Scheme will allow fully looking at the process of working with clients in terms of creating the quality of services in the broadest sense of the words. The implication is that the reader is a qualified specialist or at least aspires to be him.
In general, this article is about how to make the clients not leading away, how to use successfully completed project in the grapevine launch. And a little about CRM collected as a kitchen-table effort.
First part.
Second part - Development.
Third part - Job delivering.
Continue reading Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 4 – After job delivering.
All posts by nurpoz
Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 3 – Job delivering.
Scheme will allow fully looking at the process of working with clients in terms of creating the quality of services in the broadest sense of the words. The implication is that the reader is a qualified specialist or at least aspires to be him.
The most important stage which lasts sometimes longer than the period of development.
First part.
Second part - Development
Continue reading Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 3 – Job delivering.
Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 2 – Development
Scheme will allow fully looking at the process of working with clients in terms of creating the quality of services in the broadest sense of the words. The implication is that the reader is a qualified specialist or at least aspires to be him.
First part.
Continue reading Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 2 – Development
Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 1.
Scheme will allow fully looking at the process of working with clients in terms of creating the quality of services in the broadest sense of the words. The implication is that the reader is a qualified specialist or at least aspires to be him.
the last 10 years I implemented and run the projects in 1C of different complexity. At the beginning of my journey in this area I understood that the quality of work is one of the most important components. As a hired employee, then civilian, and then an employer, I always developed my methods of work with clients on the projects and during maintenance. Looking around, I see a total disregard for the quality of work, the projects «in the table» and discredit of 1С area. This is an attempt to fight with growing entropy in the field dictated by easy entrance into the area of a large number of neophytes as well as activities of various companies for which only the acts are needed to sign.
Continue reading Scheme to improve the quality of work with clients. Part 1.