.
/Execute [external processing file name] — designed to run the external processor in 1C:Enterprise mode directly after the start of system.

/Z[Common attribute1],[ Common attribute2],…,[ Common attributeN] installation of delimiters (common attributes).
[Common attribute] = [+|-][Common attribute value]

  • [+|-] – flag of usage: “+” (by default) – an attribute is used; “-” – not used; if a delimiter is not used, it should be “-” before the value. If the first symbol in delimiter value is the symbol “+” or “-“, you need to double it when indicating.
  • [common attribute value] – common attribute value. If the value contains coma, you need to double it when indicating. If the delimiter value is omitted, but delimiter must be used, then the symbol “+” is used.

The delimiters are separated by comma.
For example: “/Z-FirstDelimiter,+,—-ThirdDelimiter” means:
The first delimiter is disabled, the value – “FirstDelimiter”,
The second delimiter is enabled, the value – empty string,
The third delimiter is disabled, the value – “-ThirdDelimiter”.

The parameters of Designer batch mode

After execution the Designer automatically terminates. The return codes of Designer batch mode: 0 – success; 1 – fail; 101 – there are the errors in the data.

/DumpIB[FileName] Information base dumping.
/RestoreIB[FileName] Information base loading.
/DumpCfg[FileName] Save configuration in file.
/DumpDBCfg[FileName] Save database configuration in file.
/LoadCfg[FileName] Loading configuration from file.

/UpdateDBCfg [-WarningsAsErrors] [-Server] updating database configuration. Allowed as an option for the following parameters:LoadCfg, UpdateCfg, LoadConfigFiles, ConfigurationRepositoryUpdateCfg.

  • -WarningsAsErrors – if specified, then all warnings are treated as the errors.
  • -Server – if specified, then the update will be performed on server (is useful only in client-server version).

/UpdateCfg [file cf | cfu name] update of supporting configuration.
/RollbackCfg rollback to database configuration.

/ResetMasterNode — cancel the main node. The action of parameter is similar to calling method SetMasterNode() with parameter value Undefined.
The simultaneous use of parameters inside parameters subgroup is not allowed.

/ReduceEventLogSize [Date] [-saveAs [file name [-KeepSplitting] reduce the log:

  • Date new log boundary in format YYYY-MM-DD;
  • -saveAs [filename] the option to save a copy of dumped records;
  • -KeepSplitting it is required to save a splitting by files over the periods.

/Visible — makes the batch command execution visible to the user. During the Designer work the splash screen is opened.
/RunEnterprise — designed to run 1C:Enterprise after batch command execution. After the key the additional command line can be specified. When launching 1C:Enterprise, the parameters transferred to it will be used instead the parameters of the current session. The additional command line has to be in quotes, the quotes embedded in it must be doubled.
/DumpResult — designed to save the Designer work results in file. After the key the filename must be specified. The result is a number (0 – if successful).

Syntax control

/CheckModules syntax control. One or several keys of check modes must be specified. If the keys are not specified, the check will not be executed.

  • -ThinClient check in the operating mode of thin client;
  • -WebClient check in the operating mode of web-client;
  • -Server check in the operating mode of 1C:Enterprise server;
  • -ExternalConnection check in the operating mode of external connection;
  • -ThickClientOrdinaryApplication check in the operating mode of client application.
Information base testing and fixing

/IBCheckAndRepair test and fix information base.

  • -ReIndex reindexing of the tables;
  • -LogIntegrity check the logical integrity or
  • -LogAndRefsIntegrity check the logical and referential integrity;
  • -RecalcTotals recalculation of results;
  • -IBCompression compression of tables;
  • -Rebuild restructuring of the information base tables;
  • -TestOnly testing only with presence of non-existent objects pointers:

-BadRefCreate create the objects or
-BadRefClear clear the objects or
-BadRefNone do not change in case of partial loss of the objects:

-BadDataCreate create the objects or
-BadDataDelete delete the objects;

UseStartPoint use the saved return point to continue testing from the point at which it was interrupted in the previous session;
TimeLimit:hhh:mm limitation of maximal time for testing session: hhh — number of hours (0..999); mm — number of minutes (0..59).

Configuration check

/CheckConfig centralized configuration check

  • -ConfigLogIntegrity checking the logical integrity of configuration. The typical check usually executed before database update;
  • -IncorrectReferences search of incorrect references. The search of deleted objects references. Executed in the entire configuration including the rights, forms, templates, interfaces, etc. Also the search of logically incorrect references is executed;
  • -ThinClient syntax module control for the mode of managed application environment emulation (thin client) executed in the file mode;
  • -WebClient syntax module control in the mode of web-client environment emulation;
  • -Server syntax module control in the mode of 1C server environment emulation;
  • -ExternalConnection syntax module control in the mode of external connection environment emulation executed in the file mode;
  • -ExternalConnectionServer syntax module control in the mode of external connection environment emulation executed in the client-server mode;
  • -ThickClientManagedApplication syntax module control in the mode of managed application environment emulation (thick client) executed in the file mode;
  • -ThickClientServerManagedApplication syntax module control in the mode of managed application environment emulation (thick client) executed in the client-server mode;
  • -ThickClientOrdinaryApplication syntax module control in the mode of typical application environment emulation (thick client) executed in the file mode;
  • -ThickClientServerOrdinaryApplication syntax module control in the mode of typical application environment emulation (thick client) executed in the client-server mode;
  • -ExternalConnection syntax module control in the mode of external connection environment emulation executed in the file mode;
  • -ExternalConnectionServer syntax module control in the mode of external connection environment emulation executed in the client-server mode;
  • -DistributiveModules module distribution without source codes. If in the settings of configuration distribution the distribution without source codes is specified for some modules, an opportunity to generate these modules images is checked;
  • -UnreferenceProcedures search of unused procedures and functions. The search of local (non-export) procedures and functions that have no references. Including the search of unused event handlers;
  • -HandlersExistence check the existence of dedicated handlers. Check the existence of interface event handlers, forms and control elements;
  • -EmptyHandlers search of empty handlers. The search of dedicated event handlers that do no actions. The existence of such handlers can lead to system performance reduction;
  • -ExtendedModulesCheck check the calls to methods and object properties “through a point” (for a limited set of types); check a validity of string literals – the parameters of some functions, such as GetForm.
Properties of metadata objects

/DumpConfigFiles [DumpCatalog] dump the properties of configuration metadata objects: DumpCatalog – the directory of the location of properties files.

  • -Module module dumping.
  • -Template template dumping.
  • -Help help information dumping.
  • -AllWritable dump only the properties of the objects available for saving.

/LoadConfigFiles [LoadCatalog] load the properties of configuration metadata objects
The additional keys are the same as in /DumpConfigFiles.

Creation of distribution and updating files

/CreateDistributionFiles [-cffile [file cf name [-cfufile [file cfu name] [-f [file cf name]|-v [distributive version+][-digisign [filename with licensing options create the files of distribution and update.

  • -cffile – create distributive.
  • -cfufile – create update.
  • -f –name of distributive included in the update.
  • -v –version of distributive included in the update.
  • -digisign – specify the licensing parameters of user workplace.

The options -f or -v are repeated as many times as the distributives are included in the update.

/CreateDistributive [catalog of distribution package creation] -File [filename of distribution package description][-Option [distribution option [-MakeSetup|-MakeFiles] [-digisign [filename with licensing parameters
create the distribution sets and the files of distribution packages according to the provided distribution package description.

  • -File – specify the file of distribution package description;
  • -Option – create distribution option from the distribution package description. By default, a distribution option “Full” is used;
  • -MakeSetup – create distribution package (used by default in case of absence of these parameters) or
  • MakeFiles – create the files of distribution package;
  • -digisign – specify the licensing files for user workplace.

/CreateTemplateListFile [filename] [-TemplatesSourcePath] create the files of configuration templates.

  • [filename] – file name of the list of configuration templates. If it is not specified, it is created in the specified directory with default name, if only the name is specified, it is created in the specified directory with specified name. When specifying the full path, this path is used;
  • -TemplatesSourcePath – the path to search the files of configuration templates. If it is not specified, the path is used which was set in the system in the options dialog at startup.
Work with configuration repository

/ConfigurationRepositoryF [repository catalog] specifies the name of repository catalog.
/ConfigurationRepositoryN [name] specifies the repository username.
/ConfigurationRepositoryP [password] specifies the repository user password.

/ConfigurationRepositoryDumpCfg [file cf name] [-v [version number save configuration from repository in file (batch launch mode).

  • -v - version number of repository, if the number is not specified or is equal to -1, the last version will be saved.

/ConfigurationRepositoryUpdateCfg [-v [version number [-revised] [-force] update the repository configuration from repository (batch launch mode).

  • -v[repository version number] — version number of repository, if the number is not specified or is equal to -1, the last version will be saved, if configuration is not connected to the repository, the option is ignored;
  • -revised — get the captured objects if necessary. If configuration is not connected to the repository, the option is ignored;
  • -force — if during the batch configuration update you must get from the repository the new objects or delete the existing, this parameter indicates the user confirmation of operations described above. If this parameter is not specified, the actions will not be done.

/ConfigurationRepositoryUnbindCfg [-force] disconnect configuration from configuration repository (user must have the administrative rights in this information base). If the user is authenticated in the repository (online or with the parameters of command line), then the configuration disconnection from repository is reflected in the configuration repository (the information about connection is deleted), but if the user is not authenticated in the repository, only the local configuration disconnection from repository is performed.
If configuration has the captured objects that were changed subject to the repository, then appropriate message will appear and a disconnection will be not performed.

  • -force – the key to force the disconnection from repository (ignore authentication dialog if the parameters of repository user are not specified, ignore the presence of the captured and changed objects).

/ConfigurationRepositoryReport [filename] [-NBegin [version number [-NEnd [version number [-GroupByObject] [-GroupByComment] create report of repository history. If the grouping parameters are not specified and the compatibility mode is not “Not used”, then the report is formed with grouping over all the versions. In the compatibility modes “Version 8.1” and “Version 8.2.13” a report is formed with grouping by objects. If database configuration is different from editable one subject to the compatibility option, then during command line processing the value of database configuration compatibility mode is taken into account.

  • [filename] name of file in which the report is displayed;
  • -NBegin number of saved version from which to start to construct the report;
  • -NEnd number of saved version until which the report is constructed;
  • -GroupByObject the flag to form the report over the versions with grouping by objects;
  • -GroupByComment the flag to form the report over the versions with grouping by comments.
Batch mode of 1C:Enterprise registration as Automation server

After execution the program automatically terminates.
/RegServer Registration.
/UnregServer Delete registration.

The examples of parameters usage

Open 1C:Enterprise for file version:
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” ENTERPRISE /F”D:\1C_base\ZUPRAZR” /N”Admin” /P”12345”

Open 1C:Enterprise for client-server version:
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” ENTERPRISE /S”server-1C\ZUP” /N”Admin” /P”12345”
If one server has 8.1 and 8.2, then during connection to 8.2 bases you must specify the server port (for example, 1641):
“C:\Program Files\1cv82\common\1cestart.exe” ENTERPRISE /S”server-1C:1641\ZUP” /N”Admin” /P”12345”

running the program under the user and processor performing when opening:
“C:\Program Files\1cv82\\bin\1cv8s.exe” ENTERPRISE /F “D:\1C\HRM” /N user /P password /Execute “D:\1C\External_processors_1C\OperatingProcessors\Desktop.epf”

To disable the lock of connection with information base in cmd: start C:\Progra~1\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe /UC “access code”
in shortcut: “C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” ENTERPRISE /F”D:\1C\HRM” /N”Ivanov” /P”Password” /UC456743

Launch 1C under yourself on the user machine if Windows authentication is available
C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” /WA-
In this case, 1C will surely request the password during login.

Create the files of configuration templates
DESIGNER /F”D:\V8\Cfgs81\ИБ81” /CreateTemplateListFile “templates.lst” -TemplatesSourcePath “D:\V8\Cfgs81\tmpIts”

The examples to work with repository:

for configuration not connected to the current repository
DESIGNER /F”D:\V8\Cfgs82\ИБ82” /ConfigurationRepositoryF “D:\V8\Cfgs82” /ConfigurationRepositoryN “Administrator” /ConfigurationRepositoryReport “D:\ByObject.mxl” -NBegin 1 -NEnd 2 –GroupByObject
for configuration connected to the repository, the information for reports is taken from the current repository
DESIGNER /F”D:\V8\Cfgs82\IB82” /ConfigurationRepositoryReport “D:\ByComment.mxl” -NBegin 1 -NEnd 2 -GroupByComment

Create a base and add it to the user list of bases:
Will create a base with configuration from the file 1Cv8.cf in the created folder «test3» on the drive E and will add a base path to the list of bases under the name «TEST33».
“C:\Program Files\1cv82\common\1cestart.exe” CREATEINFOBASE File=e:\test3; /AddInListTEST33 /UseTemplate “C:\Documents and Settings\User\My Documents\tmplts\TestVendor\TestConfig\1Cv8.cf”

Since 8.2.12 the installation program executes the COM-connection registration “for computer”. It is possible to perform registration “for the user ” using command line
regsvr32 /n /i:user comcntr.dll

Automatic loading of currencies

Create the user for specific action, set in the user rights the appropriate values, for example, check box «Auto load of currency exchanges at the start of program» for Accountancy or «Load the actual currency exchanges at startup of system» for 1C:ERP.
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” enterprise /SServer-1C\1C-Work /NAdmin /P12345 /Out”C:\Logi1C\log.txt” -NoTruncate /DisableStartupMessages
In general, this idea has entered my mind when I spotted in one nonstandard configuration that the User can also put for execution a global procedure when he logins. In the standard configurations it is possible to use parameter /Execute which creates a process, for example, launching before document conduction and after shutdown:

Automatic dump databases using 1C tools:

1) create file .bat with a string
“C:\Program Files\1cv82\common\1cestart.exe” DESIGNER /S Server-1C\1C-Work82 /N”АдминиCтратор” /P”12345” /DumpIB \bdc\BackUp\Base_%date:~-10%.dt
2) create a scheduled job on server with administrative rights of this file execution at the specific time.
Knowing the date format, it is possible to view using echo %date%, or, selecting the individual parts of date, to form the convenient file representation using the symbols, for example:
%date:~3% - display starting from the third sign
%date:~3,2% - display 2 signs starting from the third

The example of configuration update file

echo off
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” ENTERPRISE /S”server\ESKM” /N”Admin” /P”ESKM” /DisableStartupMessages /C”TerminateUserWork”
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” CONFIG /S”server\ESKM” /N”Admin” /P”ESKM” /DisableStartupMessages /UpdateDBCfg /UC”BatchConfigurationUpdateID”
“C:\Program Files\1cv81\bin\1cv8.exe” ENTERPRISE /S”server\ESKM” /N”Admin” /P”ESKM” /C”TerminateUserWork” /UC” BatchConfigurationUpdateID “

Parameter /Out”C:\log.txt” provided to create the necessary text file in the root directory, but did not write anything into it, but if file is in the catalog – then the messages are saved!
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\1cv82\common\1cestart.exe ENTERPRISE /Out”D:\1C\log.txt”

PS: If you found inaccuracies, errors or can add the article – comment here. I tried to collect all that I found about 1C command line.

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